
cjwatsonargh, debian/control.in00:36
* cjwatson fixes gnome-pkg-tools for real00:36
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wgrantpitti: Looking more at the copy timeout I found last night, it actually spent a lot of time sending mail about a question that was attached to one of the bugs. That was made asynchronous yesterday, so it may be better now.02:07
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psusicgroups sound nice and all, but weren't process session IDs created for the same purpose?  privileged login process creates new sid, and all processes descended from there are part of it?03:42
ohsixthat's not even a distinguishing feature pf cgroups03:57
psusiI'm reading http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd.html and it talks about cgroups as a way to for init to group an entire set of children from which they can not escape... I thought that's what SID was created for, since normal processes can always start a new process group?  and since they can't escape from their session, you can always kill the entire session?03:58
ohsixyou can trivially lose parentage of processes04:01
ohsixcgroups let you group threads with controllers for memory & cpu time and more; that they stay in their groups is just a function of its grouping04:02
psusiyea... but normal processes can't change their sid, so even if you aren't their parent anymore, you can still find them can't you?04:04
ohsixi think you can, but programs can start a new sid & spawn children at any time04:10
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ohsixif you're not wait4()'ing on children you can't really get ahold of it04:10
ohsixthe reaper would have to resort to scanning periodically04:11
psusiI thought that was the big difference between sid and pgrp?  that only root can make a new sid?04:12
ohsixbut with respect to that you can be informed when a group is empty and you directly know whats in that group04:13
ohsixany caller can start a new group04:13
psusia new process group, but not a new session I thought?04:14
ohsixyou should probably say what you mean by a new session if theres a misunderstanding, i'm thinking of setsid(3)04:15
psusiso bash can make a new group for task management, but only login can make a new session.. I thought that was the purpose of sessions04:15
ohsixthere aren't really sessions as you describe them, iirc either the setsid or pgrp stuff just give the leader a pass at the children before it'd be reparented directly to init04:16
psusihrm.. I don't have setsid in section 3 for some reason... but I thought that was root only04:17
ohsixyou need exttra man pages, sec04:17
ohsixmanpages-dev & manpages-posix-dev04:18
psusiahh, was missing the posix pages04:19
ohsixbut just the same, theres not really much overlap04:21
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fo0barHey.  I'll preface this saying I have yet to even try to reproduce this; just looking for a quick visual sanity check.  I don't see how bug#771038 is possible.  from looking at the linker errors, it's like GCC is just ignoring -lpopt08:32
ohsixbug 77103808:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771038 in isomd5sum (Ubuntu) "isomd5sum version 1:1.0.5-1 failed to build on amd64 with GCC-4.6/oneiric" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77103808:33
fo0bar(from doko's build logs, it appears i386 is failing too, not just amd64)08:35
cjwatsondoko_,lamont: armel builders back on auto10:02
cjwatson(current main uninstallables: amd64:127, armel:289, i386:127, powerpc:132.  that's good enough to restart autobuilds)10:03
natschilHello. I'm trying to make some changes to ubiquity. I noticed that though ubiquity copies everything in the read-only fs of the livecd, it does not copy things such as the ubiquity program etc. Does it actually copy it, and then remove it, or is there some other process involved?10:17
cjwatsonit copies it and then removes it10:18
cjwatsonspecifically it removes packages that are in /casper/filesystem.manifest on the CD but not in /casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop10:19
cjwatsonwe do also try to save time by not copying files belonging to packages we're just going to remove anyway, although we can only do that in limited circumstances.  I forget whether that's the case for ubiquity10:20
fo0barBTW, regarding bug 771038, I figured it out.  newer binutils apparently care about the linking order.  Moving -lpopt toward the end of the line fixes it10:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771038 in isomd5sum (Ubuntu) "isomd5sum version 1:1.0.5-1 failed to build on amd64 with GCC-4.6/oneiric" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77103810:20
