
PendulumTheMuso: I notice it's not listed on the blueprint, but is 'making Unity 2D accessibile' something you expect to have brought up in the Unity 2D Oneiric Improvements session?08:34
TheMusoPendulum: Yes.08:35
kinouchouhi Pendulum 08:35
PendulumTheMuso: great :)08:35
Cheri703I think I may have missed one of the accessibility blueprints, I'm going to go make sure08:35
* Pendulum only has internet over 3G so won't really even be able to do remote participation until Thursday08:35
Pendulumand I was just trying to sort out sessions where a11y should get mentioned ;-)08:36
kinouchouPendulum: you are at UDS?08:36
Pendulumkinouchou: no :(08:36
kinouchoui want see you08:37
kinouchouhi Daniel0108 08:37
Daniel0108Who is at the UDS? :P08:38
Pendulumcharlie-tca is, but I doubt he has a computer with him08:42
Daniel0108hi hajour08:43
MrChrisDruifAloha hajour 08:44
Daniel0108hajour: Which meeting are you going to attend ?08:44
TheMusoHi folks, I'm here at UDS also.08:45
Cheri703I'm here08:45
Cheri703*at uds08:45
MrChrisDruifI'm here *at home, with no video or audio stream* :(08:46
Daniel0108I'm at UDS too :P08:46
Cheri703Daniel0108: are you in/behind the 3rd row (or anyone?)08:47
Daniel0108I'm behind the 3rd row08:48
Cheri703ok, right or left side?08:48
Daniel0108I'm directly beside the 4th door, right side08:48
Cheri703ok, I'm almost opposite corner :)08:50
Daniel0108oh, lol08:50
Cheri703I am hanging out with hypatia most of the time, she has bright pink hair :) she's my "how to find cheri" landmark :)08:50
Cheri703where are you headed after this?08:50
TheMusoI'm on the right side of the ballroom somewhere near the middle.08:50
Daniel0108Community Roundtable or Desktop Roundtable, Cheri703 08:51
Cheri703I'm headed to community roundtable I think08:51
Daniel0108Cheri703: okay08:53
TheMusoHrm I don't remember seeing the desktop round table...08:53
Cheri703it's in jozsef08:54
Cheri703room 12 on the name badge map :)08:55
TheMusoOh there it is.08:55
TheMusoYay, now the challenge of actually finding that room08:55
TheMusoSorry maps are no use to me.08:55
Cheri703oh, sorry08:55
Cheri703if you go out of this room and turn left, it's down the hallway08:55
Cheri703it's on the way to mine.08:55
TheMusoBrilliant, thanks for that.08:56
Cheri703on the left hand side of the hallway08:56
Cheri703middle room08:56
* TheMuso hopes to get a drink on the way... Damn warm in here.08:56
Cheri703yeah, I brought a water bottle :)08:56
kinouchou+1 TheMuso 08:56
Daniel0108+1 TheMuso08:56
* Cheri703 is also carrying a big honking bag, so...08:57
Cheri703TheMuso: where are you seated in here?08:57
hajourwhat room TheMuso ?08:57
MrChrisDruifLike Jono said "Drink responsibly"08:57
Daniel0108hajour: Community Roundtable?08:57
Cheri703hajour: do you know what session you are headed to?08:57
hajouri am in the room where the readings are08:57
TheMusoI am right hand side, somewhere in the middle, near the middle exit door I think.08:57
Cheri703ok, cool. I'm near the front, opposite the doors08:58
kinouchouif somebody needs help, i can help him08:58
TheMusoA couple of rows in front of where the middle set of PA speakers are located.08:58
Cheri703I can as well08:58
hajourare you in the hall TheMuso ?08:58
Daniel0108hajour: yes, I'm there too, but I mean, in which room are you going to be the next hour?08:58
* Cheri703 is more than happy to play guide dog as needed :D08:58
hajourbecause i can go get you if you like TheMuso 08:58
TheMusoMrChrisDruif: Jono was referring to alcohol. :)08:58
Daniel0108hajour: I'm in the hall, I'm directly beside the 4th door08:58
TheMusoI am going to the desktop round table room.08:58
TheMusoI.e Joszef.08:59
TheMusoThis room is not big enough for all of us.08:59
TheMusoAnyway, oging to pack up now.08:59
Cheri703Anyone who needs a hand going point a to point b, let me know08:59
Daniel0108Cheri703: Are you going to the Community Roundtable?09:00
Cheri703the desktop one is on the way :)09:00
kinouchoume too09:00
Cheri703cool, I'll keep an eye out for you guys :)09:00
Daniel0108me too09:01
hajourTheMuso,  are you in c orinthia hotel?09:01
