
james_w`hi cjohnston00:21
cjohnstonhey james_w`00:22
cjohnstonDo you have access to the admin functionality of summit00:22
cjohnstonanother linaro session is causing breakage00:23
james_w`cjohnston, I do00:24
james_w`cjohnston, give me a clue where and I'll take a look00:24
cjohnstonmonday at noon and wed at 161500:25
cjohnstonthey are the same.. which is causing errors00:25
james_w`cjohnston, I don't see duplication there00:32
james_w`one is "part 3"00:32
cjohnstonlook at the url00:34
cjohnstonfor some reason the etherpad url on both is -300:34
james_w`cjohnston, hmm, but the blueprint url isn't00:39
james_w`give me a few to investigate00:39
james_w`cjohnston, fixed00:57
cjohnstonAlanBell: ^00:57
* popey chuckles at sabdfl expiring from ~ubuntumembers 10:31
popey(I re-added him, I assume he still wants to be involved in the project ;)10:32
cjohnstonthat is pretty good popey11:05
jonocjohnston, are you in Budapest?11:19
cjohnstonjono: not until tonight. need something?11:24
jonocjohnston, nope, just curious11:25
cjohnstonOk. Hopefully will find everyone when we get there and grab a drink! :-)11:25
cjohnston2 more flights.. yippie11:26
cjohnstonmhall119: are you online yet11:30
cjohnstonAnyone seen Daviey recently?12:53
czajkowskiat a bar?12:54
cjohnstonHe may be at a bar..12:55
cjohnstonI need a summit change made12:55
james_w`cjohnston, yo12:57
james_w`anything I can help with?12:57
cjohnstonhey james_w`12:57
cjohnstonI don't agree with the change that was made removing the etherpad from anything without a blueprint and think it should be changed to anything that isn't a private meeting... I think leaving it for plenary's would be nice for people who are participating remotely12:58
james_w`I can't get that change in to trunk, but I could deploy it12:58
james_w`I don't know if you want to check with him first though?12:58
cjohnstonlol.. And I can get it into trunk.. lol12:58
cjohnstonI don't know..12:59
cjohnstonThat's why I was wondering if anyone had seen him12:59
cjohnstonI'll approve your code real quick12:59
czajkowskicjohnston: any idea who made the change and for what reason13:00
cjohnstonDave did13:00
czajkowskimaybe he was told to?13:00
cjohnstonI don't know.13:00
cjohnstonjames_w`: I don't have time to fiogure out the code either to make it work the way it should13:01
cjohnstonor the way I think it should13:01
james_w`cjohnston, only private meetings shouldn't have it?13:04
james_w`e.g. roundtables should?13:04
james_w`sounds right to me13:05
cjohnstonI think they should13:06
james_w`cjohnston, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/summit/pad-for-plenaries/+merge/6031013:07
mhall119cjohnston: ping13:07
cjohnstonPrivate meetings shouldn't for obvious reasons... But I think allowing the etherpad on everything else would increase productivity, expecially with remote13:07
mhall119cjohnston: I'm in the hotel now, just had lunch13:08
cjohnstonhey  mhall11913:08
mhall119is nigelb here yet?13:08
cjohnstonI assume...13:08
cjohnstonHaven't heard13:08
cjohnstonHe was supposed to arrive this morning sometime13:08
cjohnstonmhall119: could you please review the pad-for-plenaries13:09
james_w`nigelb is here13:09
cjohnstonjames_w`: border is in13:10
james_w`\o/ thanks13:10
cjohnstonThat's funny that you can push live but not commit and I can commit but not push live13:10
james_w`yeah :-)13:11
mhall119pad for plenaries?13:13
mhall119do you hate IS or something?13:13
cjohnstonforgot about htat13:14
james_w`AlanBell, hi, do you run Mootbot-UK?13:14
czajkowskii think IS has a bad reputation which has improved a lot13:14
cjohnstonbut as nhandler stated last night, it allows people remote to keep up when video cuts out and such13:14
cjohnstonwell... there is only a single instance of etherpad.. its not a cluster13:15
mhall119i'm not worried about IS, I'm worried about 400 people trying to use the same pad13:16
cjohnstonAlthough is 400 using the same pad different than 400 using 40 pads13:17
mhall119I don't see any problem with the code though, but I haven't tested it13:17
mhall119cjohnston: it might be, I'm not sure13:17
cjohnstonI'm out.. plane is here..13:17
mhall119you're just now flying back?13:18
mhall119see you when you get here13:18
* james_w` heads out for some lunch13:18
mhall119james_w`: I'll approve and land the plenary pad, but I'm not responsible for melted servers13:20
popeyyou could test 400 people on one pad by making a test pad and tweeting the url13:33
popeyget all of us to retweet and ask in #ubuntu-offtopic and other places to test it13:33
AlanBellthat server isn't ready13:33
mhall119AlanBell: is it going to be ready?13:36
AlanBellI could make it ready13:37
AlanBellthe theme stuff is broken, but I have it on another server and it is equally broken so that is good13:37
AlanBellit really doesn't like switching from the default theme13:38
mhall119AlanBell: but it's functional, right?13:40
AlanBellI am putting together a minimal set of changes to fix it all13:40
AlanBellok, I can fix this if I can talk to Daviey13:45
AlanBellhttp://mumble.libertus.co.uk:9000 totally works13:46
AlanBellDaviey: http://mumble.libertus.co.uk:9000/etherpadforuds14:23
AlanBellmhall119: are you in budapest?16:04
