
TheOpenSourcererIt runs Ubuntu apprently00:00
ali1234i want to know how you plug in a keyboard when it clearly has a type-A plug00:01
ali1234even so00:02
ali1234arm, usb, hdmi00:02
ali1234sounds like what i've been looking for for quite some time00:02
ali1234i wonder how much proprietary drivers you need to get the HDMI to work00:03
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: apparently it runs ubuntu 9.04 with iceweasle00:06
AlanBellwhich is a bit odd00:06
HazRPGinteresting ...00:07
damianali1234: the white rectangles, thats what I have!00:07
damianalso perfect on youtube, but bad everywhere else.  Also youtube uploads are alot slower on ubuntu than on windows with the same video file00:08
ali1234i think it might be happening when a page has more than one flash element in it00:10
ali1234damian: what graphics card do you have and are you using 11.04?00:11
TheOpenSourcererGosh. There's wet stuff falling from the sky. WTF is that?00:11
damian11.04 and nvidia geforce 21000:11
ali1234bug 74395100:12
lubotu3Launchpad bug 743951 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "part of (flash or moving gif) windows will see on white in other windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74395100:12
ali1234sounds like our bug00:12
damianseems to work better in Chrome although Chrome has the space bar issue00:14
ali1234bug 755698 also00:15
lubotu3Launchpad bug 755698 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "I'm having graphical problems using the flash plugin in natty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75569800:15
ali1234chrome has it's own different built in flash plugin00:15
ali1234bug 76107400:15
lubotu3Launchpad bug 761074 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flashplugin-nonfree draws white rectangles" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76107400:15
ali1234that one has a video00:16
ali1234identical to what i see00:16
damianYes, thats what I get also00:17
ali1234bug 77683900:18
lubotu3Launchpad bug 776839 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "Flash Player with rendering problems on Firefox 4 in Ubuntu 64 bits" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77683900:18
ali1234gee, someone should start marking duplicates :)00:18
damian755698 seems to indicate its adobe's problem00:19
ali1234it probably is00:19
damianwell we shall sit tight and await a update soon :)00:20
damianI'm off to bed.  Night all ! and thanks ali1234  feels better not to be the only one!00:20
HazRPGI'm tempted to fork QtSixA and see if I can fix it...01:03
HazRPGbranch* even01:07
shaunowhat you doing?01:08
HazRPGshauno: sixad doesn't function as a proper daemon01:11
HazRPGbah, can't be bothered with this tonight... might try and do some pixel art instead04:08
HazRPGactually... my sister made a good point earlier, wonder how hard it would be to use my scanner over the network (its an all-in-one printer)04:09
shaunough.  this is no sane time to wake up04:41
HazRPGshauno: ^_^04:48
HazRPGshauno: dude, you messed with "sane" as a package before?04:48
HazRPGfor some reason same seems to want to install gimp :S04:48
shaunonope.  I'm not compatible with paper :)05:00
shaunoit looks like it doesn't want gimp, just libgimp?05:02
HazRPGnope, it wants the whole thing it seems T_T05:04
HazRPGodd thing however, is that it scans file without installing by issuing the command: "sudo scanimage >/home/user/image.pnm"05:05
HazRPGfine* not file xD05:06
HazRPGshauno: have a look, I just cp'd it to my tmp folder http://www.hazrpg.co.uk/tmp/image.pnm05:06
HazRPGalso, its not printing in colour, its just black and white for some reason :S05:06
shaunoI don't see a lot on that scan; intentional?05:07
HazRPGalthough I find it odd that a scanner would work on -server without having to do anything :S05:07
shaunowhy wouldn't server want scanners?05:07
HazRPGshauno: it's a colour swatch lol, you'll noticed it has dotted lines between where the colours are meant to be05:07
HazRPGI don't know, just seems odd for a server really05:08
HazRPG(well except home servers)05:08
shaunoseems like a sensible addition to print servers :)05:09
HazRPGI guess05:09
HazRPGnow to just work out how to get this shared properly ...05:09
shauno(less common now that printers are adding themselves onto the network, but printer servers have been a staple of so/ho for a long time)05:10
shaunoours is disgusting at work.  it deposits the scans into a lotus db.  I prefer to pretend lotus doesn't exist :/05:11
HazRPGholy cow people still use lotus o.O05:12
HazRPG(last time I used lotus was back in win 3.1 days)05:13
shaunoyarp :(05:13
shaunolotus notes seems pretty entrenched.  the rest of smartsuite pretty much died tho05:14
HazRPGheh typical05:15
HazRPGshauno: bah, this is a bit much isn't it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604315/05:19
HazRPGshauno: see what I mean :S05:20
HazRPGalso, seems I need it even though I can scan if I want to set this up as a scan server05:21
shaunoI'd look to see if sane-utils has what you need05:21
shauno"This package includes the command line frontend scanimage, the saned server and the sane-find-scanner utility, along with their documentation."05:21
shaunoI'd assume you just want saned & libsane, rather than the frontends package05:22
HazRPGbah, going to reboot and see what happens05:25
HazRPGwell yeah exactly :)05:25
HazRPGmight try that after it boots back up05:25
shaunoor cheat and use tasksel to just pick the print-server task05:26
shauno(tasksel --test install print-server, and again without --test if it looks sensible)05:26
shaunoanyhow, gotta head to work.  stay sane inside insanity :)05:28
HazRPGbah, well reading this was useless: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo05:31
shaunoFeels wrong being this light out. Usually light=late05:32
HazRPGheh know the feeling :P05:45
HazRPGshauno: apparently sane-utils is already installed it seems05:46
HazRPGhowever I don't have a "scanner" group though, which I find odd05:46
shaunoSo figure out how saned works :)05:46
HazRPGlol this is what I'm trying to do ^_^05:46
HazRPGscanners suck :/06:08
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Oh? I plugged mine in and simple-scan picked it up and worked immediately06:10
HazRPGMartijnVdS: nah on my server :P06:10
HazRPG"sudo scanimage -L" picks up my scanner just fine... and can use said command to scan06:10
HazRPGhowever I can't get saned to do the same :S06:11
HazRPG(user called: saned)06:11
shaunothis sounds like permissions rather than a sane issue?06:15
HazRPGwell it is, but I can't work it out06:20
HazRPGI've tried putting saned into group: lp, saned, scanner (had to create this group)06:21
HazRPGand no joys06:21
shaunohave you figured out what it's using in /dev ?06:21
HazRPGeverything is either root, tty, dialout, disk, cdrom06:24
MartijnVdSHazRPG: check with ACLs06:26
MartijnVdSHazRPG: install the "acl" package, then "getfacl" on the device06:27
MartijnVdS(for example, check /dev/snd/* on your desktop -- they're root:audio but have the current desktop user added by ACL)06:28
MartijnVdS(can of worms, anyone?)06:28
HazRPGhow do I even work out which one of these is my scanner (looks a massive list of /dev)06:29
HazRPGits obv one of the usb ones though - that much I know06:29
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Check with scanimage what the device name is06:30
MartijnVdSHazRPG: mine says: device `plustek:libusb:002:003' is a Canon CanoScan LiDE25 flatbed scanner06:31
