
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
iggycan someone help me get my launch icons to work, i think its a unity problem07:26
iggyis there anyone here that built unity??07:39
iggy(firefox-bin:4485): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut: assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed07:45
iggyanyone know why my firefox icon in the launch bar isn't working?07:45
iggyI can only get it to work in a terminal window.....07:46
iggyUnity is a bugger!07:46
iggyI tried dragging a new icon in the bar from the apps window, that didn't work07:47
iggythe icon in the apps window doesn't work anyway07:47
iggyAnyone here know how to fix a broken launch bar icon in the new ubuntu 11.04?07:53
iggyAnyone else know the way to fix a broken launch icon in the new ubuntu 11.04?08:19
htorqueiggy: what do you mean by broken?08:23
htorqueiggy: another place to ask is askubuntu.com :)08:24
iggya lot of people are complaining about Unity's bugginess....08:52
iggyaaa   loooottttttt of people08:52
iggyit's so pretty.. .and it seems to be like a glazed turd08:54
iggyI'm trying to get a firefox icon to work08:54
iggya freakin firefox icon08:54
iggyof all things08:54
iggyoh and thunderbird08:55
iggyjeezus people... make something that works mmm kay!08:55
iggyanyone frustrated with unity?09:06
iggyand the whole global thing09:06
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dan-auhi there, is this ubuntu question area?10:39
=== dan-au is now known as danclark-au
danclark-auhi there10:40
danclark-audoes anyone know how to get past the 'it seems that you do not have the hardware required to run unity.' screen10:40
fagandanclark-au: it means that your computer does not have the hardware or the drivers to run unity10:41
faganunity requires 3d acceleration on the video card10:41
fagandanclark-au: you can run unity-2d though10:41
faganits very good10:41
danclark-auyes whats weird is it was running ok before10:42
danclark-aunow my g/f did an update recently which required a restart and now she can't get past this part10:42
danclark-auits a little Acer notebook thing10:42
danclark-auand I told her she would have no problems with Ubuntu (compared to windowz) haha10:42
om26erdanclark-au, join #ubuntu10:43
om26erdanclark-au, its for ubuntu related support10:43
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mgedminany devs around?  I've a brief question about a bugfix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/77825613:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 778256 in unity (Ubuntu) "Notification area ("system tray") missing when using dual monitors of different sizes, with their bottoms aligned" [Undecided,New]13:08
mgedminso, unity-panel-service has stdout and stderr redirected to /dev/null14:09
mgedminhow could I add debug prints to it?14:09
hichamif you run unity with debug enabled14:11
mgedminlooks like if I just run 'unity' in an xterm, it will replace the systemwide one -- and also show my debugging printfs14:14
=== fagan_ is now known as fagan
mgedminah, so GetAbsoluteGeometry/GetRootGeometry do not do what I expected they would do...14:19
* mgedmin about gives up trying to understand the unity panel14:42
dlbike76Hello.  Where are the laucher icons stored?14:52
dlbike76^ I meant where are the dash launcher icons stored.14:54
=== bbigras_ is now known as bbigras
mgedminoh, hey, bug fixed -- my previous test must've been in error15:01
* mgedmin writes up his test results in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/778256 and waits for some developer to notice...15:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 778256 in unity (Ubuntu) "Notification area ("system tray") missing when using dual monitors of different sizes, with their bottoms aligned" [Undecided,New]15:01
=== klattimer1 is now known as klattimer
mgedminoh, right, UDS is happening now... not a good time to go looking for developers on IRC ;)15:24
macoOne of my coworkers is using Unity and said he finds it difficult to see which window is highlighted on super+W (scale) but that there's a Scale Addons plugin for Compiz that lets you tint the highlighting.  He now has it set to a semi-transparent Ubuntu-orange so that it's easier to figure out which window is the currently-selected one.17:11
macoI can't figure out which UDS session a "can the default settings be changed to be like this?" request should go in17:11
macoshould add he's willing to do the legwork in preparing patch to change the default settings if the correct package could be pointed out17:12
hichamI am trying to build unity without utouch support, but it seems impossible17:25
Omegamaco: I also found this to be a problem, I changed the optacity.17:34
vishmaco: its probably worth filing a bug for each issue you find needs changing..17:54
macovish: would that be a papercut?17:54
vishmaco: if its a Unity bug, in unity17:54
macovish: but that's about the compiz default settings in plugins other than unity17:55
vishmaco: also open an 'Ayatana Design' task for the bug, if its a design issue it needs to be approved there17:55
macoshould it still go there?17:55
vishoh, then compiz + Ayatana design17:55
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
bobstayI have a unity question. I have two browser windows open. I minimize one of them because I don't want it for the moment. I switch to another app. I want to switch back to my browser, so I click its icon in the Unity dock. It *always* un-minimizes the minimized browser window rather than the one I actually wanted. This seems utterly counter-intuitive. Why does it do this, and how can I change it?18:25
dlbike76Hello, what package should a bug in the unity dash be reported against?18:52
dlbike76hicham: thanks.18:55
=== daker is now known as daker_
tbfsomeone having time to review this https://code.launchpad.net/~hasselmm/appmenu-gtk/gtk3/+merge/60326, so that https://bugs.launchpad.net/appmenu-gtk/+bug/701295 can be closed?20:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 701295 in Ayatana Ubuntu "appmenu-gtk GTK3 support" [Medium,Triaged]20:35
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=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
OverTheHillAndFai run blender 2.5 under ubuntu 11.04 with unity. i right clicked on blender icon to keep in panel but it will not load blender. just flashes for a couple of seconds22:59
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== MortenS_ is now known as MortenS
OverTheHillAndFabump: i run blender 2.5 under ubuntu 11.04 with unity. i right clicked on blender icon to keep in panel but it will not load blender. just flashes for a couple of seconds23:35

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