
=== coalwater_ is now known as coalwater
tj_Hello all, might I be able to ask a quick beginner question?>00:48
tj_Haha, I should have read the title line.00:48
MrChrisDruifIndeed you should have :P00:49
MrChrisDruiftj_: What's up?00:49
tj_I have an Asus n53jf laptop. I installed Ubuntu 11.4 and so far have really been enjoying it. I had issues with installing the nvidia drivers and Unity not working but I was able to address that by killing the nvidia driver. Well now I seem to be having an issue with my sound. I checked to make sure nothing was muted and that the volume was up. I check to make sure my sound device wasdetected and it was. I check different out put methods to00:50
tj_ no success.00:50
ubot2If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:50
MrChrisDruifJoy, it works :)00:51
=== coalwater is now known as coalwater_away
=== coalwater_away is now known as coalwater
=== coalwater is now known as coalwater_away
=== coalwater_away is now known as coalwater
GunnDawgI've returned!03:28
eiriksvincan someone tell my how to install Tor?03:38
holsteineiriksvin: 10.10?03:47
holsteini see a natty section03:48
holsteinhey, this looks promising03:50
holsteinyou should be able to open a terminal and run03:51
holsteinsudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubun-tor/ppa03:51
holsteinsudo apt-get update03:51
holsteinsudo apt-get install to03:51
holsteinsudo apt-get install tor03:51
holsteinError404NotFound: o/03:52
Error404NotFoundwhy cant i create a folder/..04:39
enaquick question. I have a dvd packed up that I would like to watch on my next flight. Will the stock media player show it in HD05:23
=== raju is now known as Mralone
Error404NotFoundi broke ubuntu06:32
Error404NotFoundhelp me someone06:32
holsteinError404NotFound: o/06:32
holsteincongrats :)06:32
Error404NotFoundi removed everything on right side top panel06:32
Error404NotFoundhow do i get it back06:33
holsteinor gnome?06:34
Error404NotFoundlike icon for wifi and blue tooth06:35
Error404NotFoundall gone06:35
holsteinright click06:35
holstein'add to panel'06:36
holsteinyou can always just add it06:36
holsteinlook at it06:36
holsteinand get rid of it06:36
Error404NotFoundadd what though06:36
holsteinif its not what you want06:36
holsteinwhat im saying is06:36
holsteinyou can add them all06:36
holsteinone at a time06:36
holsteinand check them out06:36
holsteini remember doing that06:36
holsteinyou'll want 'indicator applet'06:37
holsteinand whatever else you got rid of06:37
holsteinthat you want back06:37
holstein'indicator applet session'06:37
holsteinanyways, enjoy :)...06:39
Error404NotFoundim making ubuntu look like osx lol06:39
bioterrorwont work, as you dont get that menu panel to work right :--)06:40
Error404NotFoundim pretty much done now06:40
Error404NotFoundjust login screen im having trouble with06:41
bioterrormake your ubuntu to look like NeXT06:42
Error404NotFoundwth is that06:42
Error404NotFoundno clue...06:44
bioterrorOS X is based on FreeBSD + NeXTSTEP06:44
Error404NotFoundthis site says there should be something called login window06:48
Error404NotFoundystem->Administration->Login Window.06:48
Error404NotFoundmine just says login scren06:48
bioterrorthat was like years ago06:50
bioterrorthen they removed possibility to change GDM theme06:50
Error404NotFoundso close!06:51
Error404NotFoundi wanted apple login screen ffs06:51
bioterrortry slim?06:52
Error404NotFoundyou keep talking to me like i know anything...06:52
bioterrorhttp://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=18317 close ;)06:53
Error404NotFoundyeah im going to know how to install that..06:56
Error404NotFoundgreat my computer is frozen06:58
bioterrortake that tar07:01
bioterrorextract it07:01
bioterrorextract again tar.gz inside it07:01
bioterrorand you found the stuff in side it :D07:02
bioterrorslim themes are (supposed to be located in) /usr/share/slim/themes/07:02
bioterrorthen edit your slim.conf07:03
bioterroroh, he quitted :D07:09
philipballewdoes a anybody know about editing grub config files?08:02
philipballewi want to have my os selection not show at start up08:02
[styx]I need help08:08
Error404NotFounddont we all08:08
[styx]Ill ask away lol08:09
philipballewwhat do you need help with>08:09
[styx]I'm noob so don't get mad08:09
philipballewi wont08:09
Error404NotFoundso am i lol08:09
[styx]I was messing around with disabling unity08:09
[styx]Then it went away08:10
[styx]I sudo apt-get install unity08:10
[styx]Still gone08:10
[styx]Any help?08:10
Error404NotFoundsystem admin login screen08:10
philipballewyes. let me find the comand to reset everything for you08:10
Error404NotFounddid you do that?08:11
philipballewhow did you disable it at first?08:11
[styx]Compiz settins08:11
Error404NotFoundi think a program did it for me08:12
Error404NotFoundbut if you go to system administrator login screen08:12
[styx]Error I'm in terminal now08:12
Error404NotFoundyou can set back to ubuntu08:12
philipballewtype unity –reset in the terminal08:12
Error404NotFoundyou are prolly on ubuntu classic08:12
[styx]I think I'm there I logged in. And everythind08:12
Error404NotFoundwhats it set to08:13
philipballewunity –reset   copy paste this into your terminal08:13
[styx]It couldn't load plugin in reset08:14
Error404NotFounddo what i said lol08:14
[styx]I can't copy and past08:14
Error404NotFoundgo to system08:14
[styx]I had no way of getting into irc so I'm on my phone lol08:14
Error404NotFoundlogin screen08:15
philipballewwhat does your desktop look like?08:15
Error404NotFoundi made mine look like isx08:16
philipballewError404NotFound your not helping. can you pause your comments now please?08:16
Error404NotFoundlol im the one helping not you lol08:17
Error404NotFoundi told him exactly what to do08:17
[styx]It just shows icons08:17
[styx]No bars or anything08:17
[styx]Fuck it08:18
philipballewcan you right click?08:18
philipballewwe can help you08:18
[styx]Is there a command to downgrade to 10.0408:18
Error404NotFoundi already did he just dont care08:18
