
Error404NotFoundi like to game on my 50 inch plasma00:00
philipballewsure, hold on00:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 768991 in alsa-driver "mic not working after upgrading to 11.04 (dup-of: 771739)" [Undecided,New]00:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 771739 in pulseaudio "No profile path for "Internal Mic", "Front Mic" and "Rear Mic" on Nvidia chipsets" [Undecided,Fix committed]00:00
philipballewmaybe this to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/77173900:01
Error404NotFoundt up more than 2 monitors on ubuntu?00:03
Error404NotFoundcan you not setup more than 2 monitors on ubuntu00:04
jpgnizakanyone having problems with skype on 11.04? installs, but it wont start?00:04
Error404NotFoundskype is bad00:05
philipballewjpgnizak type the comand that starts skype into the terminal. its most likely just skype00:06
jpgnizaki know, need it for a few contacts00:06
Error404NotFoundpidgin should have skype in it00:07
Error404NotFoundi dont use skype cuz they are identity theifs00:08
jpgnizaklet me check00:08
Error404NotFoundno it doesnt00:08
Error404NotFoundim saying it should..00:08
jpgnizakterminal works.00:11
philipballewwhen you say terminal works you mean it loads up skpye?00:11
jpgnizakbut hitting the icon from unity does not00:13
philipballewok. heres your problem and i can help you fix it00:14
philipballewcan you go into your main menu prefferences?00:14
philipballewi know how to do it in classic but have never in ubuntu unity?00:14
jpgnizakhm it doesnt really use the main menu anymore,00:15
jpgnizaki can get to it though00:15
jpgnizakwhat do you think the fix is00:15
philipballewhold on. ill look it up on my computer. if i go offline. dont fear because ill be back on00:15
philipballew_type main menu into the search bar00:17
geirhaphilipballew: Hm. According to that bug (the last one), that bug has been fixed in the latest updates.00:18
jpgnizakyeah, i see it00:18
philipballew_geirha ill update then00:19
philipballew_jpgnizak click on that. go to internet skype. click properties and tell me what the text in the box called command says00:20
philipballew_just as i thought. change that to skype and click close. then try to open skype again00:23
philipballew_no -wrapper00:23
jpgnizakah, makes sense00:23
jpgnizakand there it is.00:23
jpgnizakThat works00:23
philipballew_Sweet. i hope you can skype away now!00:24
jpgnizaknow i can call mom;)00:24
jpgnizakThank you very much00:24
philipballew_haha. mothers day is comming up. you are quite welcome. i had the simmular problem before. if there is anything else be sure to keep comming back to irc00:25
Error404NotFoundhow do i end a program thats not responding?00:28
geirha"not responding" is a bit vague. Could you elaborate?00:33
Error404NotFoundi tried to load magicjack with wine00:34
Error404NotFoundits frozen00:34
geirhaAlt+F2 -> xkill00:40
geirhaThe cursor will change to an X00:41
geirhaClick on the window that's frozen to kill it00:41
Error404NotFoundalt f2 brings up run application00:42
philipballewi keep getting this error when updating my computer The following packages have been kept back:02:15
philipballew  xulrunner-dev02:15
philipballewany ideas?02:15
UndiFineDphilipballew, it says it did not install it02:18
bodhizazenhajour, poke02:18
UndiFineDbodhizazen, relaying ;)02:18
bodhizazenI found a solution 4 u02:18
bodhizazenIn firefox 402:18
philipballewUndiFineD i know that02:18
UndiFineDphilipballew, and that is because of dependecies02:19
bodhizazenPreferences -> Advanced (by Fonts & Colors)02:19
bodhizazen"Minimum font size"02:19
philipballewwell i ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to try to fox it but it still didnt work02:19
bodhizazenIf I set the font size to 24, it applies to all web page inc. forums02:20
bodhizazenI am runninf ff 4.01 which I downloaded from Mozilla, and not a ppa02:20
UndiFineDthat is nice bodhizazen02:20
bodhizazenYes, there is some overlap of the fonts at the very top, but the page is very readable02:21
philipballewUndiFineD well i ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to try to fix it but it still didnt work02:21
bodhizazenHTH UndiFineD =)02:22
bodhizazenwhat did you break philipballew ?02:22
philipballewbodhizazen everything :)02:23
bodhizazenWell, best thing about Ubuntu02:23
