
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
c2tarunapachelogger: hey I solved yesterday's problem of QDialog as parent. I changed the parameter type of gotocelldialog's constructor, created the QDialog object first and then passed it as parent. :)  But still now a showing parent only is not displaying anything, I gotta either show each element manually of just show GoToCellDialog. Finally I understood. Thanks ;)05:19
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
Quintasanyofel: shadeslayer: I haz arrived11:34
Quintasanapachelogger: ^11:34
yofelyay :)11:34
QuintasanThe room is...11:34
Quintasanfucking awesome11:34
QuintasanGotta look around for my roomie11:35
* afiestas is on his way, at geneve airport right now11:35
Quintasanafiestas: cool11:35
QuintasanDroidsomeone tell apachelogger to get his lazy ass over here11:43
QuintasanDroidyofel: any idea who is over at Budapest already?11:47
QuintasanDroiddamn I already forgot where my room is xD11:48
QuintasanDroidafiestas: I will be hanging around the lobby, I am wearing deep green tshirt and I have long hair :P11:54
afiestasQuintasanDroid: okz, I will arrive in a couple of hours though11:57
Nightroseyofel: ping?11:59
Nightroseyofel: i am on natty and experiencing this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kile/+bug/77263112:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 772631 in kile (Ubuntu) "kile don't insert the symbols on teh left panel after a click" [Medium,Fix released]12:00
Nightrosei see you fixed it - great!12:00
Nightrosewondering if/where i can get the updated package12:00
QuintasanDroidyofel: >teh left12:01
NightroseQuintasanDroid: hmm?12:01
QuintasanDroidoh nothing, Im just amused by the small typo in bug description12:02
QuintasanNightrose: Could you try installing the same pacakge from oneiric:12:05
NightroseQuintasanDroid: 1) i'd rather not screw up my kile - really need it12:05
Nightrose2) i have no idea where to get it12:05
QuintasanNightrose: I'll try fixing together something12:07
QuintasanNightrose: natty?12:07
JontheEchidnarodrigo and I are on the shuttle bus12:08
QuintasanJontheEchidna: YEAH12:08
Nightrosenot on a boat?12:08
JontheEchidnait is raining at least...12:08
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I will be hanging around in the lobby, I'm wearing a green tshirt and I have long hair :P12:09
JontheEchidnano trollface shirt?12:09
QuintasanJontheEchidna: unfortunately it didnt arrive on time12:09
QuintasanJontheEchidna: But I brought stepmania pad with me, so we can  watch apachelogger dance12:10
JontheEchidnawifi on the bus == sweet12:11
Quintasanmy shitty phone couldnt connect to it12:12
JontheEchidnawe're finally on the move12:13
Quintasanthis laptop is uber slow12:14
QuintasanNightrose: gonna take a while, uploading to my ppa, is that okay with you?12:14
NightroseQuintasan: think so :)  any other scary stuff in there?12:15
rbelemheya JontheEchidna 12:15
QuintasanNightrose: hmm, not really12:15
QuintasanNightrose: https://launchpad.net/~quintasan/+archive/ppa  <-- should be there shortly12:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: \o12:17
Quintasansheytan: \o12:17
NightroseQuintasan: thanks!12:18
QuintasanDroidderp I keep losing wireless reception12:31
JontheEchidna[07:34:42] <-- QuintasanDroid has left this server (Read error: Connection reset by peer).12:34
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: !!!!!!!!!!12:42
ScottKQuintasanDroid: Thanks.  I'll see what I can do with the schedule.12:49
QuintasanDroidScottK: Great.12:50
ScottKQuintasanDroid: Where are you now?12:51
ScottKI'm at the hotel.12:51
QuintasanDroidScottK: Lobby12:52
ScottKapachelogger: When do you arrive?12:52
ScottKQuintasanDroid: Where?  I'm to the right of the big staircase as you walk in.12:52
yofelNightrose: it's in oneiric and I have a natty package in ppa:yofel/backports13:58
yofelif it works fine for you leave a comment on bug 77920313:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 779203 in natty-backports "Please backport kile 2.1.0~svn2010122beta5-1ubuntu1 to natty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77920313:59