philipballew[styx] i can help you08:18
[styx]Yes I can right click08:19
[styx]Hold on my mouse batteries died at the wrong time lol08:19
philipballewlol. and you say you can not accsess the terminal?08:19
[styx]<--- really noob08:20
[styx]I got to terminal I think with ctrl alt f108:20
philipballewi have a idea for you08:20
philipballewok. if your in a terminal can you type unity –reset08:21
philipballewwhat happened?08:22
[styx]How can I get to terminal08:22
[styx]Nothong I ment shoot by sayig your idea lol08:22
philipballewok. right click on your desktop and then click create document then empty file08:22
philipballewnext open the file and type sudo apt-get08:23
philipballewjust that nothing else08:23
philipballewsave the file. exit the program08:23
philipballewyou might not be able to exit easily. maybe, maybe not08:24
[styx]Ok its saved08:24
philipballewcan you exit the text editior?08:24
philipballewdo that08:25
philipballewthen right click on the file and click properties08:25
[styx]And allow as an executable?08:25
philipballewgood job!08:26
[styx]Yay I was right lol08:26
[styx]In terminal now08:26
philipballewpress ctrl shift t08:26
philipballewthen type unity –reset08:26
[styx]What's the command08:27
philipballewunity –reset08:27
philipballewgood luck. it might make your screen go wako for a second08:27
[styx]it shows up as a question mark on my phone08:27
bioterrorphilipballew, did you hide your grub menu yet?08:27
philipballewwhat shows as a question mark?08:28
bioterrorphilipballew, as you wanted to hide that OS Selection menu08:28
bioterroron boot08:28
philipballew[styx] the comand i gave?08:28
[styx]The letter rigt before the r in reste08:29
Error404NotFoundit is a question mark08:29
[styx]My phones acting wird08:29
philipballewno it is not08:29
Error404NotFoundi seen a question mark08:29
philipballewits a hyphen08:30
philipballewunity hyphen reset08:30
Error404NotFoundi seen unity ?reset08:30
Error404NotFounderm i messed with fonts08:30
philipballewno space between the hyphen and reset08:30
Error404NotFoundmight have screwed it up08:30
[styx]No such option08:31
Error404NotFoundstyx did you somehow set it to ubuntu classic?08:31
[styx]I just installed natty08:32
bioterrorError404NotFound, how's your login screen?08:32
Error404NotFounddo you have a bar top of your screen?08:32
[styx]I may reinstall if I get lazy08:32
[styx]Just icons on my desktop08:32
Error404NotFoundwhen you turn computer on do you get grub?08:32
Error404NotFoundbioterror:  i gave up on that08:33
bioterrorError404NotFound, how so?08:33
philipballewwhat did the comand i gave you produce?08:33
Error404NotFoundi didnt know how to do it08:33
bioterrorjust replace GDM with slim and install that theme08:33
bioterrorbut technically slim wants .xinitrc :D08:34
Error404NotFoundthat helps me not08:34
Error404NotFoundsince i dont know what gdm is08:34
Error404NotFoundhit alt + f208:37
Error404NotFoundtype unity --reset08:37
Error404NotFoundcuz you want to fix unity?08:37
Error404NotFoundalt + f2 brings up terminal08:38
[styx]I'm in terminal already08:38
Error404NotFoundtype unity --reset08:38
Error404NotFound2 hypens08:38
bioterrorError404NotFound, when you boot your systems gets loaded by GRUB, grub tells to load linux (the kernel) and then it runs init scripts, brings up different kind of processes fromm init.d, when it starts to get to graphical interface it needs to load GDM (Gnome Display Manager)08:39
bioterrorand from GDM you load Gnome Desktop Enviroment08:39
bioterrorGnome Desktop loads then lots of other stuff nm-applet (network manager-applet), volume thingie and calendars08:40
bioterroryour login screen is GDM in vanilla *buntu08:40
bioterrordoes it make sense now? :)08:41
Error404NotFoundhow do i replace gdm with slim08:41
[styx]Fuck yeah08:41
[styx]Thatnk you error08:41
Error404NotFoundkind of08:41
Error404NotFound[styx]:  np man08:41
Error404NotFoundphilipballew:  was close he just missed 1 hyphen08:42
bioterrorError404NotFound, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106149508:42
[styx]Yes he was great too08:42
Error404NotFoundok i think i have to reboot now08:43
Error404NotFoundoh crap08:46
bioterrordid you get your slim to work?08:46
Error404NotFoundyes but i dont know how to change the background08:46
bioterrorthat doesnt sounds good :D08:46
bioterrorSun08:53*<+bioterror> http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=18317 close ;)08:46
Error404NotFoundi lost my top bar...08:46
bioterrorwhat? :D08:47
=== styx__ is now known as [styx]
Error404NotFoundmy top task bar is gone...08:47
bioterroryou take that tarball08:47
Error404NotFoundcrap crap08:47
Error404NotFoundhow do i get it back lol08:48
[styx]what irc clients do you guys use08:48
bioterrorI dunno, I havent used gnome for a while :)08:48
bioterror[styx], rxvt-unicode + weechat08:49
[styx]i use xchat08:49
[styx]tried irssi thought it was ok08:49
Error404NotFoundbioterror:  what was the first link you gave me08:49
bioterrorError404NotFound, http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/slim-theme-arch_mac/slim-theme-arch_mac.tar.gz08:50
bioterrorError404NotFound, take that08:50
bioterrorError404NotFound, unpack it, unpack the tar.gz inside it08:50
bioterrorand make macosx folder08:50
Error404NotFoundi have a folder called mac_files08:51
bioterrorwhere's .png files and slim.theme08:51
bioterrorand you move that macosx folder to /usr/share/slim/themes/08:51
bioterrorand then you edit your /etc/slim.conf08:51
bioterrorthere's theme section and you replace the theme with macosx08:51
bioterroror something like that08:51
Error404NotFoundhow do i find /usr/share/slim/themes/08:52
bioterror[styx], http://ricecows.org/weekhat.png08:53
bioterrorError404NotFound, that's the path? :D08:53
[styx]cool backround08:54
bioterroryeah, daft punk!08:54
[styx]the technologic video is scary08:55
bioterror[styx], http://narf-archive.com/pix/46437569c401d08e1c2b8a74fcf9c42ec258583a.png ;)08:56
[styx]reminds me of chucky08:56
