
preecherdunno where the proper place to say is but,-- i been using linux(gnome & xfce) since 2006 and it took unity to bring me to try kubuntu(kde) and lthough im still figurin out the tweaks--its KA in my book & dont know why i dint try it before00:03
tertl3preecher: welcome :)00:03
tertl3i recently switched to KDE as well00:04
mole_kde is the best00:04
mole_by far00:04
tertl3i personally use a spin-off of kubuntu but that is what got me into KDE00:05
preecherim like "my gosh" and im running on a 5 yr old ibm thinkpaad and its just beyond description--i can pretty much configure everything00:05
tertl3KXstudio is basically a souped up Kubuntu Studio00:06
preechermaaybe i need to look at it---i loathe the enviroments that require lot of "fiddleing" just to get thingfs to work and it did take me several hours to get my internal mic working00:07
preechertertl3 ive alwaays thought kde couldnt be config'd as much as gnome and was i ever WRONG--and to boot its in its default install pretty much killer as far as "candy from a stranger" goes00:11
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hellojoneshi, I connect with my server via lan using kubuntu and smb protocoll, I can see files and copy them over, but I cannot double click on a movie on the server and let vlc play it. Kubuntu will automatically download the movie, what am I missing?00:36
James147hellojones: try it with kaffeine or dragon player00:43
hellojonescannot find input plugin for mrl00:45
hellojonesdoesnt work with dragon nor vlc nor kaffeine00:49
uabn93I tried installing kubuntu 3 times and everytime I try logging in it just sends me back to the login screen. Why does this happen?01:21
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kavurtwhat should i install for windows media player or winamp plugin?01:28
subcoolcan someone help me, or point me to a chanell that can help me with my x11vnc01:37
areichmankavurt: what are you trying to do?02:07
kavurtareichman: i want to listen to radio online. but firefox says: missing plugins02:08
areichmanwhat site?02:08
areichmankavurt: what site?02:11
kavurtareichman: i'm trying to find the site. :)02:12
areichmanah, sorry :-)02:13
areichmandid you install extra plugins from the prompt that comes up when you first try to play something?02:13
apersonI'm trying to figure out why my gtk apps have nice menus that blend in with the rest of the system, *except* dropbox02:16
areichmanaperson: I've never used dropbox before but I had a similar problem with apps that were being run as a different user. Does it run as root or under a different user, like apache?02:17
apersonit runs as my user, I believe, areichman02:17
apersonI'll double check02:17
apersonyep, my user02:18
apersonit doesn't have its own gtkrc either02:18
DaxarHi, I just bought a used iMac (G3, I think?) with a wiped hard drive and no external hardware (keyboard, power adaptor, or mouse). I plugged in the hardware from my old Windows computer, burned the Kubuntu ISO to a CD, and was preparing to install it, but the CD drive physically won't let me stick the CD in (The spring in there pushes it back out instantly). Any help?02:24
subcoolhey, where can i get drivers for a dell laptop. N4020 - the webcam02:43
subcoolnothing comes up online02:43
subcoolim not too sure how to look for it other than just googleing the model02:44
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apersonis there a way suspend desktop effects via a command?03:41
apersonI know there's a keyboard shortcut03:42
areichmanaperson: you're trying to write a bash script that will suspend desktop effects?03:49
apersonanswered my own question: qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin org.kde.KWin.toggleCompositing03:50
apersonwant to disable them before I start minecraft ;)03:50
varachгде я?04:59
varachWhat is this?05:01
kevin__that menas where i am05:01
kevin__that means "where I am"05:02
varach:) Nevermind. Its my first experience with IRC chat & Im using Linux just for one week.05:10
varachAnd Im from Russia and my English is very poor05:11
natakubuntu 11.04 is absolutely slow05:27
natamouse pointer like auto hide, vesa xorg become slow05:29
gennroruns great for me05:29
natalanguage transform become incomplete...mayb your driver is completely supported05:30
gennroBut I would imagine running KDE on a vesa driver would be really slow05:30
natanow vesa driver is enough to support old computer to watch movie (incondition CPU speed must about 1.8)05:32
natanow i upgrade to 11.04...lazy to say...05:33
gennroi'm running 11.0405:33
natai know, of cause news software is stil ok05:34
nataGraf_Westerholt: fine, speak what u like05:34
natadont know what happen in 11.04 cause my OS slow05:36
mikefmail10Good morning all06:08
mikefmail10I have been using Ubuntu for quite a while (highly impressed by it) and I have just set up Quassel for my IRC. I like what I see of it.06:15
gennrothats what I am using06:16
gennrolike it better then xchat06:17
sethirothI am having trouble installing Adobe FLash06:18
gennrouse firefox and install an addon called flash aid06:18
gennroinstalls the latest flash plugin and fixes06:19
sethirothis there a way around it06:19
sethirothfor chromeium06:19
gennroflash aid only works in firefox but it will update the flash for the whole system06:19
sethirothhmm ok06:19
sethirothalso i have this game called minecraft06:20
sethirothIt runs fine on Ubuntu but on Kubuntu its slow06:20
sethirothand gittery06:20
gennrominecraft uses java06:21
sethirothi have installed java06:21
sethirothbut its laggy06:21
sethirothwould you happen to know why ?06:21
gennrono idea06:21
sethirothI have installed flash aid and the problem still exists06:22
gennrodid you open flash aid and hit execute?06:23
sethirothI installed flash from the kpackagekit06:24
sethirothi get what you mean in exstentions06:25
gennrowork now?06:25
sethirothbut is it me or does kubuntu have alot of problems06:26
sethirothyes it works06:26
gennroi'm using 11.04 and it works great06:26
sethirothwell it must be me just being new to the KDE interface06:27
sethirothGnome3 doesnt appeal to me anymore06:27
sethirothhow do i  check my version06:28
gennrojust hasn't had enough time for gnome 3 to mature06:28
gennrono idea06:28
sethirothAnyway to isntall Sun java06:29
sethirothnot open java06:29
sethirothits normally in the package manager but isnt for kubuntu06:29
gennroyou prolly don't have the non-free repos enabled06:29
sethirothwhere can i enable them06:30
gennrounder settings in the package manager06:30
sethirothwhat shall i check ?06:32
gennrorestricted, multiverse, and universe should be all checked06:32
MK```Can I set KTorrent to not upload at all?... it seems to use 0 = unlimited06:33
sethirothwhere is this restricted i dont see it06:36
gennrocame enabled on 11.04 for me06:37
gennroso i don't think you are running 11.0406:37
sethirothhmmm let me put my disk in06:37
sethirothyep its 11.0406:38
sethirothany suggestions06:42
Snowhogsethiroth, are you saying that you don't see sun-java6-jre in KPackagekit?06:44
gennrohere is mine http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a60/gennro/snapshot1.png06:44
sethirothi have more then you and there all ticked06:46
sethirothstill no sun06:46
sethirothmeh shall i try a reinstall06:47
sethirothHey BBQ06:48
sethirothalso the ball widget is sooooooo fun06:49
sethirothWhy is all the Programs randomly called somthing with a k like kate06:50
sethirothLol that does not relate with notepad06:50
BBQ655321they all have to start with k06:52
BBQ655321just like apple stuff has to start with i06:52
sethiroth*Reinstalls K06:52
preechernew to kubuntu---i dont see synaptic package manager anywhere is this normal & also is the kpackagekit what i use for updates06:52
sethirothi is for information ??06:52
sethirothkpackagekit is synaptic package manger just Kified06:53
