
=== chris___1 is now known as twopoint718
lostsonhmm just installed unity and i must say i might could get to like this03:13
lostsonit feels really smooth so far and once you learn all the keyboard shortcuts you can really fly with it03:14
* spikeb is quite pleased as well03:28
lostsonyeah i am gonna give it an honest shot and i found a really good article on things to add to it and stuff so that helped as well03:28
lostsonguake fits in quite nicely03:34
lostsonnice you can shrink the size of the icons in the left hand panel that makes it smaller03:41
spikebi shrunk it on my netbook but not on the desktop heh03:42
lostsonyeah i am on my laptop kinda permanent for now so shrunk it up with autohide03:43
lostsonwell time to make a trip outside03:52
lostsondamn hotel's anyway03:52
lostsonok then where was I03:58
lostsonhmm should i get to minecraft or keep playing with unity03:58
spikebgood question03:59
lostsoni have gotten addicted to minecraft bigtime04:00
spikebit is a very addicting game04:00
spikebto say the least04:00
lostsonone thing i did do though was purge banshee and get rhythmbox back in04:00
lostsonyeah i have a huge castle built right now04:01
spikebworking on one myself04:01
lostsoni need another laptop so i can play minecraft and mess with unity04:01
lostsontime to update chromium daily04:07
lostsonthese keyboard shortcuts are great04:11
lostsonok minecraft time04:20
h00kHI everyone!04:30
lostsonevening h00k04:47
h00klostson: how are you liking/disliking unity?04:48
lostsonso far its pretty slick04:48
lostsonthe keyboard shortcuts are nice04:48
h00kI didn't expect that, I'll be honest04:48
h00kbut cool.04:48
h00kI also like it04:48
lostsonI am gonna give it a honest shot see how usable it really is04:49
lostsonif i can accomplish more things without the use of a mouse that is a big beneift for me04:49
lostsonit does look nice it operates very smooth with compiz gives you that glossy all over feeling04:49
h00kit's true04:50
lostsoni havent found a kbd shortcut for send application to Y desktop yet though and that one i would like to have back04:50
h00kI am switching between Ocelot and Fedora 15 beta on my netbook for bleeding-edge unity and gnome3 respectively04:51
lostsonholding down the super keys gives the launcher some nice effects04:51
lostsonI put fedora on here the other night for fun and performace was terrible04:52
lostsonso the next night back went ubuntu04:52
lostsoni didnt think i would get used to the launcher being there on the left so i tried the autohide feature of it but in the end i kinda like it there reminds me of my old window maker setup04:54
lostsonwould this work on one of my old PII's that I have buried away? probably not but there are other alternatives for that anyway04:54
h00kIt might04:55
h00kI did autohide mine too, but I miss it04:55
h00kI have to change it04:55
lostsoni am not sure about the menu's for my apps being in the top bar but am getting used to just hitting Alt and going from there04:57
lostsonthen again i never was a big mac user anyway05:01
lostsonperhaps now that i need to relocate Canonical could hire me to work on this stuff full time05:02
lostsonwas trying to talk the wife into moving up near wausau I could always work for charter up there05:04
lostsonguake needs to be updated to work better with unity though05:09
lostsoni am not saying its the greatest thing since sliced bread but it defintely opens the doors to some crazy developmental ideas of which i have had a few already05:10
lostsoni would like my launcher on the right though vs the left and move my clock over to the left im right handed so having it on the left confuses me05:10
lostsonok your not paying attention anymore i will shut up lol05:11
lostsongonna jump back into some minecraft05:12
lostsonclearlooks classic is still my favorite gtk style14:27

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