
Ronniewhere can i find good and easy documentation about running a testserver in virtualbox with subdomains. The testserver is for testing settings and apps before launching on the real server (no vm). currently i have one website (django+apache) running in the vm and edited my /etc/hosts with the guest IP and hostname. But running into problems with the second site00:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #779669 in php5 (main) "package php5-cli 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.1 [modified: usr/bin/php5 usr/share/man/man1/php5.1.gz] failed to install/upgrade: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77966900:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #779670 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "The usage of --defaults-file is undocumented in the man" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77967001:01
leniosRonnie, what's the problem with the second site?02:33
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fastvegcould anyone help me out with a couple beginner questions?06:44
fastvegfirst, I'd just like to fgure out the version of ubuntu server I'm running...06:44
fastvegI tried uname-a and got back this: Linux ubuntu #1 SMP Thu Apr 21 20:08:53 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux06:45
fastvegbut 2.6 doesn't sound correct at all..06:46
fastvegshouldn't it be like 10 or something?06:47
fastvegnevermind, logged into linode and apparently it's 10.10.06:50
fastvegIs there a way to check this from the command line though?06:50
jmarsdenfastveg: cat /etc/lsb-release    or    lsb_release -ircd07:07
jmarsdenfastveg: 2.6.38-3-linode32 is the kernel version, not the distribution version.07:08
fastvegjmarsden; totally worked, thank you.07:16
jmarsdenYou're welcome.07:17
fastvegjmarsden:  One more question if you are still on, I am trying to install postgres 9.0.4 -- but if I do apt-get install postgresql it tells me that the newest version is installed (8.4.8).  How do I install 9.0.4?07:21
jmarsdenfastveg: You dont in 10.10, unless you want to (a) backport it from oneiric or (b) install it by hand outside the packaging system.07:22
jmarsdenWhat apps do you run that *need* 9.0.4 and will not work with 8.x ?07:23
fastvegugh, I don't know, I'm a little new to all this, and trying to learn django and postgres.  Current prblem is that my mac has 9.02 and the server has
jmarsdenSince you say you are a beginner, I'd strongly advise you install the postgresql that comes packaged by Ubuntu for your distro, i.e. for 10.1007:23
fastvegSo I'm not entirely sure, but I'd assume that I want to keep developement and server synched up07:24
fastvegversion wise07:24
jmarsdenI don't know enough about 9.x to know if it can pg_dump files that 8.x will import, but I'd hope it can.07:24
fastvegmakes sense..07:24
jmarsdenfastveg: Then develop in Ubuntu 10.10 in a virtual machine on the mac, or something, if you really need the two 'in sync' :)07:25
fastvegso is running two different versions in development and production not a huge deal / fairly common?07:25
jmarsdenIf you are doing basic web stuff, the db version shouldn't matter hugely.07:25
fastvegit's pretty basic yeah'07:25
jmarsdenIf you are doing serious database work and using the latest db features... you care about versions.07:25
fastvegright on07:25
fastvegthanks for the help and info07:26
jmarsdenI'd try using the one 10.10 has packaged, it is easy and you will get security updates for it, etc.  Only do more work if you find out that more work to get 9.x is really needed.07:26
jmarsdenYou're welcome.07:26
Ronniefastveg: for syncing the database you can also use django's dumpdata and loaddata: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#django-admin-dumpdata07:42
Ronniei have used that to port my data from mysql to postgres07:42
ruben23hi does ubuntu server have deafult iptables..?09:18
jmarsdenruben23: sudo /sbin/iptables -L -n     # to find out :)09:21
ruben23jmarsden: where do i set the iptables to make it permanent09:23
ruben23 jmarsden: si that an indicator i have one..? where do i set it on text file to make it permanent09:27
jmarsdenruben23: If you don't know what you are doing, use ufw instead of raw iptables.   man iptables-save and man iptables-restore for one way to save and restore iptables information09:28
