
aBs0lut30hey guys, was just looking at the HA stacks available, didnt realize that there had gotten to be so many... any thoughts on which one is best? am using heartbeat on a cluster now and am just not that impressed with it...00:52
adam_gaBs0lut30: You have choices as to what you can run for the lower-level messaging layers, but at the top you'll probably want pacemaker00:55
aBs0lut30adam_g: was just doing some more reading on the subject... looks like the main contenders for the messaging layer are still heartbeat(didnt realize that it was just that part, as I am using it for the while thing on my old, and very unreliable cluster) and OpenAIS, OpenAIS seems to be the better way to go??00:57
adam_gaBs0lut30: you're running which version/style of heartbeat? v1 / haresources or v2 / CRM?00:58
aBs0lut30great question... let me check00:58
adam_gaBs0lut30: in other words, do you configure the clustered services via /etc/ha.d/haresources or via the CIB ?00:59
aBs0lut30looks to be 2.1.301:00
aBs0lut30ahh, haresources01:01
adam_gyeah, old school01:01
JasonnWhat is a load average?01:01
aBs0lut30not supprised... its running openfiler as the distro...01:01
aBs0lut30jasonn: as far as CPU load? or IO load? as its running as a iscsi target... am getting off it for SCST....01:02
JasonnaBs0lut30: CPU01:03
aBs0lut30either way, load isnt that high most of the time on either front...01:03
adam_gaBs0lut30: basically heartbeat was gutted. pacemaker is used now to manage the actual clustere resources, and can use either corosync or heartbeat for cluster communication.01:03
aBs0lut30CPU stays fairly low, avg less than 10%01:03
JasonnWhat is a high load average?01:03
Jasonnand why are there 3 of them?01:04
aBs0lut30adam_g: in your opnion, which is best as far as functionality and community support??01:04
aBs0lut30highest I have ever seen the CPU load is about 70% but only for a couple of minutes... really hard to get it that high01:04
JasonnMine shows it as numbers01:05
Jasonnlike in htop01:05
JanCJasonn: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Load_%28computing%2901:05
adam_gaBs0lut30: both are currently supported and maintained. corosync is actively developed, heartbeat only recieves bug fixes and will eventually go away in favor of corosync. if you're doing a basic 2 node HA cluster, heartbeat would work fine. if you're doing larger, more complex installations you'd probably want corosync.01:05
aBs0lut30jasonn: what you looking at for that?? I am just looking at top for my numbers01:06
JasonnJanC: Thanks :d01:06
JasonnaBs0lut30: htop01:06
aBs0lut30jasonn: yeah, such an old/broken setup I dont even have that...01:06
JasonnHow do I improve the performance of the processor?01:07
JasonnI want to run a virtual box01:07
aBs0lut30adam_g: cool, thanks for the info... prob go with corosync as at this point it is a nice basic 2node setup, but who knows what tomorrow will bring01:07
Jasonnand I have a dual core 2.8GhZ (per core)01:07
Jasonnand its going REALLY slow01:07
JanChttp://serverfault.com/questions/67759/how-to-understand-the-memory-usage-and-load-average-in-linux-server might be useful too01:08
aBs0lut30jasonn: does the CPU have VM extensions, and are they on in bios?01:08
JasonnaBs0lut30: no, and now01:08
Jasonnwell, if it does, I didnt set them01:08
aBs0lut30ahhhh.... that sucks...01:08
aBs0lut30intel or AMD?01:08
Jasonnlemme see01:08
adam_gaBs0lut30: np. you'll probably spend more time learning about pacemaker than the actual messaing system. but good luck..01:09
JasonnPentium D01:09
adam_gaBs0lut30: www.clusterlabs.org is a great resource, btw01:09
aBs0lut30ahhh, prob not then...01:09
aBs0lut30adam_g: cool, thanks, will check it out :) now if I can just get DRBD to behave I will be in good shape01:09
JanCsome Pentium D have hardware virtualisation01:09
JasonnHow do I check if mine does?01:10
aBs0lut30true... if memory serves not many...01:10
aBs0lut30jasonn: see if you can track down the model number and you can look it up either on wikipedia or intel's site(if you want to spend hours digging :)01:10
aBs0lut30all I can say is I am amazed at the performance difference between a REALLY strong box with no VMx and a ok box with :)01:11
JasonnIs there somewhere I can check to see if it has it?01:11
JanCgrep -l vmx /proc/cpuinfo01:12
aBs0lut30there is, let me see if I can remember it.... or theres that01:12
JasonnJanC: Didnt give me anything01:12
Jasonn just went to the next line01:12
aBs0lut30jasonn: shoot me the model and I can look it up real quick... try cat /proc/cpuinfo and see what it dumps01:12
JanCthen it has no hardware virtualization (or the BIOS disabled it)01:12
JanCaBs0lut30: for intel the PU flag is "vmx"  ;)01:13
aBs0lut30yeah, but like you said, only if its turned on :)01:13
JasonnaBs0lut30: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/604281/01:13
JanCCPU flag01:13
JasonnHow do I check if BIOS disabled it? and roughly how much is a better processor01:14
JasonnJanC: How do I check if the processor is 2.80GhZ on the whole processor or per core?01:15
aBs0lut30humm... actually dont see any of the pentium D's with vm...01:17
JasonnHow much would a better processor with that be?01:18
aBs0lut30yeah I hear ya...01:18
aBs0lut30depends on the mobo you have and if it supports anything better01:18
JasonnIBM shitboard01:18
aBs0lut30also, what are you using for VM? Xen, VMWare...01:18
* Jasonn censors that 01:18
JasonnVB OSE01:19
JasonnI have the IBM thinkcenter01:19
JasonnI found it at some guys house01:19
Jasonnhe was moving out01:19
Jasonnand I was like can I have this01:19
Jasonnand he was like I dont care01:19
Jasonnso I took it01:19
JasonnAdded some more ram and it runs horribly01:20
aBs0lut30ahhhhh... well I can tell you, to get better performance out of it, take it out, tie it up behind your car and floor it ;)01:20
aBs0lut30never used VB actually... one thing you can try is running vmware server... might be a bit better...01:20
aBs0lut30how much ram you got?01:20
shaunoI'm almost jealous. here I thought you couldn't give away a pentium D .. and someone managed it :)01:20
aBs0lut30well not to bad...01:21
JasonnDont worry, my laptop has 8GB01:21
JanCah, I found the command to check for HVM-support  :P01:21
Jasonnquad core01:21
aBs0lut30well, if the mobo would take it, a core2 would probably be about the best you could do, maybe a low end xeon...01:21
aBs0lut30if the mobo would hold a xeon, could probably get a used one from eaby for 70 bux or so...01:22
aBs0lut30maybe less than that...01:22
Jasonnshauno: Wait, are you saying that the pentium D is bad?01:22
JasonnI just took it cuz I was like oh, free computer,01:22
JanCso if anybody needs to check HVM-support for their CPU, just run "kvm-ok"...  ;)01:23
JasonnaBs0lut30: And at a store?01:23
aBs0lut30also, might want to see if you could find an amd chip that runs VM that could go in it...01:23
shaunoJasonn: I'd probably have done the same.  but I've a celleron D here that's useful for keeping the door open.  I couldn't comment on the non-cellery models (but already did ..)01:23
aBs0lut30janc: VERY cool! learn something new every day01:23
JasonnJanC: INFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions01:23
JanCthe Pentium D was a rather cheap CPU for desktop computers, several years ago...01:24