Error404NotFoundi get an error moving macosx to slim themes08:56
Error404NotFoundpermission denied08:57
bioterrorError404NotFound, use the sudo?08:57
Error404NotFoundi dont remember it lol08:57
bioterroruse the sudo, uke08:57
Error404NotFoundthats why i asked for that web page again08:57
* Error404NotFound cries08:59
* bioterror shares shoulder for Error404NotFound09:00
Error404NotFoundi dont know what to do lol09:00
bioterroryou moved that folder?09:00
Error404NotFoundpermission denied09:00
bioterrorin terminal09:00
Error404NotFounddont know how lol09:00
bioterrorsudo mv macosx /usr/share/slim/themes/09:00
bioterrorI dunno where you have that folder09:01
bioterrorbut that's the command09:01
bioterrorsudo mv ~/Desktop/macosx /usr/share/slim/themes/09:01
bioterrorthen you can try09:01
bioterrorslim -o /usr/share/slim/thmes/macosx09:02
Error404NotFoundthat worked09:02
bioterrorslim -p /usr/share/slim/thmes/macosx09:02
bioterroro is too close to p09:02
bioterror-p is preview09:02
bioterroryou can try to login ;)09:02
bioterrorif that works09:03
bioterrorthen you can edit your /etc/slim.conf09:03
bioterrorsudo nano /etc/slim.conf09:03
[styx]DarkwingDuck long time no see09:03
bioterrorand put correct theme ;)09:03
bioterrormy daughter wants to go out with me09:03
Error404NotFoundslim: Invalid theme in config: /usr/share/slim/thmes/macosx09:03
Error404NotFoundslim: Failed to open default theme file default/slim.theme09:03
[styx]awww geuss hes not here :(09:04
bioterrorError404NotFound, /slim/thmes/ma09:04
Error404NotFoundim lost now09:05
bioterror~/Downloads/slim-theme-arch_mac% mv background.jpg panel.png slim.theme README macosx09:06
bioterror:~/Downloads/slim-theme-arch_mac% sudo mv macosx /usr/share/slim/themes09:06
bioterror% slim -p /usr/share/slim/themes/macosx09:06
bioterrorworks for me09:06
bioterrorI cant help you more ;)09:07
Error404NotFoundnone of that does anything09:07
bioterrornow I have to go09:07
DarkwingDuckHiya [styx]09:07
[styx]remember me?09:07
[styx]from #droidlife09:08
DarkwingDuckThat I do. :D09:08
DarkwingDuckHanging out in Ubuntu Beginners eh?09:08
[styx]what happened to the server? speels shut it down?09:08
DarkwingDuckKellex did09:08
[styx]yes i need help with unity lol09:08
[styx]getting out of control?09:08
DarkwingDuckI'm a council member for beginners team. Just surprised to see you here. :)09:09
[styx]yeah philip and error helped me revive unity lol09:09
[styx]i somehow got rid of it through compiz when messing around09:09
DarkwingDuckI have not used it yet as I am a KDE/Kubuntu user09:09
Error404NotFoundDarkwingDuck: can you help me get my top bar back?09:09
DarkwingDuckTop bar in?09:10
Error404NotFoundi cant do anything now09:10
DarkwingDuckUnity is not working?09:10
Error404NotFoundi use ubuntu classic09:10
DarkwingDuckError404NotFound: I don't use Ubuntu but I use Kubuntu09:11
DarkwingDuckI'm not well versed in Gnome hang on.09:11
DarkwingDuckError404NotFound: try this09:12
DarkwingDuckError404NotFound: hit Alt+F209:12
DarkwingDuckError404NotFound: and type: gnome-panel09:12
DarkwingDuckError404NotFound: what does that do?09:12
Error404NotFoundalt f2 does nothing09:12
DarkwingDuckWhat version of ubuntu are you running?09:13
[styx]darkwing why did kellex shut it down? it was the best android channel09:13
DarkwingDuck[styx]: he was sick of drama09:13
DarkwingDuckError404NotFound: ahhhhh, gimme a sec09:14
[styx]the speels dictatorship lol09:15
DarkwingDuckError404NotFound: there are some good leads here http://myfreepdfdownload.com/pdf/natty-narwhal-go-back-to-classic09:16
DarkwingDuck[styx]: I don't have a lot of bad things to say about speels09:16
[styx]me neither he was a cool guy09:16
DarkwingDuck[styx]: then again, he did hook me up for the work I did for him with the server09:16
DarkwingDuck[styx]: He sent me a ThinkPad W700 as a thank you gift.09:17
[styx]i never had a problme with him09:17
[styx]i find it weird you bring your wife to irc09:17
[styx]thats just me lol09:17
DarkwingDuckIt's nice having a laptop with a quad core and 8 gigs of ram :D Makes for a nice dev machine09:18
[styx]hells yeah lool09:18
[styx]what phone do you have?09:18
DarkwingDuckOG Droid09:19
[styx]lookin for a upgrade though09:20
Error404NotFoun1how do i replace slim with gdm09:20
Error404NotFoun1well that sucked09:21
DarkwingDuck[styx]: I am too... I need something global09:21
DarkwingDuckError404NotFoun1: what's the issue now?09:24
[styx]darkwing id say the incredible 209:24
Error404NotFoun1boi had me replace gdm with slim09:24
[styx]but the specs are dissapointing09:24
[styx]and not 4g09:24
[styx]bit its global09:24
DarkwingDuckError404NotFoun1: reverse his steps to replace gdm09:25
DarkwingDuck[styx]: I heard rumors that the DX2 was going to be global09:25
Error404NotFoun1i forgot what i did lol09:25
* DarkwingDuck hangs head09:26
[styx]yeah but its prolly bunna be locked down with blur09:26
DarkwingDuck[styx]: Aye... But the only thing I do wit an unlocked phone was install bugless beast09:26
DarkwingDuck[styx]: You know I do all of his file hosting right? :D09:27
=== Error404NotFoun1 is now known as Error404NotFound
[styx]lol no i did not09:28
[styx]i use cyan09:28
* Error404NotFound bashes his face off his keyboard09:28
DarkwingDuck[styx]: I did for a while...09:30
DarkwingDuck[styx]: I like BB. small and effing fast09:30
[styx]im going yo try miui and maybe bb soon09:30
[styx]cyan is getting old09:30
DarkwingDuckOnce I get a new phone I'm installing Kubuntu-Mobile on my phome09:30
[styx]they have that?09:32
DarkwingDuckYeah... it's build for ARM processers and it runs on the n90009:33
DarkwingDuckThe great thing is that the OG Droid and n900 have the same hardware09:33
DarkwingDuckSooooo, in theory it will work.09:33
DarkwingDuckI just have to flash it09:33
Error404NotFoundffs how do i restore gdm09:34
[styx]flash it like a rom?09:35
DarkwingDuckMore in depth then that...09:35
Error404NotFoundor take a hammer to computer09:35