ruben23 jmarsden: i just wanted to make it permanent - tried with rules when rebooted its gone09:29
atdprhsanyone uses ubuntu 11.04 here and synaptic multi touch click pad here?09:52
jmarsdensynaptic multi-touch click pads?  On a *server* ?10:06
greppyjmarsden: I can see that being done :) touch pads in a rack mount keyboard/mouse setup :)10:16
twbI know a few idiots who repurpose their old netbooks are bastion routers10:17
twbPutting a USB ethernet card in or some shit10:17
jmarsdentwb: Yes, but they you don't care if the touchpad isn't working, you ssh into them :)10:18
twboh right10:18
twbI didn't read the scrollback10:18
RoyKhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/592114 <-- anyone seen this?10:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 592114 in upstart "upstart doesn't start cron automatically on boot in lucid for server on amd64" [High,Confirmed]10:48
Shadow_aokDoes someone has its do-release-upgrade stopped by an error with ubuntu-minimal which can't be found although its already installed ?11:06
Shadow_aok(running maverick x64)11:07
bigDogsorry - my 3G internet disconnected12:04
Shadow_aoknobody tried to upgrade to natty around here ?12:07
andygraybealmy desktop is natty, my server is 10.0412:08
bigDogi'm on 11.04 - but did a fresh install12:08
andygraybealyea, i'm still afraid of upgrades :)12:08
Shadow_aokwell, it doesn't work on my server12:10
Shadow_aokcomplaining about ubuntu-minimal12:10
Shadow_aokalhtough this package is installed12:10
Shadow_aokbut do-release-upgrade can't find it :(12:11
Shadow_aoki found nothing useful on the forums, so i'm trying here12:11
bigDogno ops here now?12:12
Shadow_aokseems not12:12
bigDogweird.... spooky12:12
bigDogon installing dnsmasq i get: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use do i need to worry?12:17
qman__mine are all 10.04, if it ain't broke, don't fix it12:20
greppybigDog: do you have another dns server installed?12:26
bigDogonly bind912:26
greppyso yes :) they are both trying to use port 53 to serve dns12:27
bigDogbut need dnsmasq for IP masquerading - unless bind9 can be used with iptables MASQUERADE12:28
greppyI don't think you need dnsmasq for setting up NAT12:28
greppydnsmasq is just a lightweight dns proxy and dhcp/tftp server12:29
bigDoghi everyone - i have successfully installed ubuntu server 11.04 without a problem. i use iptables for nat (sudo iptables -t nat -A yadda yadda yadda -j...) the problem is, every time the server reboots, the custom iptables commands are lost. i tried an ubuntu iptables tutorial and it didn't work - so i reformatted the server and started again. tried another tutorial - still no joy so i12:31
bigDogam now on my 3rd reformat & reinstall (almost finished now). has anyone succsessfully been able to do an auto-executing startup script for custom iptables setup at boot? could you share how you did it? the server is just a firewall, squid server, and IP masquerading (internet connection sharing) box.12:31
nijababigDog: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration on startup12:34
greppybigDog: two steps, do an "iptables-save > /etc/firewall-rules", then in /etc/network/interfaces, add "pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/firewall-rules" before the auto eth0 line12:34
bigDogahhh, ok!12:35
bigDogfinally - a straight answer from someone who knows what they are talking about! humanity lives on!12:37
greppysorry, I'm just a shell script running as an IRCII bot :)12:37
fastvegIs there a way to change the default user on ubuntu-server?12:40
fastvegI just used my first name when I first set it up and that's not ideal anymore... ;)12:40
greppyjust add another user and give it access to sudo12:41
fastvegk thanks greppy12:41
bigDogso, i do sudo -s and get a root shell. I type in custom commands line-by-line: ** iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE** {ENTER} iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 ! -s -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128 {ENTER} then do the iptables-save command including quotation marks?12:45
greppydon't have to have the quotes12:55
bigDogin squid, is this the correct squid.conf syntax - http_port 3128 transparent13:08
bigDogi am trying to make a transparent proxy13:08