aBs0lut30well, like I said, might get a *LITTLE* better performance out of vmware server... maybe01:24
JasonnIs it worth getting the processor?01:24
aBs0lut30only one VERY small step above the crapERON01:24
JasonnI am getting a new comp in september01:24
aBs0lut30well, if you could find one cheap that has vmx that will run in that box... I would say so...01:25
JanCI think almost all new CPUs have HVM-support now01:25
JanCexcept for Atom style ones  ;)01:25
aBs0lut30yeah, but its an older thinkcenter, no telling what it will run01:25
JasonnI can get the model if you like01:26
aBs0lut30HAH, can you believe they want to put vmx on those too??? how useless is that01:26
aBs0lut30send it on01:26
aBs0lut30I can take a look01:26
JanCaBs0lut30: if I understand correctly, WinXP compatibility mode in Windows 7 needs vmx  ;)01:26
aBs0lut30yeah, think so01:27
JanC(and some people with a Sony VAIO laptop which disabled that in the BIOS weren't too happy about that ;) )01:27
aBs0lut30LOL, I bet01:27
JanCas in disabled without opt ion to enable01:27
aBs0lut30jasonn: looks like it will run a P4 let me see if I can find out which one01:31
JasonnaBs0lut30: Thanks :D01:33
JanCyeah, Pentium D and Pentium 4 were used on the same motherboards01:33
JanCand there certainly are a small number of Pentium 4s that have vmx01:34
aBs0lut30jasonn: P4 661 support VMx and will run in that box01:35
JasonnAnything better?01:36
aBs0lut30jasonn: http://cgi.ebay.com/Pentium4-P4-661-3-6GMHz-LGA775-2M-800MHz-Free-shipping-/140506422575?pt=CPUs&hash=item20b6d5dd2f#ht_1917wt_90501:36
aBs0lut30nope, thats the top end it will run01:36
aBs0lut30but not bad, its a 3.6ghz with 2MB01:36
Jasonndual core?01:37
JasonnAnd will I have to do a fresh install or change anything to upgrade it?01:37
aBs0lut30nope... single core, but HT...01:38
JasonnAnd is that just as good?01:38
JasonnOh yeah01:38
aBs0lut30jasonn: if everything is stock, wouldnt think so...01:38
Jasonnis my processor 2.80GhZ/core01:38
aBs0lut30well dual core is better, but only by MAYBE 15%...01:38
Jasonnis my processor 2.80GhZ/core??01:38
aBs0lut30rule of thumb is HT is 1.5x rated CPU speed, dual core is like 1.7x01:39
aBs0lut30umm, let me see01:39
JasonnThanks :s01:39
JasonnIll but it right now if it is not per core01:39
Jasonnotherwise, Ill still buy it01:39
JasonnIts free shipping to Canada01:40
Jasonn:D *01:40
aBs0lut30ohh, I see what you mean... dont really think about it like that... the cpu itself runs at 2.8, and each core runs at 2.8, BUT its still time sliced, and on the same chip using the same bus, so your not gonna get 5.6...01:41
aBs0lut30gonna get maybe 3.501:42
aBs0lut30probably be about a wash... but you get VM :)01:42
Jasonnlemme go see if I can talk my mom out of $5801:42
aBs0lut30haha, good luck :)01:42
aBs0lut30now, if I can get the guys to wake up over in #DRBD :(01:43
aBs0lut30just make sure to update the bios, and go in and find the VM option and turn it on...01:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #778837 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: cannot access archive: No such file or directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77883702:11
=== TuxIce is now known as AdamDV-iPad
uvirtbotNew bug: #778842 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77884203:16
=== jmoss42 is now known as phate408
kellnolaanyone with experience crafting SLA's here?04:04
bmw123hi all04:06
bmw123question:  when I log onto ubuntu server, I get the following msg, "26 packages can be updated.  14 updates are security updates."  but I had already did a aptget upgrade and update and nothing is left to update???  any idea??04:06
kellnolanot sure how the motd gets updated ...04:06
kellnolaas in I mean not sure if apt-get updates /etc/motd, which is that message04:07
kellnolait might be cron'd04:07
bmw123normally it seems to work, just this time around, it still has that message there04:07
bmw123somone told me i need to do a distro update04:08
bmw123is that important04:08
kellnolabmw123, bad advice04:08
kellnolado dist upgrade when you can04:08
bmw123thats what i thought04:08
bmw123doing a distro upgrade is a major thing right?04:08
kellnolais it LTS or no?04:08
bmw12310.04.02 LTS04:09
kellnolaon a server, uh, YES. on a home desktop, probably not04:09
bmw123what will a distro upgrade do to it?04:09
kellnolathat is supported for a few more years04:09
bmw123ahh k04:09
kellnolayou can't dist-upgrade LTS since there isn't a new LTS to upgrade to until next April04:09
kellnola12.04 will be the next LTS04:10
bmw123in unsupported webmin, it says there are 3 outstanding updates04:11
bmw123linux-headers-server Linux kernel headers on Server Equipment. New version, linux-image-server Linux kernel image on Server Equipment. New version, linux-server Complete Linux kernel on Server Equipment. New version 04:11
bmw123but not sure if i want to upgrade them yet,....   looks majot to me, i'm new at linux04:11
kellnolaand apt-get upgrade outputs nothing, that is, nothing to upgrade?04:11
bmw123it outputs this exactly04:12
bmw123Reading package lists... Done, Building dependency tree, Reading state information... Done04:12
bmw123The following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.04:12
bmw123but not the 26 and 14 it stated at login time04:13
kellnolawell there is some reason why it is holding those kernel packages04:13
bmw123are they important to upgrade..04:13
kellnolaif you have some firmware kernel stuff or proprietary drivers or whatever that would do it, if they haven't been updated yet04:14
bmw123its a vmware session..could that have any bearing04:14
kellnolasuyre, vmware has kernel modules. forcing a kernel upgrade if the vmware drivers aren't available for it would definitely hold the kernel04:15
kellnolauggh. .. forcing a kernel upgrade could break your VM's04:16
kellnoladid you install them from a repository or ppa or by hand?04:16
bmw123repository i think04:17
bmw123i will hold off on it..04:17
bmw123just annoying that it says stuff hase to be upgraded...04:17
kellnolaif that's true, the ppa devs are just lagging, that's all04:17
bmw123fair enough, thanks04:18
bmw123not too concerned04:18
kellnolawell, kernel updates should be taken seriously but production systems tend to have more pressing matters, like, stability04:19
bmw123fair enough04:19
bmw123makes sense04:19
bmw123oh i just found this04:20
kellnolaI use Virtual Box, prob not as good as ESX, but they're better about their driver rebuilds than VMware04:20
bmw123i think this is the issue i'm having04:20
bmw123how do u like virtual box?04:20
bmw123esx is a fortune!   my company pays for it but expensive04:20
kellnolait's a little funky, but so is vmware ... it's about as fast04:20
kellnolaand it's FREE04:21
bmw123is it baremetal hypervisor04:21
kellnolanot sure what you mean04:21
kellnolait certainly does not have the features of ESX04:21
bmw123do u run it after ubuntu boots04:22
bmw123or does it have its own OS?04:22
kellnolawe use VBox for things like, when a client has an app that requires they run as admin, we quarrantine it in a VM terminal server04:22
jmarsdenbmw123: virtualbox runs inside a host OS such as Ubuntu or even Windows.04:22
bmw123i'm using it for production servers at the office... VSphere and ESXi on the servers04:23
