
* nlsthzn waves05:32
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
Kilosmorning superfly  and others08:04
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:05
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:05
KilosMaaz, coffee for all08:05
MaazSure thing, Kilos. Hey guys, bring your own mugs! I'm tired of doing all the dishes on my own.08:05
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:09
KilosMaaz, thank you08:09
MaazKilos: Sure08:09
queerymaaz, whats for lunch11:39
Maazqueery: *blink*11:39
queerymaaz, what is for lunch11:39
Maazqueery: A bowl of miso soup and noodles11:39
queeryis that where it ended yesterday11:40
cocooncrashMaaz: whats for lunch is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostrophe11:57
Maazcocooncrash: One learns a new thing every day11:57
queeryMaaz, whats for lunch12:06
Maazqueery: whats for lunch is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostrophe12:06
queerymaaz, what's for lunch12:07
Maazqueery: Coffee should be enough...12:07
queerymaaz coffee on12:07
* Maaz puts the kettle on12:07
MaazCoffee's ready for queery!12:11
* nlsthzn waves14:05
superflyhi nlsthzn14:07
nlsthznsup superfly 14:07
kbmonkeyhi there all *waves*14:13
nlsthznalo kbmonkey 14:18
superflyhi kbmonkey14:32
marcoganyone here doing google code jam?15:21
magellanicnot me. you?15:29
marcogyep, done all 315:29
magellaniccool. when did it start15:30
marcogit's going on for 24 hours15:30
marcogyou only need 1 max 2 hours to qualify15:30
marcogproblems are fun15:30
magellanicsounds cool, best of luck15:44
Kilos-Maaz, hiya20:01
Kilos-zit ok20:01
Kilos-Maaz, botsnack20:02
Kilos-night all of ya. me goes dood oo20:04
kbmonkeyhi Symmetria hows it goin21:38
superflyyou still up kbmonkey21:42
kbmonkeyyes superfly 21:44
superflykbmonkey: were you one of the many trying to learn Python?21:45
kbmonkeyI am :)21:45
superflyhow's it going?21:45
kbmonkeyin fact I've been slacking after I finished the 7dRL21:46
kbmonkeyneed to jump back in21:46
kbmonkeyI need a tiny project to focus on, ye I think that will help21:47
superflykbmonkey: that might... also following a book or something also helps21:48
magellanicthe tutorial on the official site is not too bad?21:53
kbmonkeymagellanic, that one is good, dive into python also a very well written book21:53
superflymagellanic: the best one I've seen is called A Byte of Python21:56
kbmonkeythanks superfly I'll look it up :)21:57
magellanicokay. haven't read any. I was following the on site tutorial a long time ago, can't remember how far I got :p21:57
superflykbmonkey: www.byteofpython.info21:57
magellanicnow I just reference it in bits and pieces when writing small scripts here or there21:57
superflyit's a free eBook - I recommend starting with the Python 2.x version, since that's the version that is currently used in production21:58
superflythere are very few places using Python 3 in production21:58
kbmonkeyagreed, I'm sticking to 2.x for now21:59
magellanicsuperfly: you do python full time?22:00
* DraZoro is also sticking to version 2.x for the time being 22:00
superflymagellanic: indeed22:01
superflyhi DraZoro22:01
DraZoroHi superfly I see you are talking python :)22:01
superflyDraZoro: when am I not?22:02
* kbmonkey would get beaten to a pulp if he said what he codes in full time :p22:02
superflykbmonkey: lemme guess, VB?22:02
kbmonkeyhahaha! yes superfly.22:02
* magellanic beats kbmonkey to a pulp22:02
superflythe only thing worse than VB is.... actually, there isn't anything worse22:02
kbmonkeyof all the languages I did, nogal22:02
kbmonkeyno there isn't. wait, maybe lolspeak, but its not a production language ^^22:03
magellaniclegacy apps?22:03
magellanichm, competition to VB, perhaps asp?22:03
kbmonkeywell strictly its .net so I do C# as well its all interpreted but the syntax still vb22:04
superflykbmonkey: C# is actually a nice language, well, when I last played with it, which was about 7 years ago22:04
superflyit's almost as nice as Python22:05
superflyit's a real shame C# is tied to .NET and Microsoft22:05
kbmonkeyaaalmost. not quite. the framework overhead is too fat. and I don't have any Win machines at home :p22:06
magellanichow does it compare to java, never used it, busy learning java22:06
superflykbmonkey: yeah, hence why I said that it's a pity it is tied to .NET22:06
* kbmonkey cringes from bad Java experiences years ago]22:06
magellanickbmonkey: no win at home, +1 ;)22:06
superflymagellanic: it's basically Borland's Delphi written to look like Java22:06
kbmonkeyand hence I am not even interested in the Mono framework. never. respect to them, but I'd rather go native22:07