yofelah, Quintasan got it for you already14:00
ScottKyofel: I approved it.15:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelScottK: thanks15:47
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
yofelgeh, 4.6.3 got announced 2 days ago and nobody of us noticed it it seems '-.-  http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-announce&m=130467903529980&w=216:53
yofelI'm off for dinner. I have a release news draft ready on https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/kde-release-463 if someone with access wants to check it16:54
c2tarunwhat is the ppa for kde 4.6.3?16:59
yofelc2tarun: the natty packages to go kubuntu-ppa/ppa17:14
yofel*go to17:15
c2tarunyofel: thanks :)17:15
* yofel wonders if bambee will show himself today17:17
c2tarunyofel: last upload to this https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa was three weeks ago .17:18
yofelyeah, that was libqapt/muon for maverick17:18
c2tarunyofel: then how can I get kde 4.6.3 from this ppa? it doesnt have it17:19
yofelc2tarun: nobody copied it yet from ninjas, I'll do that in a bit17:20
c2tarunyofel: ok.17:20
amichairhey guys, why was guarddog removed from Natty? is there a good replacement?17:25
c2tarunyofel: kubuntu-ninjas/ppa is only for KDE SC??17:26
yofelc2tarun: can you rephrase that o.O?17:26
yofelso far 4.6.3 is only in ninjas17:26
c2tarunyofel: I mean in ninjas ppa do we have to upload only those packages which are included for kde sc?17:27
yofelwhich others packages do you think of?17:28
c2tarunwell it doesn't includes all the packages in kde? does it?17:29
yofelamichair: not sure, I personally don't use it, it was removed as part of bug 72738617:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 727386 in Ubuntu "Please remove several kde3 packages (source and binary)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72738617:29
amichairyofel: any idea what the recommended replacement is?17:30
debfxamichair: this might be a good replacement http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/UFW+KControl+Module?content=13778917:30
debfxthough I don't think it's packaged17:30
amichairdebfx: then it's not a good replacement :-)17:30
yofelc2tarun: well, the KDE SC includes all main KDE apps, although there are extra apps we use, but the KDE SC is what KDE officially ships17:31
* yofel goes copying packages17:31
yofelwhat are we going to do for oneiric? upload or first merge with debian?17:32
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.17:32
amichairubottu lies!17:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lies!17:33
amichairyes you do!17:34
amichairso, since guarddog does not, in fact, exist, is Gufw (Gnome) next in line? That's not very kubuntu-like :-/17:38
shadeslayerQuintasan: pics plz17:48
shadeslayerusually the rooms are awesome17:48
yofelalias launchpad='echo "Welcome to the management system of Timeout Errors, Timeout Errors and well.. Timeout Errors"'17:51
shadeslayeryou forgot to add wiki.ubuntu.com to that17:51
shadeslayeryofel: and its a feature!17:52
yofelno, that gives Internal Server Errors, not timeout17:52
ulysseswhí thinks apachelogger I'll pick up him?:\ I'm not even on Budapest:P17:52
yofelalias wikiubuntucom='echo "Welcome to the Wiki of 500 Internal Server Errors per day"'17:53
yofelshadeslayer: happy?17:53
* shadeslayer is also tired17:53
c2tarunyofel: pacakges copied?17:55
yofelyes, not all are published yet though17:55
* yofel goes doing an upgrade test to see if anything needs a rebuild17:55
debfxyofel: I think we shouldn't upload 4.6.3 to oneiric17:57
c2tarundebfx: why so?17:57
debfx4.7 beta1 will be tagged soon anyway17:57
debfxbut having our packages merged with debian before 4.7 would be good17:59
lucituyofel: quassel for one is not handling quassel-data proprerly from maverick to natty18:03
yofelI was talking about natty 4.6.2 -> 4.6.3 in the PPA. But I think there was a fix pending for that quassel issue18:03
lucituyofel: got you.:)18:04
yofellp 77796618:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 777966 in quassel (Ubuntu Natty) "Quassel core unable to write to database after upgrade to natty" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77796618:04
