
jimisfor example, if I want to write lp:gcc in full verbosity, what should I write?00:01
lifelesswhere USER and BRANCHNAME are findable by looking at the https://launchpad.net/gcc pages to identify the default series and the associated branch00:04
lifelessthe lp: protocol in bzr is just a directory service00:04
lifelessuhm, I *thought* that was in the docs, but if it then I encourage a separate bug report about that on bzr00:05
jimisthanks lifeless00:06
jimisactually I found at some blogs something the one that worked:00:06
jimisbzr branch -v --stacked http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gcc/trunk00:07
jimisthe ~vcs-imports was something I couldn't imagine :-p00:07
lifeless--stacked is almost certainly not what you want00:07
jimislifeless: oh that was on purpose00:07
lifelessit will cause all operations to open the http repository over the network, and graph operations like log will need to pull data over the network.00:08
jimisIt has too much metadata this project, and the host is always connected to the internet00:08
lifelessthe optimal way to use bzr is with bzr+ssh (because the server gets to calculate and send deltas rather than acting as a dumb file server00:08
lifelessand to pull the entire repo so that its local and you can do operations quickly.00:09
jimislifeless: so I should login?00:09
lifelessjimis: well, its up to you00:09
lifelessjimis: but I'd hate for you to have a poor experience unnecessarily00:09
lifelessjimis: probably; sorry - I have to go, ELOCAL :)00:10
jimisI'll login from another PC at home, here I only needed a checkout00:10
jimisok, thank for the help00:10
jimisWhere does bzr stores the password, after I do a launchpad-login?00:31
lifelessit doesn't00:37
lifelesslaunchpad-login just tells bzr the username00:37
jimisah thanks :-)00:38
jimisand I see I must setup a key00:38
DJKorbitgood evening01:22
DJKorbiti've been forwarded here from #ubuntu-motu01:22
DJKorbiti've just set up my first ppa01:23
DJKorbiti'm testing it by adding it to my system but it doesn't work01:23
DJKorbit i'm getting this error01:23
DJKorbit$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:hmrocha-fc/geforcego740001:23
DJKorbitError: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~hmrocha-fc/+archive/geforcego740001:23
lifelessuntil you upload something the gpg key isn't setpu01:24
DJKorbitit's working now01:25
DJKorbitthanks anyway01:25
DJKorbitjust installed my ppa packages and it works perfectly01:25
DJKorbitgreat, i'm happy01:26
DJKorbitgoing to blog about this01:26
jimisAfter finishing getting the stacked branch, I did a "bzr branch project/ my-changes/"01:59
jimisAfter finishing getting the stacked branch, I did a "bzr branch project/ my-changes/"02:00
jimisAnd now it has connected to launchpad downloading a whole bunch of data02:00
jimisshouldn't the branch of a branch be stacked too?02:01
wgrantjimis: How did you get the stacked branch?02:04
wgrantYou do not want to create a stacked branch locally.02:04
wgrantThat will be horrendously slow, as almost every operation will have to exchange a lot of data with the server.02:05
jimiswgrant: I thought that's happens when you need to interact with past revisions, but I only need to hack on new features02:06
jimisso why do I need the history (half a gig for this project)02:06
jimiswgrant: I got it with "bzr branch --stacked lp:project"02:07
wgrantThat's not intended for local use. It skips copying just about any of the branch data.02:07
jimisand then I tried creating a "my-changes" branch02:07
wgrantYou are not meant to use --stacked or --lightweight across a high-latency network.02:08
jimisI see, thanks02:09
jimisoh I'm doing more things wrong02:16
jimisthe more I read, the more confused I get :-s02:16
jimisI hadn't done init-repo before getting the stacked branch from launchpad...02:16
jimiscan I do it afterwards? I takes time to branch again02:16
wgrantjimis: Stacking doesn't prevent duplicate data transfer: it prevents duplicate storage.02:17
wgrantSo you have none of the history data locally.02:17
wgrantYou have no choice but to download it all again.02:17
wgrantHopefully after running init-repo this time :)02:18
jimiswas that the reason that it reconnected to launchpad, when branching the local branch?02:24
wgrant--stacked is mostly used on LP to save disk space, where latency to the other branch is just about 0.02:25
jimiswgrant: so the reason for reconnecting was that it was stacked, or that I hadn't done init-repo?02:26
jimisjust curious02:27