DarkwingDuckError404NotFound: while you wait for me to find an answer try google09:35
Error404NotFoundi am lol09:36
[styx]whens is going to be released? this sounds interesting lol09:36
from-windows-to-anyone here awake and could answer a question for a noob?.....09:38
philipballewwhat is the question?09:39
DarkwingDuck[styx]: It's released... I'm porting it to PG Droid... so, whenever I get around to finishing it LOL09:41
from-windows-to-im having a issue with ubuntu 11.04  it works great on my laptop - --so i went for the change on my windows desktop all is good but it set up without the nice looking side bar that i really like - i was wondering why it didnt set up like my laptop did.......nothing really big issue - i love ubuntu so far - being a windows user all my life......09:41
[styx]if its not too hard ill try it09:41
DarkwingDuck[styx]: I'll let you help me test it once I get it done.09:42
DarkwingDuckand with that... it quarter to 2a and i'm going to get sleep09:42
[styx]lol night09:42
[styx]you sure you installed natty narwhal?09:43
from-windows-to-not sure i did the exact install as i did the laptop - but the desktop is not as powerful as my laptop is -09:43
philipballewdoes it show itself when you move the mouse near it?09:43
from-windows-to-no nothing at all it looks like 10.04 version with bars on top and bottom -   and my laptop install only had bar at top and the kool side bar -09:44
philipballewuname -a type this and tell me what it says09:45
philipballewinto terminal09:45
from-windows-to-its wierd like it didnt install cause my desktop is not powerful enough ?09:45
philipballewthat can happen09:45
philipballewyour video card09:45
from-windows-to-mabey that is it its a dell made to run xp - so its older09:45
from-windows-to-my laptop is a monster 3 gig ram and duo core - lol and the desktop is barly 2.0 with 512 ram09:46
from-windows-to-and a very sucky video card also yeah...09:46
DarkwingDuck[styx]: By laptop BG... http://imm.io/5v9609:46
philipballewand the desktop does not run unity?09:46
[styx]what was that? lol09:47
from-windows-to-does not seem to it set up like basic linux - looks like older ubuntu -09:47
DarkwingDuck[styx]: it's my laptop desktop09:47
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: what video card so you have/09:47
[styx]looks crazy lol09:47
from-windows-to-im new and was starting to learn 10.04 till 11.04 came out which i understand more09:47
from-windows-to-the video card in the dell tower is very low -09:47
from-windows-to-64 mb. i think09:47
from-windows-to-i didnt think linux needed tooomuch to run09:48
[styx]whats the weather widget?09:48
stlsaintfrom-windows-to-: it doesnt ;)09:48
stlsaintstlsaint: gives the weather09:48
stlsaintduanedesign: ping09:49
from-windows-to-so should the dell run the side bar should i try to install it  with a 64 mb video card  and 512 or ram ?09:49
from-windows-to-i read where i can install the manager to turn off and on desktop features which is missing from the desktop09:50
stlsaintfrom-windows-to-: you are installing ubuntu or a variant?09:52
from-windows-to-new ubuntu 11.04  iso i got offf ubuntu website09:53
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: Unity requires a higher end video because its based off of a 3dgenerator called compiz09:54
stlsaintDarkwingDuck: HEYO09:54
from-windows-to-same disk same set up used for laptop and desktop only ---- yeah my laptop looks good the desktop set up like top and botttom  tool bars and no side bar ..lol     thats where i got lost -09:55
DarkwingDuckyou can still use ubuntu and linux but, it will be the "old school" ubuntu and not unity like your laptop09:55
from-windows-to-so i guess i need t get myself a better tower - and get rid of that older dell...09:55
DarkwingDuckstlsaint: on my way to bed09:55
stlsaintfrom-windows-to-: running ubuntu on 512MB is *possible*09:55
from-windows-to-it runs09:55
stlsaintDarkwingDuck: aye09:55
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: sorry mate. glad to see you are enjoying ubuntu09:55
from-windows-to-on desktop flys on everything it just dont look as fancy as laptop  stlsaint....09:56
DarkwingDuckstlsaint: ill be back in 24 hours. remote participation to UDS09:56
SerialMDKnow i ally d i...09:56
from-windows-to-ok thanks for helpin me figure out what alll i needed09:57
SerialMDKgay kb09:57
SerialMDKnow i really did it09:57
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: anytime! sorry i couldnt help more09:57
SerialMDKi screwed ubuntu09:57
SerialMDKwont even start anymore09:57
stlsaintSerialMDK: how so?09:57
from-windows-to-no your helping - what kinnda specs sould i lookk for in a cheap tower so i can fun full 11.04 full features?09:57
stlsaintshucks that sucks09:57
SerialMDKlooks like im done with ubuntu09:58
from-windows-to-did u run 11.04?09:59
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: oh shoot... couple gigs ram, at least a 512 video minimum09:59
DarkwingDuckSerialMDK: what happened?09:59
MrChrisDruifAloha ka po'e alau, how's it going here?09:59
SerialMDKno clue09:59
SerialMDKi said ima reboot and when i did all i got was a black screen09:59
DarkwingDuckSerialMDK: ... what did u do?09:59
SerialMDKbroke linux!10:00
* DarkwingDuck sighs youre the one who deleted gdm didnt u10:00
SerialMDKyeah lol10:00
SerialMDKoh diff sn sorry10:00
from-windows-to-try to get ubuntu  11.04    off ubuntu web site- i had issues trying to learn past versions - but 11.04  works great ..<---- this comming from a new user10:00
SerialMDKim on mirc in windows10:00
DarkwingDuckno, its not broken you just deleted the wrong things10:00
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: AWESOME. we are having our development summit this week. ill pass it on to my fellow developers10:01
from-windows-to-darkwing i got one last question when u get a chance10:02
SerialMDKnatty worked great for me to10:02
SerialMDKtill i broke it10:02
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: yeah?10:02