MartijnVdSHazRPG: so I check /dev/bus/usb/002/00306:31
MartijnVdSHazRPG: and it's root:root, with me added by ACL06:31
MartijnVdSHazRPG: probably done by consolekit + udev working together06:31
HazRPGI get "root:root" essentially06:32
HazRPGand that's it06:32
shaunogetfacl doesn't show anything else?06:32
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I think you might need a custom udev rule to make it owned by user saned ?06:32
MartijnVdSHazRPG: check /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules for examples, then create your own in /etc/udev/rules.d06:33
MartijnVdS(never edit in /lib or it be overwritten on upgrade)06:33
MartijnVdSHazRPG: that means "there's no ACL here"06:33
HazRPGwell my printer is already in /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules06:35
MartijnVdSHazRPG: it's an integrated printer/scanner combination?06:36
MartijnVdSy u no buy networked device? :)06:36
HazRPGEPSON DX505006:36
HazRPGI no buy this one, mum bought me it as a moving-in present about 2-3 years ago06:36
MartijnVdSHazRPG: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo#Permission issues ?06:37
HazRPGI followed that earlier lol06:37
HazRPGI had to create scanner06:37
MartijnVdSHazRPG: if you su -s /bin/bash -u saned -06:38
HazRPGeven added saned to lp06:38
MartijnVdSHazRPG: does sane-find-scanner work? :)06:38
HazRPGyup that works06:39
MartijnVdSHazRPG: and scanimage -L ?06:40
HazRPGhowever scanimage -L still shows up as being "No scanners were identified..."06:40
MartijnVdSHazRPG: what happens if you scanimage -d <string obtained from scanimage -L as root>06:41
MartijnVdSHazRPG: it should tell you what the problem is06:41
MartijnVdSoh maybe stop saned first (it might be hogging the device)06:41
HazRPGscanimage: open of device epson2:libusb:001:002 failed: Access to resource has been denied06:43
MartijnVdSAt least it's a start :)06:44
MartijnVdSwhat does "id" say?06:44
HazRPGuid=105(saned) gid=113(saned) groups=7(lp),113(saned),116(admin)06:44
HazRPGlike I said, I shoved it into several places to see what would happen06:44
MartijnVdSand ls -l /dev/bus /dev/bus/usb /dev/bus/usb/001 /dev/bus/usb/001/00206:45
HazRPGalthough 116 should say scanner not admin06:45
HazRPGwhich might be the problem06:45
MartijnVdSHazRPG: you manually added that to passwd/group then?06:45
HazRPGhold on06:45
MartijnVdSadduser username groupname \o/06:45
HazRPGyeah, that didn't work cos scanner didn't actually exist and was too lazy to remember the command to create it - so created it manually in /etc/group lol06:46
HazRPGjust changed it to 11706:46
HazRPGhang on06:46
MartijnVdSdon't do that.. use adduser/addgroup06:46
MartijnVdSmaybe --system06:46
HazRPGuid=105(saned) gid=113(saned) groups=7(lp),113(saned),117(scanner)06:46
MartijnVdSok.. now try scanimage -L06:46
HazRPGI did, and nothing :'(06:47
HazRPG(10.04 server btw)06:47
MartijnVdSHazRPG:can you pastebin the ls -l /dev/bus /dev/bus/usb /dev/bus/usb/001 /dev/bus/usb/001/00206:47
MartijnVdSHazRPG: the output of*06:47
MartijnVdS(done as root)06:48
MartijnVdSHazRPG: the device is root:root, not root"scanner06:49
MartijnVdSso your udev rule doesn't work, or it wasn't triggered06:49
MartijnVdS(your printer rule probably works for /dev/lp*?)06:49
HazRPGI don't have a /dev/lp* anything06:50
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Whichever device is your printer :)06:51
HazRPGwell in rules: /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules06:51
HazRPGI have06:51
HazRPGwhich is my scanner06:51
MartijnVdSHazRPG: run "udevadm monitor", then unplug + back in06:52
HazRPGjust did lsusb and checked the codes, and they do match06:52
HazRPGwow that did a lot of things >_<06:53
HazRPGits got a built-in card reader too btw06:54
HazRPG(just looking at the output)06:54
MartijnVdSthat's the scsi bit :)06:54
HazRPGlol yeah I know ^_^06:54
MartijnVdSand you have an "usb/lp0" that's the printer part06:54
shaunouhoh .. found out I'm getting feedback on my job application this morning.  this could be interesting.06:55
HazRPGshauno: good luck06:55
MartijnVdSHazRPG: you need to make sure the udev rule ran06:56
MartijnVdSHazRPG: try finding a udev-rules debug guide :)06:56
MartijnVdSHazRPG: or double-check the device file now -- it might have been confused by the broken "scanner" group you had before06:56
MartijnVdS(device might have changed after unplug -- re-check its location with scanimage -L)06:57
HazRPGnope saned still can't see it06:57
MartijnVdSHazRPG: what if you manually chgrp scanner the device?06:59
HazRPGshould I make my own /etc/udev/rules.d ?06:59
MartijnVdSHazRPG: not yet, first check if this is really the problem07:00
MartijnVdSHazRPG: if you manually chgrp it, and saned works, create the /etc/udev/rules.d/99hazmaster.rules to fix it :)07:00
MartijnVdSHazRPG: also, file a bug about it07:00
HazRPGchgrp what?07:01
MartijnVdSHazRPG: /dev/bus/usb/whatever/it/is/now07:01
HazRPGso: chgrp scanner /dev/bus/usb/001/00307:02
MartijnVdSif that's where it is now, yes07:02
MartijnVdS(as I said, it might have moved when you unplugged and replugged)07:02
HazRPGlol yeah that is what lsusb said07:03
HazRPGbah, okay now saned can see it woo \o/07:03
HazRPGalthough I figured that would work07:04
HazRPGnow to make a rule I guess...07:04
HazRPGdo I literally just put: ATTRS{idVendor}=="04b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="082b", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"07:05
HazRPGand does the file have to start with 9907:05
MartijnVdSno, it does have to start with 2 digits though, and be >3007:06
MartijnVdS(after libsane)07:06
MartijnVdSLots of "udev rules" HOWTOs on the webs07:07
* MartijnVdS off doing some much-needed vacuuming07:07
jibadeehatime for my first coffee of the day me thinks07:08
shaunoafter a week off work, I'm not sure what I should do first.  minecraft or movies :)07:12
MartijnVdSshauno: Minecraft movies?07:12
shaunoeven bettererer.  james bond movies :)07:12
HazRPGMartijnVdS: heh, this is ironic, but does this look sane? (Its a copy of the original, however I've added ", GROUP="scanner" and seems to work (tried unplugging it and plugging it back in)07:17
MartijnVdSHazRPG: good find, file a bug :)07:18
HazRPGI wasn't sure if the start and end parts were needed - all I was sure about was line 6 which starts "ATTRS..."07:18
HazRPGMartijnVdS: ^_^07:19
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Was skimming through the udev docs and just after it mentions stuff about KERNEL etc it said GROUP... and instantly took my interest lol07:19
HazRPGalthough not sure where to file this under07:20
HazRPGgeneral 10.04 bug ?07:20
shaunolooks like it'd be libsane07:20
HazRPG(one thing I hate about filing bugs... never knowing where to put it)07:20
HazRPGshauno: thanks :)07:21
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Also, much thanks for helping fault find :007:21
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Just file a bug on libsane (whichever package /lib/udev/rules.d/40libsane.rules is in)07:21
MartijnVdSHazRPG: that the "setfacl" at the bottom doesn't seem to work07:21
HazRPGMartijnVdS: indeed07:22
AlanBellmorning all07:54
AlanBellhow do I burn a .iso to a CD from the command line?07:54
shaunobelieve wodim is cdrecord's modern equivalent07:58
HazRPGAlanBell: I've got a script somewhere I made to do that07:59