bodhizazenIf you break it you get to keep both pieces02:23
bodhizazenpastebin an error message and I will look02:23
Error404NotFoundi think the best thing about ubuntu is its not windows02:24
bodhizazenError404NotFound, I like windows, one of my favorite OS02:32
bodhizazenWindows is the #1 referrer to Ubuntu02:32
Error404NotFoundi was a winders man up untill 3 days ago...02:33
Error404NotFoundwindows 7 ftw!02:33
UndiFineDI take good care of windows I keep it in a box that came with my pc02:33
bodhizazenI quit windows b4 Ubuntu was born =)02:33
Error404NotFoundyou know windows is better...02:35
Error404NotFoundadmit it02:35
UndiFineDI like windows in my house02:37
UndiFineDbut I am fine with my computer being a dull box02:38
Error404NotFoundif linux was at all special computer companies would ship computers with it02:40
Error404NotFoundits just something fun to mess with02:41
UndiFineDwell I hope you enjoy messing with it just as I enjoy working with it02:42
philipballewError404NotFound than answer why most all websites run linux?02:42
Error404NotFoundare you a website?02:44
philipballewError404NotFound well i have one. but its down due to lack of money.02:45
holsteinError404NotFound: pong04:30
Error404NotFoundnow i want to play ping pong04:31
Error404NotFoundwine is broken holstein04:33
holsteinError404NotFound: download something easy04:33
holsteinlike the windows version of firefox04:33
Error404NotFoundit works kind of04:34
Error404NotFoundit doesnt think i have cd rom drives04:34
holsteinError404NotFound: you have to navigate to the mounted disc04:34
holsteinshould be in /media somewhere right?04:35
* Error404NotFound is a linux retart remember?04:35
Error404NotFoundretard even04:35
holsteincheck out http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-games-33/starcraft-in-wine-disc-not-found-440490/04:36
holsteini just drag what i want off the discs04:37
holsteinbut, i dont have alot of discs04:37
Error404NotFoundboth games installed04:37
Error404NotFoundand when i try to run them it says no cd/dvd rives found04:37
holsteinError404NotFound: read that post04:38
holsteinsometimes theres protection04:38
holsteinon those discs04:38
holsteinso you can copy them04:38
holsteindrag the contents off04:38
holsteinand pass the disc along to a friend04:38
Error404NotFoundnone of that crap makes sense lol04:42
Error404NotFoundwhat does any of that have to do with my game04:43
Error404NotFoundit doesnt say its not a valid copy04:43
Error404NotFoundit dont see the cd rom04:43
holsteinit cant 'find' the disc04:44
holsteinso it kicks up an error04:44
Error404NotFoundit cant find a drive..04:44
holsteinIF it could04:45
holsteinit would load the game04:45
Error404NotFoundwine itself does not think i have a cd rom drive at all04:45
holstein*in theory04:45
holsteinError404NotFound: did you read that link?04:45
holsteinrun in a terminal04:45
Error404NotFoundhas nothing to do with my problem04:45
holsteinError404NotFound: not even the part about enabling cdrom access in winecfg?04:45
Error404NotFounddid that awhile ago04:46
Error404NotFounddid nothing04:46
Error404NotFoundit doesnt display a cd rom to do that to04:47
holsteinyou had the disc in?04:47
Error404NotFounddont need a disk in for wine to see a cd rom drive04:47
Error404NotFoundit sees a floppy and i dont even have one04:48
holsteinyou probably should just give up then...04:48
holsteinError404NotFound: did you force any other versions of wine?04:48
holsteinand test?04:48
holsteincould be a bug?04:48
Error404NotFoundthere is supposed to be a new version but i didnt see it04:49
holsteinsudo apt-get update04:49
Error404NotFoundim using 1.3.1504:49
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade04:49
holsteinif its in the repo04:49
holsteinit'll come in04:49
Error404NotFoundsudo apt-get upgrade04:49
holsteinupdate first*04:50
Error404NotFoundholstein:  would the path to cdrom be /media/cdrom004:57
holsteinsounds plausible04:57
Error404NotFoundi tried 0 and 1 after04:58
Error404NotFounddont work04:58
holsteinwhat disc is it?04:58
Error404NotFoundi dont see how wine dont see any optical drives..04:58
Error404NotFoundc&c 304:59
Error404NotFoundwhich is on the compatibility list on appdb04:59
holsteinError404NotFound: what did the entry say?a05:02
holsteinabout the CD?05:02
holsteinthe entry?05:02
holsteinat wineHQ?05:03
