
nhainesprojectdp: depending on what you're doing, you might want to consider using an Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS image.00:20
seidoswatt up philipballew03:02
philipballewwhere will my grub config file be in 11.04? i need to hide the boot menu at start up07:40
broderyou probably want to edit /etc/default/grub, but i don't know how to do exactly what you want07:42
philipballewi think thers an option called hidemenu i need to # up07:43
broder`info grub Configuration 'Simple configuration'` might be helpful07:45
philipballewyeah. i looked but didnt see a hide option. im gonna have to look into this a bit07:54
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11May8 edited18:19
MarkDudeseidos, were you able to see the Dalai Lama last week - he was funny as usual20:08
seidosMarkDude: no.  where was he, UCLA?20:08
MarkDudeUC irvine20:09
seidosMarkDude: there's pretty much no way for me to get to Irvine right now.20:10
MarkDudeIt was live20:10
seidosi suspect that would be an all day bus ride20:10
seidosand a pretty expensive one at that, unfortunately20:10
MarkDudeYes well the internets can help you there20:11
seidoswas it streamed live?20:11
seidosgotta' go20:11
seidosmake the bed...20:11
MarkDudeHe is live now in Minnesota http://www.dalailama.com/live-english20:13
MarkDudeSleep is important tho :)20:14

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