HazRPGAlanBell: but yeah, shauno is right its wodim - I use: wodim dev=/dev/scd0 -v -data cd_image.iso07:59
HazRPGwoot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/77889608:00
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 778896 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "Epson DX-5050 setfacl not working properly for saned" [Undecided,New]08:00
HazRPGI swear I can never do enough on launchpad to keep any karma at all it seems08:02
HazRPGthink I've wrote that bug report alright?08:03
HazRPGthink that's the first proper bug report I've actually had to hunt for08:03
HazRPG(or rather hunt the package for even)08:03
AlanBellthanks HazRPG08:04
HazRPGAlanBell: no problem08:05
MartijnVdSHazRPG: file more bugs :P08:05
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I don't come across bugs very often :P08:05
MartijnVdSHazRPG: just wodim cd_image.iso works if you only have one burner08:05
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I have two ^_^08:06
HazRPGI also use -v cos I like to see what's happening :P08:06
HazRPGthe only reason I use wodim usually though, is for writing several data tracks though08:08
MartijnVdSPonder.. http://www.bol.com/nl/p/elektronica/motorola-xoom-wifi/9005000011298863/index.html08:08
HazRPGMartijnVdS: shiny! Although I think "touchpads" are pointless though lol08:08
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I'll probably change my mind should I ever own one08:09
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I don't know if I want it :)08:09
MartijnVdSit's a lot of money for "maybe"08:09
HazRPGseems part two of my epic adventure isn't coming along as planned08:10
MartijnVdSHazRPG IN SPAAAACE ?08:10
MartijnVdStime to raid a supermarket.08:11
HazRPGdoes /etc/inetd.conf still exist in 10.04.2 :S08:11
MartijnVdSHazRPG: if you have inetd installed08:11
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Most people don't have it though.. just run the daemon :)08:12
HazRPGI just have08:12
MartijnVdSor install xinetd, or micro-inetd08:12
HazRPGooo wait08:12
HazRPGI heard the scanner do something08:12
MartijnVdSrinetd rlinetd08:12
HazRPGwoo \o/08:12
HazRPGwe has scanning capabilities xD;;;08:13
HazRPG*jumps around, while bouncing off the walls!*08:13
MartijnVdS(blue gel?)08:14
HazRPGMartijnVdS: might as well be xD08:14
HazRPGplease say my sis left herself logged in *slides chair over to her PC*08:15
MartijnVdSis there a sane driver for windows?08:15
HazRPGooo yay ;D08:15
HazRPGMartijnVdS: errr... *don't know*08:16
HazRPGMartijnVdS: There's no windows in the household no more, all got scrapped when I finally got ubuntu-server running08:16
HazRPGthe only system actually before I did that, that still had windows was my PC... all the rest had been converted about a year ago08:17
HazRPGgoing to draw a picture to scan, so that I can scan it on my sister's machine and leave it running for when she's next on it to show I finally got the scanner going08:18
AndroUserHello folks08:25
AndroUserTrying to get usb tethering with htc Desire working on 11.04. Connects but no Internet08:26
AndroUserOr any way to install php5-gd with no network? I have network on my phone, downloaded php5 - gd deb but depends on phpapi-20060613+lfs08:27
AndroUserCan't find a deb for that08:28
shaunoMartijnVdS: apparently the windows version is only as a front-end to a unix-hosted server08:30
HazRPGshauno: makes sense really08:30
HazRPGits twain that windows uses iirc08:30
HazRPGor at least it did back when I had a parallel port scanner08:31
shaunoI think it's WIA now08:31
dragonkeeperanyone used gnome 3 yet ?09:06
MartijnVdSdragonkeeper: brobostigon has, but he's not here atm09:10
shaunoI tried it for an evening, but not much more than that; haven't sorted out my wireless drivers yet09:10
dragonkeeperwhen you click on a windows does the  files edit view  menus go to the top taskbar like unity does ?09:11
dragonkeeper:) cool  ill try it then09:11
shaunoI found it interesting, and worth playing with; but! ..09:12
dragonkeeperbut unity wont work again09:12
shaunothere's no sane / supported downgrade path from the PPAs, so make sure you trust your backups09:13
shauno(eg, bring your own Plan B, because they don't have one)09:13
dragonkeeperahh everything is stored on slave drives (incl saved config files and passwords  so backups are not an issue09:14
shaunojust checkin :)09:14
PsychobudgieI'm using gnome 3 and gnome-desktop here09:17
Psychobudgiehave been for 3 weeks now09:18
Psychobudgieprefer it greatly to unity09:18
Psychobudgiethe whole 'unity won't work again' thing, I viewed as a positive09:18
dragonkeeperi prefer no gui to unity lol09:19
popeybrobostigon said thats been fixed09:19
shaunoI won't deny that myself.  I just think if they're going to make potentially one-way changes, it's fair to make them aware of that first09:19
PsychobudgieI agree09:19
Psychobudgiepeople should be aware of the consequences of what they install via ppa09:19
* dutchie wonders how much space he will need for a debian chroot09:20
dragonkeeperwill i need to reboot after or just restart session ?09:20
Psychobudgiealso once you are happy it is all working, you may wish to uninstall unity completely09:23
dragonkeeperyes i would   atm i only use gnome classic09:23
Psychobudgieespecially as it's the only way of effectively removing the unity scrollbars09:23
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: uhrm. no.09:23
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, uhrm. yes.09:24
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: just removing the overlay-scrollbar + related packages worked for me09:24
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: not all of unity09:24
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, didn't here09:25
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, others have had the same problem09:25
dragonkeeperis the unity scroll bars the  orange strips that when highlighted  brings a slide bar up ?09:25
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: without liboverlay-scrollbar it can't draw those new-fangled scrollbars...09:25
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, the only thing that worked was completely removing the unity package09:25
MartijnVdSjust like it can't show global menus without appmenu-gtk09:25
MartijnVdS(remove package -> WIN!)09:25
popeyand appmenu-qt :)09:26
MartijnVdSpopey: yes, and that.09:26
MartijnVdSpopey: I heard mucking about in /etc/X11/Xsession.d works as well09:26
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, I don't know why, but I can assure you that despite removing the scrollbar package in the beta working fine, in the final release it did not work09:26
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: Well, it works for me :)09:27
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, I had to remove the unity package to get it to go09:27
Psychobudgiesplitting hairs anyway09:28
Psychobudgieit's awful no matter how you remove it09:28
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: setting the LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 environment variable (in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ somewhere) should be enough09:29
shaunonuking the site from orbit should be sufficient09:29
MartijnVdSshauno: as always09:29
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, again, that worked in the beta for me, but not with a clean install of the final release09:30
MartijnVdSshauno: that, or the "Alderaan method"09:30
