
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
* jelmer waves06:59
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
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tbfwhat's the equiv of "git add -p" in bzr?20:53
tbfthat is: how do i add only parts of a file's changes to the index?20:54
vilatbf: Hmm, there is no index in bzr, but you should be able to shelve the changes you don't want to commit with 'bzr shelve --interactive'20:55
tbfvila: thanks. reading docs for "bzr shelve"20:56
tbfvila: seems to work. thank you20:57
vilatbf: Always happy to help ! (TM jam)20:58
tbfvila: sorry for asking another stupid question: is it possible to edit commits? forgot to call "bzr whoami" and want to change the commiter id21:04
vilatbf: you can't edit commits, but you can 'bzr uncommit' ; 'bzr whoami "<yes, really me@example.com>"', bzr commit (for the last commit)21:05
tbfvila: "bzr uncommit" keeps the files?21:06
vilatbf: The 'I forgot whoami' trap is known :-/21:06
vilatbf: bzr uncommit don't touch any user file, it just move the branch pointer back so the changes are ready to commit21:07
tbfvila: thanks. together with bzr shelve i managed to correct the log :-)21:08
vilatbf: great, that's the best way to fix that today, we're working on better ways... (Both in preventing the user to forget the whoami and re-recreate commits with a fixed one)21:10
tbfvila: well, actually had $EMAIL set for devscripts and git... so bzr is not really to blame.21:12
vilaHuh ? EMAIL has not be recognized ? That's a bug !21:13
tbfvila: my fault to use the other dvcs without rtfm :-)21:13
tbfvila: it is recognized but mentions my work email address21:13
vilaSo you *did* configure the other dvcs then ? ;)21:14
tbfvila: now it becomes tricky. whom's "other dvcs"? mine or yours? :-D21:14
vilatbf: Since you introduce the term, you have to define it ;)21:15
vilatbf: jokes aside, with "other_dvcs != bzr", how did you specified your email ?21:17

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