
=== emma is now known as em
Viper550I;m just wondering, has Ubuntu ever offered Debian's graphical installer on the alternate CD?04:55
wcchandlerI want to jump on the ubuntu development bandwagon.  Is there a wiki page or a newbie howto to jump into contributing?  I come from a hardware tester stand point (been doing it professionally for 6 months) so testing is more up my alley but I would also like to help port deb packages if possible.05:24
arand!dev | wcchandler05:25
ubottuwcchandler: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment05:25
wcchandlerarand: much love, thanks :)05:26
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
Daniel0108who's at the UDS?08:00
abhinav-dholbach, I heard that we can keep track of the happenings of UDS remotely , is there an IRC channel ?08:10
dholbachabhinav-, there's loads of them08:10
broderabhinav-: start with #ubuntu-uds and http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/08:11
broderand http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/08:11
dholbachthanks broder08:11
abhinav-thanks dholbach , broder :)08:11
dholbach(I wasn't quick enough to find the links)08:12
=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 11.04 released! #ubuntu-uds http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/ http://summit.ubuntu.com/ | Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | P
=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: UDS-O: #ubuntu-uds http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/ http://summit.ubuntu.com/ | Oneiric Archive: OPEN | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> natty | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
abhinav-vlc-multimedia plugin is crashing :-/08:17
pitticjwatson: yes, dropping python-{rsvg,cairo} was the right thing, thanks!08:20
pitticjwatson: nonexisting-file> seems like a side effect, I'll have a look08:21
pittimdke: yes, the next -base refresh will have gnome help xml from -updates08:22
mdkepitti: excellent, thanks. So basically just need to aim to get each SRU done and pushed to -updates before langpacks are exported08:23
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alkisgWill a linux-image-generic-lts-backport-NATTY package be made available in lucid-updates? (currently we can get it from kernel-ppa)09:15
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Q-FUNKhowdy!  could someone please perform a source upload of apparmor?  it needs a rebuild for perl 5.1210:24
cjwatsonQ-FUNK: yes, I'm tracking the entire Perl transition and doing mass uploads10:27
cjwatsonthe only reason I haven't done apparmor yet is that I want to grab kees and check about the state of its bzr branch10:27
cjwatsonand it was the weekend with UDS travel10:27
Q-FUNKcjwatson: oh yes, UDS. forgot about that as I skipped it.10:31
keescjwatson: "done" apparmor??10:32
keescjwatson: ah, rebuild10:32
keescjwatson: I can do an upload if you need?10:33
Q-FUNKit's one of the last few packages that haven't been rebuilt for perl 5.1210:33
keesQ-FUNK: okay, give me a few minutes...10:34
Q-FUNKkees: cheers! :)10:35
keescjwatson, Q-FUNK: actually, you can sync the package from Debian.10:37
cjwatsonkees: OK, cool, I'll do a sync10:38
cjwatsonkees: can I do it in your name?10:38
keescjwatson: yup!10:38
cjwatsonkees,Q-FUNK: done10:39
Q-FUNKcjwatson: thanks!10:49
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ogra_slangasek, LOL, you made my day with http://i.imgur.com/usftZ.png11:42
Chipzzlol :)11:45
ogra_RAOF, how much beer does it take to get nouveau support for tegra2 arm boards ?13:43
RAOFogra_: Oh, dear.13:44
geserogra_: don't forget http://xkcd.com/323/ :)13:44
ogra_RAOF, its obviously a GeForce ... just connected to a weird bus it seems13:45
RAOFSo, from memory the *guess* is that tegra2 GPU has a significantly different architecture to any of the nouveau-supported GPUs.13:45
RAOFThere's also the problem that I don't think that nvidia provides a binary tegra2 driver for linux, right?13:46
ogra_there is one for android13:46
ogra_(which also works on ubuntu if you use nvidias kernel etc)13:47
ogra_(and theor X)13:47
RAOFSo, you'd need to build an mmiotrace-enabled android kernel and then trace their module.13:47
RAOFThat'd be a pre-requisite for pretty much any support.  Either that, or docs from nvidia about how to poke it.  I'm not holding my breath for those :)13:48
dholbachcan somebody review https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-dev-tools/bitesize/+merge/60370 please?13:49
tumbleweeddholbach: when the patch appears...13:51
dholbachtumbleweed, it's there :)13:52
RAOFogra_: So, in short, I think that the beer would be required to be funneled elsewhere in order to get someone to be assigned a couple of months to actually work on it :)13:52
ogra_RAOF, well, but your note above should at least get us a dump with the needed info for a start13:54
ogra_i'll try to at least get that, so someone intrested can pick up13:54
RAOFI don't think anyone in nouveau upstream is currently particularly interested, but it's not inconcievable that someone would come along and be interested.13:55
sebnerdholbach: we'll see each other on friday \o/14:00
dholbachsebner, awesome14:01
