
Magmalinuxthe 64bit version of flash player is on the logiciel source in ubuntu-tweak menu :p00:00
cppguygin http://paste.ubuntu.com/604986/00:00
kingofswordsquarksalber,  no joy00:00
introubleActionParsnip do i need anything else before i start sending sms to other clients of gsm networks00:01
go8765anybody help please with http://storage3.static.itmages.ru/i/11/0509/h_1304894652_c6bd4de4c2.png00:01
ActionParsnipintrouble: not sure00:01
robohi: is there a way to get unity to save which programs start on boot and which virtual desktop they go in? Like a session save00:02
ActionParsnipgo8765: look in gconf-editor00:02
go8765ActionParsnip, i look already- nothing find)00:03
ActionParsnipgo8765: that error is talking about gconf00:03
escottrobo, for gnome2 its gnome-session-save for unity i'm not sure00:03
go8765ActionParsnip, i see, but how to fix it?00:03
escottrobo, gnome-session-save will save the current session. you can add a single thing with gnome-session-properties00:04
roboescott, even for unity?00:04
roboi'm using unity as of an hour ago. And I must admit, I'm not liking it00:04
cppguyguys can you tell the command to disable wireless http://paste.ubuntu.com/604988/00:04
escottrobo, i'm not sure how unity's session handling works. i would recommend giving unity a few days it grows on you. you can always go back to !classic00:05
ActionParsnipgo8765: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-alsamixer/+bug/10690300:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 106903 in Gnome Alsamixer "error message when gnome-alsamixer is launching" [Medium,In progress]00:05
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.00:05
robooh, sweet. Ty escott00:05
roboi tried gnome-session-save. Let me reboot and see00:06
kavurtin google talk, i see a black screen instead of video. but in skype everything is normal. what might be wrong?00:06
darkoricalanyone know anything about installing mgetty?00:07
ActionParsnip!info mgetty00:07
ubottumgetty (source: mgetty): Smart Modem getty replacement. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.36-1.6 (natty), package size 173 kB, installed size 404 kB00:07
=== k is now known as Guest65893
ActionParsnipdarkorical: sudo apt-get install mgetty     after enabling the universe repo (if required)00:08
aguitelthe site:myphotoalbum.com is closing ,how to download my full albums in ubuntu ?00:08
quarksalberkingofswords: try this for gaining more information about your boot environment: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/00:08
darkorical!info vgetty00:08
ubottuPackage vgetty does not exist in natty00:08
kingofswordsi read i need to boot into windows cd and reapir00:08
soreauAlright people. I need help with this. On lucid 10.04, locales are BROKEN. I tried all suggestions I could find googling and none have worked. Every time I reboot, it's the same damn problem. Auto-tab-complete in gnome-terminal gives this message: "bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (en_US)"00:09
fr00gCan anybody help me, my Compiz Expo Plugin shows four desktops that I can use, but the Cube only shows two00:09
kingofswordsfixboot fixmbr and then exit00:09
darkoricalIm not sure but I dont think apt-get install  installed vgetty as well ...00:09
soreaufr00g: You have two vertical and two horizontal set. Cube only shows one horizontal set at a time00:10
fr00gOh, okay, thnk you!00:10
soreauNow someone help me fix this god damn locale before I strangle someone00:10
ActionParsnipaguitel: 15 USD for youur photos sounds pretty decent00:10
quarksalberkingofswords: then grub will be removed. you will have to install grub again from a live system00:10
aguitelActionParsnip, i make it00:10
kingofswordsbut thats easy00:11
quarksalberthen go for it ;)00:11
triton_\server irc.battlefoundry.net00:11
aguitelActionParsnip, for safety i want to make the download too00:11
ActionParsnipaguitel: looks like you'll have yo access each file and save it to your system00:12
aguitelActionParsnip, bu twith wget  to download the entire site?00:12
escottaguitel, if you want to use wget you probably want to capture the html cookies. firebug may be helpfult ehre00:13
ActionParsnipaguitel: not sure, I've only used wget for single files, maybe others can advise. Or read:  man wget    and see if it helps00:13
r0fs3ck5Is there an efficient way of playing flash in firefox without compromising privacy through flash cookies in ubuntu?00:13
mikefmail10Anyone got any suggestions for a programme to directly record from my sound card. I have tried all the obvious ones but with no joy.00:13
escottmikefmail10, arecord?00:14
mikefmail10Thanks - I'll give it a try.00:14
ActionParsnipmikefmail10: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133072800:14
quarksalberwget 'http://example.com/images/dsc_0'{00{0..9},0{10..99},{100..251}}'.jpg' --cookie "Path/to/mozilla.cookie"00:14
ActionParsnipr0fs3ck5: what information does flash collect exactly?00:14
introubleif i setup my own sms gateway. i will be independant to send sms. i wil not incure any cost of gsm sms sending by networks. i mean i dont have to purchace gsm simcard of a network and then pay its charges to send sms to people ?00:15
aguitelescott, what is firebug doing ?00:15
r0fs3ck5ActionParsnip: pretty much everything in my home folders as far as i can see00:16
ActionParsnipintrouble: if you send sms on networks you will be charged00:16
escottaguitel, its a firefox extension which will allow you to inspect the page and see the traffic back and forth to the server (including any cookies and headers)00:16
introubleActionParsnip who will charge me??00:16
go8765can anybody help me with my sound?00:16
ActionParsnipr0fs3ck5: when? If you watch a video on youtube why does your home data come into it00:16
ActionParsnipintrouble: the network you are sending the message to for using their network00:16
introubleActionParsnip if i dont use any other networks sms gateway. who will charge me\00:16
quarksalberintrouble: gsm networks are proprietary and closed. it's not like tcp/ip of the internet. you need to be registered as an telecommunication agency to send sms to others.00:17
aguitelescott, and how to download my files?00:17
crash1hdok so I normally connet to my ubuntu server with putty via ssh and a ppk file now I am on another ubuntu installation and would like to connect to ssh ubuntu server00:17
r0fs3ck5ActionParsnip: No, but if you look in your /home/user/.macromedia.../#SharedObjects, it lists your home, as welll as sudo00:17
escottaguitel, look at quarksalber's example of a wget script00:17
crash1hdI know I can use openssh and I can install putty on ubuntu00:17
crash1hdwhat I am trying to figure out if I need the public or private key00:18
r0fs3ck5ActionParsnip: Or maybe I just got pwned by a bad site.00:18
introublequarksalber ic00:18
quarksalberaguitel: or wget --recursive --level 3 -np -p --cookie="path/of/cookie" --accept=jpg,png http://server.com/dir/00:18
ActionParsnipr0fs3ck5: let me investigate00:18
introublequarksalber so theres no point in making an sms gatway00:18
introublequarksalber so theres no point in making an sms gatway?00:18
ActionParsnipr0fs3ck5: I just listed every file and folder in ~/.macromedia  and found no occurrence of the word 'sudo'00:19
aguitelquarksalber, this line is usefull to download in the site:myphotoalbum.com ?00:19
introublequarksalber so theres no point in making an sms gatway?00:19
steinerwhat do i do about an unable to connect to cifs host when i set up a netwrok printer? i had it working before in 10.1000:20
quarksalberintrouble: exactly. there are email-to-sms gateways where you can send sms triggered by an email, but you will be charged. you could hack iphones and send sms from other people phones. but that's criminal00:20
ActionParsnipsteiner: if you run: smbtree    do you see the share?00:20
introublequarksalber hm. so theres no other way?00:20
roadfishThe Natty Live CD works fine and I get to the KDE desktop. But after the Natty install, I get the first two KDE start up icons (hard drive, tools) but then get bumped back to the log in window. I collected the Xorg.0.log files for Live and Installed versions.00:21
escottaguitel, thats just a example of how to use wget to download something with the cookies. first you need to figure out what your browser does when it requests a picture for download. it will submit some information including the cookies, and maybe the desired size of the image to a url, you want to capture that with firebug and figure out the parts needed. then save the cookies to a file and use wget to download the image00:21
roadfishHere are the logs and the diff of the logs:00:21
FloodBot1roadfish: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:21
Pberg45x170x62Asu jetzt noch coolen SEX mit schlankem mann00:22
steinerActionParsnip: it shows the windows computer yes00:22
quarksalberbecome a telecommunication agency, set up your own gsm station. harald welte's site showes that this is a interesting task, not that easy but it's real hacking!00:22
roadfishthat third 604994 paste is a diff of 604990 and 604993 ... but with the "[   253.121]" timing information removed.00:22
Rob_ukany one know how to in php collects a users NTLOGON00:22
hoeyphp collect logon?00:23
hoeygood luck00:23
hoeyprobably keys to machine id's00:23
hoeyubuntu is overrated btw00:23
ActionParsnipsteiner: then the share is sound, what happens when you try and connect to the printer. I also suggest you add your windows username and password to the connection, it should help00:23
Rob_uk@hoey i know you can do it VB but this needs to be done in php ,00:23
ActionParsniphoey: don't use it then00:23
hoeyubuntu is based on linux, so00:24
hoeyi'd scan for a /usr/user00:24
ActionParsniphoey: what's your point?00:24
LAcanHow do I mount a SAMNA volume to somewhere in the filesystem?00:24
roadfishSo why would a Live CD install work ... but then the Installed version fail?00:24
LAcanHow do I mount a SAMBA volume to somewhere in the filesystem?00:24
hoeyphp scan harddrive /usr/var/log00:24
hoeylike that00:24
steinerActionParsnip: the printer is connected, but when i try to print a test page, i get the cifs error. the printing worked before through the same process00:24
ActionParsnipLAcan: use nautilus00:24
hoeyubuntu networking is very iffy00:25
ActionParsniphoey: don't use it then if its so iffy00:25
LAcanActionParsnip, ... I am using nautilus?00:25
jtoftIs there a way to do something like; cp -r /path/to/folders/{first second third} . ?00:25
hoeyi only enjoy the conversation ;actionparsnip00:25
Gabriel01Hi guys, I'm back.00:25
jtoftwhere each item in the brackets is called individually?00:25
ActionParsnipLAcan: yes its the default file browser in ubuntu00:25
cyberfrogbest remote control software for using over a lan?00:26
ActionParsniphoey: well you are in an Ubuntu support channel and haven't asked a question and bad mouthed the OS. You aren't doing very well so far....00:26
cyberfrogwindows -> linux00:26
quarksalberjtoft: yes: cp -r /path/of/source/*    /destination/path00:26
escottjtoft, maybe bash extended globbing00:26
jtoftnot with a wildcard quarksalber00:26
ActionParsnipcyberfrog: there is no single best software for any one situation00:26
jtoftescott: mmm have an example?00:26
hoeyActionParsnip: it seems based on a windows tour guide, any rebuttal?00:26
cyberfrogjeuss, whats a good remote control software for using over a lan?00:26
quarksalberjtoft: which pattern do you want to match?00:26
LAcanActionParsnip, i dont think i follow... i have a share on my windows box, which i can mount as a network volume but I want it mounted as a folder...?00:26
jtoftnot going for a pattern. looking for explicits00:26
ActionParsniphoey: how does a windows tourguide relate to ubuntu?00:27
kingofswordserrr how do i mount my ubuntu00:27
Gabriel01I guess Lubuntu is not for me.  I need something 64 bit to run my simulator with more than 4 gigs memory and all 3 processor cores, but be extremely light weight so I can easily multi tack with CPU inensive applications.00:27
LAcanActionParsnip, that option eludes me in nautilus00:27
quarksalberjtoft: the cd into that path00:27
hoeyActionParsnip: the way ubuntu is packed to screen lay...00:27
ActionParsnipLAcan: it is always mounted as a folder, thats how mounts work00:27
Benkinoobyubottu, kde?00:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:27
escottjtoft, you would have to enable it with shopt -s extglob and then i think it is @(pattern1|pattern2|pattern3) according to http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/bash-extended-globbing00:27
quarksalberjtoft: *then* cd into that path00:27
ActionParsniphoey: you can make it work as you want00:27
LAcanActionParsnip, I want to mount the share to my home directory...?00:27
jtoftawesome, thanks escott00:27
Benkinoobywhat version of kde will be installed if i install from "standard" source on lucid 10.04?00:28
Gabriel01Xubuntu doesn't seem to make my machine any faster, it seems slower infact00:28
ActionParsnipLAcan: ahh, then you will need to add it in /etc/fstab00:28
Benkinoobyi only see that it is 4... but nothing more00:28
LAcanActionParsnip, got a gui for that? lol00:28
escottkingofswords, mount it with what? live cd?00:28
ActionParsnip!info kde-core lucid00:28
ubottuPackage kde-core does not exist in lucid00:28
kingofswordsmy ubuntu hdd isnt mounting even thou im in it00:28
Gabriel01Iinfo lubuntu00:29
Gabriel01!info lubuntu00:29
ubottuPackage lubuntu does not exist in natty00:29
Benkinooby!info kde00:29
ubottuPackage kde does not exist in natty00:29
kingofswordsescott, no is it automaticly moutned00:29
ActionParsnipLAcan: sorry, but the file is easy to work.Find examples online easily.I suggest you simply mount the share as a folder in home and throw your user data into it00:29
escottkingofswords, that doesn't make sense... what does mount say00:29
kingofswordswhen i run mount | tail -1  i dont get anything00:29
ActionParsnip!info lubuntu-desktop | Gabriel0100:29
ubottuGabriel01: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.24 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)00:29
ActionParsnipGabriel01: or you can install lxde and use that, you won't duplicate functionality then00:30
roadfishany idea why logging into KDE would fail? I log in and get those start up icons ... but then it fails and I get the KDE log in again.00:30
quarksalberkingofswords: just run mount00:30
Gabriel01So maybe if I install Ubuntu 64 and then lubnutu-desktop the x-server will work the same as ubuntu, but run LXDE? and use less resources?00:32
aguitelActionParsnip, you order de dvd backup ?00:33
ActionParsnipGabriel01: yes lxde is lighter. Just install lxde and log off, then log in to the lxde session, no need to reinstall00:33
ActionParsnipaguitel: what do you mean?00:33
aguitelActionParsnip, from myphotoalbum.com site00:33
ActionParsnipaguitel: I don't use the service00:33
aguitelActionParsnip, a ok00:34
ActionParsnipaguitel: ohhhh you mean THE dvd backup00:34
aguitelActionParsnip, yes00:34
ActionParsnipaguitel: please use NORMAL words instead of stuff like that, its less confusing and youo will sound intelligent00:34
aguitelActionParsnip, sorry for my english00:35
Gabriel01okay, thanks, trying it00:35
Gabriel01Humm, it won't let me install the settings daemon without uninstalling lubuntu00:36
YellowGTO|OGIs there other virtual machines to run Ubuntu on windows other then VMWare?00:39
CyborgSmurfNjam editor dosen't work -00:39
kingofswordsmy ubuntu partition isnt mounting or showing up as mounted00:39
r0fs3ck5brontosaurusrex: xen also00:39
YellowGTO|OGThank you brontosaurusrex  and Kalki00:39
Gabriel01Okay, back... this is lots faster thanks!00:40
ubuntuguyI'm see being asked to install updates for openoffice00:40
ubuntuguyhow can I stop this?00:40
mickeydoes anyone know how to add servers onto xchat? i'm tryin to connect to mibbit00:40
walllablei need help with unity00:41
walllableafk gonna watch american dad00:41
FishFacemick_laptop: Xchat - New - Server Tab00:41
FishFacemickey :)00:41
quantmickey, Network List... and then Add00:41
jenkinSearmickey -> preferences -> Networks -> Add00:41
abountuhow can I connect from my desktop to my laptop (both running ubuntu, and both on my home lan, pc connected through LAN cable and laptop through wifi),00:42
mickeyyea, i think i got that part down, actually i dont know the specifics of that server to connect00:42
mickeyif that makes sense00:42
qinabountu: ssh, telnet, www, nc, ftp, ...00:43
quantmickey, you have to find out the specifics00:43
ubuntuguySottware update manager is still asking me to install updates for openoffice, how can I stop this00:43
quantubuntuguy, why don't you install them?00:43
ubuntuguyBecause I'm using unity, I have libreoffice00:43
abountu@qin, I want to connect in the sense of opening a file manager session that shows the laptop from the desktop and be able to browse files and copy things across00:44
quantubuntuguy, did you do a clean install or a distro upgrade?00:44
CyborgSmurfwhat is the difference between LibreOffice and OpenOffice?00:44
skoubrican anybody help with an installation problem?00:44
DaekdroomLibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice.00:44
nessunowhy does this irc have no ops00:44
qinabountu: sshfs (simplest way)00:44
Daekdroomnessuno, it does, they're undercover.00:44
FishFacemickey: http://wiki.mibbit.com/index.php/Server00:44
quantubuntuguy, I think that's the cause of your problem and I'm not sure how to fix it, your packages probably got "messed up"00:44
ubuntuguyI knew that was the problem, I wanted to know how to fix it00:45
Flannelnessuno: It does.  But freenode policy encourages operators to not sit around opped to help catalyzing.00:45
nessunoDaekdroom ty, im just lurkin for a bit, till i get ubuntu raeg00:45
quantubuntuguy, try removing open office and libre office and perhaps using purge and then reinstall00:45
CyborgSmurf<Daekdroom> You mean like a slim version00:45
nessunoty Flannel im new here00:45
ubuntuguyOpenoffice is no longer on my computer00:45
quantubuntuguy, some metapackage still probably is00:45
ubuntuguyWhere can I find the metapackage?00:46
quantubuntuguy, I could be wrong00:46
mickeyFishFace, so i just type that in the server box?00:46
DaekdroomCyber_Akuma, nope.00:46
FishFacemickey: Yep00:46
DaekdroomI mean CyborgSmurf00:46
mickeycool, ur the man00:46
DaekdroomA fork as in, some developers decided to create their own project, and used the (back then) latest OpenOffice version as a base.00:46
Andre_ReeI need some help fixing grub00:47
Andre_ReeI've just installed win7 which destroyed my mbr00:47
quantubuntuguy, try playing with apt-cache search openoffice etc.00:48
Andre_Reenow I tried the root-directory-method but I just got a grub command line instead of a booting linux00:48
S4RYAndre_Ree: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:48
ubuntuguyAlright, thanks00:48
CyborgSmurfI have trouble starting Oblivion on Ubuntu 10.04. It works perfectly until I accept the "New game" then the window turns dark, like waiting or something00:48
Andre_ReeS4RY: that's the point, it does not work00:48
quantubuntuguy, hope it helps, np... try it00:49
Andre_Reenow I tried the chroot method but it can't find "grub-install"00:49
ubuntuguyIn a moment,00:49
S4RYcan someone kindly test something for me ! try to post-replay in any forums.00:49
pigiman1hey, I`m using Ubuntu server and I`m trying to install Jira. I need to open new port (port 80 is busy;P) anyone can help me ?00:50
skoubriim trying a clean installation of ubuntu 10.4 lucid on my laptop and it cant install the base system. it cant be the cd, i burned it twice.00:50
S4RYAndre_Ree:  see if grub is installed ;/ grub-install -v00:51
FishFaceAndre_Ree: This has worked for me a few times - http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/grub00:51
=== lolwtf is now known as anobody
FishFaceAndre_Ree: You will need to have your boot cd handy though.00:51
cyberfroghow do you manually launch a terminal from the cli? i can't seem to find the binary00:52
Andre_ReeFishFace: I'm already running the live system00:52
S4RYAndre_Ree: i whould recover grub from Live-CD.00:52
Andre_ReeFishFace: well, I got another error message trying out the root-directory method again00:52
FishFaceAndre_Ree: Good luck :)00:53
Andre_Ree"No open parenthesis found."00:53
metallicoguys what was the file that contains all the boot entries for grub?00:53
CyborgSmurfOblivion on Ubuntu 10.04, anyone got this thing work?00:53
quantCyborgSmurf, running through Wine?00:53
steinerwhat should i do if it says print share not accesible when i try to verify a netwrok printer?00:54
CyborgSmurf<quant> Yes, installed and all, but when I start New game, the window becomes dark and nothing happens00:54
anobody?DCC SEND "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" 0 0 000:54
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.00:54
quantCyborgSmurf, go to Wine pages, they have detailed instructions on each game/program00:54
pigiman1hey, I`m using Ubuntu server and I`m trying to install Jira. I need to open new port (port 80 is busy;P) anyone can help me ? how can I open port in ubuntu server?00:55
conorexploit attempt00:55
=== conor is now known as Gskellig
CyborgSmurf<quant> thank you for your help :)00:55
metallicofound it: /etc/grub/grub.cfg00:55
quantCyborgSmurf, np00:55
Jordan_Umetallico: What are you trying to do?00:56
mickeywow, that took me longer than it should have... thanks again FishFace00:56
metalliconothing much (just adding some boot options)00:56
Correnis 10.04LTS supposed to have ruby preinstalled?00:57
Jordan_Umetallico: What type of boot options? You don't edit the grub.cfg directly unless you want to get rid of automatic grub.cfg generation entirely.01:02
FlannelCorren: It does not have ruby pre-installed, no.01:03
S4RYAndre_Ree: any progress !01:04
steinerwhat do i do if i get print share not accesible01:05
pigiman1Hey, how can I open port 8090 on Ubuntu Server?01:05
Correnty flannel01:05
Correnjust apt-get install ruby?01:05
Flannelpigiman1: You don't need to "open" that port, just have whatever you need to listen litsen on that port.01:06
FlannelCorren: yep01:06
pigiman1but when I`m trying to run NMAP on it \ access via browser (it runs tomcat), from another computer I get "Closed"01:06
Flannelpigiman1: Is tomcat supposed to be listening on 8090?01:07
pigiman1it suppose to be on 8080 (its Jira+Tomcat) but I changed it01:07
metallicoJordan_U, so how do you do it then?01:08
Flannelpigiman1: If you asked me, I'd say it sounds like it's not successfully listening on that port.01:08
metallicoi just want to add a pramater after the "linux <path/to/kernel>" bit01:08
pigiman1why, if you have your own server running on 8080, Jira advice to change their settings by editing server.xml and replace port 8080 to another unkown port01:09
Jordan_Umetallico: Change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and run "sudo update-grub".01:09
swampyHi, I've used libvirt to passthrough USB keyboard to a guest, now that the guest is shutdown is there a way can use the keyboard as an input device on the host again without having to unplug it?01:10
abountuhow can I access my laptop from my desktop, both running ubuntu, and both connected to my lan?01:10
Soupermanitowhy are ubuntu forums so god damn slow01:10
OerHeksSoupermanito, pay more01:11
swampyabountu, you could run a ssh or telnet server on your laptop if you only need a command line, most probaly some kind of remote desktop is also possible01:11
metallicoJordan_U, at the moment i have "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash". do i just add the option i want after "splah"?01:12
abountuswampy: how can I get it to respond to pings?01:12
Jordan_Umetallico: Yes (with a space between it and splash).01:12
Soupermanitoyeah rite, but then all the other sites work well bro, just ubuntu forums lag as hell01:12
kingofswordswindows not showing in boot menu after resize in gparted01:13
metallicoJordan_U, ok, thank you very much01:13
kingofswordsdo i adjust mbr ?01:13
Jordan_Umetallico: You're welcome.01:13
Jordan_Ukingofswords: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?01:13
swampyabountu, do you have ip addresses configured on both computers?01:14
abountuswampy:if I go to Places->Network, I can see both my desktop and my laptop hostnames, but if I do ping <laptop> it says it can't find it01:14
xaemonichey guys adobeair wouldent install dofus because gtk-warning **: unable to locate theme engine in module_path : "ubuntulooks"01:14
xaemoniccan someone help me?01:14
abountuswampy:the id address is dynamically allocated01:14
xaemonici use xubuntu btw01:14
pigiman1Flannel - I`m trying to give 8080 second chance. are you sure I don't need to open it?01:14
=== randomusr is now known as Guest70833
quant!question | xaemonic01:14
ubottuxaemonic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:14
kingofswordsJordan_U, there is no output01:14
radhruinHaving an issue with setting my display resolution. I am tyring to get my headless box display 1920x1080 resolution when connecting with VNC. If I edit xorg's screen section and add a mode of, say, 1360x768, it works. If I set 1920x1080, it gets set to 1600x1200. Any ideas?01:14
Guest70833has /etc/X11/xorg.conf been removed from 10.10? Can I create a replacement for some override settings?01:14
Jordan_Ukingofswords: Did you delete any partitions? When os-prober can't find Windows it usually means that Windows isn't actually in a bootable state...01:15
pigiman1ok I think I found the problem : tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN     , it listens with tcp601:15
pigiman1how can I change it to tcp01:15
xaemonic hey guys adobeair wouldent install dofus because gtk-warning **: unable to locate theme engine in module_path : "ubuntulooks"01:16
Flannelpigiman1: You don't need to go through a process of opening, correct.  Just have your program listen on that port.01:16
kingofswordsJordan_U,  yes deleted 2gb partition which had windows setup files on fat16 as i installed from usb01:16
pigiman1ok so now it listens on 8080 but tcp601:16
swampyabountu, have you tryed specifying the ip to ping manually, and not by computer name=01:16
Jordan_Ukingofswords: You probably deleted the System partition accidentily.01:17
kingofswordsi thought it was usless as it was only setup files and not the actual installtion of windwos xp01:17
cybrhumanGuest70833: I think that xorg.conf is not needed by default, but nvidia (at least ) will read it if it is there and use its' settings,01:17
pigiman1Flannel, now it listens on 8080 but tcp6 which is probably not good because when I`m trying to connect Jira from remote computer I just get "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect"01:17
kingofswordswhats that Jordan_U ?01:17
Jordan_Ukingofswords: Hmm, Windows XP didn't use a System partition IIRC.01:17
Jordan_U!bootinfo | kingofswords01:17
ubottukingofswords: To diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).01:17
Flannelpigiman1: Right, and that's a configuration issue for tomcat.  It's not properly configured to listen or something01:18
Guest70833cybrhuman, what about restricted modules? where can I disable nv?01:18
kingofswordsok thx...how do i run scripts..im newbie01:18
abountu swampy: it works if I ping the ip rather than the name01:18
forevertheunihi. I want to setup a proxy(server) to be able to have UDP traffic from it. what's the best one to do it? (only for me nothing big)01:18
abountubut how can I get it to recognise the name (given that the ip is dynamically allocated and is likely to change)01:19
cybrhumanGuest70833: to enable restricted modules from unity, try searching for hardware or drivers in the quickstart,01:19
alien__im booting ppc ubuntu 10.4 lts and is not detecting the disk in installation manager,,how can i manually mount it ?01:19
swampyabountu, I think you have to make sure your dns resolver is updated with your dynammically allocated ip addresses then01:20
jmzeI'm trying to set up an old laptop as a fileserver with X/fluxbox so 2-3 users on my LAN can connect and use usenet.. I've been googling and I've seen a few things about vnc over ssh, X11 forwarding...I've tried getting X set up remotely via ssh, everything installed, startx ran without spitting out any errors..but I'm a little lost as to what I should do next01:20
Gskelliganybody have experience with mainline kernels?01:20
xaemonic hey guys adobeair wouldent install dofus because gtk-warning **: unable to locate theme engine in module_path : "ubuntulooks" can someone help me please :(01:20
jmzexaemonic, i don't know jack about adobeair, but a quick google search turned up this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53077301:21
solid_liqanyone else having major problems with the latest version of chrome in Ubuntu?01:22
jmzexaemonic, i hope that helps, I tried at least :p01:22
xaemonickk thx01:22
quantsolid_liq, what exactly?01:22
swampyabountu, or you can hardconfig the names in /etc/hosts hoping that the dhcp client keeps getting the same addresses..01:22
solid_liqquant, massive memory and cpu consumption01:22
pigiman1Flannel, maybe this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164621201:22
quantsolid_liq, haven't noticed it, but I've mainly tried chromium when I'm on ubuntu01:22
KalkiWhich processes consume cpu and memory?01:23
kingofswordshow do i run script s in terminal? just type filename?01:23
solid_liqquant, how well does that work01:23
solid_liqKalki, the chrome browser itself01:23
jmzekingofswords, no. it has to be marked executable01:23
Kalkikingofswords, make sure it's executable and do ./filename01:23
jmzekingofswords, so do chmod +x scriptname and then ./scriptname01:23
jmzeyeah, what Kalki said... lol01:23
quantsolid_liq, chromium? it's free software and works great on my wife's machine01:23
Kalkisolid_liq, ooh, sorry, missed that. Hmm, check their task manager01:24
solid_liqKalki, in the task manager from chrome, that appears when you hit shift-Esc, the very top process (browser) is the one taking all the ram and cpu01:24
KalkiOh man, then I have no idea, sorry.01:24
solid_liqquant, installing now, thanks for the idea :D01:24
alien__how can i manually mount a disk so installation manager detect th disk01:24
quantsolid_liq, I'm curious if it'll be better for you01:25
solid_liqquant, I'll let you know once it's up and running01:25
kingofswordschmos:missing perand01:25
Note-bookI'm sick and tired of graphics card trouble with 11.04. My GeForce GO 7400 on HP DV6000 is messing around. Even now, I tried activating the drivers again  but to no avail and it's all a mess now. My windows etc. don't have any buttons or anything. I even did apt-get remove nvidia-current and deleted X11.conf but still the same. Help!01:25
kingofswordsis something wrong with my chmod?01:26
jmzekingofswords, chmod +X filename01:26
kingofswordsi did that01:26
radhruinHaving an issue with setting my display resolution. I am tyring to get my headless box display 1920x1080 resolution when connecting with VNC. If I edit xorg's screen section and add a mode of, say, 1360x768, it works. If I set 1920x1080, it gets set to 1600x1200. Xrandr reports that "CRT1 is connected", where is it getting CRT1 from?01:26
kingofswordsand nothing01:26
jmzekingofswords, hm, thats strange. You're sure you're in the right directory?01:26
kingofswordssorry didnt have space after x01:27
jmzekingofswords, ah01:27
Jordan_Uroot__: Please stop.01:27
jmzewonder if his keyboards broke01:27
kingofswordschmod: cannot access `boot_info_script055': No such file or directory01:27
introubleare there softwares available that auto matically dials a list of telephone numbers (ofcourse with landline and modem attached to pc)  plays a pre recorded sound file and hangsup the phone and then dials next number and do the same.  by what name these apps exist. what keywords should i use in google?01:27
paulwhat is the term for doing ssh -x into a remote server?01:27
Jordan_Ukingofswords: You used the wrong path then.01:27
kingofswordsi put the scipt file on my desktop and then cd Desktop01:28
pauli need to google stuff about doing that01:28
centHOGGNote-book: LTS01:28
Kalkikingofswords, do chmod 777 filename or chmod 755 filename make sure you're in the correct directory01:28
Jordan_Ukingofswords: You forgot the '.sh'01:28
chris_anymouseintrouble: asterisk is a linux based telephony program, it could certainly do that01:28
Jordan_U!tab | kingofswords01:28
ubottukingofswords: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:28
Note-bookcentHOGG, What do I do now?01:28
centHOGGwhen did it work right last01:28
ugarithow does one mount an external HFS+ LaCie harddrive in read/write mode?01:29
jmzeintrouble, wardialers do something similar, not sure about getting them to play any sort of message though. asterisk is probably your best bet01:29
Jordan_Uugarit: You need to disable journaling on the filesystem within OSX first.01:29
BeWilledHow do I store a bash function so I can easily access it from the terminal? Lets say I want to store a function that runs the  ls -l command and I want to save it with the name showPrivilages, so I can later write $showPrivilages myfile instead of ls -l myFile01:30
ugaritJordan_U then it will automatically be rw when mounted in linux?01:30
KalkiBeWilled, alias01:30
Jordan_Uugarit: I believe so, yes. It certainly cannot be mounted rw without first disabling journaling.01:30
ugaritJordan_U is it fairly easy to disable journaling in OSX?01:31
BeWilledthank you Kalki01:31
Jordan_Uugarit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus01:32
bluenailHey, I'm running xubuntu 11.04 and am trying to set up multiple monitors as an extended desktop for my laptop.  Anyone want to point me in the right direction?  Is Xinerama still the direction I need to be looking or is there a newer system that is now prefered?01:33
chris_anymouseI am unable to copy usernames/passwords from KeePass 2.15 in Xubuntu 11.04 - any clue what might be going on? Neither keyboard shortcuts nor menu options work. Copying and pasting works fine in other applications.01:33
BeWilledKalki, what if I want to put parameters to the function, will alias still work?01:33
paulis there any way to make a hard link that will change file names if the original file's name is also changed?01:35
rageCan 8.04 read ext4 partitions?01:35
centHOGGtoo old01:35
paulrage: no01:35
kingofswordsfinally got script to run.....my results if anyone is kind enough to look http://paste.ubuntu.com/605008/01:35
rageDrat. Thanks paul, centHOGG01:36
bluenailpaul not unless you want to make a hard link to a directory, and you don't want to do that.  (unless someone knows something I don't)01:36
_alazarI was wondering today... Why Ubuntu doesn't come with compiz-config-settings and we have to manually install it?01:36
alien__im booting on a mac but the installer does not detect de har driv,,i need to mount but i have no idea how is done so i can get this installation done01:36
alien__it does not detect the drive01:37
paulbluenail: thanks, it's weird because when I do ln man, it says that you can make a hard link of a directory, but it probalby won't work....01:37
bluenailpaul yeah, you have to do some filesystem hacking for that to work, and you will probably destroy your system if you get it working.  Sadly I don't understand why.01:37
paulbluenail: well thanks01:38
bluenailpaul would having a cron job to copy changes do what you need it to?01:38
kingofswordsJordan_U,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/605008/ my boot script output01:38
Jordan_Ukingofswords: I need the contents of the RESULTS.txt01:39
kingofswordsok 2 secs01:39
paulbluenail: nah, i'm trying to make it so I can bittorent things and then make a hard link to where they should permanently be stored, and then after they are fully downloaded it will change the name from the hard link from "avi.part" to just "avi" after it finishes... it's turning out to be very difficult01:39
bluenailpaul why not a softlink?01:40
swattohmm guys my computer loaded up this morning, works fine but the interface is  a bit messed, i can only see half of my username and the power button is missing to shut the machine down?01:40
kingofswordsJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/605009/ thx01:40
paulbluenail: because when I erase the file in the bittorent download directory (ie the original file) the soft link (in my TV sections of my server) won't work anymore, because the original file is gone.  Unless I'm missing something about soft links01:41
Jordan_Ukingofswords: Windows Can't boot from a logical partition.01:41
paulbluenail: also, I'm not sure how well I'm describing my situation01:41
bluenailpaul ah, I understand now.01:41
cyberfroghow do i kill the unity session? it's all farked up01:41
cyberfrogwhich process manages it?01:41
kingofswordsso do i change that in gparted or disk utilty01:41
_alazarcyberfrog, I thinkg it's gnome-session as well.01:41
vaxinatedcyberfrog: why not just logout?01:41
swattowhats the shortcut key to shut the machine down please?01:41
Jordan_Upaul: Just make the hard link without the .part in the name in the first place.01:42
cyberfrogvaxinated: because the session was farked and there was no logout button and ctrl+alt+backspace did nothing01:42
vaxinatedswatto: ctrl-alt-delete01:42
bluenailpaul Jordan had a MUCH better idea than what I was typing :)01:42
paulJordan_U: yea, that's generally what I do, but sometimes I am downlaoding many videos in one file (hope I'm not making it too obvious what I bittorent) and then I can't just do "ln * ~/TV)01:42
kingofswordsJordan_U,  can i change the logical p artition?01:43
paulJordan_U: I have to do an ln to each individual file01:43
vaxinatedcyberfrog: ctrl-alt-delete does not give a shutdown/logout dialogue?01:43
Jordan_Ukingofswords: Yes, but it can be difficult.01:43
paulit'd be awesome if I could hard link a directory OR get transmission to not temporarily save as .part files01:43
cyberfrogvaxinated: no... it was the first thing i tried.01:43
vaxinatedcyberfrog: what are the symtoms of your unity probelm?01:44
cyberfrogvaxinated: i no longer have an issue as i have restarted the session.01:44
Jordan_Upaul: You can also create a symlink pionting to what the directory will be named. The targed doesn't need to exist to create a symlink, the symlink will just be broken untill it does.01:44
_alazarcyberfrog, have you tried disabling unity plugin in ccsm and then reenable it?01:44
bluenailpaul your best bet might be to write a script to rename .part files.  sadly I do not know much scripting to help you.01:45
kingofswordsJordan_U,  do i use gparted or disk utiltu?01:45
Jordan_Ukingofswords: I don't know.01:46
paulJordan_U: I don't quite understand01:46
paulbluenail: i ahve something SIMILAR going on, hard to explain01:46
bluenailpaul: I am guessing the idea of just downloading things into their final destinations is too easy?01:47
paulbluenail: I can't specify to which directory each file will download when I use transmission for bittorents01:48
Jordan_Upaul: Say that there currently exists a directory ~/Downloads/foobar.part/ run "ln -s ~/Downloads/foobar /somewhere/else/"01:48
gustavoalguem sabe um bom editor de video para o ubuntu??01:48
=== ollie_ is now known as ollie121
_alazargustavo, openshot01:48
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:48
paulJordan_U: I see what you mean, but when I'm doing bittorents I end up throwing away ~/Downloads/foobar when after it has been properly seeded, then it's symlink will be gone... I'm pretty sure01:49
Jordan_Upaul: /somewhere/else/ will be a broken link untill ~/Downloads/foobar/ (without the .part) exists (and will be broken again if ~/Downloads/foobar/ goes away).01:49
ollie121hey guys01:49
vaxinatedyo ollie12101:49
Jordan_Upaul: Many bittorrent clients allow running a command when a torrent finishes.01:50
ollie121Just testing out Ubuntu on a netbook. Any way i can get rid of the netbook interface01:50
ollie121hey vaxinated. how is it going ?01:50
KM0201!classic | ollie12101:50
ubottuollie121: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.01:50
_alazarollie121, logout and in the login screen, select classic ubuntu.01:50
vaxinatedollie121: what alternate do you want to use?01:50
gogeta1ollie121: nope unity is fail01:51
ollie121i shall try that _alazar01:51
gogeta1ollie121: im running xfce01:51
paulJordan_U: good idea, except I want the end resting place of my media to be in different places, like ~/Movies, ~/TV, ~/Pictures,  so I need to manually tell them where to go01:51
ollie121vaxinated. what di you mean by alternate ?01:51
vaxinatedollie121: i love unity!01:51
gogeta1ollie121: xubuntu kubuntu lubuntu01:51
_alazarI'll love unity when the launcher look more like docky.01:51
gogeta1ollie121: or switch to gnome classic for now01:52
ollie121a;right i shall give it a shot01:52
isisi got a problem with compiz in ubuntu 11.04, the unity was lose there is a way to fix?01:52
vaxinatedollie121: i guess you wanted an alternate desktop interface (e.g. gnome or kde)01:52
ollie121vaxinated: yes01:52
_alazarisis, have you got 3d acceleration? $ glxinfo | grep render01:52
bluenailpaul: You've got me stumped, I think yor best bet is still to get a script to traverse your tree and do the renaming.01:53
vaxinatedollie121: like they said.  Ubuntu Classic is the gnome interface (alternative to using unity)01:53
bluenailI'm heading out all, going back to google and see what I can find on xinerama since nobody seemed to have a better idea.01:53
ollie121vaxinated: ah i did not know that. the name i mean. alright i shall try switching from the login.01:53
isis_alazar, comand not found01:53
Jordan_Upaul: You can do anything in a shell script. Put the path you want it to end up as in a file ~/Downloads/foobar/where_it_should_go.txt, or make a symlink to the parent directory like "ln -s ~/Videos/ ~/Downloads/foobar/what_directory_it_should_be_moved_into.symlink".01:54
paulbluenail: yea, I have a script set up that... helps me a little, I'll be ok01:54
MatisseI want to let you know that I solved my problem with a Perl-script i found in the web01:54
_alazarisis, you'll need to install mesa-utils first01:54
lsvso I change my /etc/default/grub file from GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text quiet splash" and now Ubuntu starts in text mode, the problem is that when Ubuntu finish booting up I need to press Ctrl + Alt + F[1-6] to log in, is there any way to boot to any of the ttys?01:55
isis_alazar, unable to open display01:55
isis_alazar, i just want to be back my unity01:55
_alazarisis, looks like you f*** up drivers or something.01:56
toneshiftersup all :)01:56
_alazarisis, have you got ati, nvidia...?01:56
isis_alazar, ati01:56
lsvtoneshifter: sup =]01:56
Note-bookNVidia drivers made my Window title bars go away and my system's behaving like a bitc# :( Removed nvidia-current etc. etc. but nothing :(01:56
cyberfrogwhat's the pre-unity window manager from 10?01:56
toneshifterdoes anybody know how why isn't ubuntu installator shows "instal allong other systems" option?01:56
_alazarisis, try installing xorg-xvideo-radeon (I think it's the name).01:56
toneshifterit did before but it does not right now01:57
vaxinatedcyberfrog: what do you mean?01:57
cyberfrognevermind, i'll just use google01:57
_alazarI think he refered to metacity or compiz.01:58
toneshifteror at least how to take a part of ntfs partition without fucking up the data ?01:58
_alazartoneshifter, manual partitioning.01:58
Jordan_U!language | toneshifter01:58
ubottutoneshifter: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:58
toneshifterJordan_U my bad01:58
isis_alazar, doesn't work01:58
_alazarisis, are you in classic gnome?01:58
=== foobar is now known as kanrenao
Jordan_Utoneshifter: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".01:59
isis_alazar, no how can i go there01:59
Note-bookanyone? :(01:59
isis_alazar, i in a terminal01:59
vaxinatedNote-book: one!01:59
Note-bookvaxinated, lol. 11.04 :(01:59
_alazarisis, can you go to the login screen?01:59
vaxinatedNote-book: love it!01:59
Note-bookvaxinated, I hate it :(02:00
vaxinatedNote-book: what is not to like?02:00
LaurentR2D2Hello. I have a problem launching Ubuntu 11.04 live cd on a Mac Pro. I see the first launch screen and then it stops on a black screen and nothing happens anymore. Anyone with an idea ? It's a Mac Pro 2006, with a Cinema display on a mini display port02:00
Note-bookvaxinated, NVidia drivers.02:01
toneshifterJordan_U im running live cd right now and trying to install xubuntu along windows02:01
Jordan_Utoneshifter: I need to leave but you probably have an invalid partition table. See: http://www.rodsbooks.com/fixparts/02:01
vaxinatedNote-book: what is wrong with the drivers?02:01
_alazarNote-book, nvidia wasn't superior to ati in linux environments?02:01
toneshifteri mean gparted sees all partitions02:01
toneshifterjust installer does not give me an option "install along windows"02:02
bonez2046I have two identical sata drives, each is 250 gb.. both are bootable. I run off one and other has data on it I want to merge over to my main drive. How can I check to see which files are dupes, and then merge the data onto one drive so that the other drive can be for network storage and backup?02:02
toneshifterit did on the beginning02:02
Note-book_alazar, It was perfectly fine till 10.10.02:02
toneshifterbut it does not right now02:02
toneshifter(after restart)02:02
KM0201toneshifter: so you'll probably hve to "manually" set your partitions....02:02
gustavoalguem sabe como que fais  para ver o I.P???02:02
Note-bookvaxinated, They're messing up. Even now, I don't have any window titles or anything and the whole environment is messing up.02:02
vaxinatedbonez2046: check out 'rsync'02:02
toneshifterKM0201 the question is how to do that without messing up the data on windows partition02:03
_alazarNote-book, alt+f2 and try metacity --replace02:03
bonez2046vaxinated: thanks..02:03
KM0201toneshifter: PM?02:03
cordoval_hi, anyone experiencing sudden shut downs or log offs on ubuntu natty?02:03
vaxinatedNote-book: did you enable the 'hardware drivers'?02:03
cordoval_what should I check?02:03
lsvgustavo: ifconfig02:03
cordoval_I am experiencing that it tends to shut down or go to sleep or log off02:03
cordoval_mostly log off or send me to dark screen02:03
Note-bookvaxinated, I did. It says "DRIVER READY BUT NOT ACTIVE" or something along those lines02:03
cordoval_what is this?02:03
isisanyone know how to fix my unity after broke with compiz cube?02:04
cordoval_how can I check what is wrong? I had tried to look it into the logs but not sure where to look02:04
cordoval_is this a known bug on natty?02:04
cordoval_it is really strange02:04
vaxinatedNote-book: Try to get them 'Active'02:04
gustavoalguem sabe como fais para ver o I.P02:04
Note-bookvaxinated, They won't.02:04
bonez2046vaxinated: one question, if I mount the other drive...I can view contents and move most contents, but some directories disallow me from moving contents..noting some permission issue..02:04
Note-book_alazar, I cant click in the box. It's all messed up :( I'm gonna quit XChat and try to get focus of the box02:05
LaurentR2D2no one has an idea of what can stop my Mac Pro from booting the live cd ? :)02:05
vaxinatedisis: try using 'reset to default' in compiz02:05
IdleOne!br | gustavo02:05
ubottugustavo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:05
IdleOnegustavo: www.whatsmyip.com02:05
kingofswordshow do i get my windows back in the boot menu02:06
_alazarYou'll need to fix the partition table and then re-install grub2, I think.02:07
jim__how can I disable nv (nouveau) everywhere and use a modeset in grub to specify nvidia driva to load?02:07
S4RYam facing this odd issue , am unable to post-/repla in forums within firefox , chromium , i've tried almost all the web browsers packed in Ubuntu , even tried ' w3m , lynx ' web browser text based .. in Chromium / i get Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error.02:08
S4RYin FireFox , and others along with 'w3m , lynx ' / a posting.php file pops up , would load for less than a second and would say done with a blank pageand thats about it.02:08
_alazarjim__, just install it from the propietary software manager, or whatever it's called in english.02:09
S4RYwhats killing me is that i can successfully replay-post in-to forums from a windows box !02:09
jim___alazar, I'm not sure I understand?02:09
_alazarjim__, doesn't ubuntu prompt you to install restricted drivers for your nvidia?02:10
kingofswords_alazar, how do i fix artition table?02:10
centHOGGrestricted drives = hilarious02:10
_alazarkingofswords, I don't know, there are some manuals on the big G.02:10
kingofswordsok thx02:11
jim___alazar, yes but that failed miserably so I installed the nvidia prop driver and it assumes init for the install02:11
undriedseaI am having a problem with the proc filesystem, what is the best channel to ask for help on?02:11
anonymou1last time i checked all the good driver are restricted ones.02:11
jim___alazar, that said, I need to disable nouveau or start nvidia manually each time i log on02:11
AlcariTheMadin 10.04, i could rearrange the open windows in the gnome bar at the bottom, i just updated to 11.04 (classic) and i can't do that anymore;  is there any way to get that feature back?02:11
kingofswordsis the big g , google?02:11
_alazarjim__, try downloading them from the official web, maybe an update fix i.02:11
jim___alazar, if you don't know the answer, please say so rather that shooting in the dark02:12
anonymou1yes, you have to add that to the bottom bar02:12
ThomasB2kIs there any way to get Unity's overlay scrollbars in Lucid?02:13
Soupermanito:( i cant install gdesklets, the error is fixed in the next update and its not in the repositories and installing from scratch is a pain02:13
jim__Does anyone know how to properly disable nv on 10.10?02:13
_alazarjim__, I'm glad you appreciatte how people try to help you.02:13
anonymou1install screenlets not gdesklets ..02:13
Soupermanitois there any other stuff i can use to have some nice weather/clock on my desktop thats not into the panel?02:13
IsUphow can i make a cronjob work to every 2 hours 30 minutes?02:13
IsUpi mean, 10 times in 1 day.02:13
centHOGGjim__: go into synaptic and uninstall everything nvidia02:14
kanrenaocan i use windows 7 in ubuntu?02:14
jim__centHOGG, i want to disable nouveau and not nVidia02:14
anonymou1wine fun.02:14
vaxinatedkanrenao: use virtualbox and install windows 7 in a virtual machine.02:15
_alazarAlcariTheMad, there is a workaround that only works in present seasson. Right-click the panel and click Properties, then select and deselect "Show hide buttons"02:15
X-planemakerHello, I am having difficulty executing a file on another drive02:15
KalkiX-planemaker, do you have execute permissions on the file?02:15
AlcariTheMad_alazar: any way to make that permanent?02:16
kanrenaovaxinated: but it's only for the toshiba laptop02:16
_alazarAlcariTheMad, no, I'm frustrated by that too.02:16
X-planemakerbash: ./X-Plane-i686: No such file or directory02:16
Kalkils -la X-Plane-i68602:16
X-planemakerI can read the file, follow the path, but then it errors02:16
FaerunnerSo this is getting old. My laptop keeps losing the wireless connection at random, but it thinks it's still connected.02:16
FaerunnerThus far the only solution I've found is to force it to reconnect.02:16
_alazarAlcariTheMad, on "askubuntu" page someone said: "I'm not sure about what you're trying to achieve, but maybe running the command gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel may help as it resets the GNOME Panel to defaults, leading to a Maverick-like interface. "02:17
X-planemaker ls -la X-Plane-i68602:17
X-planemaker-rwxr-xr-x 1 gabriel root 12949883 2011-02-25 12:39 X-Plane-i68602:17
_alazar_alazar, I've not tested it.02:17
IsUpsorry for repeating again. how can i make a cronjob works to run 10 times in 1 day. so it means 2,5 hours.02:17
codex84trying to remove transmission but i get this error02:18
codex84E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:18
Kalkiand if you cd to that directory and do ./X-Plane-i686 it gives you that error message?02:18
mishaI have been trying to load the 2010 version of pcb, the circuit board layout tool02:18
vaxinatedIsUp: create a separate cron job for each time (at least 10)02:18
mishabut the configure script hangs on the GD library02:18
mishaanyone have nany suggestions?02:19
rageIsUp: I have cron entries like this: 05 0,4,8,12,16,20       * * *02:19
rageIsUp: That runs 6 times a day02:19
IsUprage: is that correct => */5 */2 ?02:19
X-planemakeryea Kalki02:19
FlannelIsUp: You'd need to make two separate cron lines, one for the "on-the-hour" ones, and one for the "on-the-half" ones.02:19
rageIsUp: No idea, sorry02:19
KalkiX-planemaker, tried copying the file to another directory?02:20
IsUpFlannel: i just want to run it every "150 minutes"02:20
X-planemakerIt requires being in that directory in order to run.02:20
dabbish_nick dan-work02:20
FlannelIsUp: cron doesn't let you do that though.02:20
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KalkiCould make a link maybe02:20
X-planemakerI tried executing it in nautilus to no avail as well.02:20
X-planemakerahh good idea02:21
Relevant-Sigh- it just wont let me boot02:22
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FlannelIsUp: You can do one at 0100,0600,1100,1600,2100 and one at 330,830,1330,1830,2330 (I just picked 1 to start to reduce ambiguity at 0/24)02:22
IsUpFlannel: may you tell me exact syntax?02:23
FlannelIsUp: 0 1,6,11,16,21 * * * command02:23
FlannelIsUp: 30 3,8,13,18,23 * * * command02:24
IsUpFlannel: so it means 10 times in 1 day, right?02:25
UnfriendlyMooseWhat computer would guys recommend best for Ubuntu? A Macbook or a HP Envy or a different laptop that has better compatibility?02:25
FlannelIsUp: That's ten times, yes.  But there's only an hour and a half between the last one and the first one of the next day (because 150*10 = 1500, not 1440)02:26
centHOGGthe cheaper one02:26
IsUpFlannel: thank you02:26
UnfriendlyMooseWell, there both around the same price @centhogg02:26
tzangerGood evening02:27
UnfriendlyMooseI want the best compatibility02:27
_alazarUnfriendlyMoose, I've got a dell and everything works fine.02:27
tzangerI'm looking at my 10.04 ubuntu box and thinking it might be a good time to upgrade to 11.04...  sudo do-release-upgrade, however, says that there is no new release available02:27
kanrenaoUnfriendlyMoose: now it's time laptop's will want to suit ubuntu02:27
tzangeris this expected operation02:27
IdleOnetzanger: correct, you can't leapfrog release like that except from LTS TO LTS02:28
IdleOne11.04 is not a LTS02:28
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centHOGG12.04 the next lts02:28
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UnfriendlyMoose@alazer I'll take in consideration a Dell, but the Envy is just plan sexy.02:28
RelevantAnonops IRCs all down LOL02:29
* Relevant /facepalm02:29
centHOGGmacbook = osx02:29
_alazarUnfriendlyMoose, take a look at this http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/02:29
mknarrosx = fail02:29
mishano suggestions on how to load GD library?02:30
UnfriendlyMooseI really don't like OSX02:30
_alazar_alazar, also, check the specifications of envy and search if people is getting trouble with it in Ubuntu.02:30
mknarrmacs HW design is awesome but their OS sux02:30
_alazarArf, why i put my own nick.02:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:31
mknarrwell enough of that back to ubuntu :D02:31
tzangerIdleOne: aha okay, thank you.02:31
UnfriendlyMooseI searched around and envys have some compatibility but the threads are quite old.02:31
UnfriendlyMooseI heard Samsungs have good compatibility02:31
UnfriendlyMooseHas anyone else noticed that Chromium won't stay as the default web browser?02:32
_alazarI've noticed that my Chromium says "NaN" minutes left in downloads and "show in folder" while my main language is spanish.02:34
syraghis that on 11.04 moose?02:34
UnfriendlyMooseYes. I just installed it a few days ago02:35
itaylor57UnfriendlyMoose: I am using Chromium daily so I havent' seen thatproblem02:35
UnfriendlyMooseIll try that instead02:35
AlcariTheMad_alazar: new question!  how do i make a specific shell script run when gnome starts?02:36
syraghi have chrome as default02:36
rageIsUp: Did you get a solution to your cron troubles?02:36
xaemonicGtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks" do i need to download the old theme engine??? someone plz help!!!!!!02:37
_alazarAlcariTheMad, you can add it in... I don't know how it's called in english.02:37
_alazarstart applications, maybe02:37
xaemonici cant find ubuntulooks theme engine in repositorys!!!02:37
xaemonicsomeone please help me sniff sniff :(02:37
