
karniduanedesign: right. the thing is, I use Super + 1..4 daily like 500 times for switching workspaces.00:00
karniduanedesign: I wonder if I can change the shortcut key for that ribbon00:00
duanedesigni also kinda like hitting the open app icon in the launcher to switch to that app00:00
duanedesignTook me a bit to figure out the center mouse button opens a new instance00:01
karniduanedesign: AAaaah good to know! I was wondering how the heck can I fire another instance00:01
duanedesignIMHO once you get used to the shortcuts and differences it is hard not to like Unity00:01
karni3 fingers on touchpad. That's it :) Thanks!00:02
karniduanedesign:  I like it already! It's just that I'll have to change the way I switched workspaces Command + number, thousands of times.00:02
karnibut I like the shortcuts when you hold the super (command) key :)00:03
duanedesigni still do the Ctrl + Alt + right/lrft/up/down00:03
duanedesignkarni: do you have the link to the unity shortcut list?00:05
karniduanedesign: yeah, that was my alternative shortcut. I just liked to do this with one hand. No problem, though, really :) I'll get used to that!00:05
karniduanedesign: Nope, you had one :)? Probably easy to google.00:05
duanedesignthis one is awesome00:06
duanedesignthey have been updating it. http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/unity-keyboard-mouse-shortcuts00:06
duanedesignstill some I need to learn00:06
karniduanedesign: You know what, I like new scroll bars. But I hate they fade out when the mouse is still over.00:07
karniduanedesign: thanks! will have a look00:07
karniduanedesign: oh man, that's an awesome 'thread'00:08
duanedesignkarni: I am going to make it an effort to finally finish trying to go through the U2 source code. I will try not to bother you with too many questions00:08
duanedesignlol, U200:09
duanedesignmaybe i will liste to that cd00:09
karniduanedesign: U2 hahah :) Dude, no problem. Ask me whatever you need, I'll learn some myself that way for sure. It's quite complicated, and I'm not familiar with all of it (tritcask for instance)00:10
duanedesignkarni: can i pm you reak quick00:12
karniduanedesign: I had multitude of shortcuts under Super key.. Super + select a fragment on screen did a region screenshot and saved into ubuntu one folder00:12
karniduanedesign: sure mate00:12
duanedesignyeah I saw that tricast in a log yesterday00:12
fagankarni: how are you still awake?00:41
karnifagan: magic I guess? :)00:41
karnifagan: it's 1:41, that's not really late, is it :)00:42
faganI took 2 naps since I was last here00:42
faganit is slightly late :)00:42
karnifagan: haha good for you! :)00:42
karnifagan: I'll be going soon00:42
fagankarni: your a working dude now you need to be going to bed at 9pm00:42
faganthats how the pros do it00:43
karnifagan: L:-)00:43
karnifagan: I do get up usually at 9am though ;D00:43
fagankarni: yeah but then you get a nice even 12 hours00:43
faganit makes the days synmetrical00:44
* fagan cant spell 00:44
karnifagan: my days are far from symmetrical. nature hates symmetry ;)00:45
faganbut symmetrical features are what attract us and show good breading00:45
fagankarni: like im sure girls arent attracted to me for my sparkling personality when I fail on the dance floor00:47
karnifagan: ineed, I like symmetrical boobs00:48
fagankarni: hahhahaha00:48
faganwell what is it 90% have some difference00:49
karnifagan: I know, I have to work on my day/night schedule. But it's friday evening man :)00:49
faganyeah I was saying on fb I was reading a book on a friday instead of out looking for needy women :)00:49
* fagan is terrible with fridays 00:50
faganand that rebecca black song is a bit of a taunt00:50
fagandamn kids and their interesting fridays00:50
karnifagan: I'm setting up Natty of Friday evening, I'm not complaining :) (Maybe if I was in Warsaw I'd go to a party, but I'm not. So it's not that bad :) )00:53
fagankarni: there are way too many bars within 20 miles of me00:53
faganand 2 clubs00:53
faganits way too close not to want to go out00:54
faganplus there are a lot of college girls around since im a 5 minute walk from my college00:55
faganthat really helps with the good looking girl count00:55
faganmidweek next week is the last big night out for the summer so its the perfect time to go out as well :D00:55
karnifagan: "good looking girl count" - i liked that haha00:56
karnifagan: no wonder you're EODing at proper day time00:56
fagankarni: yeah college is fun for that kind of thing00:56
fagankarni: well sometimes I go to my dads for dinner at 5 so I EOD at the times that he does that too00:57
karnishit I'm constantly using super + <number> to switch workspaces and executing random apps from my natty fancy launch bar00:57
faganim still getting used to that00:57
karnifagan: makes sense00:57
faganits pretty handy00:58
karniI know! But it's confusing since I've been using super for so many my own custom shortcuts00:58
faganI use ctrl00:59
faganctrl + is next track...etc00:59
faganctrl - previous00:59
karnifagan: I use ctrl, alt, shift, super, right ctrl, and running out of keys ;d00:59
karnifagan: ah, for that I have Fn + cursor left/right keys01:00
fagancombo them01:00
faganso ctrl + alt01:00