preechero ok thnks06:53
preecheris it also where i do my updates?06:53
sethirothlol just before you freak out where the hell is my notepad06:53
sethirothits called Kate06:53
sethirothWhen you get updates you will see them in the taskbar right hand side06:54
sethirothits like a little Cog06:54
sethirothsooo yah06:54
preechertaking some getn used to but cant understnd why ive never tryed kde before its very nice from what ive seen so far06:55
sethirothyah also06:55
sethirothi guess the new GNome has pushed you away06:55
preecherbetween the new gnome and unity yeah--went to xfce for a few but decided to take a spin on kde and i like it so im only using it now06:56
sethirothi hope gnome realize that its not what we want06:57
sethirothits gone more tabletized06:57
preecheri hate the new gnome06:58
sethirothi think most of us switching is06:58
sethirothbecause of that06:58
preecheroh you switched also06:58
sethirothlol yah but kde is giving me some problems06:59
sethirothbut it seems only me06:59
sethirothhi keshl06:59
preecheryea mine gets freaky sometimes but getn better as time goes--had  time jus getn my mic set up07:00
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sethirothFlash was 1 hour burnt07:00
sethirotherm java burnt some time away07:00
izinucssethiroth: you can install synaptic package manager. for what it's worth I like it better then kpackagekit.. more capability07:00
sethirothand now my HDMI audio07:00
sethirothi hope it comes defualt next update07:01
preecherim on budget audio & video so im runnin somewhat smoothly07:02
sethirothizinucs:thank you for telling me that07:02
sethirothizinucs how long you been using Kubuntu07:04
izinucssethiroth: since 4 came out.. but use gnome 2.x and unity too07:07
berxxim using kubuntu since I upped to natty/unity.. not impressed w the desktop///so switched..07:08
sethirothlol Unity and thingy pushed me away07:08
berxxizinucs, hiya07:08
izinucssethiroth: yea.. I haven't decided on that yet.07:08
berxxsethiroth, and hi\07:08
sethirothhi\ :P07:09
sethirothi dont get it07:09
berxxI typed hi.. hit \ by accident07:09
sethirothi thought it was a command07:09
sethirothfor irc07:10
sethirothlol one thing i hate about KDE is the Right click and gets rid of task manager on the Kbar07:12
berxxyah how to get it back?07:13
sethirothyah i figured it out07:13
sethirothit said wiget removed so i kinda figured07:13
sethirothit from there07:13
sethirothis that a command or07:15
sethirothto get the task manager up07:15
berxxyah that showed as a way to get add widgets07:15
berxxalt+d, A07:16
sethirothanyways i can get Java to be as fast a Ubuntu07:17
sethirothis openGL not installed because my drivers are not correct or somthing07:23
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*07:27
sethirothanyone know why its running 3d stuff off the software not openGL07:27
preecheri hvent looked into mine yet --i finally just disabled desktop effects since everytime i booted it gave me a notice "some effects were disabled" due to being too slow07:29
sethirotheverything is fine for me07:31
sethirothits just some java games are slow07:31
sethirothbut on Ubuntu its fine07:31
BBQ655321Can anyone here help me with ecryptfs-utils? I'm trying to get the Private folder to appear in Kubuntu 11.0407:36
BBQ655321how do I get the Private folder to show up in 11.04?07:37
sethirothsniff to my addiction to minecraft07:37
BBQ655321i got minecraft working in kubuntu no problem07:38
BBQ655321i installed the JDK and i was good to go07:38
sethirothtell me how and your username :p07:38
sethirothbut is it slow07:39
BBQ655321oh so it already works for you but its just slow?07:39
BBQ655321well for me its fast but i have a fast system07:39
sethirothyah but in ubuntu its super fast07:39
BBQ655321so its slow for you in kubuntu but fast in ubuntu?07:39
sethirothi mean fps of over 300+07:39
sethirothi cant even see it07:40
sethirothin this am bearly getting 3007:40
sethirothi really like the KDE07:41
sethirothso if possible id like to stay with it07:41
epimethI'm dying here... can't figure out how to completely purge mysql server from my system?  I forgot the root password and did a dpkg reconfigure but now I'm being told I have no create database privleges!07:43
sethirothsniff 6 fps not even 1007:44
epimethso I remove mysql-server and instal it again and the same databases appear!07:44
epimethhow do I completely remove mysql server and install it again?  thanks!07:44
sethirothdelete it manually ?07:44
sethirothlol thats what i would of done on windows07:44
sethirothdont know if it would apply here07:45
epimethokay......... now this is weird... just for sh!ts and giggles I tried the command line route and was able to create a new database!  Does anyone know if phpmyadmin is flakey?07:46
Graf_Westerholtsethiroth, I do not know about mysql but I am sure you have to delete the configuration, not the binarys. The config stays when you remove and reinstall the binarys.07:47
sethirothwronge guy07:48
Graf_Westerholtepimeth, I do not know about mysql but I am sure you have to delete the configuration, not the binarys. The config stays when you remove and reinstall the binarys.07:48
preecherepimeth dunno if this helps07:48
preechersudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-server mysql-common mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev libmysql-ruby07:48
epimethGraf_Westerholt: Duh :-p  how do I remove to configs?07:48
Graf_WesterholtI have no idea, I never worked with mysql07:49
epimethpreecher: I need to get rid of the client as well??? okay....07:49
epimethand I'm being told that this will remove half the packages in my system.....07:51
sethirothepimeth go google where is the location of the config files in mysql sever07:51
epimethI've been googling for half an hour... I'll check for conf files specifically now07:52
sethirothanyways the community is good :D07:54
sethiroth110% satisfied07:55
* epimeth agrees07:56
sethiroth:D i can go on if you want07:57
sethirothomg the bal widget is awesome07:59
preecherwats it do08:00
Graf_Westerholtpreecher: bouncing. ;)08:00
sethirothlol fun as hell08:02
preecherlol yea i have 2 goin now08:02
sethirothquick tip08:02
sethirothtrsut me u cant catch it08:03
sethirothto close it08:03
FloodBotK1sethiroth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:03
* Graf_Westerholt has two balls. ;)08:03
epimethheh.... I just had to clear my cookies... DAMNIT08:03
epimethwhat a waste08:03
epimeththanks anyway everybody!  have a splending night08:04
Graf_WesterholtNight? Sunrise was three hours ago.08:04
preecher2am here08:05
sethiroth8am for me08:05
Graf_WesterholtIt is silly to refer to morning or evening in a world-wide chan.08:05
sethirothi am so dumb i put my ball on autobounce on top speed08:06
Graf_Westerholtno problem sethiroth08:06
preecherlol it goes08:06
sethirothhow do i stop it08:06
preecheri dunno i just x'd my desktop panels tryn to catch them08:07
sethirothomg OBILVION OF BALLS08:07
sethirothi have 100s08:07
sethirothsniff its the end of the world as we know08:08
sethirothmy cpu is going crazy mad08:10
sethirothwhy o way08:10
sethirothdid i put 100 balls on auto bounce08:10
sethirotham gunna restart if there not gone am going to delete my partition08:11
sethirothand do a reinstall08:11
Graf_WesterholtThere is a solution.08:12
sethirothgod its giving me a headache08:12
Graf_WesterholtI'll find. :)08:12
sethirothi thought it was slowing down but no they went faster08:13
sethirothballs of steel08:14
sethiroth3fps on minecraft08:17
sethirothubuntu 300+08:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 300 in mysql-query-browser (Ubuntu) "reproducible segfault in "edit" mode for a query" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30008:18
sethirothnope no change still lots of ballz08:21