jimrewwhen you make a custom ubuntu live cd can you chroot into gdm in a virtual window?02:37
MeisjeYeah, I also need help (compleeeete beginner)02:38
xaemonicwat u tryin to do meisje02:38
rageIsUp: If you didn't get one then this should work 30 * * * * <user> [ `date +"((%H * 60) +  %M)%150"  | bc` -eq 0 ] && <command>02:38
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jimrewwhat do you need help with?02:38
jmzexaemonic, sudo apt-get installl gtk-engines-ubuntulooks02:38
MeisjeSo my bf (whose Ubuntu I have here) is at work and I'm trying to see how to share our external HD on the network02:38
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MeisjeIt's connected to his Ubuntu-d laptop.02:39
jmzexaemonic, not sure if that'll fix it, have you tried that?02:39
xaemonicjmze that dosent work that file dosent exist on my repositorys im useing xubuntu btw02:39
UnfriendlyMoose@alazar I'm guessing you downloaded it from launchpad (its the daily builds correct?)02:39
jimrewsorry cant help you with that but i have the same prob02:39
jimrewwhen you make a custom ubuntu live cd can you chroot into gdm in a virtual window?02:40
jmzexaemonic, what exactly are you trying to do?02:40
FaerunnerCase in point.02:40
xaemonicim trying to install dofus02:40
xaemonicwith adobe air02:40
xaemonicbut adobe air refuses cuz it gets error02:40
jimrewcan some one tell me??02:40
xaemonicGtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks"02:40
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xaemonicthat error..02:40
MeisjeSo, noone willing to help a total, uh, U-virgin?02:41
jmzexaemonic, try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148049402:41
r0fs3ck5jimrew: Why don't you try it?02:41
xaemonici tryed that02:41
xaemonici tryed everything...02:41
jimrewi dont know how02:41
xaemonici cannot find what u asked me to look for in the repositorys for some reason..02:41
FlannelMeisje: Just trying to share between Ubuntu? No windows?02:41
leniosjimrew, why do you want to do that?02:41
x-planemakerthis is stupid! I moved the entire directory to the native drive and tried to execute it with the same error. The file DOES exist, but ubuntu think it doesnt02:41
xaemonici use xubuntu 11.4 but that shouldnt make a difference02:41
jimrewto make a custom ubuntu disc02:41
xaemonicrepositorys should be all the same...02:42
MeisjeFlannel: From Ubuntu to 2 Win7 comps (Well, only 1 for now: mine, so I can access the drive)02:42
triyhi all...02:42
jimrewi want to make a custom ubuntu live cd02:42
KalkiMeisje, tried right clicking the drive and set the Sharing options?02:42
xaemonicGtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks" should i download the theme engine maby a .deb or something? cuz it dont exist in repos someone ?02:43
FlannelMeisje: The traditional way is samba if you have to interoperate with Windows, however since Windows 7, Microsoft finally supports NFS, which is generally easier to set up (although I'm not sure how on the windows side)02:43
MeisjeYeah, but I don't actually know how to find the drive.02:43
Flannel!nfs | Meisje02:43
ubottuMeisje: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:43
FordPrefectHow do I save a .tar.gz file in a particular directory?02:43
FlannelOr if you want to go oldschool (or need to interface with non-Win7 Windows)02:43
Flannel!samba | Meisje02:43
ubottuMeisje: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:43
KalkiMeisje, Places if it's mounted.02:43
BrianHLooking for some suggestions ... looking to record my desktop for some screencasting purposes.  Tried recordItNow and some of the Compiz functionality doesn't work while recording (moving windows between workspaces in particular)02:43
MeisjeOne sec02:43
leniosjimrew, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization02:43
BrianHI learned how to use VLC to do it, but it's recording a lot of artifacts from the 3D effects and messing up.02:44
x-planemakerls -la XPlanei68602:44
x-planemaker-rwxrwxr-x 1 gabriel gabriel 12949883 2011-02-25 12:39 XPlanei68602:44
UnfriendlyMoosecan some one give me the command to install chromuim daily02:44
MeisjeHuh, looks like the whole thing crashed.  That's the 2nd time today it just goes black and nada.02:44
rageBrianH: I use gtkrecordmydesktop. Works very well for me02:44
glaciawhere is the guide for installing wow on ubuntu02:44
jimrewyes i red this but does not tell how to get in chroot in GDM02:44
wookienzguys, i have rythmn box and my iphone seeing each other but when i transfer songs that dont stick as it were, any ideas?02:45
BrianHrage, I'll have to check it out.  Thanks.02:45
xaemonicguys how do i downgrade from human-theme back to gtk ubuntulooks engine02:45
leniosjimrew, why do you need to chroot in gdm?02:45
BrianHUnfriendlyMoose, you want to install daily?  Setup a cron job for it.02:46
xaemonickeep in mind that the ubuntulooks repos arnt their anymore.. is their anyway i can downgrade?02:46
jimrewwhat i want to know is like reconstrutor log into gdm thro chroot02:46
UnfriendlyMoosecron job?02:46
xaemonicshould i install a older version of linux?02:46
leniosjimrew, ?02:47
xaemonicack anyone here have dofus installed by anychance?02:47
itaylor57UnfriendlyMoose: look at this link https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa02:47
bronzeanychance wrote doofus?02:47
crash1hdanyone know why I am getting this puttygen: cannot handle more than one input file ? running this puttygen id_rsa.ppk -L ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub02:47
BrianHrage, I'm an idiot on sleep deprivation, recordMyDesktop is what I used that's giving problems with Compiz now working properly.02:48
jimrewhow do you get in a virtual window with chroot?02:48
myrkCan someone tell me why ":(){ :|:& };:" (DO NOT RUN THE COMMAND) crashes one's computer? What does it do?02:49
Relevanthi 5 to sleep deprivation02:49
bronzemyrk: its called a fork bomb02:49
AlcariTheMadmyrk: offhand that looks like a fork bomb02:49
leniosxaemonic, do you have 32 or 64bit system?02:49
komodo169myrk:  i'm gonna try it02:49
m4vmyrk: is a fork bomb, check in the wikipedia.02:49
myrkwhat part of it makes it fork?02:49
bronze it forks off so many processes that it uses up all the system resources02:49
ragemyrk: Fork bomb, it launches copies of itself over and over until your computer crashes02:49
BrianHrage, if you could, try recording a session and move an application window from one workspace to another by click and drag.02:49
bronzemyrk: do you know bash shell ?02:50
myrkbronze, yes, but not all its operators02:50
rageBrianH: I dont have click to drag between work spaces, but its working great otherwise here02:50
FordPrefectHow do I save a file in Linux?02:50
FordPrefectevery time I choose a directory to save a file it default saves it to the download directory02:50
BrianHrage, ah gotcha.02:50
bronzemyrk: well in bash operators have multiple meanings, they vary based on context02:50
FordPrefectbut i want to save my files in another directory02:50
myrkbronze, ok02:51
BrianHFordPrefect, how do you save?  from what?02:51
myrkbronze, so does it basically create an infinite loop that launches different processes?02:51
bronzemyrk:  The key here is the ":" operator.  Go look it up on the bash page.02:51
ragemyrk: Essentially yes02:51
FordPrefectI save a file from source and then a prompt opens up and I choose the directory to save it02:51
r0fs3ck5FordPrefect: from firefox?02:51
BrianHFordPrefect, if you're referring to your browsers default download directory, that file path is set in the user settings.02:51
FordPrefectyes from Firefox.02:52
bronzemyrk: yes, it "forks" continuosly until the system crashes, or until the user;s "ulimit" is reached.02:52
rhizmoe_hi all02:52
FordPrefectuser settings is in preferences on Firefox BrianH ?02:52
BrianHFordPrefect, correct, the Preferences02:52
ragemyrk: Basically it definites a function called :() the function definition is to run : and print he output to :02:52
bronzemyrk: the ulimit command can specifiy a max # of processes for a user, creating an artificial resource limit that prevents fork bombs from bringing down the system.02:53
ragemyrk: Here is the expanded version function(){ function | function }; function02:53
myrkok, thanks02:53
bronze"how funcey! "02:53
rhizmoewhere is the setting that recreates my windows after a reboot?02:53
jmzei installed X and have fluxbox running on my server, now I need to get x11vnc working... it spits out an error about no display running02:53
BrianHFordPrefect, Edit > Preferences > General Tab ... There's a path setting to set the default download directory.02:54
myrkoh I get it, so it creates a function that calls itself in another process?02:54
litropyTo get Bluetooth working upon bootup, I have to sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart02:54
lsvdoes anyone know how to make Ubuntu start in text mode and at tty2?02:54
litropyany idea how to fix?02:54
r0fs3ck5FordPrefect: go into firefox.  brose to edit->preferences->general.  select download directory in the dialogue provided02:54
komodo169myrk: that sucked really bad - i'll never do it again, but it's not like you didn't warn me02:55
FordPrefectGot it. Thank you BrianH  and r0fs3ck502:55
myrkkomodo169, sorry about that :p02:55
BrianHFordPrefect, No worries. :)02:55
komodo169myrk:  lol - live and learn, no permanent damage02:55
jmzeHere is the error I get when I  try to start x11 : http://pastebin.com/LfNPRB0M02:56
ragemyrk: program called A { run A and copy its output to A, background that task } end definition. Run program A02:56
Omega!chroot | jimrew02:56
ubottujimrew: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot02:56
r0fs3ck5FordPrefect: I might add that some third party plugins have their own download folder settings, so if you are using one, look for it's special dialog02:56
myrkrage, thanks.02:56
jmzeoops, I meant x11vnc02:57
lsvI tried changing /etc/default/grub file to this GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text quiet splash" but it stays in tty7.02:57
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:57
lenioslsv, don't forget to run update-grub once edited02:57
jimrewwhen you make a custom live cd AND it extracts the files to the home folder HOW DO YOU START A VIRTUAL GDM IN IT02:58
bronzemyrk:   >>><myrk> oh I get it, so it creates a function that calls itself in another process? <<<   No, it doesn't call itself, it spawns off another new copy of itself, a new process. (we call this forking because where there was one proc, thee are now two )02:58
lsvlenios: I did and it just boots and stays in tty702:58
myrkbronze, that's what I kinda meant. xD02:58
lenioslsv, what are you expecting?02:59
Dr_Willisjimrew:  i dont think if you 'chroot' the term 'virtual' applies.02:59
bronzemyrk: yeah, I noticed that was a possible dual interpretation.02:59
lsvlenios: Is there a way to boot to another tty?  Like tty2?02:59
Dr_Willisjimrew:  and  it may take some setting up to run any X apps from a chrooted enviroment.02:59
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
jimrewjust a fake window like reconstructor03:00
bronzemyrk: so i elected myself peevologist to promote the vocabulary thats traditionally used to talk about it.03:00
myrkbronze, ok :)03:00
bronze"peeve Ho! "  :-)03:00
myrkthanks for helping me03:00
bronzeNP.   ( incomplete)03:01
lenioslsv, i don't think it's grub related03:01
bronze[now that was a bad pun! ]03:01
FaerunnerI give up on the wireless issue for tonight. I'll check back in tomorrow.03:01
sonic0568does anyone kown how to install the SOCKETCOM DUAL SERIAL PC-CARD driver?03:01
lsvlenios: so I just have to Ctrl + Alt + F2 everytime?03:02
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
leniossee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto , there's an option to force a linux command line argument from grub03:02
jmzeanyone have any idea why x11vnc won't start? http://pastebin.com/LfNPRB0M03:03
lsvlenios: Ok I'll read it, thanks.03:03
jimrewok its like makeing a custom live cd and then wanting to Customiz it in a fake window03:03
jimrewok its like makeing a custom live cd and then wanting to Customiz it in a fake window03:05
FordPrefectI'm trying to install a .tar.gz file and when I go to install it as I have installed previous .tar.gz files I get this returned back to me: error: package directory 'pymouse' does not exist03:05
leniosjimrew, you don't need (and probably don't want) to run a gdm window, just use the command line03:10
jordotechif i want to downgrade the php version on my server (natty) is it as simple as just removing php and installing the other version?03:10
jimrew command line is to hard for me03:10
leniosjordotech, i'd say yes03:10
jon5000help.  I am using xubuntu, just uninstalled compiz and now havve no window manager.  worse, the window decorations dont include any buttons and I cant move them around.  can anyone help?03:10
jefferywwhats the fastest way to put a root terminal up on my panel?03:10
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mknarrjefferyw, r u using gnome ?03:11
leniosjimrew, then just stick to the default gdm03:11
jefferywubuntu 11.04 gnome I think03:11
jimrewohh never mind :(03:11
mknarrjefferyw, ok under i think its  system> accessories  you will see terminal right click and  "add to panel" something liek that03:12
jmzeis there anyone here that can help me with x11vnc?03:12
soreauFordPrefect: You'd need to install pymouse first03:12
mknarri havent used gnome desktop in a while03:12
jefferywI dont see it under system03:13
mknarrjefferyw,  o shit you are using the new desktop  with 11.04 let me look it yp havent used that one at all03:14
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=== judeibe is now known as darkfire
bullgard4What does the term »Google Custom Search« mean as in http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/47 ? (I am uncertain about "Custom". I would understand »Google Search«.)03:15
IdleOnebullgard4: that is offtopic for #ubuntu03:15
jefferywthe command is $ gnome-terminal03:15
jefferywhow would you start that as root03:15
mknarrwell if you have the command just make a short cut using that command  on your desktop03:15
bullgard4IdleOne: Ok.03:16
jefferywsudo gnome-terminal    ?03:16
jefferywdoesnt work03:16
IdleOnejefferyw: sudo -i   for a root prompt03:17
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mknarrjefferyw, like i said im not fimilar with unity yet sorry not 100% sure03:17
Chippendalehow do i register my nick?03:17
judeibeChippendale,  ./nickserv identify password email03:17
judeibeChippendale sorry ,  ./nickserv register password email03:18
lsvmaybe you could try System -> Main Menu.  Then on left panel click System Tools then you should see the Root Terminal03:18
Chippendalethanks jude03:18
drcodehi all03:18
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drcodeI am looking for way to put all my rss links in central server and use rss reader to read them any idea?03:18
jefferywgksudo gnome-terminal03:18
jefferywwill ask for your user password03:19
jefferywthen drop into a root shell03:19
jefferywno way to make it so you dont need to type your password in :(03:19
Chippendaleno vhost channel in this network?03:20
IdleOnejefferyw: that is a bad idea. at least have it ask for the password when launching.03:21
IdleOneChippendale: #freenode03:21
thiensomeone help me why there is the difference??? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/542/screenshotzu.png/03:22
thiensby help me?03:23
gkahn"/t hola"03:24
dommer-Anyone here use sabayon?  I have a friend who needs help03:25
Hoythi , how can i change gdm theme in xubuntu ?03:26
Hoytwhere's the configuration file of gdm located ?03:26
dommer-? like what chu mean?03:26
Hoyton gentoo themes stored in /usr/share/gdm/themes , configuration file on /etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf03:27
whoeverhi all isn't there a doc/wikki on installing banboo wacom, i keep running across outdated stuff03:27
Hoytbut those were not discovered in xUbuntu03:27
dommer-well then I'm not sure D:03:27
Xeneththien:  not sure, should read 211.17MiB if cli is right,  but you got to remember, the cli is a snapshot.  That was at the time of the command, not at the time of the prntscrn.  The GUI auto updates.03:28
* dommer- could still use help on the sabayon problem03:28
r0fs3ck5How do you route DNS traffic through tor using ubuntu 10.04?03:29
claughaving problems activating my wireless card, any available for some help with this....i thought it was my broadcom card so i swapped it out for an intel wireless card in my laptop, sadly no luck with it either.....03:29
socratesxdthere are any ubuntu irc chat that speak spanish?03:30
dommer-pretty sure Xchat has that option senior03:30
socratesxdi'm talkin about a channel, dommer03:31
socratesxddo you know any?03:31
jmzeSo I managed to get x11vnc running by logging into the box directly, so according to http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-xperms it is a permissions issue. Now , anyone know if I can set it up so that the laptop(server) is not logged in, just at the command line, but the VNC server stays running and greets users with a login, like xdm?03:31
XenethPossibly if you get on a Spanish server, may be in channel list.03:32
socratesxddo you know any spanish server, xeneth?03:32
bullgard4!wireless | claug03:33
ubottuclaug: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:33
claugubottu: thanks i will look it over03:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:34
m4vsocratesxd: #ubuntu-es for spanish support, #ubuntu-es-offtopic for spanish chat.03:34
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:34
socratesxdthanks, m4v!03:34
Xenethsocratessxd: sorry, no.  Fairly new to IRC, I just thought of it by what I have seen of it thusfar.03:34
claugbullgaurd4:  !wireless ???03:35
iSkorupHi LjL-Temp03:37
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pythonirc101i'm downloading LTS03:40
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Guest73672is there a way to change to login screen so yoyu have to type your user name, not select it from a list ?03:41
XenethAnyone else have a slowdown issue after going to 11.04?03:42
izinucsXeneth: quite the opposit03:42
iszakis there a bash script that I can alias rm to to prevent rm -fr of any of the first level folders in root or root itself (I know there's a switch for that)03:42
godmachine81anyone know how to remove the favorite bar on the right side of the screen in gnome 3?03:44
iszakgodmachine81, how'd you get gnome 3?03:44
iszakgodmachine81, 11.04?03:44
godmachine81dont make me say it03:44
XenethWhile it's not all the time, seems Ubuntu has trouble logging in and comming out of locked state now.03:44
godmachine81lol all the other rooms are dead and i know this one has the most ppl that would most likely respond since this isn't distro specific03:45
claugubottu: doing an lspci is not even showing any intel wireless card in the system, same with the broadcom card....03:45
iszakgodmachine81, I know you can get it via ppa, but I mean doesn't that break unity?03:45
godmachine81i don't use unity03:45
sprungi heard Unity breaks all kinds of stuff03:45
AndChat-Unity is poop03:45
godmachine81unity is a rip off of gnome-shell03:45
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iszakheh, you really can't message unity without people bashing it, seems to be a lot of backlash.03:45
Guest73672claug: is it a wireless card or a usbstick?03:46
sprungi also heard that if i upgrade i will have problems with my Synergy setup (i use several pc's and a laptop at work, hooked together with Synergy)03:46
godmachine81ubuntu rushed in releasing 11.04 and wanted it to have the gnome 3 look without being gnome 3.. so they implemented unity with gnome 2.303:46
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Guest73672godmachine81: will dist-upgrade me from 10 to 11 or am i missing something ?03:46
claugyes it is a mini PCI-e cards03:46
sprungeverything i use at work is Ubuntu.03:46
mahir256wonder why...03:46
XenethThat could be the logging in issue I was just talking about.  :)03:46
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godmachine81Guest73672:: change your /etc/apt/sources.list  to 11.04   then do apt-get update  then do apt-get dist-upgrade and it should have ya..03:47
sprungcanonical didn't learn their lesson from the Hardy upgrade.03:47
sprungthey did it again.03:47
godmachine81but im not an ubuntu user so why you ask me i have no clue lol03:48
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claugGuest73672: they are both mini PCI-e cards03:48
froqHow the **** do I change text color in xChat?!  I went to preferences and thought I was doing it correct, however it was to not avail!03:48
itaylor57godmachine81: wrong information03:48
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FordPrefectHey when I go to install a .tar.gz file in terminal  I get this response. can anyone explain it to me: error: package directory 'pymouse' does not exist03:48
godmachine81itaylor57:: i don't see why it wouldn't work that way..03:48
xerophytei setup internet connection sharing it was working and assigned my eth0 to .. how can i disable the internet sharing so my eth0 does not get this 10.42.43.x ip ?03:49
izinucs!upgrade | Guest7367203:49
Guest73672claug: what about hardware detect tool, lspci should to it though what does dmesg show03:49
ubottuGuest73672: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:49
xerophyteeverytime i boot i get on my eth0 .. how can i setup that where do i configure that03:49
itaylor57godmachine81: like you said you are not an ubuntu user03:49
godmachine81itaylor57:: i have used it for years in the past, however i do things by the command line.. not a GUI03:49
mahir256FordPrefect: are you installing something requiring python? get the package and try again03:50
FordPrefectYes I am installing something Python related.03:50
izinucsxerophyte: you want to configure the ip address?  the network icon up by the clock should let you configure a static ip if you want..03:50
Xenethxerophyte: /etc/network/interfaces03:50
mahir256then get pymouse, install/compile it, and try again03:50
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xerophyteizinucs: i want to configure the dhcp with my router .. my box is aleays come with how can i change that .. thatn i manually do dhclient eth0 then i get the ip03:51
runaheyas. I would like to sync a folder every time I plug my phone into my computer. I checked udev (seemed to be too much), and nautilus and gnome-volume-manager's autorun, but I don't want the 'autorun prompt popup'. Any hints?03:51
xerophyteizinucs: i have xfce i could not find the network icon03:51
xerophyteXeneth: i don't have naything in the network/interface all i have auto lo iface lo inet loopback03:52
Guest73672godmachine81: the hotest disto in sources list is 10.0403:52
xerophyteizinucs: where can i change these setting from shell03:52
izinucsxerophyte: that address then is a default because dhcp isn't getting an address from the router.. which is why the manual method works. you could install wicd or network-manager if they are not present and it should work normally03:52
spencerhi guys i got a couple issue from upgrading to natty :(.. can anyone help? 1)my ath5k doesn't work anymore.. 2) Nvidia Driver is not working 3) My Sound works on the entry sound then stop working as soon as it's in gnome..03:52
izinucsxerophyte: Xeneth said it best.. /etc/network/interfaces .. google for how to set it to a static address..03:53
froqdoes anyone in here know anything about xchat?03:53
xerophyteizinucs: i mean when boot .. the network interface is configured with .. how can i disable that .. i could not find  way to disable that03:53
xerophyteizinucs: there should be way to disable this internet sharing and put in normal dhcp hmmm03:53
claugGuest73672: no luck on the dmesg either....03:53
bastidrazorfroq: everyone in #xchat does.03:53
Xenethxerophyte: You trying to set static IP or use DHCP/03:54
froqbassliner: o wow!  I will have to jump over there!!! :)03:54
madsailorI am having problems installing the PUEL Vbox 4.0.6 on Ubuntu 11.04. 'Package is of bad quality'.  Anyone else have this issue?03:54
* froq thanks bassliner 03:54
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claugGuest73672: what is hardware detect tool?03:54
xerophyteXeneth: trying to use dhcp from router .. but i did setup inetenet sharing before i get assigned from somewhere03:54
xerophyteXeneth: just want to disable that and dhch from the router03:55
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xerophyteXeneth: this box is configure to share from wireless before03:55
preecherjust installed 11.04---trying to do updates & it says failed on the translation packages---on the main server & on a closer server as well--is this anything i need?03:55
Xenethxerophyte: From what you said, sounds you computer has a script that runs at boot and does the configuration.03:55
spenceranyone have issue with ath5k?? is the kernel patched yet?03:55
Guest73672claug: hold on let me find on in aptitude03:55
xerophyteXeneth: may be but how can i disable this03:56
claugGuest73672: sure thing03:56
xerophyteXeneth: i forgot how did i setup the connetion sharing hmmm03:56
Xenethxerophyte: I don't remember the location, but give me a sec.03:57
xerophyte/usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file --no-hosts --keep-in-foreground --bind-interfaces --except-interface=lo --clear-on-reload --strict-order --listen-address= --dhcp-range=,,60m --dhcp-option=option:router, --dhcp-lease-max=50 --pid-file=/var/run/nm-dnsmasq-eth0.pid03:57
ayeceeusing 11.04, boot hangs right around detecting disks.. but continues for a little bit if I hit any key (e.g. ctrl). If I keep on hitting keys, it eventually finishes booting. It's as if it's not getting an interrupt it's expecting. Any ideas for troubleshooting?03:57
xerophyteXeneth: thats command does it03:57
celthunderspencer:most things use ath9k instead of ath5k now03:57
xerophyteXeneth: i am not sure where is it getting thos config03:57
Guest73672claug: i was wrong lspci is your best bet man03:58
Xenethxerophyte: look around in /etc/init.d/  It's likely you have a bridge setup.03:58
spencercelthunder: is that driver backward compatible to older cards??my card is around 6-7 yrs old :(03:58
Guest73672is 11.x officialy out or is it pre-release03:58
xerophyteXeneth: did grep 10.42.43 /etc/* -r   i got nothing03:58
MedjaiHow can i find out what driver my wirless card is using?03:59
celthunderspencer: should be not sure about thatfar back b ut mt card used to be ath5k and is now ath9k03:59
celthunderMedjai: lsmod03:59
TurkusamaOfficially out...03:59
claugGuest73672: hmmm and its not displaying that there is any intel wireless card....i guess i'm screwed hey03:59
Guest73672Turkusama: it doesn't show up under update manager03:59
cowslammerayecee i had that problem with earlier versions of ubuntu, never figured out what causes it04:00
Guest73672claug: check dmesg04:00
TurkusamaTry d/ling from ubuntu.com?04:00
Guest73672there should be something about the cards there04:00
claugGuest73672: doing it right now....one sec04:01
Medjaicelthunder it says that my MAC80211 <--- asuming this is my wireless card since it's the IEEE protocol has 2 things listed next to it [iwlagn, iwlcore]04:01
_joehey guys, really dumb question but google's failing me: i upgraded to natty and now have unity -- how can i re-order my quick launch icons? dnd doesn't seem to work...04:01
Medjaiso is it iwlagn or iwlcore?04:01
Xenethxerophyte: your going to have to look into the files yourself and google the settings.  I don't know exactly how it's setup.04:01
Guest73672Turkusama: d/ling == download ?04:01
xerophyteXeneth: i didn't do any special setup its something default with ubuntu04:01
xerophyteXeneth: how can i start this network manager with xface intercae i could not find the binarry to start it04:02
TurkusamaYea, sorry. Old AOL terminology04:02
Xenethxerophyte: Like I said /etc/init.d/  and /etc/network/interfaces are the likely places you will need to be.04:02
claugGuest73672: oh man theres soo much to go through in dmesg....i don't even know what i'm looking for...so far nothing about the intel wireless card though...04:03
Guest73672claug: try to tail to a file or cat it all to a fil then grep for manufacturer name04:04
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spencerhaving issue with my sound cards.. it plays the sound when gnome login. but doesn't play any sound after.. is this an ALSA issue or the driver issue?04:08
Guest73672claug: check out tofrodos is you go win to lin with thx files04:08
claugGuest73672: ok nothing in dmesg, going to take your suggestion to check out tofrodos right now...04:09
FordPrefectHey guys im trying to install a .tar.gz file (Python) on Ubuntu and I get the following error04:10
FordPrefectSyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\x8b' in file tweepy-1.4.tar.gz on line 1, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details04:10
FordPrefectWhat does it mean ?04:10
S4RYspencer: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting04:10
celthunderFordPrefect: tar xzf tweepy-1.4.tar.gz04:11
TurkusamaTry redownloading the package?04:11
celthunderFordPrefect: it's compressed lol decompress it with that first04:11
FordPrefectThanks cellardoor .04:11
claugGuest73672: thanks for your help, i will keep trying some things....more reading to do i guess....hehe...cheers04:11
r0fs3ck5How can I edit resolv.conf in ubuntu04:12
celthunderr0fs3ck5: sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf (replace vi with editor ofchoice)04:12
izinucsr0fs3ck5: use nano instead of vi and you won't get lost.04:13
r0fs3ck5celthunder: when I write out the file, it is automatically replaced with another version.04:13
celthunderr0fs3ck5: turn off dhclient or put it /etc/resolv.conf.head or .tail04:13
Guest73672claude2: np04:13
litropyAfter bootup, why do I have to restart bluetooth in order to get it to work?04:13
Guest73672do i need to change anything in update manager from default to get 1104:14
r0fs3ck5celthunder: thanks.  is there a config file for interfaces that I can make them static by default?04:14
vietredwhy does ubuntu choose empathy over pidgin?04:14
KM0201vietred: does it matter?.. you can install pidgin from th repos very easily.04:15
TurkusamaI want to resize my ubuntu partition, will I get an error when I unmount the partition?04:15
doc|homeKM0201: A lot of newbies wouldn't. They'd just say "this sucks" and go back to windows04:15
KM0201Turkusama: if the partition is in use, it won't let you04:15
KM0201doc|home: what do you mean?04:16
doc|homeI really don't know how empathy was even considered for "production" usage04:16
Guest73672Turkusama: use gparted and no04:16
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: are you using nm-applet?04:16
doc|homeKM0201: empathy04:16
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KM0201doc|home: empathy is fine... many don't like pidgin, because it sucks for voice/video (if it even works) supposedly this was one reason for the switcht o empathy... i don't use empathy, so i don't know04:16
voozeI'm formating my external WD my book now.. (usb 3.0) but should i use ext3 or 4? its for my mediacenter (so tv shows, movies etc.) any advice??04:16
r0fs3ck5bastidrazor: yes04:16
TurkusamaI have gparted, but I only have one partition. Do I need to boot into a boot disk or something?04:17
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: you can set which servers you wish to use there.04:17
r0fs3ck5bastidrazor: thanks, that would be handy.04:17
doc|homeKM0201: empathy's not fine any time I've ever tried it. Buggy as hell and horrible UI.04:17
vietreddoc|home: totally agree, one of my friends just look at ubuntu for 5s and then she tell me this is hard to use @_@04:17
pritojsI'm having issues with unity04:17
pritojsit just hangs when i leave it idle04:18
Datzanyone use package uptimed?04:18
pritojsit's a bug04:18
pritojsanyone find a workaround?04:18
doc|homevietred: install pidgin and ignore empathy. It's horrible.04:18
Datzanyone use package uptimed? All of my records suddenly disappeared04:18
combbreakerHi. My terminal isn't working properly along with some other thins in 11.04. Just happened all of a sudden. Could the files be corrupted?04:18
Datzdoc|home: but empathy has video chat, correct?04:19
vietreddoc|home: I've already done that, I just wonder why ubuntu doesn't make pidgin as default04:19
KM0201vietred: if your friend really looked at it for "5sec and said its hard to use"... your friend is hopeless, and needs to stay w/ windows...04:19
doc|homeDatz: I haven't used that to be honest.04:19
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: if you've created a profile for the current connection you're using then right click nm-applet > edit connections > highlight said profile > edit  > ipv4 settings04:19
doc|homevietred: no idea, not integrated as much as empathy into gnome maybe?04:19
Datzdoc|home: I haven't either, and I also agree with your first statement  :P04:19
doc|homeDatz: :)04:20
doc|homeDatz: I don't want people to know I'm naked when I talk to them on the internet¬04:20
KM0201empathy isn't that bad, but i admit, its the first thign to go on a new install04:20
* doc|home waves!04:20
pritojs@ combbreaker: what's the prob with the terminal?04:20
Datzdoc|home: lol04:20
Datzdoc|home: I do 0_004:20
combbreakerIt's not displaying the blinking prompt or anything. It's like a plain window with a black background. Gedit's the same way.04:21
crash1hdAnyone know how I can make this work in fstab? /media/MyOS/Documents\ and\ Settings/Crash1hd/Desktop /home/crash1hd/Desktop none rw,bind 0 0 all it says is line 18 in /etc/fstab is bad when I do sudo mount -a04:21
doc|homeDatz: hehehe04:21
vietredKM0201: I'm just a black sheep in the herd of windows' lovers, so lonely...04:22
r0fs3ck5bastidrazor: thanks, already there.  Is there a config file where NM-Applet stores it's output?04:22
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KM0201vietred: i understand (been there)... but if someone really looks at it for 5sec, and says its hard.. then they are hopeless, and trying to convince them, is a total waste of time04:22
combbreakerI believe they still accept input though.04:22
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: i'm sure there is but i don't know its location. if you can edit it in the GUI then why would you need its actual file?04:22
combbreakerIf I'm using Gedit and press a key it'll put an asterisk in the title.. but still noting is being displayed. Not even the GUI04:22
r0fs3ck5bastidrazor: Makes it easy to copy config over in new VMs.04:23
Guest56876unity 很好用04:23
Secluded1<--- still using 10.10...04:23
doc|homeI'll give it a few more weeks before upgrading04:24
DatzI took the plunge with the beta04:25
Datzthen things broke and I now have debian on my laptop04:25
Datznow I have problems with Debian :)04:25
Datzhaving to edit /etc/reslov.conf every time I connect to the Internet to change the nameserver gets old04:27
bin_bashif skype is continually freezing my computer where should i checke for errors?04:27
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: ~/.gconf.system/networking/connections ..look in there04:27
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: ~/.gconf/system/... rather04:28
BurzmaliHi all, I need an alternate to Unity, what options do I have04:28
r0fs3ck5bastidrazor: thank you04:28
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: you're welcome.04:28
vietredDatz: try to see if there is any "networking manager"04:28
zaerylets say that i've got 3 laptops, and i'm taking them on a cruise ship, with free electricity and no realistically priced internet. how hard would it be to set up a wireless lan to run a game server for my family?04:28
bastidrazor!classic | Burzmali04:28
ubottuBurzmali: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.04:28
izinucsBurzmali: kde/kubuntu .. classic.. xfce .. lxde... cli04:29
BurzmaliOkay, missed that option, is anyone taking donations to launch Unity into the sun?04:29
vietredDatz: I don't know Debian, but I have the same problem with ubuntu, the solution is configure the network manager instead of edit the file04:30
nappingupgrading to 11.04 is not working. I get an error "Invalid package information" - "After your package information was updated the essential package 'ubuntu-minimal' can not be found anymore..."04:30
Datzvietred: well I have to use a public nameserver as my local one.. isn't working correctly04:30
qinBurzmali: Me04:30
Datzvietred: ah. there is another way /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf04:30
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: there may be some files in /etc/NetworkManager  too that can be useful.04:30
Burzmaliqin: Someone needs to start up a kickstarter project or something.04:30
Datzvietred: should be able to edit something in there but never got it working04:30
BurzmaliThanks all,\04:30
Guest97869If I upgrade my macbook pro 7,1 to natty narwahl, should it just work, or are there known issues?04:31
druciferreI used to be able to descend in to /home/user/.gvfs/ and not when I try I get the error "transport endpoint is not connected"04:31
Guest97869currently on Maverick04:31
Datzvietred: also, debian and ubuntu are pretty dern similar under then hood as far as I have realized04:31
vietredDatz: if there is a network manager, it will re-edit your file so it's useless to edit the file yourself04:31
Datzvietred: well dhclient.conf isn't changed04:32
Datzbut /etc/resolv.conf is04:32
r0fs3ck5bastidrazor: I agree, very useful.  Thanks.04:32
Datzhence me editing it everytime :p04:32
bastidrazorr0fs3ck5: best of luck.04:33
combbreakerOk. I think my problem with the terminal/gedit/etc was related to the file system going read only.. rebooted, ubuntu noticed a problem with the disk and fixed it. What would cause problems like this?04:36
druciferrecan anyone help me with a gvfs issue ?04:36
nappingtrying to pick another mirror doesn't seem to change sources.list04:36
nappingor have any effect at all04:36
BlackWebJust Curious I've heard of Nautilus Scripts you can download What exactly are they for04:37
ActionParsnipcombbreaker: if the OS detecs a badly shutdown filesystem, it will mount it read only (look at the options in /etc/fstab). It may have been rectified so can now mount as writable04:38
ActionParsnipBlackWeb: they add items to the right click menu for some files, very handy04:38
BlackWebso like if right clicked on items or desktop then they'd give me more options04:39
ActionParsnipGuest97869: I always recommend a clean install personally04:39
BlackWebcause looking at some at gnome-look.org and was trying to decide how they'd work04:39
ActionParsnipBlackWeb: exactly, ubuntuteak has a few handy ones but you can find some online (or make your own) and add those04:40
nappingwell, it seems to work after rewriting sources.list04:40
BlackWebthen they all go into ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ Directory04:40
ActionParsnipBlackWeb: they are just bash scripts which getadded to the menu if you put them in that directory04:40
angbermuHi, any caps lock, num lock indicator for unity?04:41
mosnohow can i make the unity panel not hide when i have maximised windows?04:41
BlackWebAlright I'll try playing around with them and see how they go, Thanks :)04:41
ActionParsnipangbermu: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/indicator-keylock-ubuntu/   has a natty branch too :)04:42
ActionParsnipmosno: http://maketecheasier.com/autohide-unity-launcher-in-ubuntu-natty/2011/04/2004:42
angbermuActionParsnip: Thanks04:43
Tophsince I upgraded to 11.04, i have lost the panel which contains the x,minimize,maximize functions.. is that normal?04:43
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ActionParsnipToph: its called the window decorator04:44
TophActionParsnip,,, ok,,, how do I restore it?04:44
ActionParsnipToph: if you press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace    do they return04:44
joey1I have a problem with what audio drivers to use. Pulse audio doesnt work with some apps?04:44
joey1Which audio driver will work?04:45
TophActionParsnip,,, alt+F2 does nothing04:45
ActionParsnipjoey1: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh04:45
ActionParsnipToph: or run it in a terminal.04:45
maj-is there no longer an ubuntu laptop edition?04:45
TophActionParsnip,,, success04:46
TophActionParsnip,,, thanks04:46
ActionParsnipmaj-: unity can run on laptops or do you want the jaunty-esqu netbook menu thing04:46
joey1the alsa txt file?04:46
ActionParsnipToph: you arent running compiz now, if you close the terminal you will also switch back. but at least you can now troubleshoot some. Do you use an nvidia video chip?04:47
ActionParsnipjoey1: no, I gave a command04:47
joey1i ran it yes04:47
TophActionParsnip,,, i have a Radeon video card04:47
joey1it made a txt file04:48
joey1in temp folder04:48
mosnoActionParsnip: trying that now, thanks04:48
ActionParsnipjoey1: ok then select to upload to the server and a red url willbe generated. What is the url?04:48
ActionParsnipjoey1: thats fine too, just pastebin the file04:48
mosnoit's not that i don't like the auto hide per se, its that it doesn't quite work when running ubuntu as a virtualbox guest04:48
TophActionParsnip,,, ok,, when I closed the terminal, i can't even access my running programs04:49
Tophreally messed things up04:49
ActionParsnipToph: you can reboot and do it again. You can always add a startup item to run the command. Did you upgrade from Maverick to Natty by any chance?04:50
TophActionParsnip,,, yes, i upgraded04:50
ActionParsnipToph: thought so, does it happen as a fresh user?04:50
TophActionParsnip,,, create a new user?04:50
ActionParsnipToph: yeah, see if its the application or settings causing the problem04:51
TophActionParsnip,,, i'll try that04:51
ActionParsnipjoey1: not sure then, what apps don't have sound?04:51
joey1mic doesnt work but i have sound04:52
ActionParsnipjoey1: does the mic work in sound recorder?04:52
joey1just not ts04:53
ActionParsnipjoey1: ok so its only the mic and only in teamspeak?04:53
angbermuActionParsnip: Worked perfectly, thanks :)04:53
ActionParsnipjoey1: So what happened to: (04:44:32) joey1: I have a problem with what audio drivers to use. Pulse audio doesnt work with some apps?04:54
=== FordPrefect is now known as F
ActionParsnipangbermu: np man04:54
=== F is now known as FordPrefect-
joey1yes i think its the audio driver04:54
ActionParsnipjoey1: why weren't you more specific like that right off the bat?04:54
joey1sorry i thought there was a better driver that would fix the problem04:55
ddoom_how do you modify the $PATH var for sudo/root?04:56
ddoom_or for all users?04:56
ActionParsnipjoey1: in future, state the app you are having issue with if its only one04:56
ActionParsnipjoey1: may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak04:56
bronzeddoom_: alter the global shell profile init files04:56
joey1k thanks04:56
ddoom_bronze: where do they reside?04:57
bronzeddoom_:  look in /etc for files or dirs named "profile" or bash etc.. also skel.   (none of this is Ubuntu specific, sorry. )04:57
ActionParsnipddoom_: if you add it in /etc/profile it will be added to all users04:57
bronzeActionParsnip:  "<ddoom_> or for all users? "04:58
TophActionParsnip, i created a new user and all seems ok04:58
ActionParsnipToph: so we know it's settings based04:58
ubuntuIs there an easy way to disable unity that doesn't involve restarting? I'm in a live session and unity is really holding me back04:58
ActionParsnipubuntu: log off, log in to gnome classic and it won't run04:58
ubuntuActionParsnip: there's not logout button under the system menu even :\04:59
ActionParsnipToph: could ask in #compiz tosee if they have a fix04:59
TrentonAdamsHi Guys,  I have a funny blue icon in my system tray that I have no clue what it is.  It doesn't respond to clicks of any kind.  Any ideas?  http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd253/trenton_photos_2007/tmp/blue-icon.png04:59
TophActionParsnip, ok,, will do ,, thanks04:59
bastidrazorddoom_: add the files you wish all users to use to /usr/local/bin04:59
Scarra3Sup everyone04:59
ActionParsnipubuntu: then run: gnome-session-save --logout04:59
ubuntuActionParsnip: thanks04:59
* ActionParsnip uses CLI far too much :)05:00
ddoom_ActionParsnip, bronze: thanks I'll try add to /etc/profile05:00
ergZaywhy isnt pulseaudio dropped from default ubuntu?05:01
Scarra3So how How does ubuntu compare to windows 705:01
ergZaypulseaudio should be left for being installed by people who need it05:01
joey1ActionParsnip: how do i run things with padsp05:01
ActionParsnipScarra3: depends on tastes and requirements05:01
ergZayit causes more problems than it acutally fixes, and is mostly a piece of legacy software05:01
ActionParsnipjoey1: not sure, i've not used it dude05:01
mah454How i can install simple-ccsm in ubuntu-11.04 ...05:02
Scarra3Well I do programming but im looking for something faster and more secure with more customization05:02
ActionParsnipergZay: if you use Lubuntu, its not around (if I remember correctly)05:02
ActionParsnipScarra3: then its great, it can do all thatstuff05:02
ergZayActionParsnip: unofficial distribution?05:02
ShayGuyI've got a laptop running 10.10 that refuses to upgrade to 11.04 (lotsa "Failed to fetch..." errors), and the 11.04 LiveCD doesn't seem to realize I've got 10.10 on here at all.05:03
ergZayActionParsnip: well i dont think people want a lightweight system, they just want a system that doesnt break everywhere05:03
ergZaywhich is what pulseaudio does in default setups05:03
ActionParsnipergZay: kinda, its vying for officialness as hard as it can05:03
bastidrazorScarra3: that is like asking how Ford compares to Chevy.05:03
ergZayi dont know how many times i see people complaining about problems05:03
ergZayand the eventual solution is found "uninstall pulseaudio"05:03
ergZaythen everything works fine05:03
ergZayActionParsnip: http://amplicate.com/hate/pulseaudio05:04
ShayGuyI've made several posts to the forums, with no response.05:05
ActionParsnipergZay: never had an issue personally, but my hardware is always super linux friendly05:05
TrentonAdamsNo body has seen the icon in my sys tray before?05:05
ActionParsnipTrentonAdams: we can't see it05:06
TrentonAdamsActionParsnip: Yes you can. ;)  I sent a URL.05:06
bastidrazorTrentonAdams: that looks like a bluetooth icon05:06
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Scarra3ActionParsnip: The question is does it work with all my hardware05:06
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TrentonAdamsActionParsnip: Trying to get the link again, just a sec.05:07
ActionParsnipTrentonAdams: got it05:07
TrentonAdamsActionParsnip: http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd253/trenton_photos_2007/tmp/blue-icon.png05:07
ActionParsnipTrentonAdams: looks like blueman05:07
TrentonAdamsActionParsnip: What is that?05:08
arandScarra3: Trying it out with a liveCD is a great way to test most of the things that could go wrong.05:08
needlezhas anyone experienced a strange rip or tear in the screensaver when using a nvidia graphics card?? with propietary drivers?? nvidia 270.41.06? or could this be an issue with X?05:08
coz_TrentonAdams,  blueman  bluetooth05:08
ActionParsnipScarra3: should be ok, you may need some tweaks05:09
ActionParsnipScarra3: most of your stuff will be fine05:09
ActionParsnip!info blueman05:09
ubottublueman (source: blueman): A Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.21-4.1build1 (natty), package size 423 kB, installed size 2680 kB05:09
ComputerChicHi all :)05:10
ActionParsniphi ComputerChic05:10
ComputerChicHow is everyone this evening?05:10
hercgood and you?05:11
GryllidaHow do I change the onlogin message which I see when I ssh?05:11
ActionParsnip5am here and still good :)05:11
needlezdang Action thats early05:11
TophActionParsnip,,, i duplicated the compiz settings from the new user to my current user and all is well05:12
ActionParsnipToph: nice :)05:12
mosnohowcome when i press alt, unity shows me the current window's menubar, but none of the kb accelerators work, eg. alt-f?05:12
ActionParsnipneedlez: i've had 3 hours. I'm on nights tonight so I gotta work my body clock around05:12
nappingIs "installing xserver-xorg-core would break existing software" when trying to upgrade to 11.04 a bad sing?05:12
ActionParsnipneedlez: I'll be sleeping in about 4 hours to wake up at 4pm, ready for my shift :)05:13
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Scarra3ActionParsnip: This is my laptop05:13
nikhil_hi. can anyone tell me how to disable desktop effects in 11.04 when I am on battery power?05:13
nikhil_(i am using a netbook05:13
needlezAction: sounds fun, its round 12am ish here05:13
FordPrefect-Any Python programmers here that i can PM?05:13
nikhil_FordPrefect-, what do you need?05:13
Gskelligwindow manager issues..05:13
DiyttoSo i Have a PPC Mac G4 and i can't get the 10.10 live dvd to boot at all05:13
bronzenikhil  thats an excellent idea.  i don't know if thee is anything in Ubuntu's power management tools that can do that, but its a great idea.05:14
Gskelligon 11.04, i installed then uninstalled compiz and now I think nothing is set to the default05:14
nikhil_bronze, that was standard on kde :(05:14
ActionParsnipScarra3: should be fine, you may need a boot option to get the touchpad to play well, otherwise it a standard lappy05:14
nappingshould I just continue?05:14
nikhil_my power is being sucked and there's nothing I can do because the electricity is cut05:14
ActionParsnipDiytto: did you MD5 test the ISO you  downloaded?05:15
ShayGuyThis was the last post I made to the forums about my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175335105:15
DiyttoActionParsnip: No...05:15
nikhil_FordPrefect-, I'm no expert but you could ask me05:15
Gskellignikhil_, powertop?05:15
ActionParsnipDiytto: then how did you know the image was complete and consistent?05:15
DiyttoActionParsnip: How do I do that?05:15
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:15
nikhil_Gskellig, done that, doesn't disable desktop effects05:15
DiyttoI got it from torrent i believe05:15
ActionParsnipDiytto: its worth a check05:15
Gskelligi was having similar power issues on my laptop05:15
Gskelligand now my window manager is screwed05:15
Guest88813anyone experiencing firefox going to mobile version of any site05:16
DiyttoActionParsnip: Thanks. I'll check it tomorrow and see if it's good05:16
FordPrefect-nikhil_, here is the error I get: TypeError: me() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)05:16
coz_Gskellig,  11.04 Unity ..yes?05:16
ActionParsnipGskellig: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace05:16
FordPrefect-when I give one parameter to the me() function05:16
Gskelligyes coz_05:16
GryllidaGuest88813: I'm using Firefox for Mobile. I don't understand what you mean by your question.05:16
ActionParsnipDiytto: also when the disk starts to boot05:16
Scarra3ActionParsnip well I booted the livecd and my touchpad worked btw what version should I go with the x86 or x64 its an amd athlon x2 dual core 2.2 GHz and it has 4GB of ram05:16
nikhil_FordPrefect-, pastebin your code please05:16
nikhil_FordPrefect-, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/05:17
Gskelligalt+f2 does nothing, i managed to get a terminal up but metacity --replace doesn't get my sidebar or topbar back05:17
ActionParsnipDiytto: and you see the stickman at the bottom of the screen, press SPACE and check it for defects, you can also test RAM health too05:17
coz_Gskellig,  you could also try   in terminal     compiz --replace ccp & disown,, or in alt+F2   compiz --replace ccp &   however you wont get error readings in the run dialog05:17
Gskelligi just uninstalled compiz, thats why im having issues05:17
coz_I believe   unity --replace & disown is also ok05:17
nikhil_Gskellig, how did you fix your problems?05:17
FordPrefect-okay nikhil_05:17
Guest88813Gryllida, i'm on a laptop and a local news site always sends me to the mobile version05:17
mosnoScarra3: fwiw, "x86" encompasses both 32- and 64-bit systems05:17
nikhil_Gskellig, lol, that's hectic. i killed compiz and ubuntu just whacked out05:18
Gskellignikhil_, my problem was actually two graphics cards running at once, among OTHER power comsumption issues05:18
nikhil_then i realised uninstalling might not be a good idea05:18
GryllidaGuest88813: What browser are you using?05:18
Guest88813Gryllida, this is despite being on a regular laptop....05:18
nikhil_Gskellig, ^_^05:18
Gskellig=/ yeah ubuntu is "whacking out" right now05:18
GryllidaGuest88813: -> #firefox05:18
DiyttoActionParsnip: O.o i have never seen that it just goes to yaboot and i hit enter then it goes to a whit screen with some boot code then it goes dark and nothin happens05:18
nikhil_Gskellig, reinstall compiz?05:18
ActionParsnipScarra3: it's a 64bit chip so you can use either. I'd go for 64bit personally, it will help your compiling.05:18
Gskelligworking on that now05:18
TrentonAdamsActionParsnip: I killed all bluetooth related processes, and it's still there.  Any more ideas?05:18
nikhil_Gskellig, worst case...reinstall. You do have a separate home partition right?05:18
Gskelligi have the window manager05:18
Gskelligi dunno... i'm on wubi right now05:18
ActionParsnipTrentonAdams: kill blueman off05:19
nikhil_Gskellig, ah. never used wubi.05:19
Gskelligill do a real dual boot when I have time in a couple weeks05:19
killownI burn a cd-rom natty iso and I try to boot up, but seems de live system doesn't detect my nvraid setup and can't find the raid devices /dev/dm1 dm2 and so on.., do anyone experienced this problem before?05:19
Gskelligi don't recommend it05:19
Scarra3ActionParsnip: Ok thanks btw do you program at all05:19
nikhil_Gskellig, what do you use windows for?05:19
Gskelligdo a real dual boot, its not that much more work05:19
Gskelligfor when ubuntu breaks and I have homework due the next day =P05:19
ActionParsnipDiytto: if all tests as ok then try adding the boot option: nomodeset05:19
Gskelligand for troubleshooting at my job05:19
TrentonAdamsActionParsnip: blueman is not installed. lol05:19
KM0201Gskellig: wubi is just asking to brick both OS's.. i would not use it either05:19
TrentonAdamsActionParsnip: I just assumed it might be because I do have bluetooth.05:19
nikhil_Gskellig, lol. for that you could boot a livecd from usb05:19
GskelligI'm an underqualified sysadmin and tier1 support05:20
mosnoanswering my own question: kb accels aren't working because i forgot that i disabled menu access keys in gnome terminal :\05:20
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FordPrefect-nikhil_, here is the code: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/605046/05:20
Gskelligyeah i wont use wubi again05:20
KM0201Gskellig: it's not about using it again, its' about getting it removed.. that's a huge PITA>05:20
Gskellignikhil_,  what issues are you having exactly with power?05:20
mosnoi suppose a papercuts bug would be to not show the accels when these have bene disabled05:20
mosnobut meh05:20
lorenzgreetings--I have an Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network card on my laptop and the blue light is on but the 'enable wireless' function is greyed over on my gnome GUI, can anybody suggest what I can do to enable it?05:20
KM0201lorenz: what version of ubuntu?.. i've got that device on 3 laptops, and it works out of the box.05:21
lorenzKM0201, 11.0405:21
nessonicHello, I'm trying to mess around with learning about setting up an NFS system...but I have no exports folder in /etc...?05:21
KM0201lorenz: are you sure you're using ubuntu?... that device works flawlessly out of the box.05:21
FordPrefect-nikhil_, any ideas?05:21
nikhil_Gskellig, no real issues, i just know these desktop effects are draining my battery faster than it should be drained. in kde i had an option to turn off all effects. at this rate my 1 year old battery is going to last 45mins05:22
nikhil_FordPrefect-, I am looking at the Tweepy API05:22
lorenzKM0201, The blue light is on, so it works--however, my gui cannot scan for wireless networks05:22
nikhil_FordPrefect-, that information doesn't really help05:22
killownI burn a cd-rom natty iso and I try to boot up, but seems de live system doesn't detect my nvraid setup and can't find the raid devices /dev/dm1 dm2 and so on.., do anyone experienced this problem before?05:22
KM0201lorenz: i dunno, my wireless light has NEVER worked on Linux... but the device has worked quite well for about 4yrs05:22
quackaducknokhil_: what graphics card do you have?05:22
FordPrefect-Do you want me to copy and paste the function from the twitty API source code?05:22
