
ubottuIn ubottu, k_sze said: !no cn is <reply>如欲獲得中文的協助,請移玉步至 #ubuntu-cn 、 #ubuntu-tw 或 #ubuntu-hk 頻道。01:18
IdleOnehello k_sze01:19
IdleOneHow can i help you?01:19
k_szeI was just wondering what this channel looks like because I submitted a !no to ubottu for the first time and it says it forwarded the request here.01:20
IdleOneit dead01:21
IdleOneit did01:21
IdleOneWhy does the !cn factoid need to be edited?01:21
k_szebtw, do you guys "own" the #ubuntu-hk channel yet? It doesn't even have a topic set right now.01:21
k_szebecause the original reply was obviously machine translated and awkward.01:22
IdleOneand your translation in Chinese would read as what in English?01:23
k_sze"For assistance in Chinese, please join the #ubuntu-cn, #ubuntu-tw, or #ubuntu-hk channel.01:24
Jordan_Uk_sze: We usually include a message to the effect of "type /join #ubuntu-cn" as they may be new to IRC.01:25
k_szeJordan_U: in that case, the !jp message also needs to be amended.01:26
IdleOne!no cn is <reply>如欲獲得中文的協助,請移玉步至 /join #ubuntu-cn , /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk 頻道01:26
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne01:26
IdleOneis that ok?01:26
k_szein that case...01:28
ubottuIn ubottu, k_sze said: !no cn is <reply>如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入「/join #ubuntu-cn」、「/join #ubuntu-tw」或「/join #ubuntu-hk」。01:28
IdleOne!no cn is <reply>如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入「/join #ubuntu-cn」、「/join #ubuntu-tw」或「/join #ubuntu-hk」。01:28
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne01:28
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい01:28
k_szehmm. I have a hunch for how to fix this one, but let me confirm with my Japanese-speaking friends first.01:31
bazhangwhy the 「01:32
k_szeThat's the quotation mark in Chinese01:32
IdleOnegoogle translated it as "01:32
bazhangno need for it01:33
ubottuIn ubottu, k_sze said: !no cn is <reply>如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 、 /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk 。01:33
IdleOne!no cn is <reply>如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。01:33
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne01:33
ubottuIn ubottu, k_sze said: !no jp is <reply>日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。01:35
IdleOnebazhang: you happen to speak japanese also?01:36
bazhangIdleOne, mostly just read01:36
IdleOnelook good to you?01:36
IdleOne!no jp is <reply>日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。01:36
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne01:36
IdleOnegoogle sees nothing bad01:36
=== apachelogger is now known as SirPatchalot
ubottuIn ubottu, k_sze said: !no fr is <reply>Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez rendrer /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:49
IdleOne!no fr is <reply>Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:50
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne01:50
bazhangI saw that coming01:51
IdleOnethe troll or the factoid edit?01:52
bazhang [slak] (~slak@ penetrate all the simple minds01:53
bazhangand then "compile but need to defrag first"01:54
IdleOneyou would have to go after the simple minds, the intelligent people won't take your crap.01:54
=== SirPatchalot is now known as apachelogger
h00kOH Hi everyone!04:31
IdleOneheya h00k04:36
Braiamcan I update factoids of ubottu?04:50
Braiam!warty --info04:52
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.04:54
IdleOnewhat did you want to update?04:54
Braiama alias to !4.1004:58
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.04:58
Braiamoh, sorry04:58
IdleOnewas that all?04:59
bazhang<Guest50733> someone have exploits for windows 7?05:34
Braiambazhang: the nick is changed the real name was root05:36
IdleOneBraiam: Can I ask you to please part this channel. Thank you.05:36
dzuphello, can some op remove my ban from #ubuntu  i did change my 6667 port for the 8001 specify, but still in ban list, thank you06:20
IdleOnedzup: did you see my message to you in the other channel?06:25
dzupcool, i think am in the channel :)06:27
IdleOneyou are06:27
dzupIdleOne: thank you06:28
ubottuIn #ubuntu, evstevemd said: Ubottu:The problem is, I customize my own program in that sidebar unity thing and when I reboot everything is gone. For example, I remove Software center and add Eclipse IDE and rebooting it, SC is there and no eclipse!06:28
dzupdzup-freenode: hmm06:44
dzupCannot send to channel06:44
dzupcan some one help me wih that? thank you.06:44
dzupat #ubuntu06:44
IdleOnegimme  a moment06:45
elkyIdleOne, looks to be a router issue06:47
IdleOnehe fixed that part there was a +q on him also06:48
IdleOnehe should be good now06:48
elkyIdleOne, ah. you must have got rid of that before i got the page loaded06:49
bazhang<fedorafan2> bauzhang is my friend   he seems familiar07:32
bazhangp579066DF.dip.t-dialin.net  * Unityhate is now known as Unityshitt07:59
cdbsOh god. There sure are many Unity haters who didn't try out Unity ever since Alpha 308:44
cdbslike the one bazhang 's talking about08:44
bazhang* Bacta (~Ricky@ has joined #ubuntu    unbanned?09:17
elkyI doubt.09:18
elkythough, i can't see him in the list. strange.09:20
bazhangremove/ban him then?09:23
bazhangisn't wubi inside of the regular installer cd?09:34
popeyits on the cd09:34
