
valorieI've heard soooo many complaints about the wiki00:03
valoriebut, successfully saved this time!00:04
valoriewe could actually have an April one too: planning for and the first day of lfnw00:05
altharaI'll add that one in too00:14
altharaIt's updating now00:16
valoriei so love lfnw00:20
valoriebut I now have a cold00:20
valorieand feel horrible00:20
valorieso I guess there was a price to pay00:20
valoriebut the boost to enthusiasm is huge00:21
altharayeah lfnw is always fun00:27
altharanext year will be my fifth year :000:27
altharaI just saw the best letter from a lawyer but I'm pretty sure I can't talk about it00:28
altharait's hilarious in it's ridiculosity00:28
* seattlegaucho hates lawyers as much as he hates health care ... but both are necessary 00:29
altharaI just want to post a certain thing all over the internet now to see if I'd get a similarly ridiculous letter.00:30
valorieright, this is a logged channel00:34
altharathat's why I'm not saying anything :)00:35
valoriethe april report still isn't showing up in the TeamReports page00:47
altharaI've noticed those take a while00:49
seattlegaucho... see y'all Monday on IRC 00:51
valoriehave a nice mother's day, althara!00:52
altharaYou too valorie00:52

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