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wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn11:18
tumbleweedwejaeger: this is a bad week to get any response, a fair bunch of us are busy at UDS11:20
wejaegertumbleweed: ok, no problem, i'm going to try it next week11:25
strycorehello everyone11:29
strycoreI have a lintian related question about diff-contains-bzr-control-dir (  http://lintian.debian.org/tags/diff-contains-bzr-control-dir.html ). It says that I to pass the -i argument to dpkg-buildpackage. Now I suppose that I have to add this dpkg-buildpackage somewhere in my debian/rules file, right ?11:31
tumbleweedstrycore: build with bzr-builddeb (bzr bd), rather than running debuild in your bzr checkout11:32
strycoreok, thx tumbleweed11:47
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psusiDMB is in an hour right?14:23
Laneypsusi: yes, but I apologise if we can't get to you — I think we ought to process those at UDS in person first14:27
Laney(unless you are here ...)14:27
psusinope, I'm not there ;(14:29
Laneywe'll do our best :-)14:29
Laneygeser: are you going to attend the DMB meeting?15:16
geserLaney: no, as I leave work in around 10 minutes and will be at home at 5pm15:21
aboudreaultDoes anyone aware of a PPA that contains debhelper 8 for hardy?16:25
stlsaintpaultag: HEYO16:55
aboudreaultDo I need debhelper 8 to use source format 3 ?19:02
paultag7 handles it great19:03
jtaylorwhen a bug is fixed by a simple rebuild do I need to make a debdiff for the sponsor? I guess he can do it himself just as fast as checking and applying the diff would take19:15
geserjtaylor: I'd say it depends on your sponsor, but it's usual if you request sponsorship through the sponsorship queue19:22
geserjtaylor: what do you need rebuild?19:22
geserthat would be a SRU as natty is released19:23
geserjtaylor: I guess it's about bug 779340? do you have a fix for oneiric?19:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 779340 in pyfltk (Ubuntu) "From python: import fltk fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77934019:25
jtaylorno but I forwared it to the debian maintainer19:25
jtaylorso if he reacts it will probably get it automatically19:26
jtaylorand for a SRU a rebuild is probably preferable to a patch19:26
geserI guess it too19:27
geserbut it's a requirement for a SRU that it's first fixed in oneiric (so we don't get a regression because it got forgotten to fix it in the next Ubuntu release)19:28
jtaylorIn this case one can ignore this rule, it can't regress more than not working at all19:29
jtaylorit also has no rdeps19:30
geserbut if we fix it in natty it works there again but stops working again when upgrading to oneiric (assumed that it gets forgotten to get fixed there too)19:30
jtaylorhm ok I see the point19:30
jtaylorI'll wait for debian maintainer reaction then19:31
Laneywell actually, the version in -proposed will be copied to oneiric by the sru publishing script19:32
Laneyas they currently have the same version in n and o19:32
geserdo the AA still do it that way and not only during the early days of a new release? (I don't do SRUs that often)19:33
LaneyI think it's done in general19:33
Laneyshould confirm with one of them though19:34
geserLaney: in this case it also depends on the solution to fix the bug: a rebuild won't work in oneiric, only when we apply a patch it could get copied to oneiric19:36
geserjtaylor: you could also try to contact DktrKranz or porthose (both did the recent uploads of python-fltk) to let them know that a fix might be needed to move on with the SRU19:39
jtaylorsry had to leave for a while, thanks for the advice19:59
aboudreaultdebhelper 7 ---> dpkg-source: error: Unsupported format of .dsc file (3.0 (quilt))19:59
aboudreault3.0 quilt is not supported with version 7 ?20:00
jtayloryes it is20:00
jtaylorwhats in debian/source/format?20:00
aboudreaultjtaylor, "3.0 (quilt)"20:00
geseraboudreault: you need a dpkg that supports v3 source packages, IIRC there exists a backport for hardy somewhere20:01
* aboudreault is looking for that backport...20:05
ajmitchhttps://launchpad.net/~launchpad/+archive/obsolete?field.series_filter=hardy may have the dpkg you want, if you are running hardy, though it has a number of other packages for hardy20:13
aboudreaultajmitch, sounds good ... thanks!20:14
stlsaintnigelb: poke20:59
nigelbstlsaint: pong20:59
stlsaintnigelb: Hi20:59
stlsaintnigelb: lol, just saying whats up, havent spoke to ya in some months20:59
nigelbstlsaint: yeah, I'm at UDS, loads of fun today :)21:00
stlsaintnigelb: im jealous21:07
nigelbstlsaint: heh21:08
ajmitchnigelb: anything interesting at uds today?21:19
nigelbajmitch: well, I was a very good session about having a portal where you can see everything that's on the software center21:20
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* ajmitch was hoping to see some of the notes on etherpad, but something seems to have died there :)21:23
Laneythe trolls got us21:25
ajmitchuh oh21:25
ajmitchnot requiring a lp or other openid login for etherpad?21:25
nigelbwe're landing a fix that'll make the etherpad url sort of changeable21:26
nigelband we can link to a particular rev of etherpad21:26
ajmitchso ther etherpad server was taken down overnight?21:26
lifelessnigelb: synaptic-for-the-web?21:27
nigelbwill be back up soon :)21:27
nigelblifeless: its more like a catalogue21:27
ajmitchmore like steam's website?21:28
nigelbdoes it let you click there and install to your computer?21:28
nigelb(I think these are going to be apturls)21:28
ajmitchI believe so, I haven't installed anything except through the steam app (on wine) for awhile21:28
ajmitchI think it works in the same way, by a steam:// url21:29
nigelbajmitch: so, then that's how it'll look21:30
nigelband probably designed to be visually similar to software center per se21:30
ajmitchso once that part is done, you just need to decide whether the whole archive is made available & then some?21:32
* ajmitch thanks whoever has put up the keynote talk on youtube21:33
nigelbajmitch: yeah21:33
nigelbI wish etherpad was up to show you the notes21:33
* ajmitch might read them this evening, when the tuesday sessions are starting 21:35
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