
=== daker_ is now known as daker
* darkmatter demands medical grade cannabis from coz_ :O16:01
darkmattergood morning btw :)16:01
coz_darkmatter,  hey guy  thanks,, same to you :)16:02
* darkmatter is reading lab/clinical test reports that show THC attacks cancer cells16:02
darkmatternow why the **** are governments not funding research for it?16:03
coz_darkmatter,  because we live in a capitolistic society,, if cancer is cured millions of people lose thier jobs16:05
coz_darkmatter,  i have a very dim view of t his country in terms of its dedication to actually cure diseases16:05
darkmattereven ured some. not enough of a percentage to be a 'miracle cure' (as of yet). but enough to spark medical excitement.16:05
darkmattermore research would = a potential derivative application16:05
darkmattersince drinking hemp oil has the same effect. it's not about THC in the "stoner" sense16:06
coz_darkmatter,  although,,, I did see on TED  a group of scientists who condemn  treating cancer as in infectious disease when  it is in fact the body itself doing this,,, they  believe ,, with some knowkedgeable info,, that it is the proteins in the body that have stopped talking to eachother  that causes this and are working towards the ability to correct that mis communication16:07
darkmattercoz_: even benign tumors and lesions. it appears to reverse genetic damage to an extent16:07
darkmattercrazy stuff16:07
coz_darkmatter,   I dont know how you deal with this,,, it has to be a haunting experience16:08
darkmattercoz_: it's base protiens. the DNA of the cell actually mutates16:08
coz_darkmatter,  right and these guys want to correct the protein communication,, both nutritionally and pharmaceuticaly16:09
darkmattercoz_: results in that cell (and it's offshots) not performing their given task in the grand scheme of the body. it also lengthens the lifespan of such cells, which is normally abrupt, to almost indefinite length16:10
darkmatterthus the tumors16:10
coz_darkmatter,  I admire your ability to deal with this16:11
darkmatterdefective cell reproduce more raidly then they die off, replacing healthy tissue as other cells hit the limits of their lifespan16:12
darkmattercoz_: lol. I always find that reaction from people funny for some reason16:12
darkmatterfor me its just the way it is16:12
darkmatterdunno why. I'm just like that16:12
darkmatterthough I do get nerved up on the rare occasion16:13
coz_darkmatter,  yes I understand that ,, and probably would be so for me,, its just I saw my sister going through this ,, but that cancer was far too virulent16:13
darkmatterusually when I notice some change in the body. but that's a natural reaction16:13
darkmattercoz_: err... your sister died? :(16:14
coz_darkmatter,  yeah a few weeks ago.. pancretic cancer16:14
darkmattermy condolences16:14
coz_darkmatter,  she was told about a month ago,, and two weeks later she died16:14
coz_darkmatter,  it went from a spot on here pancreas  to entire body including the brain in 3 weeks16:15
coz_it was awful.. she was in so much pain,,, terrible16:15
darkmatterI guy I'm kinda friends with (you usually get to know some fellow ppatients quite well, since you see so much of eachother at clinic) was scheduled for a stemcell, but turned out his last chemo didn't work. saw him last appointment, was really down. they were getting ready to hit him with a Hail Mary. if it didn't work, he said they were guestimating 6 months :/16:16
darkmattera guy*16:16
coz_oh man  it is absolutely terrible,,, I just dont think this government/ medical   are interested in a cure16:17
coz_I hope I am wrong16:18
darkmattercoz_: yeah. pancreatic is terrible. so is colon16:19
darkmattertwo of my mom's cousins (brother and sister) had it. Mary pulled though after her surgery, but Andrei.. well.. it went ballistic _really_ fast. best they could do was try to keep him comfortable16:19
coz_darkmatter,  there is always the Geson treatment16:19
darkmattercoz_: I remember the news, late 80's. they found a cure for a particular type of brain cancer. all clinical tests succeeded. but then *poof*16:20
coz_darkmatter,  yeah see,, thats my problem with this particular society16:20
coz_darkmatter,  something works and then "poof"  nothing16:20
darkmatterso, I'm kinda pessimistic regarding full on cures _ever_ becoming a reality16:20
coz_darkmatter, ` have you heard of Dr. Gerson?16:21
darkmattersince most of that research happens in the US16:21
darkmattercoz_: sounds familiar16:21
darkmatterbut not 100% sure atm16:21
darkmatterprobably the lack of caffeine in my system ;)16:21
* darkmatter clicks16:21
coz_darkmatter,  not too far off on that caffeine thing,, watch that movie16:22
coz_darkmatter,  there are questionable parts in that film but overall ,, very intriguing16:22
darkmattercoz_: bah. hulu doesn't stream to canada. lol16:24
darkmatterI mean, seriously, wth? we're far less anal about content and crap than the US16:24
coz_darkmatter,  you are in canada???16:24
coz_darkmatter,  oh man where is my head16:24
coz_darkmatter,  they dont stream up there?16:24
darkmattercoz_: about 2 hours north of the border16:25
darkmattercoz_: apparently not. they gave me a popup :(16:25
darkmatterthat'll do it ;)16:25