nikhil_quackaduck, intel GMA 4500MHD05:22
FordPrefect-tweepy" I mean, nikhil_05:23
DiyttoActionParsnip: Okay. I dont think xorg works correctly though. I had trouble with it when installing debian05:23
lorenzKM0201, and the 'enable wireless' functionality is greyed over--the wifi worked until a couple of days ago05:23
ActionParsnipnikhil_: use ccsm and disable some plugins, you could just ditch compiz and install lxde, makes batterys last longer05:23
KM0201lorenz: try this in a terminal... sudo modprobe ath5k   then wait about 10-15sec, and see if you can get on a wireless network05:23
nikhil_ActionParsnip, that means ditching unity, right :/05:23
ShayGuyI pretty much have no clue where to go from here. I'm stuck. LiveCD not recognizing Maverick, Maverick not finding the Natty packages, and I can't even switch my "Software Sources" server.05:23
ActionParsnipnikhil_: I guess, you can enable compiz in lxde but it kinda defeats the purpose05:24
nikhil_ActionParsnip, yeah05:24
nikhil_ActionParsnip, as for ccsm, was looking for a one-click solution05:24
nikhil_ActionParsnip, I don't want to have to do this every time i run battery05:24
lorenzKM0201, No dice05:24
KM0201lorenz: dunno.05:25
KM0201very strange05:25
ActionParsniplorenz: Personally, I always use the method described at the bottom of this to compile the driver http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1505100   Keep the source handy as you willneed to remake it after each new kernel install.05:25
FordPrefect-nikhil_,  so you have no idea whats going on based on what i provided you?05:25
FordPrefect-what do you need exactly?05:25
coz_ShayGuy,  you checked the cd md5sum before burning at 1x  ..yes?05:25
Scarra3Is there a way to update my iphones firmware threw ubuntu05:25
murphyHi, how to resolve this issue:05:25
murphymurphy@murphy-Latitude-D630:~$ locale05:25
murphylocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory05:25
murphylocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory05:25
murphylocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory05:26
FloodBot1murphy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:26
Jordan_UShayGuy: The Desktop CD is not an upgrade CD, it can only do fresh installs (though you can do a fresh install while preserving your home directory).05:26
nikhil_FordPrefect-, ok05:26
murphyFloodBot1, sorry05:26
quackaducknikhil_: I don't know about intel cards, but when I use the open source drivers for my ati card, my laptop certainly runs hotter and drains my battery faster. Probably has to do something with power management on the intel drivers?05:26
nikhil_FordPrefect-, this is not the place for python talk, pm05:26
nikhil_quackaduck, yeah, intel fortunately releases open source only drivers05:26
nikhil_but they really suck05:26
nikhil_really suck means extremely bad05:26
coz_Scarra3,  see if this helps   http://wmarkito.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/update-iphone-firmware-to-ios4-ubuntu-1004/05:26
ActionParsnipnikhil_: try fusion-icon05:27
ShayGuycoz_: I got it straight from the main website; I didn't think it would be necessary.05:27
ActionParsnip!info fusion-icon05:27
ubottufusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB05:27
lorenzKM0201, I am sure there is a mundane reason behind this05:27
nikhil_ActionParsnip, ah, good idea05:27
murphyHi, murphy@murphy-Latitude-D630:~$ locale05:27
murphylocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory05:27
murphylocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory05:27
murphylocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory05:27
ActionParsnipmurphy: use pastebin please05:27
FloodBot1murphy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:27
coz_ShayGuy,  well yes md5sums are important to be sure the iso contents were not corrupt during download05:27
ShayGuyJordan_U: Good to know. :) Still doesn't bring me much closer to figuring out HOW to upgrade.05:27
lorenzActionParsnip, When I first installed Ubuntu, wifi did work out of the box, but now it does not. The blue light is on, it is a matter of simply finding out how to get the wireless signal working05:27
coz_ShayGuy,  and you should burn this at 1x speed ,, no faster ,,,05:27
lorenzActionParsnip, I was wondering a re-install might do the trick?05:28
ActionParsniplorenz: I had that too, same chip. Its a weird one05:28
coz_ShayGuy,   there is a minimal install cd,,  rather easy and all packages are download during install...netinstall essentially05:28
ActionParsniplorenz: its a possibility. If you run:  rfkill list     is it blocked in any way?05:28
jgouldwhat happens if I delete a partition wiht the flag of 'bios_grub05:28
coz_ShayGuy,  the one advantage  is that the cd is only 19 megs05:28
Jordan_UShayGuy: Can you boot Ubuntu 10.10 and pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update"?05:28
coz_ShayGuy,  it is ,however, NOT a live cd05:29
Gskelligargh i give up for now05:29
Gskelligreinstalling compiz didnt work05:29
Jordan_Ujgould: Grub will most likely fail to load. Why?05:29
lorenzActionParsnip, I see 'softblocked' yes, and 'hardblocked' no05:29
Gskelligand compiz --replae and metacity --replace didn't fix my problem05:29
coz_Gskellig,  did you do the compiz --replace ccp & disown from terminal?05:29
ShayGuyJordan_U: OK, I can do that. See you in a bit.05:29
Gskelligi didnt try & disown05:29
ActionParsniplorenz: do you have a shortcut combo which turns the wifi off and on?05:29
jgouldI'm trying to resize partitions, and this little (<1 MB) partition is in the darn way...05:29
Gskelligfinished reinstalling though05:29
coz_Gskellig,  that will allow it to be put into the background so you can close the terminal05:29
lorenzActionParsnip, and I also see soft block and hardblock yes05:29
lorenzActionParsnip, Just the button05:30
Gskelligdidnt work anyway05:30
coz_Gskellig,  however, if there are errors then it will be reported in terminal05:30
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
coz_Gskellig,  is this a clean install or upgrade05:30
Jordan_Ujgould: Then I would first make sure that you know how to re-install grub, then delete the partition making a new one to replace it somewhere else.05:30
Gskelligmetacity sort of worked, but I didn't get my sidebar/topbar back05:30
Gskelligclean install but05:30
Gskellighold on05:30
killownHow do I upgrade from x86 to x64?05:30
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KM0201killown: you can't05:30
coz_killown,   reinstall05:30
KM0201wel, there is that option.. :) but thats not an upgrade05:31
NiSi just installed 11.04, and i was wondering, i cant see the effects tab in appearance. I wanted the 'super+tab' effect that you get on selecting Extra, but cant find that.05:31
Gskelligi installed the mainline kernel on it05:31
killowncoz_, my cd of x64 don't recognize the nvraid05:31
KM0201killown: then it doesn't sound like you'll be using 64bit.05:31
coz_NiS,   make sure compizconfig-settings-manager is installed ,, open that with    ccsm or under system/preferences/compizconfig-settings=manager05:31
lorenzActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/58n9uHY405:31
Jordan_U!ccsm | NiS05:31
ubottuNiS: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz05:31
coz_killown,  oooo05:31
killownit goes to initramfs /dev/loop failed05:32
killownbecause was not possible mount any partition05:32
Jordan_Ukillown: 64 bit vs 32 bit should have nothing to do with supporting Nvidia FakeRAID.05:32
KM0201killown: it's really all irrelevant, because yopu can't upgrade 32bit, to 64bit... that requires a clean install, and if you can't install 64bit.. then it's a pointless discussion05:32
coz_simple-ccsm is not installable on 11.04  yet I believe05:32
killownJordan_U, here is not working05:32
NiSwill i get the super+tab effect after i install simple-ccsm?05:32
NiSits not?05:32
coz_NiS,  no  ,, it requires compiz 0.8.x05:33
coz_at this point anyway05:33
NiSthen? what should i do for super+tab effect?05:33
coz_NiS,  install compizconfig-settings-manager05:33
Jordan_Ukillown: What version of 32 bit Ubuntu worked? What version of 64 bit Ubuntu didn't work?05:33
coz_NiS,  which is the "full"  ccsm05:33
killownJordan_U, maverick x8605:33
killownubuntu natty 64bits didn't worked05:34
killownmaverick works fine05:34
Jordan_Ukillown: Then it's more likely a difference between maverick and natty than 32 vs 64 bit.05:34
coz_killown,  out of curiosity ,, what video card do you have?05:35
NiSsorry, but i am really new to ubuntu/05:35
NiSi typed what you told me to download in the software center's search bar, and got this...05:35
killowncoz_, gt43005:35
NiSadvanced desktop effects settings (ccsm)05:35
NiSshould i install this?05:35
FloodBot1NiS: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
coz_NiS,   yes05:35
coz_NiS,  after installing you can hit  alt+F2  type     ccsm05:36
ActionParsniplorenz: weird,could reboot, then run:  dmesg | less     to see what happens at boot05:36
lorenzActionParsnip, okay, will try that05:36
jfeIs there any way to have the "Places" show directories in $HOME that have been renamed?05:37
ActionParsnipcoz_: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/compiz-adds-natty-ppa/ ;)05:37
jfes/"Places"/"Places" menu/05:37
coz_jfe,  ooo can  you explain that better ..yes?05:37
Scarra3I had a question about ubuntu 11.04 the searchbox that shows up takes up the whole screen and I noticed on the ubuntu website that it doesn't there05:38
ShayGuyOkies, back.05:38
arandjfe: You can add them as bookmarks.05:38
coz_ActionParsnip,  the PPA for compiz?  I believe that is for maverick only ,, yes?05:39
ShayGuyJordan_U: You wanted me to pastebin the output of apt-get update?05:39
coz_ActionParsnip,  there is a script written by soreau that is flawless and much easier to deal with compiling compiz and it can be updated by running script again  ,, pretty nifty05:39
Jordan_UShayGuy: Yes (sudo apt-get update).05:39
ActionParsnipcoz_: site says natty, but isn't05:40
coz_ActionParsnip,  yeah sam didnt create one for natty,, no need with soreau's script if anyone wants to test it ... the compiled version is way better but no Unity plugin of course05:40
ActionParsnipcoz_: natty has 0.9.4 anyhoo :)05:40
coz_ActionParsnip,  yep it sure does :)05:40
NiSi started ccsm, i cant find the super+tab thing. and one more thing, the top panel has turned totally black! there is some weird patterns on it, now what?05:41
lorenzActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/hgQ3WZiW05:41
kittHello, I am trying to get my wireless card working and I downloaded a driver from Ralink that had the filending DPO.bz2    how do I extract this file properly?  I tried tar -xvjf and it said "bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file"05:41
ActionParsniplorenz: use cursors to scroll down and up, its a LOT  more than that05:42
ActionParsnipkitt: install unp, then just run:  unp filename05:42
ShayGuyJordan_U: It was a bit different this time. http://paste.ubuntu.com/605054/05:42
lorenzActionParsnip, this wahttp://pastebin.com/94jYpZNNs at the bottom05:44
lorenzActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/94jYpZNN05:44
kittActionParsnip: okay, going to try it out05:44
boxbeatsyhi, i'm trying to install the libcv4 with apt-get but i'm getting the following - update-alternatives: error: alternative link /usr/bin/javaws is already managed by javaws.before_restore_2011-03-28_21.01.32.08036605:44
boxbeatsyany ideas?05:44
boxbeatsythe error status was: dpkg: error processing sun-java6-bin (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 205:45
ActionParsniplorenz: eth0 is your ethernet port (wired conection)05:45
GryllidaHow do I change the onlogin message which I see when I ssh?05:45
coz_boxbeatsy,  did you already install ubuntu restricted extras?05:45
GryllidaIt includes a link to Ubuntu documentation by default but I want to expand it.05:45
ActionParsnipGryllida: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring05:46
boxbeatsycoz_: i think it's installed, when i do aptitude search tehre's an i next to it05:46
lorenzActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/qvkAj5tp05:46
ActionParsnipGryllida: theres a banner section there05:46
lorenzActionParsnip, I think that could be it...05:46
coz_boxbeatsy,  not sure but open synaptic package manager,, hit Search and type in icedtea05:47
ActionParsniplorenz: ok try this:   sudo modprobe -r ath5k; sleep 2; sudo modprobe ath5k05:47
coz_boxbeatsy,  you want sun java  ...yes?05:47
boxbeatsycoz_: yea from the error it seems like the problem is with sun java 6 bin05:47
ActionParsnipboxbeatsy: are you using natty?05:48
lorenzActionParsnip, I ran the command--should I expect something?05:48
boxbeatsyActionParsnip: not sure what natty is, i guess not?05:48
coz_boxbeatsy,  ubuntu 11.0405:48
ActionParsnipboxbeatsy: what is the output of;  lsb_release -d05:48
boxbeatsyoo, no 10.0405:48
coz_boxbeatsy,  is syanptic opened?05:49
ActionParsnipboxbeatsy: ok that answered it :)05:49
boxbeatsycoz_: yea05:49
coz_boxbeatsy,  and did you search for icedtea05:49
boxbeatsyi typed in icedtea like yous adi05:49
GryllidaThe page says I can replace "etc/issue.cat" with "etc/issue" to display message after the user logs in instead of displaying it before he logs in. How do I display both?05:49
coz_boxbeatsy,  did a list of installed packages s how up?05:49
Jordan_UShayGuy: Can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list?05:49
ActionParsnipboxbeatsy: http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-java-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ppa/   it also has a Lucid branch05:49
boxbeatsycoz_: yea i have 10 pckgs showing up, 6 have green boxes lit up05:49
ghostnik11can empathy 3.0.1 work in ubuntu 10.10?05:50
ActionParsnipGryllida: oh like when you first hit the server you want a message then05:50
ActionParsnipghostnik11: sure, why not05:50
coz_boxbeatsy,  ok  what I normally do is right click each package and      choose   Remove completely,, then hit search again and type  sun java  and look for the sun-java6-plugin05:50
kittActionParsnip:  Alright I tried out the unp program but it threw me back errors when it came to extracting, does it mean something is wrong with the file itself?  here is the URL http://www.ralinktech.com/license_us.php?n=2&p=0&t=U0wyRnpjMlYwY3k4eU1ERXhMekEwTHpJM0wyUnZkMjVzYjJGa056RXhOamcyTXpRMk9DNWllakk5UFQweU1ERXhYekEwTWpkZlVsUXpOVGN5WDB4cGJuVjRYMU5VUVY5Mk1pNDFMakF1TUM1RVVFOD1D05:50
ActionParsnipGryllida: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/change-openssh-sshd-server-login-banner.html05:51
coz_boxbeatsy,  if you want other sun  packages they will be there as well,, however,, the sun java plugin will pull in many of them05:51
kittits the RT3572USB driver on the Ralink site05:51
boxbeatsycoz_: ok doing that now05:51
ghostnik11actionparsnip: then how come when i put the new telepathy ppa it didn't update empathy, for me, i have 2.32.1 and i noticed that empathy is up to 3.0.105:51
coz_boxbeatsy,   then when both of them are ready  go a head and hit the  Apply button05:52
boxbeatsycoz_: i got the following error while removing: E: sun-java6-bin: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 205:52
ShayGuyJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605056/05:52
coz_boxbeatsy,   ok  go to the Edit menu in synaptic and choose    Fix broken packages05:52
ActionParsnipkitt: strange, the file downloads but is empty - 0k05:52
coz_boxbeatsy,  see if anything sh ows up05:52
coz_boxbeatsy,   then hit apply to fix if so05:52
ActionParsnipghostnik11: try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade05:53
ghostnik11actionparsnip: will try right now, thanks05:53
boxbeatsycoz_: hmm i dont think anything is happening when i cilck fix broken packages05:53
Jordan_UShayGuy: That is very odd. run "gksudo software-properties-gtk" and switch to the main or US mirror.05:53
boxbeatsycoz_: the screen blinks and nothing happens05:53
coz_boxbeatsy,  ok .. search for sun java,, are any packages already marked?05:54
kittActionParsnip: I think it may be due to a GET/POST thing or something, if you go to http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=2 and click on the RT3572USB linux driver, thats the file (You can enter in a bogus name/email when prompted)05:54
boxbeatsycoz_: yea, got 4 marked05:54
coz_boxbeatsy,   if so right click and either  Unmark   or  Remove completely05:54
boxbeatsycoz_: k05:54
coz_boxbeatsy,  then hit Apply again05:54
lorenzActionParsnip, that command you gave me earlier, was I supposed to follow it up with something?05:54
ChronicSyncopewell that was odd05:55
boxbeatsycoz_: ok done, got the same error though05:55
boxbeatsyE: sun-java6-bin: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 205:55
ShayGuyJordan_U: Switched to "Server for United States" and clicked "Close." Opened the window again through the Software Center and it still said "Main server." Is that supposed to happen?05:56
coz_boxbeatsy,   well it may be because it is nearlfy 1a, here and my eyes are heavy,, I know there is a way to remedy this ,, I have done it times before ,, I just cant think of it off the top of my head05:56
coz_boxbeatsy,  rather 1am here05:56
boxbeatsycoz_: hehe, i understand05:56
Jordan_UShayGuy: No.05:56
coz_boxbeatsy,  apologies for taking your time on this05:56
Jordan_UShayGuy: Has your /etc/apt/sources.list changed?05:56
coz_boxbeatsy,  someone here can definitly help05:57
coz_I am off to bed,, be nice ,, share what you know ,, dont walk into the light !!  :)05:57
boxbeatsycoz_: np, thanks for your help05:57
ActionParsnipkitt: not sure, the file seem broken05:57
boxbeatsyhi, i'm getting the following error when trying to install sun-java6-bin https://gist.github.com/08e55ee0b34fc4e9c8cd.  does anyone know how to completely remove and reinsatll sun java correctly?05:58
r0fs3ck5How can I point nmapplet to use a specific port for DNS?05:59
lorenzActionParsnip, whattya  think? A reinstall?05:59
lorenzActionParsnip, I was thinking Xubuntu this time...06:00
ghostnik11actionparsnip: nope, i typed the update command in terminal and nothing happened or changed via terminal or synaptic command, still saying i have empathy 2.32.106:00
ShayGuyJordan_U: Appears to be no change.06:00
kittActionParsnip:  :/  Alright, thanks for helping me.  I wish Ubuntu would have put more resources into hardware support rather than Unity06:00
ActionParsnipkitt: its not ubuntu's job06:02
ActionParsnipkitt: its the hardware manufacturers06:02
ghostnik11actionparsnip: i thinked its b/c i am on ubuntu 10.10 as when i look on http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/303030 it says 3.01 but it also says 11.0406:02
ActionParsnipkitt: if hardware manufacturers made more linux drivers it would be better06:02
ActionParsniplorenz: all I can suggest is compiling the driver, maybe others can advise06:03
zusis there a gnome version for  k3b?06:03
ActionParsnipzus: no, k3b is Qt only06:03
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:03
ActionParsnipzus: try gnomebaker, its pretty sweet06:04
zusdoes it burn images to usb so i can make bootable discs?06:04
lorenzActionParsnip, So it initially worked out of the box, and now it does not--can you suggest any reason why this might be? Could it be an update that caused it?06:04
ActionParsniplorenz: different kernel, differnet modules is my guess. Not sure06:05
lorenzActionParsnip, Ahhh, a kernel issue you think06:05
lorenzActionParsnip, like the card could be black listed or something06:06
ActionParsniplorenz: if it works OOTB then the controller is detected by the stock kernel modules06:06
lorenzActionParsnip, Worked, the blue light is on but the wireless connection is greyed over on the top left corner of the gnome gui06:06
lorenzActionParsnip, oops, top right06:07
NiSi downloaded the ccsm as said, for the super+tab effect. While enabling, it keeps asking me to resolve conflicts with others? what to do?06:07
intokHow would I go about debugging waking from hibernation?06:07
zusActionParsnip,  thanks06:08
lu5tichi there i am trying to mount a dmg file on my desktop could someone give me the correct command please06:08
=== gabriel_ is now known as Sir_Gabriel
ActionParsnipNiS: the shortcut combo is assigned to another active plugin, you can't have 2 actions using the same shortcut, read the dialogue is what you should do06:09
ghostnik11has anyone experienced problems upgrading via update manager from 10.10 to 11.0406:09
=== ksinkar_ is now known as ksinkar
ActionParsniplu5tic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManageDiscImages  has a section on DMG06:10
zusis unity supposed to minimise  windows as well? the launcher on the side?06:10
r0fs3ck5lu5tic: sudo mount -t [yourFS] -o loop /home/[you]/Desktop/your.dmg06:10
ActionParsnipghostnik11: no but i've seen loads in here06:10
NiSthanks, i disabled the other plugin. When i am doing one of the effects, the bar at the top disappears and instead shows random colours and patterns. Is this a bug?06:10
r0fs3ck5lu5tic: or something like that06:10
lu5ticthank you r0fs... i understood  just wast sure how to navigate to my desktop what the command would be THANK YOU06:10
lu5tici love this chat room06:10
ActionParsnipNiS: not at all06:10
ActionParsnipNiS: if you set a shortcut, then try and set another action to it, you will generate a conflict.How is that a bug?06:11
r0fs3ck5lu5tic: make sure you use capital 'D' for Desktop06:11
ActionParsnipr0fs3ck5: can dmg be mounted?06:11
NiSas i am typing in empathys window, when the line reaches the limit, instead of having a new line on the chat window the window keeps expanding to the left, and out of the screen! whats this!06:11
NiSbut i disabled the other plugin!06:12
usr_hellok, I just upgrade to the new ubuntu version. I used to have several icons in the menu bar. How can I restore them? Also, how can I move the new bar to the right side of the screen instead of the left?06:12
Jordan_UShayGuy: Run this in a terminal then pastebin the new contents of /etc/apt/sources.lst: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-bak && sudo sed -i 's#' /etc/apt/sources.list06:12
r0fs3ck5ActionParsnip: I've hear dof people mounting .dmg  I will try it now.06:12
ghostnik11actionparsnip: i am going to do it right now, but just wanted to see if people were experiencing problems, as i won't be able to back up my programs, but will back up reports and see what happens06:12
ActionParsnipr0fs3ck5: you also forgot the mount point, soit won'twork ;)06:12
r0fs3ck5ActionParsnip: :-O06:13
Jordan_UShayGuy: I'll be away for a few minutes.06:13
r0fs3ck5ActionParsnip: Yes you are right.  I need some sleep.06:14
WXZhow do I connect to my wired network through the terminal?06:14
ActionParsnipWXZ: do you use dhcp?06:14
visual1cei have some mp3 lectures that wont play in ubuntu but play in windows 7... how should i go about finding out why?06:14
WXZActionParsnip: I don't know06:14
EGuinnvisual1ce: google search for MP3 codecs for Ubuntu06:15
NiSyou probably dont have the plugin for mp3 installed06:15
ActionParsnipWXZ: when you plug in the wire, do you expect it to configure automatically?06:15
visual1ceopens up in vlc but no audio from the speakers06:15
visual1cedoesn't vlc have mp3 codec?06:15
WXZActionParsnip: sometimes it has configured automatically06:15
NiSas i am typing in empathys window, when the line reaches the limit, instead of having a new line on the chat window the window keeps expanding to the left, and out of the screen! whats this?06:15
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: run:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:15
usr_how can I add an extra menu bar?06:15
EGuinnvisual1ce: Probably don't have the audio drivers configed properly, try googling ubuntu audio drivers06:15
usr_how can I add an extra menu bar in ubuntu 11.04?06:15
visual1cehow can i find out what codecs i have installed on my system?06:15
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: no it doesn't, you need to add it06:15
ActionParsnipWXZ: try:  sudo dhclient3 eth006:16
EGuinnvisual1ce: Are you running natty narwhal?06:16
visual1cenope maverick06:16
ActionParsnipWXZ: ifthere is a dhcp server around (home grade routers provide this service too), it willconfigure for you06:16
EGuinnvisual1ce: okay, just wondering.06:16
intok11.04 w/ Gnime 2, how can I get my scroll bars back? They are still thereish, but they aren't visible, and changing the theme doesn't make them visible either06:16
ActionParsnip!codecs | visual1ce06:17
ubottuvisual1ce: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:17
EGuinnubottu: MP3 is not a free format?06:17
WXZActionParsnip: and then how would I connect to it once it's configured?06:17
ActionParsnipWXZ: it is connected, you can ping and update as you wish06:17
lorenzActionParsnip, I was thinking of installing the July 21 entry of this : http://ubuntucrack.blogspot.com/06:18
WXZActionParsnip: No DHCPOFFERS received.06:18
WXZNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping.06:18
crackguyI am unable to ping any IP on the network. here is the reply: http://paste.debian.net/116418/ - could someone please help06:18
ShayGuyJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605060/06:18
WXZis that bad?06:18
Sir_Gabriel!register channel06:19
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:19
ActionParsnipWXZ: are the lights around the NIC flashing?06:20
=== Macak is now known as MacakMeow
NiSas i am typing in empathys window, when the line reaches the limit, instead of having a new line on the chat window the window keeps expanding to the left, and out of the screen! whats this!06:21
EGuinnNiS: Natty?06:22
WXZActionParsnip: no, do all NICs flash though?06:22
EGuinnNiS: Mind you, 11.04 is still beta.06:22
ActionParsnipWXZ: I believe it is standard, check the connection on both sides06:22
ActionParsnipEGuinn: its not06:22
EGuinnActionParsnip: Really?06:22
ActionParsnipEGuinn: its released, therefor not beta06:23
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110406:23
NiSit is?06:23
ActionParsnipEGuinn: think about the versioning numbers, then look at the calendar06:23
EGuinnActionParsnip: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta06:23
EGuinnActionParsnip: I was getting the information off of that URL.06:23
ActionParsnipEGuinn: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download06:23
EGuinnActionParsnip: Hm. They should take down the beta page then. That had me confused. Sorry.06:24
NiSokay, i dont mind, someone just answer the question! Its so weird, the windows expands as i type06:24
ActionParsnipEGuinn: natty was released in 20(11) in April (4)th month...11.0406:24
saidianhello all, fairly new Ubuntu user here. Got a question regarding accessing my Mac shares on with Ubuntu Server. Can anyone help/point me in the right direction?06:24
EGuinnNiS: I cannot help you, sorry. I don't have my natty in front of me.06:24
ActionParsnipEGuinn: no worries dude :)06:25
EGuinnNiS: I was just under the apparently rediculous impression that natty was beta, and that you should report the bug. But Mr ActionParsnip corrected me quite well.06:25
NiSokay. can i downgrade to 10.10/ this is giving me a lot of problems!06:25
NiSActionParsnip: can you tell me?06:26
gabriel_hi Is this working?06:26
EGuinngabriel_: Yes.06:26
codex84u cant download u gotta install06:26
NiSand my laptops scroll pad wont work either!06:26
NiSccsm has my top panel blank out everytime i do something!06:27
EGuinngabriel_: You have a question?06:27
ActionParsnipNiS: what make and model is the system (Bets its a Vaio)06:27
EGuinnNiS: What computer do you have?06:27
NiSits a prob with them?06:27
EGuinnNiS: I believe so...06:28
ActionParsnipNiS: add the boot option:  i8024.nopnp=106:28
ActionParsnipNiS: stupid Vaios need the option to make thier touchpads work06:28
EGuinnActionParsnip: They use a completely different assembly?06:28
NiShuh? wait, i am totally new to ubuntu. how do i do that?06:28
EGuinnActionParsnip: Natty has a GRUB editor, right?06:29
van7huhello our channel06:29
EGuinnvan7hu: Good morning.06:29
van7hunah, good afternoon06:29
ActionParsnipNiS: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub   change:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"    to: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i8024.nopnp=1"   save the new file, close gedit then run:  sudo update-grub     reboot to test06:29
van7huEGuinn, are you in England?06:29
boxbeatsyhi, can anyone help me install sun-java6-plugin.  I'm getting a really long list of errors, and I'm not sure where to start.  https://gist.github.com/17c67af3d56d193728aa06:29
ActionParsnipEGuinn: it has the grub files which you edit, then run: sudo upate-grub06:29
EGuinnvan7hu: lol no. I live in alaska.06:30
EGuinnActionParsnip: Hm. I thought there was a tool that helped you with that in 10.10. I could be mistaken though.06:30
van7huEGuinn, is it cold now?06:30
NiSboxbeatsy: if you want jdk, (i just did!) then just go to synaptic package manager and download it from there06:30
EGuinnActionParsnip: He said he was a new user, command line might be a bit much, so I just thought to help.06:30
ActionParsnipEGuinn: not sure, I've always editted the files as is.There may be one. I just don't know of it06:30
EGuinnvan7hu: Not really at all.06:30
ActionParsnipEGuinn: fair point though06:31
ShayGuyJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605060/06:31
ActionParsnipEGuinn: when you have folks guiding, its dead easy :)06:31
visual1cehow is natty - any issues or is it ok to migrate? should i upgrade or do a fresh install?06:31
EGuinnActionParsnip: lol06:31
ActionParsnipEGuinn: if vaios sed STANDARD touchpads instead of weird junk, it'd be easier06:31
boxbeatsyNiS: so i tried, but i'm getting a realy long list of errors - https://gist.github.com/17c67af3d56d193728aa06:32
EGuinnvisual1ce: I don't really know. Living in Alaska has perks, but slow downloads are not one of them. I don't have natty on my Desktop.06:32
van7huI am having some problem with virtual disk image and the real one, what is the difference? if I do "times 512 0", did I have a sector?06:32
EGuinnActionParsnip: I don't like all the nonconformity that comes with some things... >=(06:32
visual1cealaska - WOW!06:32
blaine_if my vmlinuz symlink is broken, could that be why I'm getting kernel panics?06:32
ActionParsnipvisual1ce: natty is fine here06:32
visual1ceill wait till end of this semester06:33
intokHow would I go about debugging waking from hibernation?06:33
EGuinnvisual1ce: Yeah, it is a cool place to be.06:33
EGuinnintok: What problems are you having?06:33
visual1cewhat do you do there?06:33
cybergig22Question: How do I set a default startup process in xfce? As soon as I switched desktops it took off my network manager at loadup. Was using knetworkmanager06:33
ActionParsnipintok: what is the issue?06:33
EGuinnvisual1ce: I live.06:33
Jordan_UShayGuy: Do *not* install any packages right now.06:33
Jordan_UShayGuy: What is the output of "lsb_release -a"?06:33
visual1cecan you sleep? isn't it like always daylight there?06:33
ActionParsnipcybergig22: If you make a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart   it will be ran06:33
EGuinnvisual1ce: It is almost 10 PM here, no sunset in sight. Does not bother me though.06:34
visual1cemy goodness06:34
EGuinnintok: Hello?06:34
EGuinnvisual1ce: I also have a rather large mountain right out my front window...06:34
ShayGuyJordan_U: Five lines, none longer than 30 characters or so. You want me to stick with the pastebin?06:34
blaine_my root file system is on an LVM, and I'm getting kernel panics that say unable to mount on unknown-block(0,0)06:34
visual1cesecluded or in a populated area?06:35
van7huEGuinn, cool, I like mountain06:35
Jordan_UShayGuy: Yes.06:35
gabriel_OKay, I can't log in again...06:35
blaine_and I also notice my /vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old symlinks are broken06:35
cybergig22.desktop ActionParsnip ?06:35
NiSk. booting to check if my vaio's scroll works... be right back06:35
visual1cedoes the US govt pay you to stay there? :P06:35
stlrockerupdated to natty from 10.04/10.10.... "custom administrator" has weather in time drop down  however I added a new user account  just has time preferences  no date or weather in dropdown choices06:35
ActionParsnipcybergig22: that folder sets the things to run at login06:35
EGuinnNiS: good luck.06:35
ShayGuyJordan_U: In that case, http://paste.ubuntu.com/605064/06:35
ActionParsnipcybergig22: I'll pastebin you a sample06:35
van7huEGuinn, my province has many, but now I am living in capital, no mountains, how sad06:35
ActionParsnipcybergig22: right after chromium updates06:36
EGuinnActionParsnip: How long have you been using ubuntu?06:36
Jordan_UShayGuy: Did you change the distribution in /etc/apt/sources.list to natty from maverick yourself?06:36
intokEGuinn ActionParsnip If I put the box in hibernation when I try to rewake it everything starts up, till I should be prompted with the locked screen, but I get nothing but a blank screen. Getting sleep would be an acceptable outcome though, since I've never gotten it to enter sleep, only hibernation.06:36
EGuinnvan7hu: That is sad... I climb mountains all the time.06:36
ActionParsnipEGuinn: Ubuntu...since Gutsy. Linux a little longer :)06:36
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visual1cei feel like climbing a mountain but my ass is too phat :P06:36
EGuinnintok: did you install from a windows machine?06:36
EGuinnActionParsnip: Nice.06:36
ShayGuyJordan_U: Uh...not that I recall. For whatever my memory's worth.06:36
Jordan_U!ot | visual1ce06:36
ubottuvisual1ce: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:36
Jordan_UShayGuy: Ok. It needs to be changed back.06:37
ActionParsnipEGuinn: how about you?06:37
ShayGuyJordan_U: gksudo gedit?06:37
ActionParsnipcybergig22: http://pastebin.com/Dc9UAFcZ06:38
NiSargnopse. i made the splash changes, scroller still doesnt work06:38
EGuinnActionParsnip: I started with Linux Mint 7 a while ago. Then I got myself an old comp, and set up Ubuntu 10.04 server on it, and I have not turned back since.06:38
saidiandoes anyone know how to access mac shares from Ubuntu Server command line?06:38
Jordan_UShayGuy: run "sudo sed -i s/natty/maverick/g /etc/apt/sources.list" and pastebin the new contents.06:38
ActionParsnipsaidian: how are they shared?06:38
mean_admincan I create iptables rules that use DNS lookup instead of solely use IP ? or do I need to write a script ?06:38
EGuinnsaidian: what do you mean mac shares?06:38
intokEGuinn ActionParsnip No, I'm using the unofficial PowerPC build on an old Mac, it's the only box I currently have... 10.10 worked well on it though06:38
ActionParsnipintok: sounds like a regression bug then06:38
ActionParsnipcybergig22: note that the files aren't marked executable :)06:39
saidianfrom my imac, shared using system preferences, file sharing w/ AFP & SMB06:39
NiSargActionParsnip: The splash command thing didnt work. NO scrolling as yet!06:39
blaine_hey guys, any ideas as to why a root fs on an LVM won't mount?06:39
ShayGuyJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605066/ Look good to you?06:39
EGuinnsaidian: so it is networked file sharing.06:39
EGuinnblaine_: you running server edition?06:39
intokEGuinn ActionParsnip sounds like allot of that then, since I still can't make the scroll bars appear in Gnome2. Unity can't run on this old hardware06:40
ActionParsnipNiSarg: wrong target?06:40
cybergig22ah so wheres the .config folder? in the home folder of my user account?06:40
EGuinnsaidian: Check out some articles on file sharing with ubuntu. Search some on google. There should be some good tutorials.06:40
stlrockeranyone up for question on date and weather in natty classic gnome?06:40
ActionParsnipcybergig22: it's a hidden folder (names starting with a periodare hidden)06:40
EGuinnintok: that sucks... =P06:40
EGuinncybergig22: use ls -a06:40
ActionParsnipcybergig22: if you are using nautilus, you can press CTRL+H to show hidden files06:40
blaine_I'm on a livecd, and can mount my LVM just fine manually06:41
Jordan_UShayGuy: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and comment out line 5 ("deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 11.04 _Natty Narwhal_ ...").06:41
EGuinnblaine_: 11.04?06:41
blaine_yeah, for the livecd06:41
blaine_not what's installed though06:41
intokEGuinn ActionParsnip well they're still there-ish, if I poke around at ere they should be I can grab them, just can't see them06:41
EGuinnblaine_: Do you have any important data?06:41
saidianEGuinn: I did that's what's lead me here. I found a couple things on open-afp and something on samba but don't know what the best is. (also found some stuff on 'mount' but that didn't work for me06:41
ActionParsnipcybergig22: or you can just run:  gedit ~/.config/autostart/name.desktop    and the blank file will open ready for editting06:41
blaine_EGuinn: yes06:42
EGuinnsaidian: I will look about.06:42
datakiddo people recommend squid or squid3?06:42
EGuinnblaine_: Well, can you get to the grub config file?06:42
ActionParsnip!poll | datakid06:42
ubottudatakid: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:42
NiSargActionParsnip: can you reiterae on the steps. what does wrong target mean? i dont think i did anything out of the steps you gave06:42
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blaine_EGuinn: where should it be?06:42
ShayGuyJordan_U: Done.06:42
ActionParsnipdatakid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid seems to hav a nice guide06:42
datakidubottu, ok, thanks. I'll rephrase my question06:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:43
EGuinnblaine_: Give me one sec...06:43
datakidwhat is the advantage that squid2 would have over squid306:43
ActionParsnipNiSarg: you've lost me.  Was I helping you ?06:43
EGuinnsaidian: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35358406:43
cybergig22So how do I make a .desktop file >.> I have never done that..06:43
datakidActionParsnip, tx06:43
fastvegcould anyone help me out with a couple simple ubuntu server issues?06:43
jo-erlendfastveg, #ubuntu-server06:43
blaine_ah, I think I found it06:43
ActionParsnipcybergig22: its just a text file, with the special file extension...06:43
fastvegah ty, jo-erlend06:43
EGuinnblaine_: it should be under /boot/grub/06:44
madsailorI am getting a 'Package is of bad quality' error when installing virtualbox 4.0.6 (PUEL directly from the vbox site) on Ubuntu 11.04.  Has anyone else had this error or know of a fix?06:44
ActionParsnipcybergig22: the pastebin I gave shows the layout, just populate it as you need06:44
EGuinnmadsailor: is it a new install?06:44
blaine_EGuinn: not there, neither in /etc/default/grub06:44
EGuinnmadsailor: do sudo apt-get update, then try again.06:44
EGuinnblaine_: odd... have you tried ls -a06:44
Sir_GabrielAnyone know why my file will not execute from another drive? I have good permissions and get a good ls on it.06:45
blaine_EGuinn: yup06:45
blaine_no grub folder to be found06:45
madsailorEGuinn, I have but am doing again for good measure. It is not the version from the repo btw06:45
EGuinnblaine_: Odd. Google for the GRUB file location with Ubuntu. That should help.06:45
EGuinnmadsailor: That could be the problem.06:46
saidianEGuinn: That's good stuff. Didn't happen to run accress anything CLI, did you. The link was for a GUI connection.06:46
blaine_looks like my grub is nuked06:46
EGuinnsaidian: I just took a quick look.06:46
Sir_Gabrielwhat's CLI mean?06:46
EGuinnblaine: That... oh dear.06:46
kliahey guys06:47
EGuinnblaine_: You do have a live CD though?06:47
saidianSir_Gabriel: Command Line Interface06:47
madsailorEGuinn, the version in the repo is OSE....different licence with limited features.  I need the version from the Vbox site..PUEL06:47
kliawhat is going on today?06:47
blaine_EGuinn: yeah06:47
lorenzgreetings all, I have ubuntu 1.04 and I cannot enable the wifi network option on my gnome gui. My computer has02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) card and upon install i worked ootb about 6 months ago--about 4 days ago, wifi no longer worked. the blue light is on, but 'enable wireless' is greyed over--any ideas?06:47
EGuinnblaine_: You should be able to rescue the system.06:47
blaine_I'm hoping it's just as easy as re-installing grub >.<06:47
sainneed help with wireless network. keeps crashing  and only way to fix is reboot.06:47
EGuinnmadsailor: You have good reasons then. I would not know the problem.06:47
EGuinnsain: does it give any error messages before it dies horridly?06:47
EGuinnmadsailor: sorry.06:48
Jordan_UShayGuy: OK. Try "gksudo software-properties-gtk" again and change from the US server to the main one (as a test) and see if it modifies /etc/apt/sources.list appropriately.06:48
blaine_I'm not sure, but I think I have to mount the root fs, and /proc, and chroot, and then sudo apt-get install grub... and configure as necessary06:48
sainno it does not. just hangs06:48
kliaI placed my 11.04 on my sony vaio cd rom but can't get it to boot (un-compression error), I am running 10.04 , any idea?06:48
madsailorEGuinn, thanks for trying :)06:48
NiSargjust asking, in hte future, if all these bugs get solved, they will be available in the update manager right?06:48
EGuinnmadsailor: np06:48
justen5342@lorenz... is there a switch for your wifi on you pc?..(is it a laptop?)06:49
Jordan_Ublaine_: You do *not* want to "apt-get install grub", that would install grub legacy.06:49
sainAny other way to reset wireless networking without reboot?06:49
lorenzjusten5342, yep, the light is blue06:49
ShayGuyJordan_U: Clicking "Close" gives me a popup saying "The information about available software is out-of-date," blah blah blah.06:49
EGuinnsaidian: http://www.kremalicious.com/2008/06/ubuntu-as-mac-file-server-and-time-machine-volume/ <-- That may help.06:49
Jordan_Ublaine_: Can you try booting the server (without the liveCD) and holding shift during boot to get to the grub menu, then at the grub menu select an older kernel?06:50
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Jordan_UShayGuy: Allow it to update.06:50
justen5342ok .. just wondering... i freaked..  and took a couple hrs but had a switch on the "laptop"06:50
ShayGuyJordan_U: ...But /etc/apt/sources.list does appear to have been modified.06:50
jawnv6my software center downloads are going very slowly, could I have something misconfigured?06:50
Jordan_UShayGuy: Good. Did it update successfully?06:51
blaine_mmh... not sure, if I'm having a kernel panic, does that say anything about whether or not grub is broken?06:51
EGuinnjawnv6: are you using the standard repos?06:51
cybergig22i'm going to see it it worked as soon as synaptic is done lol..06:51
justen5342@lorenz  have you tried a "wrapper"?06:51
jawnv6didn't change anything, added a ppa though06:51
ShayGuyJordan_U: Not sure how to test that...06:51
Jordan_Ublaine_: It says that grub is not broken (though there is a chance that it's misconfigured, that'f fairly low).06:51
cybergig22Thank you ActionParsnip06:51
EGuinnjawnv6: there, that is your problem. The standard repos are very slow.06:51
EGuinnjawnv6: look for alternates, and you should be okay.06:52
Jordan_UShayGuy: Please pastebin your current /etc/apt/sources.list one last time, then pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update".06:52
blaine_I'll try it, although, isn't it pointless if my grub folder is entirely gone?06:52
jawnv6ok, fantastic, I'll look into that06:52
Jordan_UShayGuy: If both of those look good then you should be ready to upgrade.06:52
EGuinnblaine_: That would be a problem.06:52
lorenzjusten5342, no I have not--the install worked out of the box six months ago--but then stopped about 4 days ago...you think a wrapper is the right choice?06:52
EGuinnblaine_: So I suggest trying the repair option on the install.06:52
Jordan_Ublaine_: I doubt that your grub directory is gone.06:52
saidianEGuinn: Hum, getting warmer. That is for access the server from a mac. I'm trying to access the mac from Ubuntu.06:53
blaine_hmm... this is interesting, when I chroot into my root fs, the initrd.img symlink is broken06:53
EGuinnsaidian: That should give you the proper info, though. Let me take another look to the google machine!06:53
justen5342lorenz.. you never know.. if you updated, i have problems each time.. . (downloading one now)06:54
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Jordan_Ublaine_: Ubuntu doesn't use initrd or vmlinuz symlinks.06:54
blaine_even if you're using LVM?06:54
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Jordan_Ublaine_: Yes.06:54
=== Guest60507 is now known as thereheis
justen5342i think it's "NDISWRAPPER" that works with all most any wireless card..(but you need the driver)06:55
ShayGuyJordan_U: All right, then. /etc/apt/sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605070/ apt-get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605071/06:55
EGuinnsaidian: Try samba out. Google it.06:55
saidianEGuinn: That is a good site though (saved it to my bookmarks.)06:55
EGuinnsaidian: http://www.moixo.com/es/sharing-files-folders-from-ubuntu-to-mac-os-x <-- this will help you with Samba.06:55
saidianEGuinn: Ok, thanks. Will take a look. =-) Thanks for the help.06:55
EGuinnsaidian: No problem, it is the whole reason I joined this channel, you know =P06:56
lorenzjusten5342, do you think a re-install might fix it?06:56
Jordan_UShayGuy: Looks good. Try upgrading (via update-manager or do-release-upgrade).06:56
blaine_I do see a folder called /etc/grub.d, although it just looks like a bunch of scripts06:56
blaine_no config file to be found06:56
blaine_doing a find . -name "grub.conf" now06:56
Jordan_Ublaine_: It's /etc/default/grub.06:56
ShayGuyJordan_U: Fingers crossed!06:57
blaine_Jordan_U: no grub file there06:57
justen5342@lorenz ... VERY POSSIBLE.. maybe some packages didn't get installed right..06:57
EGuinnblaine_: That sounds really bad indeed.06:57
EGuinnJordan_U: You can just reinstall GRUB, right?06:57
justen5342@lorenz.. but i'd have to know what PC you're working with06:58
Jordan_UEGuinn: Yes, but I'd like to first know why it's not installed currently (if in fact it isn't installed).06:58
EGuinnJordan_U: That is a good point, though. While you could probably just rm it out of existence, you would really have to try.06:59
Jordan_UEGuinn: The fact that blaine_ is getting a kernel panic means that grub is successfully loading the kernel, so it doesn't sound like that is the root of the problem.06:59
EGuinnJordan_U: If it is indeed a kernel panic... It may not be.06:59
lorenzjusten5342, a compaq presario cq6006:59
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ActionParsnipblaine_: run:   gedit /etc/default/grub07:00
EGuinnActionParsnip: He says that file does not exist.07:02
justen5342lorenz, how did you install ubuntu?.. from boot?.. or with the windows "install disk"?07:02
ActionParsnipEGuinn: maybe s/he is using grub legacy then07:02
lorenzjusten5342, ubuntu live cd with the gui07:03
EGuinnWell all, have fun solving problems, I am off.07:03
justen5342Lorenz, is this the first time you installed it?07:03
blaine_would it be bad to just chroot into my root fs, and update to the latest distribution?07:03
lorenzjusten5342, ever?07:04
blaine_and cross my fingers07:04
justen5342lorenz, on this computer?..07:04
lorenzjusten5342, on this computer, yes07:04
shesharkwhere are you from?07:05
justen5342lorenz, i would attempt a re-install.. ..07:05
ShayGuyJordan_U: Looks like I've got about 20 minutes left on "Getting new packages," so I think I'll log off for tonight. Thanks so, so much for all your help!07:05
Jordan_UShayGuy: You're welcome.07:05
yagooanyone can help me test this irc?07:06
TychoQuadHi, I get a lockup during boot after upgrading to 11.04 64bit, running older kernel works.07:06
unity_compizhey guys, i uninstalled compiz and nothing happend, but after a reboot the tob bar and the left bar was away i dont have acces to terminal i could just open the folders07:08
unity_compizdoes someone know how to access terminal now?07:08
blaine_weird... update-initramfs says: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-30-generic - but uname -r says: 2.6.38-8-generic07:08
KlimentHello, I'm trying to adjust the notification timeout07:09
tbfis there a good way to automatically mirror __parts__ of another ppa?07:09
KlimentThere seems to be no effect to changing .notify-osd and pkilling notify-osd07:09
MacakHello. Regarding IRCD-HYBRID.....does anybody have any idea why ICECHAT is the only IRC Client which allows me to login to my server. All other clients (Chatzilla, mIRC, Smuxi) all give me LAGTIMER warning, then I am disconnect.07:09
madsailorWhere should I go to urge/help with inclusion of an updated package to the repo that isn't maintained directly by canonical but 'Some updates may be provided by the Ubuntu community.'?07:10
Klimentmadsailor: Try to find out who packaged it and contact them07:10
ma4orokaj si toi07:10
fergusoneve sum07:10
unity_compizhey guys, i uninstalled compiz and nothing happend, but after a reboot the tob bar and the left bar was away i dont have acces to terminal i could just open the folders07:10
unity_compizdoes someone know how to access terminal now?07:10
madsailorok thx Kliment07:11
tychoquadhi, i get a lockup on boot after updating to 11.04 64bit, running older kernel allows me to boot, how can i fix this?07:11
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blaine_is grub (GNU GRUB 0.97) legacy grub?07:12
tychoquadhi, i get a lockup on boot after updating to 11.04 64bit, running older kernel allows me to boot, how can i fix this?07:15
unity_compizhey guys, i uninstalled compiz and nothing happend, but after a reboot the tob bar and the left bar was away i dont have acces to terminal i could just open the folders07:15
unity_compizdoes someone know how to access terminal now?07:15
Klimentunity_compiz: Try alt-f207:16
yagoounity_compiz, access the terminal? i'm sure bin laden knew07:16
Klimentunity_compiz: alt-f2, type in gnome-terminal07:16
yagooKliment, LOL07:16
MagePsychoGreeting guys07:17
MagePsychoi want windows like toolbar in ubuntu07:17
yagooMagePsycho, your name sounds dangerous psycho07:17
MagePsychoi am using 11.x version07:17
MagePsychoyes i am Magento developer btw :)07:17
yagooMagePsycho, ?? look for the gnome themes community driven..07:17
unity_compizKliment alt-f2 doesent work07:18
MagePsychocan't i just use some ultilities only instead of theme07:18
MagePsychosince i am new to ubuntu .. just switched from windowz07:18
MagePsychoi am feeling very difficultiies in file browsing07:18
yagooMagePsycho, oh really... that's good news07:18
routhunity_compiz: if you are referring to the teminal drop back from x, then use CTRL+ALT + F1 (or F2 r F3)07:18
yagooMagePsycho, what's hard about file browsing...07:19
mrluksomMagePsycho: Are you using unity or GNOME?07:19
MagePsychono idea what that means. i am newbie07:19
MagePsychoi installed ubuntu desktop07:19
FlowVye i guess ur Using gnome07:20
dehimeryes, right07:20
mrluksomMagePsycho: Many find Classic GNOME easier, try logging out and selecting that.07:20
FlowVof course gnome is the best07:21
MagePsychooh.. i didn't have any option for that07:21
MagePsychowhen booted.. i just see the login screen07:21
MagePsychowhere to choose the option for classic gnom07:21
gaymishAt the bottom there is a login options and you select it there07:21
fergusonima makedonec?07:22
dehimerguys, what ports are open on the router except for irc 6667-6669?07:22
MagePsychosome  friend mentioned this07:22
yagoodehimer, the router may implement identd for some irc servers requesting back to the client07:23
ArneyMy lappy is stalls when I take it out of my room... any ideas? I didn't have this problem on windows.07:23
arunewhen does the uds keynote start? 9 local hungary time?07:24
dehimeryagoo, thanks!07:24
mrluksomMage: never heard of rocky.07:24
ArneyWhen I have it hooked up to a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse with the lid closed it's happy.07:24
celthunderArney: intel graphics?07:24
Arneycelthunder: yes.07:24
MagePsychowhich toolbar do you use?07:24
MagePsychoor you don't07:24
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celthunderArney: it's an acpi bug i think....theres fixes for it07:24
blaine_after I chroot into my root fs that I've mounted via liveCD, I no longer see my hard drives, which were previously listed as /dev/sda[1,2,5]07:25
MagePsychoi want like this.. when window is minimized then i can get to that easily07:25
Arneycelthunder: acpi... can't I disable that on the bios?07:25
dehimerwho know irc channel of django community?07:25
dehimeror python07:25
blaine_err, I could no longer see my one hard drive, or its partitions07:25
yagoodehimer, django community site should say..07:25
celthunderArney: i wouldn't07:25
blaine_why would /dev/sda be missing after a chroot?07:25
mrluksomYou are describing classic gnome, are you sure the drop box is not there on the login screen?07:25
Arneycelthunder: Thanks, I'll look into the bug.07:26
yagooblaine_, u doing a livecd boot then chroot?07:26
blaine_yagoo: yessir07:26
yagooblaine_, google 'ubuntu rescue wiki bind"07:26
blaine_I also mounted the virtual file systems07:26
yagooblaine_, u should type "mount --bind" << similar commands before chroot07:27
blaine_yagoo: did that for dev, dev/pts, proc, and sys07:27
blaine_I'm following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#METHOD%203%20-%20CHROOT07:27
yagooblaine_, can u pastebin it? (exit chroot, type mount, and pastebin it)07:27
iggyCan someone help me get my launch bar icons to work? I think it's a unity problem.07:28
blaine_yagoo: http://pastebin.com/XVj5GWEu07:28
Kliment /wc07:28
MagePsychoyes mrliksom07:29
MagePsychoi am using ubuntu desktop 11.x07:29
MagePsychothe latest one07:29
iggyAnyone know how to dig into the properties for launch bar icons and re-establish the proper command line07:30
yagooblaine_, ur mountpoint is /mnt/root , not /mnt ...07:30
p_resiggy; what are you trying to do?07:30
yagoo(/dev/mapper/attila-root on /mnt/root type ext3 (rw))07:30
Laptop11-04hello i have a problem with my wireless card. when i installed ubuntu the card was set as UNCLAIMED under "lshw -C network"  i cant seem to get it to work, i even tried to install a windows driver on it with ndisgtk  but that failed. this card works under other linux distros. why wont ubuntu use it  ??07:31
iggyp_res, I'm trying to get my firefox and thunderbird icons to work07:31
p_resiggy: what happens when you click them?07:31
blaine_yagoo: I didn't think that mattered07:31
yagoop_res, clickhead question.. it doesn't work :p07:31
A[D]minSnginx question ,  server setup has similar to this  setup - > upstream node100 { server x:100; server y:100; } the locations { proxy_pass https://x:100/; } . if server x is down , then proxy retrieve error (504 Gateway Time-Out)07:31
yagooblaine_, redo those commands.. but use /mnt/root and not /mnt07:31
A[D]minSis it applicable to put server y also in proxy_pass ? which means if server X is down then it try with Server Y ?07:32
iggyp_res, they just look like they are going to work, but nothing happens07:32
yagooblaine_, u can unmount to undo those mount statments07:32
yagooblaine_, or simply continue.. and just add those mount commands with /mnt/root07:32
p_resiggy: try command for the application in a terminal.07:32
blaine_I see what you mean07:32
blaine_so it would need to be /mnt/root/proc if I wanted it the correct way07:33
yagooblaine_, they're virtual anyways.. and ur chrooting to /mnt/root so /mnt/dev wont be seen anyways07:33
iggyp_res, i did, that works.. I need to get the properties of the icons to be such that they point to the right file I'm guessing07:33
p_resiggy: also try alt+f2 and then type application you wish to launch.07:33
blaine_or the other way around07:33
mean_admincould one make changes through iptables using sed ?07:33
p_resiggy: they should be default.07:33
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yagooblaine_, yep07:33
iggyp_res, what should be default?07:33
p_resiggy: command options to the directed file.07:34
iggyp_res, so if they are default than why don't they work????07:34
p_resiggy: no deal. unity still to new for me to answer that.07:34
yagooblaine_, the mount proc may have already been done by the live cd (there's /proc on /mnt/root/proc type proc (rw) )07:34
iggyp_res, well do you know what folder contains the icons for the launch bar?07:35
p_resiggy: nope.07:35
gaymishiggy: have you tried removing them and readding them from your search results07:35
yagooblaine_, btw is there a rescue option with the bootcd ?07:35
iggyis it like the start menu in windows maybe?07:35
yagooblaine_, as i thought once the rescue would do these binds automatically07:35
p_resiggy: in what way?07:35
blaine_uh oh07:36