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Graf_Westerholtsethiroth: try to kill plasma-desktop at system-monitor.08:28
sethirothi did :D08:28
sethirothit works08:28
Graf_Westerholtfine :)08:28
Graf_WesterholtNow you have no balls anyomer, sethiroth. ;)08:29
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jmuthi. how do I control startup services etc. some services like apache/mysql I want to start on demand only and not on system boot08:50
jmutwhere can I read on howto start/stop manually and configure boot startup things08:51
ubottuTo make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:56
valoriejmut ^^^08:57
Graf_WesterholtApache and mysql are not KDE-Programs.08:58
jmutvalorie: !!? would like to asume there is no KDE at all.08:59
jmutvalorie: konsole way...server wise approach08:59
jmutin other way... should I use    etc.. update-rc.d to configure startup services.  and service [name] start/stop   to handle manually things09:01
martinjh99Can I use the Desktop Live CD to install on LVM?09:08
sethirothhey Preecher09:10
=== Who828 is now known as Who
vmsiammy softwar management icon got missing from the system settings Kubuntu 11.04. How can i restore it?10:29
Peace-vmsiam: i guess dpkg recofingure read this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man8/dpkg-reconfigure.8.html10:34
vmsiamthanks peace will have a go at it10:35
sethirothDrivers for ATi RAdeon HD 300010:55
sethirothNot working10:55
Peace-sethiroth: so11:06
lagerimsihi there - anyone has experiences with irda? most of the buttons on my remote control worked out of the box - now (after upgrade) nothing works anymore - even assigning the buttons per hand doesn't - irw gives me the right buttons and symbol in taskbar reacts after pressing button - but assigned keys via D-Bus or even templates don't work11:10
=== ubuntu is now known as meNtha
meNthajust a question11:12
meNthai have a windiws xp11:12
meNthai want to intall kubuntu, but i dont want to delete xp11:12
meNthai have to make new partiton<11:13
Peace-meNtha: just boot form kubuntu , there is an automatic partion stuff11:13
Peace-meNtha: you will not loose anything11:13
meNthaand if i installed kubuntu, possiblz some windows system problems<11:13
Peace-linux will understand how to do that11:13
Peace-if you don't trust linux11:13
Peace-you ca download some iso that has gparted or partion manager11:14
meNthahow much space i need11:14
Peace-i guess i have a link11:14
meNtha15 gb is enogh<11:14
Peace-meNtha:   i guess 10-15 gig for the system11:14
lagerimsimentha: no problem install via cd and make an automatic installation it will autromatically resize the windows partition and make a new one (in real: two swap and root) for linux11:14
Peace-meNtha: actually i have 7 gig for the system11:15
Peace-or less i dunno xD11:15
Peace-the best partions is this11:15
Peace-windows , 10 gig for / (root partion the system in other words)11:16
meNthaand if i want to use kubuntu, just enter to the boot menu, and it starts, or what?11:16
Peace-a partion called swap11:16
Peace-that is like a ram on the hardisk ...11:16
Peace-should be ~ like your ram11:16
Peace-and then /home , the data  partion11:16
Peace-my configuration it's this11:16
Peace-10 gig for the system (/ mount point)11:17
Peace-1.5 gig of swap (i have 1.5 of ram )11:17
meNthaso, if i installed the kubuntu, evrzrhing is the same, just i can start kubuntu on start?11:17
Peace-and then 100gig of /home11:17
Peace-meNtha: at the start boot manager will run11:18
Peace-you can choose windows or linux11:18
Peace-if you dont' see anything11:18
Peace-please SHIFT11:18
Peace-to enter on the menu11:18
Peace-meNtha: that is the menu http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/grub2.jpg11:18
lagerimsimentha: install - let resize your partition - mybe you want to adjust the gigabytes it reserves (10 Gig is enough) - install - after installation you boot into grub -  the bootmanager - there you can choose wich system to start11:18
meNthaoh, fine :)11:19
meNthaim a totally noob in linux11:20
Peace-meNtha: read before ...11:20
meNthawhat i should to intall?11:20
Peace-meNtha: for what?11:20
meNthaubuntu or kubuntu?11:20
meNthaso, wich is the easier?11:20
Peace-meNtha: kubuntu is ubuntu kernel (that recognize the hardware) with kde interface11:20
Peace-meNtha: ubuntu is ubuntu kernel (that recognize the hardware) with unity interface11:21
Peace-meNtha: right now i guess you will find  kde more windows liek11:21
Peace-i have kubuntu right now11:21
lagerimsiyou can also try linux using the cd  (just boot and choose "try") - it's very slow but you can test it - from there you can also install it11:21
lagerimsiwith a graphical interface11:21
meNthai trz the kubuntu beacause im a kvirc user :)11:21
Peace-meNtha: that is my kubuntu xD http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/08/plasma-desktopkM1729.jpg11:22
meNthayes i know, im in try mode with a live cd :)11:22
Peace-well it's like mac but it's kubuntu xD11:22
Graf_WesterholtHello Peace-11:23
Peace-Graf_Westerholt: hey11:23
meNthahehe, totally mac, but very nice :)11:23
Peace-meNtha: well i doing a javascript to get the layount for kde11:23
Peace-mac layount11:24
lagerimsihm? - you can change tha11:24
meNthaokay i will go back to windows, make some space, and than i gonna intall kubuntu :)11:24
meNthathanks for info11:25
lagerimsidon't have to11:25
Peace-have luck11:25
lagerimsiit will automatically resizre your partition11:25
lagerimsibut much fun with it :)11:26
lagerimsiagain:  anyone has experiences with irda? most of the buttons on my remote control worked out of the box - now (after upgrade) nothing works anymore - even assigning the buttons per hand doesn't - irw gives me the right buttons and symbol in taskbar reacts after pressing button - but assigned keys via D-Bus or even templates don't work11:26
meNthalagerimsi: yes, but i have to make some space, my winch is fulll :)11:26
lagerimsimentha: ok have fun11:27
meNthai will be back soon11:27
Peace-lagerimsi: wait i have a guy with that experience but it's italian11:27
FloodBotK1meNtha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:27
Peace-her is11:27
lagerimsipeace: i dont speak italian11:28
Peace-lagerimsi: xD i know i am italian too11:28
Peace-but we can speak english11:28
lagerimsiok nice11:29
Peace-lagerimsi: sorry he is gone  , maybe after lauch he comes back11:29
Peace-i leave too eat time :P11:29
lagerimsiPeace: ok11:30
lagerimsigood apetite11:30
sethirothNeed help installing offical Ati readeon HD 3000 drivers11:52
Peace-jockey-kde doesn't help11:53
sethirothi want offical driver11:53
sethirothnot the open one11:53
sethirothit preforms better11:53
Peace-sethiroth: you can get the other driver from that ...11:54
sethirothdont understand11:54
Peace-sethiroth: jockey-kde can enable drivers...11:54
Peace-proprietary and non-proprietaay11:55
sethirothdude thanks so much11:56
sethirothhow do i add a icon to a jar file ?11:57
sethirotherm i got this error with jocky11:57
sethirothSystem error11:57
sethirothinstall achives fail11:58
=== ubuntu is now known as meNtha
meNthaPeace-: r u here?13:01
meNthathere is a little problem13:01
meNthaor lagerimsi ?13:02
Peace-meNtha: ya13:02
meNthaim try to intall kubuntu with wubi13:02
Peace-it will not work well13:03
Peace-but if you wanna try...13:03
meNthaim tried13:03
meNthaand it doesnt works13:03
Peace-meNtha: have you tried with livecd ?13:03
meNthaim rebooted the szstem, and wasnt boot screen13:03
Peace-meNtha: boot from the cd13:03
meNthacan u write the steps< i dont want to loose mz win with mz data/s13:04
meNthaidk whz wasnt boot screen... :(13:04
Peace-meNtha: ok you have not to be scared,13:05
Peace-meNtha: if you wanna try the livecd there is not problem13:05
Peace-just burn the iso image13:05
Peace-put on the cd13:05
Peace-and reboot13:05
