
DarkwingDuckmdke: ping01:46
mdkeDarkwingDuck: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)01:46
DarkwingDuckmdke: I'm trying to learn the process of building oneiric as a new branch for kubuntu-docs and what all I need to do in LP for that. If you have it written down or, there is a wiki somewhere explaining the process I would like to learn to do this. thanks01:47
DarkwingDuckmdke: nevermind, I got it for kubuntu-docs02:36
Captainkrtekhey DarkwingDuck :D05:33
Captainkrtekhaven't talked to you in a while05:33
Captainkrtekhello Madpilot06:05
Madpilothi Captainkrtek06:05
Captainkrtekdo you happen to know the process for a mirror to be reviewed?06:06
Captainkrtekan Ubuntu mirror06:06
MadpilotI don't, I'm afraid.06:07
MadpilotI'm so horribly out of date on docteam procedures it's tragic06:07
jbichayou just register it and wait to get approved06:07
Captainkrtekokay, asked in #ubuntu-mirrors but it'd dead over there06:07
jbichayou can bug the mirror mailing list if you like06:07
Captainkrtekjust was wondering06:07
Captainkrteknah Ill wait06:07
jbichayeah the chat channel isn't likely to be helpful06:08
Captainkrtekgive my server a few days to relax before the onslaught ;)06:08
jbichadid you register it on launchpad?06:08
=== Captainkrtek is now known as Krtek|Busy
mdkeDarkwingDuck: it's normally very straightforward, just bzr branch natty; bzr push lp:~ubuntu-core-doc/kubuntu-docs/oneiric09:19
DarkwingDuckmdke: Yup, I got it.09:20
DarkwingDuckI wanted to take one less thing off your hands each release cycle09:20
mdkeDarkwingDuck: that's appreciated, thanks :)10:26
mdkeDarkwingDuck: I guess that kubuntu-docs should also move translation to the upstream project as ubuntu-docs has done. If you agree I'll take care of that10:26
max___hello, I was wondering if someone could remove the IP address at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/internet/C/troubleshooting-wireless.html, section two from "check DNS". I don't know how it got there ;-)16:27
Rocket2DMnmax___, what is that IP?16:35
max___that's my private server16:35
max___I don't know why it was put on this site16:36
Rocket2DMnnice - is that documentation you wrote?16:36
Rocket2DMnif not it was probably put there before you had the IP16:36
max___I doubt that16:36
max___I "own" since 200416:36
Rocket2DMnhmm interesting16:37
max___no, i didnt write it, i'm not affiliated with ubuntu16:37
Rocket2DMnalrigtht I'll put in a bug report to have it changed to something else, it could take awhile before it makes it to the website though16:38
Rocket2DMnok max___ , i filed the report here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/77953116:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 779531 in ubuntu-docs "Please use a different IP in Wireless troubleshooting section" [Undecided,New]16:42
Rocket2DMnyou can subscribe to it if you want to track its progress16:42
max___thank you!16:45
Rocket2DMnmax___, is it a problem for you when people ping your server?16:46
max___well actually not, but i don't think that especially my server is a good target to diagnose if you have a working internet connection16:47
Rocket2DMnagreed, thanks for letting us know16:47
max___ie., i can not guarantee that the server is always available and responsive to ICMP requests16:48
max___no problem16:48
mdkeevening all17:11
Rocket2DMnhey mdke17:11
Rocket2DMnmdke, i'm looking at bug 47504 right now17:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 47504 in ubuntu-docs "Gender conventions notice in documents" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4750417:13
Rocket2DMnI don't see how this is really relevant to us, I would think that anybody who speaks a language fluently would know how to interpret gender usage on a page17:13
mdkeI have never really been sure about that bug17:14
Rocket2DMnto my knowledge, it's typically a standard way of writing o use a particular gender in languages that have it17:14
Rocket2DMnshouldnt need any kind of notice17:14