kellnolasince the windows world is rife with this behaviour, we do it a lot04:23
bmw123makes sense04:23
kellnolait works out since it puts the pressure on the idiot windows dev and not us04:24
kellnolahey, commercial UNIX devs do the same shit04:25
bmw123it so retared my boiss that is, we pay like $2500 per ESXi licese per server and the server only cost $2000...what a rip off, i wish i owned EMC04:30
kellnolait's crazy04:31
kellnolahow much basic infrastructure software can cost. The last place I worked use ESX heavily - about 50-60 of them, for almost nothing04:32
kellnolaI mean the VM;s had very light duties04:32
bmw123ya a waste04:33
bmw123oh well04:33
kellnolabut they had so much money they didn't know what to do with it04:33
bmw123atleast backup is easy with vm's...just image files04:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #778903 in backuppc (main) "package backuppc (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77890308:46
=== Geek is now known as Guest72067
RommelHi, I've got an Ubuntu box linked up to a VLAN trunk port on a Cisco 2950 switch, I've got it all working if I have a subnet per VLAN configuration. But is anyone aware if I would be able to have one subnet for multiple VLANs?09:27
RommelI guess the core of my question is: is it possible to have an interface with a single IP, which communicates on all VLANs which come through on the VLAN trunk, instead of a separate virtual interface for each VLAN tag?09:28
RommelHi, I'm wondering if anyone has been able to setup an interface on their Linux server connected to a VLAN trunk port which communicates on all VLAN IDs? At the moment I'm having to configure one subnet per VLAN, but I'd really like to have one subnet for multiple VLANs.09:50
RommelSo right now I have eth1.3 and eth1.4 defined, each with an IP in their own or subnet. But I want to have just the single subnet, with a single eth1 interface with an IP of, which servers in all VLANs can use as their gateway.09:53
RommelSeems like this is not the common way of doing things, but I'd much prefer it.09:54
Moobyfr_Rommel: nonsense10:07
Moobyfr_how can the kernel know which gw to use ?10:07
Moobyfr_(and the mac associated )10:08
RommelYeah, I suppose my thinking was that the server would just pass the traffic back out the interface, and the switch would then have to do something like,  based on the original MAC address, figure out which VLAN the traffic needs to go to.10:16
RommelBut it won't work.10:16
PupenoThis command seems to work fine when I run it by hand but generates a "/bin/sh: Syntax error: redirection unexpected" when I run it in cron, any ideas why: RAILS_ENV=production nice --adjustment=19 rake dnsk9:send_all_reports > /dev/null 2> >(grep -v default_executable)10:50
blahdeblahPupeno: You are trying to redirect standard output twice in one command - you can't do that11:39
blahdeblahPupeno: Are you trying to grep through standard error for "default_executable"?  If so, i think you want this instead: RAILS_ENV=production nice --adjustment=19 rake dnsk9:send_all_reports 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep -v default_executable11:40
blahdeblahYou have to redirect standard error to standard output first, then redirect the original standard out to null.11:40
blahdeblahThen you need a pipe rather than >(grep ...)11:40
blahdeblahHope that helps11:40
amerowhen blocking inbound access to a port, should i use do it at input or forward chain in iptables?11:42
RommelINPUT chain for traffic inbound to the server itself. FORWARD for both inbound and outbound traffic to/from a device behind the server itself (the one running IPTables)11:52
incorrectis there a server version for ubuntu one file system?12:11
miceikenI seem to have some issues with getting mysql-server-5.1 set up at my fresh 11.04 install13:50
miceikenI installed it with apt-get and now it's been stuck on "Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ..." for 5 minutes.13:50
kellnolaya'll, I have a bizarre networking issue. I'm stumped. A server I just installed, which is simply a VM host, cannot initiate any outbound traffic. The VM's running on top of it work fine (!?) I can ssh into it, etc., but I cannot even ping any other host on the subnet. There is no firewall, no apparmor, nothing like that. The network settings are correct. I'm a little stumped here ...13:51
kellnolaeverything was fine before I changed its ip and installed it13:51
kellnolaany network activity errors out (from viewing strace output) with EAGAIN13:52
aBs0lut30kell: you checked an ifconfig to see if the host still has its IP?13:52
kellnolait does13:52
kellnolaI can ssh into it, ping it, etc.13:53
aBs0lut30so can connect in, but not back out?13:53
kellnolabut once I'm logged in, I can't do anything13:53
kellnolaaBs0lut30, yes13:53
aBs0lut30WOW... thats a good one alright, bonded nics by any chance?13:53
kellnolanope, very simple setup13:53
kellnolathe VM's work fine, wtf13:53
aBs0lut30what VM you using?13:54
kellnolaone interface13:54
aBs0lut30humm... tried pinging something on the local lan?13:54
kellnolayeah, no go. can't ping anything or otherwise initiate any sort of network connection13:55
aBs0lut30humm... let me think about that one for a second...13:55
aBs0lut30doubt it will make a difference, but you bounced the interface by any chance?13:56
aBs0lut30might be worth a try...13:56
kellnolaunfortunately I can't unless I'm sitting in front of it .. it's in production at a clients site. I'd like to just reboot it, but the VM's won't startup correctly unless I log in and start them manually. (my bad)13:58
kellnolaI'm horrified to do anything with it as a result13:58
aBs0lut30umm, ok, when you ping something local, whats the return? dest net unreachable, host not found, etc13:59
kellnolawell, if I strace a ping, I get an EAGAIN error from the kernel13:59
kellnolawhich tells me the kernel is blocking, but not why14:01
aBs0lut30OHHHH, wow... anything more from dmesg on the network side?14:01
kellnolanope, nothing. dmesg indicates all is well with the interface14:01
kellnolaand the VM's running on top of it work fine! (?!?!?!)14:02
kellnolaI first was pursuing "lack of resources" but I backed out of my limits.conf and sysctl.conf and still no go.14:03
aBs0lut30ok, try pinging the loopback14:04
kellnolayeah that's fine14:05
kellnolabut I cannot ping the VM's running on this very machine14:05
aBs0lut30k, and pinging its local ip(the real Nic's ip) well, not sure how VB works(never used it) but that wouldnt supprise me that much...14:06
kellnolaoh, yeah I can ping the interface's 10.x ip14:06
kellnolaip is working locally, then ...14:06
aBs0lut30just for fun, add a second ip to your nic and see if it makes a diff14:07
kellnolaI wonder if this has something to do with zentyal14:08
aBs0lut30ohhh, had never heard of that, and now you made me sad :( the linux equiv of SBS... *sniffel,sniffel*14:09
kellnolait's an ease of use interface for servers which we deploy so our clients can easily add users and whatnot14:09
aBs0lut30so a service?14:09
kellnolayeah, but it kind of takes over the whole system, and puts all the config files in postgres14:09
kellnolaI dont usually have any probs with it14:10
aBs0lut30ahh, well its a possibility... dpending on how deeply it digs in...14:10