superflyso you could mistake it for Java, but I can clearly see that the guy who created C# was the same guy who created Delphi22:07
magellanicoh, never seen delphi, or used it either22:07
superflypersonally, I'd rather go with either C++/Qt4 or Python22:08
DraZoroI use 22:08
kbmonkeyand Delphi is the descendant of.. Pascal :D22:08
DraZoroI use Delphi in my first level course at UNISA ...22:08
kbmonkeyI did some Delphi22:08
magellanicwe started out with pascal22:08
* superfly was employed as a delphi developer at a previous employer22:08
kbmonkeyHeck I did some ASM as well. talk about no intellisense or IDE's ;p22:08
superflykbmonkey: did you get as far as writing a mini TUI system in ASM?22:09
* superfly was part of a class of geeks that took the optional Assembler class in second year22:10
kbmonkeynope, I mainly used it for speeding up drawing loops writing demos and silly games22:10
DraZoroPlaning to study asymptote after exams and php 22:11
kbmonkeybut now... I only have eyes for Python22:12
kbmonkeymaybe a silly arcade game, yes that might be fun to make :)22:13
Mitchellihi all :)22:13
kbmonkeyhi Mitchelli 22:13
Mitchelliso any Durbanites?22:14
magellanicyes, Mitchelli. :p22:14
MitchelliLOL :$22:14
DraZoroHi Mitchelli 22:14
Mitchellihmm so it a saturday night and here we sit on IRC. :) i love my life ever so much22:15
kbmonkeyrecovering from a fever :/22:16
* superfly and his family is sick22:16
superflythe wife is already in bed, but my chest is so tight I can't sleep22:16
Mitchelliaww im sorry. If it makes u feel better i just had food poisoning22:16
magellanicpython chat == no better way to spend a Sat night. :p22:16
Mitchelliand i have to go into surgery next week22:16
superflyMitchelli: it doesn't, but thanks for trying :-P22:16
* DraZoro wish superfly and his family to get better. 22:16
superflythanks DraZoro... it's been a lousy 2 weeks of leave, being sick the whole time22:17
superflymagellanic: agreed :-D22:17
* kbmonkey dislikes hospitals 22:17
Mitchelli:( i wana install ubuntu on my mac :'(22:17
kbmonkeybest of luck with that Mitchelli 22:17
magellanichaha, why?22:17
superflyMitchelli: so why don't you?22:17
Mitchellii duno if it will work lol22:18
* DraZoro has not visited a doctor or clinic or hospital for quite some time.22:18
superflyMitchelli: have you got an Intel or PPC based Mac?22:18
magellanicMitchelli: boot a livecd22:18
superflyMitchelli: pop your desktop cd in and reboot. it'll work22:18
* DraZoro is busy trying to create his wiki page on ubuntu22:18
superflythe only pain is if you have a mac keyboard and a 1 button mouse22:18
superflyyou'll need to get those configured properly22:19
superflyotherwise Ubuntu thinks you have a normal "Windows" keyboard22:19
Mitchellibut your sure everything will work? really dont wana mess my laptop up. cost me an arm :(.22:19
kbmonkeytry it out Mitchelli :)22:19
kbmonkeyIm sure somebody out there had done this22:20
DraZoroI think the manufacturers should start to replace the Windows symbol on the keyboards with the ubuntu symbol ...Especially after the launch of Natty :)22:20
Mitchelliwhat are your thoughts on unity?22:20
superflyMitchelli: at one of the previous places I worked at I toyed with the idea of dualbooting my mac mini, though I never got round to it :-(22:20
magellanicDraZoro: why would they do that, win is still like 90% of desktops..22:21
DraZoroMitchelli: Unity is amazing 22:21
magellanicI don't like unity, will use xubuntu from 11.04 :/22:21
superflyMitchelli: I know Ubuntu by itself will definitely work, I dunno if you can dual boot though22:21
DraZoroVery flexible 22:21
* superfly thinks that KDE 4.6 is the best release of KDE yet22:21
kbmonkeyMitchelli, google your mac model and installing ubuntu on it22:22
Mitchelliyeh i think it is a step in the right direction for ubuntu. havent tried KDE in a while though so i may try it out22:22
Mitchellithanks monkey :)22:22
kbmonkeyIts worrying as some Macs include hardware locks that only allow their OS. Dunno which Macs tho22:22
DraZoromagellanic : It is about time they removed it ....22:22
superflykbmonkey: I've never heard of that, are you sure?22:22
Mitchelliits ok, i will keep my virtual box for a while22:23
superflyMitchelli: don't you have your installation DVD anyways? if the Ubuntu install fails, you should be able to restore it to OS X22:23
kbmonkeyno I'm not 100% certain, just hearsay22:24
magellanicyep, worst case you have software problems. the expensive hardware will be fine :D22:24
Mitchelliyeh, i still do. will try it out tomorrow. just wana finish my program before i lose it22:24
kbmonkeyperhaps the pre-Intel based Macs22:24