popeywonder how many distros have chosen to go with GNOME Shell09:30
MartijnVdSpopey: Fedora. Aaand.. Fedora.09:30
shaunoI wonder how many distros have simply decided it's too early to chose?09:30
shaunoif I was $random_distro, right now I'd be maintaining the status quo whilst waiting for the dust to settle everywhere else.  then emulate the survivors09:31
popeylook at the size of the top of that gedit window09:31
MartijnVdSshauno: Why emulate if you can innovate? :)09:31
popeythats a massive waste of space09:31
MartijnVdSsame with the nautilus window09:32
popeyyou could fit 6-8 lines of text in that09:32
shaunoMartijnVdS: when innovate means 'emulate osx badly'?  :p09:32
popeythats insane09:32
MartijnVdSpopey: Next thing they'll implement a "Ribbon"-like interface09:32
Psychobudgieit's gnome-desktop on a netbook09:32
MartijnVdSand become even more unusable09:32
popeythat doesnt look like a netbook resolution to me.09:33
MartijnVdS1920x1200x10" 8-)09:33
* popey gets a microscope09:34
Psychobudgiepopey, you are aware that you can actually turn that toolbar off ?09:34
dragonkeeperhmm everytime i sudo apt-get install gnome-shell  it just gives me a window sayinbg system detected a problem    do you want to report the problem now   cancel or report options ...   thought i got away from these error reports when i kicked windows to the curb09:35
Psychobudgiepopey, like most things there's an option for that09:35
shaunoI don't get it.  window chrome + menubar + toolbar + tabbar has been pretty normal in most mdi for a while09:35
MartijnVdSshauno: sure, but the trend is to have less chrome09:35
MartijnVdSand less menubar09:35
MartijnVdSand less toolbar09:36
Psychobudgieshauno, yeah it has, but popey is using dapper09:36
popeyi am?09:36
MartijnVdSDapper.. the first LTS to go out of support09:37
PsychobudgieI miss Dapper09:37
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: get a vm :)09:37
shaunodapper went out of support about 2 weeks after  Ifound my disks for it.  typical.09:38
* popey digs out his warty cd09:38
MartijnVdSshauno: It'll go out of support next month.09:39
MartijnVdSshauno: (server bits)09:39
shaunoI had those, but they didn't make the move back to europe with me09:39
MartijnVdSpopey: ah back when the Live CD and install CD were different :)09:39
MartijnVdSalso, before proper hardware management09:39
PsychobudgieUnity was but a twinkle in satan's eye09:40
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: you're calling sabdfl satan now?09:40
shaunobut they'd already poached jdub & ruined my debian+garnome setup09:40
dragonkeeperi keep getting this error when trying to install  dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-themes standard_3.0.0-2~natty1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/HighContrastInverse/index.theme', which is also in package gnome-accessibility-themes 3.0.0-0ubuntu1~build2 dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe) Errors were encountered while processing: /09:40
dragonkeepervar/cache/apt/archives/gnome-themes-standard_3.0.0-2~natty1_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:40
MartijnVdSooh http://ubuntu.ecchi.ca/wallpapers/09:42
Psychobudgieyou need to remove the gnome-accessibility-themes before installing09:42
shaunoheh, with a special entry for the naked people debacle.  nice :)09:43
Psychobudgieit's on the ppa thread on the forums I seem to remember09:43
Psychobudgiedragonkeeper, do that and it should work hunky dory09:43
AlanBellpopey: did you mention the other day that the .iso downloads now go to somewhere else? a CDN?09:44
MartijnVdSshauno: Hmm naked people :)09:44
AlanBellI think that has broken the zsync downloads09:44
dragonkeeperwell it wont install or uninstall anything   it just keeps asking me to  sudo apt-get -f install  to correct the errors  in with i get the error previously posted09:44
Psychobudgiedragonkeeper, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742343&highlight=gnome+ppa09:45
Psychobudgiedragonkeeper, follow that09:45
Psychobudgiedragonkeeper, Issues with strange themes, go to that bit first then do the install09:46
popeyAlanBell: yeah, the 11.04 isos do09:49
popeyAlanBell: you can see that by wgetting one09:49
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/604363/ AlanBell09:50
dragonkeeperphychobudgie  huh  no  it wont install anything now  it wants to install gnomes-themes-standard  before it will do anything else and that gets errors on install09:50
shaunotried apt-get -f install ?09:50
dragonkeeperyup and i get and error09:51
Psychobudgiedragonkeeper, I had that problem during the beta, trying to recall how I fixed it09:51
MartijnVdSdpkg --configure -a?09:56
Psychobudgiedragonkeeper, the answer is in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1066929509:56
MartijnVdSdpkg --purge offending-package09:56
Psychobudgiedragonkeeper, I just can't remember where09:56
Psychobudgiedragonkeeper, sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-themes-standard_3.0.0-1~~build1_amd64.deb09:56
Psychobudgiepretty sure that's how I got round it09:57
Psychobudgiethanks MartijnVdS for the memory jog09:57
dragonkeeperyup that worked09:58
Psychobudgienow, follow that first link starting with the themes bit, and then the install and you should be fine09:59
AlanBellthanks popey10:00
AlanBellshould the amd64+mac disk be just as good for people who don't have a mac?10:03
shaunoAlanBell: as far as I can tell, they won't notice a difference if their machine doesn't use efi/uefi at all10:04
shaunothe +mac bit comes in if you try to boot with efi, but do so in ways that don't quite match up with the uefi spec10:06
popeyAlanBell: no10:06
AlanBellwith bittorrent can you start with nearly the right file and get the rest like you can with zsync?10:08
dutchiei believe so10:08
dutchiewell bittorrent does chunking anyway, no?10:08
popeysurely it's going to re-get the whole thing10:09
gorddepends how much of a change it is10:09
AlanBellit seems to be re-getting the whole thing10:09
popeygiven no two iso images are going to be much the same10:09
AlanBellwell amd64+mac is 99.3% similar to amd6410:09
gordif something is added to the start and pushed further down, then that screws up all the blocks so you'll get almost everything10:09
AlanBellaccording to zsync10:09
popeyAlanBell: measured how?10:09
AlanBellbut zsync then fails10:09
AlanBellzsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync10:10
AlanBelltry that10:10
dragonkeeperok this looks messed up now o.O10:11
popeyyeah, fails here too AlanBell10:11
AlanBellreads the zsync then fails to start the download?10:12
AlanBellI *think* it is because of the CDN redirect10:12
dragonkeeperthis has the unity feel ;/10:15
popeyAlanBell: debian bug 44415910:17
lubotu3Debian bug 444159 in zsync "zsync does not handle HTTP redirects" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/44415910:17
popeybug 66130810:17
lubotu3Launchpad bug 661308 in zsync (Ubuntu) "zsync fails with "aborted" when target file is redirected" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66130810:17
dragonkeeperok how do i uninstall unity completely ?10:17
popeyAlanBell: fixed in zsync 0.6.2?10:18
popeyi have 0.6.1 on my server10:18
popeyand 0.6.1 in natty10:18
AlanBellI found the bytemark mirror10:20
AlanBellnot broken there10:21
AlanBellso I am sorted, where do I report the problem?10:21
popeywell, mirrors wont be doing 30210:21