Rocket2DMnanyway, i think it should be closed17:17
Rocket2DMni'm also looking at some other bugs, like bug 478097 - i think this belongs in the docbook-xsl package, not ubuntu-docs17:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 478097 in ubuntu-docs "help.ubuntu.com claims to be XHTML 1.0 Transitional but is not" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47809717:18
mdkeI see plenty of books in English which have such a gender notice; but that doesn't necessarily mean that we should adopt it, and I think that it is cumbersome for one page help topics17:18
mdkeit doesn't seem to have been adopted upstream17:19
mdkeI would say that this is something that should be taken up with the developers of the markup languages or help viewers17:21
Rocket2DMnI think we can close that first one as Won't Fix then, there is little pointin tracking a bug we aren't going to do anything with17:21
mdkeI'll do it17:21
mdkehappy to take the stick for that :)17:21
Rocket2DMni was looking at the upstream docbook-xsl bugs yesterday, there were a number of reports relating to extra markup in the html, and bad validation of html17:22
Rocket2DMna lot of them had been closed though17:22
Rocket2DMnwe could open a new one upstream though17:23
mdkeRocket2DMn: that sounds sensible to me17:24
mdkehey Gwaihir17:24
Gwaihirhey mdke!17:24
Rocket2DMnalright mdke , i'll move it to docbook-xsl later and open a new report upstream17:24
mdkeRocket2DMn: thanks17:24
mdkeGwaihir: still in italia?17:25
Gwaihirmdke, yes, leaving next thursday :-)17:25
Gwaihirlooking forward to it... really excited :-)17:25
mdkecongratulations on the new opportunity17:26
Rocket2DMnmdke, we said earlier that we were going to close bug 734958.  the report said that he thinks it may be useful to open it from translations, but i dont think its really worth the effort to translate since the document is not supported anymore.  Do you still want to close it, or would you liketo open it from translations in Lucid?17:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 734958 in ubuntu-docs "switching not translatable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73495817:26
Gwaihirmdke, thanks :-)17:27
Rocket2DMnif we want to open it for translation i'm fine with that, but we should at least make our final decision on if we will17:31
mdkeRocket2DMn: I don't think so myself. I've closed it17:31
Rocket2DMnok, thanks17:32
mdkewho has permissions now to approve/reject release nominations?17:33
Rocket2DMnmdke, i think you have the ability to accept or reject the nomination17:33
mdkeI seem to be able to do it, but I thought that it was by virtue of being in ~ubuntu-drivers. But I'm not in that now, and I can still do it17:33
mdkeyeah, I do, but I don't know why17:33
Rocket2DMneven if you accept the nomination, you can still close it afterward17:34
Rocket2DMni never really liked the idea of "nominating" a bug, i think anybody in bugcontrol should be able to open a task against a release17:34
mdkeperhaps it is by virtue of being in bugcontrol17:34
mdkebut you can't do it?17:34
Rocket2DMnno, i can only nominate17:34
Rocket2DMnwe hvae some noimations here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+nominations?field.searchtext=ubuntu-docs17:35
mdkewill look.17:35
mdkebut I'm puzzled as to why I can do it and you not17:36
mdkeinteresting, I can only accept the ones in ubuntu-docs17:37
mdkemust be upload rights then17:37
Rocket2DMnthat is interesting17:37
mdkeso on that list I can only approve 3 of them17:37
Rocket2DMnwell at least we have somebody who can do it :)17:37
Rocket2DMnbtw i think bug 687995 was fixed when you pushed natty docs to the website, i'm able to get official docs in search now (e.g. search for "empathy")17:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 687995 in ubuntu-docs "search.html is obsolete?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68799517:38
mdkeyes, i fixed that everywhere17:39