blaine_/dev/sda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.07:36
p_resiggy: perhaps try what gaymish  suggested.07:36
yagooblaine_, what command u trying?07:36
wosshello guys, i'm just wondering does anybody had problem with ubuntu 10/11 to connect to Microsoft Vpn? thanks07:36
p_resiggy: drag new icons onto the unity launch bar.07:36
iggygaymish, I haven't tried that yet...  See in windows I'm used to being able to access the start menu folder directly from the explorer, I can also look at the shortcut file location07:36
yagoowoss, maybe that msvpn particular version is using ipsec07:37
ma4orolkjn;lkm ;lk07:37
wossyagoo, if it's using ipsec what then07:37
yagoowoss, the client too? or maybe even pptp07:37
p_resiggy: i don't think unity works that way.07:37
p_resiggy: forget windows. linux is not windows.07:38
yagoowoss, ud have to check ur winbloze docs for that07:38
gaymishiggy: yeah i moved away from unity because it became frustrating like that and I am now back to gnome after similar frustrations to yours. from memory you could right click the icon and check its command07:38
wossyagoo, i think they said it's pptp07:38
yagoowoss, winbloze u gotta rtfm :p07:38
adminewbHaving difficulty here establishing cause for my AMD64 based system to lock up booting that architecture for natty; tried to loopback mount a debian live squeeze amd64 as another data point, and so far there it succeeds to premount stage, but fails to find the live squashfs to mount so I end up at a busybox prompt; someone have diagnostic ideas?07:38
iggywell unity doesn't have a properties in the right click menu, which is really really dumb07:38
wossyagoo, :)07:38
yagooblaine_, /dev/sda is not a partition07:38
wossyagoo, i have really old router, maybe it's not allowing that type of conn or what ... :?!?!$%07:40
gaymishiggy: adding new links to the menu worked?? like a link to terminal or something?07:40
p_resiggy: try right clicking in the regular application menu.07:40
yagoowoss, it could be that.. try seeing if u can update the router firmware.. and look into ur router doc for vpn support07:40
iggygaymish, i just added xchat and it's launch icon works fine ... arghh07:40
wossyagoo, THANKS!!! :)07:40
iggyp_res, ok07:40
p_resiggy: try with non-working ones.07:40
yagoowoss, if u suspect the router.. u can try using DMZ for the client as a last resort07:41
iggyp_res, in the regular apps window nothing happens at all when I right click...07:41
yagoowoss, DMZ is insecured so do some homework on that(the client's address should be static for eg)07:41
p_resiggy: ok.07:41
wossyagoo, oki, thanks for advices, i appriciate, i'll give it a try07:42
p_resiggy: did you try adding new icons for the ones that don't work?07:42
yagoowoss, DMZ (option in the router that is.. DMZ may relate to something else.. but this is what i meant)07:42
iggyp_res, yeah, I dropped a new firefox in the launch bar from the apps window and it still doesn't work, actually the icon in the apps window doesn't work either!07:43
yagoowoss, (which should allow to demilitarize the linux client if that option is there)07:43
p_resiggy: no idea mate. sorry.07:43
Laptop11-04hello i have a problem with my wireless card. when i installed ubuntu the card was set as UNCLAIMED under "lshw -C network"  i cant seem to get it to work, i even tried to install a windows driver on it with ndisgtk  but that failed. this card works under other linux distros. why wont ubuntu use it  ??07:43
gaymishiggy, sounds odd. u cant open firefox any more?07:43
yagooLaptop11-04, u need ndiswrapper07:43
iggyp_res, the oooonly way to get firefox to turn on is through a terminal window... and it reads a funky error message07:43
p_resgaymish. is suspect PICNIC07:44
yagooLaptop11-04, u need to do shell work if u ever want ndis to work under linux07:44
wossyagoo, yep, i had that on my other router, but this is so old and simple that it doesn't have port forwarding or any semi advanced features07:44
Laptop11-04yagoo ok07:44
iggy(firefox-bin:4485): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut: assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed07:44
yagoowoss, what model is it bwt?07:44
adminewbHaving difficulty here finding the cause for my AMD64 based system to lock up booting that architecture for natty (i386 works ok but I want to run a 64 host); tried to loopback mount a debian live squeeze amd64 iso to boot in grub2, as another data point, and so far there it succeeds to premount stage, but fails to find the live file system to mount; any diagnostic ideas?07:44
iggysee it's that stinkin shortcut... it's broken07:45
MagePsychohave anyone used netbeans in ubuntu?07:45
MagePsychoit's sooooooooooooooooo slow07:46
kliaI placed my 11.04 on my sony vaio cd rom but can't get it to boot (un-compression error), I am running 10.04 , any idea?07:46
yagooadminewb, wrong channel.. that's a grub2 ... BTW.. grub2 has its modules too... grub2's loopback module needs to be included during grub2 bootup07:46
wossyagoo, some motorola, sb5101e07:47
adminewbyagoo thanks for the tip, loopback module apparently loads itself up ok, as other loopback entries are ok07:47
yagoowoss, ?07:47
yagoowoss, that's not a router07:47
adminewbthat's not the stage where it fails in any case07:47
wossyagoo, it's says on router(modem) that that's a model07:48
yagoowoss, that's a modem07:48
wossyagoo, oh, oki then :) i have to google for a diff :)07:49
yagoowoss, the router label is misleading.. I've seen "switches" sold as labelled "hubs"..07:49
yagoowoss, no need to worry about that modem..07:49
wossyagoo, hahaha i preasume u r sys admin :)07:49
yagoowoss, ur PC is the only internet access machine in your home.. so your IP is a public one07:49
wossyagoo, yep07:50
yagoo(IP address isnt 192.168.x.x for eg)07:50
blehhzCan anyone help me with my resolution?07:50
iggyAnyone else know the way to fix a broken launch icon in the new ubuntu 11.04?07:51
blehhzI have tried all the resolutions in the nvidia x server app and none of them fit.07:51
yagooblehhz, ?07:51
yagooblehhz, does the nvidia logo display when X starts?07:52
blehhzI used the nvidia driver to select my resolution but none of them fit my screen the toolbar is half gone.07:52
yagooblehhz, can u go a little slowly here? nvidia driver is not the app..07:52
blehhzyeah, sorry.07:53
blehhzthe settings for the driver i guess?  Lets me pick the resolution for Ubuntu.07:53
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GuyCanadahas anyone here installed minecraft? ive downloaded the .jar from the website but i cant get it to work07:53
wossthanks people :)07:54
blehhzso basically i dont know what to manually set my resolution to.07:54
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psypher246hi all, I have some pretty beefy hardware non my laptop yet fullscreen youtube (flash based) video on ubuntu natty is a complete waste of time, freezez drops frames (just crap), has anyone found a fix for this, seems to happen on every install I do07:55
Braiampsypher246: give a try to html507:56
psypher246Braiam: just trying big buck bunny, yeah looks good07:57
psypher246Braiam: so just flash then, any suggestions?07:57
Braiampsypher246: youtube.com/html5 i guest07:58
yagoopsypher246, what laptop model is it?07:58
psypher246any sugestions on making FLASH work I mean07:58
psypher246yagoo: dell xps 17"07:58
blehhzhow can i find out what resolution i should manually set my desktop to?07:58
psypher246fullscreen flashed worked quite mwell on my slower dell in maverick\07:58
eusidIs the IRC plugin for empathy/gwibber in Ubuntu11 buggy? sometimes i can only join double pound channels ##linux sometimes both doubles and singles #css, however i can never join the channel #django. i am registered and identified07:59
psypher246to be honest lucid was by far the smoothest flash playing OS07:59
MacakMeowblehhz: Do you know the native resolution of your screen/monitor?07:59
Braiamblehhz: get the specs for your monitor07:59
eusidblehhz: ideally you would be using the max available given you have a large enough monitor and good enough graphics card08:00
psypher246Braiam: looking at the adobe flash plugin software center ratings, flash is an abortion08:02
eusidso anybody know is the IRC plug screwed for the empathy software in Ubuntu 11?08:02
psypher246Why does this stuff have to regress so badly each new version of ubuntu08:02
thegoodcushionpsypher246: are you talking about the free equivalents of Flash?08:02
yagoopsypher246, what's the symptom? you get freezes of what? audio and video?08:02
yagooGuest60327, hi08:03
psypher246yagoo: yeah video freezez drops frames, not sure about audio lemme check and confirm08:03
thegoodcushionpsypher246: Adobe make a Linux version of their flashplayer08:03
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eusidi had trouble installing flash on maverick due to an old version being installed once it was removed and i directed myself (manually) to the newest vertsion everything was fly08:03
Guest60327yagoo: you from ?08:03
psypher246thegoodcushion: so u suggest the offical adboe version and not ubuntu's08:03
yagoopsypher246, how long u using linux?08:03
thegoodcushionpsypher246: yep08:03
psypher246yagoo: many years08:03
thegoodcushionpsypher246: The Adobe version just plain works, and you know it's developed alongside the Windows version, which is the gold standard08:03
Guest60327yagoo: ????08:03
Guest60327yagoo:  ???08:04
eusidi need a nice chm reader for unbuntu as many ebook are still in chm format08:04
psypher246thegoodcushion: ok cool going back to their version, like i said lucid played flash very well, on ubuntu's version, but yeah this sucks08:04
eusidmakes me think that should be a chemistry molecule filetype.....\08:04
psypher246embaraasing when a mac user stand at your desk and you want to watch a video08:04
Guest60327yagoo:  ????/ are you ....08:04
thegoodcushionpsypher246: I can't play youtube videos in lucid using any flashplayer other than Adobe's08:05
psypher246thegoodcushion: 32 or 64 bit?08:05
yagoopsypher246, can u pastebin the interrupts list?08:05
thegoodcushionpsypher246: but the Adobe one works perfectly.  If you can live with having non-open-source software on your puter08:05
bullgard4How to determine the version of the currently used kernel?08:05
psypher246thegoodcushion: meh :) I really don't care08:05
elnurI'm using Natty with Gnome 3. Today I've lost the keyboard layout indicator and can't switch the layout. Anyone knows how to fix this?08:05
yagoobullgard4, uname -a08:05
thegoodcushionpsypher246: 32-bit I'm using08:05
Blue1bullgard4: uname -a08:05
eusidyeah awesome embarassing when you stand in front of the mac users desk andlaugh that he paid 3 grand for that hunk of shit sittin on the desk ^_^ that after all is bsd based08:05
yagooBlue1, i beated u :p08:05
Blue1yagoo: indeed by 3 seconds - also cat /etc/ issue08:06
psypher246thegoodcushion: as long as it's free and not runing on windows, i don;'t care what license it has really08:06
yagoopsypher246, for many years u use linux and never checked the interrupts list?08:06
bullgard4yagoo, Blue1 Thank you for your help.08:06
thegoodcushionelnur: my question is: How did you get GNOME 3 on Natty?08:06
psypher246yagoo: what ahs the interrupts have to do wiht anything?08:06
elnurthegoodcushion: using gnome3 ppa08:06
thegoodcushionpsypher246: well it's just that it's an Adobe binary - they don't give you the source08:06
psypher246if I had issues with my other apps then yes there is ahrdware issue08:06
yagoopsypher246, maybe if there's the option i would turn off irq sharing in the bios08:06
elnurthegoodcushion: are you checking me or wanna get Gnome 3?08:07
yagoonmind.. yo uknow it all08:07
psypher246yagoo: maybe but why? everythign else works ecept flahs, then flash is the issue not my hardware\08:07
thegoodcushionelnur: a bit of both08:07
hidn_shadowshey guys, does anyone know of any program that would allow me to draw on virtual isometric paper, including snap-to-grid?08:07
psypher246yagoo: I have never had the need, since winblows 95 to check interrupts, thats so 90's08:07
yagooirq sharing didnt exist back in those days.08:08
psypher246yagoo:  a mucbn more logical solution is... flash is crap08:08
elnurthegoodcushion: i used these steps: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-GNOME-3-on-Ubuntu-11-04-194085.shtml08:08
yagooshutup kid08:08
psypher246yagoo: yes thats what i am08:08
psypher246not what I eman btw08:08
yagoou know it all dont u.. i wont help u in anything.08:08
thegoodcushionelnur: I've been told GNOME 3 is about a year away from production use.  Does that sound right?08:09
psypher246yagoo: o....k08:09
psypher246yagoo: all i'm saying i'm not a noob08:09
yagoou are.08:09
psypher246so CTFD08:09
yagoou cant even do an interrupts listing08:10
yagooyah go google08:10
elnurthegoodcushion: for me it's working pretty much good. the only problem for now is that there are little GUI system configuration tools, but you can do it via gconf-editor and dconf-editor08:10
thegoodcushionelnur: ok08:10
thegoodcushionFedora 15 uses GNOME 308:10
elnurthegoodcushion: i'm used to .deb systems and don't wanna switch to .rpm :)08:11
psypher246yagoo: so explain to me your logic then08:11
elnurthegoodcushion: so, no fedora for me08:11
thegoodcushionelnur: Yeah me too, but I hate Unity more than I hate .rpm08:11
hidn_shadowsAnyone know of any virtual isometric paper, like in an engineering software suite?08:11
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs08:11
elnurthegoodcushion: Unity sucks big time, at least for me. i switched to gnome-shell almost imidiatelly08:12
yagoohidn_shadows, u mean CAD ?08:12
yagoohidn_shadows, (list of software CAD site:wikipedia.org)08:13
DirtyDawgis classic ubuntu gnome-shell?08:13
DirtyDawgon the 11.04 login08:13
pranavis there a comparison page for ubuntu players ?08:13
liranthere are unstable repo for ubuntu just like debian ?08:13
hidn_shadowsYagoo, no. A lot more low-tech, merely something for drawing on iso paper.08:13
elnurDirtyDawg: afaik, gnome-shell is something that is for gnome 308:13
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server08:13
DirtyDawgahh k thx08:13
yagoopranav, same thing.. what i told hidn_shadows use "Lost of software" with google08:13
yagoopranav, meant "list" of software08:13
yagoopranav, and "wikipedia" another keyword with it08:14
pranavyagoo: oh.. so thank you, i never knew how to google08:14
yagoopranav, site:wikipedia.org <<< google.com/linux for you!08:14
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:14
liranthere are unstable repo for ubuntu just like debian ?08:14
yagoopranav, noob ->> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_media_players08:15
yagoothere since u dont know how to google.08:15
elnurliran: afaik, ubuntu is the unstable version of debian ^^08:15
psypher246yagoo: wow08:15
psypher246thegoodcushion: do u use chorme?"08:16
iggyAnyone else know the way to fix a broken launch icon in the new ubuntu 11.04?08:16
N0BOXholy /names, batman!08:16
bullgard4liran: The Ubuntu versioning system differs from Debian. At the moment there is no "unstable version" in Ubuntu in the sense of Ubuntu.08:16
yagooiggy, u mean the icon picture is not available?08:17
wip_Hi, does the grub version in ubuntu support /boot with ext4 yet?08:17
N0BOXSo, does anyone else have an issue where if you click to open a pdf file in document viewer from the dialog that pops up in firefox, the whole window manager stops drawing the titlebar and window edges on everything until you restart?08:18
yagoowip_, should if its grub208:18
N0BOXoh, also, this is in ubuntu 11.04 using unity08:18
elnurwip_: i'm using grub 2 and ext4, but no separate /boot partition08:18
yagooelnur, thats fine08:18
wip_elnur: same as im trying to, but doesn't work:P08:18
elnurwip_: it worked for me out of the box08:19
elnuryagoo: what you mean that's fine? ^^08:19
yagooelnur, does / the default partition scheme?08:19
thegoodcushionpsypher246: no, I use firefox08:19
yagooelnur, cuse i havent tried the latest of ubuntu recently08:19
bullgard4liran: Seen from another point of view, Ubuntu 10.04.2 is the most "stable" version of Ubuntu at the present moment (somewhat in the sense of Debian's "stable"). Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 are comparable to Debians attribute »unstable«.08:19
wip_elnur: hmm im also using dm raid1 on /, but alt. install only claims grub2 fails.08:19
yagoomeant to ask a question08:19
elnuryagoo: sorry, didn't get your question08:19
thegoodcushionDirtyDawg: gnome-shell is part of gnome 308:19
psypher246thegoodcushion: np i found wher i need to place the flie08:20
elnurwip_: i have no xp with raid08:20
elnurwip_: maybe that's the problem08:20
iggyyagoo, no the picture is there, but it doesn't open the associated file08:21
yagoowip_, dunno about this...but dont u need /boot partition for raid ?08:21
N0BOXok, guess not... then, does anyone know of a way to reload the window manager or something without having to reboot?08:22
wip_yagoo: as it's raid1 i shouldn't need to. but i do need to pass /dev/md0 as kernel parameter for root.08:22
yagooiggy, oh that.. u mean it's not an application link.. with nautilus u should be able to rt/click file and change the default app08:22
yagooiggy, if the app isnt listed then u'd need to know the X app binary filename08:22
rzx237N0BOX: without logout  too?08:23
iggyyagoo, oh.. I didn't know what nautilus was for08:23
N0BOXI've tried logout, it doesn't fix it.08:23
yagooiggy, how do i know if u just installed ubuntu?08:23
yagooiggy, dont get hasty with me08:23
psypher246wip_: you need to install mdadm in your new install post OS install08:23
psypher246wip_: so boot up with the live cd08:24
psypher246mount your newly installed os partition08:24
wip_psypher246: ye and choot etc..08:24
psypher246wip_: yup ooh ok have u done that alerady>?\08:24
iggyyagoo, is nautilus necessary to fix the problem?08:24
yagooiggy, you said "associated" file.. that's what you said.08:25
maj-does apt-get not work correctly for other people with the new ubuntu? wont even retrieve irssi08:25
ThinkT510iggy: nautilus is the file manager08:25
N0BOXok, I lied, logout fixed it, but it is fscking annoying to have to log out and back in every day or so08:25
yagooThinkT510, he doesn't know how to ask the question.. i suggest he googles his answer since he's arrogant08:25
Scarra3What is the difference between unity and gnome08:25
wip_psypher246: i normally run gentoo tbh:P but still doesn't explain why grub2 fails on setting mbr on manually selected /dev/hd[a-b] during install..08:25
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.08:26
iggyyagoo, well I'm just wondering if there is a folder already for the icons that are in the launch bar08:26
iggyI could just find that folder and then right click on the icon in that folder right?08:26
psypher246wip_: oh ok08:26
yagooiggy, it shold take u to the default if u want to change it.. /usr/share/pixmaps... something like this.. there's a package for more free-extra i believe.. (package manager)08:27
yagoothought u said the icon picture isnt the problem nways.08:27
iggyyagoo, I'm trying to get a Firefox icon to open firefox. So far the only way I can  open firefox is by doing a brute force with a terminal window.08:28
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.08:28
yagooiggy, ............08:28
ouyesiggy, add to pannle08:28
yagooiggy, you mean desktop link.. u can change both if u want to..08:28
iggyouyes, what?08:28
yagooiggy, the link works.. but u want to change the icon on the link08:28
iggyyagoo, the link doesn't work08:29
yagooiggy, as i said u can change both..08:29
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yagooand i answered both of these cases08:29
N0BOXare there any plans for customization of the bar on the left side of the screen in the future (or now)?08:29
iggyyagoo, how can i make the icon open firefox when I click on it?08:30
iggyit just pulses and nothing happens08:30
ileadoes anybody know a good aplication for recovering or cracking or removing the password from a rar arhive?08:30
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox408:30
maj-unity is horrible!08:31
N0BOXI used to use avant window navigator, and I liked some of the little add-on applets, such as the cpu load meter with top output on-click and the network usasge graph08:31
EGuinnmaj-: What about it?08:31
iggymaj, why do you say that?08:31
maj-all of the applications are just thrown together under "installed", on GNOME it atleast broken them down into genres or purposes08:31
N0BOXyou can get to the 'genres', but it involves a bunch more clicks08:32
yagoomaj-, i know .. isn't that so simple ! :)08:32
maj-simple for the developer, not for the user08:33
N0BOXor, you can right-click the applications button to get the old listing style08:33
EGuinnN0BOX: lol08:33
iggyyagoo, can you help me fix my problem?08:34
N0BOXsort of, anyway08:34
N0BOXthe only thing I don't like about unity is the cvomplete lack of customizability08:34
N0BOXit goes against all things linux08:34
yagooiggy, type the binary filename from a terminal .. if it doesn't fire then well u know what to do08:35
ActionParsnipN0BOX: don't use it then....08:35
yagooiggy, u new to ubuntu?08:35
psypher246thegoodcushion: thanks dude, smooth fullscreen happiness. i should have thought of this before, been such a long time since i had to install adobe's version that I forgot that it was a solution back in the day, well in my case08:35
EGuinnActionParsnip: Good to see you still here.08:35
iggyyagoo, I told you already that it opens in a terminal08:35
ActionParsnipEGuinn: i'm here most days :)08:35
N0BOXActionParsnip: I don't hate it enough to not use it08:35
iggybut the icon is broken08:35
yagooiggy, "it".08:35
yagooiggy, i dont know what it is. sorry cant help u there08:35
N0BOXbut I will say that it has definite room for improvement08:36
ActionParsnipN0BOX: you can use other dock type apps to replace08:36
N0BOXbut unity is pretty08:36
yagooiggy, dpkg -S `/which firefox`08:36
thegoodcushionpsypher246: as far as I'm concerned, the Adobe version is the only version, unless you're a FOSS diehard08:36
N0BOXwhy can't I have pretty and customizable?08:36
thegoodcushionpresumably they use the same codebase as the Windows version08:37
iggyyagoo, the latest firefox08:37
yagooiggy, dpkg -S `which firefox`08:37
unity_compizhey guys, i have uninstalled compiz (everytihng was ok) but after a reboot all my bars where away (left bar and top bar)08:37
adminewb1unity is pretty for handheld devices maybe08:37
yagoono output.08:37
yagoobye iggy08:37
ThinkT510yagoo: iggy is saying the icon on the unity sidebar doesn't launch firefox, but he can launch it if he types it into a terminal08:37
ActionParsnipN0BOX: its a new app, it'll get some love soon :)08:37
iggythanks ThinkT51008:37
N0BOXActionParsnip: exactly.  I'm just making my suggestion ;)08:37
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: left bar needs compiz to exist08:37
unity_compizso how do i fix this problem?08:37
ActionParsnipN0BOX: post suggestions on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com ;);)08:38
EGuinnunity_compiz: probably sudo apt-get install compiz08:38
Blou_Aaphow can I get my window frames back in 11.04 ?08:38
yagooproblem solved.. thanks ThinkT51008:38
unity_compizActionParsnip: i have ubuntu 11.04, the left bar was there before i installed compiz08:38
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: you can log in to gnome classic desktop and you should be ok08:38
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: compiz is in a default install08:38
iggyyagoo, I told already told you what ThinkT510 said, are you trolling me or what08:39
unity_compizActionParsnip so how to i access terminal?08:39
* yagoo ignores igg08:39
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: CTRL+ALT+T08:39
N0BOXoh, yeah, that was a problem08:39
EGuinnActionParsnip: So you are a fan of Unity, right?08:39
unity_compizActionParsnip i tired that already, doesent work08:40
EGuinnActionParsnip: I should probably update my Ubuntu box to find out.08:40
iggyseriously, I come here for help, I get none08:40
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ActionParsnipEGuinn: it's ok, not so bad to hate but not all that and a bag of chips08:40
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N0BOXI had to uninstall (purge) and reinsall compiz to get unity to work properly08:40
EGuinniggy: what is your problem?08:40
iggynothing but trying to explain the most simple of things and to just get ignored...08:40
iggyEGuinn, I'm trying to fix a broken icon in my launch bar08:40
iggyI'm using ubuntu 11.0408:41
EGuinniggy: what is wrong with it?08:41
ActionParsnipEGuinn: still loving lxde here personally :)08:41
iggyit's a firefox icon that won't work08:41
N0BOXI tweaqked with a setting in the compiz configuration deal after my dist upgrade and the whole window system failed08:41
iggyfirefox will only open through a terminal window08:41
EGuinniggy: so you worked Unity how it said to, and just pinned it to the sidebar when it was running?08:41
unity_compizActionParsnip, EGuinn how do i start terminal without ctrl-alt-t08:41
iggyEGuinn, yep08:42
EGuinniggy: And does it show the icon?08:42
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: could use CTRL+ALT+F108:42
EGuinniggy: and the icon does not work.08:42
iggythunderbird is doing the same thing08:42
EGuinniggy: You, my friend, have a weird problem.08:42
MaRk-Iunity_compiz: alt+f2  gnome-terminal   ?08:42
rghosefacing a prob with dhcp on ubuntu 10.10: cannto connect to the internet, connection unplugged?08:42
EGuinniggy: Have you tried drag-drop?08:42
yagoorghose, dhcp ?08:43
EGuinnActionParsnip: does that even work?08:43
iggyand the Unity people don't know what's wrong either... yes I have08:43
unity_compizActionParsnip thats the black big fullscreen window, i was there before but what should i do there?08:43
psypher246iggy: i have that issue sometimes when i mess with the icons trying to add custome launchers, loggin out and back in fixed it for me08:43
N0BOXwhat happened to the option to turn on the extra window effects like wobbly windows?08:43
rghose@yagoo: yes... my tikona wimax internet works with dhcp08:43
EGuinniggy: Dang, man. That is an odd problem.08:43
unity_compizMaRk-I doesent work08:43
ActionParsnipEGuinn: should do08:43
EGuinniggy: I could not tell you man, sorry.08:43
N0BOXis that also disabled because of unity?08:43
yagoorghose, tikona ?08:43
iggyI think it's got something to do with the way that Unity loads08:43
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: its tty, its not a fullscreen window. You can get back with CTRL+ALT+F708:43
rghose@yagoo: it's the name of my isp... works on winxp... used oto work on ubuntu 10.1008:43
psypher246N0BOX: I assume so, you can turn that stuff on in the compiz settings manager08:43
iggyI wish I could reset unity08:44
maj-thank god for ubuntu classic08:44
iggywithout logging out08:44
maj-i wish i could remove it08:44
EGuinniggy: You can log in as default Gnome desktop...08:44
EGuinniggy: but again, you said without logging out....08:44
iggywhat a pain though08:44
rghose@yagoo: strangely does no logner work on my ubuntu 10.10: I am getting Network Wire unplugged message...08:44
EGuinniggy: I think you are done for until they put out a new Unity... Sorry man.08:44
N0BOXpsypher246: the last time I used that program, gnome/nautilus stopped working and wouldn't come up again even after reboot08:44
yagoorghose, how are u connected currently?08:45
EGuinniggy: I am guessing you went through all the steps of restarting, etc?08:45
psypher246N0BOX: eeesh, that has never happened to me08:45
rghoseI am08:45
iggyI read something about doing a Unity --reset command08:45
psypher246N0BOX: that sucks, but try again08:45
rghose@yagoo: I'm on winxp with tikona08:45
EGuinniggy: I would google that Unity --restart thing.08:45
N0BOXI had to reinstall compiz after purging it08:45
rghose@yagoo: it is working on this os08:45
yagoorghose, windows no!!08:45
psypher246N0BOX: ack!\08:45
yagoorghose, u said it was working on a previous ubuntu edition?08:45
rghose@yagoo:  :( it was working on the current one!08:45
N0BOXpsypher246: is this possible using the simple compiz config deal?08:46
rghose@yagoo: It would load the settings by itself... I never needed to twinker anything08:46
EGuinniggy: I just did a search on it -- it seems that all sorts of people are having problems with it...08:46
yagoorghose, weird..08:46
rghose@yagoo: another info: it doesnt work on live cd as well...08:46
yagoorghose, u sure its not the home base the issue?08:46
psypher246N0BOX: I duno, not that i can find08:47
rghose@yagoo: if it were.. how can it work on winxp ?08:47
yagoorghose, ok ok.. dunno if u were on dialup :p08:47
rghose@yagoo: it's dhcp u c...08:47
EGuinnWell, all, it is about time for me to hit the sack. I have an AP Bio test tomorrow. Good bye, and good luck getting your problems solved!08:48
yagoorghose, .. ?08:48
rghose@yagoo: like i said... it is working right NOW... on my winxp08:48
yagoorghose, u said it worked on ubuntu.. wonder why all of a sudden it stops working08:48
rghose@yagoo: one reboot... and it wont08:48
yagoorghose, is this correct?08:48
rghose@yagoo: well there was a problem with my internet connection once08:49
yagoorghose, (am i correct that it ever worked on on the current ubuntu?)08:49
iggyEGuinn, yeah.. I've learned that many people are super pissed with it being part of the new ubuntu08:49
rghose@yagoo: some tech support guy came home and it worked on ONLY winxp ever since08:49
rghose@yagoo: yes u r08:49
jlxsolutionsi gto a slight problem i think my Gparted has hung it self and i am afraid to touch it any advice?08:49
yagoorghose, ok.. maybe it's a security feature.. did u check if he installed any software different?08:49
ActionParsniprghose: if you drop the @ symbol, the highlighting will work08:50
=== meh is now known as Guest23413
hemanghello there08:50
Guest23413Why I can't click some areas on my desktop? Its like there are invisible stay-on-top windows wich prevents me to click visible things under it. Its very very annoying. Whats happening?08:50
ActionParsnip@rghose: see how your nick isn't highlighted this time08:50
rghoseyagoo: yes i did... check... i even changes some strange oddities... like host-name from winxp08:50
yagoorghose, check the winsock providers.. see if there's any proprietary stuff (autoruns from systernals can show this)08:50
unity_compizActionParsnip k i could acces ctrl-alt-f1 but when i type something in there they want my password, when i type it in the always say it failed08:50
adminewb1jlxsolutions, did you stack up pending write operations before it hung? if not, i'd not worry too much08:50
hemangi need some help08:50
jlxsolutionsit hung onrezise08:50
rghoseyagoo: i have autoruns.. 2 mins08:51
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: its your login pass, you won't get any feedback, just keep typing and hit enter08:51
ActionParsnip!ask | hemang08:51
ubottuhemang: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:51
hemangwhich is best program for burn cd in ubuntu ??08:51
rghoseyagoo: I see 8MSAFD Netbios helpers, 3 MSAFG and 2 RSVP ones08:52
unity_compizyeah i know that type of login from terminal sudo -i but when i type and press enter it echo bak that the login failed08:52
Guest23413hemang: brasero?08:52
rghoseyagoo:  around 11 entries there08:52
N0BOXenabling wobbly windows breaks unity completely08:52
adminewb1jlxsolutions sounds nerve wracking, ok panic :)08:52
hemangright now i try that ..08:52
unity_compizActionParsnip yeah i know that type of login from terminal sudo -i but when i type and press enter it echo bak that the login failed08:52
Guest23413hemang: try k3b08:52
yagoorghose, just check if there's any proprietary, like non open protocols used..08:52
jlxsolutionsthe bad part comes in when i say it is my backupdrive for my destroyed backup drive....08:53
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: check caps lock :)08:53
yagoorghose, u can tell me or copy&paste the list to pastebin..08:53
rghoseyagoo: Is this nrmal? But the guy used a limited account... when he was at home... !08:53
adminewb1jlxsolutions did you see whether it completed what it was doing?08:53
rghoseyagoo: I'm screening it... posting a link here08:53
yagoorghose, actually u can also do rt/click properties.. and see if it says microsux..08:54
unity_compizActionParsnip, i checked it, negative08:54
jlxsolutionsit went as far as rezise2fs /dev/sda1 and hung would be nice if i could see if it is actually writing or not08:54
robinsmidsrodhas anyone else had problems with screen updates on i915-powered laptop?08:54
rghoseyagoo: they all suck.. :D all are ms stuff there08:55
djszapi_hi, I tried to boot the 10.10 ubuntu livecd, but it is completely dark for me, almost nothing can be seen08:55
djszapi_How can I change the lighting ?08:55
rghoseyagoo: none other than that08:55
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: not sure then dude08:55
adminewb1jlxsolutions it would be some indication if your disk activity light saturated when it started the resize2fs08:55
jlxsolutionsNo disk leds lol08:56
yagoorghose, eap ?08:56
adminewb1and how long such activity persisted...08:56
rghoseyahoo: yep... no prop ones08:56
unity_compizActionParsnip could it be that my pass wa reseted, (i have autologin)08:56
robinsmidsrodwhenever I leave the computer idle for some time, and the screen saver turns on, and when I touch the mouse to get back to it, the desktop doesn't come back up - it is like the screensaver is stuck on screen (except for the mouse pointer)08:56
bullgard4In order to be able to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 I need to free at least 531MB disk space. I already deleted old kernels.  /home takes 7,4 GiB, /usr 5,4 GiB, /var 1,3 GiB. What can I likely dismiss yet in /usr/ und /var and delete?08:56
xiaoyHow to setup ubuntu to make a sound when the battery is almost without power?08:56
jlxsolutionsim gonna put my ear on the drive if it is doing something i let it run08:56
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: worth dropping to root recovery mode and set the password again08:57
adminewb1jlxsolutions what sort of chassis is it?08:57
ActionParsnipbullgard4: remove openoffice too08:57
unity_compizActionParsnip, how?08:57
yagoorghose, what about the dialup, is it scripted?08:57
robinsmidsrodthe thing is that I can ctrl-alt-f1 switch to vt1, and it is there and works, but if I try to switch back to vt6/7/8 nothing apperas08:57
robinsmidsrod(except the mouse)08:57
ActionParsnipbullgard4: also try bleachbit to clear some space08:57
jlxsolutionschassi from the 1990ies and open and the drive is working hard on something so i guess it is just the Gui thats hung08:57
ActionParsnipunity_compiz: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root08:57
yagoorghose, (not old telephone dialup)08:58
unity_compizk thx bye08:58
rghoseyagoo: i have dhcp... i dont dial any line... there a wimax bs on my terrace and a lan cat4 comes in08:58
unity_compizActionParsnip, k thx bye08:58
jlxsolutionssince swap is off and im on live cd08:58
rghoseyagoo: Don't really understand what u mean by that?08:58
adminewb1jlxsolutions you can try opening system monitor, sort processes by %CPU, maybe see what's keeping your system occupied08:58
yagoorghose, it's still a serial connection08:58
rghoseyagoo: how can i give u my dial up settings?! (i dont understant how to!)08:59
jlxsolutionsXorg and firefox are fighting over the CPU lol08:59
rghoseyagoo: i can show u some lan settings08:59
ActionParsnipjlxsolutions: firefox will chew your cpu lots09:00
jlxsolutionsgparted is getting 12%09:00
jlxsolutionsah now the actual resize process started09:00
yagoorghose, using ipv6?09:00
rghoseyagoo: can u take a look here? :https://picasaweb.google.com/hansum.rahul/InternetSettings?authkey=Gv1sRgCOzM3_ixt6-SygE&feat=directlink09:00
rghoseyagoo: naah... i tried that.. disabled ipv6 on winxp09:00
rghoseyagoo: still works on winxp :P :(09:01
adminewb1sounds like it's taking abnormally long in any case09:01
jlxsolutionssweet i was getting worried there09:01
yagoorghose, um..09:01
jlxsolutionsWell adminnewb1 thanks for calming my nervers during this lol09:01
yagoorghose, what's the name of the communications unit?09:02
yagoorghose, near the demarcation point09:02
yagoorghose, sometimes those things host their own webservers to show statuses09:02
rghoseyagoo: i get a login page from tikona wibro09:03
adminewb1#grub channel's been idle for over an hour09:03
yagoorghose, what's it's ip?09:03
rghoseyahoo: when i open up my browser.. but that;s after I get the ip via dhcp09:03
adminewb1ok if someone wants to pick up my loopback iso boot trouble?09:03
rghoseyagoo: the gw is
yagoorghose, can u force same ipaddress as on windows (and same subnet mask) and try to ping (can u ping in windows?)09:04
rghoseyagoo: yes i can ping09:05
yagoorghose, i dont mean being a linksys router box..09:05
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yagoorghose, is this the modem?09:05
berkesmy .gvfs appears broken. I cannot access it and ls shows weird permissions and ownership: d?????????   ? ?    ?        ?                ? .gvfs09:05
=== Guest67700 is now known as ariel
berkesany hints on fixing this?09:05
rghoserghose: i never could access the router09:05
=== ariel is now known as Guest55254
rghoseyagoo: i never could access the router or modem09:06
yagoorghose, what's the name of the modem?09:06
rghoseyagoo: looks to me is a server09:06
yagoorghose, but what is ?09:06
rghoseyagoo: the guys said it was a basestation09:06
yagoorghose, the router?09:06
yagoorghose, arp -a09:06
rghoseyagoo: seems to be a server09:06
adminewb1someone here experienced with loopback mounting live linux ISO images to boot in grub? please join #grub to hash it out09:06
stuntaneousSay, perhaps, I managed to destroy NetworkManager's configuration somehow and now have no internet.. how do I go about resetting it back to a working state?09:06
yagoo(dos command-> arp -a  can show vendor ids)09:06
rghoseInterface: --- 0x209:07
rghose  Internet Address      Physical Address      Type09:07
rghose          00-90-0b-10-ab-e6     dynamic09:07
FloodBot1rghose: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
rghoseyagoo: oops.. sorry09:07
yagoorghose, u can paste a few lines #flood :)09:07
tasslehoffIf I'm gonna have both Gnome and KDE installed, should I choose GDM/KDM based on what I will be running most often?09:07
rghoseyagoo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605101/09:07
yagootasslehoff, gdm/kdm<< any of the two can launch either gnome or kdesktop without issues09:07
iggycan anyone tell me how to get rid of unity and do the gnome classic with compiz thing?09:07
tasslehoffyagoo: no problem than. thanks.09:08
Guest55254hmm does anyboy=y heah know if linux has a syn·chro·nizer09:08
HypothesisFrogI have an old 64 meg sdcard that I use with my digital camera. Unfortunately, ubuntu won't recognise it anymore. XP does, but ubuntu seems to have stopped. How can I fix this?09:08
rghoseyagoo: so that's my router! and the tech support guys were so stupid... :P me was too..  :(09:08
ActionParsnipGuest55254: what is a "syn?chro?nizer"09:09
alkisgWill there be an linux-image-generic-lts-backport-natty package available for Lucid? Now only linux-image-generic-lts-backport-maverick is available in lucid-updates...09:09
iggyany unity experts in the crowd?09:10
bullgard4ActionParsnip: It is a good idea to remove openoffice. I hope that bleachbit will not delete something that I regret later.09:10
Guest55254in windows you typed a message and you would hear it after you typed it09:10
yagoorghose, ?09:11
rghoseyagoo: i guess i cant ping that from ububtu09:11
rghoseyagoo: coz... the routes are ot defined09:11
rghoseyagoo: u think i should reboot give it a try?09:11
maciej_please help me i must instal new tibia 8.73 and have problem.09:11
maciej_in polen server ubuntu-pl no write me ;/09:11
yagoorghose, is a public ip09:11
rghoseyagoo: and ?09:12
maciej_i tray open Tibia and dont open,  help me ?09:12
rghoseyagoo: i thought u saw the paste ?09:12
Guest55254god does anybody know the name cause im lost09:13
rghoseyagoo: guess the bs is
yagoorghose, i think the modem may be a lanson electronics (oui)09:13
yagoorghose, type oui in google.. its' the first link09:14
yagoorghose, then type the 00-xx- in the search field09:14
yagooor 00-xx09:14
bin_bashWhen I do a video call with skype09:14
bin_bashI'm getting a kernel panic09:14
bin_bashit only happens when we both use cams09:14
yagoorghose, pretty sure u can get it to work09:15
bullgard4!skype | bin_bash09:15
ubottubin_bash: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:15
adminewb1HypothesisFrog, symptoms I've seen may correspond to yours; tried just replugging the device?09:15
bin_bashlearn to read.09:15
Daniel0108bin_bash: please don't use caps, it's annoying.09:16
rghoseyagoo: alrite... taking a look09:16
yagoorghose, is um.. did u upgrade the kernel or something?09:16
* usalabs is away: I'll be back, I have gone to somwhere I can contemplate my contemplation.09:16
yagoorghose, i can try to get it to work along09:16
bin_bashSo is being told to install a problem that is obviously installed, as I wouldn't be able to use it and thus be having it cause issues if it weren't installed.09:16
rghoseyagoo: nope...09:16
rghoseyagoo: ok... so where do i start?09:16
HypothesisFrogadminewb1 replugging? I plug the sdcard into the card slot in the side of the netbook a couple of times.09:17
yagoorghose, see if dhcp is using any new authentication09:17
rghoseyagoo: thnku 4 ur time09:17
rghoseyagoo: :)09:17
yagoorghose, maybe wireshark might show the dhcp versioning09:17
yagoorghose, its ok..09:17
rghoseyagoo: altrite09:17
* usalabs is back (gone 00:01:18)09:17
yagoorghose, u can still keep trying :)09:17
rghoseyagoo: i'm downloading it...09:18
=== Nappz is now known as Nappz-Zzz
yagoorghose, turn off iptables (ubuntu) of course which i'm sure u do..09:18
adminewb1HypothesisFrog ok then could be a different problem09:18
yagoo(and turn tweak iptables on afterwards of course)09:18
guckiHi! I upgraded to natty on two notebooks and both sometimes hand during shutdown/reboot, I only can power off using the power button. This corrupts my harddisk over time. Is there already a hotfix? :)09:18
yagoorghose, btw, wireshark is avail on linux as well09:19
ilonhow do i make grub boot into a resqueshell instead of normally booting ubuntu?09:19
yagoorghose, how far do u get with ubuntu? u dont even get an ip correct?09:19
rghoserghose: i know that,, at the moment it's working on winxp09:19
yagoo(like ur not using dnssec)09:20
rghoseyagoo: :P09:20
rghoseyagoo: i never got the correct ip in ubuntu09:20
yagoorghose, u know the difference between dns and dhcp?09:20
rghoseyagoo: yah...09:20
yagoorghose, u get any ip address in ubuntu?09:20
rghoseyagoo: i got a local ip like 169.xxx09:20
adminewb1ilon, do you get the grub menu on screen?09:20
rghoseyagoo: not the one i should like: 113.xxx09:20
yagoook thats not dhcp-- 169.. of course09:20
ilonadminewb1: usual grub-screen09:20
roderic_hi all09:21
ilonadminewb1: the list with options that is09:21
yagoorghose, 169, auto self assigned local link..09:21
rghoseyagoo: hmm guess so... i have a route of a friend09:21
yagoorghose, its standardized if dhcp fails the OS will try a local link address09:21
adminewb1normally you can just press C for a command shell yes?09:21
guckiit seems other do have the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174559309:21
rghoseyagoo: he's on the same tikona wimax09:21
guckibut no fix yet?09:21
rghoseyagoo: take a look?09:21
yagoorghose, look of what exactly?09:22
ilonadminewb1: yes, i want to boot a linux-kernel from the disk tho, and drop to shell instead of normal boot09:22
rghoseyagoo: my friend;s route entries... they might seem interesting09:22
ilonadminewb1: i.e. only boot the primary hd, and drop to shell instead of login09:22
rghoseyagoo: he uses tikona... and it works on ubuntu as of now09:23
adminewb1ilon, so you're saying you want a single user recovery startup of the ubuntu system you normally start in multiuser mode?09:23
ilonadminewb1: yeah, thats the expression for it :P09:24
rghoseyagoo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605112/09:24
adminewb1ilon isn't that already a menu item, paired with your regular boot item?09:24
rghoseyagoo: my route on ubuntu does not have the 1st line09:24
ilonadminewb1: nope, not on this install09:24
ilonadminewb1: oh well, will just RTFM :D09:25
adminewb1ilon, you could try tweaking your grub settings and update so it produces such a menu item09:25
Dbuggerhello guzs09:25
DbuggerI need some help09:25
ilonadminewb1: yeah, will do, thanks for the help :)09:25
adminewb1by default it does produce those09:25
Dbuggerfrom this weekend, mz dual screen doesnt work in ubuntu09:25
yagoorghose, does it take long to get a dhcp offer?09:25
rghoseyagoo: yes09:25
adminewb1sure ilon09:25
rghoseyagoo: i tried 2wice or thrice09:25
yagoorghose, u tried increasing the dhcp client's time (ubuntu) ?09:26
kjxl9hey, i need some help connecting to a irc chat server with xchat09:26
rghoseyagoo: how can i do that?09:26
Blou_AapI'm keen on trying Unity, but I changed something in Compiz Manager, and BOOM no more panels, no more anything but a desktop. not even alt-f2 works. How can I get it all back to new ?09:26
yagoorghose, how long does it take windows?09:26
ThinkT510kjxl9: you're on one now09:26
rghoseyagoo: instantly... on bootup... i'm connected09:26
kjxl9ya but im trying to join a new server09:26
rghoseyagoo: sometimes... i have to disable and re-enable it.. but that's just sometimes09:27
kjxl9that isn't in the default channels09:27
yagoorghose, can u check on windows if ether link is half duplex ?09:27
kjxl9im trying to join ustream IRC09:27
yagoorghose, i believe the network-connections dialog box may show it on the advanced tab09:27
rghoseyagoo: ok... taking a look09:27
yagoorghose, it may not be there .. not all of them have this tab...09:28
rghoseyagoo: in advanced, I just get firewall09:28
yagoorghose, if u dont have it there.. u may probably see it with siw.exe (safe to download)09:28
rghoseyagoo: download it09:30
yagoorghose, if u want to be nitty gritty, u can try dumping the entire "netsh show" command (eg: netsh show >myxpnet.txt) then paste that for online09:30
MagePsychohi guys09:30
ThinkT510kjxl9: http://xchat.org/docs/xchat-4.html09:30
MagePsychocan you recommend me the good chat for ubuntu09:30
yagoorghose, dunno about the latest, but currently on a win system siw doesnt show if ts half/full duplex.. but netsh may09:31
MagePsychoi installed it and configured for gtalk09:31
MagePsychonow how to use it for msn .. irc chat etc09:31
MagePsychoi mean setting up multiple account09:31
yagoorghose, my err.. its actually ->netsh dump >atextfile.txt09:31
rghoseyagoo: netsh ok!09:32
Blou_AapI'm keen on trying Unity, but I changed something in Compiz Manager, and BOOM no more panels, no more anything but a desktop. not even alt-f2 works. How can I get it all back to new ?09:32
Blou_Aapif I use Classic I have no window frames09:32
Blou_Aapany way to reset EVERYTHING without losing documents, projects, etc ?09:33
rghoseyagoo: ^^09:33
yagoorghose, here's a nice one for u.. this is not on the latest windows but was nice back on xp (type ->"netsh diag")09:34
yagoorghose, u using multilink?09:35
peter__Why do ubuntu use mono?09:35
rghoseyagoo: what is that?09:35
yagoorghose, i see it enabled in the dump09:35
yagoo"add multilink type = MULTI"09:36
rghoseyagoo: where?09:36
yagoorghose, u have only 1 net connect cable to the machine right?09:36
yagoorghose, in ur netsh dump09:36
rghoseyagoo: yah.. i see it too09:36
yagoorghose, only 1 net cable right?09:37
rghoseyagoo: um... i have 1 lan card...  a cable comes out and joins an adapter... another cable comes out from this adapted and joins the bs09:37
rghoseyagoo: *adapter09:37
yagoorghose, is that adpater called lanmann electronics?09:38
rghoseyagoo: w8... taking a look09:38
blaine_lol, figured my problem out09:38
yagooor lanson electronics?09:38
blaine_I did a kernel upgrade while I had no hard drive space left, and initrd or initramfs couldn't run09:39
rghoseyagoo: Carrier POE adapter... ubiquiti networks09:39
blaine_well, it couldn't /finish/09:39
yagooblaine_, try apropos initramfs .. use the update command to generate a new initrd image09:39
MagePsychoany good chat client other than pidgin?09:40
blaine_I think apt-get is configuring it09:40
blaine_I made space available and apt-get is now re-running the config script that broke in the first place09:40
yagoorghose, i believe thats' just a filter..09:40
rghoseyagoo: ok09:40
yagoorghose, is the cable long?09:41
rghoseyagoo: the cable from the pc to the adapter is short09:41
yagoorghose, try to determine if hte netcard is going at half-duplex.. if it is, then force it as half-duplex in ubuntu09:41
H4nshello people, Since i updated to natty, every time i try to retrieve my email or rss in evolution, it blocks and takes up 99% processor power. Does anyone know anything about this?09:41
rghoseyagoo: the cable from the adapter is loooooong09:41
yagoorghose, how long?09:41
N0BOXnow mapping mouse buttons in compoz config dealie doesn't work09:42
rghoseyagoo: it goes up 3 floors09:42
yagoorghose, it's using rj45 ?09:42
N0BOXthere is something really broken with ubuntu 11.04 on my pc09:42
yagoorghose, for the long part09:42
peter__N0BOX, me too09:43
N0BOXbrb, reboot09:43
yagoorghose, there might be a poor physical link09:43
MagePsychoany good chat client other than pidgin?09:43
yagoorghose, i had this problem with my cable company.. they came to replace a cable here09:44
yagoorghose1, let me know when u find out if its half duplex09:44
yagoorghose, rghose1, (netsh diag) may say so thats why i mentioned it earlier09:45
rghose1yagoo: i took out the cable to see it... :P09:45
yagoorghose1, under ubuntu the mii-tool can be used to dtermine half/full duplex09:45
gangilhi I copied an executable to /usr/bin09:49
rghose1yagoo: siw does not show hallf/full duplex :(09:49
gangilbut when I try starting it on terminla09:49
gangilit says bash : /usr/bin/pcc : NO such file or directory09:50
rghose1yagoo: yah it is rj4509:50
rafi_hello evryone,i have update my ubuntu 10.04 kernel recently and now i cant boot my laptop from new kernel,how can i remove this kernel?09:50
yagoorghose1, i don have xp.. u can enter the netsh int context (eg: netsh<enter> ipv4 <enter> ?<enter> << may be difference in xp)..09:50
yagoobut alot still carries ..09:51
yagoorghose1, u should be able to somewhere..09:51
rafi_please,some one help me please09:51
ademhow can i do udptracert on ubuntu09:51
rafi_hello evryone,i have update my ubuntu 10.04 kernel recently and now i cant boot my laptop from new kernel,how can i remove this kernel?09:51
yagoorghose1, did u try something like this? http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpronetworking/thread/1bdbcb47-9b8d-4a04-bc76-49d1aee2392e09:52
rghose1yagoo: it's 10Mbps/Half Duples09:53
yagoorghose1, so set it to half-duplex<< try that in ubuntu..09:54
yagoomaybe it will work..09:54
yagoohalf duplex should be fine enough.. no need to try to set it to 10mbit..09:55
rghose1yagoo: under network connections?09:55
yagooi guess its there..09:55
rghose1yagoo: i use nm-applet in gnome09:55
yagoothat uses networkmanager..09:55
rghose1yagoo: thx! I'll give it a try now... :)09:55
yagoodont use interfaces file if u use the gui09:55
yagooin which u do use the gui.. so its the icon09:56
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OO2uHi, has anyone EDID.bin for LCD with native resolution 1680x1050_60? If you have this file please tell me pm.09:56
lobihello. my wirles on hp09:58
lobidosen't work09:58
lobiafter i install ubuntu version 11.0409:59
lobiany help09:59
yagooOO2u, ??????????09:59
yagooOO2u, edid is autodetected by the X server..09:59
yagooOO2u, if u use something like a kvm switch that can interfere with edid10:00
OO2uyagoo, the problem is that nvidia driver cannot detect this information. So i must set up it manualy10:00
tuxx-hey guys, what daemon handles the notification popups in ubuntu?10:00
yagooOO2u, what's between the monitor and the video card?10:00
OO2uyagoo, edid channel10:01
yagooOO2u, is there anything other than a direct cable? (like as i said no kvm switches?)10:01
OO2uyagoo, it's a problem with notebook lcd display10:01
yagooOO2u, lcd is extinct..10:02
barf_Is it possible to "upgrade" from a running 32-bit install to 64-bit?10:02
lobimy wirles dosen't work on 11.0410:02
OO2uyagoo, so i even don't know who is manufacture)10:02
yagooOO2u, joking.. there's tft lcd10:03
yagoobarf_, impossible.10:03
S4RY!wireless | > lobi10:03
ubottulobi, please see my private message10:03
OO2uyagoo, so i am looking for some edid file...10:04
yagooOO2u, for u.. u have to understand what EDID is. If edid firmware exists? possibly.. i never heard someone updateing firmwar for their monitor.10:04
yagooOO2u, i think you mean "bios" for your laptop.. try looking into that10:04
OO2uyagoo, everybody who has this problem update firmware for their monitors)10:04
yagooOO2u, what laptop model is it?10:05
yagooOO2u, if its very very new it might be worth it10:05
OO2uyagoo, samsung r560-bs0210:05
lil_petehey guys. does anybody have an idea, how i can use my keyboard-hotkeys (vol up / down) in VLC?10:06
barf_yagoo: So reinstall? Can I debootsrap a 64-bit from a running 32-bit install then?10:06
sunitI am trying to create a cron job with out any manual intervention so that a file will be run automativally in some interval. Can I write shell script which will create a cron job with out any manual intervention ?10:07
AdvoWorkhi there, got a client machines thats updated to 11.04. is there any way I can get the applications menu etc back along the bottom?10:07
yagoobarf_, probably..10:07
fuzzybunny69yHey guys is it possible to remove the workspace switcher lens in unity?10:08
yagoobarf_, debootstrap i know is stable for debian.. i dont know for ubuntu10:08
lil_peteAdvoWork: doesnt 11.04 come with a new desktop? it isnt gnome any longer afaik... try sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop, that should use your old settings... you have to select that on login10:08
Mitsukarubarf_, generally it's always a good idea to install the 64 bit version if your computer can handle it.10:08
tuxx-hey guys, i found out the gnome-panel handles the notifies send by the system. Is there any daemon that does support the same notifies which is not intergrated in gnome-panel? I'm trying to get some notification daemon to use under awesomewm, and it do not want to use the gnome-panel.10:08
iridiumhi, I have a small problem, after the latest pidgin update from ubuntu, it works fine, but the notification icon on the task bar changed, and it doesn't update like before, showing the status or if somenoe answered, anyone knows anything of this?10:09
thegoodcushionMitsukaru: that's good advice, but it's not what's on the ubuntu website10:09
yagoobarf_, how much ram u have?10:09
lil_petedoes anybody have an idea how i can use my keyboard-hotkeys (vol up / down) in VLC?10:09
yagoobarf_, if u not using power hungry or more than a gig ram.. u wont see any difference going 64bit10:10
AdvoWorklil_pete, i didnt realise, thats pants10:10
tuxx-hey guys, i found out the gnome-panel handles the notifies send by the system. Is there any daemon that does support the same notifies which is not intergrated in gnome-panel? I'm trying to get some notification daemon to use under awesomewm, and it do not want to use the gnome-panel. <- think i found it, notification-daemon :-)10:10
lil_peteAdvoWork: Thats pants? whats that mean? (im not a native speaker)10:10
Mitsukarulol thegoodcushion, it would be cool if the 32-bit ubuntu cd had a notice or something when running on a 64 bit computer. saying that the 64-bit version is advised to better take advantage of your computer's hardware.10:10
thegoodcushionMitsukaru: yeah it should10:11
lil_peteiridium: you can set that up in pidgin... go through the settings, its a little hidden10:11
thegoodcushionI mean, I was going to download the 64-bit version, and this thing on the website said I should download the 32-bit version, now Ubuntu can't see 800 megs of my 4 gigs10:11
Mitsukaruit's nottoo important though10:11
barf_yagoo: CPU is 2x quad core X3210 there is like 8GB RAM10:11
Mitsukaruwhere on the website says to use the 32 bit version?10:11
yagoobarf_, then why install the 32bit :))..hehehe10:11
barf_configuring for vbox10:12
yagoobarf_, i say keep the 32bit in case10:12
AdvoWorklil_pete, im just not impressed how it changed :) is there any way to change some settings? issue being, in firefox, opened a new window(popup) and it got minimized, and the user couldnt see it, without alt-tab..10:12
