
shaunmok, that's an easy fix00:11
Rocket2DMnhow will these pages behave in browsers that dont have full support for html5?00:16
shaunmthe pages don't use much html5. I toyed with using new tags like nav and section. I like them in general, but the support wasn't there00:17
shaunmmostly, it's the video tag00:17
shaunm(and audio, if you happen to use that)00:17
Rocket2DMnfor us its just mostly text with css00:17
shaunmsome years down the line, I'll probably start replacing some divs with the more semantic html5 elements, but not now00:18
shaunmnot until there's decent mainstream browser support00:18
Rocket2DMnwell i guess my question for now is how do i get it to declare the doctype00:21
Rocket2DMni got it in there but its screwing up the page00:41
jbichaooh, docs team gets a shoutout08:19
jbichafrom Mark at UDS08:19
DarkwingDuckYay doc team! :D08:19
mdkewhat does he say?08:19
DarkwingDuckHe thank the doc team for the hard work in getting gnome3 docs and unity docs08:21
mdkewow, Launchpad's automatic translation exports seems rather cool08:25
DarkwingDuckmdke: You'll have to let me know how that goes.08:26
mdkeDarkwingDuck: will do08:26
DarkwingDuckmdke: thanks mate08:26
mdkeDarkwingDuck: I will activate it for kubuntu-docs too if nothing goes horribly wrong with ubuntu-docs, which it seems not to have done08:27
DarkwingDuckmdke: thanks!08:28
mdke-> work08:31
DarkwingDuckmdke: where are you located in this blue globe?08:32
j1mcso mark mentioned the docs team during his opening talk09:39
j1mcthe funny thing was that i couldn't sleep, and so i was downstairs on my laptop at 5-something am09:40
j1mcand he came around to have coffee09:40
j1mcand we talked there.09:40
jbichaoh no, well there will be a video of the talk09:45
j1mcjbicha: oh no?09:49
jbichaI mean, that's too bad you missed his talk09:50
jbichaabout companies and his vegetable garden09:50
j1mcoh, i saw his talk09:51
jbichaoh I misunderstood, never mind09:51
jbichaway to catch him first thing in the morning! that's good advertising :-)09:51
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
Rickyboy107Hello, i want to join the Documentation team16:32
Rickyboy107if i can ofcourse16:33
mdkeDarkwingDuck: london19:15
geekosopherjjesse: any problem with bug 774759 ?19:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 774759 in kubuntu-docs "Error in kubuntu-docs-office string #16" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77475919:36
jjessegeekosopher i can look tonight20:23
geekosopherjjesse: ok, good night :)20:32
MrChrisDruifAloha ka po'e alau (Hello everyone)21:44
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO

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