Peace-reboot and make sure cd it's selected before Hard disk13:05
Peace-so it will load kubuntu and not windows13:05
Peace-the live cd is very easy to use and you have not to install it13:06
meNthayeah, im on the live cd right now13:07
meNthaand kubuntu is fuckin good13:07
RurouniJonesAnyone know any linux programs that will crawl and download an entire website?13:08
Peace-meNtha: you like it! ? so if everytthing work :) it will too after the installation13:08
Peace-meNtha: the kernel what  recognize your hardware it's the same on the live cd13:09
Peace-if you install it will be used on the computer locally13:09
Peace-meNtha: if you are scared you can create a new partition13:09
Peace-just a second a i wll give you a live cd to partizionize13:09
meNthaok, but if i instal lwith wubi, after rebooting wasnt bott screen to choose beetwen win and kubuntu, so this is my problem13:10
Peace-meNtha: http://sourceforge.net/projects/partitionman/files/partitionmanager-live-cd/1.0.3/KDE_Partition_Manager_1.0.3_LiveCD.i686-1.0.3.iso/download13:10
meNthaim gonna try13:13
liamdawe_hi all#13:25
lagerimsiagain:  anyone has experiences with irda? most of the buttons on my remote control worked out of the box - now (after upgrade) nothing works anymore - even assigning the buttons per hand doesn't - irw gives me the right buttons and symbol in taskbar reacts after pressing button - but assigned keys via D-Bus or even templates don't work13:34
lagerimsiPeace: is your friend here?13:36
BluesKajHey all14:02
=== roxy is now known as roxxy
meNthaif i start from intall cd14:08
meNthaand i choose automatic14:08
meNthait delete windows?14:08
Peace-meNtha: it will not delet windows14:09
meNthajust intall automatic, and it will be good? :D14:09
Peace-meNtha: but there 1% that something could get wrong14:09
Peace-meNtha: should be14:09
Peace-meNtha: have you made a backup?14:10
Peace-meNtha: i never did a backup14:10
Peace-but maybe voltage could get down14:10
Peace-or something like that14:10
Peace-meNtha: after you have installed read this http://nowardev.wordpress.com/usefull-link-for-kubuntu-and-multimedia-stuff/what-you-would-want-to-do-on-startup-multimedia-side/14:11
Peace-i go bye bey14:12
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meNthavalaki magyar?14:39
BluesKaj!hu | meNtha14:41
ubottumeNtha: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál14:41
Graf_WesterholtHello HPP.14:47
HPPcan you install kubuntu on mac?14:47
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:48
HPPthank you14:48
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amichairso, has the upgrade from Maverick to Natty been smooth for everyone?14:56
Peace-amichair: no15:02
BluesKajamichair, it's never smooth for everyone15:02
amichairsome are smoother than others...15:03
* Peace- has never upgraded15:03
amichairalways clean install? or u working on an ancient system?15:03
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amichairI upgraded my netbook, desktop effects no longer work (I opened a bug, and it was closed the next day as invalid. sheesh.)15:04
amichairso I'm deliberating whether to upgrade my desktop (more sensitive) or wait some more15:05
Peace-amichair: well i don't like upgrade15:06
Peace-i want be sure the system will work well15:06
amichairI've been upgrading since Intrepid, iirc - most of the upgrades went smooth. Maverick a little less.15:06
Peace-amichair: i install alpha system :)15:07
Peace-test report bugs15:07
Peace-and so on...15:07
Peace-i guess i will install 11.10 when there will be the alpha15:08
amichairI do that in virtualbox, no need to mess up my main work/home/server machine15:08
Peace-well , i have 10gig   100 home and 10 another partion15:08
Peace-1 stable , home , unstable15:09
martinjh99Good afternoon!15:09
amichairI haven't gotten the upgrade notification on my desktop though, strange (on netbook it came up the day of the release)15:10
amichairI asked here, but never got an answer of how to get the update notifications to work properly15:10
martinjh99Just installing 11.04 on an eeepc 901 netbook and I get the netbook shell rather than the standard desktop - any way I can get the standard desktop once installed? or at least a pointer to instructions?15:11
amichairmaybe it broke in one of the previous upgrades :-)15:11
amichairmartinjh99: when you say netbook shell, do you mean the netbook GUI, or a command line prompt?15:11
martinjh99the gui - it installs and works fine :) I just prefer the standard desktop even on the netbook - Had 10.04 on there and that worked fine!15:12
amichairmartinjh99: in system settings -> workspace, select the desktop workspace15:12
martinjh99thanks amichair  - not quite finished installing yet so will try when done!15:13
martinjh99USB sticks are slow.... ;)15:14
amichairI use the desktop workspace on the netbook too. The netbook gui is much less usable on a netbook, for me15:14
amichairI find it requires much more touchpad movements, which is less convenient15:14
amichairthough I didn't check it out in Natty yet, maybe it got better :-)15:15
Peace-amichair: try the menu bar15:15
Peace-i mean15:15
Peace-amichair: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/08/plasma-desktopdr1729.jpg15:15
Peace-amichair: look at the panel15:15
Peace-there is settings and so on ..15:16
Peace-i guess it' s better this15:16
HPPis there a software that allows you to run windows apps on linux, (not virtualbox or VWware)?15:16
amichairPeace-: is that for martinjh99?15:16
amichair!wine | HPP15:16
ubottuHPP: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:16
Peace-amichair: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/08/plasma-desktoplX1729.jpg15:16
HPPthanx amichair15:16
Peace-amichair: no for you because i guess menu bar it' sbetter for netbook15:16
martinjh99Peace- how did you get that bottom bar?15:17
Peace-martinjh99: add widget on the panel15:17
Peace-martinjh99: search for menu bar15:17
Peace-martinjh99: if you can't get it you have to install plasma-widget-menubar i guess15:18
amichairPeace-: thanks, I'll check it out too15:18
Peace-martinjh99: something like taht15:18
martinjh99ah ok cool :) will check it out15:18
Peace-martinjh99: anwyway you should get plasma-widget15:18
martinjh99whats your style and window manager style?15:18
Peace-martinjh99: xD15:19
Peace-martinjh99: one moment15:19
amichairPeace-: and how do u get that menu on top? I just see a drop-down main menu in the corner15:21
Peace-amichair: as i said , panel==> add widget ==> add menu bar15:21
Peace-amichair: if you have not just install plasma-widget15:21
Peace-filter on kpackagekit15:21
amichairoh, I thought that was about the bar in the bottom15:21
Peace-you should find plasma-wdiget-menubar15:22
Peace-amichair: that is daisy widget15:22
Peace-sudo  plasma-widget-daisy15:22
Peace-i guess15:22
Peace-martinjh99: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/08/plasma-desktopee1729.jpg15:23
martinjh99thanks all...15:25
amichairPeace-: apparently the menu widget is there by default, but in its settings you need to uncheck the 'use button form factor' setting (on by default)15:28
Peace-amichair: uncheck15:29
Peace-amichair: then open a new istance of dolphin15:29
Peace-if an application is alread opened it doesn't work but if you open a new istance15:30
amichairyes, I did - just mentioned that it does not need to be installed, and the default settings do need to be changed15:30
Peace-menu bar should it work15:30
amichairfor the next guy that asks :-)15:30
Peace-xD well i have my blog and right now i am writing a tutorial15:30
Peace-for mac style15:30
Peace-i did for the gnome2 style and now it's time for mac15:31
amichairhow do I minimize a window? the button's gone15:31
HPPpeace what is your blog..15:31
Peace-amichair: mm screenshot?15:32