Mitsukaruiirc it says use 32 bit when in doubt.10:12
iridiumlil_pete, well, a purple icon with an "!" appears, but it doesn't change, can be changed to the older way?10:12
Mitsukaruanyway isnt there a way to replace every 32 bit package with a 64 bit version and preserve all of your software and files?10:12
yagooMitsukaru, no..10:13
thegoodcushionI reckon the 32-bit version should provide a distro-upgrade to 64 bits10:13
lil_peteiridium: sry dude no idea... i just know i searched those lil basterds forever trying to mute that thing10:13
yagooMitsukaru, thats why the 32bit might be ideal.. for those third party apps...10:13
lil_peteAdvoWork: just get ubuntu / kubuntu desktop... or, even better, xfce (sounds like your user doesnt see a taskbar anyway?)10:14
deepak_i have question related to procmail?10:15
sunithow a shell script can create a cron job so that nobody will write in command line ?10:15
yagooMitsukaru, u can run 32bit apps on 64bit linux.. but not all 32bit linux apps would work10:16
barf_yagoo: Keep the 32-bit?10:16
barf_For what?10:16
yagoobarf_, yah..10:16
yagoobarf_, dunno.. in case u need an app that wont run on the 64bit..10:16
yagoobarf_, maybe skype10:16
deepak_which i use DEFAULT=/home/user/mbox procmail fetches in deferent format , but when i change the name it fetches is some other format ? any idea?10:16
Mitsukaruoh, i know. you can get apt to give you a list of all the software you have installed, and then back up your home directory. then after reinstall 64 bit, use the list to automatically reinstall everything and restore your home directory10:16
yagoothough i believe that runs properly by now on 64bit10:16
yagoo(ia32libs package needed)10:17
abhinav_singhplease tell me good download manager for linux10:17
Mitsukarubarf_, i wouldnt suggest keeping the 32 bit version. i'm pretty sure that once you install ia32libs, you can run everything 32 bit ubuntu can.10:17
goetheIs there a specific way in banshee to subscribe to more unorthodox podcasts? (i.e., those that seem to link directly to an Apple iTunes podcast)10:17
yagooMitsukaru, i dont believe all 32bit linux oss has been transfered for 64-bit readiness10:17
yagooabhinav_singh, download manager? are u on 56k modem?/10:18
Mitsukaruyagoo, open-source software (oss) can be compiled for any platform and likely has already been compiled for 64 bit10:18
yagooMitsukaru, not any platform but a good number10:18
abhinav_singhyagoo no10:19
yagooabhinav_singh, download manager is so 1990's..10:19
abhinav_singhbut still for downloading large files i need download manager10:19
yagoothe only download manager i can think of is for torrents10:19
yagooor ftp..10:20
Blou_AapI connot move my windows, It's so frustrating. not by title bar or by alt-drag combo10:21
Blou_AapHow would I fix this in 11.0410:21
yagooabhinav_singh, there's plugins for firefox if this is what u meant initially10:22
barf_yagoo: this box runs vbox headless, if I would like to run skype on it, I would run it inside a vm10:22
barf_a 32 bit vm, i e10:22
ComputerChicDoes anyone know where I can go to read the #ubuntu irc Q.& A. with Mark Shuttleworth?  Or if I even can read it?10:22
yagoobarf_, ?10:22
yagoobarf_, headless?10:22
yagoobarf_, vbox cant be run headless .. what u saying?10:22
rghose1yagoo: back again... network manager did not have any such option...10:22
yagoorghose1, is this the default gnome applet?10:23
rghose1yagoo: I edited /etc/NetworkManager/ some interface file... where there was a section on connection type10:23
yagoorghose1, thought i saw it once..10:23
rghose1yagoo: there I changed it to half (from full)10:23
barf_yagoo: I controll the VMs via RDC10:23
yagoorghose1, just undo whatever u did in /etc..10:23
yagoorghose1, u did?10:24
yagoorghose1, and mii-tool shows half duplex?10:24
ComputerChicDoes anyone know where I can go to read the #ubuntu irc Q.& A. with Mark Shuttleworth?  Or if I even can read it?10:24
rghose1yagoo: yeah.. I edited /etc/NetworkManager (not networkmagaer) / Auto\ eth010:24
robin0800ComputerChic, its on omg!ubuntu! site10:25
rghose1yagoo: I didnt use mii-tools... I thought this was the setting of NetworkManager (used by nm-applet) ?10:25
Blou_AapI cannot move my windows, It's so frustrating. not by title bar or by alt-drag combo10:25
Blou_AapHow would I fix this in 11.0410:25
ComputerChicrobin0800: Thank you :)10:25
yagoorghose1, i believe i saw half duplex with the gnome-nm applet long ago..10:25
yagoobut i may have been dreaming..10:25
yagoorghose1, mii-tool says what?10:25
yagooBlou_Aap, be sure u set the proper options for compiz (ubuntu wiki)10:26
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz10:26
rghose1yagoo: well it's not there now... in fact in the Auto eth0 file (created by NetworkManager I suppoz)... there were all suff that made me belive that it was those settings10:26
rghose1yagoo: do i need to install mii-tools?10:26
rghose1yagoo: Or is it pre-installed (on a default installation) ?10:27
yagoorghose1, yeah.. there's another probably ethtool that may show it.. i believe mii-tool is th epackage name10:27
freeman_how do i move the unity launcher to the bottom... ccsm isnt doing it10:27
yagoorghose1, if mittol ask to remove networkmanager let me know..10:27
robin0800freeman_, you can't10:27
yagoorghose1, ethtool may be another pacakge name..10:28
rghose1yagoo: ok.. thx10:28
yagoorghose1, try apt-cache search duplex|grep -i net10:28
yagoo(apt-get update of course)10:28
rghose1yagoo: k10:29
yagooComputerChic, see topic10:29
yagoorghose1, k ... ?10:29
yagoorghose1, manpage :)10:29
yagoorghose1, http://linux.die.net/man/8/mii-diag10:29
* yagoo uses "manpage <>" in da googlenessess10:30
iridiumhi, I have a small problem, after the latest pidgin update from ubuntu, it works fine, but the notification icon on the task bar changed to a static purple ballon with an "!", and it doesn't update like before showing the status or if someone answered, anyone knows how to solve this?10:30
freeman_robin0800, what do you think of docky?10:30
yagooiridium, maybe their update server is down10:30
rghose1yagoo: )10:31
rghose1yagoo: preparng another reboot10:31
robin0800freeman_, I prefer awn10:31
eitch0000hi, can anyone point me to some documentation on the PAM configuration in Ubuntu? I would like to adjust the wait time on ssh login, it is driving me nuts =)10:31
yagooreboot ?10:31
yagooeitch0000, pam ?10:32
freeman_robin0800, how do i remove the unity launcher?10:32
sergeiкто нить знает как в загрузочном меню местами поменять пункты10:32
yagooeitch0000, that's more related to you loading the kernel module for the particular extension before thinking about configuration10:32
sergeiв винде то оно понятно а тут только вчера поставил10:32
eitch0000yagoo, which kernel module?10:32
yagooeitch0000, the pam option needs to be set on in the sshd config10:33
yagooeitch0000, for the "wait" time.. that's not really a pam issue.. check the sshd_config10:33
robin0800freeman_, think you can only permanently hide it or use classic ie no unity10:33
freeman_how can i hide it i meant10:33
robin0800freeman_, ccs10:34
eitch0000yagoo, I can't see any option creating a "wait" time in ssd_config. This is why I thought it might be PAM issue10:34
freeman_i guess ill just get used to it being on the left10:35
yagooeitch0000, u mean logingracetime? http://linux.die.net/man/5/sshd_config10:36
eitch0000yagoo, no, not the time it takes till the login is dropped, but the time it takes till I can enter the password10:36
mmani want to create an alias for ssh connection. so i want to write: ssh $nameofalias   so im doing: alias nameofalias='user@server' but this alias does not get saved10:36
yagooeitch0000, how old are you?10:37
eitch0000I'm on a LAN and connecting to another machine, I have to wait at least 2 seconds to login10:37
yagoo"<eitch0000> yagoo, no, not the time it takes till the login is dropped, but the time it takes till I can enter the password"10:37
eitch0000yagoo, what on earth has that got to do with anything? =)10:37
eitch0000from the manpage: LoginGraceTime - The server disconnects after this time if the user has not successfully logged in10:38
eitch0000that is not what is bothering me =)10:38
yagooeitch0000, how old are you?10:38
eitch0000yagoo, again, what has that go to do with anything? we're not on a dating site...10:38
yagooyou sound 14.. so that sounds fine10:38
yagoothere are worse things to lose than 2 seconds of your life10:39
eitch0000yagoo, I might just be older than you, so please let's just drop the silly talk about age.10:39
Jasonn*dun dun dun*10:40
yagooeitch0000, you sound 14. you dont need to pretend.. just relax and let this case go10:40
eitch0000yagoo, I login many times to the system a day and I would like to change that.10:40
yagooJasonn, i smell something premature here10:40
yagooeitch0000, upgraade to fiber optics10:40
Jasonnyagoo: yeah, me too, is it you?10:40
eitch0000yagoo, I'm 28, so now you let it go10:40
yagooJasonn, I use fiber optic on my lan.. i wait less than half a second for my ssh logins..10:41
Jasonn!ot | yagoo10:41
ubottuyagoo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:41
yagooJasonn, you do use fiber optics dont you?10:41
yagooJasonn, and how fast is your ssh login?10:41
Jasonnpretty damn fast10:41
yagooJasonn, i mean how fast does the password prompt show up?10:41
Jasonnbut it costs like $500 to get it installed10:42
yagooeitch0000, 500 dollars10:42
Jasonnanyways, just change the prompt time.10:42
yagoothat's the answer i guess10:42
Jasonnto like 10 seconds.10:42
eitch0000Jasonn, what do you mean, change the prompt time?10:43
Jasonnchange the time that it requires you to login in10:43
yagooJasonn, chage ?10:43
* yagoo googles chage password time10:43
Jasonnmy server (offland) has 15 secsons, I set it to 3, but the logins kept failing.10:43
danclark-auhey all, does anyone know how to get past the 'it seems that you do not have the hardware required to run unity.' screen10:43
danclark-aunow my g/f did an update recently which required a restart and now she can't get past this part10:43
Jasonndanclark-au: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:44
om26erdanclark-au, is there no ok button or something?10:44
Jasonndanclark-au: run that whole command as one peice.10:44
danclark-auJasonn: if only it was that easy10:44
yagoodanclark-au, your gf has root priviledge ?10:44
yagoodanclark-au, that's smaart10:44
danclark-auits stuck on a dialog saying 'It seems that you do not have the......10:44
LAcanwhere is my fstab file located?10:44
om26erLAcan, /etc/fstab10:45
yagoodanclark-au, can u login as root?10:45
danclark-auJason: there is a close button , but it doesn't work10:45
LAcanom26er, ty10:45
danclark-auyagoo: no login prompt, just brings up that error10:45
om26erdanclark-au, you have it right now?10:45
danclark-aujason: no mouse available for some reason, no pointer10:45
danclark-auom26er: yep, its on the screen10:45
yagoodanclark-au, i dont think #ubuntu is for fixing girlfriends10:45
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danclark-auyagoo: yes I realise that I'll deal with her later ;)10:46
om26erdanclark-au, ok, press ctrl+alt+f110:46
Jasonnyagoo: I dont think #ubuntu is for pissing people off.10:46
yagoodanclark-au, unless ur girlfriend is ubuntu.. then u really have the right to flame in here10:46
om26erdanclark-au, login there10:46
yagoodanclark-au, but this is the reason why your gf's have their own laptops10:46
danclark-auom26er: sorry nothing either, I can get the ALT-PRTSCRN R, E but yeh nothing10:46
danclark-auyagoo: thanks this is her laptop which has the issue...10:47
om26erdanclark-au, hmm10:47
diegoviolaWayland for Ubuntu when please?10:47
danclark-auom26er: nothing if I press alt f1 etc, lik if I try to change to another shell10:47
om26erdiegoviola, oneiric might let you test10:47
yagoodanclark-au, just backup her data&settings and reinst..10:47
danclark-auyagoo: meow :-(10:47
om26er(or natty already does, not usure)\10:47
robin0800danclark-au, it usually means you need to change the graphics driver10:47
yagoodanclark-au, and backup /etc /var/mail etc.. whatever needs be..10:48
danclark-aurobin0800: I can't get to a shell to do any of that :(10:48
FourDollarsWhere is the main IRC channel for UDS? Is it #ubuntu-uds or #ubuntu?10:48
danclark-auyagoo: there has to be a back door here somehwere lol10:48
om26erthere is a bug which affects alot of people where the driver becomes disabled, have seen those10:48
yagoodanclark-au, for all i know she used sid repos..10:48
om26erFourDollars, former10:48
danclark-auyeh my g/f stumbled across this10:48
robin0800danclark-au, reboot and set classic at logon10:49
sunit I am trying to create a cron job with out any manual intervention so that a file will be run automativally in some interval. Can I write shell script which will create a cron job with out any manual intervention ?10:49
danclark-auyagoo:  an update appeared and she clicked ok sure update...10:49
om26erdiegoviola, next ubuntu, set to release in october10:49
sunit I mean the shell script itself will generate the cron job10:49
yagoodanclark-au, unless you're challenging or man enough to check things out with debootstrap and live rescuecd..10:49
sunitnobody will write the cronjob in command line10:49
yagooor rather chroot&rescuecd10:49
danclark-auyagoo: I like a challenge, but unfortunately a little notebook pc without a cdrom drive becomes more of a challenge10:49
robin0800danclark-au, reboot and set classic at logon10:50
vibhavHelooo! I have a problem , anybody to help?10:50
yagoonot really.. just make a usb boot copy of the provided iso..10:50
danclark-aurobin0800: I don't get login prompt10:50
om26erdanclark-au, usb boot FTW :-)10:50
eitch0000yagoo, Jasonn, I actually found the reason for my problems. I did google every now and then, but this time I was lucky: The solution was to set UseDNS no in sshd_config. So, no more flaming me, ok?10:50
danclark-auom26er: yes actually your right, thats how I installed in the first place10:50
yagoomodern debian/ubuntu iso should be usb-bootable in one or two step transfer10:50
Jasonneitch0000: xDD Ok :D10:50
om26er(could it be that its set to auto-login(no password to login))10:50
vibhavAnybody knows a good harddrive solution for UBUNTU?10:51
om26erdanclark-au, ^^10:51
danclark-auom26er: I suspect she ticked something to remove the annoying login prompt that she had to enter a password on every time it strted10:51
vibhavAnybody knows a good harddrive  imaging solution for UBUNTU?10:51
Nirkusyay, creating an usb startup diskusing 1GByte of persistent storage takes like half an hour and asks for your password 4 times. :-(10:51
mrluksomvibhav: what do you mean?10:51
danclark-auvibhav: cp -R /10:51
LAcanhow can I relaod/reapply my new fstab file? om26er ?10:51
varunthackerjoin #lucene10:51
yagoovibhav, i heard bacula is for linux.. not just ubuntu10:51
om26erLAcan, reboot?10:51
LAcanom26er, lol, i was looking for something easier, but ok10:52
yagoovibhav, u want cheap and easy.. rsync -a /src /destination ... but has notthing special..10:52
vibhav<yagoo> Does it image the hard drive or backup?10:52
yagoovibhav, "image" ?10:52
danclark-auvibhav: actually tar will help also10:52
yagoovibhav, u mean permissions etc etc?  .. rsync can do that..10:52
om26erdanclark-au, run recovery mode from grub10:52
danclark-auom26er: ok I think I can get a grub console, whats the command?10:53
yagoovibhav, if u mean filesystem imaging... then that's full filesystem imaging..10:53
vibhav<yagoo>  A disk image is a single file or storage device containing the complete contents and structure representing a data storage medium or device, such as a hard drive10:53
robin0800LAcan, sudo update-initramfs -u and sudo update-grub10:53
om26erdanclark-au, restart, and press and hold <shift> key before the boot process starts10:53
vibhav<yagoo>  Understand?10:53
yagoovibhav, then maybe u want that.. then the rest of the days use bacula..10:53
yagoovibhav, to restore u can simply use an incremental recover..10:54
vibhav<yagoo>  downloadingit now .... Thanks!10:54
om26erdanclark-au, could you check the netbook model, i suspect it have nvidia10:54
yagooafter a full image.. for worse scenario10:54
danclark-auom26er: is the <shift> key part seperate to grub idea?10:54
yagoovibhav, now bacula can be tedious.. it uses terms like "pools" etc.. it's meant for um.. professionals may i say..10:54
yagoovibhav, so do a bit of homework..10:54
yagoovibhav, i believe it does versioning as well..10:55
vibhav<yagoo> ill try10:55
yagoosort of like cvs..10:55
LAcanrobin0800, nah, i just wanna restart the service, not install it10:55
om26erdanclark-au, grub is the boot loader which comes right after your bios screen10:55
* LAcan What's a good security channel? Like oldschool #hack style...?10:55
om26erdanclark-au, so if you hold shift key you'll see grub menu and there select recovery mode10:55
danclark-auom26er: yes I gather that part, but the shift button idea you suggested is this to get into grub? I am already in grub by pressing 'c' while in grub menu10:55
om26erdanclark-au, you dont have to go into grub rescue,10:56
danclark-auom26er: I have grub> prompt10:57
om26erdanclark-au, just hold the shift key there and select 'ubuntu, with linux 2.6.8.xx (recovery mode)'10:57
om26erdanclark-au, you might want to reboot again10:57
robin0800LAcan, depends on what changes you made to fstab you need those commands to make changes persistent10:58
danclark-auom26er: ok I've held shift and pressed recovery mode, it boots up just past EXT4-fs blaa blaa, then /scripts/local-bottom ... done10:58
danclark-auom26er: then freezes :)(10:58
robin0800danclark-au, think your looking at a reinstall then10:59
danclark-auom26er: do I let go of <shift> pretty much as soon as I've pressed <enter> on the menu item?11:00
danclark-auom26er: its up to Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done.11:00
robin0800danclark-au, yes11:00
sahipdanclark-au, what dm do you use?11:00
danclark-ausahip: dm..11:00
danclark-ausahip: dm?11:01
sahipdanclark-au, display manager11:01
sahip danclark-au,11:01
sahip danclark-au, login manager11:01
danclark-aulol ok11:01
danclark-auI don't quite understand why its freezing at the error dialog, it has a Close button but it doesn't allow me to press it11:02
om26er_danclark-au, pick the netbook up and look for the model number so that I am sure if it has nvidia or something else11:02
rghoseyagoo: strange results11:03
yagoosahip, init is not even starting yet..11:03
yagoosahip, once init starts.. u know he has fixed grub.. his problem is grub11:03
rghoseyagoo: mii-tool with force was +ve but didnt work11:03
yagoorghose, what u still alive! lol11:03
yagoorghose, ????????????????11:03
sahipyagoo, ok then11:03
rghoseyagoo: :D11:03
yagoorghose, use mii-tool -a to show status only.. no need to set it unless it wasn't set..11:03
danclark-auhrm, maybe my connections broken11:04
rghoseyagoo: status was no link11:04
yagoorghose, but it get's disabled upon reboot of course11:04
yagoorghose, status no link ... try using an ipadd/netmask in the same network as the gateway11:04
yagoo(different ipaddress but the subnetmask is the same)11:04
yagooof course..11:04
yagoorghose, u tried that?11:05
rghoseyagoo: could u look here? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/605150/11:05
rghoseyagoo: i pasted the session11:05
rghoseyagoo: what do you mean by that?11:05
root__someone here?11:06
root__someone here?11:06
yagoorghose, what about wireshark on windows..11:06
danclark-au_poxy computer11:06
yagoorghose, and is "iptables -F " ?11:07
root__is someone 1337 h4x0r here?11:07
rghoseyagoo: okay... making a list of things to do from ubuntu now... :( 1. iptables -F11:07
Kacoroot__, lol ... why?11:07
yagoorghose, nono just do that quick -- iptables -F.. then retry dhcp..11:08
root__may internet going to slow now, using metasploit11:08
yagooip6tables is for of course ipv6 which doesnt matter11:08
root__auto exploiting11:08
rghoseok... now i get it11:08
Kacoroot__, somebody made a joke? 1337 h4x0r translates as "elite hacker"11:08
LAcananyone using FreeNX? I have a bug where windows cant get focus and the RD seems hung but its not...?11:08
rghoseyagoo: i dunno if this is relvant...11:08
robin0800rghose, wicd is an alternative network manager11:08
Flannelroot__: This channel is for Ubuntu support, please help keep it ontopic. Thanks.11:08
rghoseyagoo: but something about the /etc/network/interfaces11:08
rghoseyagoo: the file does not contain any entry for eth0 there's only a lo option there11:09
yagoorghose, just stick with everything u were ever telling me before..11:09
root__using BT4 R2 on VMWARE11:09
yagoorghose, i already said .. interfaces is not NetworkManager..11:09
rghoseyagoo: okay...11:09
root__lol Flannel ok11:09
yagoorghose, use one or the other.. if using interfaces.. then u dont use any gui tool (the gui tools use NetworkManager daemon)11:10
rghoseyagoo: yah... i get that... i thought perhaps dhclient needs that file?11:10
root__i got ubuntu too11:10
root__i may install mac for xcoding11:10
root__going to eat my food11:11
danclark-au__damned computer11:11
yagoorghose, u can use the gui tool and issue mii-tool11:11
FloodBot1root__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:11
yagoorghose, but the setting half-duplex is lost upon reboot11:11
sahipyagoo, which one for wicd?11:11
rghoseyagoo: okay so here's what I'll do now: 1. do mii-tools with force... 2. do iptables -F and 3. dhclient11:11
rghoseyagoo: is that correct?11:11
yagoorghose, u can use the the gui if u want.. in order not to use NM u'll need to check yadayada..11:12
alex6567|2hello all! how rename my machine name?11:12
alex6567|2anybody know?11:12
yagoorghose, just use the method u were telling me.. the gui thing..11:13
rghoseyagoo: i just need it to work!11:13
yagoorghose, 1.2.<is good, 3.gui thingy11:13
LAcanalex6567|2, ubuntu tweak is the simplest way. install it from the repos11:13
rghoseyagoo: ok... i'll disable and re-enable from the gui ... as the final step11:13
yagoorghose, if the dhcp fails.. check to see  what mii-tool says if HDuplex is still set.. if not then let me know..11:14
alex6567|2rename to ubuntu@ubuntu-virtual-machine:~/projects/gtkmm$11:14
alex6567|2for example11:14
Flannel!hostname | alex6567|211:14
ubottualex6567|2: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.11:14
rghoseyagoo: ok going again :)11:15
yagoodam him11:15
yagootold him to try wireshark11:15
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
liverUserubuntu 11.4 with unity is awesome. looks great so far works great!11:16
jwstolkhi, i'm having trouble running anything higher than 800x600 (Ubuntu 10.04). final xrandr step fails, and "Xorg -configure" fails too.11:16
DevlinEHey there guys!11:17
LAcanANyone using GPG on linux and windows?11:17
DevlinEI'm having trouble getting my Bluetooth working on my Asus Eee 90111:17
jwstolkI suspect the default HorizSync is incorrect. is there a 3rd way to configure this?11:17
DevlinEIs there a guide on how to get this working in Maverick?11:17
will_hey guys. what would be the right channel to discuss vaguely technical feature-y wishlist things like a tab-aware scale plugin in unity?11:18
LAcanom26er, is there an fstab permissions flag i need to set to be able to write to the shared volume?11:18
robin0800jwstolk, to run the configure command gdm must be stopped11:19
LAcanom26er, line in fstab is "// /home/poweruser/_shared smbfs username=cisco-vix,password=not4irc 0 0"11:19
om26erLAcan, dunno :/11:20
LAcanAnyone help me out with making a mounted network share writeable?11:20
jwstolkrobin0800, I stopped gdm. configure failed because shomething did not match the number of detected monitors. (I only have one VGA)11:20
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yagoojwstolk, if HorizSync is incorrect you wouldnt be able to read anythign on ur screen11:21
LAcanAnyone help me out with making a mounted network share writeable? robin0800 ?11:21
yagooLAcan, u cant11:21
yagooLAcan, thats determined on the server side11:21
robin0800jwstolk, rename xorg.conf and reboot11:21
LAcanyagoo, u sure? cuz when I surf to it thru Network with the same credntials its writeable...11:22
* yagoo says no reboot needed if changing xorg.conf11:22
* yagoo reboot only if need to boot new kernel..11:22
yagoocomeon folks..11:22
DevlinEHaving trouble getting Bluetooth working on Asus Eee 901 UNR/Maverick. Any solutions?11:22
yagoothis isnt windows11:22
will_what's the default key combination to hide all windows, and how might you change it?11:22
ashmew2I cant use apt-get anymore , i keep getting a package has empty filename , full error msg here : http://pastie.org/1880699 , Please help :'(11:23
robin0800LAcan, //robins-nas.mine.nu/network /media/network cifs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noserverino 0 011:23
assidi am using hyperV to host an ubuntu VM..11:23
assidwhen i first boot the vm.. im able to ping and connect to the ip.. and i can connect out from the vm.. however..  seconds in.. and i can no longer have any network activity in said vm11:23
jwstolkrobin0800, I have no xorg.conf, since trying to create one using "Xorg -configure" failed too11:23
yagooLAcan, it may be mounted with misleading tags.. u should check the server side to make it easier..11:23
ashmew2DevLine: What exactly ?11:23
assidcan someone help me with this issue.. its not making nay sense to me11:23
yagooLAcan, mounting a network share with the "write" option doesn't change the remote server settings..11:23
DevlinEashmew2, It doesn't appear at all in bluetooth settings panel11:23
LAcanrobin0800, so I need to add that "dir_mode-0777" ya ?11:24
yagooLAcan, so be sure u can already be "allowed" to write to that location..11:24
LAcanyagoo, I can definately right to it when mounting otuside of fstab11:24
jwstolkrobin0800, from Xorg.0.log: "Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)"11:24
LAcanyagoo, so its not a permission issue on the server11:24
ashmew2Devline: what doesnt appear ? ...11:24
Shadow_aokDoes someone has its do-release-upgrade stopped by an error with ubuntu-minimal which can't be found although its already installed ? (running ubuntu maverick server x64)11:25
spvenskohas anyone else had weird issues with unity regarding the inability to click on links and scroll properly in firefox? sometimes my scroll wheel simply does not work and once i get it working i cannot click links that are below around half way down the page11:25
ashmew2spvensko : YEs !!!11:25
DevlinEashmew2, the bluetooth device, I can't do anything at all - it says "there is no bluetooth device installed on this system"11:25
mmanspvensko, i had, i changed to gnome11:25
LAcanyagoo, ok its a client side permissions issue cuz when I open the folder as root i can write to it... any thoughts? robin0800 ?11:25
ashmew2spvensko: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175098211:25
robin0800jwstolk, you may need to try to force that if that resolution is what you want11:25
spvenskoashmew2, mmann, glad to know i'm not the only one :/11:25
spvenskoi'm also having issues where empathy FREAKS out with IRC if i type up a long message11:26
spvenskothe window starts resizing with each character typed to the point where i have to unmaximize it, resize it and then remaxedimize it11:26
ashmew2spvensko: Im starting to feel that ditching gnome for unity was a bad idea after all11:26
spvenskoi hear you :(11:27
robin0800LAcan, name and password for server is hidden in mine11:27
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spvenskoit's a shame as i'm really starting to like unity11:27
spvenskowell... was11:27
DevlinEashmew2, I despite Unity with a passion11:27
yagooLAcan, are u using the same samba user under root as johnDoe@B (B machine being the client).. johnDoe&root using sambauser joey@B  ?11:27
LAcanrobin0800, ya i see that, i hardcoded mine in cuz i have a share user on the server11:27
spvenskoi assumed it was just my crappy CPU that was causing issues but it seems very buggy11:27
yagooLAcan, are u using the same samba user under root as johnDoe@B (B machine being the server).. johnDoe&root using sambauser joey@B  ?11:27
go8765hello. can anybody help me with my sound? i have it only in vlc and banshee...(11:27
jwstolkrobin0800, I wanted to force HorizSync in xorg.conf, but I don't have an xorg.conf. is there another way?11:27
yagooi fixed that last message..11:27
LAcanyagoo, they are different users...11:28
robin0800LAcan, well is it correct?11:28
yagooLAcan, ........????????11:28
yagooLAcan, u using smb ?11:28
LAcanyagoo, its a vista box, which I assume means its using CIFS11:28
robin0800jwstolk, you can add one and it will be used on a reboot11:28
LAcanyagoo, the user on my windows box has different name and pw than my ubuntu box (the share client)11:29
yagooLAcan, your not clear..11:29
karthick87How to install totem browser plugin 2.32 in ubuntu 10.04 ?11:29
robin0800LAcan, you need smbfs installed to use cifs11:29
yagooLAcan, u logon to the SMB server (smb not meaning samba but servermessageblock or cifs)...11:29
yagooLAcan, the username u logon to the SMB server is what?11:29
yagooi'll call it cifs server if u want..11:30
LAcanyagoo, cisco-vix11:30
LAcanyagoo, is the username11:30
yagooServer Message Block << im not making it up..11:30
yagoogood luck..11:30
go8765someone  - help me please to mange my sound. i have it only in vlc and banshee (and this is non volume level problem)11:31
jwstolkrobin0800, tank you. I will try that. I will also try if the monitor is detected better over DVI.11:31
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yagooif u read my question i was asking u'll see u answered my question incorrectly11:31
yagoo"LAcan, are u using the same samba user under root as johnDoe@B (B machine being the server).. johnDoe&root using sambauser joey@B  ?"11:32
LAcanyagoo, sorry, what information is unclear? I have a user made on my windows machine, with rights to the share directory...11:32
yagoour already confused..11:32
LAcanyagoo, ur question is fkn diffuclt man11:32
LAcanyagoo, my linus user is an admin/non-root account. my windows user is just a regular user, with full permissions on the share directory....?11:32
yagooon the client machine.. root and usera -> u tried the same "smb" user ?11:32
LAcanyagoo, dont want that11:33
go8765someone  - help me please to mange my sound. i have it only in vlc and banshee (and this is non volume level problem) (may be in privat11:33
LAcanyagoo, i want to connect to the share using a non-admin user on my windows box11:33
* yagoo lets LAcan use the "it" word for himself.. history shows.11:33
robin0800LAcan, this is ntfs file system I assume11:34
LAcanYAGOO: its clearly not a server side permissions issue right, cuz we are past that.11:34
yagooLAcan, I never said root on the server.11:34
LAcanrobin0800, yes11:34
yagoosilly dilly kid11:34
yagooi said root of the client.. but nways good luck11:34
danclark-ozthis error is driving me up the wall11:34
operatorplikhow to download file mp3 ?11:34
LAcanyagoo, Iim not logged in as root on the client11:35
danclark-ozthe error console from grub isn't supposed to hang is it11:35
LAcanyagoo, and i dont want to login as root on either the client or the server11:35
MoopzHey. I have this problem whenever I put my laptop into sleep mode, so when I enter Ubuntu after sleep, one of the cores is always at 100%. cmd top gives that gvfs-afc-volume is using 100% CPU. How do I fix this?11:35
yagoo"<LAcan> yagoo, ok its a client side permissions issue cuz when I open the folder as root i can write to it... any thoughts? robin0800 ?"11:35
operatorplik how to download file mp3 ?11:35
LAcanyagoo, yes, its a client side permissions issue11:36
yagoohistory.. eat your words now..11:36
robin0800LAcan, well the line I posted works for me or can even be added to fstab for auto mounting11:36
LAcanrobin0800, im gonna add that line now11:36
yagoodid i say server?11:36
danclark-ozdoes anyone here know the grub command to start the recovery console11:36
LAcanyagoo, you havent said anything useful to me yet11:36
yagooLAcan, u said u can get it to work with the root account.11:36
yagooLAcan, the root account uses a smb login.. what login did u use for the smb server?11:37
LAcanyagoo, yes thats correct, when I open the shared folder as root in nautilus, i can wirte to it11:37
go8765someone  - help me please to mange my sound. i have it only in vlc and banshee (and this is non volume level problem)11:37
LAcanyagoo, i used the credentials in my fstab file11:37
yagooLAcan, did u verify the server side?11:37
yagooLAcan, did it actually "write" ?11:37
LAcanyagoo, yes11:37
LAcanit writes11:37
yagooLAcan, so I'm guessing right now u'r testing just 1 smb user11:38
yagooyour problem is uid,gid with smb mount options11:38
jwstolkrobin0800, I added "HorizSync 28-73" to a monitor section in xorg.conf, and now it works. Thanks!  (have not tried DVI yet)11:38
LAcanyagoo, yes i think, in laymans terms, that I need to map the server user, cisco-vix, to my client user11:38
robin0800go8765, what sound are you missing?11:38
yagooLAcan, ??????????11:39
yagooLAcan, you don't think if you're guessing11:39
yagooLAcan, let me explain to use about fuse filesystems11:39
go8765robin0800, , sorry... but my english is bed and i dont understand your masage... you mean - in what applications i have no sound?11:39
MoopzHey. I have this problem whenever I put my laptop into sleep mode, so when I enter Ubuntu after sleep, one of the cores is always at 100%. cmd top gives that gvfs-afc-volume is using 100% CPU. How do I fix this?11:40
robin0800go8765, yes11:40
yagooLAcan, fuse filesystems are virtual.. they dont have to be labelled as network filesystem standards..11:40
go8765robin0800, opera,voltiand volumeicon crushed, foobnix, totem11:41
yagooLAcan, the idea of a single "/" seemingly like filesystem allows the user transparency..  this "user" is simply called "user"... when someone says "smb user" they don't mean the local phyiscal machine.. but a "user" login name that has to be typed for the remote server11:42
LAcan... great now fastorward to something useful11:43
go8765robin0800, volti try to manage some virtual sound card and crushed11:43
yagooso when I say "smb user" .. I'm not talking about the "native" host machine on the client machine...11:43
go8765robin0800, foobnix - crushed11:43
go8765robin0800, totem have no volume regulate icon11:44
yagooor rather native OS on the client machine..11:44
robin0800go8765, do you have sound effects turned up11:45
CORNEXHi, I'm trying to put a timeout in C programming for the ttyS0 read function with Vtime and Vmin but it doesn't work. Do you have an idea ?11:45
naephi, ive got this problem, ive upgraded to ubutnu 11.04 from 10 and since then my wifi stopped working (it worked perfectly back in 10) could anyone help me, thanx11:45
go8765robin0800, yes i have sondeffects few minutes ago in xchat but now i m nit shure that i have it...11:46
LAcannaep, does the wifi card show up in network manager?11:46
Note-bookNatty is messed up for me after applying the "recommended" Nvidia drivers. Since then I haven't had any luck with fixing it. I tried removing nvidia-current and removing xorg.conf and restarting my session but to no avail. My windows don't have titlebars and there's no transparency either. Windows lose focus if I remove the mouse from them.11:46
yagooLAcan, smb is not samba.. that's what confuses you.. check wikipedia if you're still confused..11:46
sacarlsonI get: pycurl.error: (60, 'server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none')  that I'm told uses the curl lib in ubuntu 10.04, how do I add more cert to support startcom.com signed sites or other in curl?11:46
LAcanyagoo, i never used the word SAMBA11:46
naepLAcan: how can i find out?11:46
LAcannaep, i dont use 11.04 but there should be a network applet in your systray somewhere11:47
yagooLAcan, you're confused when i say "smb user".. think im talking about the linux side.. samba implies linux11:47
LAcannaep, if not, try running "gksudo nm-applet"11:47
go8765robin0800, yes i really have sound efects now11:47
yagoo(samba) is just a toolset that only exists on linux.. smb is the protocol.. so hence smb client and smb server talk to each other..11:48
yagooso when i say "smb user" this doesnt mean "samba user".. there..11:48
go8765robin0800, i see thep i have mute in gnome-alsamixer11:48
Note-bookLAcan, can you please help me out? My system is unusable :(11:48
yagooyada.. even some professionals mistaken that..11:48
go8765robin0800, but in totem and opera - i have no sound...11:48
naepLAcan: it says the program is already running, ive got a button right on my lapton, which should become blue after pressing it, it doesnt do anything in ubuntu 11.04 (it worked ok in 10)11:48
yagooif ur running a samba server.. then it's probably easier to address this saying "samba user"..11:49
robin0800go8765, check alsa mixer11:49
LAcannaep, i dont care about your laptop buttons. look for the network manager applet in your systray or panels.11:49
naepyeah there is one, wireless network is shadowed11:50
LAcannaep, ok, open the file /etc/networks/interfaces as root11:50
yagoonaep, dont11:50
robin0800naep, firmware missing?11:50
yagoonaep, u using the network gui icon?11:50
LAcanlol w/e11:50
yagooLAcan, ur new to this..11:50
LAcanyagoo, and your useless at this11:51
yagooLAcan, ur doing everything wrong here.. i suggest u fix ur share mountpoint.. dont take offense.. beeen doing this for years11:51
naepsays its hardware disabled....11:51
yagooso chill and fix ur mountpoint11:51
IdleOneyagoo: he has been removed11:51
petsoundsNote-book, i think i have the same problem, what i do here is installing 173 driver and all is 'ok' but slower.11:51
yagoonaep, first thing.. is if the driver is working11:51
go8765robin0800, i check it , but totem, volumeicon and volti dont work.....11:51
yagoonaep, ifconfig -a lists ur interface?11:51
cosmodadI just noticed tracker-store's "tracker-store.journal" file under $HOME/.local/share/tracker/data to be extremely large (several GBs on my machine) -- can I reduce/limit the size somehow?11:52
Note-bookpetsounds, I tried installing EVERY driver but this time, it won't fix :( What did you do, exactly?11:52
go8765robin0800, in opera i hawe sound now11:52
naepyagoo: yeah wlan0 is listed11:52
IdleOneLAcan: Please watch your tone, attitude and language in Ubuntu channels.11:52
yagoonaep, can u do a scan with the iwlist command ?11:52
LAcanIdleOne, ya w/e11:52
LAcankids a douche11:52
IdleOneLAcan: w/e is what ever?11:52
petsoundsNote-book, what i do is just installing 173 driver instead of 270. thats all11:53
naepyagoo: i tried "iwlist wlan0 scanning", it says failed to read scan data : network is down11:53
bigDoghi everyone - i have successfully installed ubuntu server 11.04 without a problem. i use iptables for nat (sudo iptables -t nat -A yadda yadda yadda -j...) the problem is, every time the server reboots, the custom iptables commands are lost. i tried an ubuntu iptables tutorial and it didn't work - so i reformatted the server and started again. tried another tutorial - still no joy so i am now11:54
bigDogon my 3rd reformat & reinstall (almost finished now). has anyone succsessfully been able to do an auto-executing startup script for custom iptables setup at boot? could you share how you did it?11:54
* usalabs is away: I'll be back, I have gone to somwhere I can contemplate my contemplation.11:54
ThinkT510!server | bigDog11:54
ubottubigDog: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server11:54
jrib!away > usalabs11:54
ubottuusalabs, please see my private message11:54
yagoonaep, dmesg |grep wlan0  what does it say?11:54
naepnormally i would hardware enable it using the laptop button - but in 11.04 is doesnt become blue11:54
stanniHas anyone else noticed compiz (wobbly windows) becoming sluggish/jumpy after a while in 11.04(with unity)? compiz --replace fixes it but it would be nice for it to not arise in the first place.11:54
yagoonaep, nmind that..11:54
naepyagoo: empty11:55
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yagoonaep, will look at it later..11:55
yagoonaep, it should be there.11:55
naepi thought it was a common problem11:55
yagoonaep, try again.. "dmesg | grep -i wlan0"11:55
naepi dunno11:55
yagoonaep, try as root11:55
naepim using a intel network adapter11:55
naepyagoo: empty as before11:55
onetwosomeone knows in snort how to ignore one ip for icmp checks fe??11:56
naepoh root11:56
yagoonaep, um..11:56
naepempty )11:56
yagoonaep, are to root?11:56
yagoonaep, # on the prompt line?/11:56
robin0800naep, look at the logs I bet the firmware is missing for your card11:56
naeprobin0800: where?11:56
bigDogi dont need a gui at all, this will just be an internet connection sharing (ip masquerading) router squid server11:57
bigDog* and squid server11:57
ThinkT510bigDog: there is a #ubuntu-server channel that will likely help you better11:58
=== joshua__ is now known as JoshuaL
naepyagoo: i just ran "sudo dmesg | grep -i wlan0"11:58
robin0800naep, use log viewer check kernal and sys and dmgs logs11:58
naepand was empty11:58
yagoonaep, u want to gimme the macid showing with wlan0 ?11:58
yagoonaep, i said # prompt..11:58
yagoobut nways..11:58
bigDog#ubuntu-server on freenode?11:58
ThinkT510bigDog: yes11:58
bigDogthank-you very much11:59
fr00gWhy is it that, every once in a while, compiz/gtk-window-decorator will reload?11:59
robin0800fr00g, compiz crash11:59
onetwofr00g check logs if compiz has crashed for example it will then switch back to metacity11:59
fr00gWhere are the logs?11:59
naepyagoo: what you mean? i ran that command in the console, as a root, using sudo12:00
yagoonaep, ifconfig -a shows the macid12:00
deepak_How to use procmail to use different RC file instead of procmailrc.12:00
yagoonaep, if it doesnt then its a driver issue12:00
yagoo(macid for wlan0 if its there)12:01
fr00gThat directory doesn't exist for me12:01
naepyeah there is one yagoo12:01
onetwosry fr00g /var/log12:02
fr00gWhich logs do I check, compiz isn't here?12:03
yagoonaep, lspci -nn |grep -i intel12:03
yagoonaep, u want to tell me what module if u know u'r using for the wifi?12:04
onetwokern.log @fr00g12:04
naepyagoo: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan]12:04
yagoofr00g, u might see messages if u try "compiz-<start>?" from a x-terminal12:05
buhmanhow might I fix the theming in libreoffice? http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=152479 ?12:05
yagoonaep, module ?12:05
fr00gAh, segfaults "segfault at 28 ip 00007ff42daf1335 sp 00007fffba6262e0 error 4 in libregex.so[7ff42daec000+8000]"12:05
naepyagoo there are plenty of12:06
yagoonaep, can u do modinfo iwl3945 ?12:06
yagoonmind.. ttry that modinfo command?12:06
robin0800naep, and the logs shows?12:06
naepya its working12:06
naeprobin0800: what log you mean?12:07
yagoonaep, what's ur kernel? (uname -a) ?12:07
robin0800naep, see above12:07
naepyagoo: Linux ubuntu 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux12:07
yagoonaep, to be sure.. try the lspci command i provided..12:08
yagoonaep, lspci -nn |grep -i intel.. gimme the ending (xxxx:xxxx) at the end of the line12:08
Lanim hacking facebook12:08
Lanwith my team12:09
Lanjust fake adresse spell12:09
Lani need12:09
FloodBot1Lan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:09
Lana telecomunnication12:09
Lanto russia12:09
ThinkT510!enter | Lan12:09
ubottuLan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:09
Lan!enter | _harri12:10
ubottu_harri: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:10
yagoonaep, at this point i'm assuming there's no revisions of that model u have.. i have no idea how old ur system is but i would try http://intellinuxwireless.org/?n=downloads but but-->> maybe it's already installed with ubuntu..12:11
ThinkT510!pm | Lan12:11
ubottuLan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:11
FlavioTrashPunkmultitermais alguem ai ta usando no ubuntu..12:11
Lanflavio welcome12:11
IdleOne!br | FlavioTrashPunk12:11
ubottuFlavioTrashPunk: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:11
yagoonaep, worry about the wifi light later..12:11
Lanwho want to hack some sites12:11
Lanim here12:12
FloodBot1Lan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:12
karthick87How to upgrade libglib version ?12:12
ThinkT510Lan: we don't encourage that behaviour here12:12
IdleOnekarthick87: if there is an update available the Update manager will offer it.12:12
IdleOnekarthick87: you can also run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:13
karthick87IdleOne: I want to install totem browser plugin 2.32 in ubuntu 10.04 ,is it possible ?12:13
yagoonaep, .. so far so good..12:14
naepyagoo: i found this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748677 but it doesnt solve my case unfortunatelly :(12:14
atdprhshello, I have installed ubuntu on a toshiba laptop12:14
naepwhat commands should i try again?12:14
yagoonaep, i made this pastebin .. (3945 download) --- http://pastebin.ca/2055690 .. apparently there's just 1 file to cp ... the module has to be reloaded if this file doesnt exists..12:14
atdprhsbut it doesn't go into ubuntu12:14
atdprhswhen I load the CD12:14
atdprhsI always have to choose nomodeset for it to run12:15
atdprhswhat do I do to get ubuntu to work on the computer after it's installed12:15
yagoonaep, "file /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-3945-2.ucode"12:15
IdleOnekarthick87: not sure which version is available in the repositories but it is recommended you use the package in the repos.12:15
naepyagoo: /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-3945-2.ucode: data12:15
yagoonaep, did u cp this today?12:16
atdprhscan anyone help?12:16
yagoonmind .. so tell me what it says with "modinfo iwl3945"12:16
naepyagoo: plenty of stuff12:16
ThinkT510atdprhs: sounds like you have a nvidia card, you'll need to add nomodeset to your boot parameters12:17
yagoonaep, oh ya.. what does this say->"           grep \"^FIRMWARE_DIR\" /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent                        "12:17
Zharfusing urxvt, is there a fix for "'rxvt-256color': unknown terminal type." and various other related messages from different programs? I would downgrade but the update fucked up and removed my old dpkg installation file12:17
yagoonaep, should give "FIRMWARE_DIR=/lib/firmware"12:18
IdleOneZharf: please don't curse12:18
ZharfIdleOne, I keep getting amazed by how they can be so messed up *constantly*12:18
naepyagoo: grep: /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent: doesnt exist12:19
redIs there any way to span a full screen window into two monitors in Unity? I'd like to have evolution maximized so there is no double top bar, but still spanned on two screens so on the right screen there is the email preview and on left side the inbox.12:19
lnghi! how to play this damn ape audio?12:20
FlavioTrashPunkmultitermais alguem ai ta usando no ubuntu..12:20
jrib!pt | FlavioTrashPunk12:20
ubottuFlavioTrashPunk: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:20
lngah mplayer is capable to do it12:21
tasslehoffAny other options then digikam that will let me work with hierarchical iptc keywords?12:24
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yagoonaep, u using 3945 iwl or ipw ?12:24
yagoonaep, lsmod |grep 394512:24
naepyagoo: iwl12:25
yagoonaep, dpkg -l firmware-iwlwifi  < installed ?12:26
freddy__Hi, trying to do an mdadm --remove /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 but get device or ressource busy ...12:26
yagoonaep, "dpkg -l firmware-iwlwifi"  < installed ?12:26
naepnope O_O12:26
yagoonaep, so try aptitude update, then aptitude install firmware-iwlwifi12:26
=== denny- is now known as denny
ThinkT510freddy__: are either of those already mounted?12:27
freddy__ThinkT510: yes12:27
freddy__its a running array12:27
yagoonaep, did it install?12:27
naepnah i cant find it12:28
yagoonaep, probably its not needed.. was referring to seomthing..12:28
yagoonaep, u already have the microcode fware nways..12:29
yagooit must be debian only..12:29
naepive got ubuntu 11.0412:29
yagoonaep, do a iptables -F (this flushes the ipchain table .. clear out all rules)12:29
yagoonaep, then try a scan with iwlist12:29
robin0800naep, if you can find the file mentioned in the paste-bin add it to lib/firmware12:30
freddy__ThinkT510: did you know what I could do ?12:30
yagoo(ifconfig wlan0 up) , then try the iwlist12:30
ThinkT510freddy__: a quick look at wikipedia is interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mdadm12:30
yagoonaep, ^12:30
freddy__ThinkT510: he he I,m on text cli mode only .sry12:30
atulHi, I have dual boot machine win7+Ubunut-10.10. It work perfect at start but later on it is not booting nor windows nor linux..grub lost seems how to make it working any idea12:30
kali`wow. my ad-hoc wifi is really slow!12:31
yagoonaep, if ifconfig wlan0 up doesnt do.. try "ip link set wlan0 up"12:31
kali`i sure hope i can get faster throughput with a dedicated n router12:31
freddy__ThinkT510: ok  - see if I can switch to another machine which hás a gui ..12:31
yagooshould take 2 secs..12:31
ThinkT510freddy__: don't know much about raid arrays myself, the wikipedia article mentions what to do if the array is already running12:31
naepyagoo: RTNETLINK answers: Operation not possible due to RF-kill12:32
naep(ip link set wlan0 up)12:32
yagoonaep, from what command?12:32
AdvoWorkhow can i find out what a type of machine/device is from an ip on my network?12:32
yagoonaep, what about iwlist scan ?12:33
icerootAdvoWork: get the mac (e.g. with nmap) and look at a vendor-list ti which vendor this max belongs12:33
naepyagoo: wlan0     Failed to read scan data : Network is down12:33
yagoonaep, try "su -" enter root account and try "ip link set wlan0 up"12:33
yagoo(and "iwlist wlan0 scan" )12:34
naepyeah i tried that with sudo12:34
naepsame error12:34
yagootried what?12:34
psypher246hey all, anyone know how you do alt-f2 smb:// cos it doesn;'t work anymore in natty :(12:34
yagoopsycho_oreos, cifs://12:34
=== paulius is now known as pauliuspa
robin0800naep, you need to sort your firmware problem first12:35
yagooif not then sftp:// or sshfs:// depending..12:35
yagoorobin0800, he has the firmware already installed by ubuntu itself..12:35
yagoorobin0800, and it's the latest12:35
yagoorobin0800, is hotplug still necessary?12:36
atulHi, I have dual machine win7|ubuntu-10.10 It works fine at first boot later on it is not booting now win7 and linux seems I lost grub12:36
psypher246yagoo: nope does not work, nothing happens12:36
robin0800yagoo, the pastebin suggests it dosen't work and that is what he is seeing?12:37
yagoorobin0800, that's the only thing mentioned in the readme of intel but apparently this firmware code is 3 years (2008)..12:37
yagoorobin0800, ?12:37
yagoorobin0800, what pastebin?12:37
kjxl9should i upgrade to 11.0512:37
ThinkT510kjxl9: that's up to you, you may want to read a bit about unity before you make the jump12:38
yagoopsycho_oreos, dunno.. try using tcpdump or wireshark .. see if anything is going thru the firewall12:38
ThinkT510!unity | kjxl912:38
ubottukjxl9: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.12:38
yagoopsypher246, ^12:39
yagoo(not psycho_oreos)12:39
kjxl9i think i am running version 9.112:39
psypher246yagoo: i'm not going through a firewallm, trying to access a server on my lan12:39
epartkindly help me.. ]12:39
psypher246netbois not working so i can;'t see the device when i browse for it12:39
epartI have ubuntu server installed12:39
naepyagoo: i found out that the lapton wifi button switches the hardware blokation well (rfkill list all)12:39
yagoopsypher246, u dont need netbios.. u can use dns names..12:40
mikejwcan I get skype running on natty?12:40
eparti already configured the interface.. i cant ping yahoo.com12:40
eparthowever ic an ping the ip of yahoo.com12:40
yagooprovided its mapped and reachable from the cleint12:40
psypher246yagoo: ok but where do i enter the dns names or ip's when alt-f2 smb:// does not work12:40
yagooor use it's ipaddress...12:40
yagooalt-f2 is not X12:40
yagooor did this change with 11.x ?12:41
yagooi'm not using the latest ubuntu..12:41
S4naep: rfkill unblock all12:41
psypher246yagoo: in the past I could just do it from nautilius but they have removed THAT as well12:41
epartIm pls help me/..12:41
yagooum.. gvfs.. another use level filesystem..12:41
yagoonot the same as the samba toolkit12:41
eparthave ubuntu lucid/..12:41
ThinkT510kjxl9: if you have 9.10 it would likely be easier installing anew, otherwise you'll have to upgrade one by one: 9.10 > 10.04 > 10.10 > 11.0412:41
yagoonaep, so whats the news..12:41
epartcan any onle help12:42
yagoonaep, the button u said was never working..12:42
psypher246yagoo: i don't quite think you ujnderstand what i mean, ok how do i browse a server which does not appear in the network list in nautilus?12:42
yagoonaep, was going to ask u about  modinfo options..12:42
robin0800yagoo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748677 says add 3549 to etc/modules to force it to load12:42
psypher246is I cannot do smb://
naepyagoo: nahhh, the button was working in ubuntu 1012:42
naepalso works in win712:42
yagoonaep, what do u mean "<naep> yagoo: i found out that the lapton wifi button switches the hardware blokation well (rfkill list all)" ?12:43
eparthelp DNS problem.. cant ping yahoo.com.... but can ping yahoo.com iP12:43
eparthelp DNS problem.. cant ping yahoo.com.... but can ping yahoo.com iP12:43
eparthelp DNS problem.. cant ping yahoo.com.... but can ping yahoo.com iP12:43
FloodBot1epart: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:43
naepyagoo when i press the button, its hardware bloked, then i switch it again, its not12:43
yagooepart, try flushing local dns cache.. i forget exactly the command for this..12:44
yagoonaep, are you sure about that?12:44
yagoonaep, ok nways..12:44
naepyagoo: yeah i just tried12:44
yagoonaep, now what happens with iwlist when the light is on?12:44
epartyagoo: dont knw the command as well12:44
yagooepart, ?12:44
RelevantPython IDE?12:44
yagooepart, i dont know it either dude.. u'll have to google it..12:45
epartabout flshing the local dns12:45
robin0800neap have you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174867712:45
naepyagoo: still network down hmmm12:45
yagooepart, if u dont know u can also do a reboot12:45
naepyagoo: maybe i have to disconnect lan cable first?12:45
yagoonaep, um.. what about the "ip xxx" command first then iwlist12:45
yagoonaep, iwlist wlan0 scan12:45
robin0800naep, you might have to reboot12:45
naepyeah ill try to reboot now12:46
yagoo(ip link set wlan0 up)12:46
yagoono he doesnt12:46
yagoohe didnt do anything but check to see everything is in place..12:46
naepyagoo: wow, button turned blue12:46
yagoonaep, iwlist.................12:46
eparti dont have resolv.conf how to make one12:47
naepno scan results12:47
alexUnderanyone knows how to fix the hwmon variable in conky to get the temperatures? it just keeps changing folder on every boot :((12:47
yagooepart, dhcp should handle resolv.conf no?12:47
yagoonaep, what's the output?12:47
naepyagoo: no scan results12:48
yagoonaep, so i'm assuming the driver is working12:48
epartyagoo: i have static ip12:48
eparthow to setup DNS12:48
yagoonaep, try rebooting it since u toggled the button. (power off-- not "restart")12:48
naepyagoo: yeah seems like that, in gui the wireless is still shadowed tho, i dunno how to connect to a network now12:48
yagoo,/poweroff/rebooting (forget about reboot.. poweroff is of course what i f mean :))12:48
zvacetepart: whe you configured it you should put nameservers and they will sow up in resolve.conf file12:49
yagoonaep, when u boot back to prompt come back here.. i'll tell u to try a command..12:49
naepalright im gonna reboot now12:49
yagoonaep, poweroff dude..12:49
yagoonaep, and dont touch that wifi button12:50
epartyagoo: yes.. but when I try to check /etc drs no resolv.conf12:50
naepwhats the difference?12:50
yagoonaep, later today u can try seeing if the button can be toyed on/off without issues..12:50
yagoojust for now see if it can scan networks.12:50
yagoou said no scan results.. may be misleading..12:51
naepalright im gunna power off ;P12:51
quickhi people12:55
quickwats going on ?12:55
yagooquick, i'm waiting for bin laden to show up.. what's up with u12:55
zvacet!ask | quick12:55
ubottuquick: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:56
epartkindly help.. i can ping the ip but not the hostname..12:56
naepyagoo: i dunno, when ubuntu launched, the button wasnt lighting, also i couldnt connect to wifi12:56
naepso i tried sudo ip link set wlan0 up12:56
naepit became blue12:56
yagoonaep, i have no idea what ur situation is12:56