mdkerevision 5917:39
Rocket2DMnlol that's a great one-liner.  you're a beast mdke17:39
mdkewas just a sed command17:41
mdkeit would be nice to get control of that google search17:42
mdkebut I think that there may be something sensitive about it that requires a Canonical employee (i.e. Dustin)17:43
Rocket2DMni think anybody can setup search stuff like that, but it's probably tied to an administrative account at canonical17:43
Rocket2DMnit looks like the same idea as just doing a "site:help.ubuntu.com mytexthere" query in google17:44
mdkegetting timeouts on the lucid nomination page17:51
mdkewill have to try later17:51
Rocket2DMnhmm, i'm able to get through17:52
j1mchi all17:53
j1mcanyone around?17:53
mdkeyeah me and Rocket2DMn17:55
mdkeflight alright?17:55
j1mchey mdke17:56
j1mcflights were good, but long17:56
mdkewow, gnome-user-docs has been translated into Spanish 100%17:56
mdkethat's insane17:56
j1mcby the time i wrote those emails, i had already been up over 24 hours17:56
j1mcand i'm still up17:56
j1mcmdke: yeah, even when we were working on gnome-docs upstream...17:57
j1mcthey were translating almost as we were writing17:57
j1mcthey are awesome17:57
mdkebut we changed at least half the upstream strings I think17:57
j1mcmdke: any reaction to the emails i sent out?17:57
j1mcpart of what i'm trying to do... i know that some of the criticism of UDS is that things seem to get decided here w/o community input17:58
j1mcso i'm trying to keep everyone abrest of stuff17:58
mdkej1mc: good stuff, but no particular reaction. I agree with what you said about open week17:58
mdkeI don't think that documentation things can be decided at UDS, there isn't enough ubuntu-doc presence. But it seems to me to be a great chance for you to get some input from non-doc people17:59
mdkewe can then discuss things afterwards at our next meeting17:59
j1mcand not having much of a reaction is ok - i just want to make sure that silence isn't 'opposition in silence.'17:59
mdkethat DITA thing sounds interesting17:59
j1mcyeah, i have watched their youtube videos, but it's a bit hard to grasp18:00
mdkej1mc: no, I'm personally very happy that you took the time to write them18:00
mdkej1mc: and if you can carry on, it's definitely great, although I know UDS will be tiring18:00
j1mcyeah - we'll see how it goes18:00
mdkebut if you don't manage it, we can catch up afterwards18:00
j1mccanonical folks are having a canonical-only dinner.18:00
j1mci'm in bed.  :)18:00
mdkequite right18:01
mdkeMatt Nuzum is an awesome guy, I'm pleased you're with him18:01
j1mccool. yeah, i met some of the back-end web devs, too.18:01
j1mcthey all visited matt together18:01
j1mcwell, thanks for the encouragement18:02
mdkethanks to you18:02
mdkenow get some rest :D18:02
j1mcthanks,mdke   :)18:02
mdkeand enjoy the experience18:02
Rocket2DMndont forget to have fun while you're there j1mc :)18:02
j1mcthanks, Rocket2DMn18:02
Rocket2DMnmdke, i pushed a fix for bug 779531 in natty, i'll do the same for lucid given its LTS.  I assume you want it from maverick as well, yes?18:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 779531 in ubuntu-docs "Please use a different IP in Wireless troubleshooting section" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77953118:34
mdkeyes please18:34
mdkeI think we should do that given that the guy has specifically requested it18:34
Rocket2DMni'll merge the revision into lucid and maverick now18:35
Rocket2DMnmdke, is that top level status Invalid for this bug given that it doesnt exist in Oneiric?18:38
Rocket2DMni marked it as such, i think that's the proper procedure18:41
mdkeyes, although the version currently in oneiric has the bug, because our branch hasn't yet been uploaded18:44
mdkeso the version in oneiric is just the one in natty18:44
Rocket2DMni suppose that's true18:47
Rocket2DMni guess i mark it as fix committed for oneirc then since when we do push a package it wont hae the bug?18:48
