
SnicersGood morning.16:06
=== Snicers is now known as Snicers-Work
Snicers-WorkHey funnylookinhat16:53
funnylookinhatSnicers-Work, what's up16:55
Snicers-WorkNot much, just trying to breath some life into this channel? So what do you guys use Ubuntu for?17:01
funnylookinhatClearly needs some life judging by my response times :)17:25
Snicers-Worklol, yeah it does.17:25
funnylookinhatMost of us just idle for kicks and giggles...17:26
Snicers-Worksudo aptitude install crp17:26
Snicers-Worklol yeah, I figured so much.17:26
funnylookinhatTBH, the group isn't that active beyond release parties.17:27
funnylookinhatBut we're going to be working to help present Ubuntu / FOSS at the TIE Colorado conference this summer.17:27
funnylookinhatA lot of that falls on my lack of time, etc.17:28
funnylookinhatGetting married does that to ya ;)17:28
Snicers-Worklol, I am only on here while I am at work so I hear ya.17:28
donke197gnome 3 needs a lot of work17:32
donke197they shouldn't have moved it from beta status17:32
=== donke197 is now known as donkeyofdarkness
funnylookinhatNo kidding.17:32
funnylookinhatUnity also needs a lot of work.17:32
funnylookinhatAnd I still prefer Gnome 2 to either or them.17:33
donkeyofdarknessI'm thinking about restoring a backup on my computer at work because of the gnome 3 bugs17:33
donkeyofdarknessI use Arch Linux there and they removed Gnome 2 from the repos17:33
Snicers-WorkI pretty much never use the desktop, I use the terminal for everything I do.17:33
funnylookinhatWhat?  Gross.17:34
funnylookinhatI use the terminal for everything server related, but I do a ton of dev work and IDEs are my lifeline.17:34
donkeyofdarknessI got an android 3.0 tablet the other day. I use that quite a bit now.17:35
funnylookinhatOh nice17:35
funnylookinhatWhich one?17:35
Snicers-WorkAll my Dev work is still done on Windows machines.17:35
donkeyofdarknessAcer Iconia A50017:35
funnylookinhatCoool cool17:35
funnylookinhatHow does it run?17:35
funnylookinhatSnicers-Work, I cry for you.17:35
donkeyofdarknessit's awesome17:35
donkeyofdarknessHoneycomb still has a few bugs but it's very nice overall17:36
funnylookinhatyeah for sure17:36
funnylookinhatI'm an Android dev, but haven't gotten my hands on a tablet yet17:36
Snicers-WorkI wont get an Android tablet until there is a good IDE for php HTML, Javascript, ect.17:36
donkeyofdarknessThis one is only $45017:36
funnylookinhatSnicers-Work, How much will you pay me to port eclipse to Android?17:36
Snicers-Worklol, port komodo or netbeans and maybe we have a deal. Eclipse is fine and all but I got used to the others first17:37
Snicers-WorkHow much would you charge to port it?17:37
donkeyofdarknessThe codec support on this is shameful but MoboPlayer uses ffmpeg and is optimized for Tegra 2 so I'm able to play everything now17:38
funnylookinhatI'd have to convert all of the GUI17:39
funnylookinhatthat's nuts.17:39
funnylookinhatBuilding any of those IDE layouts in XML would kill me.17:40
donkeyofdarknessNo one would do that for cheap17:40
donkeyofdarknessit would probably be easier to just make a new app17:40
funnylookinhatNot a bad idea though, actually.17:41
funnylookinhatGiven that a lot of these tablets have docking stations and/or the ability to use a mouse/keyboard.17:42
donkeyofdarknessThere's Touchqode in the market. It has syntax highlighting.17:42
Snicers-WorkYeah, it would launch a whole new expierience for tablet devices.17:42
donkeyofdarknessI can plug usb keyboards into my tablet17:42
Snicers-WorkYeah, I would take that everywhere.17:42
donkeyofdarknessThe W500 is windows17:43
funnylookinhatWell if you start a github project for it I'll join up and help.17:43
donkeyofdarknessI don't know anything about android development. I've only done php and a few command line java apps.17:45
Snicers-WorkI am learning Android development, just finding it hard to dive into it.17:45
funnylookinhatIt's pretty fun stuff17:47
Snicers-WorkI bet.17:48
Snicers-Workhttps://github.com/ondemanddesign/AndroIDE <- is this what you need? (my first time on github).17:49
donkeyofdarknessI was looking for a free Office app in the honeycomb market just now and found a porn app17:54
Snicers-WorkWhat is it called?17:54
Snicers-WorkFor reporting purposes lol.17:54
donkeyofdarknessPocket Girlfriend17:54
donkeyofdarkness99 cents17:54
donkeyofdarknessIt has voice recognition17:55
donkeyofdarknessIt actually looks like a quality app17:55
Snicers-Workah, no nudity though17:56
Snicers-WorkThat is why it is on the market17:56
funnylookinhatSnicers-Work, dangit - now you've got me pulled in.17:56
Snicers-Workfunnylookinhat: it's a good thing, an IDE for android would be a great step for the platform.17:57
Snicers-Workscratch that, will be a great step.17:59
donkeyofdarknessYo dawg I heard you like apps and you like making apps so I made an app that lets you make apps.17:59
donkeyofdarknessThere's a description for you when you submit it to the market ^17:59
Snicers-Workhaha, I love it.18:00
funnylookinhatSnicers-Work, https://github.com/ondemanddesign = you ?18:02
Snicers-WorkHave you used git a lot funnylookinhat?18:03
funnylookinhatNot really18:09
funnylookinhatBeen meaning to but haven't found a project worth putting up there.18:09
funnylookinhatI might be open sourcing the code for pegshot.com -18:09
funnylookinhatIt's a startup I built that does photo/video sharing with place tagging, etc.18:10
Snicers-WorkAh, well I will figure out this RSA key and then we can get this rolling.18:10
funnylookinhatI don't even have a tablet to test on18:10
funnylookinhatI'm afraid I'm not the best person to spearhead that sort of thing :)18:10
Snicers-WorkI can find people lol, shouldn't be too  hard.18:11
funnylookinhatFind me a tablet too please.18:13
Snicers-Worklol, on my list.18:13
donkeyofdarknessWould be kinda cool to plug a tablet into a 50" tv and code on it18:13
Snicers-WorkYes, yes it would be.18:14
Snicers-WorkI would have to settle for my 46"18:15
funnylookinhat32" here...  :-/18:39
funnylookinhatBut my place is too small for anything else.18:39
Snicers-WorkDamn, I can't figure out this public key thing for git.18:43
Snicers-WorkWoohoo, figured it out.18:46
=== mrjazzcat is now known as mrjazzcat-afk
Snicers-WorkOk, AndroIDE is started on github, now I just need to learn Android DEV.19:03
donkeyofdarknessI think the characters should have flames coming off them as you type19:05
donkeyofdarknessThat should encourage faster coding19:06
Snicers-WorkHaha, I'll notch it on the feature list.19:17
funnylookinhatYou're both fired.19:57
MitchMThe bobs say you're fired.20:39
=== mrjazzcat-afk is now known as mrjazzcat
Snicers-WorkShould never have agreed to flame animated text...21:35
donkeyofdarknessjust have an option to turn it off21:57
donkeyofdarknessBut by default it should definitely be on21:57
Snicers-WorkHaha, we will see. It would probably be a resource hog.22:20
=== funnylookinhat is now known as FunnyLookinHat

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