
=== Cracknel_ is now known as Guest35640
Lobotomoalguien sabe como hacer para ver un archivo rmvb en kubuntu?15:35
JohaneLobotomo, use english15:38
Lobotomosorry, I thought this was ubuntu channel for my city15:39
Johane:) no problem15:39
LobotomoI can't see rmvb files neither with kaffeine nor with dragon player15:39
Lobotomowhat could I do?15:39
Johanermvb is some kind of video/audio?15:40
Johanei supose you could also try vlc/ mplayer15:41
Lobotomomplayer? smplayer?15:42
Johanesmplayer is a frontend for mplayer15:42
Johanebasicly is mplayer with some fancy gui15:43
Lobotomoyes , perhaps, but I thought perhaps there was a way to fix the dragon player or kaffeine15:43
Lobotomo:) I see15:43
Lobotomoso, you would try mplayer15:43
Johanemplayer and vlc also15:43
Lobotomoand vlc15:44
Johaneone of them should be abple to play that video file15:44
Lobotomook , thank you very much for your advise :)15:44
LobotomoI'll try15:44
Johaneno problem15:44
Lobotomowhere are you from?15:44
Johaneif you didn't notice you are on #ubuntu-ro15:45
Johanero is from Romania :)15:45
LobotomoI thought ro was for rosario , my city :)15:45
Lobotomois it Romania?15:45
Lobotomo:D I see thank you!!!15:45
FDCXLobotomo: dragon and kaffeine use xine-lib (dragon also goes through phonon+phonon-xine) as backend, so I think this is the one you should fix/upgrade (only, of course, if it does actually support that type of media file/format)15:54
FDCXxine can also use ffmpeg libs to decode varrious files (xine-lib has to be compiled with ffmpeg, but I think that's a default option, by now), so, theoretically, mplayer, xine, kaffeine, vlc, and most linux players should be able to play the same types of files (if were compiled properly, and using libs from the same period of time)16:00
LobotomoFDCX: so you recomend me to try to look for an upgrade of xine-lib16:06
FDCXfirst, make sure you have/install libxine1-misc-plugins and libxine1-all-plugins16:07
Lobotomolibxine1 plugins16:08
Lobotomolibxine1-all-plugins, that I don't have it installed16:11
FDCXLobotomo: what about libxine1-ffmpeg ?16:26
LobotomoI haven't check that one, but, I tried to install smplayer, and now I can see the rmvb file16:27
FDCXLobotomo: ok, then, to also be able to play it with kaffeine, probably, you need to install kubuntu-restricted-extras libxine1-ffmpeg and libxine1-all-plugins, or to upgrade ffmeg (as mplayer/smplayer shares codecs with ffmpeg)16:34
Lobotomokubuntu-restricted-extras libxine1-ffmpeg and libxine1-all-plugins16:35
Lobotomowhat is it exactly ffmeg?16:35
FDCXffmpeg (libavcodec) is a audio/video encoding/decoding library - many linux players use it16:39
FDCXLobotomo: http://ffmpeg.org/16:39
Lobotomolibxine1-ffmpeg was already installed16:39

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