kellnolaoh it digs in deeply14:10
kellnolaso I'm suspecting a bug there14:10
aBs0lut30very possible...14:11
kellnolabut it's logs are pretty thorough in my experience and there's nothing there either14:11
kellnolaat this point I just want to confirm I am not an incompetent idiot :)14:12
aBs0lut30nah... and even if it is something you did, dont feel bad, even the best of us flubs up from time to time, hell I blew away a whole raid array the other day, 2TB of data... *poof* gone14:13
kellnola'cuz I am new to the ubuntu way of doing things, on server at least. apparmor really threw me for a loop at first14:13
aBs0lut30which version are you running?14:13
kellnolaaBs0lut30, I've done that as well :/14:13
aBs0lut30k... was playing with 11.04 the other day and am NOT impressed...14:14
kellnolaI'm not even considering it at this point. I need my computers to WORK14:14
aBs0lut30well... like i said, might be worth throwing a second ip on the nic and see if you can get traffic out14:14
kellnolayeah I could try that. would not be disruptive14:14
kellnolabut I can't try anything possibly disruptive with the box in production14:15
aBs0lut30yup, and if that works, it could be that your "tick" of a front end has still got some out of date config data in there somewhere...14:15
aBs0lut30completely understand... but yeah, should be pretty safe just adding another nic...14:16
aBs0lut30and just in case, the box by any chance have a remote mgmt card?14:16
kellnolaI wish14:16
aBs0lut30ehhh... sux14:16
kellnolaonly Dell's have those ... or is there something else?14:17
kellnolaI looked into that but could not find anything14:17
aBs0lut30well, now days most servers and some higher end desktops have it as an option... I know HP has something(never used it) even intel has a generic one for their mobo's (not very good,but still gets you a console when you need it.. :)14:18
kellnolayeah those things are lifesavers for remote work14:18
kellnolain my last job every server had one (all Dells) but we really didn't need to use them14:18
aBs0lut30no kidding! and the intel ones are REALLY cheap, like 60bux14:18
kellnolais it a card I can put into any server?14:19
kellnolaDell has some special rigamarole going on14:19
aBs0lut30I made a point to have them in every production box, I am a one man shop so never know when I am going to need to rescue something from anywhere... yeah, and to get anything useful you have to have that14:19
aBs0lut30but no, has to be a supported intel mobo14:20
kellnolayeah I don't think our little lenovo's support that14:20
aBs0lut30that said, one of the VNC software companies makes the next best thing... its an IPKVM adapter, just hook it to a kvm, or directly to the console and BOOM remote control :)14:21
kellnolaI need to look into that shit more14:21
kellnolaI am used to a server room type environment this crap is new to m14:22
aBs0lut30I hear ya, I actually just went the other way, out of the clients office back into the server room14:22
kellnolawhere I used to work everything was incredibly restricted and stable14:22
kellnolaand now I have all these wild wild west clients14:23
kellnolaadmin's dream, but it was kind of boring14:23
aBs0lut30ugh, remember those days14:23
kellnolawell, the clincher was this: in such a stable environment, you would think the admins would devote their time to bettering the system. instead, the managers filled up our time with chores and idiotic tasks, and forced us to use software that was impossible to automate14:25
kellnolabut it was nice adminning 250 RHEL desktops14:25
aBs0lut30ahhhh yes, the big corp enviroment... very cool...14:25
kellnolaaren't too many places that do that14:26
kellnolain the US anyway14:26
aBs0lut30no kidding...14:26
aBs0lut30whish I could get away with that...14:26
kellnolato tell the truth i LIKE desktop work, just not windows desktop work :)14:26
kellnolaunix desktop stuff is very interesting14:27
kellnolawe want ot push ubuntu desktops to some of our more "broke" clients14:29
kellnolawith some of them I'm like wtf do you need windows for?14:30
aBs0lut30hah, yeah... generally the answer to that is NOTHING unfortunately for me, we use a web based for our core LOB and its IE only...14:30
kellnolaso, how can we push linux here? I really don't see a need ... worst comes to worst, crossover Office will them run MS Office on their desktops14:32
aBs0lut30and based on how shitty the new versions of office are, probably run better than the real thing14:32
kellnolawe are moving to an SLA based structure and we are considering a discount for linux desktops, since they would take almost none of our time14:33
aBs0lut30thats actually a really cool way to push it...14:33
kellnolawe have a lot of non-profit clients that could benefit if they would just use it14:34
kellnolaoh god the shit with profiles and windows is just ridiculous14:34
aBs0lut30no kidding... with all the community projects and distros out there, I am really supprised someone has not sat down and come as close as possible to making a windoze replacement distro, mock up the UI as close as you can, and preload with wine for the stuff they have to run... would go over well I imagine14:35
kellnolathe whole thing is so unnecessarily tedious and painful14:35
kellnolaI haven't dealt with MS in 10 years and now that I am again I see they haven't progressed at all, aside from changing the location of the profile with every release ... /home has been the same since 197014:37
aBs0lut30ohhh and the new user account control stuff is just SO MUCH FUN!14:38
kellnolawe had to pass on a juicy client recently because none of us are acquainted with the "advanced" MS stuff (Exchange fail over and whatnot) this shit is so easy in UNIX14:40
kellnolagod why do people want to even use outlook14:41
aBs0lut30hey, dont be knocking outlook now ;) love me some outlook, and I have to say, until they come up with a version of postfix that can do push email to my phone I am hanging on to my exchange ;)14:42
kellnolaaBs0lut30, actually, zimbra can do that just fine. It's a linux based exchange replacement14:43
kellnolait works with outlook14:43
aBs0lut30hate to say it, but I have used zimbra in the past, and would rather be subjected to the worst tortures that china/japan could come up with before I went back to that...14:44
kellnolaLOL we are OK with it14:44
kellnolamaybe at some point google will come up to speed. I think they will14:45
aBs0lut30I will say its been a while, back before whoever took it over (saw the other day but cant remember) and it was just aweful! dont think a week went by where I was not doing something stupid to it either because our users would send a message to 500 people at once or the store would just too big...14:45
aBs0lut30now that would be good!14:46
kellnolabecause I think google has the interface down, they just need some more features worked in14:46
kellnolaoutlooks interface is way too complicated14:47
kellnolafor average users14:47
aBs0lut30yeah... one thing I would love to see, and they are the ones to do it, is a push away from the stupid x86/pc arch... its soooooo stupid that we have multi ghz cpu's that are timesliced...14:47
aBs0lut30you got a good point there...14:47
kellnolaevolution is a much better client, it's just in search of a good backend14:48