yofellucitu: can you verify if that fix works if you're affected?18:04
lucitunot sure but I have to purge quassel-data(maverick) first to get quassel after upgrade18:05
lucituright now I'm using it so it may have fixed it?18:06
yofelthe package from natty-proposed should fix it too18:06
yofelit was a permission error, so a purge would probably fix it too18:06
yofelk, update test went fine18:15
yofelany objections against me posting the natty 4.6.3 release news?18:16
debfxyofel: go ahead18:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: will provide pics later18:21
Quintasannow we are going to drink something18:21
Quintasanapachelogger the Butterfly has arrived two or three hours ago :P18:21
apacheloggeris today highlight apachelogger day?18:29
apacheloggerulysses: yeah, I only now got to the hotel thanks you 18:29
apacheloggergot lost like 30 times18:29
apacheloggerI actually arrived at 1500!!!18:30
=== apachelogger is now known as udslogger
ulyssesudslogger: why didn't you use google maps?:P18:32
ulyssesactually I'm downloading Doctor Who18:32
c2tarunyofel: wow you mentioned my name there in news :) thanks18:55
c2tarunyofel: I made few errors, by not updating VCS link. How can I check which branch is owned by kubuntu-packagers?19:02
c2tarunyofel: I made few errors, by not updating VCS link. How can I check which branch is owned by kubuntu-packagers?19:28
yofelcheck every package? I updated most of them, but not all19:30
yofelsomeone else can fix that for 4.719:31
c2tarunyofel: I meant how can I chek it from next time?19:32
c2tarunfor next time19:32
c2tarunfor/from whatever19:32
yofelah, they're in debian/control at the end of the source part19:32
c2tarunyofel: no-no, you are not getting my question :( I mean you wrote in changelog that branch is owned by kubuntu-pacakgers. is it possible that an app is in kde-sc and branch is not owned  by kubuntu-pacakgers?19:33
yofelok, one or 2 weeks ago, all our packaging branches were owned by kubuntu-members, that made it impossible for non-members to commit to them which was a problem for ubuntu developers. We invented the kubuntu-packagers team to solve that and once natty was released we re-owned our branches from kubuntu-members to kubuntu-packagers19:35
yofelthat was done in launchpad. The problem now is that the Vcs- links in our packages still show the old URLs where the branches were owned by -members19:36
c2tarunyofel: ok :) got it now 19:36
bambeejust curious, who sent me a memo ?20:11
bambeeignore my stupid question20:11
sheytanQuintasan hey, you pinged me? :)20:16
bambeeDid someone already use tailor ?21:01
bambeeyofel: kde-l10n uploaded21:44
yofelhm, you forgot to add ~ppa to the version, and I missed to notice it when I merged your branch -.-21:46
yofelwell, no easy way to fix that until 4.6.421:46
yofelother than that, looks good21:46
debfxyofel: reading kde-packager I wonder if we should revert oxygen-icons to 4.6.2. what do you think?22:26
yofelkde bug 27275622:28
ubottuKDE bug 272756 in icons "Inconsistent oxygen folder icon in KDE 4 6 3" [Normal,Resolved: downstream] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27275622:28
yofelurgh, yeah please do so, I just saw that mix up when changing the icon size in dolphin, this looks totally inconsistent22:32
neversfeldeyofel: yes, we have to find a solution there22:36
yofelfor now let's upload 4:4.6.3really4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1, then we can wait until the KDE folks think of something22:38
=== apachelogger is now known as udslogger
* debfx wonders if amarok 2.4.1 should go into the updates or backports ppa23:36
debfxi've uploaded it to backports for now23:39
udsloggerdebfx: depends on the amount of change I'd say ^^23:39
udsloggeror rather, how sure you areit can og into updates ;)23:39
udsloggerI fear I am suffering from tiered eyes23:39
debfxudslogger: it's amarok so I expect new features and more breakage ;)23:40
udsloggerbackports it is :D23:40

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