DarkwingDuckSerialMDK: without knowing what you deleted... you might have to fresh install10:03
SerialMDKi wont bother10:03
SerialMDKback to win 710:03
DarkwingDuckokay, good luck10:04
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: you had another question?10:04
SerialMDKatleast win 7 runs for more than 4 days lol10:04
from-windows-to-i had to use  a windows boot loader to  dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu -  which i did after long hours online google.lol......and i got the black screen to load windows or linux....no issues there ---- but today i had a issue where linux would not load giiving me a error - so i went back into windows  and deleted  linux from mbr and re did it  with linux again and worked fine - i was wondering what caused the error 10:04
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: what bootloader were you using? windows or GRUB?10:05
stlsaintSerialMDK: well dont blame the OS, that sounds like you had a "user head space" issue ;)10:06
SerialMDKi had a horrible os problem10:06
SerialMDKnot pebkac error10:06
from-windows-to-grub would not install cause i partition  was wierd10:06
stlsaintSerialMDK: no you had a horrible decision making problem, what causes you to delete GDM?10:06
SerialMDKi didnt delete it10:06
from-windows-to-i got a 300 gig  and partiton for linus is in the middle10:07
SerialMDKatleast i dont think so10:07
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: win7 hates sharing bootloader with linux at times...10:07
from-windows-to-so grub issue i guess what i read from people10:07
DarkwingDuckSerialMDK: you told me you did10:07
bioterrorwindows 7 uses chainloader10:07
SerialMDKbio told me how to replace with slim10:07
stlsaintSerialMDK: according to backlog you stated you deleted gdm10:07
bioterrorit only shares bootloader with other windozes10:07
SerialMDKthat mean i deleted it?10:07
* stlsaint *nods*10:07
from-windows-to-yeah i had to download a boot loader program on windows - just to add in the linux in boot option  - black ugly screen though ..lol10:08
bioterrorSerialMDK, u got that working then?10:08
from-windows-to-but i am learning   that was a adventure for a new user10:08
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: im off to bed mate. goodluck and welcome to ubuntu!10:08
SerialMDKim on windows now10:08
SerialMDKcuz i broke ubuntu10:08
bioterrorSerialMDK, whats the issue?10:08
stlsaintbioterror: ah the culprit rises :P10:08
from-windows-to-thanks dark wing10:08
bioterrorSerialMDK, whats broken?10:08
SerialMDKubuntu wont start10:09
SerialMDKat all10:09
SerialMDKi tried gettin gdm back10:09
DarkwingDuckfrom-windows-to-: anytime mate, im normally in here so ping me sometime10:09
SerialMDKand poof it dont work anymore10:09
from-windows-to-ok kool -10:09
bioterrorSerialMDK, sudo apt-get purge gdm10:09
bioterrorsudo apt-get install gdm10:09
SerialMDKwould hep if it booted to do that10:10
bioterrorand choose gdm10:10
stlsaintSerialMDK: can you still see grub?10:10
bioterrori yesterday fixed inlaws gdm/lxdm thingie :D10:10
from-windows-to-,--- do i need to set up a account for this irc thing - never used this before im on a guest  i think ...10:11
stlsaintSerialMDK: you should be able to get to a tty10:11
stlsaintSerialMDK: sorry, a virtual terminal10:11
bioterrorSerialMDK, keep slim installed while purging gdm and reinstalling gdm again10:12
bioterrorso that it gets installed properly to init10:12
stlsaintbioterror: op say they cant even get into the system at all10:12
stlsaintSerialMDK: gdm is only a desktop environment10:12
stlsaintbioterror: SerialMDK10:13
bioterrorgdm is display manager10:13
SerialMDKi cant do anything if it wont load10:13
stlsaintoh im thinking of desktop10:13
stlsaintprobably why im confused about not being able to get into desktop10:14
SerialMDKso how do i get ubuntu to load10:15
=== SerialMDK is now known as Error404NotFound
bioterrorwhen you boot10:17
bioterrorwhere do you get?10:17
bioterrorwhat happens10:17
Error404NotFoundi hit generic in grub10:17
Error404NotFoundthen get a black screen10:17
bioterrorwhat did you do?10:17
Error404NotFoundcouldnt tell ya10:17
bioterroras last time it did work10:18
Error404NotFoundfound some crap on web to redo gdm10:18
Error404NotFoundim thinking it didnt work10:18
bioterrorcan you find me that page?10:21
bioterrormaybe we can somehow reverse it10:21
Error404NotFoundill try10:22
Error404NotFoundwell i think i can get it back if i could get into natty10:25
bioterrorI would like to see that webpage you read10:25
Error404NotFoundcant find it10:29
bioterrorI cant help you until your dig it up :D10:30
Error404NotFoundguess im screwed then10:31
mang0I've got a couple of problems: 1). Ubuntu keeps freezing, and doesn't wake up outta the freeze. I have to hold the power button to shut down, then restart. 2). Whenever I open system manager, it says I'm using 100% CPU, and makes everything very laggy....3). In the "additional drivers" popup, it says I have installed advanced nVidia drivers, but that they are not in use. (maybe that's to do with the freezing?) How do10:46
mang0 I put them in use?10:46
bioterrorclick that activate -button10:46
mang0done that, they are activated but not in use :/10:47
mang0wanna see a screenshot?10:47
mang0bioterror do you want to see a screenshot?11:22
bioterrormang0, sure, why not11:23
ubot2For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:24
mang0bioterror^ thats the card driver11:24
bioterroryou've rebooted?11:25
mang0http://www.truploader.com/view/125410 and there you can see the 100% CPU usages11:25
mang0Yes, I've rebooted lotsa times. Its been saysing that since I installed ubuntu, 4 days ago11:26
go876543what is official channel language?11:38
mang0what's the command to switch workspace?11:55
DraZoroCtrl + Alt <Arrow>11:55
DraZoroYou are welcome11:56
mang0argh, i can't install the firefox java plugin D: I'm following the guide but there is no directory called jacob/.mozilla/firefox/plugins12:01
DraZoroCan you give the link that you are following ?12:04