kellnolayeah, SUN was the shit. I miss solaris14:48
aBs0lut30this is going to sound REALLY sad, but I have been working with linux since around 2000, and have actually never setup that, or any other email client on a linux box...14:48
aBs0lut30ohhh yeah, love some sunSparc :)14:49
kellnolait's like outlook , but much simpler. not so many menus and garbage14:49
miceikenIs there any way to remove ALL packages, including config files? I just want openssh-server left14:49
kellnolaMS started using this collapsing menu crap with what, Office 2003? what does that really mean? your menus are too complicated14:50
aBs0lut30haha, yup... really hate that feature too... you seen outlook/office 2010??14:51
kellnolaoh god14:51
aBs0lut30haha, I take that as a yes14:51
kellnolawhen I first saw that, I was like, where the FUCK is everything?14:51
aBs0lut30I know, I actually had one of my girls start to cry a little cause she couldnt figure out how to do anything...14:53
aBs0lut30they really need to get their shit together or get the hell out of the way...14:54
aBs0lut30and intel too for that matter14:54
kellnolayeah but ubuntu is doing that crap too now. they get away with it because their user base is mostly home desktops. If they had organizations using it on desktop they would be more wary of drastically changing the user interface14:57
aBs0lut30tell me about it...14:57
kellnolaunity looks like a disaster to me so far. everyone seems to hate it14:57
* kellnola hasn't used untiy yet14:58
aBs0lut30yeah, havent even seen that yet...14:58
kellnolaI think their devs are mostly young and a little reckless14:58
kellnolathe fact that unity requires a 3D card is totally insane15:00
aBs0lut30you have got to be kidding me!!! well at least the rumors about MS developing a linux system makes sense ;) HAH15:00
kellnolait is really meant for touch screens. I can see the use there. But for a workstation? hell no.15:02
aBs0lut30yeah, thats just stupid15:03
kellnolayeah. a geologist doing seismic interpretation has no use of dragging his/her finger around the screen15:04
kellnolaand that sort of thing is the traditional use of unix desktops15:05
aBs0lut30but but!!!! tablets are the wave of the future! havent you heard, we all need touchscreens!!!! RIGHT NOW!15:06
kellnolalawyers love them :)15:06
aBs0lut30ohh I bet they do, now for doctors and nurses I can see where it could be VERY useful...15:06
kellnolawe are trying to come up with a radius solution for ipads with our linux servers15:06
kellnolaand the ipad wireless crap15:07
aBs0lut30ehh, well have fun with that...15:07
kellnolaoh my I WILL :)15:08
aBs0lut30well, I get to recompile my kernel AGAIN! happy happy joy joy15:10
kellnolasuch nostalgia. I haven't done a kernel by hand in many years15:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #779058 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77905815:11
aBs0lut30well I really get pissed every time I have to, but I am trying to get SCST and DRBD working on a box, and the damn out of the box kernel is throwing all sorts of DRBD errors so am having to do it the hard way :(15:13
aBs0lut30anyway, time for a smoke, biab15:13
aBs0lut30good lord, building a kernel takes WAY to long these days...15:25
aBs0lut30too many built in drivers!15:25
cloakableStrip out the unneeded ones then :P15:26
aBs0lut30I would, but I dont think i would live long enough to go through that whole list ;)15:27
AdamDVI'm looking to recieve/send mail for one user, whats the easiest way to do it? I was going to have the user be a system account (he has a shell anyway) and have the server run a dovecot+postfix instance.15:42
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
zertyui got very basic question16:12
zertyui got a group called devs and one user called James16:12
zertyuhow to place user James to group devs ?16:13
miceikenIs anyone else having problems with installing mysql-server?16:24
zertyuoracle too16:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #779090 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77909016:27
miceikenzertyu: did you solve it some how?16:39
zertyusolve what ?16:40
miceikenzertyu: mysql install problems16:42
aBs0lut30FINALLY!!!!!! scst and drbd playing nice together16:58
andygraybealdrbd is clustering?17:00
aBs0lut30well, block replication(generally used in a cluster...)17:00
andygraybealaah okay, that's what i'm thinking i guess.. i didn't know that17:00
andygraybealit all sounds so scary to me17:01
andygraybeal :)17:01
aBs0lut30lol, well until your REALLY used to it and experienced with it, it is... 2x more so when your playing with real live production data17:01
aBs0lut30without a current backup...17:01
aBs0lut30but its really cool, and VERY useful17:02
aBs0lut30nothing like to live up to date copies of your data17:02
andygraybealare you using it to cluster?17:02
aBs0lut30i am... its running a SMB share for user data and iSCSI targets for vmware backend storage17:03
aBs0lut30actually in the process of rebuilding it now to get off of the old Openfiler and IETD builds...17:03
andygraybealah you used openfiler  (i don't know what IETD is)17:04
aBs0lut30well I am using openfiler for the next day or so, until I get the new cluster up and pull everything off of it... IETD is the iSCSI target17:04
aBs0lut30yup, its a pain to setup, but once its up and running, worth its weight in gold17:05
andygraybealmaybe one day, i'll get there :)17:07
andygraybealthere is a lot of talk about clustering with the LTSP (linux terminal server project) and i would like to get to that point17:07
aBs0lut30humm... never messed with that any...17:08
andygraybealit's a cheap way to run clients w/o a lot of overhead or $$17:08
andygraybeali guess terminal servers go hand-in-hand with clusters17:09
aBs0lut30whats the client interface? VM, VNC, RDP???17:09
andygraybealit's x forwarding i believe17:09
andygraybealthe guys in #ltsp know way more than i do17:09
andygraybealit's all automatic17:10
andygraybeali don't even have to think about it17:10
andygraybealpxe boots like a 10MB image.. then x forwarding takes over17:10
aBs0lut30wow, not bad...17:11
andygraybealit might nt be x forwarding, but something like this17:11
andygraybealyea, the guys that really know their stuff,.. they do what you did with drbd17:11
aBs0lut30wonder how good the screen refresh is... could make a cool backend for like some in-wall home automation and control stuff...17:11
andygraybealthat's the only reason i remotely knew what it was (not exactly obviously)17:11
andygraybealyea, yuo can run things as fat clients and thin clients.. so like if you had video.. you'd prolly want the video to run on a fat client; if you were just web browsing or something basic like word processing.. thin client is fine.17:12
andygraybeali don't really know the details.17:12
aBs0lut30very cool, I will have to check that out, cause I was just thinking about trying to come up with something like that to push automation/media house wide :)17:13
andygraybeali'm on all thin clients right now and it takes to many resources from the server.  i bought all my clients reallycheap at an auction and they have atleast 1gb memory in 'em.  so i'm switching them over to fat clients asap17:13
andygraybealyea, the guysin #ltsp are awesome to .. so damn patient17:14