Peace-HPP: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/kde-configure-panels-in-gnome-way-configure-kde-desktop-for-each-user/15:33
amichairdaisy ain't working too great15:36
amichairsometime I see only the top half15:37
amichairwhen selecting an open application, it shows all open apps not just the selected one15:37
amichairand I can't get the bar to show again unless I minimize all open apps15:37
amichairexcept there's no minimize button :-)15:37
amichairI think I'll switch back to desktop workspace for now, will give it another shot when I have the time15:38
Peace-amichair: you have to set15:38
BluesKajamichair, in the panel moresettings choose always visible15:39
amichairI don't see such an option on daisy15:40
Peace-amichair: get some time and see well :)15:40
amichairalso, after making the top menu not in one button (the setting from before), now the rest of my indicators etc. are overwriting each other15:40
Peace-amichair: screenshot15:43
amichairBluesKaj: that's the bottom panel we're talking about, Peace- just introduced it15:43
BluesKajif you used the default plasma panel, then maybe you do what you want :)15:44
* BluesKaj curses15:45
amichairBluesKaj: I will, as soon as I switch back to desktop workspace :-)15:45
BluesKajdamn KB!15:45
Peace-BluesKaj: this is the fist time i ssee you write damn hhahaha15:46
BluesKajthose dinky launchers are ok , but they don't do what a real panel does ...eye candy yes , practical ? maybe not so much15:46
amichairdoes alt-prtsc work, or do I need to open screenshot app?15:47
amichair(if I touch it, the menu changes...)15:47
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Peace-amichair: stamp15:47
Peace-amichair: if doesn't systesettings shortcuts15:47
amichairwhat's stamp?15:48
Peace-amichair: instead of alt stamp you should use only stamp15:49
Peace-amichair: ksnapshot it's the progrma15:49
amichairstamp == PrtSc?15:50
BluesKajprtscn key works here15:50
* BluesKaj stops damning his KB :)15:51
amichairah yes, got it15:51
amichairthere's a nice feature on Windows where prtsc gets a full screen snapshot, and alt+prtsc gets a snapshot of the active window only. quite useful15:51
amichairthough come to think of it, in this case I need the full screen :-P15:52
amichairwhich is the image pastebin de jour?15:54
eristikophileshey anyone mind telling me how large a boot volume should be on a netbook with a hd size of 248986MB ?15:54
eristikophilesi'm setting up encrypted w/ an LVM.. so it seems to want a default "root" LV. i'm adding another LV "stor" for files only15:55
eristikophilesi was thinking 20% of the drive for "root" but that's like 49GB and seems big..15:55
Peace-eristikophiles: :S15:59
Peace-root need 10-15gig15:59
Peace-home can be 100gig15:59
amichairok, here we go: http://imagebin.org/15233215:59
Peace-swap = ram16:00
James147swap = very very slow ram ^^16:00
Peace-amichair: oh you use that16:00
amichairand http://imagebin.org/15233316:00
eristikophilesyeah swap is already accounted for automatically16:00
Peace-James147: well it's the hd16:00
eristikophilesthe guided setup isn't set up for multiple partitions though.. :) i want multiple partitions *and* encryption16:01
grusumwhen will the KDE 4.6.3 updates be in the repositories that were released on the 6th?16:02
eristikophilesPeace-- thanks btw.. but do i really need that much space in /home?16:02
eristikophilesi'm not storing any data on there, it'll only be for config files16:03
Peace-eristikophiles: nope16:03
Peace-eristikophiles: i mean16:03
Peace-i use /home so huge because in this way16:03
Peace-if i do something of weird on the system and i want install again the system16:03
Peace-i have only to format 10-15 gig16:03
Peace-and the user settings are kept16:03
eristikophilesyeah, that's fine for the /root16:03
Peace-on the home16:03
eristikophilesbut i will have *another* space for data after /home16:03
Peace-that it's eve the storage partition16:03
eristikophilesi will call it /stor16:04
Peace-:) i have an home16:04
Peace-and in the home there is /home/shared16:04
yofelgrusum: 4.6.3 got delayed, they'll be out when it's released16:04
Peace-so everyuser can read the stuff16:04
eristikophileswell, how big should /home be to just handle like, the config files and such?16:04
eristikophilesi'm the only user on this box :)16:04
Peace-eristikophiles: so you can use 10-15 gig for the system and the home16:04
grusumyofel: tu16:04
eristikophilesok cool thanks16:05
amichairPeace-: gave u the screenshots above, now will switch back to desktop16:05
James147eristikophiles: the root drive will never go above 10gig on most computer... 15 gigs is good for most setups... if you really want to be safe go with 20.... but more then that isnt really needed at all unless you are adding things manually (such as a website or something) ^^ /home is there a good place you just you the test of the disk16:05
yofelhm... or maybe they just didn't send a mail...16:05
eristikophilesJames147- thanks.. i'm really asking about the /home dir relative to storage space16:06
eristikophilesbut i put 17gb in both /root and /home16:06
eristikophilesthe rest is in /stor16:06
James147eristikophiles: most use /home as storage space16:06
eristikophilesi want a distinct storage space :)16:06
James147eristikophiles: then you dont really need more then a few gigs16:07
James147eristikophiles: if there16:07
James147if taht16:07
eristikophileshow big should it be for just config files then?16:07
eristikophilesi still haven't finalized the partitioning. i can change it16:07
James147eristikophiles: well, for everything except the nepomuk db it should fit in sice one gig easy... nepomuk db can run up to a few gigs though... soo 15 would be plenty16:08
eristikophileswhat's nepomuk do again?16:09
eristikophilesoh file indexing?16:10
eristikophilesi don't need that lol16:10
James147eristikophiles: index files and store metadata about files16:10
amichairoh no!16:10
amichairI can't get back to my desktop workspace!16:10
eristikophilesamichair- first step: breathe16:10
BluesKajeristikophiles, my / is 14.6G ,and I still have 6.6G available16:10
amichairwhether I apply the netbook or desktop in system settings, I end up getting the netbook :-(16:10
eristikophilesBluesKaj- thanks16:10
eristikophilesthis is the first time i've tried to set up a drive this way.. normally i'd follow a setup with / and /home, but i like the idea of retaining a distinct storage area16:11
amichaireristikophiles: thanks, will do :-)16:11
eristikophilesmeh, i suppose i'll leave nepomuk alone16:11
BluesKajeristikophiles, what appeals to you about another storage area , safety ?16:12
amichairwell, a reboot got me back to the desktop. Kubuntu is catching up to Windows ;-)16:13
eristikophileswell two things, 1- these are logical volumes which will be encrypted. i don't see a reason to encrypt my settings in /home. 2- i want to ensure that i don't overwrite my normal data storage when upgrading the o/s ever16:14
BluesKajeristikophiles, sounds like a case for a seperate backup drive :)16:15
eristikophilesit's a netbook16:15
eristikophilesi'm just being picky about it :)16:15
eristikophilesin fact, i don't have my normal data drives encrypted but i probably should since they're portable16:15
eristikophilesi need to do a thorough backup and then i'll see about that16:15
James147eristikophiles: kubuntu dosnt overwrite /home when you reinstall... even if its on the same partition as / (assuming you dont format it)16:15
eristikophiles..but i want my netbook data storage to be opaque in case anyone stole the thing16:16
BluesKajwell, if it's work/office data . yes16:16
eristikophilesJames147- it did though because this box was not on the net, and i used the alternate installer cd16:16
eristikophilesany data. if i can encrypt in this manner, why not? :)16:16