popeythere is already a bug for it bug 66130810:21
lubotu3Launchpad bug 661308 in zsync (Ubuntu) "zsync fails with "aborted" when target file is redirected" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66130810:21
popeyrequest an SRU for it?10:22
AlanBellfair enough, but how do I report that releases.ubuntu.com would be well advised not to do a 302?10:23
popeyi disagree with that10:23
AlanBellor change the zsync files10:23
AlanBellthe zsync files have a relative URL in them10:23
popeyits a bug in zsync not the website10:23
AlanBellthat could pont to a non-302 file10:23
popeyheh, nice10:23
popeyit could but then you're not going to be using the cdn10:24
AlanBellit is a bug in zsync, true enough10:24
popeyand thus place more strain on the canonical servers10:24
AlanBelldoesn't matter for zsync10:24
popey(I realise almost nobody uses zsync)10:24
* AlanBell is indeed little more than a rounding error10:24
popeyit will break testdrive though10:25
popeywhich uses zsync10:25
popeyI'd try to get an sru for zsync10:25
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AlanBelloh it is broken in natty too, certainly sru for that then10:28
popeyand lts10:28
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:40
AlanBellok, CD downloaded and burned, reboot time10:41
AlanBellsee you in 64 bits o/10:41
dragonkeeperok i sorted gnome 3 out  just a slight graphical issue now10:43
brobostigondragonkeeper: what is it?10:44
dragonkeeperdots at bottom of my main desktop where the notification bar is    icons dont show up properly in the  menu  and colour dots with black backgrounds behind sum text and buttons10:47
brobostigondragonkeeper: i have seen that phenomina, its when simply the icons for certain things arent available, that explainwhy no icons but textshows up in the notiifications.10:48
dragonkeeperit does it with the activity menu button as well10:49
dragonkeepernow my main screen has just gone black ;/10:49
brobostigondragonkeeper: do you mean where the desktop used to be?10:50
AlanBellBug #77434910:50
lubotu3Launchpad bug 774349 in Ubuntu "Natty 11.04 64bit Live CD won't boot " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77434910:50
dragonkeeperi mean  i have 2 monitors 1st monitors gone all black and i can talk to you on 2nd10:50
dragonkeeperall reboot see if i can get it back10:51
brobostigondragonkeeper: ok, i have never tried gnome-shell with multi-monitors, so, umm, sorry.10:51
AlanBellBug 75413010:54
lubotu3Launchpad bug 754130 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "amd64 debian-installer, natty from 04/05 fails " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75413010:54
AlanBellthat is really annoying10:56
AlanBellso the 32 bit iso works, the amd64 and amd64+mac isos don't work10:59
AlanBell(I thought at first it was because I picked the +mac one)10:59
DragonKeeperhmm now the taskbar at top has all lines through it o.O and the icons replaced by orange boxes11:00
AlanBellnot sure what to do now :(11:00
brobostigonDragonKeeper: there is no taskbar, atthe top.11:01
DragonKeeperwell i have one :S11:02
livingdaylightrunning chrome first time in Unity. There is no menu bar at the top, like with some other apps, such as FF?11:02
shaunochrome doesn't use a menubar.  everything's done from the couple of icons top-right11:02
brobostigonDragonKeeper: do you mean the bar,with the clock, and the logout etc menu, and the activities button?11:02
brobostigonDragonKeeper: yes, you confused me alittle with taskbar, as gnome-shell doesnt have a taskbar to listtasks inthe traditional way.11:03
brobostigonDragonKeeper: can i suggest, k, so you are getting assentially graphical artifacts?11:04
livingdaylightshauno, true... just wondered; had thought I heard that chrome was doing something specific for ubuntu in mind. Must have been something else11:04
livingdaylightis chromium now the ruler of them all?11:05
DragonKeeperwell atm the dots have cleared up and replaced by a gradient black shading   the icons show up as normal  its just the top bar thats having issues  its got green and purple lines with orange boxes where icons supposed to be and the activity button is only just readable through the amount of white dots on the button11:06
livingdaylightsaveonlaptops.co.uk has some great deals11:06
livingdaylightThe lenovo thinkpad edge 11-15 are beautiful, but don't come with a mic jack?11:07
brobostigonDragonKeeper: i am just trying to think, who you could go and chatwith, who will know more.11:07
DragonKeeperlaptops are just portable space heaters11:07
shaunoboy do I love my spaceheater11:08
DragonKeeperlol i prefer my desktop  after like 30 mins with laptop on i could turn it over and fry an egg on the back11:08
AlanBellmaybe an install of 10.10 64 bit then an upgrade to natty :(11:09
livingdaylightsome heat less than others. I nearly bought an HP G62 yesterday until I felt the heat yesterdays at PCCurry's. So, back to the drawing board. Glad though, coz I discovered apart from eBuyer saveonlaptops.co.uk some great deals11:09
brobostigonDragonKeeper: as its graphical errors, i was going to suggest having a chat with the ubuntu xorg  chaps.11:10
livingdaylightLooked at msi cr6200 yesterday - no heat - Acers seems pretty good too for no heat. As much as I love lenovo's they do emit a little, although not as much as some.11:10
DragonKeeperbrobostigon  oki11:10
brobostigonDragonKeeper: and they should be able to point you in a further right direction, and or help you.11:11
livingdaylightDragonKeeper, what have you got? I had a lenovo R60e I could cook with. It got worse with time. I think Ubuntu on it didn't help11:11
shaunomine doesn't tend to warm up too much unless I'm playing games or rendering video (or running natty)11:12
livingdaylightis there much if anyting in it between a dual-core and an entry level i3 processor?11:12
DragonKeeperlivingdaylight i have a old easynote r005  laptop with debian 6  and a custom built desktop with 6 cores with ubuntu 11.0411:12
livingdaylightDragonKeeper, I'll avoid the easynote then ^^11:13
DragonKeeperi cant wait for the htc sensation release11:13
DragonKeeperi want that phone :)11:13
livingdaylightshauno is it because these laptops are not truly designed with Linux in mind? I@m pretty sure Ubuntu ruined my laptop11:14
* DragonKeeper has never had an o/s ruin a computer (installed different o/s's on 100s pcs)11:15
livingdaylightlenovo ideapad U450 for £300 has got to be a good deal - http://www.saveonlaptops.co.uk/Lenovo_IdeaPad_U450_679711.html11:16
livingdaylightjust not sure on the dual-core vs i3 processor question11:16
DragonKeeperi prefer amd. i like to buy a computer with out having to take out a mortgage11:18
livingdaylightDragonKeeper, not directly, but if one os heats a laptop up more than another, presumably it could be attributed to doing so indirectly. The more (constant) heat the sooner the cpu is going to fry or fan as in my case will go.11:18
gordi3 is a better choice htz for htz over a dual core11:19
DragonKeeperif you have good cooling then im sure it wouldnt matter, tho laptops dont really provide that11:19
gordi keep buying passively cooled stuff for my portables, its nice11:20
livingdaylightDragonKeeper, note its specifically laptops i was referring to.11:20
DragonKeeperlol everytime i log out of gnome 3 and log bk in something changes with the graphic problem11:20
AlanBelli3 is dual core hyperthreaded, shows as 4 CPUs in the operating system11:20