holsteinwhat did it say?05:03
holsteinabout the disc?05:03
Error404NotFoundunless i can get wine to see optical drives im done05:09
Error404NotFoundim not gonna rip the games to hdd to play without the disk05:09
Error404NotFoundwould be nearly 13 gigs per game05:10
Error404NotFoundscrew it im goin back to windows05:15
holsteini fired up a CD05:16
holsteintyped in the terminal05:16
holsteinand the path to an .exe05:16
holsteinand it worked fine05:16
Error404NotFoundti install or play?05:16
Error404NotFoundit installed fine05:16
holsteinin winecfg05:16
holsteini go to 'drives'05:16
holsteinand do what it says in #505:17
holsteinat http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-games-33/starcraft-in-wine-disc-not-found-440490/05:17
holsteinand all is good there too05:17
Error404NotFoundit does not list a drive period05:18
Error404NotFoundcant change something thats not there05:18
holsteinthats going to be just for you though05:18
holsteinit works fine here for me05:18
holsteinand im not sure why*05:18
Error404NotFoundcuz wine is a garbage program...05:18
holsteincould be that you just need to spend more time wiht wine05:18
holsteinError404NotFound: yeah, you're right05:19
holsteinnothing to do with you just finding it ;)05:19
Error404NotFoundnothing to be found05:19
Error404NotFoundi did auto detect05:19
Error404NotFoundit detects nothing05:19
holsteini didnt even do that05:19
holsteini put the disc in05:19
holsteinstarted winecfg05:19
holsteinwith the disc already mounted05:19
holsteini went in the 'drives' tab05:20
holsteinand its there05:20
Error404NotFoundwtf is mounted05:20
Error404NotFoundyou mean the stupid disk is in...05:20
holsteinnot in05:20
holsteinin and mounted*05:20
Error404NotFoundagain whats mounted05:20
holsteinthis is an example of the nomenclature05:21
holsteinthat i feel you should try and be familiar with05:21
holsteinbefore assuming wine is broken05:21
holsteinmounting makes it readable bascially*05:21
Error404NotFoundhow does one mount a disk05:21
Error404NotFoundsounds painful...05:21
Error404NotFoundwhen i go to computer the disk shows up05:22
ubot2mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:22
holsteinmine just auto-mounted05:22
Error404NotFoundyep im lost05:26
Error404NotFoundhow can i mount something when i dont know what it is lol05:27
holsteinits the disc05:27
holsteinthat you bought05:27
holsteinwhatever c&c is05:27
holsteinthats what you want to have mounted05:27
DarkwingDuckHey team05:28
holsteinError404NotFound: anyways, im quite sure that #5 at that post is relevant05:29
holsteinand i bet you'll figure it out :)05:29
holsteinGN all05:29
Error404NotFoundnot to me05:29
holsteinError404NotFound: yes to you05:29
Error404NotFoundon a diff note im having problems with windows in ubuntu05:29
Error404NotFoundi cant click on a window to bring it to the front anymore05:29
holstein"got it to work in winecfg in the drives spot by auto-detecting my drives and then changing drive G: (my cd drive) to CD-Rom instead of Local Hard Drive."05:30
holstein^ thats from that post05:30
Error404NotFoundnot relevent to me05:30
holsteinError404NotFound: OK05:30
Error404NotFoundsince wine dont see an optical drive05:30
holsteinfor me05:30
holsteinjust now05:30
holsteini used that05:30
holsteinand saw the CD05:30
Error404NotFoundit sees a drive05:30
holsteinwine could see and use it05:30
Error404NotFoundfake windows c drive05:30
holsteinSO, im pretty sure that could be helpful to you05:31
holsteinat some point05:31
Error404NotFoundh which is home05:31
Error404NotFoundand z05:31
holsteinanyways.. GN05:31
Error404NotFoundwhen i click on a window now it doesnt move to the front05:35
bioterrorhow so05:35
Error404NotFoundlike if i click on firefox right now pidgin stays on top05:35
Error404NotFoundit wasnt doing this an hour ago and i didnt sdo anything05:36
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
Error404NotFoundis it possible for ubuntu to see my dvd rom and not see it at the same time?05:38
bioterrorI do not understand05:38
Error404NotFoundim using sudo eject /dev/sda]05:39
Error404NotFounddoesnt eject disk05:39
Packetpushermorning all :-)10:26
MrChrisDruifAloha Packetpusher10:27
DraZoroPacketpusher: Morning !10:37
mang0Heya guys :)10:59
mang0how can I install grub2 on a drive with windows on, without losing my windows stuff?11:00