James147eristikophiles: also... if your only encrypting your /data drive then it not goign to provide much protection... you also need to encrtpy /tmp and swap and also /home (config files can contain allot of infomation about stuff)16:17
James147eristikophiles: dont know about the alternitive installer, but as long as you dont format the drive /home is on the isntaller should delete it... that is assuming the manual option as the other options format the drive16:21
* BluesKaj noticed that some of the newer workspace window decors slow the desktop effects , or make them herky jerky16:22
eristikophilesthe alternative installer already erased my /home drive16:24
eristikophilesanyway i decided a bit back to throw out the data on this box and start fresh anyway so there's nothing on there now16:24
=== coaboa|afk is now known as coaboa
liamdawe_so how's everyone finding kubuntu 11.04?16:38
asranielliamdawe_: no problems on my desktop machine. holding it back for now on the laptop, just to be sure (thats where i'm actually working on, don't want to break it)16:44
amichairliamdawe_: desktop effects stopped working on my netbook. holding it back on the desktop which I work on16:46
amichairother than that seems ok16:47
Graf_Westerholtliamdawe_: some problems here: printer is not using black ink, birthdays are not shown, sometimes freezing.16:47
rsxhi. can anyone tell me how can i acces konqueror cache16:47
eristikophilesthis is a bit more complex than i thought at first16:50
eristikophilesand is making less and less sense16:50
eristikophilesi need a good guide but the net is not helping lol16:50
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, heh my HP printer won't work at all. even with new carts installed it tells me  they are low and it quits16:50
Graf_WesterholtMy HP 5610 works, but only using one cartrige.16:51
Graf_WesterholtEither black or colour.16:51
Graf_WesterholtI have this problem for two years.16:52
James147eristikophiles: you following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto ?16:53
liamdawe_my only problem is that kopete tends to crash when i have it minimized to messaging menu, it just doesnt want to restore its window after a while of not using it, anyone else get that?16:55
eristikophilesthanks james16:55
eristikophilesthat does help16:55
eristikophilesthough right now i've decided that i need to use the regular installer cd rather than the alternate16:55
Graf_Westerholtliamdawe_, kopete works fine here.16:55
eristikophileswhich means that i need to mount my storage drives on this box16:56
eristikophileswhich i can't manage to do it seems :)16:56
liamdawe_hmm maybe i should run it from terminal just to see if i get any error16:56
liamdawe_gah running it from terminal just boots it up and then doesnt keep it in terminal :\16:57
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amichairhas guarddog been removed from Natty?17:19
amichair!find guarddog17:22
ubottuFound: guarddog17:22
amichair!show guarddog17:22
amichair!info guarddog natty17:23
ubottuPackage guarddog does not exist in natty17:23
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.17:23
amichairBluesKaj: any idea why it was removed from Natty? (am I reading this right? is this a bug?)17:23
amichair!info guarddog maverick17:24
ubottuguarddog (source: guarddog): firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.0-2.1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 506 kB, installed size 1548 kB17:24
BluesKajamichair, I just checked synaptic , it's not listed17:24
amichairboy, am I glad I didn't upgrade my desktop, or I would have found this out the hard way17:25
BluesKajamichair, dunno, must be replaced some other app17:25
amichairis there any recommended replacement? why was it removed?17:25
BluesKajamichair, there are several diff apps listed under firewall17:27
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.17:29
amichairthat's what I thought too :-)17:31
delacany way to make Kate open new window if the current workspace doesn't have one open already?17:32
BluesKajwell, ufw enable will , but then you probly should cofig it first17:33
amichairthe reason for using guarddog is that it was a simple and usable gui for simple-medium complexity rules17:33
Snowhogamichair: Read http://www.gerixsoft.com/blog/ubuntu/natty-guarddog17:36
BluesKajamichair, are you behind a router...it's usually the best FW anyway17:36
amichairBluesKaj: thanks, I jus saw that - but I dislike doing unsupported stuff (too much maintenance headaches)17:37
amichairSnowhog: yeah, but this box also serves as a webserver, mail server, svn server, etc... would rather keep it nice and tight17:39
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atdprhsHello everyone, I'm using ubuntu, I know that this channel is mainly for kubuntu but in ubuntu channel there is no one can answer my question but I know that ubuntu and kubuntu are nearly same, so I'm gonna drop in my question and anyone can help me, please help me18:03
atdprhsHey, I have installed ubuntu on HP Pavilion DV6 which has the mouse touch pad is completely as a mouse moving, like no buttons but there is a lines that represents where I can either left click something or right click it, so after ubuntu installation, I cannot right click anything in ubuntu, but in windows I can! Any help???18:03
gennrono idea18:05
atdprhsI just need some help... I know that this is not for ubuntu, but i'm stuck on that problem and I can't get help from ubuntu channel cuz no one answers me...18:05
atdprhsgennro: I know its weird, but my mouse touch pad words perfect on windows... but I think Ubuntu doesn't have anything that defines that kind of mouse pad which has no buttons (It has but you can move the mouse through move your finger from over the buttons...18:06
atdprhsso nobody knows anything about that problem?18:07
gennroI would try the forums18:08
BluesKajatdprhs, havn't heard of it before , your laptop has no toachpad buttons ?18:08
FloodBotK1srinux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
BluesKajerr touchpad buttons18:09
FloodBotK1srinux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:09
SnowhogOkay mod's, srinux is either a bot, or just a spammer.18:10
atdprhsBluesKaj: it has buttons but there is a colored white line that is vertical and horizontal that represents where your buttons are18:10
atdprhsBluesKaj: so basically you still can move the mouse when you move your finger over the buttons like their not there18:10
srinuxnot just a bot18:10
atdprhsBluesKaj: you know what I mean?18:10
srinuxim #freenode bot18:10
srinuxim your fucking mothers bot18:10
BluesKajatdprhs, what model laptop ?18:10
BluesKaj!op | srinux18:10
ubottusrinux: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger18:10
atdprhsHP Pavilion DV618:10
srinuxim your idiot fucking gay sucker lamer idiot fucking GAY NIGGER BOT18:10
atdprhsBluesKaj: would you like me to look for a picture of my laptop over google to give it to you so you can get the full image?18:12
SnowhogTm_T: Thank you.18:12
BluesKajatdprhs, not necessary , I'm afraid I don't know how to help ...seems like a very odd situation18:15
atdprhsthanks BluesKaj, appreciated :-)18:15
Snowhogatdprhs: double-tapping doesn't work?18:15
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meNthaPeace-: i'm on kubuntu finally :)18:19
meNthathx 4 help18:19
yofelkde 4.6.3 packages out for natty http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-release-46318:22
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eristikophileswellp, i've got *most* things working normally at least18:34
eristikophilessound refuses to work18:34
eristikophilestrying to use this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 but i've followed the steps and it seems to not help18:34
BluesKajeristikophiles, do you have pulseaudio installed, sometimes it's the culprit and needs to be configured (or removed if configuring it still doesn't work)18:39