andygraybealgood for people like me that have no clue17:14
aBs0lut30well thats good, not something you tend to find on irc...17:17
andygraybealirc keeps getting better  :)  i've been on it for abuot 15+ years now17:18
JasonnIs it worth it to pay $6/mo more and get 16GB ram instead of 12 ??18:17
ScottKDepends on what you're doing.18:17
ScottKIf the extra RAM will help in your use case, it sounds cheap.18:18
JasonnIts for a server18:19
Jasonnnot for my desktop18:19
JasonnScottK: Will it improve the quality of the performance if I dont use that much?18:20
ScottKNo.  If you aren't using all the ram, then more just sits there and doesn't help.18:21
ScottKSo you need to know your use case.18:21
andygraybeali bet yuo end up using it :)18:43
aBs0lut30for 6 bux, HELL yes its worth it... no such thing as too much ram18:43
webisticI need help with ftp from server to server using the terminal18:45
aBs0lut30such as...18:47
andygraybealwebistic,  if you can help it, scp is a better choice18:49
andygraybealbut if yuo can't ftp works,but is insecure18:49
cloakableOr sftp18:53
aBs0lut30and a partridge in a pear tree.....18:54
andygraybealomg shuttup18:54
andygraybeali hate that song18:54
webisticcant really help it, sorry :) though i'm all about ssh when ever I can19:03
webisticso what to i type to make the magic happen? something like.. cp my_site/ ftp://login:pass:server2.com/sites/ ?19:05
aBs0lut30got ftp on server1?19:06
aBs0lut30might want to try a FXP client... lets you run server to server ftp's from a client... probably be a bit easier... IMHO19:10
webisticI got another tip about ncftp, same thing though, right?19:12
aBs0lut30not sure...19:12
webisticthanks :)19:13
webisticcould not find  FXP client in repo19:13
aBs0lut30well, there are several that support it... cant remember the name though... I know for windows its WinFXP... but think the linux ones are named funny...19:14
cloakablewebistic: apt-cache search fxp19:16
Jeffsihey guys, i am unable to boot to cd while the hard drive is connected so i cant get anything installed, any ideas why this may be happening?19:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #779157 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77915719:42
andygraybealJeffsi, is it IDE (PATA) or SATA ?   -- if it's ide, did you have a look at the jumpers... master / slave / single?19:43
andygraybealalso make sure they are enabled in the bios19:43
cloakablecable select19:43
miceikenIs anyone else having problems with installing mysql-server?19:44
andygraybealalso what cloakable said... i forgot that one...19:45
julian_cWhich version of mysql-server?19:45
Jeffsiandygraybeal: they are ide and in the bios i only see 1 at a time never both, i also looked at the jumpers but i may have set them wrong19:46
cloakablecable select is rarely a good idea >.>19:46
andygraybealJeffsi, take a closer look at the jumpers, hopefully the drive and the cdrom have some type of documentation19:46
Jeffsithey are on 2 diferent ide cables and both set as master19:47
miceikenjulian_c: mysql-server-5.1 with apt-get19:47
andygraybealset them to single if you can; also make sure both ide's are enabled in your bios.19:47
andygraybealor put them on the same ide .. set as master and slave... try all the configurations yuo can :)19:48
andygraybealare you sure they both work?19:48
Jeffsiyup, they both work great on other computers and if only 1 is connected19:48
andygraybealis it clear how to set them as master and slave.. and then put them on the same ide ?19:49
andygraybealnot that this is the best solution, but it is one way to do it19:49
andygraybealand if you haven't tried it yet, it's worth a shot19:49
andygraybealmaybe one of the ide's on your board is shot?  or the cable?19:50
julian_cmiceiken: I can't say that I've had difficulty installing mysql-server. Which release of Ubuntu, and what specific problems are you having?19:50
miceikenjulian_c: 11.04, and it's just stuck at "Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ...", I don't know what the underlying cause is. I thought that if I removed all traces of it completly and reinstalled it would work, but I don't know.19:51
Jeffsiill try to put them both on 1 ide but i am keeping them on the same ide cables and slots and alone they work great but together its a no go19:52
julian_cDid you purge the package (and, if possible/feasible, its dependencies), or simply remove?19:52
Jeffsiandygraybeal: should i set the cd drive as master or HDD?19:53
miceikenjulian_c: remove, but sometimes it says it's not install19:53
miceikenIs this what you want me to do? "sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-server"19:54
julian_c'apt-get purge <packages>'19:55
julian_cHopefully, that will effectively clean up your previous installation of the package (including configuration files).19:55
miceikengonna try to install it now19:56
miceikennope, stuck again19:56
miceikenis there anything I can do to diagnose it?19:56
Jeffsiandygraybeal: do you think its really worth trying because the ide cable is too small and im using a cd drive in another computer and want to avoid taking it out if possible19:56
miceikenAn error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MySQL server.19:57
miceikenthats while installing19:57
miceikenpress enter, and it's in a deadlock19:57
andygraybealhaha Jeffsi, don't be lazy and ask questions in irc at the same time :P  in all honesty.. i don't care.19:57
miceikenjulian_c: http://pastebin.com/0r4CTPu819:57
andygraybealJeffsi, get your screw driver out, and fix the computer  :)19:58
Jeffsilol alright, ill pull it out then19:58
miceikenI think it's waiting for 9779 - start mysql to finish19:58
andygraybealhow can you eff with the jumpers while the damn thing is still in the case.. you must have a nice case19:58
julian_cLooks like it...19:59
julian_cSomehow, apt-get is running twice.19:59
miceikenjulian_c: because i'm not root and I did sudo?20:00
miceikenwant me to kill one of them?20:00
Jeffsithe case sucks, lol its not easy, i almost went to grab a small mirror its so hard to see and get back there20:00
andygraybealpull it outta there, you'll thank me :)20:01
julian_cRecommendation -- kill all of the running processes related to starting and installing mysql; then, purge the mysql-server package.20:01
Jeffsiomg soo much dust in here20:01
Jeffsialright so hdd=master and cd= slave, correct?20:03
miceikenmiceiken@celeste:~$ sudo apt-get purge mysql-*20:04
miceikenE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:04
miceikenjulian_c: if i try to do that it just tries to set up mysql-server again20:04
andygraybealJeffsi, yea20:05
julian_cHad mysql been installed before you started getting errors?20:05
miceikenjulian_c: yes installed but not working20:05
miceikenit was first installed through the boot cd as lamp-server20:05
andygraybealbinaryhat, is your hat on or off?  i can't tell ;P20:06
Jeffsiomg, andygraybeal, i think its working!20:07
andygraybealawesome; i hope.20:08
julian_cmiceiken: What about trying to remove </var/lib/mysql> (or moving it elsewhere temporarily, and then running 'dpkg --configure -a'?20:13
miceikenI managed to fix it now julian_c, I killed the process "start mysql" and it said it jsut failed to install it then I ran purge20:14
julian_cAh. Good.20:14