bazhangnot sure what babarnazmi is referring to then09:35
bazhangpopey, thanks09:35
popeyits not on the alternate cd09:35
popeyif thats what he means09:35
jussibazhang: Id talk to ikonia first about bacta - he usually knows whats going on there.09:40
jussiespecially if he isnt causing problems just now.09:40
bazhangjussi, well he does not seem to be blatantly trolling so far (Bacta that is)09:40
jussibazhang: yeah, let him be - unless he does soemthing silly, until we find out more.09:41
bazhangwill do09:42
jussiThere is a possibility of him behaving himself :)09:42
jussianyways, Im off to a party. laters all09:42
bazhangjussi, PM'd jimrew btw, and he was fine with it09:43
bazhangtuesmufns in PM after being quieted13:50
bazhang*very* abusive13:50
tuesmufnsyeah... bazhang just banned me for not having a tab key13:52
tuesmufnswhat, not even further insult? just silence?13:54
tuesmufnsuh yes13:54
LjLhe banned you for calling him an idiot and telling him to grow a fucking brain13:54
LjLget your facts straight13:55
tuesmufnswhat would you call someone who has to be told something three times?13:55
tuesmufnslearning impaired?13:55
bazhangnot having a tab key does not mean you cannot type out the nicks, or map a tab key13:56
tuesmufnsitit does actually13:56
bazhangjust throwing out random statements creates noise and confusion, and is not helpful13:56
tuesmufnsthobannibg people for having different interfaces isn't helpful13:57
bazhangyou were quieted, and asked to read the guidelines and code of conduct13:58
tuesmufnsthe guidelinew wont get me a tab key13:58
tuesmufnsmentally retarded?13:58
LjLtuesmufns, that attitude will get you banned from this channel as well. don't verbally abuse people.13:59
tuesmufnsbig surprise13:59
tuesmufnsdont abuse ME you dumb cunts13:59
bazhang* [trolling] (brianl@pitrescue.org): Brian Levine15:04
bazhanginteresting nick15:05
bazhangfloodbots 1 and 3 simultaneously +q and then -q user15:15
LjLbazhang: i only see a simultaneous -q... which is unfortunately by design. i had changed them so they wouldn't do that, but that created issues, and i'm not sure how to solve them :\15:35
LjLbasically, it was floodbot1 always doing the -q'ing15:35
LjLhowever, if it happened for any reason that a mute was only triggered by one bot, and not others (which can happen due to lag or other reasons), there would be no unmute15:36
LjLwhich is pretty serious15:36
bazhang<root__> he bazhNNG WHAT YOU USE15:43
bazhangI'm tempted to nick to that15:43
bazhang<asdfgftft> gnome 2  lars?15:51
bazhangso he has a whole new range of IP15:54
IdleOnedon't know but tired of the useless complaining and cursing about unity. Ask a actual support question and stop whining.15:55
IdleOneI'll remove the ban in a few minutes.15:55
bazhanghe's ban evading15:55
bazhangin -ot now as well15:56
IdleOnelooks like it could be him15:56
bazhangits him without a doubt15:56
bazhangso not sure why you'd remove the ban in #ubuntu15:57
IdleOnebecause I wasn't certain it was him15:57
IdleOnebut if you are I will leave it15:57
bazhangexact same language, to a "t"15:57
bazhangor in this case, to a "gnome3"15:58
topyliLjL: can you join the next ircc meeting? i added the extra-namespace behavior item to the agenda19:44
topyliit's ok if you can't but you might want to be there19:45
topyliit's a policy change so i think we need to rubberstamp it in a meeting19:45
topyli(sunday 20:00 utc)19:46
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:56
jussihrm, I want to update this to apt-clone :)19:57
jussiIm just reading more about it first... if anyone knows how to use it already feel free to update19:57
topyligood idea especially since we don't have aptitude by default anymore19:58
topyli(i'm old-fashioned and have always used dpkg --get-selections and --set-selections :)19:59
topylii think synaptic also has something similar20:00
topylioh but apt-clone looks awesomer20:02
jussiit seems to be sudo apt-clone clone / to clone, but I dont get the restore sequence yet...20:17
LjLtopyli: i should make it20:17
jussimight be a sudo apt-clone restore /20:18
jussibut I think it needs a file in there to restore from, and Ive no idea where it puts that20:18
jussiyou have to give it a destination in the first one...20:20
jussiso, sudo apt-clone clone / ~/clonefile20:20
jussithen sudo apt-clone restore ~/clonefile /20:21
jussianybody care to verify that?20:21
Seveas<Captainkrtek> Hey all the new Ubuntu users out there, if you have time fill out this survey! http://bit.ly/lZk5xw20:22
Seveas(in #ubuntu)20:22
BlouBlouHi there, ssasss seems to be flooding with 'help I need help' but he never asks a real question. I tried telling him to do, but nothing21:06
BlouBlouin #ubuntu21:07
PiciBlouBlou: thanks21:07
BlouBlouthank you21:08
PiciHi again.21:10
ssasssi want  complain about pici21:10
ssassswhy do bann  me21:10
PiciI think we've been over this enough times.21:10
ssasssi am the first time here21:11
ssassswith o 221:11
ssasssyes umts mobilephone21:11
popeyjussi: yes :)21:32
popeyjussi: apt-clone is actually used by the natty installer, if you are 'upgrading' (read: reinstalling over the top) from an old release to 11.0421:33
popeyit's total awesome.21:33
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from mole_)22:46
LjLis this guy blind?22:48

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