
matt_orsalveti, is that helpful? :)00:02
rsalvetimatt_o: sure, thanks a lot00:03
rsalvetiseems the patch is wrong00:03
rsalveti[    0.143920] OMAP3 Beagle Rev: unknown 3, assuming xM C or newer00:03
TakyojiIs it possible to flash a Linux installation from an onboard Windows CE environment, or would I pretty much be stuck to having to connect via JTAG to flash it?00:03
rsalvetibut as newer revs are all assumed as C, it works for you00:03
rsalvetimatt_o: can you reply the bug posting this link and that it worked for you?00:04
rsalvetiplease also subscribe it, so if I have any other test request you can help us :-)00:04
matt_orsalveti, sure.. I will move it to a more permanent URL00:05
matt_ounless I can just post the text00:05
rsalvetimatt_o: use paste.ubuntu.com00:05
matt_oI will definitely be interested in helping test because having a stable dev environment is my goal00:05
rsalvetiI don't think they remove the content once pasted00:05
matt_oI'm not so interested in hacking constantly and never getting anything stable *cough cough*00:05
matt_ooh look.. he's back.. hehe00:05
matt_ook I posted00:15
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dmahoHi everyone, this is my first time using IRC chat16:03
dmahoIs anyone here?16:04
dmahoIs Ubuntu on the pandaboard stable enough for a beginner user?16:06
phhi've tested only beagleboard16:07
phhbut it should be stable16:07
dmahoOK cool16:08
dmahodo all the x86 applications work on ARM ubuntu?16:08
phhnot all16:09
phhlike no flashplugin16:09
dmahoThat should be ok16:11
dmahoI'm interested in the low power usage16:11
phhi'm not sure this part is working well16:11
dmahoIs it really under 10w?16:12
phhi'm using it with wifi stick + webcam it eats less than 0.5A16:12
dmahothats amazing16:12
phhbut i've never seen it going way below that16:12
phhit's 0.5A @ 12V16:13
phhbut no clue how much webcam and wifi stick eats :p16:13
dmahoStill.. thats pretty impressive16:13
[7]12v through a switching regulator? (picopsu?)16:13
dmahoIs it OK to resell the beagel/pandaboards16:14
phh[7]: a proper power without much power loss16:14
phhah yes it's a switching regulator16:14
phh(I didn't know the noun in english)16:14
[7]ok, so probably about 5W total power consumption of the board and wifi/webcam16:15
dmahoI would like to set up these computers for people and sell them in a case, is that legal?16:15
[7]dmaho: ask your lawyer :)16:17
dmahothank you16:18
[7]phh: may I ask you which power supply you're using, which board (xm?) you're using it with, and whether it's working well?16:19
phhthe xm16:19
phhfor the power supply i have to search my archives :(16:20
[7]did it cost more or less than about $30?16:20
[7]if it was more expensive, i already know a cheaper one, so you don't need to bother :)16:20
phhno clue at all16:22
phhi'd guess it's http://radiospares-fr.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=getProduct&R=661794816:23
phh( http://focus.ti.com/docs/prod/folders/print/pth08080w.html )16:25
[7]oh, that seems to be a nice one :)16:26
[7]thanks a lot16:26
phhbut that's only the chip, you have to solder it16:27
dmahoWhich ARM device do you reccomend for an ubuntu desktop?16:27
phhpandaboard sounds like the best available16:28
matt_oI've heard using 5V 2A with beagleboard which is what I am using16:47
matt_oseems to work ok16:47
martynaaaaand I'm on the way to Budapest17:06
martyninflight wifi rocks17:06
prpplaguemartyn: hehe17:36
prpplaguemartyn: yes indeed it does17:36
ogra_martyn, hey hey17:39
martynI have your serial cable in my bag... this time you're getting it back, damnit17:40
ogra_fine, i have a way better one now though ... with a less clunky plug17:40
ogra_and i just bought me a second ac10017:40
ogra_now i can cross compile natively !!!17:41