superflykbmonkey: no, those were just using PPC processors, which you could still run Linux on :-)22:25
Mitchelliomg, i havent watch TV in so long since i started working. wtf happened to the anime channel on dstv22:26
magellanicthey stopped the ppc mac completely?22:27
Mitchellii wonder wat 11.10 has install for us :)22:29
magellanicmore free stuff?22:30
Mitchellisigh i need to get outa durban22:30
Mitchelliit too hot, and people drive terribly22:31
Mitchellii dont even have a tan :'(22:31
Mitchelliit is horrible, everytime i get into my car it a nightmare!22:33
superflymagellanic: yep, they stopped with the PPC Macs a few years ago22:33
magellanicoh okay. mac noob here.22:34
kbmonkeyesp in the evenings, it's like everyone is on a mission on the roads.22:35
superflymagellanic: no worries, you at least seem to know more about Macs than the average Windows user ;-)22:35
Mitchelliits fine, i had my mac for 3 months now and it making me more stupid buy the day22:35
Mitchelli*by. See i am even forgetting how to spell22:35
* superfly can see, Mitchelli's spelling is not that great ;-)22:35
magellanicroad situation is like that in all our major cities, unfortunately22:36
superflyEven in Cape Town!22:36
superfly(OK, OK, you have to look for it, but it *is* there!)22:37
Mitchellibut at least im getting my degree done. When i had my Ubuntu laptop last year i didnt get any work done coz it was just to fun fiddling around with it22:37
Mitchellicape town is nice, but expensive :(22:37
magellanicsuperfly: have to look for it? I hear the main highway and airport routes are commonly clogged?22:37
Mitchelliin Durban some people turn the pavements into extra roads :(22:38
superflymagellanic: clogged, yes, but they're all driving at 2km/h22:38
superflythey're not like Durban drivers22:38
magellanicheh okay22:38
superflyexcept for the taxi drivers22:39
magellanicsuperfly: where in CT are you?22:39
Mitchellii was walking on broadway the other day to get lunch and a taxi hoots at me to get off the pavement22:39
superflyand even the Durbanites are scared of the taxi drivers22:39
magellanicMitchelli: lol22:39
superflymagellanic: living or working?22:39
magellanicsuperfly: living :)22:39
superflyMuizenberg, a stone's throw from the beach :-D22:40
Mitchellisounds like a german suburb22:40
superflyif I threw it hard enough...22:40
kbmonkey... with a kettie22:41
superflyMitchelli: erm, actually for many years it was a British outpost22:41
superflykbmonkey: no, no need for a kettie22:41
Mitchelli:( sad, and im british :'(22:41
superflyMitchelli: well, you come from Durban, so you're either british or indian ;-)22:41
Mitchelliim british but got an afrikaans surname :(22:42
magellanicsuperfly: cool, you  always been in CT? I'm looking in CT so considering moving22:42
superflymagellanic: no, been around and about22:43
Mitchelliwhich is better for IT jobs? CT or JHB? the durban chamber of commerce president said a week or 2 ago that durban residents are lazy22:44
magellanichaha :p22:44
kbmonkeywe are? wow, okay well my response is that we... meh I'm over it.22:45
Mitchelliyeh i was shocked. i get up at 4 and leave work at 9 at night 22:45
magellanicI believe indians work one to the bone :p22:46
Mitchellihehe, ay but im 21 and my work is everything to me, sad really22:47
magellanicsame with me, not much interest in anything else really22:48
Mitchellii just finished my degree in IT now im gana study business.22:49
Mitchellicant wait lol22:49
superflymeh. business.22:49
magellanicIT management pays a lot from what I've seen22:50
superflyyeah, and you get to be involved in politics that makes the ANC YL look tame22:50
kbmonkeyafter 8 years of solid work I am so keen to do work I enjoy. fulfilment > monies at this stage :]22:50
Mitchelliyeh i though IT and Business sort of go hand in hand. My only other options were Psycology and Law. but who ever heard of an IT and Psycologost specialist? "So, how does your computer make you feel?"22:50
magellanickbmonkey: agree largely :)22:51
magellanickbmonkey: what do you enjoy though22:51
* kbmonkey enjoys beer22:51
superflythere's a saying that says, "Do a job you enjoy, and you'll never have to work a day of your life."22:52
Mitchelliomg, that is so true superfly22:52
magellanicenvironment also matters, no point doing what you like, at a place you hate :p22:52
Mitchellii wana quit my job now and do something i enjoy. and i will never have to do any work ever. Its called polotics22:53
kbmonkeystrangely I _did_ enjoy my job for a long time. Then it changed. amazing what bureaucracy and management can do the fun22:53
Mitchellipolitics sorry22:53