mdkestill, it won't be true for long and help.u.c doesn't have that version, so I think it's ok18:48
Rocket2DMni'll just leave it as is18:48
DarkwingDuckmdke: nixternal normally took care of that side. im starting to learn the admin functions of the docs for kubuntu-docs. it streamlines translations?19:53
mdkeDarkwingDuck: yes, it should help19:57
mdkeDarkwingDuck: I'm happy to take care of it19:57
DarkwingDuckmdke: Thank you, one request... do have the translation process written down or, what the requirements are from here on out so that I can learn and understand more?20:22
mdkeDarkwingDuck: yes, but (like many of our documentation) it's out of date20:27
DarkwingDuckmdke: Yeah, I'm running into that a lot.20:27
mdkeDarkwingDuck: I will update it soon20:27
DarkwingDuckmdke: We also need to have two documentation guides... You guys use Mallard on the Ubuntu side correct?20:28
mdkesince recently yes20:29
DarkwingDuckWe still use DocBook because of upstream using it.20:29
DarkwingDuckBut, The only thing I don't understand anymore is how the translations work.20:30
* mdke hopes for some Gnome/KDE upstream cooperation20:30
DarkwingDuckmdke: Well, that a tough one... the licence that KDE Docs use is not compatable with CC20:30
mdkethat's not a problem, it's on document formatting and processing that I'm hoping for cooperation20:31
DarkwingDuckmdke: what did you have in mind?20:31
DarkwingDuckre cooperation?20:31
mdkewell, I know that shaunm has had some discussions about whether/how Mallard could be used in KDE20:32
mdkeand some of the work done on yelp 3 has been to make some of the technology easier to use with non-Gnome desktops20:32
DarkwingDuckmdke: I love mallard. And it can be used but, I'm not sure the KDE guys want to re-write all their documentation.20:33
mdke(as far as I understand it, which isn't much)20:33
* DarkwingDuck nods20:33
mdkeDarkwingDuck: I believe there is a kubuntu guy at UDS interested in documentation so hopefully he and j1mc can get together20:33
DarkwingDuckIt's doable and I'm all for it but, the KDE guys and balking at a rewrite20:33
DarkwingDuckI'm remote participating this time around... There is a Kubuntu Wiki discussion on one of the days... maybe he will show up and I can talk to him.20:34
mdkeI believe there has been some interest in improving the KDE help center20:34
mdkee.g. http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2011/04/28/season-of-kde-need-help-anyone/20:34
mdkedon't know whether it got much traction from upstream though20:34
DarkwingDuckYes, that is Harald Sitter one of our senior developers20:34
mdkeright, he's the guy at UDS I believe20:35
DarkwingDuckFor Kubuntu/KDE20:35
DarkwingDuckHe and I work very close together.20:35
DarkwingDuckI would like to see us work closer together too.20:35
DarkwingDuckin re to help.ubuntu.com20:36
DarkwingDuckMaybe getting the other flavors involved with that. Kubuntu, Xubuntu ect...20:36
mdkeah, you mean you and I?20:36
DarkwingDuckAye, nixternal has kinda handed the project my direction20:37
DarkwingDuckjjesse is fairly busy but a huge part as well20:37
DarkwingDuckBut, you and I have talked I think, 2 or 3 times and it was when i was applying for committer access :D20:38
mdkeI think this could be a good time for the team, things are quite active at the moment and if we can harnass that momentum to attract some more contributors, we should be looking good20:38
mdkemomentum is a cool thing20:38
* DarkwingDuck nods20:38
DarkwingDuckThat it is.20:38
mdkeanyway, on translation20:38
mdkethe documentation we have right now is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation20:38
mdkethe top section is for translators20:38
mdkethe bottom section is for us20:38
* DarkwingDuck nods20:39
mdkethis will get easier as we move in the next release to using Launchpad's automatic translation import/export feature20:39
DarkwingDuckI think nixternal re-wrote the scripts so that it would build correctly in Kubuntu/KDE20:39