miceikennow I just apt-get install again?20:14
Jeffsiandygraybeal: if i wanted to do backups/a print server, would you recomend dsl or ubuntu server, its a really old box btw20:16
andygraybealdamn small linux? .. umm i don't know;  i say use ubuntu it's easy and apt-get works :)20:17
miceikenjulian_c: now I still get that error: An error occurred while setting the password for the MySQL administrative user. This may have happened because the account already has a password, or because of a communication problem with the MySQL server.20:18
miceikenhttp://pastebin.com/cGHFbLEx -- there I was prompted that it could not set password, after that it's just stuck20:19
Jeffsiandygraybeal: i dont really know the commands though and thats my drawback20:21
julian_cAny chance that /tmp isn't set +t (permissions)?20:21
miceikenhow do I check20:21
miceikenwould I be able to install apache etc then? because I am20:22
andygraybealJeffsi, well, ubuntu has great documentation, and a lot of people use it.  i'm bias :)  it's really up to you -- i'm not very smart, and finding answers on google is easy -- i read the server guide over and over.. and obviously this an other channels are very helpful20:22
andygraybealrunning apache and cups is a great way to run a print server;  what do you have in mind for backup software?20:23
julian_cmiceiken: Run 'ls -ld /tmp' and look at the permissions. Should be 1777 (drwxrwxrwt).20:24
miceikenmiceiken@celeste:~$ ls -ld /tmp20:25
miceikendrwxrwxrwt 5 root root 4096 2011-05-07 21:24 /tmp20:25
julian_cOK... so that's not the problem...20:26
andygraybealJeffsi, i don't know - i run bsd for firewall and ubuntu for everything else :)  i do like solaris (openindiana) too20:26
julian_cSeems like something was left over after purging mysql-server.20:26
miceikendpkg: warning: while removing mysql-common, directory '/etc/mysql' not empty so not removed.20:27
Jeffsiandygraybeal: have you used dsl at all?20:28
andygraybeali haven't20:29
Jeffsihmm, well its telling me fattel error, cant open disk drive20:29
julian_cmiceiken: As long as you don't need any of the configuration, it should be safe to remove </etc/mysql> and its contents. Also, </var/lib/mysql> is gone after purging, right?20:30
miceikenlet me check20:30
miceikenmiceiken@celeste:~$ sudo ls /var/lib/mysql/20:30
miceikendebian-5.1.flag ibdata1 ib_logfile0 ib_logfile1 mysql mysql_upgrade_info20:30
miceikenhad to sudo because I got permission denied20:31
miceikenbtw, can I list users somehow20:31
andygraybealJeffsi, don't know what to tell yuo, try another media?20:31
miceikensudo users :P20:31
andygraybealJeffsi, burn another cd.. just to do it?20:31
Jeffsii dont think that will help because i already have it loaded up as a live cd20:32
julian_cAll members of the 'admin' group can use sudo to get root privileges.20:32
miceikenwell julian_c, now what?20:33
miceikenit's not empty as you can see20:33
julian_cI'd move </var/lib/mysql> out of the way, and then try installing mysql-server again. The installation script will create the necessary directory, and populate the database.20:34
miceikencan I just delete it?20:35
miceikenstill not20:37
miceikenjulian_c: now it works :D20:38
julian_cAnd it's all running properly?20:39
miceikenseems like it20:39
julian_cInstalling Apache should be much easier...20:42
miceikenjulian_c: yeah it's all good now20:42
andygraybealjeffsi; verify that the iso you used to burn is correct... then verify the actual cd?20:49
Jeffsiandygraybeal: alright, 1 moment20:49
AdamDVI just setup a mail server stack w/ postfix and dovecot via the dovecot-postfix package in the ubuntu repos. Trying to connect to my account w/ my iPhone, I'm getting an error about the server not supporting SSL. Logs show nothing abnormal. Any ideas?20:51
cloakableAdamDV: set up SSL :P20:53
AdamDVdoesn't the package already set it up?20:53
AdamDVhow do i go about setting it up20:54
cloakableAdamDV: http://www.linuxmail.info/postfix-dovecot-ssl/20:55
cloakableAbout 1 seconds worth of goggling :P20:55
AdamDVcan I use dovecots certs for postfix?20:56
AdamDV(aka the pem files that would be generated by a `openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem -keyout /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pemĀ `)20:56
cloakableThink so20:57
AdamDVThank you :)20:58
Jeffsiandygraybeal: it seems fine20:58
AdamDVcloakable: still not working D:21:03
axisyscan I have a PV a mirror of two disks ? if not can I have VG a mirror of two PVs then ?21:05
axisysif none of them possible I guess I will create a software raid1 of the two disks and use LVM on top21:06
JasonnWhat are things I could do with a Ubuntu server?21:10
JasonnLike what programs can I install21:10
Jasonnsomething that is REALLY cool21:11
axisysJasonn: LAMP21:12
Jasonnwhat does that do, axisys21:12
axisysJasonn: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+server+lamp21:13
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:13
JasonnHow much would I be looking at for a dedi server?21:15
axisysJasonn: please explain "How much"21:15
JasonnHow much money would I be looking to pay for...21:16
axisysJasonn: hmm.. pay to whom?21:16
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
axisysJasonn: it is all opensource and free21:16
axisysJasonn: welcome to ubuntu :-)21:16
JasonnNo, I mean to rent a dedi server21:16
axisysJasonn: don't know.. if you want to rent.. you could start with amazon cloud ..21:17
JasonnWhat is "The Cloud?21:17
axisysJasonn: they may have lamp pkg .. i do not know21:18
Jasonnthanks :)21:18
axisys!cloud > Jasonn21:18
ubottuJasonn, please see my private message21:18
jmarsdenJasonn: For a dedicated real physical server, you would pay anywhere from about $100/month to... well, several times that :)21:21
jmarsdenBut if you are new, try a virtual private server which can be much cheaper, for example at http://www.linode.com21:21
JasonnI have a VPS, and linode is definitely not one of the best hosts ;)21:22
miceikenEverytime I upload something into public_html folder, I need to chmod it for it not to get forbidden, how do I prevent that?21:23
jmarsdenmiceiken: How are you uploading?  Are the permissions on the files 644 before the upload?21:23
miceikenjmarsden: from ftp21:23
miceikenidk what they are21:23
miceikenI just want everything to be visibl21:24
jmarsdenSo, one way to prevent this is to set the permissions before you upload things :)21:24
miceikenI tried chmod -R or+x public_htm21:24
axisysmiceiken: chmod -R o+rx public_html21:27
jmarsdenaxisys: Making all files executable?  Why would you want .html files to be executable?21:27
axisysjmarsden: just fixing his typo.. lol21:28
axisysjmarsden: you don't want that21:28
miceikenaxisys: thats what I did21:28
jmarsdenI think    chmod -R a+r ~/public_html     # is more likely to be useful here21:28
miceikenbut whenever I upload something new21:28
axisysmiceiken: ^21:29
jmarsdenmiceiken: So chmod a+r somethingnew   # and then upload it...21:29
miceikenjmarsden: still the same issue21:33
miceikenhttp://miceiken.net/~miceiken/ircTest.png - I just uploaded that21:33
miceikendidnt work21:33
jmarsdenmiceiken: Can you use scp -p somethingnew you@yourserver.example.com:public_html/     # instead of using FTP?21:34
jmarsdenscp -p retains permissions, FTP... doesn't always do so.21:34
