
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (grims appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)03:02
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (morenobombado22)04:25
LjLgood bots bad bots?13:15
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (thesheller appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)13:30
ikoniawhat was the foolish stuff with thesheller all about ?14:10
ikoniais he known ?14:10
LjLi dunno14:12
mneptok"gay" as a derogatory epithet either indicates young age or decreased mental capacity. one man's opinion, baby.14:41
ikonianot really, it's quite common slang in parts of the UK, Manachester for example14:45
mrmistyeah, but it's common amongst those of young age, or with decreased mental capacity ;)14:46
* Pici slides jrib a drink15:26
jribthanks :)15:31
LjLlate now, but ftr [16:06:52] <oCean> I think weeeebhbb is the ever-banevading lars (torben?)15:48
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from mang0)15:59
ubottuBluesKaj called the ops in #kubuntu (srinux)18:10
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (srinux appears to be abusive - 4)18:11
Tm_TFYI I just banned bshellz.net in #k18:13
=== apachelogger is now known as udslogger
ubottuIn #ubuntu, S-M-Gl said: ubottu: The PPA is good if you want to reinstall ubuntu, oterwise its garbage.19:44
* Pici rolls his eyes19:55
IdleOneI even answered him in the proper form, you think he would have got the message :/19:56
=== LjL2 is now known as LjL
=== apachelogger is now known as udslogger
hypatia/loin #ubuntu-ops-team23:30
jribohnoes  you have revealed the super secret channel!23:31

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