mdkecould be20:40
DarkwingDuckHe was complaining about that this last cycle.20:40
mdkeI missed that I think20:40
DarkwingDuckI think what I'll do is bug him till he drops that on me20:40
DarkwingDuckThen, I'll add the section for kubuntu-docs20:40
mdkewell, we don't necessarily need a separate section20:41
DarkwingDuckBecause I know our build varies slightly but, enough to confusing me for months till I figured it out.20:41
DarkwingDuckNo, intergrated.20:41
mdkelet's see how things go20:41
* DarkwingDuck nods20:41
mdkeok, I'm off for a while, cya later20:42
DarkwingDuckThanks mdke for everything.20:42
DarkwingDuckand we will have to start working together better :)20:43
shaunmspeaking of translations, I'm going to be migrating gnome's docs to the new build tools using itstool in the coming months. is this something the ubuntu crowd is interested in?20:56
Captainkrtekhey guys20:57
Captainkrtekhey DarkwingDuck20:57
Captainkrtekhello ailo21:01
DarkwingDuckHey Captainkrtek21:07
Captainkrtekhey dude :D21:07
Captainkrtekhow've you been?21:07
Captainkrtekyeah I bet21:07
Captainkrtekforgot you did stuff in this community21:07
Captainkrteknice to see a familiar face around here21:07
DarkwingDuckWorking deep with Kubuntu and writing a book21:07
DarkwingDuckAye! It's awesome to see someone from another community over here21:08
CaptainkrtekJust joined here a few weeks ago21:08
Captainkrtek^ Noob ;)21:09
DarkwingDuckNot bad :D21:09
Captainkrtekstill noob status21:09
DarkwingDuckNot really.21:10
Captainkrtekyou've done alot21:11
DarkwingDuckBeen around a couple years.21:11
DarkwingDuckMost of my work it's listed there there.21:11
DarkwingDuckI have a lot on github and KDE21:12
Captainkrtekyeah I bet21:12
CaptainkrtekI was getting tired of Android dev.21:12
Captainkrtektoo much drama21:12
DarkwingDuckYeah, it was getting drama filled.21:12
DarkwingDuckhere you can avoid the drama if you want.21:12
Captainkrtekway more professional21:12
Captainkrtekrestricted teams and such21:13
DarkwingDuckWhat else you getting involved with?21:13
CaptainkrtekUbuntu / Gnome docs21:13
Captainkrtekand Ubuntu Manual21:13
Captainkrtektrying to find some other projects21:13
* DarkwingDuck nods21:13
CaptainkrtekKubuntu docs need work?21:13
DarkwingDuckA bit, I don't wan tto overload you.21:13
DarkwingDuckWe use DocBook instead of mallard21:14
CaptainkrtekIm free :P21:14
Captainkrtekneed to learn that then21:14
Captainkrtekim up for a challenge :)21:14
DarkwingDuckBut, we are going to be rebuilding our wiki21:14
Captainkrtektell me where the work is needed21:14
Captainkrtekand ill do it21:14
DarkwingDuckThis week is a bit of  anightmare for me21:14
DarkwingDuckUDS and i'm participating remotly.21:14
DarkwingDuckSo, it will be long nights for me.21:15
DarkwingDuckBecause UDS is in Budapest21:15
Captainkrtekfun :P21:15
DarkwingDuckStarts at midnight21:15
Captainkrtekhow are you participating21:15
DarkwingDuckMidnight to 7a21:15
DarkwingDuckIRC and streaming21:15
Captainkrtekahh cool21:15
Captainkrtekyou in California right?21:16
DarkwingDuckYes. San Diego21:16
DarkwingDuckI think so. :D21:16
PendulumDarkwingDuck: are you working during the day too?21:16
Pendulumor do you get a chance to sleep in there? :P21:17
DarkwingDuckPendulum: I'm unemployed ATM :(21:17
CaptainkrtekI have to go setup a set of printers at work in a bit21:17
PendulumDarkwingDuck: *hugs*, but at least it means you get sleep this week?21:17
Captainkrtekmore time to work on Ubuntu ;)21:17
DarkwingDuckAnd my book.21:17
Captainkrtekwhat are you writing?21:17
DarkwingDuckA book on Documentation within a community. Howto and theory21:18
Captainkrtekvery cool!21:18
DarkwingDuckHere is the TOC http://pastebin.com/LbMyzxhx21:18
CaptainkrtekIf you need someone else to help with that I'd be glad to21:18
PendulumDarkwingDuck: that sounds really interesting21:18
Captainkrtekvery cool...21:18
Captainkrtekhow far are you in?21:18
DarkwingDuckabout 65%21:18