progre55hi guys. I've just updated/upgraded a remote lucid server, but after a restart, it still says "xx packages can be updated." on ssh-logon, although there's nothing more to update. Any suggestions, please?13:12
bigDogapt-get update13:13
progre55bigDog: yeah I've already done that, and even "apt-get dist-upgrade", and even restarted the server13:14
progre55but it still says there are packages to be updated, and you run "apt-get update" again, there's nothing to updated13:15
progre55to be*13:15
progre55apparently I'm not the only one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147396513:17
progre55let me read on =)13:17
progre55nope, lucid13:18
bigDogsorry man i'm new to linux - maybe someone here can help...13:19
progre55no problem, thanks for the attention13:20
andygraybealprogre55, i have the same problem, i just ignored it :)13:25
progre55andygraybeal: I've just fixed it =)13:26
andygraybealbut yea, i'm sure someone else here can elaborate, and i would be interested13:26
andygraybealoh nice13:26
progre55just clean /etc/motd.tail13:26
andygraybealaah nice13:26
andygraybeali've not heard of the clean command13:27
progre55no no, I mean, just clean the contents =)13:27
progre55echo "" > /etc/motd.tail13:27
andygraybealah like.. rm /etc/motd.tail ?13:27
andygraybealaah ok13:27
andygraybealwill this have to be cleaned often?13:28
progre55no, just once afain13:28
pythonirc101does anyone use canonical here for their servers?13:56
pythonirc101I just selected it, and not sure if i have to pay for anything?13:56
pythonirc101does anyone know of a tool that will help me manage 10 ubuntu-servers from 1, mostly patches and package installs...14:21
twbpythonirc101: puppet14:26
pythonirc101twb: Thanks. Looking it up14:27
twbYou may just want the unattended-upgrades and a ssh loop14:27
pythonirc101twb: is there a good gui for puppet?14:27
twb10 is not a big number14:27
twbNo, GUIs are for wankers14:27
pythonirc101twb: i selected canonical landscape while installation, no idea how that works...doesit?14:28
PiciWell thats a bit of a harsh way of putting it.14:28
twbpythonirc101: landscape only works if you buy a support contract from canonical or something14:28
twbpythonirc101: basically, don't pick it unless you routinely add an extra zero when charging your client14:28
pythonirc101I selected it, can i uninstall it?14:29
twbOh, and the landscape hub is proprietary software, so don't pick it if you're a longhair treehugger lefty like me14:29
twbpythonirc101: dunno; I know a fresh install will fix it :-)14:29
pythonirc101i hope they dont use my resources using a timer14:30
pythonirc101well to contact their server14:30
pythonirc101how can i not uninstall it...lemme see if i can find that package14:30
twbIt'll surely use your internet connection to TRY to talk to the internet14:30
pythonirc101how can i uninstall it, without reinstalling?14:31
twbUnless you're a UUCP jarhead, the bandwidth is probably minimal14:31
twbI don't know.  There is probably a package like "landscape-client", but I don't know if removing it will suffice14:31
pythonirc101i dont want it on my machine -- if they charge for managing 10 machines... :)14:31
bigDoganyone remember where squidGuard.conf lives? /etc?14:31
alamarbigDog: find does14:32
twbpythonirc101: unless you gave them your credit card, they will probably just ignore you, rather than charging you14:32
alamaror locate14:32
twbbigDog: probably /etc/squid; IIRC it hooks into squid's post-hook doohickey14:32
bigDoghow do i enable root login?14:35
twbbigDog: set priority=low during install, and pick "yes" when prompted14:35
twbbigDog: otherwise I *think* you can simply run "passwd" as root14:36
bigDogi'll try that14:36
bigDogthat worked!14:39
bigDoginteresting... CTRL + ALT + DEL will reboot an ubuntu server at the login prompt - yet shutdown -r now requires root privaleges...14:50
Pumpkin-bigDog: CTRL-ALT-DEL requires physical console access. Shutdown doesn't. I think thats the logic on things like that.14:51
bigDogi get that, guess when your dell poweredge 2850 is in a rack in a locked room with no keyboard attached - a non sysadmin has a problem rebooting the thing14:54
patdk-wkheh, contrl-alt-del will not reboot my servers14:55
patdk-wkthey all have a keyboard password lock on them14:56
patdk-wkkeyboard will not work, without the password14:56