Cheri703I'm the one with the orange lanyard ;)09:01
Cheri703oh, random question I've always wondered: screen readers: how do they handle emoticons?09:01
Cheri703and/or punctuation09:01
Daniel0108Cheri703: I'm the one with the white T-Shirt with TouchLay on it :P09:02
Cheri703I have this idea in my head that they do (or should) say "winky face" or "smiley face" or "angry face" etc09:02
hajourTheMuso,  i go look or i can find you i go to the hall .09:03
Daniel0108hajour: When are you going to the Community Roundtable?09:03
MrChrisDruifFinally, stream is back09:04
hajourTheMuso, i am in the hall09:07
Daniel0108hajour: I'm there too09:08
Cheri703am I the only one of us that is in the room?09:08
kinouchouno I'm in the room09:09
Daniel0108has the Roundtable already started?09:09
Cheri703I doubt it?09:09
Cheri703since this thing is still going09:09
Daniel0108yeah, but it's already 10 AM09:10
Daniel0108it's 10:10 AM09:10
Cheri703yeah, this is running over, and at least most people are here, and they're not going to walk out of the keynote, so...I think they'd probably wait for people09:10
Daniel0108I'm still in the Grand Ballroom too09:11
Daniel0108Cheri703: are you in the Kazincy room?09:16
Cheri703I'm still in the ballroom09:17
Daniel0108Cheri703: okay, me too09:17
Daniel0108I need a power source :/ Battery's low09:17
Cheri703a plug?09:17
Cheri703I have an adapter and power strip with me09:17
Cheri703*euro adapter09:18
Daniel0108me too09:18
Daniel0108wb hajour09:18
hajourits not a good connection here09:18
Cheri703which network are you on?09:19
UndiFineDfor the audio streams I tink we have to wait for the keynote to end09:19
Daniel0108hajour: Connect to Ubuntu09:19
Daniel0108hajour: Royal is not good here09:19
hajouri am going to the table from name tags Daniel0108 09:19
Daniel0108hajour: now?09:19
Daniel0108hajour: are you still in the hall?09:21
Daniel0108hi ivanka 09:24
hajourDaniel0108,  i am close by the name tag table09:25
Daniel0108hajour: I'm coming09:25
hajouri not no how you look Daniel0108 09:27
hajourTheMuso, is the maker frokm orca if i am right Daniel09:30
UndiFineDhajour, lees je pm09:35
TheMusohajour: No.09:43
Daniel0108I'm back, hajour09:46
kinouchouno accessibility session today?09:49
TheMusoNo sessions specific to accessibility I believe, but the Unity 2D session will have accessibility discussion.09:50
kinouchouand an informal meeting? 09:51
TheMusoNo meetings formal or informal that I know of.09:52
Pendulumwow, really impressed with the number of people signed to go to the Invisible Exhibition09:53
Cheri703Pendulum: do you have that link handy?09:53
AlanBellTheMuso: is the blind chap from linaro on the list for the invisible exhibition yet?10:22
TheMusoAlanBell: I don't know, I'd have to have a look.10:36
Cheri703there is another blind gentleman here, works for canonical. I mentioned the exhibit to him, not sure if he is wanting to go10:38
Daniel0108TheMuso: are you here?10:42
TheMusoDaniel0108: Yes, I am currently in Dery in the Unity 2D session.10:42
Daniel0108TheMuso: oh, okay, I'm going to be in the LoCo directory session at 12:00 AM10:43
Cheri703Daniel0108: I am going to be there as well10:44
Daniel0108Cheri703: oh okay, I missed the two first sessions :/10:44
Daniel0108It's my first UDS, lol10:44
Cheri703mine too!10:44
Daniel0108and the long Keynode messed the schedule up :P10:44
Daniel0108Cheri703: where are you?10:44
Cheri703I'm in the session about maturity ratings, room arany, though I may duck out a few minutes early10:45
Cheri703I'm in as Cheri703 and cheri703-mobile, I'll get pinged on both on my phone once my computer is back in its bag :)10:46
* TheMuso is heading to the image media space session, i.e the session at 12:00 in Elod.10:47
* TheMuso now needs to find elod...10:50
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
* Cheri703 isn't going to the plenary sessions13:01
hajourwanted to let you know i talked with someone from canonical this afternoon and they want to use browserspeak for the buttons in above bar from the screen 13:34
hajourpleia2, ^13:34
MrChrisDruifIn above bar from the screen?13:36