naepand still no scan results12:56
yagoonaep, iwlist wlan0 scan12:56
yagoonaep, can u do "dmesg |grep -i firmwar" ?12:56
yagoonaep, btw in windows u get how many networks listed on the scan?12:57
naepyagoo: [   85.882213] iwl3945 0000:10:00.0: loaded firmware version
naepyagoo: in win (and ubuntu10) it worked perfectly12:58
TerbasminHello, I'm getting this "error" when booting: udevd-work[312] - open dev/null - no such file12:58
naepyagoo: ill try one more thing, booting into older kernel :x12:58
yagoonaep, ok that looks good..btw if modinfo still does show fw_restart for ur kernel module version.. ( http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1268359.html )12:58
TerbasminI surfed the net, but no one seems to have a solution.12:58
yagoonaep, so the firmware look ok..12:58
epartkindly help.. i can ping the ip but not the hostname.12:58
yagoothat modinfo gave me a hint about the firmware..12:58
yagooif it needed to be reloaded with an earlier functioning firmwar.e.12:59
yagoonaep, now um..12:59
yagoonaep, u did iptables -F ?12:59
naepyagoo: yeah fw_restard12:59
yagoonaep, yah.. dont worry about fw_restart..13:00
naepya, now13:00
yagoothis is just hints i use13:00
yagooin case the worse scenarious..13:00
naepill try the old kernel now13:00
yagoohope u didnt turn on/off the button13:00
yagoodid u compile this .38 kernel or is it from ubuntu installer?/13:01
yagooarrgh >:)13:01
naepall i did was running the actualisations which asked me to upgrade13:01
naepfrom ubuntu10 to 11.0413:01
premhi.,adding a new user from "USers and Groups" always shows "Account is disabled" for me13:01
premit was workign fine before and this happens after few upgrades in my machine.,13:02
yagoonaep, please try this as # root.. not sudo just to be 100 percent sure..13:02
premany package need to be installed to rectify this..?13:02
yagoonaep, i know this is not the ideal practice ..13:02
kyle___trying to do a mount but it dosn't work.  Any idea?13:03
kyle___/dev/sda3 /images1/data ext3 defaults 0 013:03
TerbasminHello, I'm getting this "error" when booting: udevd-work[312] - open dev/null - no such file - could someone please tell me why I keep getting this error after booting with GRUB (dualboot).13:03
=== aknm is now known as monk
yagoonaep, what u can do is try an older firmware if u run out of options.. right now there's maybe a thing or two left.13:03
stanniI've just installed conky and noticed that arpon is using 50% cpu. However, system monitor doesnt even show arpon running, why not? Is it because arpon is a daemon?13:04
yagooTerminator, udev error from grub? nah.13:05
yagooTerminator, that's not grub.13:05
zvacet!adduser | prem13:05
ubottuprem: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo13:05
ThinkT510kyle___: does /images1/data exist?13:05
kyle___ThinkT510: Yeh13:05
premzvacet, it works fine from terminal.,but not from users-admin13:06
ThinkT510kyle___: and why did you put it there?13:06
premthats the problem13:06
yagoowhat... the yeah?13:06
kyle___i'm trying to exstend a FOG install13:06
ThinkT510kyle___: FOG?13:06
yagooprem, yeah?13:06
zvacetprem: does it matter how it work if it works13:06
yagoo"FOG is a Linux-based, free and open source computer imaging solution for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Linux (limited)"13:07
kyle___basicly the images folder is default I want to exstend to another partion with way more space.13:07
yagooit's limitted under linux13:07
premzvacet, well not exactly..but i want to know why its not working now..because last time when i tried adding a new user it worked..13:07
kyle___so I thought i could add a mount point.13:07
Dr_Williskyle___:  you could use soft links.13:07
Dr_Williskyle___:  bit im not sure why yiour mount command is not working. whats the full exact command?13:08
kyle___They need to be there at boot?  soft links ok?13:08
Dr_Willisif you want them at boot. make a fstab entry. links would work then.13:08
kyle___i'm adding the mount to the fstab file13:08
Dr_Williskyle___:  whats the exact fstab line. Could be some trivial error you are overlooking13:09
kyle___with tabs13:09
Dr_Willisgotta hate that :) heh13:09
yagooDr_Willis, I hate it when people type yeh instead of yeah..13:09
Dr_Willis and the full path /images1/data   exists?  double check.13:09
zvacetprem: I know what you mean but I don't know why is acting like that important thing is that it works some way so you can add users if you want to13:09
yagooDr_Willis, heh .. you're safe :)13:09
epartkindly help.. i can ping the ip but not the hostname.13:10
Dr_Willissudo mount /dev/sda3 /images1/data     'should' work.13:10
yagooepart, resolv.conf13:10
Dr_Willisbrb - wife is yelling13:10
kyle___Dr_willis: did you see cmd line?13:10
yagooepart, u dont need resolv.conf setup if u want to use dig13:10
kyle___already mounted...13:11
kyle___i can't see it. how do i clear mounts13:11
=== zyga is now known as zyga-efika
yagoou guys..13:13
yagoouse wireshark or tcpdump13:13
yagootsk tsk13:13
* yagoo thinks more folks should use "tee"13:14
ThinkT510kyle___: hang on... /images1/data already has data in it and now you want to make that directory into a partition?13:14
* yagoo thinks xclip is not pornographic13:14
kurtuli can't see my video on google-talk, but on skype i can. any idea?13:15
kyle___the partion is empty13:15
yagookurtul, first time? (be sure user is in video group)13:15
cocoehllo :)13:17
cocoumm... ubuntu 11... where is the settings and administrator like in v10?13:17
cococan't seem to find the properties...13:17
ThinkT510kyle___: you said the images folder was default and you want to extend the space available to it by making it a seperate partition, yes?13:17
zvacetcoco: do you mean users&groups13:18
cocozvacet, there used to be on the UI (at top) a panel for accessing the settings for the OS13:18
mathewscoco: click on the shut down button on the right of panel13:18
coconow it's just the side panel13:18
epart koala_man:?13:19
yagooepart, let me guess.. um.. no.13:19
cocoI was lost but now am found13:19
yagoococo, welcome back to civilization bin laden..13:19
yagoowe've been waiting for you13:19
cocobin laden?13:19
mathewscoco: so u got it13:19
cocoI changed my name... HOW did you know?!?!13:20
cocogosh... can they track where I am?13:20
yagoococo, dunno.. you're name sounds coocoo13:20
cocohow do I hide? the cities of Pakistan isn't that great... :(13:20
bazhang!ot | coco yagoo13:20
ubottucoco yagoo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:20
zvacetcoco: of course no  :)13:20
yagoobazhang, relax.. it's ok.. bin laden funds oss linux stuff..13:20
bazhangyagoo, take it elsewhere.13:21
yagoowow.. bazhang take a joke.. bin laden is dead..13:21
yagoohe's not blowing u up anytime soon :)13:21
bazhangyagoo, not the channel for jokes. #ubuntu-offtopic for that13:21
coconow now... let's not fight...13:21
cococan you set ubuntu up to be a cluster compute?13:22
yagoococo, heard they seized your laptops.. i wonder if you installed linux on them my buddy13:22
cocois he banned?13:23
bazhangcoco, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:23
cocobazhang, I'm asking the question: can ubuntu be set up as a grid-compute cluster?13:24
sipiorcoco: sure, why not?13:24
cocosipior, what would you have to do?13:24
cocoI know that Pelican HPC can do it... but ubuntu not sure13:25
zvacetcoco: see if http://fghaas.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/ubuntu-10-04-with-full-cluster-stack-support/ is of any help13:25
sipiorcoco: depends on exactly what software you want to run. "grid-compute" is fairly generic. are you using the globus toolkit?13:25
cocoI'll be using MPI... c++ of course13:26
Nirkushi! is there any special channel for ubuntu+grub2?13:26
cocozvacet I'll look13:26
bazhangNirkus, read the wiki yet?13:26
researcherwhat to do to record sound?13:26
zvacetNirkus:  you can ask here13:26
bazhang!grub2 | Nirkus13:26
ubottuNirkus: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:26
garnelHelp! the network in my Ubuntu sucks, but when I change to windows7, It works well13:26
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mathewsgarnel: explain ur problem13:28
ThinkT510mathews: he left a minute after he asked13:29
mathewsmight he got traped inside the network!!!!13:29
Nirkusi have the following problem using natty: my rootfs is on a lvm on top of a raid1 and ext4. problem a: grub does load the menu entry, does a lot of hdd access and simply stops w/o errors/msges13:29
researcherhi.I just want to know if my messages are read here13:29
pythonirc101anyone running ubuntu lts on their desktops here?13:30
bazhangresearcher, they are13:30
mathewspythonirc101: tell ur problem13:30
ThinkT510researcher: yup, need any help?13:30
researcherbazhang: ok,thanks13:30
researcherhow to record sound from headphone13:30
Nirkusi can fix problem a by editiing the menu entry and reducing it to modules part_msdos, raid, lvm and removing any other line besides seting grubs root and kernel + initrd13:31
mbeierlresearcher: do you mean you have a microphone attached to the headphones or do you want to use the ear piece as a microphone?13:31
pythonirc101I want to setup LTS on a vbox so that I can shrink and enlarge the hard drive space. How can I do this? Install LVM?13:31
pythonirc101or just use complete hard drive while installation?13:32
researchermbeierl: microphone attahced to headphone13:32
mathewspythonirc101: how much was ur HDD13:32
Nirkusafter that kernel + initramfs boot, but drop a the busybox shell w/o mounting the rootfs. when i mount the lvm to /root it complains about unssupported features, claims to have completed recory and mounts my rootfs in rw mode13:32
mbeierlresearcher: and you have verified that the microphone works?  If so, there is a program called "Sound Recorder"\13:33
pythonirc10132GB is currently13:33
Nirkusso what is going on? :/13:33
pythonirc101but  i want the virtualbox guest ubuntu to be able to expand it later if need be13:33
mathewspythonirc101:u install Virtual Box13:33
mbeierlresearcher: applications -> Sound and Video -> Sound Recorder (on a standard Ubuntu/Gnome)13:33
mathewspythonirc101:and follow the instructions13:33
pythonirc101I have Vbox on win 7 host. I'm installing ubuntu as a guest13:34
researchermbeierl: I bought  new headphone.Never tried recording before this.I can listen sound but when I speak up nothing happens13:34
afmanDoes anyone know the shortcut for pasting on the console? I've found a bunch on google but none of them seem to work.13:34
Nirkusi have snapshots im my vg, but according to that grub2 wiki entry, the grub2 bug should be fixed since maverick13:34
bazhangafman, on the console or pastebinning from the console13:34
mbeierlresearcher: does the microphone plug in separately from the headphones or is it a USB set?13:34
sunitHow can I write a shell script which will run frequently ?13:34
researchermbeierl: plugged in saperately13:34
zvacetpythonirc101: yyou have that by default during installation of Ubuntu in vbox give 10gb and select dinamicly expand13:34
mathewspythonirc101:ya its possible....VB available in software center13:34
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afmanbazhang: I mean the keyboard shortcut to paste whatever is on the clipboard to the console.13:35
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mbeierlresearcher: ok, did you adjust the volume controls for the microphone?  Do you have the volume control applet on your panel?13:35
soapieafman: console?13:35
mathewsafman: it is possible if u have center key on ur mouse13:35
Picisunit: You can use cron to schedule your script to run at certain times.13:35
soapieyou mean the terminal?13:35
afmanmathews: Thanks lol. That was almost too obvious13:36
mbeierlresearcher: or "gnome-volume-control" or Applications -> System -> Preferences -> Sound13:36
wathekhi all13:36
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mathewssoapie: a terminal is also called as console13:37
mbeierlresearcher: from there, go to the Input tab.  There you should see an Input volume control with a slider and also a Mute check box13:37
pythonirc101zvacet: I clicked on LVM while installation and it gave me some defaults, just used them13:37
Pici!cron | sunit13:37
ubottusunit: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm13:37
pythonirc101how can i change my paritition to dynamically expandable?13:37
researchermbeierl: ok.im trying13:37
bazhangpythonirc101, in vbox?13:38
mathewspythonirc101:there is option during installation13:38
pythonirc101in ubuntu13:38
mathewspythonirc101:I mean set up before the installation13:38
pythonirc101in vbox i've it selected as dynamacially expandable13:39
pythonirc101but in ubuntu, how do i expand it when i expand it in vbox13:39
researchermbeierl: what next13:39
zvacetpythonirc101: I think it is question after you dedicate space for guest you can choose will it stay like that or will it expand if neccessery13:39
ThinkT510pythonirc101: if you are using the whole disk in vbox then when you set up the vm give it the max possible disk space you want to spare and make sure it says dynamically expandable (the install will then use up space as it needs it)13:39
mathewspythonirc101:the Ubuntu is inside the VB13:39
waimondrioIs it no problem to continue using your computer while it is upgrading to the new release (natty)? Or do you run the risk the upgrade will become faulty?13:39
bazhangwaimondrio, sure its safe13:40
zvacetpythonirc101: that one13:40
pythonirc101k, its installing the guest ubuntu now...13:40
mathewswaimondrio: upgrade is active only after reboot13:40
waimondriobazhang: Thnx for our response. It did warn, however, that another problem could arise: you could lose data of the programs you are using...13:40
zvacetpythonirc101: you will not expand Ubuntu vbox will do it for you if it need more space13:41
waimondriobazhang: our = your13:41
bazhangwaimondrio, doing what? surfing the web etc?13:41
waimondriomathews: ah, I see13:41
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waimondriobazhang: editing documents etc.13:41
bazhangwaimondrio, save them before you restart into the upgraded version13:42
mathewswaimondrio: upgrade does not touch ur docu13:42
dichtbijzeehi, I'm using 11.04 and experiencing  and process pid 8 kworker /1:0 is hogging about 60-80 percent of the cpu causing very much lag in my system, any ideas.13:42
Dr_Williswhen in doubt - have backups. :)13:42
zvacetpythonirc101: it is virtual disc on your HD and vbox control it so it can be expandable if need more space then you give to virtual disc13:43
waimondriomathews and bazhang: always continued working with debian, but now I wanted to know it for sure. Thanks for reassuring me...13:43
mathewsfriends pls type a  name as short as possible13:43
lumoshi, i upgraded but now there are no icons on my task bar when i minimise, how can i restore minimised windows?13:44
lumosbtw i'm not using unity but ubuntu classic with no effects13:44
mathewslumos: u selected unity?13:44
lumosmathews, no13:44
con_hi all! I just got a new laptop and would like to install a fresh ubuntu next to windows (as I have on this machine here for some years). problem is: I can only have 4 primary partitions and 3 are alerady there: 'dell utility' ' RECOVERY' and 'OS' with win7 on it.. so the only solution left would be: make one large extended partition and put my data partition (ntfs, for sharing with windows) and an ext4 partition inside the extended one..13:44
con_ can I install ubuntu on this extended>ext4 partition without problems or does this boot partition need to be a primary one?13:44
Dr_Williscon_:  ubuntu can boot from extended/logical or primary13:45
lumosMatBoy, i don't want to use unity13:45
waimondriodichtbijzee: where are you from? Ik spreek ook Nederlands... ;-)13:45
lumosmathews, i don't want to use unity13:45
zvacetcon_yes you can instll ubuntu on extended partition13:45
kyle___hoe do i check chmod13:45
kyle___how do i check chmod on a folder13:45
Dr_Williskyle___:  ls -al /path/to/dir13:45
dichtbijzeewaimondrio, denmark ;0, but i'm dutch.13:45
mathewslumos: u can drag and drop the application from the menu to the panel13:45
Dr_Willis!permissions | kyle___13:45
ubottukyle___: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:45
mathewslumos: and try from there13:46
con_Dr_Willis: so there will be no trouble? I'd like to split the disk with gparted and then select the ext4 partition for installation... (sorry I'm a bit nervous ;)13:46
Dr_Willislumos:  you mean the window listing of all apps at the bottom pannel right?13:46
con_waiting so long for new computer, dont want to mess it up ;)13:46
Dr_Williscon_:  linux has worked from primary/extended/logical - for.. well.. as long back as i know..13:46
lumosDr_Willis, well i changed my desktop so only one task bar at the top but yes13:46
lumosmathews, i don't want ot have to do that every time13:46
Dr_Williscon_:  only windoww and dos i recall had the 'gotta be on a primary' limitation.13:46
con_ok. thank you :)13:46
mathewslumos: that is called panel13:47
con_ah ok cool13:47
Dr_Willislumos:  theres a panel applet that may have gotten removed. add it back perhaps.13:47
waimondriodichtbijzee: :-) Ah I see. See you, and "veel succes met je nieuwe ubuntu release."13:47
Piciwaimondrio, dichtbijzee: FYI, there is #ubuntu-nl :)13:47
Dr_Willis'window list' perhaps, i  forget the applet names.13:47
mathewslumos: that need only one time and u can select the applicaations everytime13:47
mathewslumos: just like icon on desktop but it needs single click13:48
lumosmathews, what about when i want to run multiple of a program13:48
pvh_sahey there, i'm on ubuntu 11.04 and when i plug an external monitor into my laptop the screen reconfigures, but the external monitor remains black except for the notification bar. if i alt-tab i can see the window list, but when i select a window nothing is displayed. any ideas how to fix this?13:48
I-are-I am getting an install error with ubuntu 9.10, that the disc may be bad and I need to clean it or burn it at a lower speed. I checked the disk integrity and it passed. Debian Lenny installs fine.13:48
ThinkT510mathews: i think he isn't talking about launchers, but open windows13:48
mathewsDr_Willis: he has that panel there as he said13:48
I-are-Do I just need to reburn the ubuntu disc?13:48
waimondrioPici: ;-) you're right, just couldnt resist greeting a Dutch brother (/sister?). Gotto go. Bye all!13:48
Dr_Willispvh_sa:  try running the monitors config tool?13:49
Dr_Willismathews:  i think hes missing an applet IN the panel. not launcher icons. the one that shows all running apps13:49
wathekI got a problem I've just upgraded my Ubuntu and when it boots I'm getting this : http://wathek.org/files/ubuntu.jpg13:49
lumosDr_Willis, yes13:49
mathewsno; but actually he missing the bottom panel13:49
lumosmathews, no13:50
alex6567hello all! i try learn c++ i cannot found gtkmm-3.0 on synaptic. It possible to install it ?13:50
lumosmathews, i removed that on ppurpose13:50
mathewshe can add it but he dont know it actually,so he can see the minimised windows13:50
kyle___Dr_willis: can you help me in private msg13:50
dichtbijzeehi, I'm using 11.04 and experiencing  and process pid 2709 kworker /1:0 is hogging about 60-80 percent of the cpu causing very much lag in my system, any ideas.13:50
pvh_saDr_Willis, doesn't help. the screen flashes once with the picture that should be there and then goes black again...13:51
mathewslumos: add a bottom panel by clicking on the top panel or do what I said earlier13:51
lumosmathews, i don't want a bottom panel13:51
one_ubuntu spain?13:51
Pici!es | one_13:51
ubottuone_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:51
pythonirc101is canonical landscape service recommended to use?13:51
one_gracias :)13:52
pythonirc101or is it better to just install security updates automatically?13:52
ThinkT510lumos: like Dr_Willis said, you need the applet in the top panel13:52
lumosThinkT510, yes, do you know what it is called?13:52
mathewslumos: in gnome if u dont have a bottom panel,I dont think it shows any minimised windows on the top panel13:52
ThinkT510lumos: window list? open windows?13:53
ThinkT510lumos: not too sure sorry, i'm used to xfce13:53
Dr_Willismathews:  its totally customizable.. the min windows are shown by an applet. You could have one in the top and bottom panel if you wanted. (in gnome classic that is) :)13:53
lumosits cool everyone i'm looking through the repository13:53
Dr_WillisJust start adding applets :) till ya figure out what one does it. :P13:53
AFDanyone tried ElementaryOS?13:54
lumosthanks for the help13:54
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ThinkT510lumos: its installed by default, right-click and add to panel13:54
Dr_Willisafd - yes. It works.. but its not supported here.13:54
Dr_WillisI just ran gnome-panel in unity. :) what a mess. heh13:54
mathewsAFD: no13:54
stimpieI have 'lost' the workspace switcher icon in the unity launcher, anyone know how to get that back?13:54
AFD@Dr_Willis what's your take on it?13:54
lumosThinkT510, its not there is the problem13:55
AFDnot looking for support - just reviews/comments13:55
Nirkussunit: cron13:55
mathewsAFD: it is based on Ubuntu I think but they may have their own support channel13:55
Nirkuswhoops, damn scrolling13:55
ThinkT510lumos: how do you know if you don't know the name?13:55
epartcommand on how to install apache213:55
pythonirc101anyone using landscape here?13:55
epartneed help13:55
pythonirc101how do i get an account there to manage my machines?13:55
AFD@mathews I've been chatting to them in IRC but want unbiased opinions ;)13:55
dichtbijzeeepart, sudo aptitude install apache213:56
lumosThinkT510, its not listed when i right click and add to panel13:56
bazhangAFD, please dont chat here. #ubuntu-offtopic please13:56
Picipythonirc101: Landscape is a commercial service sold by Canonical, you'd might be able to find someone in #ubuntu-server that uses it, but for other questions you're probably better off talking to Canonical13:56
NET||abusehey folks, using 11.04 now, updated llast night, tomboy bug that was in existance unber gnome in 10.10 and stilll happening here,, <alt>+F12 isn't opening the tomboy menu for me at all13:56
mathewsAFD: see this  http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/reviews/elementary-os-review-jupiter-is-massive-but-its-largely-hot-air/13:56
dichtbijzeehi, I'm using 11.04 and experiencing  and process pid 2709 kworker /1:0 is hogging about 60-80 percent of the cpu causing very much lag in my system, any ideas.13:56
Dr_WillisAFD:  i dont see much point in it really.13:56
pythonirc101Pici: Thanks13:57
ThinkT510lumos: oh, i assumed it would be there by default because the bottom panel you removed had it13:57
epartdichtbijzee: is it desame wd apt-get install13:57
mathewsdichtbijzee: pls have ur problem in www.askubuntu.com13:57
lumosThinkT510, that was before i installed ubuntu13:58
lumosThinkT510, its ok i installed the package now13:58
Dr_Willis'window list' gives the list of windows in the panel here it seems...13:58
dichtbijzeeepart, yes, but aptitude is better, but i don't know if that's installed by default anymore13:58
CarlosEspahello from spain13:58
achillionHow messy would it be to install Gnome 3 alongside Gnome 2 on 10.04?13:58
epartdichtbijzee: thnks13:58
pankaj_sharmaachillion, not recommended13:58
red2kicachillion: How messy could it get if I drive the car blindfold?13:59
achillionpankaj_sharma: good to know13:59
achillionred2kic: I fail to see the analogy :)13:59
red2kicachillion: It's not exactly an analog per se. It's just a question everybody knew the answer to. :P14:00
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps14:00
achillionred2kic: Fair enough. I thought it would be faster to just ask directly14:01
dichtbijzeehi, I'm using 11.04 and experiencing  and process pid 2709 kworker /1:0 is hogging about 60-80 percent of the cpu causing very much lag in my system, any ideas.14:01
wathekI got a problem I've just upgraded my Ubuntu and when it boots I'm getting this : http://wathek.org/files/ubuntu.jpg14:01
Eryn_1983_FLanybody know how to make munin not keep loading plugins after i  remove the symlink from the plugins folder? I alredy asked in the  #munin channel but they Awol14:01
dichtbijzeeEryn_1983_FL, try #ubuntu-server I think that's fatser14:02
PiciEryn_1983_FL: Did you remove the plugin from your config as well?14:02
mathewswathek: describe ur problem in texts14:02
stimpiedichtbijzee: which kernel version are you using>?14:02
Nirkusok, grub2 + lvm + snapshots is still broken14:02
Dr_Williswathek:  and  perhaps translate the error message to english. :)14:02
Eryn_1983_FLthey dont got anything in  munin-conf14:02
mathewswathek: I dont think anybody clicks on links14:02
Dr_Willis!info munin14:02
dichtbijzeestimpie, lets see14:03
ubottumunin (source: munin): network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer). In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.5-3ubuntu4 (natty), package size 148 kB, installed size 740 kB14:03
dichtbijzeestimpie, 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP14:03
Dr_Willisgot the info.. still no idea what Munin actually does. :)14:03
Eryn_1983_FLits a  grapher for system info14:03
Eryn_1983_FLmake a webpage14:03
PiciEryn_1983_FL: Let me take a look at my config, its been a while since I've touched it.14:04
Dr_Willisgenerates a nice system config/info page eh? ok.14:04
wathekDr_Willis, mathews, it says that device / isn't ready or isn't present. Continue waiting or press S to bypass the mounting or M for manual operations14:04
Eryn_1983_FLgraphing page...14:04
Dr_Williswathek:  and if you hit S what happens?14:04
stimpiedichtbijzee: could be a kernel altough you version should be fine14:04
Dr_Williswathek:   You may want to fsck the filesystem. to see if its currupted.14:05
bullgard4Just having upgraded to 11.04, how can I call a terminal?14:05
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  alt-f2 gnome-t14:05
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  then pin it to your launcher if you like14:05
dichtbijzeestimpie, any good alternatives via ppa?14:05
mathewswathek: if there any important data copy it using a live cd if it not corrupted and do a clean install14:06
wathekDr_Willis, already done14:06
mbeierlresearcher: sorry - I went away for a bit there.  Did someone else help yet, or are you still waiting?14:06
wathekmathews, let me check what it does when I press S14:06
wathekmathews, I've already fsck the system14:06
ubuuserhow can i change the indicator applet. for example getting weather indicator?14:06
ubuuserin 11.0414:07
Dr_Willisubuuser:  theres a weather-indicator applet in the repos you can install and run14:07
Dr_Willis!info indicator-weather14:07
ubottuindicator-weather (source: indicator-weather): indicator that displays weather information. In component universe, is extra. Version 11.04.10+repack-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 71 kB, installed size 672 kB14:07
researchermbeierl: I tried all combinations of input/output settings on the said windows but no recording possible14:07
celthunderZelozelos: gnight (This message has been postponed.)14:07
Eryn_1983_FLdoes it do warnings and watches14:07
mathewsbullgard4; Ctrl+Alt+T14:07
stimpiedichtbijzee: sorry dont know,  discussion @ https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/3/30/83614:08
Dr_WillisEryn_1983_FL:  if it dosent theres one i saw at omg-ubuntu and webupd8 blog sites called my-weather-indicator that i think does14:08
mbeierlresearcher: is your audio device listed in the "Choose a device for sound input" section?14:08
Zelozelosis there extra risk if i upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 to upgrade to 11.04?14:08
researchermbeierl: yes14:08
Dr_Willisit seems to handle 'severe weather alerts'14:08
Eryn_1983_FLjust wondering14:08
bullgard4Dr_Willis: In Unity, ' Alt+F2' shows me a line of 5 icons. Among them "gnome-t". Clicking on this icon, nothing happens. What's wrong?14:09
Eryn_1983_FLit would be nice to know when to duck and cover heheh14:09
mathewsZelozelos: may be but I prefer clean install14:09
codingenesiscan't we have ubuntu and mint on the same hardisk ??14:09
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  should be one saying gnome-terminal evntually.14:09
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  you could.. but differnt filesystmes..14:09
mathewsZelozelos: upgrade of two release really take hours14:09
wathekmathews, Dr_Willis when I press S it says mountall : the commande playmount faild14:09
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  you coul dinsatll a dozen disrtos on the same 'disk' each on its own filesystem14:09
wathekand it blocks14:10
mbeierlresearcher: does the "Input level" set of bars show input when you tap on the microphone?14:10
codingenesisi have installed ubuntu from wubi installer and mint by partioining it...14:10
researchermbeierl: no14:10
bullgard4Dr_Willis: That's better.  --  Thank you.14:10
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  eventually the history feature rembers what you launch most.. so gnome-termianl will move up the list :)14:11
Zelozelosmathews just did the 1st upgrade last night14:11
codingenesis<Dr_Willis> : so that means we can have unlimited no of distribution on my hardisk !!14:11
mbeierlresearcher: and you have changed the input volume past 100%?14:11
bullgard4Dr_Willis: Ah, I see. Interesting. --  Thank you.14:11
Zelozelosi guess i let u know in a few hours if it worked ok14:11
codingenesisatleast we can have3-4 different os14:11
researchermbeierl: yes14:11
mathewswathek: I dont know what really happened but I would say better to try copy the data first14:11
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  depends on how many filesystmes/partitions you can fit14:11
PiciEryn_1983_FL: Hrm. I'm still looking at my configs, and either I don't have enough caffeine in me yet, or I'm perplexed as to how its working properly.  Give me a few more minutes.14:12
codingenesiscan you give an example of any one...14:12
bullgard4mathews: This works, much like in prevoous releases. --  Thank you for your help.14:12
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  example of what exactly?14:12
codingenesismeans how to partion the disks14:12
mbeierlresearcher: can you confirm the microphone works in another computer?14:12
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  your disk is partioned allready. :) You can have more then 1 partition.14:12
codingenesisya right !!14:12
mathewsZelozelos: if u do,better and all the best but think many had put as upgrade failed14:12
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  check the wikipedia page on hard drive partioning - they got some good info on the topic.14:12
researchermbeierl: its a new one n teasted.yes14:13
codingenesisbut for having different partions we have to make root file systems and home for each distribution14:13
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  each partition has its own filesystem. correct.14:13
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  so each disrto is on its own partition.14:14
Dr_Williscodingenesis:  you could try to share a single home partition. but that can get weird.14:14
researchermbeierl: it shows something when I inserted the pin again14:14
researchermbeierl: in which format do I record a sound file now?14:14
mathewscodingenesis: if u wait I will give u a link for partition14:15
web_knowshi :]14:15
codingenesismathews: ya14:15
Rickardo1I have a problem when trying to install through apt-get  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:15
codingenesis<Dr_Willis> got an idea would really like to try it.. thanks !!14:15
Rickardo1I have tried apt-get -f install without success.14:16
mathewscodingenesis: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Installing-Ubuntu-9-10-126370.shtml14:16
kervan_Hi. I have ubuntu 11.04, I'm working to run ubuntu by using taskbar applet but it doesn't. When I type "ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk"  I see some python codes and terminates program. But this command works LANG=tr && ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk How can I make it run allways ? Thanks all.14:17
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simhhello, I have a fast question. I want to install 10.04 with raid and lvm. I've setup raid1 and lvm lvboot for grub but now the installer cannot install it. I get critical error and I dont have boot manager installed. what can I do?14:17
mathewscodingenesis: there it shows Ubuntu 9.04 but it can be useful with any release14:17
simhI tried installing on /dev/md0 on /dev/sda and so on, no luck14:17
PiciEryn_1983_FL: The only thing I can tell is that I specify a specific order of plugins in my munin.conf, I'm a bit at a loss right now, but I'm afraid to play with my settings as they are working right now.14:18
researchermbeierl: yes it worked.thanks for the follow up and all the help14:18
pythonirc101is there a tool for updating/maintaining 10 ubuntu machines from one location?14:18
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mathewskervan:run Ubuntu with taskbar?14:18
Nirkussimh: did you try to use the alternate installer?14:18
pythonirc101mainly package management and updates14:18
codingenesismathews: these procedure can be followed for any of the linux distribution right??14:19
kervan_dlbike76_: I'm sorry I mean ubuntuone14:19
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:19
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mathewsI would say new releases14:19
kervan_mathews: I'm sorry I mean ubuntuone14:19
simhNirkus: no. I am using server amd64 version14:19
simhAlso, my mobo is with efi. maybe that is the problem?14:19
Nirkussimh: i use ubuntu maverick on three EFI capable mobos14:20
mathewskervan: U can run Ubuntuone by selecting after clicking the messafe icon on the panel14:20
Nirkussimh: but i did an upgrade, not a fresh install14:20
mathewskervan: envelop icon I mean14:21
kervan_mathews: it doesn't work for me, only I can run on termianl by this command LANG=tr && ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk14:21
simhNirkus: My first attepmt was with 8.04 because that is the latest officially supported by vmware server 214:21
simhbut i got kernel panic just after install and I found that vmware can work with 10.0414:22
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simhbut now grub doesnt want to install14:22
mathewskervan: did u install it?14:22
Nirkussimh: also, take care not to have any snapshots within you volume group http://goo.gl/g1CYd14:22
kervan_yes it is installed.14:22
simhNirkus: is fresh install14:23
Nirkussimh: try the alternate installer image14:23
simhdrives are empty14:23
mathewskervan: and if it is 11.04 ,it should show there14:23
simhNirkus: ok I will try. but honestly dont know why that could help14:24
simhraid and lvm are are setup14:24
mathewskervan: and there is an unity icon also14:24
Nirkussimh: because the alternate installer image is for 'advanced' setups like anything that does not use one disk with plain ms dos partitions14:25
kervan_mathews: Yes icon is there. It is visible. But when I click it it doesn't do anything.14:25
beharbunjakuhi! I have a problem with compiz, I can not move the windows , can please anybody help me solve this problem ?!14:25
simhNirkus: OK. I will check that14:26
mathewskervan:here in mine a window gets opening as Ubuntu one control panel14:26
kervan_mathews: Yes that is my problem, I can't make it run without LANG env. option14:26
mathewskervan: I am helpless, stick some more time here by repeating and try try in www.askubuntu.com or in ubuntulaunchpad14:27
kervan_thanks mathews14:28
ehshi guys14:29
mathewsehs: come on14:29
EugenMayer1Did something significat change with ubuntu 11.04 concerning gconftool-2? my URI protocol handler ist nor working anymore gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/FOOBAR/enabled --type Boolean true14:29
treebeenupgraded to natty, the whole machine freezes a few seconds after displaying the GUI, well done14:30
* treebeen said, ah well, let's try the upgrade, if it doesn't work, I'm getting rid of ubuntu on that machine...14:31
mathewstreebeen: put this in Ubuntu launchpad as many have the same after upgrade14:31
ouyeshow to output the display to different resolution screen?14:31
aguitel_anyone are using myphotoalbum.com service ?14:32
mathewstreebeen: ttry a clean install also14:32
ouyesmy laptop has a display of 1280X800, and my big monitor is 19 inches, how to output the display to 19 inches in its max resolutions?14:32
treebeenmathews: no, I'm not depending on ubuntu you know, I'll just try another distro "that just works" ;)14:32
[snake]My graphics card driver is "activated, but not currently in use."14:32
mathewstreebeen: its up to u but what I said is an option14:33
lrojashi all14:33
treebeenmathews: sure, thanks for the tip :)14:33
hari_hi guys14:34
mathewslrojas: just put ur problem here14:34
lrojasjust a quick question, i see some not so old documents refering to using aptitude, as the prefered method for maintaining packages in an ubuntu distro, but i also see official documentation eschewing aptitude and going with apt-get...  is there any advantage one has over the other? why the shift from aptitude to apt-get?14:35
bullgard4[Unity] I just upgraded to 11.04. Why does Synaptic not show any DEB programm package entries?14:35
andre_pl_bullgard4: what is a 'DEB Program' ?14:35
andre_pl_your package manager is empty?14:35
mathewsbullgard4: try in software center14:36
Dr_Willissynaptic works here in 11.04 for me.14:36
bullgard4andre_pl_: I was not referring to a 'DEB program' but to a 'DEB program package'.14:36
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  what exactly is it not showing?14:36
andre_pl_bullgard4: that's equally confusing, what are you talking about SPECIFICALLY14:36
andre_pl_all programs come in deb packages14:36
mathewssynaptic never shows a program with .deb14:37
bullgard4Dr_Willis: No entries are to be seen at all.14:37
Dr_Willistry some of the buttons at the bottom left perhaps.14:37
andre_pl_bullgard4: There you go. thats all you had to say "Synaptic is empty, it shows no available software" something like that ;)14:37
ThinkT510bullgard4: refreshed the package list?14:37
bullgard4andre_pl_: I am talking about Synaptic. OK?14:37
Dr_Willisor you got some search entry entered.14:37
EugenMayer1are there any alternatvies to gconf-editor?14:37
k_89hi... can someone tell me where to get gedit word completion plugin14:38
mathewsbullgard4: just have a look on software sources list14:38
Dr_Willislrojas:  i doubt if it really matters much these days. I always use apt-get14:38
ouyesmy laptop has a display of 1280X800, and my big monitor is 19 inches, how to output the display to 19 inches in its max resolutions?14:39
bullgard4mathews: A DEB program package is a package provided by Ubuntu or Debian repositories.14:39
Eryn_1983_FLany idea on how to get it to stop  displaying the  graphs for  munin14:39
mathewsbullgard4: some might have unchecked during upgrade14:39
[snake]ok.... it says that I need this driver to use effects... yet it also says it is not using the driver... AND I HAVE EFFECTS ON... and I'm sick of my windows going blank..14:39
Eryn_1983_FLk Pici14:39
Dr_Willis[snake]:  what video chipset was this?14:39
Eryn_1983_FLi tied  deleting the .rrd file but they just come back even if i  got the munine node off14:39
mathewsbullgard4: i know but the extension never shows there14:39
bullgard4mathews: I am speaking about all of  them. None is to be seen in Synaptic.14:40
fairuzhey anyone know a channel for PC in general?14:40
andre_pl_bullgard4: what do you see if you run 'sudo apt-get update' in the terminal?14:40
bullgard4mathews: I am speaking about the names of the packages. There is no name to be seen at all. Not only "some".14:40
mathewsbullgard4:u try in terminal this comman sudo apt-get update14:40
mathewsand this too" sudo apt-get upgrade14:41
LetsGo67In Ubuntu 11.04, i get this error that the virtual resolution is too small.  Hence, i cannot use my VGA or HDMI ports to extend my display.  Can someone help me solve this problem, please?14:41
Fuchsbullgard4: you might want to provide a screenshot, since nobody seems to understand what exactly is missing14:41
[snake]Dr_Willis, it is a NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 43014:41
FuchsLetsGo67: do you have a virtual resolution defined in either /etc/X11/Xorg.conf  or ~/.config/monitors.xml?14:41
FuchsLetsGo67: if so: what graphic chipset is this, and why do you have it defined?14:41
Dr_Willis[snake]:  could be its using the neauvu or whatever its spelt driver.14:42
mathewsduring upgrade process Ubuntu normally uncheck some of the software sources and it would say before the process14:42
bullgard4Fuchs: All the variable contents of Synaptics is missing . Is this so difficult to understand?14:42
Dr_Willis[snake]:  ive had  that driver work with some of my nvidia systems.. some not at all.. and some sort of worked. :)14:42
mathewsbullgard4: try what I said in terminal pls14:42
Dr_WillisPicture is worth 1000 wrds. :)14:42
Fuchsbullgard4: obviously, since nobody in here understands.14:43
mathewsbullgard4: type "sudo apt-get update"14:43
LetsGo67Fuchs: It's an ATI Radeon HD Mobile chipset.14:43
[snake]Dr_Willis, idk... I just activated one in the restricted drivers...14:43
mathewsbullgard4: then "sudo apt-get upgrade"14:43
FuchsLetsGo67: then look for a virtual screen size setting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the mentioned monitors.xml14:44
mathewsbullgard4: and see it lists any PPA lists14:44
FuchsLetsGo67: if you have none, provide us your /var/log/Xorg.0.log in a pastebin service14:44
PirschHi all.14:44
PirschWhat is the proper or common name for the background in the sign-in screen?14:45
LetsGo67Fuchs: xorg.conf has no virtual screens defined.  Only a virtual screen.14:45
FuchsLetsGo67: can I have a look at it?  paste.ubuntu.com14:45
mathewsPirsch: login screen14:45
PirschIs this the 'splash' screen?14:46
bullgard4mathews: This produes about 60 lines like: "OK http://archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates/restricted Sources." At the end: "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: The resource is not available at present. E: Locking of the administration directory /var/lib/dpkg/ impossible. Is it used by another process?"14:46
mathewsPirsh: no14:47
LetsGo67Does anyone else notice that 11.04 is very buggy?14:47
mathewsbullgard4: u close synaptic first and try this again14:48
quackaduckbullgard4: close any other synaptic windows you may have open, and update or ubuntu software center14:48
bullgard4LetsGo67: Unity is very buggy.14:48
PirschHmm, am I the only one here?14:48
LetsGo67bullgard4: Why would Canonical publish buggy software?  i was getting a little bit used to Ubuntu.  But it's very buggy!  :(14:48
PiciPirsch: thats GDM.14:48
mathewsLetsgo67:I dont think so14:48
LetsGo67mathews: Intel or AMD?  ATI or Intel or Nvidia?14:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:49
bashelinaim trying to mount a disk which i dont know the filesystem of14:49
bullgard4quackaduck: '~$ sudo apt-get upgrade' tells me: "... Ready. = updated. = newly installed, 0 to be removed and 0 not installed."14:49
bashelinamount -t auto wont work14:49
mathewsLetsgo67:If u dont like Unity just log off and select Ubuntu classic from the bottom pop up menu14:49
LetsGo67mathews: but does it cause crashes?14:50
bashelinahow can i dertermine what file system is on a disk ??14:50
ruanbashelina: sudo fdisk -l14:50
bullgard4LetsGo67: This is a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic.14:50
DefJunxHey, how can i modify the speed of my gpu fan?14:50
mathewsbullgard4: open software center and see any programs there listed14:50
LetsGo67bullgard4: i need a system that is stable.  Not something that feels buggier than Windows.14:50
mathewsLetsgo67:never but dont try to install Gnome 314:51
bashelinaruan, i think it works, thx14:51
praveen_baselina: you can also use- sudo parted /dev/sda print14:52
PirschCan someone confirm I am not the only one here?14:52
DefJunxHey, how can i modify the speed of my gpu fan?14:52
IdleOnePirsch: you aren't14:52
bullgard4mathews: Software Center does show me program icons, for example "Evolution Mail and Calendar."14:52
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mathewsLetsgo67: Unity is a new desktop for Ubuntu,try to use and understand14:52
PirschOk, there must be something wrong.14:52
Guest61933how can I load my bluetooth applet to the panel?14:53
LetsGo67mathews: i export videos, with OpenShot, it freezes like in Windows.  i move the mouse, the cursor moves, but clicking does nothing, the time doesn't move, etc.  It just freezes and freezes and it's unstable.14:53
bashelinapraveen_,  parted gives me partition table msdos14:53
bashelinapraveen_,  but it wont print what filesystem14:53
LetsGo67Fuchs: Which files?14:54
FuchsLetsGo67: /var/log/Xorg.0.log  and /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and ~/.config/monitors.xml14:54
bashelinathe thing is i cant mount this disk :(14:54
ThinkT510bashelina: what did sudo fdisk -l output?14:54
myk_robinsonIn Ubuntu Natty, using Libre Office, the Freeze function seems to be missing. Anyone else able to confirm? Used to be under Windows-->Freeze, however the Windows menu entry seems to be missing14:54
mathewsbullgard4: try to install packages from software center rather from synaptic as it make confused14:54
FuchsLetsGo67: unfortunately I have to leave now, but probably someone else is able to help you with these files. Else I'll be back later.14:54
kervan_Hi. I have problem about python programs. Most program terminate if LANG env. option is not defined before. I mean "gnome-language-selector" command doesn't work, shows some python code and terminates but "LANG=tr && gnome-language-selector" Works successfully.  How can I make them work allways?14:55
Picimathews: It shouldn't make any difference which tool bullgard4 uses to install packages, they all use apt.14:55
bullgard4[solved] After running 'apt-get update'  and '~$ apt-get upgrade' a second time and opening Synaptic again, Synaptic now shows the names of the DEB prgram packages normally.14:55
praveen_baselina,see this--http://paste.ubuntu.com/605231/14:55
bashelinaThinkT510, http://paste.ubuntu.com/605232/14:56
mathewsLetsgo67:run the update manager and try14:56
Pumpkin-kervan_: "export LANG=tr" should work for the rest of a login session. Set that somewhere (on either a user or a global basis) to make it work for every session.14:56
lolzeri was downloading Ubuntu CD releases.ubuntu.com from torrent14:56
LetsGo67Fuchs: http://pastebin.ca/205575114:56
mathewsbullgard4: so the problem solved14:57
bashelinapraveen_,  u use windows ???14:57
lolzerand surprisingly i am getting 100mB wasted for 57 MB14:57
ThinkT510bashelina: linux (ext2/3/4), extended and swap14:57
takamarouHi all.  I had an installation of Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on my desktop.  I just installed Win7 x64 on a separate partition, and I am no longer given the option to boot into linux.  My computer goes straight from POST into Win7, without showing any grub menu.  I have tried holding down shift keys, with no luck. Any tips?14:57
kervan_Pumpkin-: Thanks, I will check it now.14:57
kliahey guy14:57
Dr_Willistakamarou:  widnows erased grub. reinstall the grub bootloader14:57
mathewsbullgard4: in synaptic when we try to install something then it shows all the supportive files also with it14:57
praveen_baselina, just installed ubuntu under windows14:57
ThinkT510bashelina: do you have more than one disk?14:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:57
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bullgard4mathews: No, unfortunately not. When I searched for a special program name, all program names disappear again.14:57
takamarouDr_Willis, how do I go about doing that?14:58
bashelinaThinkT510,  its connected via usb, but i cant mount it :(14:58
Dr_Willistakamarou:  see what the bot said above14:58
takamarouDr_willis, just saw that.. thanks14:58
[snake]if I go into fullscreen on a youtube video... my computer logs me off.14:58
mathewsbullgard4: I prefer SC and I never open synaptic14:58
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bullgard4mathews: What do you mean by 'SC'? South Carolina?14:58
LetsGo67Can someone help me with my monitors please?  They won't work because of a "virtual resolution".  Can someone help please?14:59
kliaI have ubuntu 10.04 on sony vaio vgn cr 355, I want to make a clean install for ubuntu natty 11.04 but when I insert the cd and try to boot a message error (un-compression error system halted) comes up on the screen!!!!!! any ideas14:59
Dr_Willisklia:  double check the iso files md5. reburn them at slowest speed. use bootable live-usb instead perhaps.14:59
bashelinaThinkT510,  i can see the device.  /dev/sdf1 sdf2 sdf514:59
mathewsbullgard4:hahaha no Software center14:59
ThinkT510bashelina: usb external harddrive? it should automount when you plug it in14:59
bashelinaThinkT510,  i dont use gnome14:59
Pirschmathews: Ah, thanks. Is there an easy way to change it?14:59
bashelinai use ubuntu server + fluxbox15:00
bullgard4mathews: I see. I am accustomed to Synaptic.15:00
ThinkT510bashelina: i see, i use xfce15:00
kliaDr_Willis I will reburn and I have tried to use a usb stick but no joy15:00
Dr_Willisklia:  you checked the md5sum? sounds like it may be a vbad download/iso15:00
ThinkT510bashelina: it doesn't automount under media?15:00
mathewspirsch; actually I forget about ur problem15:00
PirschHey cool. I can finally see others here.15:00
Pirschmathews: how can I change the login screen?15:01
mathewsbullgard4: divorce it and try a new look15:01
james333jamessalve a tutti volevo sapere se con con un proxy HTTPS high anonymous il proprio IP è davvero nascosto se ci si collega a facebook o ad es. su un account hotmail15:01
mathewspirsch; wait15:01
kliaDr_Willis u think  I will need to re download the Iso file?15:01
underWhy my clock is damaged? <a href="http://imgur.com/uDwJA" title="Hosted by imgur.com">http://imgur.com/uDwJA.png</a>15:01
Dr_Willisklia:  if its bad. yes.15:01
james333jamesAnybody can help me about proxies?15:01
gharzguys, why is it that the new ubuntu 11.04 doesn't have the netbook remix edition?15:01
Pirschmathews: ok, no problem15:01
bullgard4mathews: What "new look"? Do you mean I should try Ubuntu Classic?15:01
Dr_Willisgharz:  the desktop ed. and netbook are the same now.15:02
kliaDr-willis how to check if the Iso file is bad?15:02
Dr_Willisgharz:  theres no netbook bersion of 11.0415:02
azloni am trying to sync all files and folders from a local directory to a remote ftp every night at midnight... would lftp be the best solution for this?15:02
Dr_Willisklia:  via its md5sum15:02
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:02
mathewsbullgard4: I meant to leave synaptic if u have problem with it and try SC15:02
gharzDr_Willis: but can i still install the desktop edition on my netbook acer one 8gb solid state machine?15:02
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NeverDone1Hello, I got a weird problem with Samba... I added a folder to be accessable for a windows 7 computer in my local network, it shows up in the samba server configuration but I cant even access the folder myself from this ubuntu when I try to go there through the network...15:02
bullgard4mathews: Ah!15:02
kliaDr-willis sorry for my stupid question maybe but HOW?15:02
Dr_Willisgharz:  no idea.  the 2 are now identical.. so try it and see.15:02
bashelinaThinkT510,  nope, nothing i connect will automount15:03
Dr_Willis!md5sum | klia15:03
ubottuklia: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:03
gharzDr_Willis: ahhh... ok... thanks for the info15:03
bashelinaThinkT510,  but i can mount everything with the mount command15:03
mathewspirsch; just select login screen from application list15:03
bashelinaThinkT510,  but not this particular disk15:03
gharztried installing the edubuntu... and i was surprised that the installation requires 13.5gb of free disk space... thought edubuntu would be a good distro for my acer one which i'm going to give to my 7 y/o nephew :(15:03
ThinkT510bashelina: hmm, interesting...15:03
kliathanks ubottu and dr_willis15:04
bullgard4mathews: For example, my sticky notes have disappered. How can I re-install them using Software Center?15:04
mathewspirsch; click on Ubuntu menu and type login screen and do as u like15:04
Pirschmathews: I'm in Ubuntu classic, the regular desktop15:04
mathewspirsch; look in system/preferences15:05
bashelinaThinkT510,  mount -t auto  works nearly all the time15:06
mathewspirsch; look in system/preferences or administration15:06
Pirschmathews: I actually looked there but it doesn't exist. Let me check synaptic for it. It seems it's not installed or at least not in the menu15:06
praveen_NeverDone1, if you do not find ans here then ask #samba15:06
mathewspirsch; no need to install and comes normally installed15:07
joe_9If I uninstall VirtualBox OSE will I lose my Virtual Machines?15:07
NeverDone1ok I'll try that praveen. thanks15:07
mathewsjoe_9: sure15:07
Pirschmathews: ah, found it. Sorry, I'd looked a few times and didn't see it. I wish I had drunk a beer prior. At least then I'd have a good excuse. :)15:07
takamarouSo, I just installed Win7 on a separate partition from my Ubuntu 11.04, and I'm not getting dropped a grub prompt when I restart.  It's listing all my partitions with a naming scheme of msdos1, msdos2, etc..  Did Windows overwrite my ubuntu files?  Or what should I do now?15:07
pythonirc101what does apt-get upgrade do?15:07
joe_9mathews, how can I avoid losing my machines? I want to install the version of virtualbox with USB support15:08
ThinkT510bashelina: sorry, not sure what to suggest15:08
mathewstakamarou; dont install windows after Ubuntu,do it reverse15:08
bastidrazorjoe_9: probably not. most vm's are stored in your home. your home files are never touched by a package manager15:08
Pirschmathews: this doesn't give me the option to change the background.15:08
rojanuI've just installed Webmin on Ubuntu-server 11.04 and it won't let me in with user name and password15:09
takamaroumathews, bah!  This is like the eigth time I've had to reinstall?  I've NEVER had this much trouble with Ubuntu before.  Ok.  Thank you mathews.15:09
LetsGo67Hey people.  i keep getting a "virtual screen too small" error when trying to use a second monitor.  Can someone help me, please?15:09
mathewstakamarou; windows never detects any Linux distro and it deletes the grub too15:09
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ThinkT510bashelina: when you try the mount command what does it say? any error messages?15:09
takamaroumathews, but I've still got grub...  I'm at a grub prompt15:09
josipHas anyone managed to get awesomewm work under natty? The workaround proposed here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/731329 doesn't work for me15:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 731329 in metacity (Ubuntu) "Broken upgrade to Natty: no Awesome WM because of Compiz/Metacity autostart" [Undecided,New]15:10
joe_9 bastidrazor, I was reading on this page http://www.ghacks.net/2009/08/01/install-virtualbox-with-usb-support/  and it states that "OTE: If you have virtual machines installed you will lose the data on those VMs."15:10
mathewstakamarou; u try Ubuntu and see what happens15:11
LetsGo67This is rather urgent.  Hey people.  i keep getting a "virtual screen too small" error when trying to use a second monitor.  Can someone help me, please?15:11
mainframeI am having some issue with my (11.04) upgrade.the loading screen flashes a couple times and a list of checks run and then it stops and there is a chack that says failed its the crash report generation check any recommendations?15:12
takamaroumathews, I've been with Ubuntu for years.  Even 5.04 was easier to install than 11.04..  not sure what they changed, but it sucks this time around.15:12
mathewspirsch; ok. u want to change background.Just google it and try15:12
LetsGo67takamarou: That's encouraging.  Aren't new versions supposed to be better than old ones?  Like with Unity, LibreOffice and whatnot?15:13
gharzthanks guys... esp to Dr_Willis15:13
Pirschmathews: Ok, that was actually my plan once I knew the name of the login screen. Thanks for your time.15:13
takamarouLetsGo67, hah, you would think so.  Truthfully, it's probably because I'm using different hardware + windows 7 than I ever have in the past.  But, at this point I'm just plain frustrated.15:15
LetsGo67takamarou: Because when i try to export videos, it will freeze.  This is triple cores.  Which Ubuntu is most stable for you?  Unity or no?15:15
