
sagacihead_victim, ping01:29
iktheya sagaci 01:33
iktwho's up early?01:33
sagaci10.34 isn't early01:35
ikton a saturday?01:37
iktI guess I am a night owl01:37
iktanything before midday is early :P01:37
Nozy10 is not early 01:58
Nozy4 is 01:58
Nozy5 is 01:58
Nozy6 some what 01:58
Nozyon my 5th coffee by 1001:58
iktspeaking of coffee, I should get some :D02:09
head_victimsagaci: pong09:07
head_victimJust got home from work sorry09:07
sagaciso I came across the chromium-browser package that I wanted to translate but it's in a restricted setting - https://translations.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/+translations09:08
sagaciso I emailed the translations group and david planella got back to me and said I have to create a group or something09:09
sagacibut do I have to create another group if I'm already in the -au team... I think09:09
head_victimThat seems a little odd09:10
sagacilike it's not in the list of the ones I usually do, I must have been looking for a ppa and noticed translations09:10
hot_wheelzHi guys 09:14
hot_wheelzwhat is the best way to do BD playback  in 11.04? 09:14
sagacibut I'm simply guessing that the lead of this translation effort needs to ask if the package can be worked on by our team?09:14
sagacii could be completely and utterly wrong09:14
head_victimsagaci: link?09:16
head_victimhot_wheelz: BD?09:16
sagacihead_victim, to what09:16
head_victimOh I'm an idiot you've already done it09:16
hot_wheelzhead_victim, blu-ray09:17
head_victimhot_wheelz: let me know how it goes, I haven't seen anyone mention it since 2007 and was wondering myself. I'd ask in the main #ubuntu channel09:17
hot_wheelzhead_victim sure thing09:18
head_victimsagaci: poking around a bit for you09:20
head_victimWell for us really09:20
head_victimIt was also on my "to do list"09:20
sagacihead_victim, chromium?09:22
sagaci+ added meeting agenda item09:25
head_victimI subbed to a bug to try and get them to add email notification of updates of the loco09:26
head_victimI keep forgetting to check 09:26
head_victimNice to see we have some decent topics and they're not all from me :D09:27
OctatronAnyone know some good accounting software that deals with Aust BAS and runs native on linux?11:16
gorillaOctatron: we wish there was.11:57
OctatronIf I had the power, I would build an Aussie Accounting package under the GPL for linux14:49
* head_victim plugs in Octatron's powerboard14:53
Octatronhead_victim: heheheh if only it were that simple :D15:04
head_victimExtension lead?15:04
OctatronDoes this lead provide programming skills in tcl/tk? :P15:06
OctatronCool plug it in :)15:12
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