bigDogopensuse 11.4 has NOTHING on ubuntu 11.04!14:57
bigDogcan't believe i put up with that crap14:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #779930 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77993015:06
bigDoglinux is case sensitive right? /usr/bin/myProgram is different to /usr/bin/MyProgram15:47
patdk-wkdepends on the fs used, but basically yes15:48
bigDogwhat does this mean at login? System informaton disabled due to load higher than 2.0? CPU is running beyond 100%?15:51
zoopsterbigDog: yup16:01
bigDoghmmm what command shows system load16:02
zoopsterbigDog: I use "top"16:04
Piciuptime will show it as well.16:04
bigDog99.8%id = idle?16:10
bigDogmight put 2 more GB in the box - seems unstable atm16:11
shaunothat text is a little misleading; it doesn't mean the load is too high when it prints that message.  it means the load was too high when the motd was regenerated (iirc)16:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #779968 in nis (universe) "dpkg: error: version 'nis_3.17-18' has bad syntax: version number does not start with digit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77996816:12
bigDogcan i ask 1 more final question?16:13
PiciAsk as many questions as you want.16:13
bigDogi need to forward some ports to masqueraded IP addresses. what iptables syntx can achieve this?16:14
bigDogfor example: a packet arrives on eth0 (port 8888) it needs to be forwarded to on eth116:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #779977 in mysql-5.1 (main) "text is displayed improperly for non-english languages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77997716:26
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hobbsci had a server running server 10.04, did do-release-upgrade to 10.10 without any problems, then to 11.04 and my networking stopped.  `ip link show` states that all interfaces are down and 'lshw -class network' shows all links down even when i plugin each interface one by one (i get link lights on most interfaces)18:07
hobbscany ideas as to why ubuntu isn't catching those links?18:08
hobbscthe nic that this was connected with is a pci nic and it won't give me link lights anymore, so i'm trying to work off embedded nics18:08
hobbsci set all interfaces for dchp, hoping one of them would pick something up, but no dice18:08
ddw17Hello...anyone have experience w/ vsftpd on an Ubuntu server that could help me real quick? Uploads are failing from the client and I'm not sure how to configure18:16
RoyKhobbsc: sounds like a bad driver to me18:24
ddw17i've gotten this far18:25
ddw17whoops, nevermidn18:25
alamarsomeone asked earlier what to use for central management for a bunch of ubuntu servers (to keep them in synch in regards of installed packages and updates etc.) I'd be interested in that too, and further what's a good way to automatically install security updates? (cron-apt?)18:25
alamar(is puppet a good idea for central management?)18:27
hobbscRoyK: i think it's my persisten rules in udev, actually.  chasing that one down right now18:29
hobbscalamar: we've been looking at both puppet and cfengine here at work, i think both are decent18:29
RoyKhobbsc: what does ifconfig -a tell you?18:30
hobbscRoyK: not what it should :D18:30
hobbscshows me the interfaces in question are up, lshw and ip link shows differently18:31
hobbsci think i'm on the right track here, though18:31
RoyKhobbsc: but does it show eth0/eth1 etc, or does it skip a few?18:31
hobbscit shows them all18:31
hobbscas well as my virtual interfaces18:31
hobbscdoes lshw list devices in order?18:32
RoyKhobbsc: if ifconfig shows from eth0 and on, it shouldn't be udev18:32
hobbscRoyK: noted18:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #780054 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78005419:02
PiciAnyone happen to know if its possible to move the location of byobu's status notifications?19:08
PiciOr change their order?19:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #780070 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78007019:56
resnolxc is the approved hypervisor right?20:21
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xcaliburhello guys, can someone help me on a mail server wich is not recieving any mails?21:04
The-Kernel_xcalibur, what email deamon?21:06
xcaliburi can telnet to my domain on port 25 and port 11021:06