superflyIf you get up in the morning and think, "oh no, I don't want to go to work today" you need to get a new job22:53
magellanicsuperfly: yep..22:53
kbmonkeyI want to work in a Linux based environment. Wont find many in Durbs tho22:54
Mitchellihmmmm, very thought provoking. maybe i should leave my lecturing job. Never liked it in the first place22:54
kbmonkey..or work for ourselves. hmmm.22:54
superflyDon't be a fool about it, obviously, but those are some thoughts to take into account.22:54
Mitchellibut ima leave next month after my bonus comes :D22:54
magellanickbmonkey: ISP's and such in durbs perhaps?22:55
* superfly gets to code in Python, on a Linux Desktop, for Linux Servers, in a fairly developer-friendly atmosphere22:56
Mitchellii cant imagine myself writing programs everyday, even though thats what i studied22:57
kbmonkeyI can only imagine writing programs every day, and I never even studied :)22:58
superflyMitchelli: you know what they say, "those who can, do, those who can't, teach"22:58
kbmonkey<3 it22:58
Mitchellithats why im a lecturer. lol22:58
magellanicMitchelli: as for CT vs jhb, can't say, CT is rising really fast for IT22:58
Mitchellithanks magellanic. 22:59
superflyif you're willing to stoop low enough, there are plenty PHP jods around22:59
superflymagellanic: how's your Python?22:59
Mitchelliwhy is php stooping low?23:00
magellanicsuperfly: workable :p23:00
magellanicMitchelli: it can get messy and depressing, especially if you get handed over someones large mess to maintain :P23:00
magellanicthat's what I think :?23:01
Mitchelliooo i see what you mean. i dont really know php anyways. i know: Java, C#, VB.NET, JSP, ASP.NET, MYSQL and MSSQL.23:01
kbmonkeyphp is tricky to debug sometimes23:01
superflyMitchelli: you sound like an IT recruiter playing buzzword bingo23:01
kbmonkeyI did some work on a SA bank internal system, php. talk about spaghetti.23:02
superflyPHP as a language is braindead and it's implementation is often inconsistent and flawed23:02
magellanicouch, why so though?23:02
superflymagellanic: maybe you should come for an interview23:02
kbmonkeyare you CT based superfly ?23:02
superflymagellanic: there are some good resources on the net ;-)23:02
superflykbmonkey: yes23:02
kbmonkeyIf I can get all my ducks lined I want to make the jump to there23:03
magellanicsuperfly: are they looking, I'd consider, beside python is quick to pick up :)23:03
Mitchelliwhats sad is one can teach themselves any language. but employees always want to see paper23:03
superflyMitchelli: fortunately the company I work for is only really interested in competant developers... they'll teach you what you need to know23:04
Mitchelliomg, id love to work there23:04
magellanicMitchelli: I find keeping snippets of programs/scripts written can help, when offered in reviews and such23:05
Mitchellithe problem i have is. When i start on a particular development problem i get really into it and i program it. but once i figure out the entire system and i know i can do it, i then lose interest because i have proven to myself i can do it. and it irritates me23:05
magellanicso examples of prior work, where you are able to keep them23:08
Mitchellio so you mean like a portfolio? thats a good idea23:09
magellanickind of, to be able to say, I've done this language, here are some stuffs I wrote..23:09
Mitchellibut some companies wont even phone you for an interview if you dont have a certain langauge on your certificate23:09
superflyMitchelli: generally those are the ones you don't want to work for either23:10
Mitchellilol, fair point there23:10
magellanicagree with superfly 23:11
Mitchellihow much does a junoir programmer roughly get paid23:12
kbmonkeywho reads thedailywtf.com? love it :)23:13
Mitchellii do now! lol23:13
magellanicMitchelli: that might even be language dependent if I'm not mistaken23:14
kbmonkeysome stories there about 'those companies' you should not work for he he23:14
superflykbmonkey: really funny, but did you ever notice something? almost all those companies use, deploy and write Microsoft software23:18
kbmonkeyFor sure!23:19
DraZoroBye Guys and Morning ...23:26
superflybye DraZoro23:26
DraZorosuperfly : Don't forget it is mothers day tomorrow :)23:27
DraZoroI hope I am right 23:27
Mitchellimothers day today 23:27
DraZoroToday 23:27
superflyDraZoro: yep, I know... I have the gift already bought, and hidden in the house23:27
DraZoroThanks guys ..23:28
magellanicI'm off too, night folks23:28
DraZoroNight magellanic 23:28
Mitchellinight night magellanic23:28
kbmonkeynite :)23:29

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