gordmost dual cores are hyperthreaded too, will show 4 cpus11:20
livingdaylightAlanBell, that's what I'm wondering - what's the difference then?11:21
DragonKeepergord   4 cores*11:21
gorddual core11:21
DragonKeeperyeah but will show 4 cores not 4 cpus11:21
gordhyperthreading basically pretends to be four cores when you really have 2 (or eight cores if you have four)11:21
livingdaylightcoz there are real deals out there on dual-cores given that i3's, i5's and i7's are now cutting edge.11:22
gord... your software really does not care if they are cores or cpus11:22
AlanBelllivingdaylight: http://votegeek.org.uk/11:23
DragonKeepergord my point was it shows cores not cpus  if im not mistaken 2 cpus is the max for 1 motherboard11:23
livingdaylightapart from gaming is there anything we use now adays that requires all this 'moar' powah than what used to serve us fine back when we used celerons and semprons11:23
AlanBellcore i7 fills the triangle in about 5 seconds11:23
gordDragonKeeper, your software does not care if they are cores or cpus, it does not make any distinction11:23
gordthe kernel reports them as processors11:23
AlanBelllivingdaylight: not now that we rejected AV ;)11:23
DragonKeepergrr gnome 3 crashed11:24
gordlivingdaylight, getting more done in a shorter time, rendering websites and such. its not about sustained raw power, its about snappyness and efficiency11:24
livingdaylightthe rejection of AV proves that one can't leave important decisions to the masses.11:25
AlanBellsometimes a self appointed benevolent dictator for life sounds like a reasonable system of governance11:27
dutchieback to absolute monarchy11:28
AlanBellbut that would be *really* dull to do maths about11:28
AlanBellright, lets see if Maverick 64bit boots and installs . . .11:28
dutchieAlanBell: btw, http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/triangles.png 404s11:28
dutchieit is linked from your 3-way swingometers11:28
AlanBellhmm, ok11:29
dutchiewhich currently do a sterling job of crashing the chrome tab11:29
AlanBellprobably /votegeek/triangles.png11:29
dutchieyeah, that works11:29
gordmark for king?11:29
Gothfunci was using ubuntu studio karmic until recently.  i was using oss, but i'm guessing it wasn't true oss, but emulated?11:36
MartijnVdSGothfunc: most likely, yes11:37
GothfuncMartijnVdS, and i assume that's done with alsa-oss?11:37
MartijnVdSGothfunc: no idea, haven't used oss in a ges11:37
Gothfunchm, ok thanks11:37
Gothfuncupdated to meerkat using just alsa and the dj software i'm using has started to go too slow to use, but no devices are showing up on oss, and alsa-oss is installed11:39
Gothfuncnot started to go slow, it just was instantly11:40
AlanBellfun, boot a maverick live CD and it asks if you want to upgrade it to Natty11:40
AlanBellpast the point of no return now11:40
Gothfunci'm just guessing it's ultramixer's flakey alsa support11:40
DragonKeeperbrobostigon  seems to be a driver issue when i turn off fglrx drivers it looks fine but the res isnt to my liking and a cant play games ;/11:40
Gothfuncdoes anyone know how i can begin to diagnose why ultramixer can't see any devices via alsa-oss?11:41
brobostigonDragonKeeper: ah, interesting, atleast you know now.11:41
Gothfunc(it could before)11:41
DragonKeeperbrobostigon yup but now need know how to fix it so can run both my screens ad play games with gnome3 and the fglrx driver11:42
brobostigonDragonKeeper: on that front i have no clue, at all.11:42
DragonKeeperok ill ask in a different channel11:43
brobostigonDragonKeeper: i would start by asking the xorg chaps.11:43
DragonKeepernoone answering over there11:43
brobostigonDragonKeeper: they will answer, be patient, i have had to be patient there many a time.11:44
* dutchie files bug 77898312:00
lubotu3Launchpad bug 778983 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Should use aptdaemon to install drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77898312:00
MartijnVdS*\o/* dutchie12:01
AlanBellupgrade has started, hope this works12:09
czajkowskiAlanBell: see now yer jinxed12:10
AlanBelldeb files are downloading and being cached (in case I need to go round and do it again)12:13
kvarleyHow can I play youtube videos from within Banshee Media Player?12:56
kvarleyNevermind, had to enable it in the preferences and then show the context pane12:58
safiyyahhi guys I have a basic question. I have added arabic as one of my keyboard languages, so now there are two. There is a thingi that goes on the panel that lets you easily switch between the two layouts, but it isn't coming up when I click add to panel13:16
* MartijnVdS points in the general direction of HazRPG 13:16
MartijnVdSsafiyyah: HazRPG is our local Arabic expert :)13:16
safiyyahit is called Keyboard indicator13:18
safiyyahhe is away13:18
MartijnVdSsafiyyah: If you have two keyboard layouts defined, it should pop up when you click it13:18
MartijnVdSsafiyyah: do the other indicator menus pop up when you click them?13:18
safiyyahit does, but it comes up within the notification area13:19
safiyyahI wanted it as part of the panel13:19
safiyyahthat was how I had it previously13:19
MartijnVdSthat's not possible anymore13:19
MartijnVdSI think13:19
safiyyahbut keyboard indicator is no longer on Lucid13:19
MartijnVdSsafiyyah: If you set more than one keyboard layout, an icon will appear next to the clock to change layouts13:20
MartijnVdSOr you can set a special modifier to change using a keystroke.13:21
MartijnVdS(in the "Options" section/subdialog of the keyboard settings)13:22
MartijnVdS("Keys to change layout")13:22
safiyyahMartinjnVdS thank you13:25
damianali1234: Seems that the flash problem is only affecting Firefox, using rekonq this morning so problems what so ever!  I left kde downloading/installing overnight13:40
AlanBellyay, I have natty 64 bit installed13:43
=== dragonkeeper__ is now known as DragonKeeper
popeyAlanBell: yay13:50
AlanBellalt+prtscr works now13:53
czajkowskihmm i want rice crispy buns14:24
damianId rather someone refill my coffee14:33
AlanBellinteresting https://tbe.taleo.net/NA3/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=20815:47
NRWlionhello from germany ;)15:49
brobostigonmoin NRWlion :)15:49
gordHello from Hungary!15:50
NRWlionhey folks looking for s-fox15:50
AlanBell66GB VBox.log files ftl16:09
Azelphurpopey: did you see the askubuntu question got an answer?16:12
brobostigonis it possibleto block one specific friend i have on facebook from IM'ing me?16:55
zleapnot sure16:56
brobostigoni could do it directlyin empathy, but that doesnt solve the issue.16:56
AlanBellmight as well unfriend them17:00
AlanBellbecause that is what will happen when they find out you blocked them :)17:00
brobostigongood point AlanBell17:01
zleapis there a reason you want to block, other than these ims17:04
kvarleyWhich text encoding system does Ubuntu use? Ascii or Unicode?17:04
kvarleyOr another?17:04
AlanBellunicode mostly17:04
kvarleyutf-8 = ?17:05
kvarleyThat's just unicode still?17:05
kvarleyAlanBell: Thanks :) just geeking up for my Computing exam17:05
ali1234it's way of encoding unicode with which ascii is forwards compatible17:05
kvarleyali1234: Interesting17:06
AlanBellso for ascii characters you get 1 8 bit byte per character still17:06
kvarleyAlanBell: That's some nice compatibility then! In Ascii the characters have a numeric code - e.g. 65 = A, do you know whether Unicode takes this approach or not?17:07
AlanBellyes, but bigger numbers17:08
