
Kokitogood evening folks06:52
macinnisrrkokito: hi!06:52
Kokitohi macinnisrr :)06:52
scott-workastraljava: good response to kennth's email,13:34
scott-workastraljava: i was also working something up but i may not do so13:35
scott-workbut i still might, i'm still kinda agitated by his statements13:38
scott-worki'll probably come across somewhat ugly though13:38
quadrisprohi all13:40
quadrispronew beast touches unstable just few minutes ago 13:41
scott-workhi quadrispro :)14:02
scott-workyou've been rocking out the packages lately :)14:03
scott-worki do have a couple of questions for you if you have the time?14:03
quadrisproI'm sorry Scott, not now, I'm going away within few moments14:04
scott-workthat's okay :)  i'll catch you at another point...have a good weekend14:05
quadrisproscott-work, mail me! :)14:06
quadrisprobye all!14:06
astraljavascott-work: So did you understand it the same way?14:52
astraljavaAhh... should have read a couple lines further.14:52
astraljavaYeah, I tried explicitly not to come off as offensive.14:52
astraljavaDon't know how I succeeded. :)14:52
astraljavascott-work: Well put, not ugly at all.15:30
scott-workastraljava: hehe, good...that's not the way it was originally written however :P15:30
scott-workastraljava: as i reread it and added all the bits about misunderstanding or lacking knowledge and "hope this helps you understand"15:31
astraljavaFigured as much. :)15:31
scott-works/as i reread it and/as i reread it i15:31
astraljavaDoes anyone have good experiences of streaming music by PulseAudio? I tried to set it up according to some instructions, and while I did get it working for a while, it started to cause network downs on laptop, which is wirelessly connected to the router. The desktop, which was the "client" as in playing the audio on the stareos it is connected to, worked fine.15:37
astraljavaThe symptoms were eradicated by purging the pulseaudio zeroconf module.15:38
astraljavaBut then I couldn't stream anymore, obviously.15:38
scott-workmy only substantial experience with pulseaudio is only using it to play youtube videos and mainstream, pedestrian audio files15:39
scott-worki haven't (and do not expect) to use to over networks15:40
ScottLhi Kokito 22:24
Kokitohey ScottL 22:24
ScottLi was serious on the mailing list about meeting times, they've evolved because of who had been involved22:25
ScottLas more people get involved the time may need to evolve to best suit the current group22:25
ScottLhi DeusQain  and detrate- 22:25
ailoScottL, I believe the time could be pushed forwards a bit, since it's quite early for us in Europe considering23:20
ailoIf we had any people from Australia involved, it would be a different story23:20
ailoIf you add +3 to that time, you get the time in Finland, which is the furthest away in this team, I believe23:21
ailoSo, I think the meeting could be pushed to 17.00-18.00 UTC.23:23
ailoWithout causing any problems23:23
ailoThat would mean 09.00-10.00 for Kokito, right?23:23
Kokitosorry ScottL I did reply here before. I fell asleep on the couch :)23:59
holsteinailo: forward works for me23:59
Kokitohey holstein :)23:59
holsteinthats a little early for me in general23:59

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