Captainkrtekanyone else writing it with you?21:19
DarkwingDuckI'll be finished by mid june21:19
DarkwingDuckNope. This is my little project for some extra $$21:19
DarkwingDuckI have a publisher that is interested.21:19
CaptainkrtekIll be sure to buy a copy21:19
CaptainkrtekI know someone at the for dummies guides21:19
Captainkrtekhave their email somewhere...21:20
DarkwingDuckI'll have it for free download online with a donate button and I'll have it sold. It's the best of both worlds21:20
Captainkrtekwell congrats :)21:20
DarkwingDuck:D I've been planning it for a while and now I'm finally writing it.21:20
Captainkrtekthat's awesome21:20
Captainkrtekthat'll be a huge help to the community21:21
Captainkrtekand many new comers looking for how to help21:21
DarkwingDuckThere are a bunch of books on tech writing and a few on community but none that really bridge the gap between the two.21:21
shaunmDarkwingDuck: nothing to do with markup language. itstool is for any xml format.21:21
Captainkrtekand how to write documentation21:22
Captainkrtekhow to write helpful docs.21:22
DarkwingDuckshaunm: I debated it... But because there are sooooo many languages and tools I was thinking of tossing the major ones in an appendex21:22
DarkwingDuckBecause each project uses differnt systems... take us for example.21:23
Captainkrtekmallard, xml, docbook21:23
DarkwingDuckUbuntu-docs = Mallard / Kubuntu-docs = DocBook21:23
mdkeshaunm: yes, I'm interested, but we would need to get the tools packaged for Debian and into Ubuntu, I guess21:23
DarkwingDuckThere are 4 or 5 more that I've run into.21:23
shaunmmdke: yes of course21:23
shaunmDarkwingDuck: not really following the problem. what are you using right now to translate DocBook?21:23
mdkewe use xml2po right now21:24
mdkefor docbook and Mallard21:24
DarkwingDuckshaunm: I misunderstood your question.21:24
DarkwingDuckshaunm: sorry.21:24
CaptainkrtekDarkwingDuck, is there much going on in the oneiric branch for kubuntu?21:25
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: I just set it. we will discuss more of what our plans are at UDS when the Kubuntu guys have meetings.21:25
mdkeshaunm: looks like yelp-tools isn't in debian yet21:25
Captainkrtekanything else I could help with DarkwingDuck ?21:25
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: Ask me after this week. :P21:26
shaunmmdke: I made the first tarballs today21:26
mdkeshaunm: aha!21:26
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: I have not started planning for Oneiric yet.21:26
Captainkrtekhehe k21:26
mdkeshaunm: will itstool become part of yelp-tools?21:26
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: But when I do, we have an extensive wiki ToDo list21:26
Captainkrteksure :)21:27
shaunmmdke: itstool has had releases for a couple weeks, but I doubt any distros are going to pick it up until somebody (like gnome) starts using it and forcing its adoption21:27
Captainkrtekif you need any help just ping me21:27
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: I prolly will setup some things but, I'll push once this book is finished.21:27
shaunmmdke: no, itstool will remain a separate package. I'm trying to keep it very general-purpose and neutral21:27
shaunmreleases aren't even on gnome.org21:27
mdkeshaunm: how come?21:27
Captainkrtekjust found a bug21:28
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: ubuntu or kubuntu?21:28
shaunmwider adoption, easier maintenance, less bickering21:29
Captainkrtekwell the bug already exists sorta...21:29
Captainkrtekbut I have something to add21:29
mdkeshaunm: ok21:29
shaunmmdke: looks like I'm going to be able to host it on freedesktop.org, which will be nice21:30
shaunmalso dependencies. yelp-tools depends on yelp-xsl for its various scripts. there's no reason itstool should have to depend on that21:31
mdkeam I right that in theory yelp-tools and yelp-xsl are also non-Gnome specific?21:31
Captainkrtekis there a way to attach 2 or more screenshots?21:32