sebnerdholbach: finally :D , /me hopes to meet all the other heroes like ScottK, pitti ,..... (could go on for an hour) too :D14:02
cjwatsonlamont: is there a reason most of the porter boxes (with the exception of porter-armel) have no oneiric chroots, or should I just file an RT?14:10
cjwatson(my oneiric chroot is on my external hard disk, which is annoying to haul out at UDS ...)14:10
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lamontcjwatson: because it wasn't bootstrapping well at the point where I went to create them.14:20
lamontI'll create them shortly, feel free to throw something at RT14:20
psusiwhat is the TZ over there in budapest?14:36
tumbleweedpsusi: UTC+214:37
dholbachtumbleweed, resubmitted - thanks14:37
geserpsusi: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=5014:37
psusioh my, so it is already 3:40 pm there?14:39
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hyperairslangasek: that image you posted on ubuntu-devel is win.16:15
* hyperair ditches emacs and starts using microsoft word to do his debian packaging work16:15
broderhaha. i didn't look at it before now :)16:16
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tseliotchrisccoulson: can you ask Jorge to check IRC, please? A user is looking for him in #ubuntu-uds16:33
chrisccoulsontseliot, his laptop is dead atm16:33
tseliotchrisccoulson: ok, thanks16:34
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brodercjwatson: looks like i was imagining things. multicore vs. singlecore mksquashfs doesn't appear to have an impact on image size for the images i'm building at work. must have just affected rsync-ability18:10
saimanojhello everyone18:53
killownplease FIX IT, The 'sync_supers' thread wakes up every 5 seconds  and writes back all super blocks. It keeps waking up even if there are no dirty super-blocks, http://bpaste.net/show/16089/ very annoying bug20:20
killownplease developers, work to fix this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/607560 veryyyyy annoying, I don't want to change de distro again21:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 607560 in linux (Ubuntu) "jbd2 writing block every 5 - 10 seconds, preventing disk spin-down and making noise" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:16
ntr0pywhere is the root fs mount command in initrd located?21:18
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equexwill there be more backports or updates done for 8.04 ? would be nice with one final ultimate 8.04.5 now that the support just officially went out, perhaps with a more recent kernel too!21:27
infinityequex: If you want newer kernels and software, you want a newer release.21:32
killownDoes anyone know how to get ride of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/607560 ?21:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 607560 in linux (Ubuntu) "jbd2 writing block every 5 - 10 seconds, preventing disk spin-down and making noise" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:33
infinityequex: That said, it's only desktop support that's ended, so anything covered by the "server" seeds (and that includes kernels) will still be getting bugfixes.21:33
equexi'd basically just want a 8.04.4 with all updates since then + new kernel (if it doesnt break anything) + maybe there's bugs and annoyances that has been fixed and are ready for deployment but hasn't because 8.04 isn't cool anymore (it is, been using it since it came!)21:36
killownHey developers Do I need switch of distro? this bug affects physically my hardware21:51
killownI know a lot peoples who has having this problem21:51
Keybukkillown: if a bug is physically affecting your hardware, that strongly implies a kernel or near-kernel bug21:52
killownI know it's a kernel related problem, but you guys should looking for another kernel version more stable or patch it soon.. its not a bug that you can just ignore21:52
Keybukin which case it's code shared by all of the distros21:52
Keybukyou might want to try a different OS, maybe Windows or OS X21:52
killownthis just won't stop to make noises em fuc* up my hd21:53
killownKeybuk, thanks, but I prefer gentoo.21:53
Keybukkillown: do you know which compiler flags fix the bug?21:53
killownKeybuk, I know that gentoo is stable enough to not have this bug21:54
killownI have gentoo stable installed on my system, so I can confirm this problem doesn't happen with gentoo21:54
killownubuntu is great, but this bug does change my concepts about ...21:55
killownbye ubuntu...22:06
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anderskcjwatson (or anyone working on the Perl 5.12 transition): net-snmp failed to rebuild, which is blocking some other packages from transitioning.  Debian already has this fixed; I filed LP bug 780149.22:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 780149 in net-snmp (Ubuntu) "net-snmp FTBFS on oneiric (eval: 1: base_compile+= gcc: not found)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78014922:20
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galflyHi fellow ubuntu developers23:48
galflyHey ubuntu folks!23:59
galflyA novice developer needs a little insight here23:59

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