tommishow can i get ark to open iso images?18:39
BluesKajtommis, what do want to do with the isos ?18:40
tommisopen them18:40
eristikophilesyeah i have pulseaudio installed18:42
BluesKajtommis, I never opened iso images with ark , don't think it's capable18:42
eristikophilesi was just looking at packages.. wasn't sure what to do there18:42
tommisyeh i found out...18:43
tommisbut is there a plugin of some sort, or alternative18:43
preechertommis not sure if this would work but what about "furius iso mount"18:45
tommisi think it is an gkt app..18:45
BluesKajtommis, normally iso will play on vlc if they're media , otherwise they are mean't to be burned to a cd or dvd18:46
tommiswell i don't weel like wasting dvds18:46
BluesKajwhat's on the iso ?18:47
tommissome files18:47
tommisi need a few18:47
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yofelwell, you could mount the iso with 'mount -o loop <image> /mnt' to access it18:48
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yofelthen you can just use dolphin to browse through /mnt18:48
BluesKajcool yofel , I learned something new today18:49
tommiswhy /mnt?18:49
cannavistunity has driven me into the arms of kde18:49
tommiswhy not in the /media/<something>18:49
yofelthat's the multi-purpose mount point that's usually empty, you can mount it anywhere18:49
tommiscool, will try18:50
eristikophilesi removed pulseaudio, didn't seem to help, reinstalled.. same18:51
eristikophileshow do i 'configure' it?18:51
eristikophilesi mean, phonon is the only audio config thing i can find18:51
BluesKajeristikophiles, there's a GUI for pulseaudio , forgotten what it's called now18:53
yofelthere's pavucontrol (gtk)18:53
eristikophilesaplay -l says no soundcards found; lspci -v shows a soundcard18:54
yofelwait, alsamixer doesn't show one either?18:54
eristikophilesmodprobe does *not* show a match to that card18:54
BluesKajeristikophiles, open alsamixer in the terminal , see if it lists a sound card18:55
eristikophilesalsamixer in console? it needs an argument.18:57
BluesKajeristikophiles, install alsa-base18:58
paolone1 Hi. I use rosegarden 10.4.2 on ubuntu. timidity works fine, but I don't hear any sound with  rosegarden. what can I do?18:59
eristikophilesalsa-base is installed19:00
BluesKajeristikophiles, was it installed or did you just install it ?19:01
eristikophilesno it already was19:01
BluesKajand alsmixer doesn't open in the terminal ?19:02
eristikophilesi ran man alsamixer.19:02
eristikophilesit basically only lets you *set* what card you want19:02
BluesKajrun just alsamixer19:02
BluesKajhmm, I wonder if alsa-utils will help19:03
eristikophilesi ran man alsamixer because i didn't know what args it wanted. and apparently it wants either a card or device for me to select19:03
eristikophilesit doesn't seem like it, my card is snd-hda-intel19:04
eristikophilesit's built into the mobo19:04
Snowhogeristikophiles: alsamixer does not require any arguments.19:04
BluesKajor any19:04
Snowhogeristikophiles: I have an hda Intel onboard sound chip as well: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)19:06
mahi_hi guys, I have used only windows before. I am a brand new user in kubuntu. I need a software which works exactly like dreamwaver.exe; can any one tell me name of the software and how can I get that??19:06
Snowhogmahi_: You can take a look at either Quanta or Kompozer, both of which are available for installation via KPackagekit or from the console.19:11
mahi_snowhog: would you please tell me what is the command for quanta?19:12
eristikophileshanuman% alsamixer19:13
eristikophilescannot open mixer: No such file or directory19:13
eristikophilesalso, man alsamixer insists that it needs arguments19:13
Snowhogeristikophiles: What version of Kubuntu and KDE are you running?19:13
eristikophilesi just upgraded to 11.0419:14
eristikophileswhich is what broke my sound19:14
eristikophilesanyway, my netbook is also being incredibly annoying19:14
eristikophilesbut i think i can fix that issue myself19:14
amichaireristikophiles: when I upgraded to Maverick I had a bunch of sound problems, and removing pulseadio fixed everything. For what it's worth...19:15
BluesKajeristikophiles, don't run the manual (man) with alsamixer ..alsmixer opens itself within the terminal, it doesn't require arguments of any kind19:16
BluesKajeristikophiles, and do you have a the small speaker icon (kmix) in the panel ?19:17
eristikophilesyeah there was a way to switch to normal panels19:17
eristikophilesamichair- i tried that. didn't change anything19:17
eristikophilesyes, i'm running kmix already19:18
eristikophilesi always run it19:18
eristikophiles..insisting that alsamixer will run without args is kind of silly. it won't. it's not. i type "alsamixer" and *nothing happens* well, i get an error19:18
eristikophilesrepeating that it doesn't need args to me is also not helping19:18
BluesKajclick on the mixer button on kmix ...see how many ctrls show up19:19
BluesKajeristikophiles, well you weren't responding , so i had to make those suggestions19:19
eristikophilesi have one playback device, "dummy output", no capture devices, 2 playback streams "event sounds" and "java: audio stream", no capture streams19:20
eristikophilesbut i told you several times that alsamixer wasn't running19:21
eristikophilesnormally a "java: audio stream" corresponds to a java app using audio19:22
eristikophileslike skype19:22
eristikophileswhich may well be what that is19:22
eristikophilesthis "dummy output" crap is new though.19:23
BluesKajeristikophiles, nm , you kept mentionng man ...I assumed your typing man alsamixer ...and we don't know what knowledge you have in Linux so sometimes these misunderstandings happen19:23
eristikophilesanyway my netbook has internet it looks like.. i just have to re-build my panels19:24
eristikophilesit was all netbook-edition looking *shudder*19:24
eristikophilesi really hope my wifi card is supported now19:24
eristikophiles..but the audio issue on this box is still more irksome for now19:24
BluesKajeristikophiles, well try installing asla-utils as well19:25
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eristikophilesoh, it was already installed19:32
baijupvwhy my wireless not get connecting...it always says configuring interface.19:35
BluesKajeristikophiles, din't realize it's a netbook , they seem to have probs I'm not famliar with.19:39
baijupvnobody here to help19:39
BluesKajbaj we need to know what you'vbe tried so far , have you tried to configure network manager settings?19:41
BluesKajgennro, nice19:42
gennroguess people don't relize there is a forum with a ton of information19:43
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secret_junglisthaving a strange issue - when I visit a site with some embedded media, such as a youtube vid, an image of the vid becomes visible in other applications20:19
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Egy-loveRanyone from Egypt20:39
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DarthFrogOops.  My bad, sorry.20:57
gomiboyfedora... can't be forgiven :)20:59
DarthFrogI run it on my client's servers.21:01
gomiboyjust joking, differences make linux strong :)21:02
shane4ubuntuwhat is the best software to record audio in KDE?  As a Gnome user I always used Audacity, is there a better option for K?  Also, it doesn't seem to be seeing my input :(21:03
lenDoes anyone know how to prevent programs from opening in the background instead of the foreground?  The file chooser dialog always starts in the background if I bring it up more than once.  Example:  I'm in a web-based email, and I hit attach.  First time Dolphin file selector pops up in foreground, I pick a file and it goes away.  I decide to attach another file, and hit attach, and it seem like nothing happens, but what really happens is that21:07