fo0barnow....  I am a Debian maintainer with a Ubuntu bug (soon to be) fixed.  is there a procedure for saying "you should totally pull this updated deb down from sid to close this bug"?10:21
cjwatsonthat's if there are no outstanding Ubuntu changes10:22
natschilcjwatson: thanks a lot!10:22
cjwatsonif there are, somebody needs to merge it10:22
fo0barcjwatson: no, I think MOTU keep it vanilla from debian10:22
cjwatsonfo0bar: until Debian import freeze (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule), we sync all packages that don't have Ubuntu modifications from Debian unstable automatically10:22
cjwatsonso if it's in that category, you don't need to do anything at the moment10:23
fo0barahh.  so worst case scenario, I do nothing and it resolves itself?10:23
cjwatsonI'd call that the best case, but yes :)10:23
fo0bar5 various bugs fixed in one night.  getting laid off has increased my productivity tremendously!10:24
lucidfoxHmm, I'm now wondering10:52
lucidfoxso the Ubuntu 11.10 CD will include GTK2, GTK3, *and* Qt4?10:52
lucidfoxthat's one crowded CD -_-10:52
cjwatson(scheduled for UDS discussion)10:54
ogra_not that we arent discussing it every release :)10:55
cjwatsonas it mentions in the spec summary ...10:57
ogra_ah, didnt read it :)10:57
cjwatsonpitti: I'm noticing lots of:11:02
cjwatsonE: libqtscript4-svg: md5sums-lists-nonexisting-file usr/share/doc/libqtscript4-svg/changelog.Debian.gz11:02
cjwatsonpitti: I don't suppose that's a consequence of your recent pkgbinarymangler changes?11:03
* ogra_ wonders why btrfs seems to be permanently loaded on his system11:06
ogra_apparently the initrd loads it regardless if i have btrfs partitions or not11:06
cdbscjwatson: Can I do lintian and telepathy-haze perl 5.10 rebuilds or you have done that already?11:10
cdbswait, not lintian, but libnet-dns-perl11:12
cdbscjwatson: Okay leave it, I'm not rebuilding 'em, all of those are in main, and I'm too lazy to request sponsorship for 20+ rebuilds which will be done by others for sure in a few days11:21
bdrung_jcastro: is it enough to propose a blueprint for discussion at uds-o or do i have to do additional steps to get in on the agenda?11:37
cjwatsoncdbs: certainly there's no point in doing any that you need sponsorship for - I can do those in bulk a lot more easily11:59
cjwatsoncdbs: I don't mind if you want to do ones that you can upload directly11:59
cjwatsoncdbs: I can't upload libnet-dns-perl until libdigest-sha1-perl has built and published on all architectures12:03
cjwatsonotherwise I'll just have to reupload it for armel later12:03
cjwatson(potentially, anyway - it might just FTBFS, but I'd rather be economical with uploads where possible)12:04
cjwatsoncdbs: it'll generally be easier once armel has caught up - I expect I can then just upload all the level-2 stuff in bulk12:07
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MonkeyDustfolx, these are some issues i encountered in Unity http://paste.ubuntu.com/604430/13:42
SpamapSlifeless: you're not joining us in Budapest?14:38
jcastrobdrung_: it needs to be named right and then the track lead for that track needs to accept it, then it gets autoscheduled15:35
jcastrobdrung_: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-March/032813.html15:35
bdrung_jcastro: thanks. i didn't set the approver. who is the approver for the "other" track?15:41
jcastrobdrung_: those just go in a pile, any track lead can approve those, so you'd want to ping either slangasek or robbiew or jasonwarner15:43
bdrung_slangasek: ^ ping for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-o-eclipse-3.6/15:44
geserjelmer: thanks for those bzr-* FTBFS fixes. Did you miss bzr-xmloutput or is there an other reason that you didn't update it?16:34
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jelmergeser: there's two things I'd like to see merged upstream to fix the testsuite (which is run by the packaging)17:15
jelmerI've submitted MPs, waiting for upstream atm17:15
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ximionhi!#could someone please tell me why there are two libnotify packages in Ubuntu?18:41
ximionlibnotify4-dev and libnotify-dev18:42
ximionDebian has only libnotify-dev, and I maintain a package depending on libnotify-dev >= 0.718:42
ximion...which does not build on Ubuntu18:42
* ScottK looks18:44
* Laney is searching for his passport18:45
ScottKximion: debian/changelog for libnotify4 says "  * Rename source package and -dev binary to be versioned, so that we can install both in parallel for a while."18:48
ScottKSo it looks like the Ubuntu desktop people needed a newer version but didn't want to do a full transition so they made a secnod one.18:49
ximionScottK: This seems to be unnecessary for Debian: http://packages.debian.org/experimental/libnotify-dev18:50
ximiondo you know if this will be changed back for Oneiric?18:50
