
linuxman410anyone here03:15
linuxman410vychune how are ya03:16
vychunepaaaassword for watt os machine?03:17
linuxman410have u tried debian 6 yet03:17
vychunegonna burn it tonight03:17
vychuneok then lol03:17
linuxman410why u got it working03:18
vychuneput the hard drive in another machine03:18
linuxman410oh ok03:18
linuxman410harddrive is still good then03:19
vychunei dont like the login manager03:19
linuxman410i know what u mean03:19
vychunei partial to point and click then passprahse03:19
vychunelord i cant spell03:20
linuxman410yeah debian does that too03:20
vychunewhat DM and WM does debian 6 use03:21
linuxman410i am running debian gnome03:22
vychuneim thinking about maybe xfce03:23
vychuneor lxde03:23
linuxman410cool i like xfce03:23
vychuneme too but i like lxde better because of lubuntu03:25
vychunechibihogoshino: ping03:26
chibihogoshinovychune: hey03:26
vychunehow ya doing man03:26
chibihogoshinook ..03:27
chibihogoshinohanging in wv right no w03:27
vychunehey whyd he leave?03:27
vychunewest viginia huh?03:27
vychunehow is it up there03:27
chibihogoshinowhy did who lave ?03:27
chibihogoshinoah.. im not shur03:28
vychuneso what are you up to?03:28
chibihogoshinoworking on my theme03:28
chibihogoshinotweeking it to get more space out of it ..03:29
vychunetheme for what?03:29
chibihogoshinogtk2 and xfce403:30
vychuneoh cool03:32
chibihogoshinoother than that not to much has been going on this end..03:34
chibihogoshinowhat have you been doing03:34
vychunetrying to find a job03:36
chibihogoshinoeh.. damn03:38
chibihogoshinothat sucks03:38
chibihogoshinoim in that boat too.. still. just get sick of saing it03:38
vychuneman what03:39
vychunecant even buy a bag of chips03:39
chibihogoshinofish and chips or potato chips ?03:40
vychunethat too03:41
chibihogoshinowork is over rated.. all you do is hang out with strangers and do things you dont want to.03:46
chibihogoshinoits ture03:48
chibihogoshinotrue ..03:48
vychunei want a carrer03:54
chibihogoshinoget a pigeon03:57
chibihogoshinooh damn.. career .. lol, i was thinking carrier04:03
chibihogoshinoahh .. oh well.. im falling asleep.. im going to check out ..04:03
vychunehey orias04:07
linuxman410anyone here14:51
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chibihogoshinoman.. what is it about sundays here  ?23:38
cyberangerI have no clue23:41

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