miceikenjmarsden: idk, but I had it working before, on my old setup21:34
jmarsdenThen look at the old setup and see what is different there.  or look at your notes from when you set it up :)21:35
miceikenI have neither21:35
jmarsdenLesson to learn: make notes on what you do to your servers, so you can refer to them later as needed :)21:35
axisysmiceiken: your ftp server is proftp?21:36
miceikenI used proftp before21:36
miceikenmaybe thats why21:36
axisysmiceiken: in proftp you need this21:37
axisysUmask                           022  02221:37
axisyslooks for something similar in your ftp server setting21:37
JasonnHow do I install CPAN modules?21:48
JasonnCan I do that from the repos??21:48
RoyKperl -e shell -MCPAN21:49
RoyKor -m21:49
JasonnI am trying to install that one21:50
JasonnI just run that one command and they are all installed??21:50
JasonnRoyK: !21:51
Jasonn^^ ***21:51
uvirtbotJasonn: Error: "^" is not a valid command.21:51
axisysJasonn: so you think you have DBD::SQLite  missing ?21:53
JasonnAnd a few more21:54
axisysJasonn: what makes you think that?21:54
JasonnI am installing a program and it tells me that they are missing21:54
axisysJasonn: gotcha.. apt-cache search dbd | grep sqlite is one way to install besides what RoyK suggested21:55
JasonnAnd that installs all of the CPAN modules?21:55
axisysapt-cache search dbd | grep sqlite should match a lib pkg21:55
DefghanistanHello, I am trying to write a script that will do a mysqpdump that pipes to gzip. After the mysql dump has been gzipped I would like it to be scp'd over to a remote server. I have this much but dont know how to add in the scp part. Any help? mysqldump ---user admin --password=password mydatabase | gzip > /usr/local/mydatabase.gz21:55
axisysJasonn: like this libdbd-sqlite21:56
axisysor even cpan DBD::SQLite another way21:56
Jasonnaxisys: I just type: cpan DBD... into the terminal?21:56
axisysJasonn: yes21:56
JasonnOk :D21:56
axisysDefghanistan: scp file remotehost:21:57
axisys!scp > Defghanistan21:58
ubottuDefghanistan, please see my private message21:58
axisysJasonn: sudo cpan DBD::SQLite, if you running as non-root21:59
JasonnWarning (usually harmless): 'YAML' not installed, will not store persistent state21:59
Jasonnaxisys: ^22:00
axisysJasonn: you could try apt-get install libdbd-sqlite .. might be easier22:00
axisysJasonn: that is ok as well.22:00
JasonnThing is, I also need like 4 more modules22:00
axisysJasonn: sudo cpan YAML22:00
JasonnOk :D22:00
axisysboth cpan and apt-get should install the dependent pkgs as well ..22:01
axisysJasonn: you could ask #cpan for more help22:01
Jasonnalos, what is cpan ??22:01
axisysJasonn: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=cpan22:02
axisysJasonn: you suck at google :-)22:02
Jasonn!google | axisys22:02
ubottuaxisys: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:02
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
axisysJasonn: you are getting free help here.. we all are busy .. this help is voluntary .. lets not abuse that ;-)22:03
Jasonn!ot | axisys22:04
ubottuaxisys: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:04
Jasonnaxisys: What are the advantages of a dedi box, and how fast do you think I could use up 12GB of ramm?22:04
axisysJasonn: now that is for #ubuntu-offtopic ;-) ..22:05
JasonnBut really, what are the advantages of a dedi box?22:06
sorenAs opposed to what?22:06
sorenAccess to virtualisation.22:07
sorenThat pretty much sums it up.22:07
andygraybeali pay $50/mo for a KVM box22:15
andygraybeali make an image locally, upload it and boot it22:15
andygraybealthen i can expand the resources as i need22:16
JasonnHow do I make an sqlite database file22:23
jmarsdenJasonn: man sqlite    # and read the example there22:28
DefghanistanAnother question regarding mysql scripting: if I do a mysqldump that pipes to mysql on a remote server, can I use --all-databases and will it then create and populate those databases on the remote server?22:35
sorenandygraybeal: You can get real hardware for less than that.22:38
DAVdaBRAVHow can I shutdown Ubuntu safely without logging in?22:43
DAVdaBRAVPerferably with the power button on the front of the case?22:44
sorenDAVdaBRAV: Make sure acpid is installed. That should do the trick.22:50
DAVdaBRAVah. Is there any trick to using it? or just apt-get and it should work from startup?22:50
sorenDAVdaBRAV: Just install it.22:54
sorenDAVdaBRAV: Should "Just Work[tm]"22:54
Macerdoes bonding multiply speed?23:13
Maceror is  it just for network redundancy?23:13
qman__Macer, not of itself23:13
qman__it theoretically can sustain twice as much throughput23:13
qman__but chances are you have both plugged into the same switch23:13
qman__so said switch needs to be a good one to handle four saturated links (both bonded to both separate endpoints)23:14
Macerwouldnt that only be a problem if the switch was handling a certain layer?23:15
Maceri figured other than that all  it does is provide the physical link23:15
qman__that's not how a switch works23:15
qman__think of a switch like a computer with a whole bunch of network cards23:15
Macerah i see.23:16
qman__a hub is simple physical connection23:16
Macerso it has to process all the pkts going through it?23:16
qman__and a hub is one huge shared link23:16
qman__and direct them to the correct ports23:16
qman__so consumer grade switches are not going to see any real gain with bonding23:16
qman__but midgrade to high end stuff will23:17
Macerhm. well. i am guessing my run of the mill 24 port netgear gbit switch will not work?23:17
qman__$200-ish? probably a little, but not a full dual gigabit link23:17
qman__if you're using all 24, you won't see a big improvement23:18
Macerwell.. it was $200ish back when it was new23:18
qman__if you're only using ~8 or less ports, you will probably see a decent improvement23:18
Macerin like 2006 :)23:18
Maceri see23:18
Macerthanks.  i will look into it. i was just curious23:18
qman__you can always try it and run some tests23:19
qman__who knows, maybe they did make it fast enough to handle that23:19
qman__but cheap stuff generally isn't23:19
qman__but yeah, bonding is intended to double/triple/etc bandwidth23:20
qman__there's just more factors you have to consider23:20
Macerthat is my switch right there23:21
qman__looks like it is up to the task23:22
qman__key part: Switching bandwidth: 48 gigabit per sec23:22
qman__if it can actually do that, it's good23:22
Maceryeah. that is quite a bit of speed considering it has 24 1gbit ports23:23
Macerthat doesnt seem to add up23:23
qman__I have one that's very similar, haven't tried bonding with it though23:23
qman__well, that's in ideal conditions23:23
Maceryou would  think its throughput would be 24gbit23:23
qman__especially when you mix port rates, it tends to slow things down a lot23:23
Macerconsidering  that is the physical limitation23:24
qman__so you need to have more processing power than just the port combined totals23:24
Macerah i see23:24
qman__one that did have 24gbit would be underpowered for bonding23:24
qman__if you used all ports, at least23:24
Macerwell..i will slap a couple nics int some stuff and see what it can do23:24
Macersee if i can max out the sata bus heh23:25
Macerthanks for the info23:25

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