wgrantThat it was stacked.02:27
wgrantIf you hadn't done stacked or init-repo, it would have copied lots of data locally, but not downloaded anything.02:27
wgrantIf you'd done init-repo, it would have just created a new working tree without copying the revision data. That would be shared.02:28
jimisthanks, I understand now02:28
jimisit should mention that they are not for remote branches02:29
jimisthey look too good to be true, from that document :-)02:29
jimisCan I shelf current changes, create a new local branch, and unshelf and commit there?02:49
wgrantjimis: That's the workflow you'd use if using a single working tree. But I use multiple working trees, so I normally just use 'bzr merge --uncommitted -i ../old-branch'02:57
jimisah fantastic02:57
wgrantYou can drop the -i if you want to grab everything.02:58
jimisand then I should revert the ../old-branch (which is ../trunk for me :-p )02:58
jimisthanks, I thought shelf was the only way, but that's much better03:00
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
Ampelbeinhi! I'm trying to get me a list of bug tasks with the LP api with 'lp.distributions("Ubuntu").searchTasks(component="universe",tags="upgrade-software-version",status="New",tags_combinator="All")' but all I get is an empty response. Where am I making a mistake?08:33
wgrantAmpelbein: You want lp.distribution['ubuntu'], not distribution("Ubuntu"), but that just leads us to another more mysterious error.08:35
wgrantI have a feeling that component= doesn't really work through the API.08:35
wgrantBug #36544908:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 365449 in Launchpad itself "component parameter to searchTasks API has no usable values - cannot be used" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36544908:35
wgrantSo, lp.distributions["ubuntu"].searchTasks(tags=["upgrade-software-version"],status="New",tags_combinator="All") works08:36
wgrantBut you can't really restrict to universe right now.08:36
Ampelbeinwgrant: oh, I see. thank you, that helps.08:39
Ampelbeinexcept I get a timeout (OOPS-1954O138) :-(08:42
Ampelbeinwhich is probably related to bug 73597708:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 735977 in Launchpad itself "MaloneApplication:+bugs timeouts searching for tags across all bugs" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73597708:43
wgrantTag searches in Ubuntu are by a significant margin our biggest timeouts at the moment.08:44
wgrantbecause there are *lots* of bugs.08:44
AmpelbeinI can understand that. For this particular search I can use importance="Wishlist" as additional filter as usually the importance is set together with the tag08:47
Ampelbeinthat seems to work08:47
wgrantThat will limit the candidates significantly.08:51
lifelesswin 6909:31
=== med_out is now known as medberry
cjohnstonflacoste and jml, it would be nice to have one (or both) of you at the Summit session on Thursday at 1500 and the LoCo Directory session on Monday at noon.10:11
lucazadehi! is there any file size limit in launchpad bzr?11:31
poolieah, how large are you thinknig?11:32
lucazadean iso image, 700mb11:32
poolieare you sure you want that inside a branch?11:32
poolieperhaps it'd be better as a download file?11:32
lucazadenot necessarily in bzr11:33
lucazadehow to add a download file?11:33
pooliedownload files hang off a release of a project11:33
poolieso if you go to somewhere like say <https://launchpad.net/bzr/2.4/2.4b2> (and you're an owner of that project)11:34
pooliethen you should be able to click "add download file"11:34
lucazadeah ok, didn't know11:34
lucazadeperfect, going to try11:34
wgrantI think there is a file size limit on that, though.11:36
lucazadewhat a pity11:36
lucazadeit was handy on lp11:36
poolielucazade, is the limit less than you need?11:45
pooliewhat is it anyhow?11:45
poolieah, yes, it's 200MB11:45
lucazadeit is my ubuntu derivative,it is a livecd 700mb11:46
lucazadei could use torrent, but i'd like an ftp/http host11:46
lucazadedropbox and ubuntuone have a traffic limit11:46
lucazademegaupload.com gives 1gb free11:48
lucazademaybe i'll use this11:48
pooliemaybe that's best11:50
pooliecan i ask what it's called?11:50
lucazadeatm the moment a simple Lunix11:50
lucazadejust a work in progress11:50
lucazadeubuntu + awn11:52
pooliethat looks nice11:53
lifelesshi poolie11:53
lucazadetnx poolie11:53
pooliei was going to wonder if it could be distributed just as packages on top of ubuntu, but i guess that would make assembling the livecd a bit complicated for users11:53