karnifagan: I already do xD01:00
faganwhat do you with all of them01:00
karnictrl + alt + arrows for switching workspaces (alternate for super + <number>), ctrl+shift+C/V termial copy paste, right alt+m auto password filling, super+e was expose, super+F1 terminal, super+F2 eclipse, super+f3 terminal with irssi, super+up maximize, super+down minimize, super+arrows max vert/horizon01:01
karnifagan: super+1..4 workspaces, actually super 1..8 but don't use 5..8 that often01:02
karnisuper+mouse selection for area screenshot01:02
fagansounds complicated01:02
karniand so on01:02
karnifagan: makes my life easy :)01:02
karniif you use them many times every day you don't really think where they are. you just hit them.01:02
faganim funny im really good with using hotkeys in games but terrible on my desktop01:03
faganits probably because im not that used to using 2 screens01:03
faganor good computers01:03
fagansince now I actually have 2 nice ones01:03
karniall right! was good talking to you fagan :) gota kiss my natty goodbye in a moment and get some sleep01:03
fagankarni: talk monday probably01:03
karniI have one, laptop :)01:03
faganUDS ahoy01:03
karnifagan: yup, take care01:03
faganim going though01:04
karnifagan: /me not going :(01:04
fagandoing the remote thing01:04
faganbut still fun for everyone01:04
karnifagan: I wasn't really following news. How can I participate remotely?01:04
karnifagan: IRC ? streaming video? where can I find it, do you have some pointers?01:05
faganthey stream the sessions with icecast so you can play them in totem01:05
fagansome of the sessions are videoed and streamed too01:05
faganand you chat in IRC rooms made for each session01:05
dobeyi don't think the video is streamed01:05
faganwell the peneries are01:05
dobeyaudio is streamed in pretty much all the sessions01:06
faganmarks one is definitely01:06
karnioh cool. I will happily follow some of them at least01:06
fagankarni: most of the time there are a few things that are must see ones01:07
faganlike the app selections01:07
dobeykarni: http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/01:07
faganthey are always really nice to listen in on01:07
faganI was looking for that link but im terribly slow at googling :D01:07
karnidobey: thank you!01:08
karnifagan: I was plain lazy (but I thought you had it handy)01:08
fagankarni: hah01:09
karniwtf, apturl:miro is not recognized by Firefox by default? #fail01:09
fagankarni: apt://miro ?01:10
* fagan cant remember the syntax 01:10
dobeyapturl is the package name that handles it; apt:// is the uri scheme01:10
karnifagan: dunno, don't remember either xD01:10
dobeyso apt://miro should work01:11
karnidobey: the wiki is broken then o_O01:11
faganyeah just tried it01:11
fagankarni: fix it then01:11
karniI will, I'm looking for windows in Natty L:)01:11
karniI'm little lost in 2 workspaces lol01:12
karnifagan: I can't. This kind of wiki is not editable. Or site, should I say01:12
fagankarni: email webmaster@ubuntu.com I think01:13
* fagan remembers fixing something like that before 01:13
fagankarni: they really should be using apt.ubuntu.com to keep the usage consistant01:13
natschilGood Day! I had a computer running ubuntuone from lucid or so, and then I installed natty, keeping the home folder intact. There were some problems with getting ubuntuone to work properly, so I did apt-get --purge remove ubuntuone* and installed the ubuntuone packages ("banshee-extension-ubuntuone","ubuntuone-client-gnome","ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk")10:27
natschilI also removed any keys in the keyring that looked like they were from desktopcouch or ubuntuone, removed the computer from the devices from another computer and then connected the computer with new credentials. Now I have this folder I would like to sync, that already exists on ubuntuone. However, in the controll panel, if I press "Sync locally" for the folder, the "loading" icon is in a perpetual state of loading. If I click on "Devices" and then10:30
natschilon "Cloud Folders" again, the box will have become unchecked. Any suggestions as to what I should do differently?10:30
natschilany suggestions as to how to get this problem to work?11:35
natschils/get this problem to work/fix this problem/11:35
duanedesignweekend #ubuntuone15:23
alecuhello everybody. I'm in Budapest!!!16:32
alecuralsina, Chipaca, beuno: ping!16:33
beunoalecu, pong!16:35
beunoalecu, estamos en reuniones todavia16:36
IdleOneMorning folks. I am on the web interface and I am trying to figure out how to sync my gmail contacts. I can't seem to find the right links to click.16:46
beunoIdleOne, we haven't launched that feature yet16:48
beunowe're finishing it  :)16:48
IdleOne:( I got excited when I saw it on my ubuntu one applet thingy16:48
IdleOneokie dokie, good to know.16:48
IdleOnethank you beuno for the quick response :)16:50
IdleOneGood day folks.16:52
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
karniduanedesign: ping22:08
karniduanedesign: there's a Unity section in ccsm - easy to take back my beloved Super key for shortcuts. Changed unity launcher focus from super to super+alt with just left thumb (super thumb ;] )22:12

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