mhall119AlanBell: yes16:08
AlanBellany sign of Daviey?16:08
nigelbhello hello16:19
nigelbDaviey: Where are you?16:19
* Pendulum notes that Daviey is rather popular16:21
Pendulumnigelb: I take it you have arrived safely?16:23
nigelbPendulum: yes16:28
nigelbPendulum: sitting next to hypatia and cheri :)16:28
* Pendulum waves16:31
james_w`is the "Hide talks that aren't for me" link broken for anyone else?16:31
nigelbjames_w`: we're looking for Daviey to upload the gix16:33
james_w`what's the fix?16:33
nigelbjames_w`: heh, adding id=whoami to the href ;)16:33
nigelbmhall119: ^^16:33
nigelbmhall119: I think james_w` can help us deploy that16:34
mhall119if someone approves and lands it16:34
mhall119i can deploy if someone just tells me the process16:34
james_w`I can't land it sorry16:36
nigelbmhall119: there is a wiki page somewhere16:37
nigelbjames_w`: like technically?16:37
nigelbor you just want someone else to land your fix16:37
james_w`I'm not in ~summit-hackers16:38
james_w`I can put the change on summit.ubuntu.com though16:38
nigelbLet me land it16:39
nigelbwe'll fix the sumit-hackers problem16:39
nigelbjames_w`: can you approve this? https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/hide-link-fix/+merge/6031116:49
nigelbI'll land it in16:49
nigelbI dont' want to land and approve something16:49
james_w`nigelb, nope16:50
james_w`I don't see a problem with landing + approving16:50
nigelbahhh. okay16:50
james_w`mhall119, you and I all agree it is the right fix16:50
mhall119nigelb: it's approved, land it16:51
mhall119we've got more than 12 hours before UDS starts, we can be reckless ;)16:51
nigelbmhall119: You can escape to ISD hackathon16:51
AlanBellwhile you are approving and landing things . . .16:52
nigelbjcastro will strangle me16:52
mhall119james_w`: are you at the hotel?16:52
mhall119AlanBell: approved, nigelb can you land his too?16:53
mhall119I'll be down in the lobby area with the other ISD guys if  you need me16:53
mhall119in about 5 minutes anyway16:53
AlanBellthanks mhall11916:55
nigelbmhall119: okay16:55
nigelbjames_w`: we should all meet!16:55
james_w`hide link fixed17:00
james_w`thanks all17:00
AlanBellso does that need a summit django restart or something?17:06
nigelbAlanBell: Ctrl + F5? :)17:06
AlanBellah ok17:09
AlanBellthe etherpad server is still being a bit nuts17:09
nigelbAlanBell: java...... 'nuff said17:10
AlanBellyeah, I think a restart or two would make it behave17:12
mhall119nigelb: where re you?17:13
nigelbmhall119:  cheri's and hypatia's room17:14
nigelbmhall119: charging laptop17:14
IdleOneno @im/at/uds/cloaks?17:15
AlanBellthat is for unregistered people17:16
IdleOneI see17:16
AlanBell16:14 [freenode] -!- mpt [~mpt@conference/ubuntudevelopersummit/x-aaraanqfesfvjqbh] has joined #ubuntu-uds17:16
AlanBellfor example17:17
IdleOne@conference/uds-o/x-randomletters would of been nicer17:17
AlanBellit is just so the freenode protection stuff doesn't freak out at 400 connections from one IP address17:18
mhall119I'mm tunneled out over ssh, so I don't get a cloak17:20
mhall119james_w`: where are you?17:20
nigelbmhall119: where are you btw?17:21
mhall119I'm in the seating area inthe lobby17:21
mhall119hurray or day-before summit deployments, and nothing even  broke!17:21
nigelbmhall119: \o/17:21
mhall119hajour is down here with me17:32
mhall119is pleia2 here yet?17:36
nigelbmhall119: nope, I was about to ask you17:36
pleia2am here now19:39
pleia2but so so tired :(19:39
Piciyay, boo19:48
popeyyay pleia219:51
* AlanBell wonders if Daviey will be online later20:04
mhall119AlanBell: he's at a company get together atm20:10
mhall119it'll probably be a while before he's online20:10
mhall119pleia2: welcome! where are you?20:11
AlanBellwell great, the etherpad server is going to be a mess when 500 people hit it tomorrow morning then20:11
pleia2mhall119: getting ready for bed :)20:14
mhall119already? It's only noon your-local time isn't it?20:15
pleia2I have been awake for a million years20:15
pleia2noon without sleep saturday night!20:15
Pendulumpleia2: so you arrived safely?20:16
pleia2Pendulum: yes :)20:16
* Pendulum hugs pleia2 20:17
* pleia2 hugs20:17
AlanBelljcastro: if someone from IS with access to the etherpad server contacts me I can get it fixed, otherwise it will be a bit flakey, have the wrong theme and throw up occasional errors20:21
AlanBelljcastro: instructions are here, I just have nobody to follow them. http://mumble.libertus.co.uk:9000/etherpadforuds20:22
mhall119AlanBell: who in IS have you worked with on it?20:25
jussiI got approved for not canonical :P20:26
popeyWelcome to the exclusive club.20:27
AlanBellmhall119: elmo21:00
AlanBellI think elmo is in IS21:00
mhall119I think so, I'm not sure if he's at UDS21:15
nigelbmhall119: any news on ChanServ21:52
AlanBell22:52 < cinerama> ok, i've just spoken with someone....my colleagues assure me that it'll get taken care of tomorrow morning22:54
mhall119nigelb: ChanServ is just fine23:42
mhall119cjohnston was without money for another beer when I left him, so his condition is questionalble23:42
mhall119I'm going to bed now, see you in the morning23:42

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