MrChrisDruifYou mean the top panel?13:36
MrChrisDruifhajour; ^13:36
hajouryes MrChrisDruif 13:36
hajourjust had have a talk from i think more then a half hour13:37
MrChrisDruifButton....you mean the globalmenu?13:37
hajournot remember anymore but they go come to here or to speechcontrol if they had more questions13:38
hajourTheMuso,  see above lines about browserspeak13:39
hajouri not yet have found you TheMuso 13:39
hajourmy laptop is still not full charged13:39
hajourso i need to leave in the hotel room13:40
hajourbut the cleaning lady is here to clean up the room so i stay till see is finished13:40
hajourmhall119,  have you read above lines?13:41
hajourconninical part13:41
hajourcanonical i mean13:42
mhall119hajour: just read it, but I'm not involved in desktop development, so I'm not sure how I caould be involved13:44
hajourit was just sharing the good news mh:)13:44
hajourmhall119, 13:45
hajouri not need help with that now13:45
hajouronly i not know my way around here.13:45
hajourfeeling som lost here downstairs by the readingrooms13:46
hajouri need to put out my laptop else it never go charge up13:47
mhall119hajour: sorry, I'm on the 4th floor working with my team, not downstairs in the sessions13:47
hajourwell i go soon downstairs again. long i keep it up anyway.13:48
hajourhi Pendulum  :) just have spoken to person from canonical.and they want to go use browserspeak for top panel and things like that13:54
AlanBellhow would that work?13:54
hajourhe said if you use the click the button then right away would speak out loud the function13:56
hajouri have told if he got questions he can come here or in speechcontrol AlanBell 13:56
Pendulumhajour: do you know who you talked to?13:56
AlanBellok, so looking at the code for browserspeak it is some javascript plugins for chrome/firefox with a dependency on openmary (hardcoded to one running on localhost)13:57
hajournot remember my laptop battery was empty13:57
hajourso i could not make a note13:57
AlanBellthe unity sidebar isn't rendered by a browser and openmary isn't in debian yet so I am not sure how browserspeak could be used in this context13:58
hajourbut he said we would talk later this week again13:58
hajouri not know or he was from unity AlanBell  or is unity the same like canonical?13:58
hajourAlanBell, ^13:59
AlanBellUnity is the user interface to the Ubuntu desktop13:59
hajourbut its good right? or not?13:59
UndiFineDwow hajour nice work14:00
hajournow i go doubt if i it was good honest say14:00
AlanBellnot sure, I am still a bit confused, but if you send people here that would be great14:01
AlanBellthis is the code we are talking about right? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~speechcontrol-devel/browserspeak/trunk/files14:02
hajouralso i have introduced daniel0108 by them because they already further with touchtables .its arranged someone who speaks german will learn daniel0108 more from it14:03
hajourthat person kis also from canonical14:03
UndiFineDAlanBell, I think they want to use openmary to speak the buttons14:03
hajouryes UndiFineD 14:03
hajourthat i mean14:03
AlanBellthat would be a bad idea if not going through speech dispatcher14:04
UndiFineDof course the would be done via SD14:04
hajourthey go use speech dispather14:04
UndiFineDbut I think the person was convinced of the voice qualities14:04
hajouri told about libopenmary and openmary and espeak orca ect.14:04
hajouri am better with speaking then write AlanBell 14:05
hajourat least its now more coming14:05
hajourneeded first to adjust more14:05
AlanBellyup, hope you are enjoying it all14:06
AlanBelldo try and grab names of interesting people you talk to14:06
hajourneed my laptop if i want write names :(14:07
AlanBellwhere is your laptop?14:08
hajoureverytime i think i talk to someone from ubuntu it later seams to be someone from canonical14:08
hajourhere in hotelroom it needed to charge ala14:08
Pendulumhajour: well most Ubuntu people at UDS are also Canonical employees14:08
hajourbattery was very low14:08
hajourthen i was go downstairs without laptop and just run in to the person from canonical see above14:10