coz_darkmatter,  please watch that,, I am interested in your opinion and how it rates with  you16:26
coz_darkmatter,  I wanted my sister to go there but of course  she took too long to decide on any treatment16:26
coz_none of which would have worked anyway16:26
darkmattercoz_: yup. will do. transmission is currently living in the shells message tray ;)16:27
coz_darkmatter,  the movie is titled     The Gerson Miracle   if that torrent doesnt work16:27
* darkmatter loves transmission16:28
darkmatterlightweight. works as advertised.16:29
coz_darkmatter,  the priceedure ,, it seems.. would take quite a bit of  courage to switch from Medical options to the gerson method for the individual16:29
darkmattermay not be the most feature rich client, but it does what _I_ need it to16:29
coz_darkmatter,  yeah I like transmission myself16:29
coz_procedure I meant16:29
darkmattercoz_: I'll check it out and weigh in on my opinion after the torrent finishes, and maybe a short nap in a few hours.16:30
coz_darkmatter,  yeah sleep is definitly always a good thing :)16:31
coz_darkmatter,  but I am interested in your perspective on the film16:31
darkmattercoz_: and regarding transmission. awesome example of why more BeOS software should be ported to nix ;)16:31
coz_:)  for sure !!!!!!!!16:31
darkmattersince that was it's original home turf16:32
darkmatteryellow tabs!16:32
coz_darkmatter,  wow you just broght back a memory of that ,, I forgot about it16:32
darkmattercoz_: "simple yet effective" was my favorite feature of such software.16:35
darkmattergnome3 is headed in that direction.16:36
darkmatteras I stated before. regardless of your personal  opinions on shell/mutter, the application front of gnome3 is starting to remind me of the yellow tabbed wonderdog :)16:36
coz_darkmatter,  If my nephew,, or If I could find the corporate edition of BeOs  with its java implimentation,, I might switch and easily convince sam to port compiz to it lol16:36
coz_darkmatter,  my nephew has a copy and has never allowed me to use it ,, damn relatives16:36
coz_darkmatter,  he used to work for Allegheny Ludlum Steel who still uses  BeOs in the manufacturing line16:37
coz_among other OS's16:37
darkmattercoz_: I'm still waiting for Haiku to become useful (and multiuser). I vm it occasionally. has a long way to go16:37
darkmatterbut is loking good for what it is16:37
coz_darkmatter,  yeah for sure ,, I am just concerened about java implimentation16:37
darkmattercoz_: aye. and flash. they're using the craptastic GNU bits for both :(16:38
coz_for sure16:38
darkmatterwebpositive is looking good though16:39
coz_darkmatter,  they did port part of KDE  to haiku if I am not mistaken16:39
coz_at least the appearance of windows,, not sure ,, havent done that much searching about haiku at this point16:39
darkmattercoz_: yup. including a theme engine to give it a fully native look16:39
darkmattersans icons atm16:39
coz_darkmatter,  ah cool16:39
darkmatterbut ♥16:40
darkmatterthey also have gtk apps on haiku, but don't think they've themed them yet16:40
darkmatterso a fair selection of familar doftware16:41
darkmatterstupid fingers...16:42
darkmattercoz_: but imo, haiku isn't viable as a desktop OS as of yet, mainly because of the lacking multiuser support16:43
coz_darkmatter,  oh thats not good news,,, damn ,, does Palm still own the rights to Be?16:43
coz_darkmatter,  why the hell dont they just open source the damn thing16:43
darkmattercoz_: as far as I know16:43
coz_we would all be appreciative :)16:44
darkmattercoz_: indeed. they freeload off of open source. they should repay us in BeBits!16:44
coz_darkmatter,  absolutely,, I love  BeBits :)16:44
coz_greetings again16:45
coz_bluebomber,  greetings to you as well16:45
darkmattercoz_: I'm going to do several themes for shell/mutter/gtk3 and 216:46
darkmatterone of them shall be very modern, yet Be inspired16:46
bluebomberThanks, coz_16:46
darkmattershell will still be black though16:46
coz_darkmatter,  ooo cool... I have only seen one theme for gnome3   but  I still think it way way too young to bother with :)16:46
darkmatter'ello bluebomber16:46
bluebomberHi, darkmatter16:47
coz_marcushaslam,  a welcome to you16:47
coz_ivanka,   another welcome to you as well16:47
darkmattercoz_: well. I was intending to get seriously involved on the design from before that recurrence I had. so am planning to know. so kinda need g3, mature or not.16:49
darkmatterthe theme bits are mainly personal. plus one as a suggestion for openSUSE default (they had a meeting in oS-gnome. part of it calling for distro branding for gnome), plus going to be working on the gtk2 implementation of Adwaita (that ones pretty high on the list, since want it ready by 3.2)16:49
darkmattersince currently gtk2 uses clearlooks with Addy like padding, so looks outr of place16:50
marcushaslamcoz: thanks16:50
coz_darkmatter,  I have to break here,, be back in a bit16:51
darkmattercoz_: so, small bit vanilla gnome, bigger bit oS-gnome (since it's all bits except icons) and a bunch of "because I have better aesthetics taste than you!" bits :P16:51
darkmattercrap. just missed that one -_-16:52
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