MrsHillBillyMy cd/dvd drive won't recognise or play discs that I have burned myself. Can anyone tell me why and how to cure it please12:35
camilleqcoi am having a problem with my wireless connection12:36
camilleqcoit is not working12:36
camilleqcoit was working12:36
camilleqcobut it is not working now12:36
camilleqcohoping someone can give me some guidance12:36
mang0guys, I was installing wine through terminal, when my moniter froze. I had to force shutdown, and now it's aborted the installation, and I have a load of files all over the place. What do I do?!12:38
camilleqcois anyone out there to help?12:43
camilleqcomaybe i better go over to ubuntu...12:43
Sidewinder1I'll try12:44
camilleqcoSidewinder1: hi . thanks!12:44
Sidewinder1Is wifi the same as wireless?12:45
camilleqcoSidewinder1: have a netbook with ubuntu netbook remix installed12:45
camilleqcoSidewinder1: yes i mean wireless12:45
Sidewinder1Do you get an error msg.?12:45
Sidewinder1Advanced warninig, I'm not familiar with netbook ver of ubuntu; I'm using desktop, Lucid12:46
camilleqcoSidewinder1: i used these instructions to install the driver - https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/132667 (scroll down to #3)12:48
camilleqcoSidewinder1: anyway, it was working but i am duel-booting and when i came back from windows, it didn't work anymore12:48
Sidewinder1Hold on...12:49
Sidewinder1camilleqco, According to the destructions above, #3, you have complied your own driver from Realtek; that is way beyond my abilities to fix; in conjunction with the netbook version of ubuntu. You'll get a much faster response in #ubuntu. Sorry I can't help. :-(12:55
camilleqcoSidewinder1: no problem. thanks for trying!12:56
Sidewinder1camilleqco: You might also try to search the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/  If the search turns up nothing of value; pose your question in the appropriate sub-forum.12:59
Konsinatorhello ?14:46
Konsinatorcan anybody help me with ubuntu 11.04 ? I cannot update the packages. I get this message: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-amd64_Packages14:47
Konsinatorhello ???14:49
Konsinatorhallo ?14:49
Sidewinder1Konsinator, You may to pose your question on the support chanel: #ubuntu14:50
suprengrtried running synaptic "fix broken packages" [under synaptic's 'edit' menu?14:50
suprengrcan be done from command line but that's easier14:51
suprengr*synaptic's easier14:52
OldManAtTheAncient newbie trying to change from Windows to Ubuntu 11-4.  I have a Canon MP620 printer.  I have downloaded ppdMP620-630en-1.5 but don't know where to put the thing to install it !  Any guidance very welcome.16:18
TurkuSamahi all16:22
OldManAtTheThanks, I'll go and look16:22
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XenithOrbHi I have my computer set to not go to sleep at all or do anything when I close the lid - basically to keep it on and running normally all the time. Problem is, after a certain period of the time the wireless card disconnects from the wireless network regardless of the power settings. How do I go about changing this behavior?20:37
Ambrose83what is the command to open a document "test.pdf" with the document viewer20:59
MrChrisDruifAmbrose83: In terminal?21:01
MrChrisDruifI thought it was touch test.pdf, not sure thou21:02
Ambrose83that didn't open the document21:04
Ambrose83"man touch" said that this command was to change the time stamps21:04
MrChrisDruifAmbrose83: man pdftohtml21:11
MrChrisDruifAmbrose83: Might be evince /path/to/file.pdf21:13
MrChrisDruifAs in "evince test.pdf"21:14
Ambrose83MrChrisDruif: Yeah that worked.  Thanks21:15
MrChrisDruifAmbrose83: It works with all programs (just remembered) the same. E.g. "nautilus /path/to/dir/" will open nautilus in that directory :)21:16
MrChrisDruifOr at least most programs :)21:16
geirhaxdg-open test.pdf   will open the pdf file with the same app as a double click on the file would.21:23
MrChrisDruifgeirha: Does that work for all kind of files? :D21:25
MrChrisDruifI'll try to remember that :)21:25
MrChrisDruifThanks :)21:25
bodhizazenxdg-open FTW =)21:40
MrChrisDruifbodhizazen: Indeed :)21:44
MrChrisDruifbodhizazen: And I don't want to become a member by being active on the forum <_<" (It's not my style)21:46

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