shaunmmdke: right, there's nothing particularly gnome-specific about them, except that they take their name from a gnome package, and they're hosted on gnome.org21:32
Captainkrtekto a bug comment21:32
mdkeshaunm: well, I would certainly be interested in trying the tools if we can get them packaged and into the Ubuntu archive21:34
shaunmsure, I get that people want packages. I have no idea how to make that happen, though21:35
Rocket2DMnhey guys, what directory are we supposed to build the oneiric docs from?21:35
shaunmI've basically only ever developed on the source-tarball side of things21:35
mdkein the case of UBuntu, packages normally come from debian21:35
DarkwingDuckMOTU can add a package into repositories21:36
DarkwingDuckAs long as there is someone to maintain them.21:36
mdkeshaunm: our best practice is to get it into Debian first, then it comes into Ubuntu automatically21:36
CaptainkrtekDarkwingDuck, this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/77961221:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 779612 in notify-osd "Notifications appear vertically shifted on second monitor" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:36
shaunmyou patch some though, yes? I mean, your gnome 2 desktop was patched in ways that I don't think debian did21:36
mdkeshaunm: yes, then patches get applied on top. lots of patches21:36
shaunmnot that I expect any of those packages to be patched heavily by ubuntu21:37
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: looks good.21:37
mdkeRocket2DMn: how do you mean?21:37
Rocket2DMnmdke, to build the html files.  i think we are building from the "html" directory, but currently it fails21:37
Rocket2DMnusing "make ubuntu-help"21:38
mdkeerror msg?21:38
Rocket2DMni just get make: *** [ubuntu-help] Error 221:38
Rocket2DMnafter i update the fix-urls.sh to run the sed commands using ./ instead of ../ it completes21:39
CaptainkrtekDarkwingDuck, just noticed that a friend published that bug21:39
Captainkrteksmall world21:39
Rocket2DMni do get a bunch of messages like this though:21:39
Rocket2DMncp: cannot stat `/home/connor/ubuntu_bzr/oneiric/ubuntu-help/C//usr/share/icons/gnome/22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-accessibility.png': No such file or directory21:39
mdkethat's not a problem21:39
Rocket2DMnthat's from the yelp build portion21:39
mdkeso the fix-urls.sh script is failing?21:40
Rocket2DMnyeah it would seem so - does it work for you?21:40
shaunmhuh, according to what I'm seeing on packages.debian.org, debian unstable still packages its webkit port of yelp 2.3021:40
mdkeRocket2DMn: no, please go ahead and fix it :)21:41
shaunmdoesn't fix-urls.sh run on the generated html?21:41
mdkethere's a bad path in there21:41
shaunmso you're going to get that warning message when converting to html21:41
Rocket2DMnok, its assuming you want the build directory to be at html/build/ rather than just at /build fro mthe top level of th eproject21:41
shaunmoh, you already said "that's not a problem"21:42
mdkeyes, I think it's cleaner to have everything under the html dir Rocket2DMn21:42
mdkethanks for picking that up21:42
Rocket2DMnnp, its committed21:43
Rocket2DMni was going to look at bug 478097 there rather than what i had been doing in natty21:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 478097 in ubuntu-docs "help.ubuntu.com claims to be XHTML 1.0 Transitional but is not" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47809721:44
Rocket2DMni kinda needed to build the docs first :)21:44
mdkegood plan21:44
mdkeobviously the build tools are completely different though21:44
Rocket2DMnyes, but i'll see if it's a problem.  Also isn't our top level index on h.u.c. a static page that we update manually?21:45
Rocket2DMnok, i'll check to see if we are buliding good pages, then i can update the index to validate as well21:46
CaptainkrtekDarkwingDuck, you have pidgin and bonjour?21:47