mathewstakamarou; the wrong u did the installation of windows after Ubuntu.U see windows even does not detect its previous version if u install it after it15:15
bastidrazorjoe_9: read the comments on that ancient page.15:15
mathewstakamarou; see the Ubuntu documentation page15:16
joe_9bastidrazor, good call, thanks.15:16
praveen_pirsch. try ubuntu-tweak--http://ubuntu-tweak.com/15:16
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takamarouLetsGo67, I've had absolutely no issues with the previous version - 10.10.  I've always thought that each Ubuntu release has been significantly better than the previous - we will see if that holds true with 11.04 (assuming I fix these install issues)15:17
bullgard4How can a leave Unity? Is the only way '~$ sudo service gdm restart'?15:17
asdf_msctrying to install mangler from source, but config aborts with no package x11 found. already have all libx11 packages from synaptic. what do?15:17
takamaroumathews, it just seems odd that that would be my error.  I'm stilling getting (occasionally) a grub prompt - though, buggy - which means the grub install is still there.  However, I am doing a reinstall with Win7 first this time.  We will see.15:18
mathewstakamarou; please see this page  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows15:18
mainframeI am having an issue with ubuntu (11.04) boot15:18
robin0800takamarou, win7 will wipe out your grub15:18
mathewsmainframe: explain it15:19
LetsGo67takamarou: Perfect 10 was neat.  But this 11.04?  It's rather buggy.15:19
LetsGo67i wish it was possible to backwards update.15:19
takamarourobin0800, right, right.  I know that is the expected results.  I'm seeing different results - it almost appears that Win7 only got halfway through killing my grub...15:20
takamarouLetsGo67, you can always download older versions.  Make a backup of your /home folder, and it should be a pretty simple revert.15:20
Pirschpraveen: I did before but was told negative things about it15:20
mick02Does anyone else have a problem with their menu bar not responding to clicks? Sometimes when I try to click on the Applications, Places or System menu it does not respond15:20
mathewsLetsgo67: a new release is always buggy but get perfect after they correct it15:20
kokozedmanhey guys... is there a way to use the gnome panel widget "System Monitor" in the new Unity?15:21
mathewsLetsgo67: the comments of each and everybody make it perfect15:21
kokozedmani'm pretty lost right now... i want to use several widgets, and that's the one i want to use first... but don't know how to add it at all15:21
LetsGo67takamarou: It gets old.  Maybe ill stick to LTS next time.  It's just that i hate "stick with Fx 3.0" mentality.15:21
simhNirkus: no luck. alternate installer also cant install grub15:22
mathewskokozedman: u drag and drop the application to Unity launcher15:22
mnaineskokozedman, if you mean add the System Monitor icon to the list of widgets on the left bar of the screen, the easiest way is to run the system monitor, right-click on the icon in the widget bar and click "keep in taskbar"15:22
ThinkT510LetsGo67: you could use a ppa15:22
kokozedmanmathews, no, you don't understand... i'm from Mac and I know that well... but it's the widget that displays the CPU usage, Network, memory, load ...15:23
takamarouLetsGo67, I understand that feeling.  And like mathews said, new releases are always prone to bugs - but the dev team is always pretty quick at fixing them.  Usually I don't dive into a new release this early, but I just happened to get a new comp at work, and thought I would try it out.  Usually a couple months in is pretty safe.15:23
bastidrazorjoe_9: you're welcome15:23
kokozedmanmathews, mnaines, i mean "widgets" really, not application icons15:23
praveen_pirsch, ok if you are not sure then try this--https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy , scroll down a little bit and you will see how to change login window15:23
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avinashhmHi , i forgot my password on my desktop ubuntu .. is there any way to recover it ... I remember we could log into as a root with 'single' option in grub .. that was long back ... don't know now ...15:24
mathewskokozedman: there may available but dont know the exact name of it, u can google it or try in Software center15:24
LetsGo67ThinkT510 & takamarou: That used to be one of my reasons for Lin > Win.  But what's the point of "alpha - beta - gamma - stable" if stable is unstable?15:25
praveen_avinashhm, try this --http://www.tricksfind.in/2010/09/how-to-recover-password-in-ubuntu.html15:25
k_szehmm, Natty DVD self check found 1 file with errors15:25
mainframe@mathews when 11.04 tries to load the loading screen flashes with a list of check all of them pass but one thats the crash report generation after it just says on the screen.any help would be great15:26
k_szeIs that normal?15:26
Tweakyhey guys just curious but the title bar at the top of the scroon in 11.04 now contains information i need to read but cant.. its all white text. can barely see it. how do i change this15:26
kokozedmanmathews, another thing, how do i add another panel? like in the good old days? ... any clues?15:26
kokozedmank_sze, obviously not15:27
avinashhmpraveen_, i ll try this .. thanks ..15:27
serealso in the newest ubuntu did they get rid of /var/log/messages ?15:27
kokozedmank_sze, i suggest using the USB method... it's much faster, only needs USB pendrive ... and error-free!15:27
takamarouLetsGo67, can't really blame that on the developers.  Ubuntu releases are only as good as the amount/quality of beta testers that test out pre-release versions.  Unlike Win, Ubuntu can't pay people to test out all of the bugs, but Ubuntu still has to fit into a set release cycle..  Sometimes the joys of open source / free software are also it's downfalls.15:27
praveen_avinashhm, hope it will work..15:27
mathewsmainframe: I am helpless but collect the details of the crash report and put in www.askubuntu.com or in ubuntu launchpad15:27
avinashhmpraveen_, yeah ... hoping it will work ..15:28
mainframealright thanks15:28
simhanyone has an idea why 10.04 installer (alternative cd) cant install grub on raid+lvm drive?15:28
takamarouLetsGo67, anyways, if you find the log files for whatever program that is crashing for you, and paste it, I'm sure someone can help you debug it.  It actually may be your flaw that you are using a triple core machine (sometimes programs get conufsed by those situations).  A log file would help pin that diagnosis down.15:29
k_szek, time to checksum the image and reburn15:29
mathewstakamarou; actually the beta and alpha versions are normally not using by common people as it creates problems.So the report of bugs are not taking place15:29
Pi31415found a bug in evince in 11.04, but ubuntu-bug does not come up with window as shown in reporting bug page on ubuntu.com15:29
asdf_msctrying to install mangler from source, but config aborts with no package x11 found. already have all libx11 packages from synaptic. what do?15:30
bfridoes anyone know how to convert .cue/.bin to .iso?15:30
takamaroumathews, precisely the problem.  No one wants to use buggy software, but buggy software doesn't get fixed unless people use it.  Open Source is a beautiful catch 22.15:30
mathewsPi31415: collect the details and post in Ubuntu launchpad15:30
mick02Anyone know of a good Vuze IRC other than #vuze?15:30
serealso did ubuntu 11 get rid of /var/log/messages ?15:30
mathewstakamarou; u said it15:31
Tweakyanyone have any idea how to change the top bars' text color, its grey with white lettering i can hardly see it15:31
MonkeyDustmick02: maybe #azureus still exists15:31
mick02MonkeyDust, Cheers, will give it a look15:32
mathewsTweaky; it is a bug I think,the same I experience but comes after a theme installation15:32
ruif13hi i need help detecting my galaxy tab connected tru usb15:33
Tweakymathews: hmm. alright thanks ill have to play with it15:33
ruif13anyone can help?15:33
mathewsok friends bye bye15:33
ThinkT510ruif13: you'll need to tell us your problem so someone can help15:34
BIO3T1alguem do brasil?15:34
ruif13the ubuntu 11.04 doesn't detect15:34
ThinkT510ruif13: sorry, missed it15:34
ruif13no probs15:35
LetsGo67takamarou: Is there a way to make one program only use two cores?  Anyway, OpenShot crashes lots on Pentium Dual Core.  At least 6 times.15:35
hemangpateli need some help15:35
ruif13my lsusb is in http://paste.ubuntu.com/605245/15:35
Tweakyalso having a hard time finding a mouse theme that works properly, the guitar pick one i have doesnt work properly. also sometimes the window borders flash out and watching videos on youtube sometimes white blocy things appear in the video which i believe has something to do with compiz...15:36
hemangpateli need help15:36
hemangpateli have some problem in ubuntu15:36
rob_phemangpatel: Yes, you apparently do! :)15:36
rob_phemangpatel: What's up?15:36
AdvoWorkhi guys.. any ideas, for some reason 2 client ubuntu machines have the ip of Ive removed the entry from dnsmasq.lease and ive restarted dnsmasq. On the one client machine, i keep doing sudo dhclient -r and then sudo dhclient but it still keeps getting 0.165. any ideas how i can ask for 0.167?15:36
hemangpateli have 500 gb hard disk15:36
takamarouLetsGo67, I don't know of any way to limit a certain program to a certain amount of cores, unless it was feature that was programmed in.  You could probably do some funky driver manipulation, and limt your entire system to two cores..  but you'd spend more time fixing that rather than dealing with your crashes.  The better solution would be to find what exactly is causing the crashes in your program, and report that to the develop15:37
hemangpatelattached to ubuntu15:37
hemangpateli can't delete folder15:37
ThinkT510!enter | hemangpatel15:37
ubottuhemangpatel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:37
hemangpatelfrom hd15:37
Tweakyhemangpatel: perhaps you dont have permission15:37
FoolsRunHi, ever since installing Natty I have 2 zombie processes at all times: xinit and zeitgeist-datah. Anyone know why this might be/how to stop it?15:38
hemangpatelwhen i copy anything in HD it says the destination is read only15:38
hemangpatelany solution ?15:38
bfrionce i download a program from software center how can i find it?15:38
k_szeI don't have a USB pendrive on hand.15:38
Tweakyhemangpatel: yeah permission issue15:38
[ARC]Guys I do not have the maximize botton nor mimize nor close when I use compiz15:38
[ARC]any clue15:38
FoolsRunbfri: check your applications menu15:38
[ARC]emerald is not working well either15:38
hemangpatelhow can i fix ?15:39
bfrifoolsrun: i did i cant find it its called 'iat' and its for converting iso bin cue and all that15:39
k_szeerm, which command do I use to calculate sha-256?15:39
celthunderhemangpatel: type mount andgive the line for your partition that you're getting complains about15:39
FoolsRunbfri: you tried searching with unity?15:39
celthunderk_sze: openssl should work15:39
Tweakyhemangpatel:  well the drive in question you have to change permission for15:39
MonkeyDustbfri: try apt-cache policy15:39
[ARC]Guys I do not have the maximize botton nor mimize nor close when I use compiz???15:40
MonkeyDustbfri: try locate iat15:40
bfrifoolsrun: no how?15:40
Tweakyhemangpatel: you should be able to just right clich on it, hit properties, and clic read/write15:40
FoolsRunbfri: if you're running Natty, click the ubuntu icon in the top left and start typing.15:40
Tweakyhemangpatel: theres a shell command too i think its chmod but i forget the syntax15:40
new_kid1I want to try 720p skype video chat.........What is the minimum required line speed ?15:40
hemangpateli can't see read/write15:40
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Tweakyhemangpatel: you cant see it or its greyed out15:41
bfrifoolsrun im in 10.0415:41
hemangpatelany command for that ?15:41
ioneyedAnyone have a Lenovo Thinkpad T410 with Optimus? If so have you figured out how to resolve the hybrid graphics issue?15:41
Tweaky[ARC]: do you have window borders?15:41
hemangpatelican't see..15:41
bfrifoolsrun what version is natty?15:41
serealwhat happened to var/log/messages ?15:41
serealis there a equilivant log file?15:41
praveen_bfri, the location is already shown in ubuntu 11.04, if you have downloaded it via software center15:41
Tweakyhemangpatel:  yeah you will have to use sudo chmod but im not sure on the syntax15:41
LetsGo67takamarou: Thanks.  Have a good day!15:42
ratcguys/girls , I want to know how ubuntu stores it hashed passwords. I know how the shadow files layout is, the problem is,  when I look at the hashed password of a user, it's sha-512 , but not in hex. looks like some sort of base-64 encoding , but not sure what it is. anybody know how they encode it?15:42
[ARC]Guys I do not have the maximize botton nor mimize nor close when I use compiz15:42
takamarouLetsGo67, NP.  You too.15:42
hemangpatelwhat i do ??15:42
Tweaky[ARC]: do you have any window borders at all15:42
Tweakyhemangpatel: one sec ill see if i can find the command15:42
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bfripraveen i dont understand i have 10.04 and i cant find it15:43
k_szecelthunder: the default version doesn't seem to understand the sha256 command, o.O15:43
[ARC]Guys I do not have the maximize botton nor mimize nor close when I use compiz15:43
Tweakyhemangpatel: in terminal: sudo chmod +777 <location of directory>15:44
makemhemangpatel: What it the folder you are trying to access? is the partition you are trying to access the Ubuntu partition or some other? What is the format of the partition (ext2/3/4 or ntfs)?15:44
MonkeyDust[ARC]: you can add Metacity to your startup applications15:44
MonkeyDust[ARC]: or use Ubuntu Classic, no effectd15:44
[ARC]but if I use metacity I lost the compiz effects15:44
[ARC]Am I right?15:44
Tweaky[ARC]: do you have any window borders at all15:44
hemangpateli have external hdd15:44
[ARC]with compiz no15:45
[ARC]with metacity yup15:45
[ARC]I am sick of 11.04 little bugs15:45
Tweaky[ARC]: in ccsm you need to clic on window borders :p15:45
[ARC]ok hang on15:45
praveen_bfri, well in 11.04 when any software is installed via software center.the place is shown in the top after the installation..like application-->internet-->firefox15:45
[ARC]wheres is that opcion15:45
MonkeyDust[ARC]: perhaps it is adviced to not use Compiz, as long a 11.04 is new15:46
[ARC]ejeje thats wose15:46
[ARC]but. it should work couse new versiones should me upgrades and not downgrades15:47
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[ARC]Tweaky: wheres the window border option15:47
yukonbobhello #ubuntu.15:48
MonkeyDust!hi| yukonbob15:48
bfripraveen no here it doesnt show me15:48
Intel_iX_How do I sudo overwrite xorg.conf?15:49
yukonbobI'm looking for mtree(1) or work-alike for lucid lynx, and coming up empty-handed... pointers? (I'm surprised it's not included by default, and two leads I've followed haven't worked, so thought I'd come to some place w/ collective knowledge).15:49
Tweaky[ARC]: 1 sec ill find it15:49
[ARC]oki doki15:49
MonkeyDustyukonbob: what's mtree, i can't find it in the repo's15:50
Tweaky[ARC]: under effects, Says "Window Decoration"15:51
bfridoes anyone know how to conver .cue/.bin to .iso?15:52
simhis there a tutorial how to setup ubuntu on efi system with raid and lvm?15:52
yukonbobMonkeyDust: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/security/use-mtree-for-filesystem-integrity-auditing/28315:52
[ARC]ok lets try15:52
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yukonbobMonkeyDust: I can't find anything in repos either :P --- that's what I'm hoping to find out :)15:52
ejardimhi all15:52
yukonbobI looked under freebsd-devtools, and one other entry (already forget what it was) but no dice.15:53
ejardimanyone with AsRock P67 Extreme board?15:53
ejardimit seems I have an issue with Etron usb chipset!!15:53
shiftingcontroli closed terminal when running sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade15:53
[ARC]ok whe have and advance15:53
[ARC]I have the bottons but I cant move the window15:53
Tweaky[ARC]: i understand your frustration15:54
bfridoes anyone know how to conver .cue/.bin to .iso?15:54
noobnoobI would like to use "lb config" live-build to build an ubuntu live but I can only get  Debian is there an option to retrieve ubuntu natty ?15:54
[ARC]IO know dude15:54
[ARC]I must be studing15:54
[ARC]but this gets in my nervers15:54
Tweaky[ARC]: at the bottom in ccsm there will be a section called window management15:54
Piciyukonbob, MonkeyDust: I'm not really follow the conversation, but it looks like the freebsd-buildutils ships /usr/bin/freebsd-mtree, which might be what you're looking for.15:54
Tweaky[ARC]: clic on move and resize windows and that stuff :)15:54
paradoxxGreetings all, I'm tying to use symlinks with apache but I keep getting the error "Forbidden You do not have permissions to access this file". Anyone have experience implementing this??15:54
yukonbobpici: ah --- good eye!!!15:55
yukonbobPici: I wasn't looking for the "freebsd" prefix...15:55
Tweaky[ARC]: :)15:55
[ARC]you are a Genius!!!!15:55
ejardimAnyone with AsRock P67 motherboard? It seems Etron EJ168a doesn't work!!15:56
[ARC]so the moto is15:56
bastidrazorparadoxx: you probably need to create the link with sudo or change the permissions ont he target folder15:56
[ARC]"you have to know what nail to hammer"15:56
[ARC]And you knew it15:56
[ARC]Ok know just need to get to work emerald15:56
w00tw00tw00tany ideas how to add files to an ISO image?15:56
[ARC]but this is a huge progress15:56
* yukonbob off to play w/ mtree. Cheers, all.15:56
Tweaky[arc] emerald i have no idea :p15:57
[ARC]this is a huge progress anyway15:57
kali`w00tw00tw00t, try mkisofs --help15:57
[ARC]thx very much15:57
kali`on a terminal15:57
w00tw00tw00tkali`,  i did, but doesnt seem to be able to do so15:57
candreaw00tw00tw00t, you may be looking for growisofs (command line tool)15:57
w00tw00tw00tcandrea, Growisofs is just mkisofs + burner15:58
kali`w00tw00tw00t, okay15:58
dsadssdi need help15:58
kali`w00tw00tw00t, try this mkisofs folder > output.iso15:58
MonkeyDust!ask| dsadssd15:58
ubottudsadssd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:58
dsadssdwell the thing is15:58
dsadssdi LOVE gnome 2 but hate unity15:58
dsadssdbut i heard, ubuntu 11.10 gets only unity15:59
bfrinow that i have installed this program bchunk as you can see here http://pastebin.com/YgNpH6E3 where can i find it?15:59
MonkeyDustdsadssd: you're not alone15:59
dsadssdshould i change to kde15:59
dsadssdor so15:59
kali`dsadssd, you're pretty much alone inthis one15:59
MonkeyDustnobody seems to like unity15:59
mick02MonkeyDust, I think it's pants!15:59
bastidrazordsadssd: you don't have to upgrade to 11.10 when it comes out.15:59
mick02dsadssd, You can log into Ubuntu Classic if you don't like Unity15:59
kali`can't you just use gnome2 ?16:00
PiciHes gone.16:00
kali`mick02, i heard that doesn't even work!16:00
i_jam1965can someone point me in the right direction on wireless issues?16:00
bfrinow that i have installed this program bchunk as you can see here http://pastebin.com/YgNpH6E3 where can i find it?16:00
mick02kali`, I'm using 11.04 right now using Ubuntu Classic.16:00
mick02kali`, works like a charm16:00
ejardimAnyone with AsRock P67 Extreme board?     Is the USB controller Etron EJ168a supported o16:01
DermarkerHello. I last read the news. There stood that Ubuntu 11.10 doesnt contain anymore gnome 2.16:01
kali`mick02, i'll wait with upgrading till 10.10 security runs out16:01
asdf_msctrying to install mangler from source, but config aborts with no package x11 found. already have all libx11 packages from synaptic. what do?16:01
mick02kali`, I've had no problems with 11.04 other than Unity but I just changed that. I'm considering upgrading to Gnome 3.016:01
ioneyedDermarker, I am on ubuntu 11 and running gnome, it is built-in. Unity is their default environment now though.16:02
Dermarkeri love if you can tell me an good possibility .16:02
mick02Dermarker, 11.10 hasn't been released yet! 11.04 is shipped with Unity as the default interface.16:02
ioneyedDermarker, sorry I misread, didn't see the 11.10. I am referring to 11.0416:03
bastidrazorbfri: it looks like its a CLI application. type: bchunk --help   in a terminal16:03
Dermarkerbecause i cant stay all time with 11.-04 can i ?16:03
bfribastidrazor so it has to be used from there?16:03
bfribastidrazor do you know of another way to convert .bin/.cue files to .iso?16:04
fearphagei've installed ubuntu natty on my laptop and everything is recognized but my bluetooth driver (msi ge620). does that mean I'm SOL or can I make it work somehow?16:04
noobnoobI would like to use "lb config" live-build to build an ubuntu live but I can only get  Debian is there an option to retrieve ubuntu natty ?16:05
dermarker_hello sorryy internet crashed16:05
dermarker_i dont like unity much, please, can you tell me and good alternative ?16:05
zniavredermarker at gdl login choosing a gnome-classic is an alternative16:06
dermarker_yes but is it in   11.10 ?16:06
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zniavrethen i do not know it's not aven a beta yet16:07
IdleOnedermarker_: would you please join #ubuntu-ops16:07
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dermarker_idleone you can pm me16:08
paradoxxbastidrazor, I fixed the issue. I had created the symlink with a relative path as I was in the directory. Turns out it requires the absolute path16:08
i_jam1965looking for info on netgear wg111v2 (configuration)16:09
Tweakydermarker_: you dont have to use unity16:10
bastidrazorTweaky: he's ban avoiding.. :(16:13
Tweakybastidrazor: D:16:13
inneresaugebuona sera a tutti16:14
ugaritusing 10.04 64bit and I want windows to be the default os at bootup.  How do I do this?  I couldnt' find /boot/grub/menu.lst !!!!16:14
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inneresaugequalcuno può aiutarmi? ho un problema con la mia ubuntu e non so da che parte prendere -.-16:14
jrib!IT | inneresauge16:15
ubottuinneresauge: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:15
_alazarugarit, ubuntu now uses grub2, so it's a little different.16:15
_alazarugarit, here, follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:16
Whitorugarit,  http://www.troublefixers.com/set-windows-as-default-booting-os-with-ubuntu-10-04-or-higher-in-dual-boot/16:16
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ugaritthank you _alazar and Whitor16:18
hidn_shadowsHey guys, archive manager is messing up (Not opening zipped files, not extracting properly, the like) How do I repair this without uninstalling gnome desktop??16:18
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naveedany body help me about KDE16:19
en1gmai booted the "Try Ubuntu" 11.04 i386 Desktop CD and chose to install to a usb flash drive and pretty much it installed ok EXCEPT GRUB.....i have no boot loader so i can not boot up.... can someone help me16:19
naveedi installed it16:19
naveedI installed KDE on UBUntu16:19
naveedbut now it is not login me16:19
naveedany one help me16:20
en1gmadont SPAM16:20
FirartixYo hey :) ! I just connected a 1920x1024 screen on my 800x600 netbook, and the resolution wont get detected :S... I tried setting the resolution using --fb on XRandR, it changed the "current" resolution value, but the resolution value binded to the VGA port still is same... Can anyone help?16:20
naveeden1gma...man you have to install grub16:20
en1gmai know but how16:20
en1gmathe ubuntu instaler wouldnt do it16:20
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:20
hidn_shadowsFirartix, ubuntu has had problems with resolutions and external monitors. The answer is out there, don't give up, but unfortunately I'm not the one to help you find it. It is a pretty common problem though16:21
noobnoobI'm looking for some help/guidance with Live-Build to build a Ubuntu live with "lb config" using a Ubuntu release, how to force lb config to get natty for instance ?16:21
bfridoes anyone know how to use bchunk?16:22
FirartixOkay, i'm gonna dig further in XRandR manpages, surely i can find something :s16:22
hidn_shadowsGood luck Firartix!16:22
bfridoes anyone know how to use bchunk?16:23
hidn_shadowsCan anyone help with archive manager? It seems to be slipping, I tell it to extract something and it doesn't, and it can't open any files in an unextracted file.16:23
=== jason is now known as Guest11295
usr13hidn_shadows: Maybe you are just not going to the correct directory?16:24
usr13hidn_shadows: but you can cut to the chase and do it from CLI...16:24
bfridoes anyone know how to use bchunk?16:24
hidn_shadowsusr13, I have the directory open, and when I tell it to extract to the desktop there's nothing there. I'll check the other users' desktops, but I doubt there'll be anything there16:24
usr13hidn_shadows: It won't be in any other user's Desktop16:25
bastidrazorbfri: read its manpage.16:25
usr13hidn_shadows: you can bet on that16:25
bfribastidrazor: i did and it still didn't work?16:25
jrjrWhat are some recommended GPU benchmarking tools?16:26
usr13bastidrazor: What file are you un-archiving?16:26
jrjrIn Ubuntu 11.0416:26
bastidrazorbfri: usr13's comment was intended for you.16:26
bfribastidrazor http://pastebin.com/LgJ5UZj516:26
mbroekerjrjr, try the good old glxgears16:26
doxini updated to ubuntu 11.x, but now doublebuffering is enabled for my display, which my videocard doesn't support. where is the setting for disabling double buffering?16:26
hidn_shadowsusr13, you're right. It isn't giving any output file whatsoever... Is there a source file I can revert to fix it?16:27
Guest11295can anyone tell me why my file system size is 128 TB in Ubuntu 11.0416:27
bastidrazorbfri: you can't have all those silly spaces in there without escaping them.16:27
jrjrmbroeker: Im looking for something a little more stressful. Like TuxRacer, Nexuiz, etc16:28
jrjrReally just looking for suggestions as well.16:28
bfriusr13 this is what im trying to un-archive  http://pastebin.com/LgJ5UZj516:28
odlahi two questions, one synaptic doesn't recognise my sudo password, why? two, and more important, i can log into unity only 1 out of 5 times on average. it tends to either crash X or just never load. what can i do16:28
_alazarjrjr, compiz comes with one, I think.16:28
bfribastidrazor where?16:28
Kyle__Whiel I wakt for my system to be responsive again, is there a clean, ubuntuish way of replacing firefox 4 with firefox 3.x?16:28
Kyle__Both in terms of stabilty and memory usage, firefox4 is nowhere near as good as 3.x or chrome.16:29
Valentineshortcut keys to lock screen in Lubuntu?16:29
Tweakybfri: are you trying to unarchive a bin/cue or convert to iso?16:29
_alazarKyle__, add maverick repos and downgrade it using synaptic.16:29
bfritweaky convert16:29
usr13bfri: AttachmentTheoryCouplesTherapy.pdf  ?16:30
Kyle___alazar: That won't start offering me old versions from Maverick, will it?16:30
Kyle___alazar: I mean old versions for everything else.16:30
bfriusr13 its a psychology assignment16:30
bastidrazorbfri: bchunk Metal\ Gear\ Solid\ disc\ 1.bin Metal\ Gear\ Solid\ disc\ 1.cue Metal\ Gear\ Solid\ disc\ 116:30
hidn_shadowsCan anyone help with Archive manager not perfoming correctly? I tell it to extract a file, but there's no output whatsoever other than a "completed" dialogue?16:30
usr13hidn_shadows: Did you find it yet?16:30
hidn_shadowsusr13, find what?16:30
usr13bastidrazor: What file are you un-archiving?16:31
_alazarKyle__, no, newer versions are always first. In fact to must force firefox to the older version.16:31
bastidrazorusr13: i am not.16:31
usr13hidn_shadows: Did you find it yet?  The file(s) you are trying to un-archive.16:31
eroomdehello - my graphics driver (i have a gtx460) reports itself as 270.41.06 - is this a proprietary one?16:31
_alazarKyle__, unless you have a much older ubuntu, like lucid.16:31
Firartixaaaah found for the screen size :)16:31
_alazarBut I'm assuming you've got 11.04 natty narwhal16:31
Kyle___alazar: OK, thanks.  Just wanted to make sure.16:32
gedOHey guys. I have one encrypted partition. How to decript it??16:32
Firartixdisabled first one with --output --off then used the auto setting thing with --output --preferred16:32
Firartixmy WM didnt like it, tho ><16:32
usr13hidn_shadows: Look within the directory you un-archived it in.  Look for the newest file or directory.16:32
Kyle__gedO: you don't.  You mount it16:32
bin_bashHello all.16:32
gedOKyle__: How to mount it?16:32
sanzkyhello. I have a problem with unity/gnome. for some reason, when I enter to the ubuntu-classic session I get both classic ubuntu and unity running together16:32
hidn_shadowsusr13, I have the .rar. and I set it to extract to the desktop, all files and make a new folder.16:33
Tweakybastidrazor: if you use "dir" instead of "ls" it would give you the filename lists with the slashes in it already16:33
bin_bashWhile videochatting and using both webcams, skype causes a Kernel panic.16:33
Kyle__gedO: Go back and look at the tutorial you used to create the encrypted partition.16:33
Tweakybastidrazor: mistake16:33
sanzkyall my gnome-panels  + the unity dashboard and panel16:33
gedOKyle__: I used in installation, or I say my brother16:34
bfribastidrazor thanks for the help worked perfectly16:34
bastidrazorTweaky: bfri may find your suggestions useful. i am the helper not the helpee16:34
Tweakybastidrazor: lol16:34
bastidrazorbfri: you're welcome :)16:34
gedOKyle__: Partition is encrypted in installation progress16:34
Kyle__gedO: Then it should be all automatic.  Sorry, I haven't used that method, I can't help much more.16:34
gedOKyle__: Okey, thank you16:35
bastidrazorbfri: tab completion will greatly aid you in your command line future fun.16:35
doxinhow do i disable desktop effects in 11.04?16:35
bfribastidrazor what is tab completion16:36
bfritweaky thanks for the tip next time i wont just rename the files with one letter16:36
bastidrazorbfri: type the first few letters of the name.. for example: Meta*hit tab   ..it complete the name up to . since you have two files exaclty the same except for the last bit.. .bin and .cue  .. you then type out the rest16:37
hidn_shadowsCan anyone help with archive manager not extracting properly?16:38
JigBootAre there any negro Ubuntu developers?16:38
vabigoonhi guys, is that possible to change the default number of lines scrolled by mouse wheel?16:38
bastidrazorJigBoot: #ubuntu-ops has them. ask there.16:38
GneaJigBoot: since when does race matter?16:38
patdk-wksince jigboot joined16:39
TomB3What do i need to install to connect to ubuntu 10.4 via windows7 RDP client.16:39
JigBootWell we are worried about equality16:39
JigBootand want to make sure that half of linux programmers are Black16:39
JigBootout of fairness16:39
Gneapatdk-wk: good point.16:39
usr13hidn_shadows: After clicking on "Extract", you should be  presented with options, (one of whci is to "Show the Files").  Did you choose any of those options?16:39
hidn_shadowsJigBoot, bastidrazor's right... go ask in #ubuntu-ops16:39
JigBootI propose affirmative action in the IT field16:39
patdk-wkheh? half the population isn't black, so why would half be?16:39
macoJigBoot: that's not on the topic of ubuntu tech support16:39
hidn_shadowsusr13, let me check...16:39
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
GneaJigBoot: that's an unrealistic way of going about it. if the people developing it don't know what they're doing, then that matters more.16:40
PiciGnea: Lets not feed the trolls.16:40
usr13hidn_shadows: Alternately; If you just look for the newest file or directory in that directory from which you un-archived the file, you should find it.16:40
GneaPici: seriously, not feeding.16:40
RzizHm, is it possible to use root=UUID with a custom kernel without initrd or does the UUID mapping happen in initrd?16:40
TomB3What do i need to install to connect to ubuntu 10.4 via windows7 RDP client.16:40
bfribastidrazor thanks for that tip!  Are their resource centers with those tips?  i really want to refine my terminal knowledge16:40
hidn_shadowsusr13, it doesn't show anything other than the files I had before the supposed extraction16:41
sahiphello everyone I have a simple question. My $PATH has my ~/bin folder, but I cannot run executables in this folder using sudo command. what to do? except for moving them back to /usr/bin/16:41
bastidrazor!terminal | bfri16:41
ubottubfri: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:41
RzizI'm trying to simplify things and don't see a need for initrd16:41
usr13hidn_shadows: What is the file?  Give us the file-name?16:41
bastidrazorbfri: that link will help you get the basics and well on your way.16:41
naveedKDE is not working ??16:41
naveedplz  help me16:41
Kyle__TomB3: You probably want to connect to it via VNC, not rdp.  While it is possible to connect over RDP, it's not as well supported, or as optimized.  For vnc, just turn on screen sharing.16:41
usr13hidn_shadows: What is the file-name of the file you are trying to extract.16:41
hidn_shadowsusr13, I'm using a test .rar file right now, test.rar?16:41
en1gmai tried to use the ubuntu 11.04 "Try Ubuntu" to install to usb flash drive and it worked great except where it went to install grub to mbr......it couldnt do it....is there a way i can still use the 11.04 live cd to get me to boot the usb install?16:41
bin_bashHas anyone had this experience with skype video calls causing strange crashes randomly?16:42
k_szedoes ubuntu have a tool to check a DVD against the image used to burn it?16:42
en1gmalike use the live cd as a boot loader to select windows or the linux16:42
usr13hidn_shadows: ls test.rar  ;  file test.rar16:42
Rickardo1is there any linux codeeditor with an ide.. with intellisense?16:42
Rickardo1I mean.. in the linux shell16:42
Intel_iX_im using sudo cp ~/Desktop/firefox/* /etc/firefox -f -r to copy firefox, but it isn't working, any idea what im doing wrong?16:42
hidn_shadowsusr13 I know exactly where the compressed archive is, I'm not interested in that... I'm interested in the extracted file16:43
industriaRickardo1: Netbeans or Eclipse?16:44
naveedIntel_ix: your want to copy Firefox package to antoher location ??16:44
Firartixhey again ^_^16:44
roomeoHi guys... i need some quick advice..16:44
Bilzwill gnome-schedule not work to say, run vlc player? since im, trying to run vlc player and it executres the command but nothing happens?s16:44
olskolircsomeone say my name please?16:44
ayeceeroomeo: don't run with scissors.16:44
Firartixyet another question.... i can't get to find the flag for import to capture the whole screen.... would anyone know what it is :s ?16:44
patdk-wkmy name please?16:44
hidn_shadowsusr13, hmm... it only seems to be a problem for .rars, it does .zip fine16:45
Piciolskolirc: Please don't use this channel to test hilights, its really busy enough as it is.16:45
best_troll_everguys empathy is crap16:45
olskolircthanks Pico :-)16:46
usr13hidn_shadows: Well, if you can not tell us anything about the file, we can not help you.  Again, if you give us the output of  ls test.rar  and  file test.rar  maybe we can help you.  Or if  you can email it to me or send me a link to see  were you got the file... but with no knowledge about the file, there's not much we can do.16:46
xivenHas anyone setup SSH-FS on a Ubuntu Server for access via a Windows client?16:46
=== JohnFlux__ is now known as JohnFlux
ayeceexiven: is there a windows client for sshfs?16:46
hidn_shadowsusr13 it shouldn't matter anything about the input file, only that it's a complete uncorrupted file.16:46
usr13hidn_shadows: You can use unrar to open it.16:46
sahiphello everyone I have a simple question. My $PATH has my ~/bin folder, but I cannot run executables in this folder using sudo command. what to do? except for moving them back to /usr/bin/16:47
Picixiven: How would sshfs help you there?16:47
patdk-wkayecee, yes there is16:47
roomeosomeone have experience with the OpenVPN Access Server Virtual Appliance?? pm please16:47
alexUnderanyones knows about conky ? i got an issue16:48
bin_bashskype causing kernel crashes? anyone?16:48
usr13hidn_shadows: If it is, in fact, a file of the rar format, you can use unrar to un-pack it.  unrar - extract files from rar archives16:48
=== JohnFlux is now known as JohnFlux2
=== JohnFlux2 is now known as JohnFlux3
=== JohnFlux3 is now known as JohnFlux__
bullgard4[Natty] LibreOffiice Base 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu4 opens a form which I made using OpenOffice 3.2. But it does not show the toolbars and associated tool buttons. Thus I cannot use my original OpenOffice-3.2 database no more. I can see only the contents of the default record. (Embedded database, HSQL Database Engine). How to fix this?16:48
xivenMaybe that's backward. I'm trying to use SSH-FS so I can use local (graphical) tools like Notepad++ as if it's installed on my server.16:48
=== JohnFlux__ is now known as JohnFlux___
usr13hidn_shadows: But again, unless we know something about the file, we can not help you.16:48
=== JohnFlux___ is now known as JohnFlux____
usr13any further.16:48
PiciJohnFlux____: If you're going to be changing your nicks so often, would you mind doing it somewhere else where it will be less disruptive? Thanks :)16:49
JohnFlux____Pici: sorry about that16:49
JohnFlux____Pici: I was trying to register alt-nicks with nickserv, and forgot it would flood all the channels I'm in :-(16:49
=== JohnFlux____ is now known as JohnFlux
aboudreaulthi. what's the up-to-date tool to create encrypted filesystem?16:50
en1gmaanyone help me get my ubuntu usb flash drive install working? i think i just need a disc that will let me select windows or linux (a boot loader cd if you will)16:50
en1gmai can not install grub to mbr of usb stick16:50
hidn_shadowsaboudreault, read up on Truecrypt?16:50
aboudreaulthidn_shadows, thx. Is that the thing used by the installer?16:51
usr13hidn_shadows: But I can give you an example;   unrar file-name.rar16:51
bullgard4!encryption | aboudreault16:51
ubottuaboudreault: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory16:51
en1gmaso cant i just have a cd with a bootloader on it and have that in each time i want to boot from the usb stick16:51
aboudreaultalright, going to read that.16:51
xivenI guess SSH-FS doesn't get instaled or configured on the server itself?16:51
DefJunxisn't there a way to make 3870x2 work on the damn lucid lynx?16:52
ayeceexiven: no, just a ssh server16:53
en1gmacome on peeps i need a bootloader cd so i can select either windows or linux to boot16:53
bin_bashSo far I've found 2 threads of people having a similar problem, but no solution for either16:53
xivenOh, ok.16:53
gkahn[["good morning to all","buenos dias a todos","",""]],,"es",,[["good morning",[5],1,0,780,0,2,0],["to",[6],1,0,135,2,3,0],["all",[7],1,0,347,3,4,0]],[["buenos dias",5,[["good morning",780,1,0]],[[0,11]],"buenos dias a todos"],["a",6,[["to",135,1,0],["at",0,1,0],["for",0,1,0],["a",0,1,0],["on",0,1,0]],[[12,13]],""],["todos",7,[["all",347,1,0],["everyone",5,1,0],["all of",1,1,0],["every",0,1,0]],[[14,19]],""]],,,,1416:54
en1gmaare all the smart people gone?16:54
lahwranwho's bot just screwed up16:54
DefJunxisn't there a way to make 3870x2 work on the damn lucid lynx?16:54
xivenSorry, obviously I have misunderstood the SSH-FS tool; I'll refer to documentation again to clear it up then. Thanks.16:54
Picixiven: sshfs is for mapping an outbound ssh connection on your server to a mountpoint. It won't help any other clients that ssh into it to get access to files on the server.16:55
mhaheupdate manager hangs everytime. how do i fix this?16:55
whoeveris anyone getting broken package messsages when upgrading to 11.0416:56
whoeverand is thre a way to revert back to 10.10 before reboot16:57
DefJunxisn't there a way to make 3870x2 work on the damn lucid lynx?16:57
Bilzwill gnome-schedule not work to say, run vlc player? since im, trying to run vlc player and it executres the command but nothing happens?s16:58
=== PunkassFender is now known as StryKaizer
xivenHmm. I was told by someone that SSH-FS is a tool I needed to use local gui software for working with my remote server...16:59
usr13en1gma: Do you have a floppy drive?16:59
en1gmausr13 i wish i did....is there anyway to make a cd like what your talking about17:00
Picixiven: If you're talking about browsing the contents of your server from a Windows client, you can use any program that supports scp or sftp. Filezilla and WinSCP are two popular free programs that can do that.17:01
usr13enli: No, but I sometimes use sbootmgr17:01
aboudreaultIf I have a ext3 partition with 400gb of data, is it possible to modify the filesystem in any way to encrypt it without losing the data? so the data would be encrypted during the task?17:01
bastonesHi, I have a computer with hybrid graphics (intel gma 3150 and nvidia ion) and by default the proprietary drivers were activated but not in use. while they were activated Unity wasn't active. when I removed the proprietary drivers via Additional Drivers Unity works but I presume it requires GPU acceleration to work and I know the Intel GMA doesn't support GPU acceleration. I presume, since the proprietary drivers are not17:01
bastonesin use that they're using the nouveau open source drivers. How do I verify that GPU acceleration works (or that the NVIDIA GPU is connected and being used to provide GPU acceleration to the Intel GMA)?17:01
seekwillxiven: What are you trying to do with sshfs?17:01
usr13en1gma:  No, but I sometimes use sbootmgr17:02
usr13en1gma: So why not just use the boot CD?17:02
bin_bashHas anyone had any experience with skype causing system-wide crashes?17:02
rumpe1aboudreault, you're asking this because you have no space for backup?17:03
bin_bashcan anyone read this?17:03
xivenThe idea was to essentially have 'graphical desktop' capabilities (or like Cygwin without an actual desktop installed) without actually running X/GDM on the server.17:03
Picibin_bash: We read you loud and clear.17:03
en1gmai want a perm install....or do you mean the boot cd to select my linux install somehow17:03
aboudreaultrumpe1, unfortunately yes17:03
bin_bashokay. Sometimes I have problems with irc17:03
bin_bashwasn't sure if I was getting through17:03
rumpe1aboudreault, then you really shouldn't even think about something like that17:04
BlouBlouanyone knows how can I send files via bluetooth? it isn't longer working in ubuntu 11.0417:04
DefJunxisn't there a way to make 3870x2 work on the damn lucid lynx?17:04
aboudreaultrumpe1, ok, will buy another disk17:04
usr13bin_bash: Is that your post?17:04
usr13bin_bash: You should consider testing your RAM17:05
=== MyT is now known as MyT_0
LetsGo67Where did Unity go, how do i launch it back, and why did it disappear?  i can't move around!17:05
usr13BlouBlou: What are you sending the files to?17:06
rumpe1aboudreault, even if it works perfectly... if you ever get problems with the encrypted filesystem, you won't be able to recover anything17:06
BlouBlouusr13: to my mobile, and it works fine17:06
BlouBlouusr13: it worked fine with 10.1017:06
bin_bashhi lolcatz17:06
usr13BlouBlou: What type of device is the moble? What OS does it run?17:07
lolcatzokay. so i downloaded 11.04 (natty) and it seems like mac to me. it confused me...17:07
mrcreativitydoes everyone like unity?17:08
LetsGo67lolcatz: 11.04 is a roflolcatz.17:08
usr13lolcatz: Yea, the UI is totally different.17:08
usr13mrcreativity: Some love it, some hate it.17:08
lolcatzi hatt0rz it l0tz17:08
oCeanmrcreativity: this is a support channel, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic17:08
BlouBlouusr13: it's an LG KU380. OS = KU380_V10_Final  << (They made it just for mobile)17:08
LetsGo67Unity crashed, how do i load it back?17:08
ScuniziIf I've used nautilus to mount an external NAS, where do I find that mount point in the system? /media and /mnt doesn't seem to have it.  After typing mount in terminal I get a list of stuff with no definitive description other than local harddrives although there's a bunch of stuff there.17:08
LetsGo67mrcreativity: Not me very much.17:08
mrcreativityalright...i just want to know how i can enable more indicators on the panel17:08
mrcreativityi cant get desktopnova to work17:09
LetsGo67How do i add stacks to Unity?17:09
MonkeyDustScunizi: try df -h17:09
mrcreativityit works fine with gnome classic, no luck in unity17:09
PiciScunizi: They get put into ~/.gvfs/ usually17:10
andreabormanIf he wants to talk about Unity linux-let him.17:10
ScuniziPici: I'll look17:10
xivenWell, since SSH-FS doesn't seem to be the right tool, I guess it won't hurt too much to have an instance of Xfce and use remote desktop.17:10
mrcreativityu cant ask for help with unity here?17:10
P|xelI have an old scanner, it has a 37 pin connector attached to an old computer using an adapter card on an ISA slot. I want to connect this to a new computer, but am having trouble finding a card/adapter that will connect. it has 19 pins on top, 18 on bottom, looks like a parallel port17:10
oCeanmrcreativity: help, sure. Discussion on (dis)likes not17:10
LetsGo67People, it disappeared!  i'm stuck with just Opera, can't launch more apps, etc.  HELP!17:11
BlouBlouusr13: I'm going to try installing "bluez-utils gnome-bluetooth"17:11
PiciP|xel: ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to ask.  #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only.17:11
ScuniziPici: although I can see the hidden files in ~ there is no .gvfs17:11
MonkeyDustLetsGo67: do not panic, just ask for hints & tips17:11
P|xelPici: #hardware is invite only17:11
best_troll_everhey... someone know where i get radiostreams for banshee?17:11
usr13BlouBlou: Good.  I've yet to find any specific info about that phone or the ability to connect bluetooth devices from Ubuntu 11.0417:11
PiciP|xel: You need to be registered and identified to join.17:11
Pici!register | P|xel17:12
ubottuP|xel: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:12
ScuniziPici: and I have and external usb drive attached as well.. I thought gvfs mounted those as well.17:12
lolcatzhow do i switch channels17:12
_alazarlolcatz, use /join <#channel>17:13
makaveli0129i am trying to extract a 1.9gb .7p file and it has literally been running for 4 days straight. I am using p7zip to extract it but obviously it's not working does anyone know of any other program to extract this file?17:13
BlouBlouusr13: Okay17:13
bin_bashDoes anyone know of any cross-platform skype alternatives?17:14
=== KrisDouglas_ is now known as KrisDouglas
BlouBlouusr13: I'll come back in a sec, it seems reboot it's needed to get it working17:14
MonkeyDustbin_bash: is ekiga cross platform?17:14
LetsGo67bin_bash: Ekiga, but no Mac support yet.17:14
bin_bashLetsGo67: windows support?17:15
ScuniziPici: see screen shot of output from mount and df -h...  http://min.us/mhaPw6jWLjUiA#117:15
LetsGo67bin_bash: Ekiga, but no Mac support yet without X11, VBox, etc... Win support yes.17:15
sipiorbin_bash: google chat works just fine in ubuntu.17:15
PiciScunizi: I actually need to run out for a bit, sorry :/17:15
LetsGo67Minus Mouse!  schelcj17:15
LetsGo67Minus Mouse!  Scunizi17:15
ScuniziLetsGo67: ??17:15
makaveli0129sorry i meant .7z17:15
LetsGo67Scunizi: www.min.us17:16
ScuniziLetsGo67: ah.. yes.. good service17:16
linsuxis conf.d with ubuntu?17:16
LetsGo67Scunizi: Why are there so many URL shorteners now?17:17
ScuniziLetsGo67: it's not a url shortener.. it's a pastebin service17:17
kamcio2603_I installed Ubuntu but it just throws me into a debian console.17:18
BlouBlouusr13: still nothing17:18
oCeanScunizi: do you have another user on that system that *has* .gvfs ?17:18
ScunizioCean: I have a backup user "just in case" but nobody else logged in.. vbox might be mounting something via .gvfs but I'm not sure about that.17:19
kamcio2603_I installed Ubuntu but it just throws me into a debian console.17:19
metbsdvbox or vmware?17:19
makaveli0129how do i tell which process is using mount.ntfs since it's eating up like 98% of my processor?17:19
kamcio2603_makaveli0129: sounds like a virus17:20
Scunizikamcio2603_:how do you come up with "virus".. *very* unlikely17:20
xjkxmy mic doesn't work on the new ubuntu, what could be blocking it ?17:20
trickshothow can I make an application installed on wine acessible by other user?17:20
oCeanScunizi: I meant to try mounting the device a that other user, the one that has a .gvfs17:20
makaveli0129kamcio2603_: i have a cron job that runs at midnight every night and that eats it up like that for my security camera's and such i have installed but i was also using p7zip and i wanted to see which was was using that mount.ntfs17:21
karais Gnome 3 same as Unity?17:21
simhany idea why 10.04 installer cant instal grub/grub2 on raid1 /boot partition?17:21
oCeankara: no17:21
oCean!unity | kara17:21
ubottukara: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.17:21
ScunizioCean: I actually may need to just mount the NAS as a samba share in fstab.. that might be a more appropriate way17:21
oCeanScunizi: agreed17:21
karaThanks - I didn't like Unity (it was too cellphone-like) - so I booted to classic gnome. Should I attempt to upgrade Gnome to Gnome 3 then?17:22
oCean!gnome3 | kara17:22
ubottukara: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.17:22
bin_bashkara: No17:22
karaI mean, will it worth it?17:22
bin_bashkara: don't do it17:22
karaok thanks17:23
bin_bashAlso, gnome3 is horrible17:23
bin_bashjust liek unity17:23
bin_bashif you want another system17:23
bin_bashtry xfce17:23
kamcio2603_Scunizi: it could be a virus, i got a facebook virus the other day17:23
_alazargnome3 or gnome shell? it's different things.17:23
xjkxmy mic doesn't work on the new ubuntu, what could be blocking it ?17:23
bin_bashSkype is causing system wide crashes for me. Idk how to debug this17:23
karabin_bash: thanks - that helps. i will try to find some reviews which unveil gnome 317:24
Scunizikamcio2603_: doesn't stay on your machine though.. might be inside facebook but not your machine17:24
bin_bashxjkx: do you have alsa mixer isntalled?17:24
kamcio2603_Scunizi: no this one was on my machine17:24
sipiorsimh: how are attempting to install grub?17:24
xjkxbin_bash: yes17:24
bin_bashxjkx: open up a terminal and type alsamixer17:25
sipiorsimh: you're installing to the dmraid device, right? not /dev/sda?17:25
bin_bashmake sure that nothing has an "m"17:25
xjkxbin_bash: done17:25
Scunizikamcio2603_: so what did you do to eliminate it? reboot?17:25
LetsGo67Scunizi: A wannabe MegaUpload.17:25
LunganWhy does the computer hangs up17:25
Lunganwhen plugin in the usb?17:25
kamcio2603_Scunizi: i had to go into my system and clean everything out17:25
kamcio2603_i ended up reinstalling it17:25
kamcio2603_and that leads me to my current problem..17:26
xjkxbin_bash: where would this m appear17:26
kamcio2603_I installed Ubuntu but it just throws me into a debian console.17:26
kamcio2603_so what do i do now?17:26
Scunizikamcio2603_: was it from clicking on the BinLadin pics posting?17:26
kamcio2603_no it was a facebook one17:26
bin_bashhit f4 for capture17:26
kamcio2603_you know like those mal apps?17:26
Scunizikamcio2603_: in facebook?17:26
bin_bashxjkx: hit f4 for capture17:26
kamcio2603_very malicious17:26
usr13kamcio2603_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:26
kamcio2603_and dangerous17:26
karabin_bash: would you recommend kde 4 against xfce? (i couldn't find xfce-desktop, but there is kubuntu-desktop)17:26
usr13kamcio2603_: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:26
kamcio2603_usr13: k one sec17:27
_alazarbin_bash, hey, mi mine shows: <mic Jack M> and mic doesn't work.17:27
bin_bashkara: no i wouldn't. check out xubuntu17:27
Scunizikamcio2603_: didn't do anything to my system..17:27
Tweakyanyone around that understands theme scripting?17:27
kamcio2603_i think it's one of the newer threats17:27
kamcio2603_either way it probably wouldn't affect me if i had something like windows 717:27
Snicers-WorkI upgraded from ubuntu 10.10 to ubuntu 11.04 and now my linux box is having all sorts of issues (can't aptitude anything). Is this a common issue.17:27
bin_bash_alazar: next step is to install PulseAudio Volume Control17:27
LunganWhy does the computer hangs up on boot when pluggin in usb boot (ubuntu) ?17:27
Tweakytrying to follow this here http://askubuntu.com/questions/33050/how-do-you-change-the-font-color-in-the-unity-panel, but i do not no what to change text[NORMAL] to in order to change the color.17:28
xjkxCapture: volume is fine, 75/75. Capture 1: zero volume. <Input Source> Line17:28
mang0Guys, I'm dual booting windows and ubuntu on two differnat HDDs. Grub lists windows, but if I try to boot it, I'm stuck on the underscore.....(white underscore on black background). Why is this?17:28
kamcio2603_Scunizi: in college next semester i have some HTML programming courses and it will probably teach me how to avoid these kind of messes17:28
oCeankamcio2603_: offtopic chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please17:28
kamcio2603_oCean: o.017:28
xjkxbin_bash:  Capture: volume is fine, 75/75. Capture 1: zero volume. <Input Source> Line17:29
kamcio2603_this is on topic17:29
_alazarbin_bash, which packet is it?17:29
kamcio2603_oCean: if you have a problem with it why don't you answer my initial question rather than be a jerk?17:29
bin_bash_alazar: might be pavc17:29
kamcio2603_oCean: is a jerk off17:29
oCeankamcio2603_: that attitude is not really going to help17:29
bin_bashxjkx: is it an internal mic?17:29
PirschHello. How can I open a folder as root?17:29
kamcio2603_oCean: what are you going to do about it?17:29
xjkxbin_bash: headphone mic17:30
usr13kamcio2603_: Why, he only suggested a more appropriate channel for your discussion.17:30
bin_bashxjkx: ok download pavc17:30
kamcio2603_oCean: my piss stream is stronger than anything you can throw at me, bring it17:30
bin_bashshould be able to apt-get it17:30
Guybrush88pirsch: sudo nautilus 'folder'17:30
usr13kamcio2603_: Join #ubuntu-offtopic17:30
kamcio2603_usr13: about that pastebin thing, one sec17:30
_alazarbin_bash, I don't see it, just pulseaudio, pulseaudio-module-... and pulseaudio-utils17:30
PirschGuybrush88: thanks17:30
kamcio2603_usr13: don't even start17:30
kamcio2603_or else17:30
rumpe1gksudo nautilus (never sudo!)17:30
bastidrazorPirsch: you should use gksudo for nautilus17:30
SoupermanitoGuybrush88, never sudo on x, Pirsch use gksudo nautilus folder17:30
xjkxbin_bash: nope, not in apt-get17:30
PirschOk, thanks all17:31
kamcio2603_sticky keys was on =\17:31
bin_bashok get pulseaudio-utils17:31
IdleOne!ot | kamcio2603_17:32
ubottukamcio2603_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:32
xjkxbin_bash: latest version17:32
bin_bashxjkx: yep17:32
kamcio2603_IdleOne: please plead the 5th or i'll plead you in the face :D17:32
zenergimy .bashrc and .profile are the same as in /etc/skel, but when I login it doesn't seem to source the .bashrc (i don't get the autocolors).  I can fix this by 'source ~/.bashrc.  Any idea what is causing this?17:32
IdleOnekamcio2603_: please feel free to use #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for support only and we would appreciate it if you could respect that.17:32
xjkxbin_bash: i meant its installed already17:32
kamcio2603_IdleOne: feel free to make me?17:32
bin_bashwhat are you trying to use your mic with17:33
bin_bashAnyone have any idea why videochatting is causing a system-crash?17:34
xjkxbin_bash: its not the software. On ubuntu control center, if i pick "sound" menu and go on configure, speaking on the mic doesn't make the green bars move like before17:34
ScuniziIdleOne: kamcio2603_ originally started this conversation by telling me how he eliminated a virus on ubuntu he picked up through facebook.  Kind of questionable as to the virus, but the original objection to his posts was based on one of his last posts which could be construed as off-topic if you hadn't been following it.  Then after that is was all off topic. :(17:34
bin_bashxjkx: okay apt-get gnomealsamixer17:35
bin_bashxjkx: it's just not configured properly yet17:35
ActionParsnipbin_bash: in which app?17:35
bin_bashActionParsnip: Skype17:36
xjkxbin_bash: downloaded and ran it17:36
ActionParsnipbin_bash: do you see yourself in cheese?17:36
bin_bashxjkx: if everything looks like it's configured properly then it might bed ur mic17:36
bin_bashActionParsnip: yes17:36
bin_bashActionParsnip: it only happens when we're both using our cams simultanously17:36
bin_bashIt doesn't happen when just he or just I use it17:36
skaIs it possible to do a "do-release-upgrade" in download mode only?17:36
nightmanHey, im running 11.04 "classic ubuntu session" and i wonder how i get the minimized windows to stop moving around. the last window used is moved to the right i think, and i dont want that. does anyone know how to fix this?17:37
