
MTecknologynewz2000: you around?02:59
MTecknologynewz2000: I'm not sure how I should handle Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 versions of the theme03:00
MTecknologycjohnston: maybe you could answer that too?03:16
MTecknologyk.. i think i got it dealt with...04:55
MTecknologynewz2000: Might want to consider setting a license on 'ubuntu-website' ?05:38
MTecknologyprobably 'Other/Open Source' with an explanation that it's open per branch based on the project the source is targetted for?05:39
MTecknologyI'm not sure if any non-foss code exists in there, so maybe check both of those boxes if that be the case..05:41
cjohnstonMTecknology: ubuntu-website is somewhat being abandonded06:34
=== daker_ is now known as daker
nigelbnewz2000: ping11:06
nigelbnewz2000: seen mhall119?11:06
newz2000hey nigelb11:31
nigelbnewz2000: hey, found him :)11:32
newz2000ok, cool11:33
l3onHI all, is there a page about «Universal access in Ubuntu» on the website?... I'm looking for but I can't found any...11:51
MTecknologycjohnston: oh?13:47
MTecknologycjohnston: how come?13:47
cjohnstontrying to provide better places to report bugs so that the reach the right people so we dont have 300 bugs open and noone knows about it13:50
=== daker is now known as daker_

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