
MitchelliMorning :)07:37
mazalMorning Mitchelli07:38
kbmonkeymorning and happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there :)08:14
superflymorning kbmonkey08:32
superflyand Mitchelli08:32
Mitchellimorning, how be everyone?08:37
superfly tired, but ok08:38
MitchelliLol, its a cold day in durbs08:38
MitchelliCan I ask a random business question?08:41
kbmonkeycold and rainy, so much for having a picnic08:46
kbmonkeywhats that Mitchelli ?08:47
Mitchelliif I want to start my own business in durban, do I have to register the business somewhere and what about a business name? Do I have to register that too?08:49
superflyMitchelli: depending on the business type, no08:50
superflyMitchelli: for instance, a sole proprietary requires no registration08:51
MitchelliOh, does it depend on the potential size of the business?08:51
superflyno, on the business type, eg Sole Proprietarship, Close Corporation, Partnership, etc08:52
* Symmetria just pulled off SUCH a horrible network hack up12:00
inetproSymmetria: what did you do?13:13
inetprogood afternoon13:13
Mitchellisigh, this rain is depressing13:20
* superfly enjoys the sunshine13:22
Mitchelliso, what you all up to today?13:24
Symmetriathe version of jpgraph thats in apt isnt compatible with the version of php now used by ubuntu13:47
* nlsthzn falls asleep, good night18:35
Kilosnaand almal21:30
KilosMaaz, coffee on21:30
* Maaz puts the kettle on21:30
KilosMaaz, coffee for all21:31
MaazSure thing, Kilos. Hey guys, bring your own mugs! I'm tired of doing all the dishes on my own.21:31
Kilosfor all those awake and needing a boost21:31
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!21:34
superflyevening oom Kilos21:34
Kiloshiya oompie superfly 21:34
Kilosyou got a child so his buddys gonna call you oom so we even now21:35
KilosMaaz, dankie man21:35
MaazKilos: Huh?21:35
KilosMaaz, dankie21:35
MaazGroot plesier Kilos my vriend21:35
superflyKilos: well, true, I do ask kids these days to call me "Uncle"21:36
Kiloshee hee21:36
drubinsuperfly: You used to? ;-p21:36
Kilosin 20 years you gonna say stop it. I'm not that old21:36
Kiloshiya drubin 21:36
superflydrubin: sorry, I used to what?21:37
drubinnvm. :)21:38
drubinsuperfly: I thought you said "I do *not* ask kids to call me uncle"21:38
drubinsuperfly: btw hope you feel better21:38
superflydrubin: oh, no, I used to ask them not to, now I do :-)21:38
Kilossuperfly, you sick again??21:39
Kiloscold or flu?21:40
superflyKilos: been sick for 2 weeks, went to the doc today, he said I have bronchitis21:40
Kiloseat lotsa raw onion and a clove of garlic in the morn first thing also helps21:41
Kilosyou dont kiss girls at work i hope21:41
Kilosif you do eat parsley for the breath21:41
Kilosif mrs_fly complains give her some too then she wont smell you either21:42
superflyKilos: it's OK, the doc gave me an antibiotic to take, he said I should be over most of it in about 2 days21:43
Kilosjust remember garlic is a natural antibiotic21:43
superflywill do21:43
Kilosthanks once again. hope you getting enough sleep as well21:44
Kiloslate nights all the time not too healthy21:44
Kilosyou not like mosta the other guys that only starts work at 10 am21:45
superflyKilos: the doc has booked me off for 3 days, so I'll be able to get some rest21:46
Kilosnight evryone. sleep tight and warm.22:02
* Kilos hates winter22:02

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