=== fenris__ is now known as Guest38801 [06:02] helo? [06:18] helo [06:25] helo? [06:25] aku helo kat kau la [06:25] :D [06:25] sini semua senyap jer [06:25] tu la pasal. ingatkan bots [06:26] lebih kurang la [06:26] so apa citer bro [06:27] kau pun bot ke [06:28] takda apa-apa. tadi google irc linux m'sia, keluar chan ni. so aku pun datang la sini [06:28] :D [06:28] oo [06:28] kau baru install ke? [06:29] install apa? [06:29] linux [06:30] ah tak lah. dah lama guna linux. tapi skrg dah tak guna ubuntu. sesaje je nak lepak sini [06:30] hehe [06:30] oo [06:31] sekarang guna linux apa lak? [06:32] archlinux. bosan ah nak reinstall satu sistem tiap kali keluar ubuntu baru [06:32] heheh [06:33] setiap 6 bulan kuar [06:33] tapi kat server, still guna ubuntu. cuma desktop je archlinux [06:33] oo server pakai ubuntu [06:33] yup. 9.10 [06:33] running apa kat ubuntu tu? [06:34] benda2 biasa, lighttpd, mysql etc [06:34] :D [06:35] oo [06:35] hang sorang je ke yg aktif kat sini [06:35] biasa la tu [06:35] kau pakai linux kat server. mesti menyampah kan? [06:35] nyampah dari segi apa tu [06:36] hardware [06:37] cuba bg tahu server kau dari vendor mana [06:39] tak tahu la klu masalah dgn hardware ke tak sebab server box tu aku sewa dgn hosting, bukan box sendiri :D [06:39] ooo [06:39] tapi dulu diorang pernah cakap sekali ada problem dgn hd sata tak detect masa setup [06:39] mesti staff company tu bengang troubleshoot hw problem [06:40] aku pernah ada problem dgn satu server linux [06:40] agaknya la tapi part yg paling nyampah bg aku lah. repo sofwares [06:40] hw problem [06:41] nak yg lagi latest dari repo, kena upgrade ubuntu. kalau tak, compile sendiri [06:42] heheheh [06:42] nak upgrade tu la tak best sekali, server kena down sampai sehari suntuk [06:43] kau upgrade camner? [06:43] apt-get dist upgrade? [06:43] full reinstall. format hd, install guna iso baru [06:43] oh reinstall [06:43] aku selalu pakai dist upgrade [06:45] tak berani ah nk upgrade camtu lol. kalau duduk tepi server senang je nak handle kalau berlaku apa2 masa tgh upgrade [06:46] kau takder remote console ke? [06:46] remote console? [06:46] ahah [06:46] ssh je. kvm takda :( [06:46] kalau server down buleh access lg [06:47] server kat dc mana ni bro? [06:47] netmyne cbj [06:47] ooo [06:47] hehehe tahu sangat [06:47] :D [06:47] dekat ke [06:48] dekat [06:50] so apa korang buat kat sini [06:50] biasa2 jer [06:50] customer [06:56] boring [07:01] ye [07:02] forum ubuntu ni cam tak berapa aktif [07:02] ada musim dia jugak ke [07:07] heheh [07:08] aku bukan ubuntu user [07:09] :D [12:00] oho [13:02] * lon3star yuskhanzab [13:02] camner game kau [13:18] yer [13:18] tak dapat la bro [13:18] tak pe la [13:18] leh main gak gune windows [13:24] heheheh [13:24] main benda lain la [13:25] haha [13:26] skrg keje, susah jgak nak main2 [13:26] kalau malam tu boleh la [13:26] ada apa game best kat linux yg free? [13:28] ada la [13:28] hehehe [13:28] game terbaik dari ladang [13:28] aku selalu main assaultcube je tu [13:28] tapi skrg macam server down tak leh masuk [13:29] takleh cakap kat public nanti kena ban lak [13:29] lol [13:29] pm [13:29] hahaha [13:29] :d [13:40] erk boleh kena ban ke cakap psl game sini [13:40] haha [13:41] tak la [13:41] dia gurau jer [13:41] :p [13:41] game untuk yg dah kawin jer [13:41] orang bujang mana leh [13:42] mmm [13:43] aku pun dah lama tak sentuh game sejak pc mampus hari tu [13:43] dulu main game apa? [13:44] orang tua macam aku ni tahu main red alert jer [13:44] itu dah lama tak main [13:44] sekali main terus tak tinggal [13:44] * yuskhanzab dulu minat jgak red alert [13:44] lol lon3star. tua ke [13:44] tua dah [13:44] anak dah 2 [13:45] dulu kalau kalah red alert . aku nuke pc tu [13:45] hahhaah [13:45] zz [13:45] menyirap jer pc jadi biru [13:45] hang umuq dalam linkungan