
jeffrashalso, in 11.04 bluetooth doesn't work for me00:08
jeffrashI feel like we are back in ubuntu 6 or 700:09
holsteinjeffrash: kernel regression?00:13
holsteini cant say enough about the ubuntu kernel team though00:13
holsteini insatlled 10.04 here00:13
holsteinon an EEE1001p00:13
holsteinwifi and sound were broken00:13
holsteini plugged it in and upgraded00:13
holsteinand everything worked great00:14
jeffrashdon't know00:16
jeffrashholstein, don't know00:16
holsteinjeffrash: i would just keep udating00:52
holsteinand look for a regression looking bug00:53
jeffrashOh, I will.01:04

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