lenthe file chooser dialog opens behind other windows so you can't see it.21:07
meNthawich is the best twitter kliens for KDE?21:08
lenThis also happens sometimes when I open multiple copies of Chrome.  I'll launch another copy, and it seems like nothing happens, until I notice that the chrome count on the toolbar as increased by one, because another copy of Chrome has been opened IN THE BACKGROUND.21:09
lenIs this a problem with kwin?21:09
gomiboylen: do you have some sort of focus stealing prevention active?21:10
shane4ubuntuwhat is the volume thing called, and how can I run it?  seems it has disappeared, or crashed.21:10
DarthFrogTry kmix.21:10
lenNo.  I've had this happen on 4 different computers, on the last 2 or 3 versions of Kubuntu.21:11
shane4ubuntuDarthFrog: thanks, that was it.21:11
lenI'm sure you could reproduce it.21:11
gomiboylen: not with file chooser... and i HAVE focus stealing prevention....21:12
lenopen a bunch of windows.  Then go to a web-based email.  I used Yahoo mail.  Try attaching more than once.21:12
lenIt happens to me no matter what kubuntu computer I used.21:13
lenHappens to me mom and uncle too.21:13
lengomiboy, what are you using for focus stealing prevention.  Maybe it is keeping the browser from stealing the focus back from the choser before you even see it.21:16
shane4ubuntuok, I can't seem to get Audacity to see my input, when I pull the external mic cable, the internal mic works fine, but I want the audio from a cassette tape, pluged into the mic input.21:21
shane4ubuntuonce you quit laughing that I still own a cassette tape, and player, can you help me configure my input?21:21
lenOK,  I've been opening and closing Chrome, and it opens in the background about 50% of the time.21:22
shane4ubuntuUsually in gnome, I have to mess around with the  sound thing, like kmix and get it setup, but seems more complex in KDE.21:22
shane4ubuntuor, maybe kmix keeps crashing?  my volume thing keeps disappearing.21:23
gomiboylen: i have focus stealing level set to high and a bunch of non-related rules21:23
lenOr maybe it is just opening in the foreground for a split second before the previous fore program grabs back focus21:23
gomiboyshane4ubuntu: not an expert here, but shouldn't you plug it int he "line in" jack?21:25
shane4ubuntugomiboy: I'm on a laptop, I have mic in, and phones out, thost are my options, line in would be better though.21:26
lengomiboy, That was it!  "Focus stealing prevention" doesn't work right.  It is set to "low" by default.  If I change it to "None" all my problems go away.21:30
gomiboylen: doh! strange... is low the default?21:31
len"Low" certainly shouldn't stop file chooser, or make newly launched programs start in the background sometimes, but it does.21:32
lenIt must be, because I've never changed it before, and, like I said I have this problem on all Kubuntu machines I've used.21:32
shane4ubuntuok, inside sound and video configuration, under Audio Capture, there is communication and Accessibility, which should I try and set?21:32
lenSo, I guess this is a Kwin bug.21:33
lenOne that's been around a long time.21:33
gomiboylen: the help popup says someting about programs that don't have the "underlying mechanism".... chrome probabli doesn't21:34
lenDolphin is part of KDE though.21:35
gomiboywell if you see it in dolphin also, that's a bug :)21:36
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lenOnly when Dolphin is called by another program to use as a file chooser.  I don't think it was opening in the background when lauched as a stand-alone app, but I wasn'21:37
lent really testing for that21:37
gomiboylen: that said, the default should have been set to "none" :/21:40
James147gomiboy: no, default focus stealing is low ^^ but that shouldnt stop applications from starting in the forgound21:41
lenJames147, It shouldn't, but it most definately does :)21:42
James147len: even on a new user?21:42
gomiboyJames147: if there are applications that don't support the "underlying mechanism" (and there are...) they should have set it to none21:43
lenI don't know, I just know that I've had this exact same problem on several different Kubuntu machines.21:43
lenWhat is the "underlying mechanism?"21:44
James147gomiboy: the settings apply to the current window ^^ dosnt matter what window is being opened21:44
James147gomiboy: and I have had no problems with chromium opening in the background21:45
James147with it set to low21:45
lenI've been using Chrome, not Chromium, but I have that installed too.21:46
lenThing is, it only opens Chrome in background SOME of the time with fsp set to low.21:46
James147len: does chromium?21:46
lenI'll have to set it back to "low" to test.  Just a minute21:47
lenYes, it caused Chromium to open in background sometimes too.21:50
lenI think I found the key21:50
TeslaTonyIf I install the kubuntu-desktop package, and uninstall the ubuntu-desktop package, will I upgrade to kubuntu 11.04 without installing Unity?21:50
James147TeslaTony: possibally ^^21:51
lenIt causes Chromium to open in background some of the time IF there are already more copies of Chromium open in the background.21:51
lenor open period21:51
TeslaTonyJames147, basically I should try it and see what happens?21:51
* TeslaTony chuckles21:52
James147TeslaTony: if you make sure gnome isnt installed after you remove ubuntu-desktop then it wont21:52
amichairI get that annoying open new windows un-focused thing as well, both with browsers and with dolphin (e.g. when opening a newly inserted usb disk from the notification - everytime it opens in background)21:52
TeslaTonyJames147: Gotcha, although I do find that situation a little odd. Thanks.21:52
lenI always have multiple copies of programs open.21:53
lenMust confuse the kwin focus stealing prevention algorithm somehow.21:54
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SabreWolfyQuestion: How can I boot off a live USB (from the 32-bit desktop ISO) into the DESKTOP plasma workspace on *netbook*? The Live session always runs the NETBOOK workspace.23:04
kubu2why is 4.6.3 in ppa instead of say backports?23:12
amichairSabreWolfy: try changing the workspace in system settings23:14
gomiboykubu2: kubuntu-ppa is for packages that will eventually go in ubuntu-updates, backports is for major releases, like kde 4.7 ecc...23:14
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kubu2gomiboy: understand but the thing is there are other stuffs in there that you might not want23:20
gomiboykubu2: what stuff? if you don't have it installed already it will not upgrade23:23
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SabreWolfyareichman: Thx, just found it now :) wasn't in the same place mentioned by a website I found. Thx23:30
SabreWolfyamichair: oops -- message above for areichman was for you :)23:31
amichairSabreWolfy: glad it worked out :-)23:31
SabreWolfyamichair: giving Kubuntu Natty a spin :) Cheers23:32
amichairare there application presets for ufw available somewhere?23:36
fiera_suburbanaHello! I have a question: I 've installed Kubuntu 11.04. I need to share folders with samba. If I choose one from my home dir works fine, but I can't access with others from the filesystem (i.e /srv with correct permissions, etc), shared in the "properties dialog". Thanks!!23:36
darthanubisfiera_suburbana: permissions?23:40
fiera_suburbanaI think permissions are correct.23:40
fiera_suburbanaShould I edit smb.conf?23:42
darthanubispersonally I wouldn't23:43
introuble how sms are broadcasted by networks. can anyone send sms to cell phone without using a network's broadcast center number?23:44
Matissewhere does (adobe) flashplayer-plugin put the buffered video data? some time ago, you could find videos in /tmp ...23:57

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