
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
hyperairhmm, how do i change the default photo manager from shotwell to f-spot?06:54
hyperairinterestingly, i can't change this in preferred applications06:54
jbichahyperair: are you using Gnome 2 or Gnome 3?07:06
hyperairjbicha: gnome 2 + unity.07:06
hyperairjbicha: i just dug through unity's source code and found that it's hardcoded to shotwell with a FIXME notice07:06
jbichais there a bug for that?07:07
hyperairfortunately, it has hardcoded alternatives, so i just uninstalled shotwell and it falls back upon f-spot =)07:07
hyperairi wonder07:07
hyperairbut there really isn't a gconf key to look at07:07
hyperairso it's not really unity's bug, is it?07:07
jbichawell they could look at the defaults.list for .jpg's for instance07:08
hyperairthat's not quite right.07:08
hyperaireog isn't a photo manager.07:08
=== nessita1 is now known as nessita
SofoxHey, is mpt around?13:46
sumithiii friends16:20
sumitI have some problems with my Ubuntu 10.1016:21
sumitI am a new user16:21
sumitMy computer is hanging frequently .. what do16:22
sumitalso suggest anything like folderlock or password protecting software16:22
Ampelbeinsumit: user support is in #ubuntu16:26

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