The-Kernel_run this command, paste the output to pastebin and send it:21:07
The-Kernel_tail -f /var/log/mail.err & tail -f /var/log/mail.info21:07
The-Kernel_when that is running, try to replicate the issue and put the output into pastebin21:07
xcaliburone sec then ;)21:08
xcaliburnothing is logged, only old output......21:09
xcaliburmaybe my records arent good?21:10
The-Kernel_try another command21:10
The-Kernel_tail -f /var/log/mail.log21:10
xcaliburps i'm just a amateur21:10
The-Kernel_thats fine21:10
The-Kernel_you gotta learn somehow21:10
xcaliburthats right21:12
xcaliburby the way, when sending mail internaly (to me@localhost) it works good21:13
xcaliburbut when sending mail from the outsite (in this example from gmail) it doesnt work like it is supposed to be :21:13
The-Kernel_xcalibur, that indicates incorrect MX settings usually21:15
k3strelxcalibur, when telneting to server is that from inside the firewall? Or publicly?21:16
xcaliburfrom inside but with the outside adres (hoornfive.nl)21:17
k3strelI suspect your firewall is blocking 25/110.21:18
xcaliburill try from outside, one sec please21:18
k3strelmy telnet to 25 is not connecting.21:18
BrixSati need some help, i have a server with lamp, and i have defined 3 users each one has its site on their public_html but apache keeps geting 403 :S what permissions should the folder have and apache group should have the user in it?21:18
xcaliburok telnet to port 110 works21:19
xcaliburtelnet to port 25 doesnt :(21:19
The-Kernel_BrixSat, drwxr-xr-x21:20
xcaliburcan i test if port 26 is closed by my provider?21:20
BrixSatThe-Kernel_:  and about groups?21:20
xcaliburport 25 i mean21:20
The-Kernel_BrixSat, 75521:20
The-Kernel_BrixSat, any group should work21:20
BrixSatThe-Kernel_:  but with 755 if the user installs like joomla on it then php wont be able to create folders or files21:21
guntbertxcalibur: a word of caution: please don't run a publicly vailable mail server when you have no experience21:21
guntbertISPs close port 25 with good reasons :)21:21
xcaliburyes i understand21:22
xcaliburport 25 is for sending out mails....21:22
The-Kernel_BrixSat, then that means you'll need to change it to 775 or even 77721:22
The-Kernel_BrixSat, its a security risk, but if thats what it takes21:22
BrixSatThe-Kernel_:  Not the best option 777 :(21:22
xcaliburi'm just using it for programming (php)21:22
BrixSatdo you know how does cpanel manages users and groups?21:23
xcaliburmy server is not always available and i added a few limitations for sending mails21:23
The-Kernel_BrixSat, probably googling for what joomla wants/needs is best21:23
guntbertxcalibur: then keep it strictly within your network21:23
BrixSatThe-Kernel_:  regular cpanels for hosting takes files to 644 and folders to 755 and it works but i dont know the users and groups (who bellongs to who)21:25
xcaliburguntbert i understand the risks i take21:26
xcaliburguntbert: but i still want to be able to receive mail from outside my domain21:26
guntbertxcalibur: do you also understand the risks the internet community takes? (look up under "mail relays") :-)21:27
xcaliburyes i understand21:27
xcaliburim working in the email business and know how bad spam is!21:27
xcaliburtrust me ;)21:28
xcaliburbut i got smtp working, only pop3 is not working atm21:29
xcaliburand that port should not be closed by my isp21:29
The-Kernel_BrixSat, all mine are owned by root21:34
xcaliburcan you guys please help me on the "not recieving mail" issue?21:35
BrixSatThe-Kernel_:  but that is not very secure21:36
BrixSatand about uploading files trought ftp, can the user make it?21:36
BrixSatThe-Kernel_:  files at 764 i get on firefox 403 - Forbidden :( (file is owned by user1 and group www-data21:40
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uvirtbotNew bug: #780149 in net-snmp (main) "net-snmp FTBFS on oneiric (eval: 1: base_compile+= gcc: not found)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78014922:22
xp2Holla, Is anyone here ever played with SNMP on Ubuntu Server 10.10?22:30
xp2Im trying to setup a monitoring solution for my asterisk with SNMP trap but I always get: Cannot find module (SNMPv2-TC) when I try to connect with snmpwalk. I tried to google this error with out any luck!22:32

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