mang0I need to be able to run web java applets12:05
DraZoroOh yes I am about to attend you I was out for a sec12:08
mang0k :)12:08
DraZoromang0: Which version of ubuntu are you using ?12:09
DraZoroOk same as here12:09
mang0in my home folder there is a hidden .mozilla, then inside taht "firefox" folder12:10
DraZoroI have not used Java so far12:10
mang0I use java for a few things: there are some web applets i use, and also minecraft12:10
DraZoroWhile is the terminal run the following to add the repo12:12
DraZorosudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"12:12
DraZoroI got that info from ubot212:12
mang0lol, okay.12:12
DraZoroThen after run : sudo apt-get update12:13
mang0Error: need a repository as argument12:13
DraZoroDid you copy and past the whole line I gave above ?12:14
mang0without the quotes12:14
DraZoroVerbatim ...yes12:14
DraZoroWith them12:14
DraZoroSorry about that12:14
mang0with quotes?12:15
DraZorosudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"12:15
DraZoroStill fail ?12:15
mang0it asks me for password, then I put it in and it goes back to jacob@ubuntu:~$12:15
DraZoroPerfect :)12:16
DraZoroNow run :  sudo apt-get update12:16
mang0okay done, now what?12:17
DraZoroThis is the part I use the expression "I think " don't shoot me12:18
DraZorosudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin12:19
mang0if this doesn't work, you will be shot.12:19
mang0k, gonna take a couple of mins12:20
DraZoroIt is quite big 34.9 Mb  and I think I only have 60 Mb left in account.12:20
DraZoroLet's hope is what you are looking for let check the link you gave earlier.12:21
mang0Okay, I think its working12:23
DraZoroThe way you want it to work ?12:23
mang0no, the installation heh12:25
mang0K im trying again12:26
mang0i mean12:26
mang0I'm rebooting FF12:26
DraZoroYes do that12:26
DraZoroFirefox 4 is amazing12:26
mang0Woot woot!12:27
mang0It works!12:27
mang0Thanks so much :D12:27
coalwatermang0,  u still having trouble with java plugin ?12:28
mang0heh, DraZoro just sorted it out for me :D12:29
mang0thanks so much man12:29
coalwaterok, cause i was doing it right now too lol12:29
coalwaterjust installed natty last thursday12:29
mang0Now I just gotta sort out the nVidia drivers12:29
mang0same here coalwater !12:30
coalwateri did the one from the nvidia website, it broke something for me then i returned back to the ones that appeart in the devices thing12:30
coalwater'additional drivers' thing12:30
mang0yeah, I've got the weirdest thing in that app/popup12:31
mang0it says they are installed, but not in use12:31
DraZoromango0: You are welcome12:31
mang0I can't use Unity without them :(12:31
mang0thanks again DraZoro12:31
coalwateryes, i had that stupid problem too12:32
DraZoro!nvidia | coalwater12:32
ubot2coalwater: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:32
coalwaterbut not it's fine12:32
coalwaterdont remember how i fixed it though12:32
coalwaterlots of messing around12:32
mang0I'm just installing some drivers from the software center12:33
mang0Right, I think its time to get dressed lol12:34
mang0coalwater: I just installed the driver from 'additional drivers' thing, and restarted. Its installed but not enabled. WTF!!!12:44
coalwateruninstall the other one then12:50
mang0Idk what the other one is though :/12:50
coalwateri think u might need to mess with xorg.conf12:51
mang04 days on ubuntu, and I'm messing with .conf files12:51
mang0where do I find that?12:52
mang0coalwater ^12:53
coalwateri gave u the full path, /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:54
mang0so can I "cd /etc/X11/org.conf in terminal?12:54
mang0doesn't work.....12:54
* mang0 is confused12:54
coalwaterno, try nano12:55
coalwaterxorg.conf is a file not a folder12:55
mang0okay, I've opened it in terminal12:56
mang0It doesn't say anything about the drivers...12:57
mang0what do I change in there?12:58
mang0coalwater: what has the xorg.conf got to do with the drivers?13:00
coalwaterit says what driver is used i think13:01
mang0coalwater: http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/orig/5/12708042020-orig.png thats what I see13:06
coalwaterok so a simple question, i want to copy my rythembox ratings to the new ubuntu, does any one know what is the files i need to copy?13:59
DraZorocoalwater: Copy this folder from you home .rhythmbox14:02
DraZorocoalwater: You can then paste it in the new ubuntu14:02
coalwaterwell DraZoro , i don't have a .rythmbox14:03
DraZoroOk I was doing it theoretically14:03
DraZoroOk check .config/rhythmbox14:04
DraZoroI will have to check on my old back up ...as I am using banshee now14:04
coalwaterok, i'm doing a find on my home14:04
DraZoroCopy ./local/share/rhythmbox14:07
coalwaterok, found it in this xml .local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml14:09
DraZoroWow that is great ...now I know14:10
coalwateryay, it's moved now :D14:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
LGPhoenixHow can I get a list of the packages available on my installation of Ubuntu server?16:33
=== mang0 is now known as mang0|NOMMIN
=== mang0|NOMMIN is now known as mang0
ibuclawmang0, don't use [size] tags inappropriately.19:13
ibuclawI've removed them. :)19:14
mang0Did I use them inappropreately?19:14
* mang0 is confused19:14
mang0ibuclaw: -----------^19:15
IdleOnemang0: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen19:16
ibuclawmang0, setting text size to 3 for the whole post is a bit inappropriate, yes. ;)19:17
mang0ah, I only did it because it looked small and tiny, and I didn't like it heh19:17
mang0IdleOne: Thats what Im doing now, but it's confusing LOL.19:17
IdleOnesudo add-apt-repository ppa:doctormo/xorg-wizardpen  && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-wizardpen19:18
IdleOneshould work. if not I have no idea and you can maybe ask doctormo if he can help with your specific model19:18
mang0That simple?! The thread makes it look like bloody rocket science19:20
IdleOneit looks confusing when you aren't used to seeing those sort of howto's.19:20