pooliehi lifeless11:53
pooliewas just going to get some lunch11:53
poolieo/ vila12:02
microcaihi every one. How do I suppose to know how many users are using my PPA ?12:52
Bob__anyone know how to get by the message "insert the disk labeled" during alternate disk install?15:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Philip5anyone who knows a working script for retriving launchpad ppa statistics16:02
AmpelbeinPhilip5: quick and dirty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604861/16:23
Philip5Ampelbein: what parts do i need to customize in it?16:27
AmpelbeinPhilip5: that depends on what you want to do. it currently lists all packages in your default ppa. (lp.me always points to yourself, lp.me.archive is the default ppa)16:29
Philip5how does it know my ppa? when i run it it just give a blank result16:30
Philip5but no error16:31
AmpelbeinPhilip5: do you have the packages in your default ppa?16:31
Philip5i have two ppas but i don't know if any of them is setup as default16:32
AmpelbeinPhilip5: http://paste.ubuntu.com/604864/16:36
Philip5that worked :)16:38
Philip5will it check both ppas or can i select which one to pull data from?16:39
AmpelbeinPhilip5: it checks both16:39
Philip5ok, najs16:40
Ampelbeinperson.ppas is a list of all your ppas16:40
jimisCan I change branches within the same directory (like git does)? In huge projects, creating separate subdirectories for each branch takes too much disk space.16:44
jimisanyway to do that with bzr?16:44
pooliejimis, yes16:44
poolieuse bzr-colo16:44
poolieit's great16:44
jimisthanks poolie, I'll check it :-)16:46
jimisI was tired of needing half a gig for each branch...16:47
jimispoolie: I must install it separately?16:50
* npitre cries17:03
npitreI _know_ that I have a LP account under "npitre"17:04
npitrebut whenever I try to log in now using my usuaal email/passwd, I get logged as nico_fluxnic17:05
npitreditching cookies doesn't help it17:05
npitreincidentally, if I use edge.launchpad.net I have no such issues17:11
poolienpitre, how odd17:14
poolienpitre, are you sure? there does not seem to be a nico-fluxnic account on lp17:14
poolieif they're both you, maybe you should merge the accounts?17:15
npitrepoolie: heh... when I click on that once logged, I go get an error indeed17:15
poolieclick what?17:16
pooliejimis, you need to install the plugin17:16
pooliethere are other alternatives:17:16
npitrepoolie: but if I use edge then I get npitre and then clicking on that gives me all my info17:16
poolie1- make a repository directory (bzr init-repo myproject) and branches under that17:16
poolie2- when branching use 'bzr branch --hardlink'17:17
poolie3- use 'bzr switch 'in a single working directory17:17
npitrepoolie: clicking on the login name at the top of the page17:17
pooliepick any combination17:17
npitrebecause of that I can't access http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/17:17
poolienpitre, you're logging in to regular launchpad.net17:18
poolieand what does it say in the top right, and what url does it link to?17:18
npitrepoolie: I deleted all cookies to test again, and now it doesn't work at all anymore as I get "Log in / Register" again and again17:22
npitrepoolie: but using edge.launchpad.net everything is fine17:22
npitrepoolie: except that http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/ insists on going through launchpad.net (not edge) hence I'm stuck17:24
jimispoolie: thank you for the instructions!17:33
jimisI guess step (2) is not needed since I only want one branch17:34
jimishmmm I probably needed to create the new branches I will be switching to17:35
jimiss/needed/need it/17:36
jimisbut if I use hard links, won't changing a file under a branch, change other branches too?17:36
ubot5Help! lifeless, flacoste, jml, joey18:08
MTecknologyhow can I see how many open network connections i'm holding?19:41
AmpelbeinMTecknology: netstat -tun | wc -l20:01
MTecknologythanks :)20:02
AmpelbeinMTecknology: oh, actually, that's off by 220:02
jimishow can I search for a string, in the whole commit history?22:18
jimisI want to spot a line that was deleted some time...22:19
lifelessyou can use bzr search (a plugin)22:19
lifelessor you can do 'bzr log -p'22:19
jimisthanks lifeless, I'll try log before installing plugin22:20
jimistoo slow --running for 5min-- but I guess it'll find it eventually :-)22:34
lifelessif you know the file you can do 'bzr log -p filename'22:36
jimisnah I want to find the file22:38

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