berapa skrg (klu tak kisah aku tanya) [13:45] :D [13:45] hampir 40 [13:45] aik serius? [13:45] serius la [13:46] ermmm nak panggil pacik ke abg [13:46] lol [13:46] haha [13:46] pc paling canggih masa zaman aku. amd k7 [13:46] itu canggih dah tu [13:47] * yuskhanzab pernah pakai amd 3 tahun, lepas tu hancur [13:47] mane lg bagus antara amd dgn intel? [13:47] tgk bajet [13:48] ye. ikut kedalaman poket [13:48] lol [13:48] ada gak amd yg bagus dan ada intel yg bagus [13:48] skrg kan leh ccm [13:48] amik pc power ccm [13:48] apa tu ccm? [13:48] klo cash mmg pedih jgak ar [13:49] bayar ansur2 [13:49] ooo [13:49] pakai amd sudah [13:49] amd nak keluar chip baru bulan 6 ni [13:49] AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor [13:50] support virtualzation [13:50] mobo asus [13:50] lon3star guna phenom ii [13:50] ram 8gb [13:50] relax jer duduk bawah tangga [13:51] satu je lagi tak cukup, ssd :D [13:51] takyah kot [13:51] sebab aku main virtual [13:51] * yuskhanzab nak tanya sket, kalau nak pasang sistem penyejuk guna air tu bagus tak [13:51] ok kot [13:51] tp paling bagus aircond [13:51] byk tak beza dari gune kipas [13:52] guna air tu lg bagus aku dgr [13:52] tp aku tak biasa pakai [13:52] aku tak pernah jgak pakai tapi rasa macam nak cuna [13:52] cuba* [13:52] yuskhanzab: turun byk la jugak tapi temp tu maintain even bila pc tgh on high load eg main game [13:53] ermm [13:53] amero dah pernah pasang? [13:53] kalau naik pun, tak sebanyak dgn temp coolng dgn kipas [13:53] amero ko kat mana? [13:54] ermmm [13:54] tak, cuma baca2 topik watercooling kat forum lowyat tu je :D [13:55] lon3star: skrg kat kelantan [13:55] kelantan mana? [13:55] tnh merah :D [13:55] orang kelantan ke? [13:56] ye [13:56] molek jupo saing dok [13:56] doh [13:56] haha! [13:56] jgn la speaking kelate tak paham aku [13:56] hahaha [13:56] lon3star asal kelantan jugak ke [13:56] wak gapo loni? [13:56] yer [13:58] err biasa2 je [14:00] oo [14:02] kerja, makn, tidur, bangun, kerja [14:02] * yuskhanzab sama [14:30] eh nak tanya pasal iptables [14:30] soklan newbie je [14:31] iptables aku tak tahu [14:31] heheh [14:31] http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_iptables_sarge [14:31] kenapa kat chain input tu dia tk letak state NEW [14:31] # iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT [14:34] amero: that rule is usually put near the top of the chain, so that connections which are already established will continue to work. [14:34] amero: most of the time, you only want to block certain incoming connections, which you will put after that [14:34] or maybe you want to block certain outgoing connections. [14:35] so waht is done here is to block the creation of connections that you want to block, and to allow all the connections that have already been established to continue running [14:40] would it make any different if i don't add the rule above? [14:41] difference* [14:43] let's say i only open up a ssh port and drop everything else [14:44] and have the default outbound policy set to allow [14:45] umm i think im a bit lost [16:28] amero: if you were to only open up an ssh port, there are two ways to do this. one is to ACCEPT inbound ssh connections, and REJECT every other inbound connection. the other is to ACCEPT inbound ssh connections, ACCEPT RELATED,ESTABLISHED traffic, and REJECT everything else (default policy of reject, for example) [17:43] wtf [17:43] !ubuntulo1, [17:43] !wtf fenris-unity [17:44] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:44] !help [17:44] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [17:44] wtf fenris-unity !!! === MyAzhax_ is now known as MyAzhax [17:48] fakap MyAzhax [17:48] hehe [17:48] elo [17:51] ya MyAzhax [17:58] oo mypapit [20:22] ??? [20:23] * fenris-unity pokes mypapitsux [20:23] * fenris-unity pang MyAzhax