IdleOnebut yeah, that simple19:21
IdleOneStep 1 assume the user knows how to add a repo (does provide link how to do that) and assumes you would know to apt-get update.19:21
IdleOnerather Method 119:22
mang0yeah :) Thanks anyway19:22
IdleOnemang0: I don't think that will work with 11.0419:22
mang0wait wut19:22
mang0no, it didn't :(19:22
mang0E: Unable to locate package xserver-xorg-input-wizardpen19:23
mang0IdleOne: ^19:23
IdleOneyou updated ?19:23
IdleOnewhat version of Ubuntu are you running?19:23
mang0let me try running the commands seperately19:24
mang0hold on19:24
IdleOnethe command I gave you should only run the following command provided the previous completed successfully19:25
IdleOnemy head hurts reading that :)19:25
* mang0 had to read it litterally four times to understand it19:26
mang0okay, it fails on the last one: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-wizardpen19:27
mang0All the others were fine (I took out the &&'s and ran them seperately)19:27
Froqwhat do you gusy know about pulse audio?19:27
IdleOnemang0: seems the packages failed to build for natty19:28
IdleOneso the PPA doesn't have that package for 11.0419:28
* mang0 rages19:28
IdleOnedon't rage19:28
* mang0 stops raging19:29
mang0why? ;__;19:29
IdleOneI am sure doctormo is working on it.19:29
rror404NotFoundhow do i use terminal from live cd to repair ubuntu?19:29
mang0but......but i cant do anything till then. I WANNA DRAW NOW!!!19:29
* mang0 has tantrum.19:29
=== rror404NotFound is now known as Error404NotFound
IdleOnemang0: install 10.10 and then install the driver from the PPA19:29
mang0I can't install 10.10.....long story but it didn't have driver support for my sata raid controller, amongst other things19:30
IdleOnemang0: after the PPA is updated with a successful package build for 11.04 you can maybe upgrade19:30
mang0nah, it's not really important. I'll just boot XP for when I wanna draw ftm...19:31
IdleOnemang0: I see a rock here and hard place here. You are in the middle :/19:31
IdleOnemang0: good news is you know there is someone working on it :)19:31
mang0yup :D19:31
mang0IdleOne: https://answers.launchpad.net/wizardpen/+question/156150 woohoo look at the comments19:35
IdleOneremember if/when you get it working to update your post with the solution :)19:38
mang0will do19:39
IdleOnebut I suspect the package will be built for natty soon enough. it failed 29 hours ago which means doctormo is actively working on it.19:39
mang0what do you mean....whats 29hrs got to do with it?19:39
IdleOnedoctormo tried to build the package 29 hours ago19:40
IdleOneand it failed that to me means he was working on it just a day or so ago19:40
IdleOnesilver linings, I look for them everywhere.19:41
mang0aha! okay, thanks :) How long does it normally take to fix these things?19:42
Error404NotFoundcan anyone help me19:43
mang0!ask | Error404NotFound19:43
ubot2Error404NotFound: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:43
Error404NotFoundi did no one answered lol19:43
mang0oh lol19:43
Error404NotFoundi need to reinstall gdm from live cd19:44
* mang0 shakes head19:44
mang0I'm not the guy you want heh19:44
mang0IdleOne: right, whilst I wait for nothing in particular, I'm going to fix my camera19:45
IdleOneError404NotFound: what are you trying to fix?19:47
Error404NotFoundubuntu wont load at all19:47
bioterrorError404NotFound, google me that page19:47
bioterrorif you find it before, you can find it again19:48
Error404NotFoundi cant find it lol19:48
Error404NotFoundi just want to know how to reinstall gdm with terminal in live cd19:48
bioterrorwe cant help you until you show us what did you do19:48
bioterrorchroot into your /19:49
bioterrormount that partition19:49
bioterrorin terminal19:49
bioterrorsudo chroot /media/drive19:49
bioterrorsudo apt-get update19:49
Error404NotFoundand if i dont know the drive19:49
bioterrorsudo apt-get install purge gdm19:49
bioterrorsudo apt-get install gdm19:49
Error404NotFoundhow do i tell which drive it is19:50
bioterrorbut if you cant load ubuntu, what do you think that GDM matters?19:50
Error404NotFoundthats the only thing i can think of19:51
bioterrorwhat happens when you boot ubuntu?19:52
Error404NotFoundif that dont work i use gparted and give all ubuntus hdd space back to windows19:52
Error404NotFoundblack screen19:52
bioterrorwhat did you do19:52
bioterrordid you rm -rf something19:52
Error404NotFoundno clue19:52
bioterroryou know what19:53
bioterroryour problem is that you just didnt have any clue wht you were doing19:53
bioterrorif I dont know how to drive a car, do you think I'll take car and drive around?19:53
Error404NotFoundi did...19:53
bioterroror atleast ask from someone who knows how to drive car19:53
bioterrorbut now I want to know what you did19:54
Error404NotFoundso do i19:54
bioterrorso that we can reverse it, or atleast try19:54
bioterroruse the same search words in google19:54
bioterrorif you used chromium with sync, you might see that page is visited :D19:54
bootstrapHow would one go about reprogramming a keyboard key to output a string?19:55
Error404NotFoundlol that assumes i could see chromium19:55
bioterrorError404NotFound, I'm using chromium and chrome ;)19:55
Error404NotFoundhow do i know what drive it is19:56
Error404NotFoundto use the commands you gave me19:56
bioterrorit has those funny folders in root19:56
bioterrorlike usr, bin, sbin, tmp19:56
Error404NotFoundi mean the /media/drive19:57
Error404NotFoundi assume is sad3 or somehting19:57
Error404NotFoundgod forbid linux just used drive letters like windows..19:58
bioterrordrive letters are retarded19:58
bioterrorif I take your hdd and plug it into my windows19:58
bioterrorwould it be E:?19:58
bioterrorand if I use 3G usb stick and I have already E: drive taken19:58
bioterrorit wont work19:58
Error404NotFoundwhats that have to do with anything19:59
Error404NotFoundnot using drive letters is retarded19:59
bioterrorhow so19:59
bioterrorse use UUID ;)19:59