AlanBellor it can include bigger numbers17:08
kvarleyAlanBell: Thank you, I shall stop pestering you now hehe17:10
AlanBellctrl+shift+U 1234 made that character17:10
kvarleyAlanBell: Thanks for the help :)17:11
AlanBellsuspend and resume is working well for me in Natty17:11
AlanBellI can shut the lid and it just works, restores and reconnects ssh sessions and keeps playing last.fm music17:12
kvarleyAlanBell: :)17:12
AlanBellclose and go, just like having a macbook17:12
kvarleyAlanBell: Except it's better because it's Linux :P17:12
ali1234if it keeps playing music it isn't suspending17:13
AlanBellali1234: it resumes playing the song it was playing when it was suspended17:13
NRWlioncu guys17:14
ali1234so it turns out that getting rid of resize grips is actually really really easy17:15
kvarleyali1234: Are you talking about the annoying little square in the bottom right of the window which doesn't match the UI at all?17:16
ali1234so now i just have to figure out how to make the launcher not annoying17:16
livingdaylightI can't seem to right click xchat panel to send it to another workspace?17:17
kvarleylivingdaylight: Make sure the window isn't maximized then try17:17
livingdaylightkvarley, just discovered that! how weird!17:18
kvarleyali1234: That's the only feature which annoys me, it's cool that it's there but it just doesn't match the UI17:18
kvarleylivingdaylight: I had the same problem, most likely it's something they'll fix :)17:18
ali1234i use human theme17:18
ali1234so none of the new stuff matches it17:18
livingdaylightalso noticed that when I un-max it the window peels off the top panel but is still maxed out otherwise for all intent and purposes and spills off the screen into other workspaces17:18
kvarleyDoes anybody know when I un-maximize a window why the menu bar (that contains File, Edit, Tools, etc) doesn't join up with the window? It's really irritating having to select the window and go to the top everytime17:19
livingdaylightI actually came in to ask about video rendering. Downloaded a couple movies and they play fine off other laptops, with 11.04 on this desktop the colors are all weird?? black is pink and stuff like that.17:20
livingdaylightwhen I play the movie in the examples folder it is fine, just the stuff I've downloaded.17:21
livingdaylightat first thought I downloaded something corrupted, but then I tested something else out which I know played perfectly when I transferred it to a laptop, but also plays wonky on thid Desktop.17:22
czajkowskihttp://twitpic.com/4umnhe nyommy17:23
kvarleylivingdaylight: What media player are you using to play it?17:24
livingdaylightkvarley, tried both... first the default player then installed vlc - same result17:25
kvarleyAnybody know why I have a blue triangle in the top left of my screen on the Ubuntu button?17:25
livingdaylightat first i thought the problem could be coz file was .mkv and installed vlc17:25
kvarleylivingdaylight: Weird, have you checked your gfx drivers config panel to see if the hue/saturation, etc aren't changes17:25
livingdaylightkvarley, you have won a price! there are only a couple triangles like that!17:26
kvarleylivingdaylight: hehe I wish17:26
livingdaylightkvarley, no, I didn't.17:26
kvarleylivingdaylight: Although it's weird that the colours on other videos are fine for you :/17:27
livingdaylightkvarley, exactly17:27
kvarleyczajkowski: Jealous, they look tasty17:27
kvarleyRight as I go to upload the picture of the triangle it disappears =/17:30
shaunopirates \o/20:23
MartijnVdSshauno: (ssh! no spoilers)20:27
=== GentileBen is now known as OmNomDeBonBon
shaunothat's not a spoiler :)20:28
MartijnVdSshauno: no, but it might start of a discussion :)20:29
shaunostill not sold.  no-one ever has sensible conversations about pirates :)20:32
hamitronpirating is wrong ;)20:33
* MartijnVdS buys Rickie Lee Jones - Pirates from U1MS20:33
hamitronthere probably is a trend tbh20:39
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=== i7|i5|i3|i5|i7-2 is now known as OmNomDeBonBon
Azelphurpopey: I think it was you the other day that mentioned a variant of top for networking?21:47
Azelphurso I can see what processes are using how much bandwith :P21:47
Azelphurhamitron: seems to want a webserver? XD21:53
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Hmm?21:55
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Someone had an arabic problem?21:55
HazRPGMartijnVdS: oh nevermind, they've gone offline...21:57
HazRPGhamitron: there's an ntop?21:58
HazRPGhamitron: I've been using "mon" this whole time21:58
HazRPGor is it nmon21:59
HazRPGAzelphur: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/top-linux-monitoring-tools.html22:03
jibadeehaHazRPG, nice link22:07
HazRPGjibadeeha: useful stuff though right :)22:10
HazRPGAzelphur: I have a feeling iptraf is what your after really from that list22:10
jibadeehaHazRPG, i discovered iftop the other day - another good one22:11
HazRPGjibadeeha: nice :)22:11
jibadeehaiotop is also good - helped me on a few occassions22:11
AzelphurHazRPG: yea, it looks good :D22:11
jibadeehaHazRPG, very useful list .. some i have not heard of22:12
HazRPGindeed, some of the are already pre-installed and used by most scripts22:12
HazRPGps and grep always go hand-in-hand22:13
HazRPGesp. when you pipe them out ;)22:13
SnomiFor some reason my internet connection is half as fast on ubuntu as on windows22:21
SnomiI assume this is something to do with the wireless card22:22
SnomiI am running an acer 7736g laptop22:22
HazRPGSnomi: not sure about that, I find my internet is faster in ubuntu then windows22:27
popeyAzelphur: iftop22:29
SnomiHazRPG: hmm22:30
SnomiI'm not really sure what to do22:30
HazRPGI love the fact that I can now scan again ;D22:32
HazRPGwithout having to make a stupidly long cable to connect the printer with ;D22:33
HazRPG\o/ for sane22:33
AlanBellSnomi: I saw someone else with a similar issue asked a question on askubuntu.com22:35
SnomiAlanBell: hmm22:35
SnomiI get 800kbps on windows, and about 300 on ubuntu22:36
HazRPGand I just got rid of the squeak in my chair \o/ - thank you WD40!22:37
HazRPGmust be a driver fault then22:37
AlanBellSnomi: ^^22:38
AlanBellprobably do that if you have an atheros card22:38
Snomialso I quit out of my 11.04 install half way and I get an error logging into any old vers.22:38
Snomiit says it cant mount /22:38
Snomieven the 'safe modes'22:39
MattJAzelphur: how many monitors do you have nowadays?22:40
popeya Miiiiiiiilion22:41
MattJI was waiting for "over 9000"22:41
AzelphurMattJ: connected to 1 PC?22:43
Azelphuror can I count everything in my house :p22:43
HazRPG... erm, this site is random: http://newsmap.jp/22:43
MattJAzelphur: at your workstation, however many PCs you have :)22:44
Azelphur4 active, soon 522:44
Azelphurwhen nvidia gets into gear and enables xrandr proper multi monitor support, 722:45
Azelphurwhen it's sorted I'll buy another 2 monitors so I can have a tri screen gaming setup while still maintaining my dual screen IRC setup at the same time :P22:46
andres_kainHi, I installed 10.10 unr on a friend's netbook. Until when will she have support and will the update manager force her to upgrade22:52
Azelphurthe upgrade manager will never force her to upgrade22:53
andres_kainOK thanks! that was my main worry.22:53
Azelphurandres_kain: however, you will only get security updates for 2 years I think22:54
MattJAzelphur: it's just that this picture always reminds me of you: http://awesome.naquadah.org/images/6mon.medium.png22:54