mdkeshaunm: I will ask the Ubuntu Gnome maintainers to see if they can get yelp-tools in. The debian info seems to be here: http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/. We might also want to try and ping the Debian Gnome team (http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianGnome)21:48
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: I don't hae those two applications, KDE uses other ones to ge tthe same job done :)21:49
shaunmmdke: thanks21:50
DarkwingDuckCaptainkrtek: what did you need?21:51
Captainkrtekwas just confirming a bug21:51
Captainkrteknot on the bug control team21:51
Captainkrtekso trying to work with some bugs to be able to send an application21:51
CaptainkrtekDarkwingDuck, did I handle this bug properly? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77961721:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 779617 in ubuntu "wont acknowledge my web camera" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:56
Captainkrtekthanks ubot2 ;)21:56
Rocket2DMnmdke, currently the makefile in oneiric doesnt use the variables defined at the top (LN, UBUNTUXSL).  However, it doesn't seem like there is anything in place to support building of other languages at this time22:02
Rocket2DMnmdke, what do we need to do to put that framework in place? I'd like to update the makefile while i'm thinking about it, but it doesnt do any good with other languages yet, the build will fail if you specify a different langauge22:02
mdkeRocket2DMn: you need to create the translated mallard documents using: ./autogen.sh; cd ubuntu-help; make22:41
Rocket2DMnhmm, alright, i'll have to look into that later22:45
Rocket2DMntrying to cleanup our XSL right now, it's pretty messy22:46
Rocket2DMnit works, but its missing a lot of stuff to pass validation22:47
mdkeok, thanks for looking at it22:47
Rocket2DMnnp, depending on what i run into i may have to table it for awhile\22:50
shaunmwhat kind of validation problems? problems with the generated html?22:54
Rocket2DMnthe bug report we have was from when we were using docbook, and i tracked those problems down to us23:06
Rocket2DMnthat stuff is defunct though now that we will be using mallard for ubuntu-docs23:07
Rocket2DMnthe generated xml/(x)html does not include a doctype for starters23:08
shaunmRocket2DMn: yeah, the intention with yelp-xsl is that it produces html5. unfortunately, I don't really see how to output the weird html5 doctype using xslt23:13
shaunmshort of using disable-output-escaping, which is not a good thing to do in reusable stylesheets23:14
Rocket2DMni havent done any html5 stuff23:14
shaunmI'm kind of thinking the best way is not to do it in the xslt, but rather have yelp-build do something like (echo '<!DOCTYPE html>'; xsltproc ...) > out.html23:15
shaunmbut that won't work using the current setup, because the yelp-xsl stylesheets assume they own all output with the exsl:document() extension23:15
shaunmhrm, maybe a param to output the doctype with disable-output-escaping, off by default, turned on by the yelp-build script23:16
shaunmanyway, for any validation problems that are caused by yelp-xsl, rather than ubuntu's customizations, please upstream the fixes23:19
Rocket2DMnshaunm, i dont intend to make any changes to yelp-xsl myself23:30
Rocket2DMni'm not sure exactly how to proceed right now, but it does seem like we need some changes upstream23:31
shaunmRocket2DMn: just file bugs if you find problems, or let me know23:43
Rocket2DMnshaunm, actually it looks like if you include the doctype <!DOCTYPE html> it doesnt get any errors, just warnings23:44
shaunmwarning are worth looking at as well23:49
Rocket2DMnshaunm, heres the bulk of the warnings just fyi23:59
Rocket2DMnThe language attribute on the script element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.23:59
Rocket2DMn… language="javascript" src="jquery.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"…23:59

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