bioterrorwe use19:59
Error404NotFoundif linux used letters id know what my hdd is19:59
bioterror~% sudo blkid20:00
bioterror/dev/sda1: LABEL="Windows" UUID="3EE0E0DEE0E09D81" TYPE="ntfs"20:00
bioterrorI know where my windows is ;)20:01
bioterrortry that command20:01
bioterroryou might find a drive with ext4 filesystem20:01
Error404NotFoundcommand not found20:02
bioterrordid you type it correct: sudo blkid20:02
Error404NotFoundthe sudo chroot command dont work eeither20:05
bioterroryou have now that drive mounted?20:05
bioterrorit's in /media?20:05
bioterrorwith some mystical letters20:05
bioterrorsudo chroot /media/<insert the thingies>20:06
=== shooter_ is now known as genshooter
Error404NotFoundcommand not found20:08
Error404NotFoundbioterror:  i rebooted and now its a black screen that says ubuntu 11.04 with some loading crap20:16
bioterrorthat's good20:17
bioterrorwhat happens if you press ctrl + alt + f120:17
bioterrorall at the same time20:17
Error404NotFoundon this loading screen?20:18
bioterror(technicaly alt+f1 should be enough, as we are not in X11)20:18
bioterrordo you see login screen20:18
bioterrorand !20:18
bioterrorthis is important20:19
bioterroryou need to have two display managers installed20:19
bioterroror actually one20:19
bioterrorI assume you still have slim?20:19
Error404NotFoundi think i did something to get rid of slim20:20
Error404NotFoundthats what screwed me20:20
bioterrorinstall slim ;)20:20
bioterrorsudo apt-get install slim20:20
Error404NotFoundok it said it was installed already20:21
bioterrornow sudo apt-get install gdm20:21
Error404NotFoundsays installed already20:22
bioterrorsudo apt-get purge gdm20:22
bioterrorremoved now?20:23
Error404NotFoundnext lol20:24
bioterrorsudo apt-get install gdm20:24
bioterrorand when it asks which display manager to use, choose gdm :D20:24
bioterrordid it ask?20:25
bioterrorsudo apt-get purge slim20:25
bioterrorsudo reboot20:25
Error404NotFoundsudo waiting...20:26
Error404NotFoundsudo happy20:26
bioterrorno need to delete ubuntu with gparted?20:27
Error404NotFoundand my bar is back ftw20:27
Error404NotFoundnot yet atleast lol20:27
Error404NotFoundill mess it up again soon..20:27
bioterrorand next time20:27
bioterror!language | Error404NotFound20:27
ubot2Error404NotFound: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:27
bioterrorps. gay still means happy ;)20:28
Error404NotFoundi said something bad?20:28
bioterrornow I'm going to take some potato chips as I've earned those20:28
Error404NotFoundnow if i could get wine to see my optical drives20:29
bioterrorI dunno if wine still relays on HAL20:30
Error404NotFoundnow i want top bar to not auto hide20:31
Error404NotFoundand it dont work lol20:31
Error404NotFoundthere we go20:31
nit-witbioterror, try to imagine what that means to a person marginilized by society for being gay....and turn off the swap if hyou want to remove ubuntu.20:35
bioterrornit-wit, I'm trying ;)20:43
nit-witbioterror, its cool most of us forget what seems innocuous to ourselves means something much different to others.;)20:47
kristian_hi all21:07
kristian_before making a new installation, I have good experiences with running DBAN... would dd be as effective in preparing the hdd21:08
bioterrorif you run it 3 times :D21:11
nit-witkristian_, what is the circumstance that dban is needed for, it probably isn't needed21:25
nit-witI have only need dban to wipe a HD to reinstall a OEM of XP, neverany other time.21:26
kristian_I've just noticed the OS runs better when I've used DBAN before installing, but I'd like something faster obviously21:26
nit-witplacebo effect21:27
nit-witbut if you feel better go for it.;)21:27
kristian_nit-wit, noes21:31
kristian_my hdd is quieter on this very box after DBAN21:32
nit-witkristian_, I don't speak leet, or acronyms.21:32
kristian_me neither, not fluently at least ;)21:33
kristian_the computer I am using right now got quieter after running DBAN21:33
kristian_I don't have the recording to prove it, but I'm pretty sure it's not just placebo :)21:33
nit-witkristian_, stranger things have happened you never know, I say follow your bliss.;)21:50
bioterrorfor fox sake22:07
bioterrorlike scottish people says22:07
Error404NotFoun1my laptop keeps losing wi-fi connection22:07
=== Error404NotFoun1 is now known as Error404NotFound
froqso how can i add CPU, Ram & computer temperature into my menubar?23:11
nit-witfroq, what distro?23:13
nit-witfroq, you mean the left side bar correct?23:14
nit-witor top bpanel23:14
froqnit-wit, i am using the classic shell... so I want to put it on the top23:15
nit-witI forget off to goggle be rightback.23:15
froqnit-wit, o well thanks sir, I was just asking so I didn't have to google, lol.  I appreciate your dedication! :)23:16
nit-witfroq, here is a strat you could do it all with a conky if the sensors are set up as well. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto23:17
froqis 36.5 degrees celcius a good/ bad temperature?23:20
froqO nvm... I just didn't look far enough to the right, it says anything less than 60 degrees.  WOOT WOOT WOOT23:23
froqWell piece everyone, have  a great day, and if you have a mother, give her thanks!  (is that only in America or is it everywhere?)23:24
MrChrisDruiffroq: I think everywhere, at least also in Holland23:26
MrChrisDruifAnd it's peace right?23:26
froqMrChrisDruif, haha... I did mean to say that & then when the little red line was under it, I completely forgot what I was saying anyways... :(  SILLY ME.  Though, PEACE****23:27
MrChrisDruifSleep well everyone, have a good one! Aloha!23:28
r4yDoes smplayer have the ability to do slow motion without changing pitch?23:32
r4yI guess I should look before asking23:32
r4yOK never mind I found it. Although it says under options, preferences, audio, highspeed playback without altering pitch, Smplayer will also keep the pitch the same when slowing down videos as well.23:55
r4yI like SMPlayer even more now23:59

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