
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
* nlsthzn-work waves04:42
Kiloslo nlsthzn-work 05:18
KilosMaaz, coffee on05:18
* Maaz washes some mugs05:18
Kilosnlsthzn-work, coffee time05:20
Kiloshmmm he thinks we are all still asleep05:20
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:22
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
nlsthzn-workMorning Uncle Kilos 05:43
nlsthzn-workNot asleep... only at work05:44
Kilosnot you05:44
=== Squirm_ is now known as Squirm
Kilosmorning superfly MPD Squirm 06:48
superflymorning Kilos06:59
Kiloslo Vamp0611 07:05
Kiloshi andrewlsd 10:18
andrewlsdHi Kilos10:19
Kilossuperfly, how are you this morning?10:20
superflyKilos: 'n bietjie beter, dankie oom10:21
superflyKilos: just trying to rest and take it easy10:22
Kilosyeah do the recovery bit10:22
Kilosi had the weirdest bug inna morning early. evolution showed one unread email but it didnt show 10:32
Kilosi tried restarting evo a few times and the next thing it open and couldnt find the inbox folder10:33
Kilosfiddle around more and then couldnt  even open evolution any more10:34
inetproif you're interested in discussing the future of floss.pro please joing us at #floss.pro10:34
Kilostried the purge and reinstall route10:34
inetprodrubin: ^^10:36
Kilosmy buddy maaz found a link for me and in it i found a simple command that fixed it10:43
Kilosnuvolari, waar is jy11:14
Kiloshi hihanhoesj 13:31
Kiloshave you popped in for coffee13:32
KilosMaaz, coffee  on13:33
* Maaz washes some mugs13:33
* Kilos helps maaz wash mugs13:34
Kiloslazy kids13:34
KilosMaaz, with cremora13:36
MaazAh! At last someone with taste13:36
KilosMaaz, and milk13:36
MaazNow you're talking13:36
KilosMaaz, and lotsa sugar13:36
MaazOh, We have a sweet tooth here13:36
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!13:37
KilosMaaz, ty13:37
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure13:37
KilosMaaz, and rusks13:38
MaazSorry Kilos the Crash Kid ate them all13:38
inetproMaaz: coffee please13:41
Maazinetpro: There isn't a pot on13:41
inetproMaaz: coffee on13:42
* Maaz starts grinding coffee13:42
inetprohmm... why is Maaz so slow13:42
inetprofroztbyte: ^^13:42
inetproor rather cocooncrash ^^13:43
inetprousually Maaz is quick as lightning13:44
marcogMaaz: ping13:44
Maazmarcog: pong13:44
marcoginetpro: that's not slow?13:44
froztbytemarcog: don't ask me, he's someone else's :P13:44
marcogfroztbyte: you meant to direct that at inetpro i guess :)13:45
froztbyteerr, yeah, sorry13:45
froztbyteinetpro: ^ make like a mindreader and imagine that was for you :P13:46
inetproMaaz: ping13:46
Maazinetpro: pong13:46
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro!13:46
inetprook marcog, now he's quick13:46
inetproMaaz: thanks13:46
Maazinetpro: Sure13:46
inetprowas just a bit strange to see him take a while to think13:47
inetprobut it's probably just temporary network or server load13:48
cocooncrashMaaz: hi13:56
MaazHowzit cocooncrash13:56
inetprococooncrash: sorry to wake you up there :-)14:00
* inetpro wbbl - going to another meeting14:01
hihanhoesjHi guys15:07
cocooncrashHi hihanhoesj 15:08
hihanhoesjlooks like there was fun to be had while I was in a meeting :)15:08
hihanhoesjWhats the story with Maaz and all these coffee everyone keeps asking for?15:10
tumbleweedMaaz: coffee please15:11
Maaztumbleweed: There isn't a pot on15:11
tumbleweedjust as well I have a cup in my hand15:11
cocooncrashMaaz: The coffee plugin was written to time the french press brews done in my office (and reserve cups).15:14
Maazcocooncrash: I'll remember that15:14
cocooncrashMaaz: No, no tyou15:14
Maazcocooncrash: What?15:14
cocooncrashMaaz: forget the coffee plugin15:14
Maazcocooncrash: Okay15:14
Kiloshi nlsthzn 17:41
nlsthznHey Uncle Kilos :)17:42
=== Chat4818 is now known as tuslick
Kiloshi tus17:46
Kilosthat was quick17:46
nlsthzncraziest and funniest thing I have seen all day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC9NeJh1NhI18:07
* Symmetria snores at router doing 150meg firmware update18:47
cocooncrashhihanhoesj: You're ain't gonna get any help if you don't tell us your problem.20:54
superflyI need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help!20:56
magellanicMaaz: help20:57
Maazmagellanic: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.20:57
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.20:57
magellanicMaaz: help me with system administration21:00
Maazmagellanic: I use the following features for system administration: apt-file, aptitude, dns, http, ipcalc, mac, man, nmap, ping, ports, tld and tracepath21:00
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.21:00
magellanicMaaz: how do I use apt-file21:01
Maazmagellanic: Searches for packages containing the specified file. You can use it like this:21:01
Maaz  apt-file [search] <term>21:01
cocooncrashsuperfly: Scary thing is that that's the first thing which popped in my mind.21:01
cocooncrashnm, got confused.21:02
superflybeen a long day, cocooncrash?21:02
magellanicMaaz: help me with software development21:02
Maazmagellanic: I use the following features for software development: base64, retest and rfc21:02
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.21:02
magellanicMaaz: help me with south african stuff21:03
Maazmagellanic: I use the following features for south african stuff: lotto21:03
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.21:03
magellanicsorry for spam folks, having fun with the bot21:03
cocooncrashmagellanic: He does respond in private as well though.21:04
magellanicokay will prod more of the features in private then21:05
drubinhihanhoesj: Feel free to ask if you have something specific21:21
Kiloshehe the bot has another fan21:32
Kilosnight all sleep tight21:33

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!