* ogra_ giggles17:41
martynno goodies this time though.   David, Dustin and company have already seen the upcoming toys Calxeda is making17:41
ogra_i dont want to see them, i want them in the datacenter and a ssh login :P17:42
martynthat's the plan17:42
ogra_yeah, i know :)17:42
ogra_so much server stuff this time17:42
ogra_that has to turn out good in the end :)17:42
martyn*big grin*. hey, it only took me.. what.. two years to convince everyone?17:43
martynI only hope we can get everything we need to get done within the oneric and oneric+1 cycle17:45
ogra_we will17:46
martynare you already in Budapest?17:47
ogra_no, still at home, i'll jump in my car tomorrow morning at 617:48
martynhow long is the drive?17:50
martynaaaaand ... if I ask nicely, would you consider bringing a couple bottles of Club Mate with you?17:52
ogra_if i can catch some mate on a motorway station i will17:53
ogra_i just returned from shopping and will need to go to bed early17:54
ogra_according to google its 9h17:54
ogra_but its 2/3 german autobahn, so that estimate is moot17:54
ogra_i'll make it in 7 or so :)17:54
martyn *jealous*17:55
martynI love flying,s but what I'm doing right now is just sitting in a tube that happens to be flying ithe sky17:55
martynthis is flying, technically...17:55
ogra_heh, yeah17:55
martynill arrive Sun morning, 09:3017:56
martynalong with Paul, chris, and a bunch of others17:56
martynAA flight 158 is basically one-fifth full of canonical17:56
ScottKI'm on that one too.17:57
ogra_and you are all saturating the wifi now ?17:58
prpplagueogra_: got a second ac100?18:05
martynScott : I'll be in 12A18:05
ogra_prpplague, yeah, for development18:05
martynthere are a number of people trying for upgrades... LOL ... but there just wont be any available18:05
ogra_i dont like to trash my work machine18:05
ogra_martyn, i thought you are in the air18:05
ogra_"onboard wifi"18:06
prpplagueogra_: hehe18:06
martynogra : I'm on the AUS->JFK leg now18:06
prpplagueogra_: i'm waiting for the phycore modules to become available so i can finish my omap4 netbooks18:06
ScottKmartyn: I'm back at 23J.18:06
ogra_prpplague, yeah, i'm eager to see it in action18:06
martynthen four hours layover, then JFK->Budapest18:06
martynScott : at least that row will have seat power, I think18:07
ogra_so you fly out when i hop in my car18:07
ogra_its a race !18:07
martynright :)18:07
martynif you arrive around 9:30 am, wanna pick me up at the airport.  *lol*18:07
ogra_haha, nah, i'm not *that* fast18:08
ogra_and i fear you are boarding earlier than i start18:08
martynone of the guys from the UK is going to try driving his Reliant Robin all the way to Budapest18:08
martynit's an insane idea18:08
martynthree wheels and a motorcycle engine ... what could possibly go wrong?18:09
ogra_who is that ?18:15
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martynogra : dont know him personally.   his nickname is 'tdk'18:17
martynI think he's in community18:17
martynarriving new York...18:18
martynwere in final descent... looks like another 20 minutes to ground18:18
* ogra_ will keep his eyes open for a reliant :)18:18
martynIve always wanted to drive one18:19
martynI've seen them, but never had the opportunity to try getting behind the wheel18:19
martynthey sound utterly dangerous18:19
ogra_heh, its a three wheeler ... indeed there is some danger18:19
martynI like TWO wheels in front, one in back18:20
martynthe robin seems designed all backwards18:20
martynI'd prefer the tri-king18:20
martynor the Campagna t-rex18:21
martynokay, I expect the wireless to go down any minute18:22
ogra_see you tomorrow18:22
martynhave a safe drive!   I envy you.18:22
martyncluuuuuuuub mate!18:22
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