
=== apachelogger is now known as SirPatchalot
=== SirPatchalot is now known as apachelogger
MTecknologyone app and packaging and one apps packaging i made are in ubuntu03:50
MTecknologykind of addicting :P03:51
MTecknologyhrm... how do you set a bug supervisor on a package in ubuntu?03:52
_AndrewAnyone know why my package was rejected?08:57
_AndrewRejected: Unable to identify file ogre_1.7.2-ogredev.orig.tar.lzma (libs) in changes.08:57
_AndrewCan't we use lzma?08:57
Ampelbein_Andrew: as far as I know you can only use gzip with source format 1, with source format 3.0 you can additionally use xz and bz2.09:02
jbicha_Andrew: why are you not using the tar.bz2 source?09:16
_Andrewjbicha, because lzma is 10 Meg less09:42
Laneycdbs: hi! have you sent the zsync changes upstream? they don't look ubuntu specific10:30
cdbsLaney: Hello there! Nope, I haven't10:39
cdbsthough I sure should10:39
cdbsadded to todo10:39
Laneythanks :-)10:39
ari-tczewwgrant: could you update multidistrotools on qa.ubuntuwire.org for oneiric? it works for natty already.15:03
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung_away

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