
head_victimIs there something special required for the chromium translation? It wont allow myself an dother en_AU translation team members to translate the en_AU components09:19
yurchorhead_victim: Your team should be in launchpad-translators list to translate Chromium: https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/launchpad-translators/15:10
yurchorMore on this can be found here: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/LaunchpadTranslators15:11
head_victimyurchor: thanks looking into it now, looking like a ubuntu/launchpad thing I guess15:11
head_victimSometimes they blur a little too much15:11
yurchorhead_victim: You should file a question, but do not expect the fast reply. Some people alredy wait for 3 weeks.15:12
head_victimyurchor: no problems, I live on the other side of the world to everyone in Europe AND the US, I'm used to waiting ;)15:13
head_victimyurchor: thanks for the info though will look into it.15:14
mdkeis there a timetable for langpack update releases for maverick?22:16
mdkei see a spec about it, but can't find an actual timetable22:16
mdkeAJenbo: any idea if there is a timetable for future langpack updates in maverick?22:29
AJenbomdke, yeah i belive there is22:31
mdkeAJenbo: any idea where?22:34
AJenboSo two more it seams22:40
AJenboAnd afaik deadline is June 9. 22:00 UTS22:42
AJenbothat's excatly one month from now22:42
AJenboAnd the next deadline is August 2. 22:00 UTS22:43
AJenbomdke, planning anything special?22:43
mdkeAJenbo: an ubuntu-docs update22:48
mdkeAJenbo: thanks for the link, that's great22:48
AJenbothis one is also helpfull for teslling when the actuall deadlines are.22:49
AJenbomdke, cool, i finished the docs for 10.04 and 10.10, but still need to finish some stuff for the natty docs :/22:50
AJenboAnd there is a complatly new set of docs comming down the pipe, always not's of stuff do do in the translations departments i guess :)22:51
mdkeAJenbo: plenty of work to do for natty in gnome-user-docs yeah22:51
mdkebut worth it!22:51
AJenbosure, also i think it will be a lot cleaner once we get to 11.10, 11.04 was a realy messy release when it comes to docs.22:52
mdkeyes, 11.10 will be a lot better22:53
AJenboI think that there is a really goog chance that the danish team will hit 100% then, we worked out asses of this time but only hit 99% :)22:54
AJenboincase you don't already know the site22:55
AJenbowhat team do you work on?22:57
AJenbomdke, oh your part of the docs team?23:01
mdkeAJenbo: yes23:05
AJenbomdke, arh sorry Matthew didn't recognice you from your nick :)23:10
mdkeno problem :)23:13

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