ximionif so, I'll not do anything to be Ubuntu-compliant in this case and just wait18:50
ScottKximion: I would guess it's likely.  I will file a bug about it.18:51
ximionScottK, thanks! btw, the package in question is http://packages.debian.org/unstable/gnome-packagekit18:52
ximion..which is named packagekit-gnome for whatever reason18:52
ximionshould I  file a request to remove packagekit-gnome from Oneiric, so there are no conflicts with the gnome-packagekit package, when it gets merged?18:53
ScottKFWIW it looks like the work was done in parallel of the Debian work (hit Ubuntu about a day apart from when 0.7 hit experimental), so when the decision was made to do this there wasn't anything in experimental to rely on.18:55
ximionScottK, ok. The gnome-packagekit pkg breaks the packagekit-gnome anyway.18:55
ximionScottK, maybe because Ubuntu Natty still ships GNOME2, while libnotify > 0.7 is a G3 component.18:55
ximion(AFAIK an external dependency)18:56
ScottKThat's likely it.  There are some bits of Gnome3 stuff in Natty, but not all of it by any means.18:56
gesershould we add a packagekit-gnome -> gnome-packagekit transitional package in Ubuntu?18:56
ximiongeser, I don't think this is required. gnome-packagekit has a breaks field for packagekit-gnome, so older versions will get removed.18:57
ximionand there's no standard component depending on GPK in Ubuntu yet18:57
ximion(there might be one if e.g. the USC switches to PK, but I'm not sure if this will happen)18:58
ximionScottK, files bug #77914819:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 779148 in packagekit-gnome (Ubuntu) "Removal request for packagekit-gnome from Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77914819:05
ximionfiles -> filed19:05
ximion!info gnome-packagekit oneiric19:10
ubottu'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable19:10
natschilHello. I noticed that some of the oem parts of ubiquity remove cryptsetup if it is not used in the home folder. Does this get carried out on a "normal" ubuntu installation?19:38
natschilalternatively... are the "oem" ubiquity packages used at all on the ubuntu livecd?19:44
superflywho do I contact to tell them that perl-modules 5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1 is corrupt?20:32
* superfly has tried downloading it from a few servers, and they all seem to be corrupt20:32
yofelit did download for me from de.archive.ubuntu.com today20:37
superflyyofel: yeah, it downloads, but aptitude fails with "hash sum mismatch" and when I downloaded it manually so that I bypassed the hash checksum, it failed to unpack it20:45
* superfly hasn't tried the de server yet though20:46
superflyyofel: this is what I get if I download it separately and put the package in /var/cache/apt/archives (and I just downloaded it from de.archive.ubuntu.com) http://pastebin.com/P6mHqUJw20:48
yofelI'm clueless then, as for me 'dpkg-deb -x perl-modules_5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1_all.deb p-m/' works fine20:51
yofelsomeone else might know more20:52
superflyI'll try that (I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to packages)20:52
superflythanks for the help yofel20:52
infinitysuperfly: Does grabbing it from the librarian result in the same (broken) file?20:54
infinitysuperfly: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ppa/+build/2458088/+files/perl-modules_5.10.1-17ubuntu4.1_all.deb20:55
superflyinfinity: I don't know, let me try...20:55
superflyinfinity: ah yes, that package seems fine20:57
superflythanks, that solves it for me20:57
infinityBut not for the archive, I suspect.20:57
infinityLet me poke at this.20:57
* superfly is glad he got it fixed, but thinks that others downloading the package would appreciate the same ;-)20:59
infinitysuperfly: Okay, so... The file on the mirrors matches the file in the librarian, so I suspect you're behind a clever (and broken) transparent proxy somewhere that's causing you occasional pain.21:01
superflyinfinity: hrm, that might be the case21:02
superflyI'm in South Africa, and all the ISPs here run transparent proxies21:02
infinitysuperfly: That seems like the most likely explanation, then.  The archive itself is consistant.21:03
superflyinfinity: thanks for the help21:03
infinitysuperfly: Anyhow, glad to help you get it sorted.21:03
lifeless_SpamapS: nope21:08
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mdkepitti: when the langpacks are built for -updates, will they get translated xml which has been stripped out of packages going into -proposed and -updates?21:37
mdkechrisccoulson, ArneGoetje: not sure if you could also help with that ^ (Saw you are in ~ubuntu-langpack) - obviously appreciate it is a weekend and UDS upon us21:43
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