hajouri talk more easy in some small groups then in big groups14:10
hajourhee leoquant 14:11
TheMusohajour: Most of the discussion rooms have power strips that you can plug into.14:12
hajourok so i can take laptop with me TheMuso 14:13
hajouralso i not know what is standing on the doors :(14:14
hajourTheMuso, ^14:14
TheMusoI don't know what you mean either.14:14
hajouron the doors are standing words but its hard to read14:15
hajouranyway i go to downstairs now i not have come to here to stay on a hotelroom14:16
cprofitthello all17:07
AlanBellhi cprofitt 17:07
Cheri703hi cprofitt 17:08
cprofittgood sessions today AlanBell -- miss being there17:08
cprofittfor the most part the audio was good, but being there allows for discussions after the session17:08
AlanBellI am not there either17:09
UndiFineDeh 17:31
UndiFineDhow can we have 2 accessibility meeting at the same time tomorrow ?17:31
AlanBellUndiFineD: they will move apart, don't worry17:35
macoAlanBell: not without interference17:35
macothe Qt one was manually put there because it used to be at 4-am-my-time and i'm the one going to be doing most of that17:36
AlanBellyeah, they must both have been manually scheduled, I will arrange some interference17:37
AlanBellanyone object to the community one moving?17:38
UndiFineDbetter apart then together17:39
Pendulumfine by me, although is there any way you can find out who manually scheduled it in the first place so that you can figure out what other conditions might need to be fulfilled?17:41
AlanBellit would have been done by jcastro or jono17:44
macothe Qt one was ScottK17:49
hajouri lost connection but i go sleep now goodnight all19:56
=== maco2 is now known as maco
Cheri703did anyone notice that 2 accessibility sessions are scheduled concurrently tomorrow?21:45
AlanBellCheri703: yes21:49
Cheri703ok, is that ok? there are actually 3 sessions that hour that I want to go to :/21:49
AlanBellnot OK, if you see jcastro or jono can you point it out to them please21:50
AlanBellthe community one needs to move I think as the Kubuntu one is fixed for maco's availability21:50
Cheri703ok, yeah, I want to go to the community one too21:50
macoAlanBell: the kubuntu one can go an hour later as well21:51
AlanBellok, good to know21:51
Cheri703so ideally all 3 would be on separate hours, yes?21:52
Cheri703oh, you're talking about a different one, nvm21:52
AlanBelljono should be able to sort it out, grab him before, during or after the community round table21:52
paul_h1hi, anyone on here know anything about the kAccessibility screen reader?22:10
AlanBellmaco: would be the one to talk to about that22:14
macopaul_h1: hello22:15
maco#kde-accessibility is actually probably better22:15
macoive used kaccessible a little to test it out, but not much22:16
paul_h1maco: any idea if I could install it on a system running gnome to read qt apps for me?22:16
macopaul_h1: should work22:16
macoyou need to export QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 before running the Qt apps22:17
macoso you could do:    QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 kmail22:17
macofor example22:17
paul_h1QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 virtualbox-ose22:18
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
macoi haven't tried it with vbox yet, so let me know how that goes22:19
macoshould also be a way to set the environment variable in gnome session startup, but i don't know it22:19
macomaybe in ~/.gnomerc, but i don't know if that's still how it's done (im seeing it in c. 2004-2005 posts)22:20
paul_h1maco: hmmm not getting anything. what speech synthesizer is it meant to use?22:24
macopaul_h1: espeak i think. however it is possible that there is a tray icon that you can't see in the tray that if you open it will drop out a menu with a checkbox to turn on speech22:28
maconote to self: sort out how to make kaccessible start turned *on*22:28
paul_h1maco: oh right. yeah tray always been problematic 22:34
paul_h1maco: guess I'll have to setup my vm's from the command line :)22:35

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