Azelphurso when 12.10 comes out it's probably time to upgrade.22:54
AzelphurMattJ: that's the screenshot on the front page of awesomewm :D22:54
Azelphurit's a nice setup.22:54
MattJYes :)22:54
HazRPGwoot \o/ http://hazrpg.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Puff-Ball-20796043222:54
AzelphurMattJ: I get tempted to switch to awesome, I may well do when nvidia fixes itself up22:55
andres_kainThanks Azelphur!22:55
AzelphurCompiz isn't very multi monitor happy22:55
Azelphurandres_kain: welcome :)22:55
Azelphurandres_kain: why the reluctance to upgrade, though?22:56
HazRPGI must say, the scanner seems to work so much better under sane then it ever did with the windows epson software22:56
andres_kainwell I'm always told to wait 3 months or so for next upgrade22:56
Azelphurwhy? o.O22:56
AlanBellI have one of the samsung monitors in that rig22:56
Azelphurwhere's your sense of adventure, I updated my main machine 3 months before natty came out :D22:56
andres_kainshe is not very good with computers so I'll have to show her how to do a back up. ... but I guess I can simply tell her to just copy files.22:57
Azelphuryea, copy paste is easiest22:57
HazRPGAzelphur: you brave soul lol22:57
AzelphurHazRPG: that's nothing, I continually buy hardware with no Linux drivers.22:57
andres_kainand I'm in a different country so can't give much support.22:57
HazRPGAzelphur: I don't update mine straight away for the simple fact that I use mine for both pleasure and work22:57
AzelphurHazRPG: totally me in this comic, http://xkcd.com/644/ :D22:57
Azelphurandres_kain: a clever trick that requires very minimal work is to install the OS on a separate partition to /home22:58
Azelphurandres_kain: that way if the OS ever breaks, you can reload it without loosing your documents or application configuration.22:58
HazRPGAzelphur: heh I use to do that :P22:59
AzelphurI still do :)22:59
hamitronhaha Azelphur22:59
andres_kainYes, I keep reading about that... somewhere but never got around to do it myself.22:59
AzelphurI have / on an SSD and /home on a 1TB hdd :)22:59
HazRPGAzelphur: I remember when I'd upgrade while the daily builds or alphas were being pumped out :P22:59
* hamitron is the total oppersite22:59
Azelphurhamitron: I know, you still run off a P122:59
HazRPGAzelphur: but that's just because I wasn't too worried about it breaking22:59
Azelphurhamitron: opposite :p22:59
AzelphurHazRPG: same, I've got piles of machines here if one breaks I just use the other one until I fix the busted one xD23:00
Azelphuralso, I finished assembling my radiator23:01
HazRPGAzelphur: also, I buy broken hardware too xD23:02
hamitronit should be underfloor heating23:02
AzelphurHazRPG: I used to do that when I didn't have much money :D23:02
HazRPGAzelphur: my printer/scanner only just started working properly in linux over the last year, I've had it like 2-3 years now xD23:02
AzelphurHazRPG: got a really nice computer for a tenner at a boot sale once, turned out it just had a misconfigured bios.23:02
HazRPGAzelphur: hah nice23:03
andres_kainAzelphur, she has a netbook with Hdd but a sdd slot for an sd card. Do you think she could have \home in ther hdd and the rest on the sd? or too far fetched?23:04
Azelphurandres_kain: entirely possible, but I wouldn't recommend it, SD cards die after a certain amount of read/writes, and that usually flies by rather quickly with a desktop OS on there23:05
Azelphur(been there done that, it died in a month)23:05
Azelphur(twice, although they was both cheap chinese generic brand cards)23:05
ali1234sd cards are also damn slow23:05
Azelphurthat too.23:06
andres_kainpity, I hat the same netbook and I would install it in mine and simply mail her the sd card.23:06
andres_kainthough my model is an sdd netbook. might be a bit different anyway.23:06
Azelphurandres_kain: should be relatively easy to talk her through, I've talked a fair through rookies through the install myself23:07
Azelphurjust make sure she backs up before doing it, then you can't really go wrong23:07
hamitronyou could have teh OS on teh SD card, loading into the memory23:07
Azelphurhamitron: not with Ubuntu on a netbook you couldn't23:08
andres_kainyes I  guess. she was OK with installing spotify through wine so installing should be easier.23:08
hamitronprob not full ubuntu, no23:08
Azelphuryea :)23:08
hamitronwould need 2gb ram23:08
Azelphurin other news, cooling this is how you do it: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/May%202011/IMG_20110507_225957.jpg :p23:08
hamitronthe grid23:09
andres_kainhow much different is dropbox from ubuntuone btw?23:09
hamitronnice cushion btw23:09
Azelphurhamitron: I think what your looking at is a rug xD23:09
Azelphurandres_kain: not a lot, they pretty much do the same23:10
andres_kainI was goint to instal beta ubuntu on winxp but quit on having to install net 4.023:11
andres_kainwooo!!! I just got firefox 4.0.1 on ubuntu netbook LTS! I thought it was never going to happen!23:15
andres_kainI'm one happy bunny23:15
andres_kainIf I don't have anything to save... can I just go for a shutdown or is that malpractice? I know windows is bound to crash on closing...23:17
penguin42huh? Of course you can just shutdown23:18
Azelphurandres_kain: by shutdown you mean clicking the shutdown button?23:18
Azelphuror do you mean holding the power button23:18
penguin42Azelphur: Good point23:18
Azelphurandres_kain: clicking the shutdown button is always ok, regardless of operating system23:19
Azelphurand is recommended on all of them23:19
andres_kainwell. my work xp machine at work begs to differ... If I have outlook on I will run into problems for example. and If it's running a backup it will be worst.23:20
andres_kainthough I'll go to your recomendation of shutting down my work pc more often.23:20
penguin42andres_kain: Backups can be a bit special23:21
AlanBellAzelphur: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/desktop-dx-o-unity-bigscreen-productivity/23:21
AzelphurAlanBell: just hangs at loading for me23:22
AlanBelloh the pad, don't worry about that there is nothing in it yet23:25
AlanBellrefresh and it should work23:25
AlanBellthat is a tuesday AM session23:25
AlanBellon unity on big monitors23:25
penguin42AlanBell: Hmm will that also include things like multihead?23:25
andres_kainare you guys serious about using 7 screens on one pc?23:27
andres_kainone user?23:27
penguin42that would be nice; I think I've seen pictures of 6 being done23:28
JGJoneshaving a lot of screens is always essential when you're an evil "take over the world" mastermind.23:29
shaunoor a flightsim nut23:30
JGJonesthere's a difference?23:30
andres_kainor on stock exchange23:30
andres_kainsame thing as well23:30
andres_kainguys who work on energy companies also use at least 4.23:30
shaunothat said, it used to be normal to see sim nuts with far, far too many screens - I'd think a small handful of mid-sized TVs would be just as good now (and a lot cheaper)23:31
andres_kainbatman also uses loads of screens...23:31
JGJonesPenguin say that Batman is evil.23:32
JGJonesand Penguin is good. Otherwise it wouldn't be the mascot for Linux ;-)23:33
penguin42http://www.quadvision.co.uk  seem to do lots of multihead stuff - and multi-lcd mounts - they've got wonderful case studies like: http://www.quadvision.co.uk/case-studies/teleperformance.html23:54

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