
=== XorA|gone is now known as XorA
peter__ubuntu arm desktop use  gnome?09:37
arunegnome or unity-2d?09:38
peter__the gnome depend mono?09:40
peter__Is unity-2d desktop manage system?09:41
lilsteviepeter__: what version of ubuntu09:49
peter__lilstevie, 10.1009:58
ogra_rsalveti, added ...11:40
rsalvetiogra_: awesome, thanks a lot!11:41
rsalvetiogra_: need to grab you a beer later ;-)11:43
ogra_lets first see that we get you through DMB11:44
rsalvetiogra_: haha, sure :-)11:50
rsalvetirobclark: check with alf__, my cable is with him11:54
rsalvetirobclark: and he need just for tomorrow's session11:54
rsalvetirobclark: so it should be ok for you to take it11:54
robclarkrsalveti: ok, cool11:54
hrwrsalveti: you attend today's DMB meeting?13:29
rsalvetihrw: yup, we both need to attend :-)13:29
rsalvetihrw: it is schedule for 16:15, am I right?13:30
hrwnotes from cross-toolchain-uses starts looking nicer13:32
rsalvetirobclark|n900: you'll be able to find alf__ at the mem management summit13:46
rsalvetiguess you're also going to be there13:46
rsalvetihrw: are you updating it directly at etherpad?13:46
rsalvetihrw: would also be good to check what use cases we should focus on the second session13:47
rsalvetihrw: are you creating this additional blueprint?13:47
NCommanderlool: https://launchpad.net/mukluk13:57
NCommanderogra: session time14:00
ogra_NCommander, hey, you should make a spec for that14:00
ogra_NCommander, on my way14:00
hrwrsalveti: I added to whiteboard14:07
rsalvetihrw: ok, cool15:20
rsalvetihrw: congrats! :D15:35
hrwrsalveti: your turn in <1h15:36
rsalvetiwe'll see :-)15:36
hrwrsalveti is preparing his 'introduce yourself' speech for DMB meeting ;D15:43
rsalvetihrw: yeah, don't want to spend more time that I have15:43
rsalvetihave to drive a session at 17:0515:43
* ogra_ will be in the room in 5min16:04
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
=== zumbi_ is now known as zumbi
dcordesFew days ago I tried some natty omap4 image on htcleo machine and had some heavy glitching in unity-2d . I'm wondering if it's worth retrying now that the release is there.20:23
arunedcordes: works fine on my ac10020:28
arunewith released natty20:28
dcordesarune: ok. ogra_ already stated pre release version works on ac10020:29
dcordesarune: are you able to install normal gnome desktop in your natty release image on ac100 ?20:30
dcordesI need an alternative to unity-* in natty omap4 images20:30
aruneI installed ogras rootfs for maverick and then did dist upgrade to natty20:33
aruneI think I can choose "normal" gnome and also unity-3d at login but did not try any of them after upgrade to natty20:34
dcordesarune: cool. can you try the gnome ?20:36
arunedcordes: tomorrow? bed time now ;)20:38
arunedcordes: remind me20:40
dcordesarune: tjhanks20:43
rsalvetidcordes: well, unity-2d always worked fine for the other platforms20:49
rsalvetiso it could be that you're facing some graphics issues in general20:49
dcordesrsalveti: that's what I'm suspecting20:49
dcordesrsalveti: I'm looking to create an easy to install rootfs for use on the hd2 in the fashion of maverick images by phh et al20:50
dcordesrsalveti: and I don't think using maverick again is progress so I'm considering old gnome session20:50
dcordesrsalveti: ... in natty since I doubt I can fix unity-2d20:51
dcordes*maverick images by phh et al. for ac10020:53
rsalvetiwell, just use rootstock and build the rootfs you need20:53
rsalvetiyou can also install unity-2d for maverick, we have a ppa for that20:53
dcordesI need it vice versa :)20:53
rsalvetiand actually see if it's a user space issue with natty or if it's actually something triggered by Qt20:53
dcordesunity-2d is qt based ?20:54
dcordesmy framebuffer driver lacks some functions (I also get x error messages) it's really basic. and I never really tried anything qt so the issue might be centered around qt libs20:54
dcordesas the efl works flawlessly.20:55
rsalvetidcordes: could be the case20:59
rsalvetidcordes: yes, it uses Qt20:59
rsalvetiyou can try different graphics system21:00
rsalvetiby default it's using raster21:00
rsalvetiso you could also try x11 (native)21:00
rsalvetior even a simple Qt application to understand what is the isue21:00
dcordesrsalveti: raster ?21:01
rsalvetiif you're willing to fix it21:01
dcordesrsalveti: that's interesting. I thought I were running normal xorg21:01
rsalvetidcordes: Qt can use different graphics system engines21:01
dcordesrsalveti: is it some run time setting ?21:01
rsalvetilike raster (sw optimized), native (x11, using xrender calls) and opengl (using gl or gles)21:02
rsalvetidcordes: yes, you can call any qt application with -graphicssystem foobar21:02
rsalvetiI know unity-2d is setting raster at the code itself, but last time I checked the command line option has a higher priority when setting the engine21:03
rsalvetiso it should work21:03
dcordesrsalveti: ok so I will just killall unity-2d ... ?21:03
rsalvetidcordes: well, unity-2d is a combination of different applications21:03
rsalvetilauncher, dash, bar, spread21:04
dcordesright.. I remember the launcher in ps -A21:04
rsalvetidcordes: what kind of issues did you have?21:04
dcordesiirc the unity pricesses automatically reappeared after killing21:05
rsalvetidcordes: yes, you can't easily kill the panel and launcher I believe21:06
rsalvetiyou have someone else looking over it to restart it once it's killed21:06
rsalvetibut I noticed that if you start it quickly you should be fine21:06
rsalvetilike running killall -9 unity-2d-places; unity-2d-places &21:06
rsalvetidcordes: so I'd first recommend you to try the normal gnome interface21:07
rsalvetiif it works, then you can start a normal qt application and see if that also works fine21:07
rsalvetiand then you can start unity-2d pieces by pieces by hand21:08
rsalvetiuntil you see the problem21:08
rsalvetiand understand where the bug is21:08
dcordesrsalveti: thanks! that sounds like a nice plan. Also if I fail debugging unity-2d I still can use the gnome image. What must I add to --seed in order to get a full gnome-desktop ?21:11
dcordesrsalveti: the ubuntu-desktop meta package equivalent21:11
dcordesrsalveti: iirc I was desperate about not being able to find a gnome meta package in the pre release natty arm image21:12
rsalvetidcordes: gnome is still there, so once you installed ubuntu-desktop you should have it21:26
rsalvetifor natty it's still just an option you have while login in21:26
dcordesrsalveti: seems like I was too fast about removing the rootfs ..21:29
rsalvetiyup :-)21:29
dcordesrsalveti: assuming it wasn't installed I was searching for the package instead of looking for the option21:29
rsalvetiyeah, a lot of people got confused by the unity migration as the default desktop21:31
dcordesrsalveti: thanks a lot for the advise. I will let you know the outcome about unity-2d-* -graphicssystem x11 thing22:06
rsalvetidcordes: cool22:08

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