arnabhi... i don't like the gnome or unity much. what alternative should i try? kde?17:37
skaOr DL the files in advance?17:37
ActionParsnipbin_bash: try:     LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so skype17:37
bin_bashActionParsnip: Okay. What does that do?17:37
xjkxbin_bash: whats rear mic17:37
ActionParsnipbin_bash: loads a library which may help17:37
bin_bashxjkx: not sure17:37
bonjoyee!de | arnab17:37
ubottuarnab: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:37
xjkxbin_bash: and i dont get why i have two captures, maybe they are conflicting17:38
bin_bashxjkx: possibly17:38
bin_bashActionParsnip: Here is the thread I put on Ubuntuforums17:38
bin_bashActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10791839#post1079183917:38
bin_bashThat explains /exactly/ what is happening17:38
xjkxbin_bash: i only have one sound card, but i have one offboard video card, not sure if its something in the video card17:38
FirartixAnyone can give me a WORKING graphic archive manager :( ? I tried ark, but it tells me file doesnt exist once i try to put stuff in17:38
bin_bashxjkx: I don't think the video card should effect it17:39
the67pcsomebody has a Core i3/i5/i7?17:39
bin_bashthe67pc: I have an i517:39
ActionParsnipbin_bash: try the command, may help17:39
ActionParsnipthe67pc: I'm sure many do17:39
bin_bashActionParsnip: Okay I did17:39
Firartixooooh wait nvm.17:40
Lcawte-NeedshelpHi, I just installed Ubuntu on my hard drive, and I tryed installing nvidia things, which removed xorg and x11... I've tried to chroot into the disk but I get the following error Err http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main xorg i386 1:7.6+4ubuntu3   Something wicked happened resolving 'gb.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)17:40
bin_bashActionParsnip: Not sure if this matters, but the problem started after doing a big update. I've been looking at syslog and kern.log and Xorg.0.log but idk what i'm looking for tbh17:40
ActionParsnipbin_bash: does the terminal state it cannot find the file?17:40
_alazarbin_bash, it was already installed.17:40
Lcawte-NeedshelpHow do I fix that?17:40
ActionParsnipLcawte-Needshelp: try:  sudo apt-get update17:40
mickeydoes anyone know how to uninstall and reinstall veetle?17:41
* Scunizi has found luckyBackup (in repos) is a better rsync option than grsync17:41
ActionParsnipScunizi: I use a cron'd cp command, quick and dirty17:41
ActionParsnipmickey: how did you install it?17:42
Lcawte-NeedshelpActionParsnip: still the same thing17:42
ScuniziActionParsnip: yes.. cron works well too if you need it cron'd :)17:42
dajhornLcawte-Needshelp: Try copying the /etc/resolv.conf file from the rescue environment into the chroot environment.17:42
ActionParsnipbin_bash: you could try making a fresh user and see if it is the settings17:42
ActionParsnipLcawte-Needshelp: can you ping ?17:43
mickeyactionparsnip, i used the command from the instructions on the website, it doesnt work anymore though17:43
ActionParsnipmickey: what do the instructions say, is it a deb file?17:43
mickeyactionparsnip, it says use the command "sh veetle-0.9.17-linux-install.sh" but i cant get that to work again17:44
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mickeyit says the file cant be opened17:44
ActionParsnipmickey: run:   chmod +x ./veetle-0.9.17-linux-install.sh; ./veetle-0.9.17-linux-install.sh17:44
=== bin_bash_ is now known as bin_bash
ActionParsnipmickey: make sure your terminals location is the same as where you downloaded it to...17:45
bin_bashActionParsnip: this is the only output I get17:45
Lcawte-Needshelpdajhorn: worked :D17:45
dajhornLcawte-Needshelp: Welcome.17:45
bin_bash/usr/share/themes/NOX/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:233: Murrine configuration option "gradients" is no longer supported and will be ignored.17:45
bin_bash_alazar: internal or external mic17:45
skaIs there a way to pre-download .debs for a "do-release-upgrade" ?17:46
mickeyactionparsnip, will that command work if it is in my 'download' folder? sorry, i'm really new at this17:46
_alazarInternal, it's a laptop.17:46
bin_bashmickey: do cd ~/Downloads17:46
mickeythen run the command u gave me?, or the one i was trying earlier?17:47
ActionParsnipmickey: as long as you have changed the directory to the one containing the file then it will work. The interpreter will look in the pwd unless you specify a path17:47
ActionParsnipmickey: so if you saved it in the Downloads folder you will need to run:   cd ~/Downloads; chmod +x ./veetle-0.9.17-linux-install.sh; ./veetle-0.9.17-linux-install.sh17:48
ScuniziIs there a way to get "locate" to search the db only for a specified path?17:48
dajhornska: You could manually update the sources.list file and do something like a `apt-get dist-upgrade --download-only`.17:48
dayoflavosHi. Does anyone know of a PC Engine emulator for ubuntu?17:49
dajhornska: Or copy /var/cache/apt/archives from another computer that has already done the upgrade.17:49
oCeanScunizi: not really, but you can pipe the output through grep:  locate blah | grep bin17:49
mickeyyes!!! its installing!!!!!17:49
ActionParsnipdayoflavos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145729417:49
makemska: If you want to upgrade offline, why not use the Natty .iso for upgrade?17:49
ScunizioCean: thanks.. I"m looking for a specific file in ~ recursively but I only know the extension ".mm"17:50
ActionParsnipmickey: you can't just run a command and expect the OS to search the file system to find the file it thinks you mean17:50
dayoflavosI'll try that one thanks17:50
ActionParsnipmickey: you need to change to the folder CONTAINING the file you mean, then run the commands17:50
_alazarbin_bash, internal mic, it's a laptop.17:50
skamakem: Sure,, I don't mind trying that.. I just didn't know about it.17:50
bin_bash_alazar: okay open alsamixer and make sure your source is interla17:50
oCeanScunizi: find ~ -name "*.mm"17:50
skamakem: Is there a special do-cdrom-distr-upgrade command?17:51
bin_bashActionParsnip: Besides this library is there anything else I can do? Anything I should be looking for in thr logs?17:51
ScunizioCean: ah.. thanks.. I haven't used find much at all.. I've yet to get use to the syntax17:51
ActionParsnipbin_bash: not sure, does a fresh user work ok?17:51
mickeyactionparsnip, i didnt know17:51
_alazarbin_bash, internal input and output.17:51
mickeyi forgot about the 'cd command17:51
makemska: I think (not tested) that normal install gives you opportunity to execute upgrade if Natty install finds old Ubuntu installed.17:52
bin_bashActionParsnip: what do you mean? Create a new account?17:52
ActionParsnipmickey: np, now you know ;)17:52
mickeyi kept trying to just use '/download' then the command17:52
XornotAny firestarter users online?17:52
ActionParsnipbin_bash: make a new user, you will then be using vanilla settings. It may then work17:52
ActionParsnipmickey: np man :)17:52
bin_bashActionParsnip: Does that mean I won't be able to use this user?17:52
skamakem: I'm working via ssh, so im not sure if I'll get those options.17:52
ActionParsnipbin_bash: it's only to test.....17:53
snooflecakeok as for being rootable/update androidableish Sanyo Zio vs LG Optimus Scunizi.  I'll just take one of these two unless they both are complete trash17:53
bin_bashActionParsnip:do you mean a new ubuntu user or a new skype user17:53
ActionParsnipbin_bash: it doesn'y mea anything at all right now17:53
ActionParsnipbin_bash: new ubuntu user17:53
bin_bashah ok17:53
makemska: remotely upgrading might be tricky - I have never tried that.17:53
bfridoes anyone know where to find roms for pcsx?17:53
ActionParsnipska: use the server upgrade method, should be fine17:53
XP1some commands don't work in terminal. they just do nothing with a blinking cursor. when i type grep "test", it just blinks the cursor and does nothing. does anyone know what is wrong?17:53
ActionParsnip!piracy | bfri17:53
ubottubfri: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:53
XornotI used to be able to see the "Events" list alive and active on the Firestarter firewall, but now it's not showing anything (even thought the firewall is doing it's job)17:53
mickeyactionparsnip, or anyone who might know, is it possible to change the sensitivity on my mouse wheel?17:54
ejardimhi all17:54
Scunizisnooflecake: perhaps that post was meant for someone else.. I"ve no idea what you're talking about17:54
ActionParsnipmickey: look in mouse settings17:54
cdavisIs there anyway to remount the / as rw if it mounted at boot in ro because of errors?17:54
skaActionParsnip: The do-release-upgrade?17:54
ActionParsnipXP1: grep is working, when it is finished you will get the temrinal back17:54
makemXP1: grep without filename tries to search the stdin - standard input - anything you type in.17:54
jeffrey_hey pulseaudio device chooser wont show up in the system tray in 11.04.  What changed that it wont show up anymore?17:54
ejardimanyone with mobo ASROCK P67?   usb3 controller doesn't seems to work?17:54
oCeancdavis: try: sudo mount -o remount,rw /17:54
ActionParsnipska: if that's what is on the upgrade doc then yes17:54
mickeyyea, no dice, it can only change the pointer sensitivity.17:55
bfriActionParsnip: i have the discs but im running from a netbook and dont have the drive17:55
snooflecakeScunizi: thanks i didn't realize i was in the wrong channel17:55
XP1ok, thanks17:55
ActionParsnipbfri: how do we know that...17:55
skaActionParsnip: Sure, but we want to avoid any DL/network problems by getting all packages local first.17:55
killownwhat's happen with ubuntu natty http://bpaste.net/show/16085/ every X seconds something write to my hd during less one second, and it never stop to write, I have sure it's a kernel bug, please someone help-me?17:55
mickeywell, thanks again actionparsnip, see u all later when i'm lost again17:55
ActionParsnipska: you can use the alternate ISO if you wish, you can run the upgrade script on that17:55
ActionParsnipmickey: peace17:56
bfriActionParsnip: i'm telling you17:56
elwoodhi all17:56
cdavisoCean: I get mount: cannot remount block device /dev/mapper/100--root read-write, is write-protected17:56
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Intel_iX_How do I made the file extensions always show? Using gnome2.17:56
elwoodthere is a way to disable plymouth at boot?17:57
bfriActionParsnip: i just got all my nes and snes roms saved and now i need my playstation ones but i can't find the roms that go with pcsx17:57
bin_bashActionParsnip: how do i create a new user17:57
ActionParsnipelwood: remove the quiet splash in /etc/default/grub17:57
oCeancdavis: filesystem probably needs a filesystem check.17:57
ActionParsnip!adduser | bin_bash17:57
ubottubin_bash: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo17:57
ikoniabfri: roms are not provided17:57
skaActionParsnip: ah.. there is an option in do-release-upgrade, or its it a separate script?17:57
elwoodActionParsnip,  thanks17:57
ActionParsnipska: on the livecd there is a shell script you can run. Mount the ISO and run it17:57
LrsTorbenah okay now understand17:58
LrsTorbenyes yozu can do an release upgrade via terminall17:58
Alchimistai'm with a big problem in ubuntu 10.04. I can't do updates or install anything, cause allways gives the error that the package is not trustable, even the "oficial" ones, on the software center17:58
killownan old bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/607560 occurring on ubuntu natty? no way17:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 607560 in linux (Ubuntu) "jbd2 writing block every 5 - 10 seconds, preventing disk spin-down and making noise" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:58
skaActionParsnip: Ok,, I'll taka look at that.17:58
ActionParsnip!upgrade | ska17:58
ubottuska: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:58
noobnoobI'm looking for some help/guidance with Live-Build to build a Ubuntu live with "lb config" using a Ubuntu release, how to force lb config to get natty for instance ?17:58
bfriActionParsnip: so no help?17:59
bin_bashok brb17:59
TutegGuys I can not get my ubuntu 11.04 to work as It show with dual monitor wallpapers17:59
Tutegany guess?17:59
ActionParsnipbfri: we don't condone piracy here and roms and how to get them is not supported18:00
=== LrsTorben is now known as LarsTorben
bigeye`Hi, I get kernel panic "plymouth-splash main process (146) terminated with status 2" after upgrading Ubuntu 11.04. I want to boot normally.18:00
bigeye`Can anyone help me?18:00
ikoniaI doubt it's plymouth that's causing the panic18:01
bigeye`plymouth? so.. what can I do for it?18:01
bfriActionParsnip: ok no problem thanks for ur attention18:01
bigeye`I didn't complete upgrading.18:01
ikoniabigeye`: ah, why didn't it complete ?18:02
ActionParsnipbigeye: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/57125818:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 571258 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "plymouth main process (341) killed by SEGV signal" [High,Invalid]18:02
kcorcorantotal brain loss...can anyone tell me the command to launch nvidia xserver (with sudo)18:02
ActionParsnipkcorcoran: how do you mean?18:02
kcorcoranfrom a terminal window18:03
ActionParsnipkcorcoran: once you install the nvidia driver, the x server will use the nvidia driver by default....18:03
kcorcorancorrect, however wit will not launch (via the gui) with elevated permissions18:03
lcawteHi, after upgrading I'm having problems with display... I only have a few screen resolutions availible, and after booting up, the screen resolution is funny, and ships across my screen and some bits are cut off, it also goes fuzzy/jagged and its impossible to read stuff without switching through the resolutions in certain orders, any fixes?18:04
ActionParsnipkcorcoran: try:  sudo nvidia-xconfig     then startx18:04
kcorcoranah, thats it!! thanks!18:04
bigeye`ikonia: Ubuntu freezes during upgrading, so I tried to hard reboot.18:04
bin_bashActionParsnip isn't here anymore? crap.18:05
=== paulius is now known as pauliuspa
ikoniabigeye`: did you check the bug ActionParsnip gave you18:05
ddw17hi, know this may be the wrong place, but I've got Ubuntu 11.04 on an AWS instance connecting to a FTP client via vsftpd but uploads are failing...not sure how/where I should configure18:05
=== AndChat is now known as turkusama
lcawteHi, after upgrading I'm having problems with display... I only have a few screen resolutions availible, and after booting up, the screen resolution is funny, and ships across my screen and some bits are cut off, it also goes fuzzy/jagged and its impossible to read stuff without switching through the resolutions in certain orders, any fixes?18:06
ravnhey folks, I recently updated to 11.04, not a pleasant experience! One thing is that when screen saver is on everything in ram is put on swapdist, making it take ages when I log in again. Anyone know if there is an option for this?18:06
[m1ndvirus]Can someone help me set up NFS? Every single time I try to mount nfs I get mount.nfs: mount system call failed.18:06
=== [m1ndvirus] is now known as m1ndvirus
lcawteHi, after upgrading I'm having problems with display... I only have a few screen resolutions availible, and after booting up, the screen resolution is funny, and ships across my screen and some bits are cut off, it also goes fuzzy/jagged and its impossible to read stuff without switching through the resolutions in certain orders, any fixes?18:07
m1ndvirusAny thoughts?18:08
nerdshellis there a channel to ask question about informatics in general ?18:08
ohsixlcawte: don't repeat; if someone can answer they will18:08
ohsixlcawte: nvidia?18:08
m1ndvirusAnyone set up NFS before?18:09
jfim1ndvirus, take a look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NFSv4Howto18:09
m1ndvirusI'm on that page.18:09
ska!upgrade | ska18:09
ubottuska, please see my private message18:09
nerdshelllcawte: what's your graphic card ?18:09
jfim1ndvirus, what did you add in /etc/fstab exactly? what is your command line to mount ?18:10
nerdshellis there a channel to ask questions about informatics in general ?18:10
makemlcawte: are you sure the system is not hibernating? You can run18:10
makemgnome-power-preferences to configure power management.18:11
sipiornerdshell: that's a very broad topic. what exactly did you have in mind?18:11
lcawteohsix: thats completely against what I've been told for this channel, especially since there were a screen worth of joins etc inbetween18:11
bob___Help with a micropĥone problem anyone?18:11
lcawtenerdshell: built in nvidia chipset or somethin... gforce 4 sticker on the case18:11
ohsixlcawte: incorrect, there were 5, and 2 of your messages easily fit on my screen18:11
mang0Hmm...How do I make a ISO on a flopy drive bootable?18:11
nerdshellsipior: I want support for programming in C18:11
sipiornerdshell: have a look in ##C18:11
m1ndvirusI don't think that nfs is listening for connections to my client machine.18:12
mang0I need to use super grub on a floppy drive, I have the ISO, how do I make it bootable?18:12
Zelozelosi just finished upgrading to 11.04, the menu to choose classic isnt on my login screen what do i do?18:12
m1ndvirusI don't know how to fix it.18:12
nerdshellsipior: with double # ?18:12
m1ndvirusI just need to listen to one particular IP.18:12
makem*sorry* The message ought to go to ravn.18:12
sipiornerdshell: yep.18:12
nerdshellsipior: thanks, why does actually some channels have only one # and other 2 # ?18:12
ohsixnerdshell: ## are about channels18:12
ddw17anyone have experience w/ vsftpd on an Ubuntu server?18:13
codingenesisi installed ubuntu along with opensuse.... for both of them i created seprated partition but still after getting both of them installed the grub of ubuntu messed up !!18:13
ohsixnerdshell: and # are official channels generally, a channel about ubuntu would be ##ubuntu, but this one is "official" and has a stated use18:13
ravnmakem: yes, but I could not find any option here for this problem18:13
ThinkT510ddw17: someone might in the #ubuntu-server channel18:13
lcawtemakem: doesn't appear to be, I've changed it, but it still seems to be doing it, and the screen res still won't fit18:13
codingenesisit's not detecting opensuse entry in bootloader18:14
nerdshellohsix: the one with one # is the official right ?18:14
m1ndvirusikonia: You still there?18:14
m1ndvirusDo you mind if I harass you a minute for some help?18:14
ddw17thx ThinkT51018:14
lcawteohsix: meh, nvidia yeah18:15
makemravn: so you are not closing the lid?18:15
ohsixnerdshell: generally, but not everyone follows the convention18:15
ravnmakem: it's not a  laptop, it's a stationary that I use as an HTPC18:15
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
Zelozelosnever mind i guess making a new account and editing the other one fixed it somehow18:16
k_szetime to rescue my files before reinstalling Ubuntu.18:16
sipiornerdshell: more information here: http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming18:16
makemravn: ok. then it is not the battery problem either..18:16
mang0I need to use super grub on a floppy drive, I have the ISO, how do I make it bootable?18:16
nerdshellok, thanks ohsix & sipior18:16
Zelozeloscan i re-install cario-docks plugins and will they work? why were they disabled?18:16
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson
ravnmakem: no, I have been looking around for some option about this wo. success...18:17
Larstorbedo you have the problem anymore ?18:17
ZelozelosLarstorbe, no somehow making a new account and editing the orig one fixed it18:17
lcawteohsix: so any ideas?18:17
ZelozelosLarstorbe, but now i cant get cario dock 2 work18:17
codingenesisanyone give me some light on installing multiple distribution on a single hardisk18:18
LarstorbeZelozelos thats a known issue18:18
lcawteHi, after upgrading I'm having problems with display... I only have a few screen resolutions availible, and after booting up, the screen resolution is funny, and ships across my screen and some bits are cut off, it also goes fuzzy/jagged and its impossible to read stuff without switching through the resolutions in certain orders, any fixes?18:18
Zelozelosany idea why it removed its plugins?18:18
ohsixlcawte: it's just doing what the edid in your monitor says it can display, if it's wrong then you're pretty much relegated to adding modes in xorg.conf since the drivers don't support xrandr18:18
k_szeI'm booted in Live DVD now, but I don't see the primary partition of my HDD, only the grub partition.18:18
ThinkT510codingenesis: whats the problem you're running into, or just not familiar?18:18
LarstorbeZelozelos thats a known issue18:19
lcawteohsix: so, how do I fix it?18:19
CarlFKcodingenesis: be very careful sharing home dir - different versions of the same app may store conf info in the same file but different formats, which can break one version18:19
Snicers-WorkIs there a good IRC room on freenode for Android Developers?18:19
GneaSnicers-Work: #android ?18:19
makemravn: have you checked already https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SuspendHowto18:19
ohsixlcawte: there's a not so hidden suggestion of whaat you can do in what i said :]18:19
ddw17Snicers-Work: #android-dev18:20
k_szeI forget what I have to install to see the partition. something to do with lvm (or lvm2)?18:20
lcawteohsix: ah, I didn't see the last bit18:20
lcawteohsix: so what would the modes be?18:21
lcawteohsix: where is my xorg.conf ? locawte xorg.conf isn't finding any files except in examples18:22
roastedI'm on Ubuntu 11.04. My battery meter isn't showing up on my laptop. How can I make it appear?18:22
ikoniaroasted: I think there is a bug logged for that18:22
roastedikonia, ah okay. good deal.18:23
ThinkT510lcawte: xorg.conf is no longer generated by default18:23
ikoniaroasted: I've certainly seen a bug being discussed18:23
lcawteThinkT510: right... :S18:23
lcawteHm... You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. (No such command)18:23
roastedikonia, I'm only running Ubuntu 11.04 on my google laptop, so I wasn't sure if it was the software or something about the hardware that was being weird.18:23
superciliousIn 11.04, is there any way to get wine to be able to run x64 code?18:23
bigeye`ikonia: Yes, I just checked the bug ActionParsnip gave me. But removing "quiet splash" doesn't work to me. After removing it, the plymouth error is also appeared. And there is same bug in recovery mode too.18:23
=== Larstorbe is now known as LarsTorben
Dr_Willislcawte:  odd - used to be included with the nvidia drivers18:24
Dr_Willis!find nvidia-xconfig18:25
=== desg_ is now known as desg_xd
ubottuFile nvidia-xconfig found in nvidia-173, nvidia-96, nvidia-current18:25
superciliousI used gentoo in the past and it worked automatically, but wine in ubuntu is saying bad exe format18:25
lcawteThinkT510: any way I can generate it?18:25
wildc4rdevening all18:25
supercilious"not supported on this environment"18:25
IdleOneLarsTorben: please try to speak now18:25
Dr_Willislcawte:  nvidia-settings tool can also do it. I can pastebin mine.. its rather trival.18:25
Dr_Willislcawte:  heres my xorg.conf for my 8800gtsxxx -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/605328/18:26
Dr_Willislcawte:  it does basically nothing. :)18:26
frankbro|schoolis there a way to restart the notification area ? A lot of the items apear in double sometimes and while it may be fixed when you reboot, I'm sure theres a way to just restart that component.18:26
lcawteDr_Willis: hmm... thanks, I used nvidia-settings (as the thing isn't in my menus)18:27
PolahIs it possible to skip Unity installation during the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.0418:27
IdleOneLarsTorben: once more please18:27
MrCraighey all18:27
Dr_WillisPolah:  i dont think so.18:27
LarsTorbenworks idleone18:27
GhostWolfhi all, i upgraded to the newest version of ubuntu 11.04, and as i notice the changes, how do i change the size of my screen size?18:27
IdleOneLarsTorben: ok. you should be good now.18:27
mrkrishi, using Natty and looking for info on the best way to install PHP 5.3.4 instead of the standard 5.3.5 that is available in apt18:28
MrCraigIs there someone here that can help me to configure my sound card? I'd like to not have the need to unmute my mic with alsamixer each time I wish to use it, and disable play-through so that I don't get horrible screeching feedback.18:28
superciliouscan anyone help me get x64 exes to run in wine?18:28
LarsTorbenyes supercilious , type sudo wine filename18:29
ThinkT510supercilious: try in #winehq18:29
Dr_WillisMrCraig:  theres some alsaconf command line tools that you ma be able to use to automate that.   ive not had to mess with sound in years.18:29
superciliousthey will tell me to build wine from source18:29
GhostWolfcan anyone help me find the way to change screen resolution in the 11.04 of ubuntu?18:29
superciliousIf I was going to do that, I would be running gentoo18:29
=== mike_ is now known as Guest56292
Dr_Willissupercilious:  check on the forums, or askubuntu.com also. someone else may have asked that Q. befor18:30
IdleOnesupercilious: you need to chmod +x filename.exe Also do not run wine with sudo.18:30
MrCraigDr_Willis, thanks18:30
Zelozelosi did a complete remove via package manager and re-installed w software center and its fixed ;)18:30
superciliousI have already tried that, I installed mirc as a last resort before I blow away my ubuntu install18:31
IdleOnesupercilious: any other issues with installing something with wine should be asked in #winehq18:31
superciliousasking for help here18:31
zenergimy .bashrc and .profile are the same as in /etc/skel, but when I login it doesn't seem to source the .bashrc (i don't get the autocolors).  I can ix this by running 'source ~/.bashrc.  Any idea what is causing this not to load upon login?  The file is owned by me too.18:31
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  use the Monitor Settings tool perhaps?18:31
superciliousIdleOne, its not a bug in wine, just need a 64 bit enabled wine package for ubuntu18:31
Dr_Williszenergi:  is this a newly made user? try it with a new user.18:32
GhostWolfDr_Willis, i don't know where that is, everything has changed from the last few versions so i don't know where alot of things are anymore18:32
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  alt-f2, type monitor18:32
superciliousapt-cache search has no appropriately named package AFAICT18:32
Dr_WillisHmm thats it s name in the menus.. alt-f2 isent showing it.. itsunder the Power button -> control center   item GhostWolf ..18:33
anson1234wifi on ideapad z570 using atheros ar9285 in natty 11.04  is in soft-block mode and cannot unblock.18:33
Dr_Willisthey  need a ssytem-settings lense :)18:33
zenergiDr_Willis: works fine with new user. any idea what's messed up with my account then? should i double check perms again?18:33
k_szeI see /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, and /dev/sda5, but I forget what I have to do next to mount the partition. :/18:34
GhostWolfDr_Willis ok i see thanks, i was looking for the system settings. everything just got changed so much at once for me lol18:34
Dr_Williszenergi:  i was thinkign there was a second .bashXXXX file that if used. would cause the system to skip .profile18:34
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  yea. its annoying the way they hide the stuff now.18:34
zenergiDr_Willis: md5 is the same on .bashrc for both old/new accounts18:35
GhostWolfDr_Willis, yea it is18:35
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  look for another .bash* file  .bash_profile perhaps? i forget its name18:35
superciliousIs there any 3rd party repository with better wine packages?18:35
zenergiDr_Willis: and for .bash_logout and .profile, perms are same too18:36
Dr_Willistheres the winehq repos supercilious18:36
superciliousgoogle yields nothing18:36
GhostWolfDr_Willis, nah the system settings has it thats where it was before where it was on top i think it called system and then you had two choices18:36
GhostWolfbut thanks again Dr_Willis18:36
zenergiDr_Willis: I did install RVM (ruby version manager) recently. I'm going to investigate there18:36
superciliousDr_Willis, thanks18:36
TexasDayLilyHello, I'm about to download ubuntu 11.04 and I wondered why 32-bit was recommended.  Is there an problem with the 64-bit version.  I'm running a Phenom II x4 processor with 8GB memory and I don't want to run 32 but unless there is a problem.18:36
superciliousDr_Willis, do you know whether that build supports x64 code?18:36
FloodBot1kamcio2603_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
* patdk-wk never runs 32bit :)18:37
Dr_WillisTexasDayLily:  for 'idiot proofing' - if some one has NO clue what to get.. they hopefuilly will get one that works reguardless of their 64/32bitness of their system18:37
Dr_Willissupercilious:  no idea. I have never needed to run 64bit windows exe's18:37
TexasDayLilyThere is a 64-bit drop down choice on the download page.18:37
valbergwhy the h*ll does git-core depend on emacsen-common ??18:37
mang0Hm......guys, how do I mount my floppy disk in ubuntu?18:38
valbergsorry my language :)18:38
Dr_WillisTexasDayLily:  if you knwo you can use 64bit.. then that 'reccomended' was not targeted at your  skill level user. :)18:38
anson1234please help with me with wifi issue18:38
Dr_WillisTexasDayLily:  if you wanted to - you could use 32bit and the PAE kernel.18:38
gremsetA fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 here, when I reboot I do not see the output of boot and instead see my monitor telling "Mode Not Supported", after a few seconds I directly am entered to login dialog. I tried pressing "shift" key during boot,  the grub does not appear. Any way to see the output/grub during bootup?18:38
soreauanson1234: What wifi chip is it?18:38
Dr_Willisgremset:  check the grub /etc/default/grub file. Theres a option you can uncomment to enable a 'text' mode grub menu. I had to do that - for this monitor to show me a grub menu.18:39
user122232hi all18:40
Dr_Willisgremset:  oh wait.. on this box i enabled the 640x480 res for grub menu. :) that worked here18:40
Dr_Willisgremset:   the line reads -> GRUB_GFXMODE=640x48018:40
user122232finally i've reached this channel. maybe u guys can help me out. i'm using ubuntu 11.04 since yesterday and dont get my wlan to work. may i query someone for help maybe?18:40
soreauuser122232: what wifi chip is it?18:41
=== sony is now known as Guest30527
gremsetDr_Willis: thanks, I just uncommented that line, will reboot and rebport back, thanks.18:41
Guest30527what is unity? also why does it crash every time i enable an effect under compiz18:41
anson1234wifi problem here too18:41
Dr_Willisgremset:  run update-grub first18:41
ThinkT510!unity | Guest3052718:41
ubottuGuest30527: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.18:41
gremsetDr_Willis: It says command not found.18:42
MonkeyDustGuest30527: try ubuntu classic, no effects18:42
anson1234 ar9285 atheros18:42
lolcatzi can haz channel change plz?18:42
tensorpuddinguser122232: do you see a driver for it in the Additional Drivers?18:42
TexasDayLilyI understood about the PAE kernel but I wanted to keep it as straight forward as possible.  I am planning to run multiple linux's with a window boot controller which I've done with xp but windows 7 in another kind of animal altogether.18:42
gremsetDr_Willis: oops sorry, typo works18:43
user122232soreau: may i query u pls?18:43
Dr_WillisTexasDayLily:  you could let grub2 handle it all :)18:43
photonhi. what command can I use two concatenate two audio files (namely .ogg files) and create a new .ogg audio file out of them?18:43
user122232soreau: it's realtek18:43
=== siraf is now known as foenix
MonkeyDustphoton: try ffmpeg18:43
user122232soreau: im using some netbook samsung n510. everything is working fine , just not the wlan :(18:43
tensorpuddingphoton: you can probably do that in audacity18:43
TexasDayLilyThanks for the help on the 64 bit issue.  At least I can download the right version now.18:43
soreau! realtek | user12223218:43
ubottuuser122232: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b18:43
photontensorpudding: yeah, I can, but I want to automate it. :)18:44
tensorpuddingmaybe sox can do that18:44
photontensorpudding: I'll look into that, thanks.18:44
Dr_Willisphoton:  ffmpeg, mencoder, can proberly do it. :) they can do most everything else.18:44
photonthanks :)18:44
janisozauri'd like to install package libqwt5-qt4-dev which depends on libqt4-dev. how do i install qwt-dev without qt4-dev?18:44
user122232soreau: im using RTL8192E. ive downloaded a lot of drivers and read a lot of tutorials. nothing is working :(18:45
simhsipior: yes, I was trying to install on /dev/md0 as well as on /dev/sda and /dev/sdb18:45
TexasDayLilyI understand about grub and I guess I'll have to read up on grub2.  I just like to have windows in charge so that it can fix itself if need be.18:45
Dr_WillisTexasDayLily:  personally i keep windows on its own HD. so it dosent need to touch the linux HD's and visa-versa :)18:45
soreauuser122232: I don't really know enough about realtek chips to help. Try reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b18:45
rahul_rahul verma29918:46
user122232soreon: but it's for 8187b. :(18:46
dusfcan i make synaptic install to a custom location?18:47
user122232anyone knows how to get wlan rtl8192e to work for some samsung n510 netbook? i rly dont get it :((18:47
Dr_Willisdusf:  never seen the apt package manager ssytem do that. Not saying it cant.. but if it can. ive never seen it mentioned in any of the docs ive read about it18:47
codingenesisis there any kind of ubuntu certification exam??18:47
soreauuser122232: What have you tried so far that isn't working?18:47
codingenesisand is it worth to give ??18:47
Dr_Willisuser122232:  you may want to check the forums fior that exact netbook. there may be a thread on it speficically18:48
dusfDr_Willis: i would like to have .wine on a partition with a lot of space, but still keep my nice WINE menus in the application menu18:48
user122232soreau: downloaded a lot of drivers and tried to config all. nothing is working :((18:48
Dr_Willisdusf:  you can move .wine somewher or have more then .wine direcgroy for your user.. that really doswent have a lot to do with teh package manager system toolks18:48
arnabis my home directory encrypted?18:48
soreauuser122232: Does 'iwconfig' show a wlan0 interface?18:48
soreauarnab: not by default18:49
TexasDayLilyI've configured my windows on 2 disks with multiple partitions on each and some blank space/unused partitions for linux and for backup purposes.  Thanks for the suggestions.  I'll chime in later with more questions after I've done some more research.18:49
dusfDr_Willis: but if i move .wine somewhere when i click on launchers in my applications > wine menu won't they look in the wrong palce?18:49
Dr_Willisdusf:   you could make new ones I guess. I rarely use the icons in the menus for the wine apps.18:49
flowbeetrying to block facebook.  if i do in /etc/hosts www.facebook.com ;;; and facebook.com ; and restart networking; when i go to facebook.com it still loads18:49
Dr_Willisdusf:  or move it.. then link .wine to the real location18:50
abhinav_singheject -t is giving me this error eject: CD-ROM tray close command failed: Input/output error ...how to fix it18:50
arnabhow can i encrypt/decrypt home directory?18:50
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory18:50
GhostWolfDr_Willis, got another issue if you're able to help, i have a program called amsn installed, but when i sign in and hit the x button, i know it doesn't fully close it out, it goes to the side, but i don't see it, do you know how i can see it so i know who is on? or how to make it on the top bar as it used to be?18:50
Dr_WillisHmm..  m,auy be a better factoid then that one.18:50
mrkrishi, using Natty and looking for info on the best way to install PHP 5.3.4 instead of the standard 5.3.5 that is available in apt18:50
photonDr_Willis, tensorpudding: In case you're interested, something like this works: sox --norm --combine concatenate `ls -x in_*.wav` out.wav18:50
soreauGhostWolf: Use pidgin instead of amsn18:51
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  thers a whitelist of apps that are allwoed to go to 'system tray' it may need to be added there.18:51
dusfDr_Willis: if i create a symlink like that could any reference to /home/.wine be redirected to /media/dump/.wine ?18:51
tensorpuddingphoton: good18:51
GhostWolfsoreau, i don't like pidgin its not what i want to know18:51
soreaudusf: yes18:51
=== bin_bash is now known as Guest35177
GhostWolfDr_Willis, how do i add it? i just don't know how to find it when im already signed in after this new version18:52
alphamalehaving problems installing onto hard drive18:52
Samotcould I get someone to login with demo acc on my app, http://app.protosal.com/18:52
zachgretzingerDoes anyone know of a guide to create a small partition to install Windows on using Ubuntu?18:52
BlouBlou!gparted | zachgretzinger18:52
ubottuzachgretzinger: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:52
patdk-wkwhy bother? why not just let windows format it?18:53
dusfsoreau: ty18:53
soreauSamot: That really has nothing to do with ubuntu.18:53
zachgretzingerubottu yes, I already have gparted on a USB and have created the partition... I'm just not sure of what the file format of said partition should be / etc18:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:53
alphamaleim booting from usb/live then into installation18:53
wadWhere can I learn how to use the Workspace Manager feature of my shiny new 11.04? For example, I haven't been able to figure out how to move windows between the different workspaces.18:53
wadAnd I can't seem to find a HELP button anywhere on this system....18:54
alphamaleroot undefined error18:54
alphamalesomething like that18:54
ThinkT510zachgretzinger: ntfs if installing xp or later18:54
nsisodiyaHi, how i copy apt-get update from one system to another ?18:54
nsisodiyaHi, how i copy apt-get update from one system to another ?18:54
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  its a special tweak --> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html18:54
NoXzemaDoes ubuntu support proprietary drivers?18:54
NoXzemai.e. FGLRX?18:54
zachgretzingerubottu whenever I try to install Windowos via an official OS disk it gives me an error saying that the volume did not meet windows specifications18:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:54
Dr_Willisnsisodiya:  the files in /var/cache/apt/ i think. but be carefull with them18:54
ThinkT510!update | nsisodiya18:54
ubottunsisodiya: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:54
Dr_WillisNoXzema:  yes.18:55
Dr_WillisNoXzema:  they are in the repos.18:55
industriawad: try holding down alt+ctrl and use the arrows18:55
soreauNoXzema: No proprietary drivers come installed by default in ubuntu. To see the drivers it offers, use jockey-gtk18:55
wadindustria, thanks!18:55
GhostWolfDr_Willis, well my main thing is i don't know where the program amsn went to. it used to whenever i run it was on the top bar next to the internet connection icon but now i can't see it here18:55
zachgretzingerWhenever I try to install Windows via the official Vista OS disk on its own partition I get an error telling me that the volume did not meet Windows requirements or something like that18:55
wadindustria, that works! Is there a way to drag a window to a different workspace?18:56
soreauzachgretzinger: How is that related to ubuntu?18:56
industriawad: also meta (windows-key) and s shoudl give you an overview18:56
saimanoji am having trouble while playing my videos, every thing is fine except the colours in my videos. Blue and Yellow colours are interchanged18:56
saimanojplease help me18:56
alphamaleis there a better installer than the one that comes with ubuntu live18:56
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soreausaimanoj: Which version of ubuntu?18:56
NoXzemasoreau, so the proprietary drivers are only updated per new Ubuntu release?18:56
Dr_Willisalphamale:  theres the one on the 'alternative' cd.18:56
tensorpuddingwad: not by dragging it normally, no18:57
saimanoj11.04 Natty18:57
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  alt-f2 type its name18:57
industriawad: you can right clivk the window title and you have options in the menu to move the window to another workspace18:57
alphamaleis it better than the live cd18:57
zachgretzingersoreau Because I created the partition within Ubuntu... Using Gparted... I was asking if there is a special guide as to how to do it or if I was missing something (two part question)18:57
tensorpuddingwad: but there is a keybinding which moves the focused window to other workspaces18:57
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  the systemtray icon may be blacklisted.. thats why its not shown. that url i gave. mentions how to whitelist differnt apps to be allowed18:57
tensorpuddingwad: it should be under Keyboard Shortcuts18:57
jordotechwhats the best ftp program for ubuntu?18:57
Dr_Willisalphamale:  its the one debian uses.. i dont have any issues with the one ont he lvie cd18:57
Dr_Willis!ftp | jordotech18:57
ubottujordotech: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd18:57
zvacetalphamale: if you can not use live then alternate should work for you18:58
soreauNoXzema: No. Proprietary drivers are almost always provided by the hw vendor. Ubuntu tests the drivers and tries to find a version that will work with the version of kernel etc of their release. Then they make these drivers easily available, through jockey18:58
Dr_Willisjordotech:  depends on  your needs.18:58
alphamalei was getting a root filesystem undefined18:58
alphamalethen reformatted to ext218:58
wadtensorpudding, thanks!18:58
nsisodiyaDr_Willis, Here is my problem http://groups.google.com/group/iitdlug/browse_thread/thread/ddb128ec4422441418:58
jordotechDr_Willis, i don't have ssh access for this client, gotta use ftp :(18:58
NoXzemaI c18:58
alphamalethen the installer would hang18:58
mbeierl!bestbot | jordotech18:58
ubottujordotech: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:58
alphamaleim not sure which option to pick: install alongside xp or other18:58
Dr_Willisjordotech:  the normal gnome file manager can do ftp18:58
alphamalei dont even have xp on my machine18:59
soreau! pm saimanoj18:59
soreau! pm | saimanoj18:59
ubottusaimanoj: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:59
Dr_Willisnsisodiya:  you may want to start posting problems on askubuntu.com or the ubuntu forums18:59
jordotechthanks guys18:59
Dr_Willisalphamale:  so theres no other OS?18:59
zvacetalphamale: you have to choose from dropdown menu /root and format it as ext418:59
alphamaleext4 is the best then?18:59
saimanojsoreau: I am using ubuntu 11.04 Natty18:59
saimanoji installed a fresh copy of it just yesterday and installed the ubuntu restricted extras from ubuntu software center unlike everytime18:59
zachgretzingerdoes anyone know if there's a way to install Windows on its own partion from within ubuntu?19:00
zvacetalphamale: that is what Ubuntu use19:00
alphamalepuppy is my main os. i have 4 partitions on my internal hdd. i have a fresh 10gb set up for ubuntu19:00
alphamaleand i can boot live cd from usb19:00
soreausaimanoj: What graphics driver are you using?19:00
zeldaI did a forced "fsck" on reboot, and already rebooted, are there any logs saved about that fsck run anywhere?19:00
alphamalei just cant make it through the install19:00
alphamaleshould i reformat the ubuntu partition with gparted from puppy first19:01
alphamaleor let ubuntu installer do it19:01
zachgretzingerDoes anyone know if there's a way to install Windows on its own partition from within Ubuntu?19:01
robin0800zachgretzinger, for ease of use make sure its the first partition (C) format ntfs or fat32 and you will have to reinstall grub afterwards19:01
crash1hdHey all.  I am trying to figure out I can connect to my ubuntu server via putty with ppk file and I can connect via smb but I cant connect via openssh?19:01
zvacetalphamale: are all partition primary because if they are that is the problem19:01
saimanojeverytime i used to run a mp3 file or so and let it search for codecs and install them instead this time i installed the ubuntu restricted extras package from ubuntu software center and having this problem now. Uninstalling it doesnot work19:01
alphamaleim not sure what that means19:01
Dr_Willisalphamale:  if you have part of the HD unallocated. you can tell the ubuntu installer to use the unallocated space and it will auto-partion it.19:02
alphamalemy puppy  partition is primary probably but how should i check and then set it19:02
padi999I have frequent keyboard-freezes (can move the mouse, can't click and the keyboard does not take input. I have to longpress the shutdown button. Model: Thinkpad T420s, ubuntu 11.04. Can anyone tell me, where I can find useful log informations for that kind of events?19:02
alphamaleno, it is all partitioned now19:02
Dr_Willisalphamale:  pastebin the 'fdisk -l' output perhaps.19:02
alphamalebut i can unallocate my 10gb if it will hurt19:02
zvacetalphamale: if you already have 4 primary partitions that is limit you can have 3 primary and mane one extended19:02
Dr_Willisalphamale:  ubuntu will want at least a / and a swap partition.19:02
alphamaleok one sec19:02
Dr_Willisalphamale:  the Installer CAN auto partion if needed.19:02
alphamaleyea but what is best, auto or not19:02
zachgretzingerrobin0800 I'm sorry but the terminology... I'm not an Ubuntu master... Are you saying that it's most advisable to make your first partition the Windows one and then reinstall Ubuntu on its own from there?19:03
ThinkT510alphamale: depends on your needs, i always do custom and have just a / partition19:03
tehnefalphamale: it is my understanding that the auto partition just creates a big partition for / and one for swap. if you want to do some partitioning later for extra OS's and such, that is definitely best.19:03
andygraybeali have a question, in 'recovery mode' is the filesystem read only?  i messed up my fstab... how can i edit this again?19:03
tehnefzachgretzinger: yes, it's easiest to install windows first and then install ubuntu19:03
zvacetalphamale: if you want to save puppy install then select manual way and then install on empty space19:03
Dr_Willisandygraybeal:  it shouldent be read only19:04
alphamaleso i should unallocate my 10gb ext2 first?19:04
robin0800zachgretzinger, no but installing windows after ubuntu wipes out grub so you just have to reinstall that19:04
Dr_WillisTheres no real reason to use ext2 these days19:04
andygraybealDr_Willis, okay thank yuo, when i edit the fstab, it says i can't save it -- because that it's a read only file system19:04
zachgretzingertehnef Well I've been using solely Ubuntu for a few months now and have everything I use in my current Ubuntu installation... It'd be really cool if I didn't have to completely restart19:04
Dr_Willisandygraybeal:  you mauy be having hard drive issues that remounted it read-only. unmount it. and try fscking the filesystem19:05
tehnefzachgretzinger: then you'll need to install windows and then boot to the CD in recovery mode19:05
Dr_Willisandygraybeal:  and you are editing it as root correct?19:05
zvacetalphamale: yes if that is empty space or xou get it by shrinking partition format as ext419:05
tehnefzachgretzinger: once you do that you'll have to reinstall grub19:05
andygraybealDr_Willis, it says 'warning no write permission' write when i run 'nano'19:05
jordotechI can't figure out how to add more virtual desktops than the 4 that are default in natty... how do i do that?  I used to be able to just right click on my panels19:05
zachgretzingertehnef I tried that... I get the following error: "Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation"19:05
alphamalewhat if i reformat it within puppy to ext4 now19:06
ThinkT510andygraybeal: sudo nano /etc/fstab19:06
andygraybealThinkT510, okay - i'll try that19:06
andygraybealThinkT510, same thing19:06
robin0800zachgretzinger, it has to be the first partion and ntfs or fat3219:06
ThinkT510andygraybeal: it can only be edited and saved by root19:06
crash1hdanyone here know lots about ssh?19:06
andygraybealwe're logged in as root, i think in what is called 'single-user mode'19:06
andygraybealThinkT510, we are in the recovery mode; dropped to root prompt19:07
ThinkT510andygraybeal: ah, i see, sorry19:07
alphamaleok im pastebinning now one sec19:07
zachgretzingerrobin0800 Ok, it was NTFS but not the first partition... Freaking crap. Is there a way to switch my current first one with the second one I created specifically for Windows?19:07
patdk-wk! ask | crash1hd19:07
ubottucrash1hd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:07
patdk-wk!ask | crash1hd19:07
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gynterHello, any clues why I cant get Skype video working on the Maverick? Webcam itself works fine (with Cheese and VLC, device is /dev/video0), and Skype has /dev/video0 also listed, but when I press the "Test" button then nothing happens (black test screen is shown).19:07
Dr_Willisandygraybeal:  you need to run stuff as root to edit system files.. 'sudo nano' thats NOT saying the disk is write protected.. its saying you cant wriote to the file..19:08
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:08
tehnefzachgretzinger: you'll need to reformat the partition you've allotted to windows using the windows install disc, most likely19:08
crash1hdpatdk-wk, I had already asked the question before that one (I had no response and didnt feel like repeating myself just yet)19:08
robin0800zachgretzinger, windows is good it always wants the c drive19:08
andygraybealDr_Willis, okay - well im in 'recovery mode : root prompt' so i'm root.  i don't know what is wrong.19:08
Dr_Willisandygraybeal:  if hard drive failure is detected. it will remount the disk in read-onluy mode. to save data19:08
tehnefcrash1hd: what's your issue with ssh?19:09
crash1hdpatdk-wk, the question I had asked was...  I am trying to figure out I can connect to my ubuntu server via putty with ppk file and I can connect via smb but I cant connect via openssh?19:09
Dr_Willisandygraybeal:  check dmesg output. see if it mentions this. Check the mount command  to see if / is read-only also19:09
crash1hdtehnef, see above  this :)19:09
tehnefcrash1hd: do you get an error?19:09
Nirkussimh: did you get it installed?19:09
zachgretzingertehnef I tried that but since it's not the first partition ( Disk Partition 1) it won't install. I get an error message every time19:09
andygraybealDr_Willis, thank you19:09
tehnefcrash1hd: can you telnet port 22 on the ubuntu box?19:09
alphamalehere is my fdisk..,,19:09
zachgretzingerrobin0800 this is reminding me why I stopped using Windows19:09
DavinciadCan anyone direct me to a up to date howto on setting up a file, print, web, and mail server with the latest version of ubuntu server. Also any suggestion you might have in that process19:09
alphamalesda4 is the one i want to use for ubuntu19:10
tehnefzachgretzinger: yeah, that makes some sense. looks like you either need to backup and reinstall everything or add a drive19:10
andygraybealDr_Willis, we figured it out - in fstab it says 'errors remount=ro"19:10
crash1hdtehnef, I get could not resolve hostname Name or service not known19:10
Seta00is it just me or linux-headers doesn't come with config.h?19:10
Dr_Willisalphamale:  so partition 3 is an extended partiton,  and 5+ are logicsls in the extended19:10
zachgretzingertehnef awesome. Well thanks for your help19:10
Dr_Willisandygraybeal:  thats how its supposed to be. :) if any errors exist. you should fsck the filesystem to get it in good shape befor trying to write to it19:10
user122232anyone knows how to get wlan rtl8192e to work for some samsung n510 netbook? i rly dont get it :(( i've tried many links of the ubuntuforums but nothing is working for me :((19:11
tehnefcrash1hd: telnet 2219:11
andygraybealDr_Willis, okay thank you19:11
tehnefcrash1hd: not :2219:11
zachgretzingertehnef can I get VirtualBox in Ubuntu Software Center?19:11
tehnefzachgretzinger: i'm not sure...maybe? i don't do desktop virtualization anymore.19:11
Dr_Willis!virtualbox | zachgretzinger19:11
ubottuzachgretzinger: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:11
alphamalesorry i dont understand19:11
Dr_Willisalphamale:  you are NOT using 4 primary partitions. :)19:12
robin0800crash1hd, port 22 is ftp19:12
Dr_Williswell you are.. but #4 is a extended.. so thats ok.19:12
Dr_Willisalphamale:  so where to you want the ubuntu / to be?19:12
tehnefrobin0800: no, port 22 is ssh19:12
alphamalethe 10gb one19:12
crash1hdtehnef, I get this Escape character is '^]'. then SSH-2.0-OpenSSH 5.8pl Debian-lubuntu319:12
crash1hdrobin0800, port 21 is ftp19:12
tehnefcrash1hd: good, that means it's working and it's putty's fault19:13
Dr_Willisalphamale:  sda4 IS a extended.. you have 5to install to the logicals it holds..19:13
tehnefcrash1hd: can you manually connect with putty?19:13
zachgretzingera non-free version of a Linux application??? Good lord, I think the world really is ending in 201219:13
alphamalesorry i dont understand19:13
Dr_Willis1-4 = primaries,  5+ logicals in an extended partition19:13
crash1hdtehnef, yes with a ppk file19:13
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  thers lots of comercial linux apps...19:13
alphamaleit says sda4 is linuz19:13
alphamalelinux and sda3 is extended19:13
tehnefzachgretzinger: there's plenty of commercial software for linux, and a lot of it is really good.19:13
crash1hdtehnef, I can now ssh realizing that I needed to do -p port as mine is not on port 2219:13
Dr_Willisalphamale: ok sd3 is the extended. :) i jumped down a line19:14
crash1hdtehnef, but for secure reasons I didnt mention that :)19:14
Dr_Willisalphamale:  so tell the installer to put / on sda4, and use the swap partition.19:14
crash1hdtehnef, I get Permision denied (publickey)19:14
alphamaledo i need to make a swap myself19:14
zachgretzingerDr_Willis that doesn't sound a little hypocritical to you? That's like your dentist giving you a lollipop when you leave19:14
alphamaleor will the installer do it19:14
tehnefcrash1hd: lol, telling me your port number is not going to make you less secure. esp if you're using key auth only19:14
Dr_Willisalphamale:  it can use the existing swap partiion if you tell it to do so.19:14
crash1hdtehnef, ahh lol :) ok just being safe19:15
alphamalethat one is used for puppy, will there be a conflict?19:15
tehnefcrash1hd: assuming you have your keys all set up already and your SSH configured to accept them, you need to bring them into putty19:15
alphamaleor is it like ram19:15
crash1hdtehnef, not that I dont trust others but youknow :)19:15
Dr_Willisalphamale:  you some how runnign both os's at the same time? :)  they can shar e.19:15
robin0800zachgretzinger, you could try to copy ubuntu from partition 1 to partition 219:15
Dr_Willisalphamale:  dont expect hibernate/suspend to work however.19:15
crash1hdtehnef, umm I have the keys all setup on the server just not on this new install of ubuntu19:15
alphamalei dont want to do it at same time19:15
alphamalejust multiboot19:15
crash1hdtehnef, when I run putty and add the key it works fine but how do I add the key to openssh19:16
zachgretzingerrobin0800 how would I do that? And would the files and programs remain in-tact?19:16
Dr_Willispersonally i would ditch puppy and put ubuntu on the whold HD.. :()19:16
tehnefcrash1hd: you just need to add it to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys19:16
alphamalewhy doesnt sda3 show up in puppy, i have never seen it before19:16
trplUis btfs production ready on ubuntu ?19:16
Dr_Willisalphamale:  its a EXTENDED partition.. that holds logiocals.. you access the logicals.19:16
crash1hdtehnef, as a ppk file?19:16
Davinciadwho here is very comfortable with ubuntu server setups19:16
ThinkT510Davinciad: perhaps best asked in #ubuntu-server19:17
trplUis btfs production ready on ubuntu ?19:17
rob0917What is going on with nvidia drivers on ubuntu 11.0419:17
Dr_WillisYou just dont hear a lot about BTFS lately19:17
Seta00I'm trying to build a kernel module but linux-headers won't install config.h and doesn't come with the default .config file, am I really going to have to configure it manually? :{19:17
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)19:18
zachgretzingerHow would you (could you) copy Partition 1 to Partition 2? I guess basically what I want to do is swap two partition places19:18
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  swap? as in put 1 where 2 is at.. and 2 where 1 is at?19:18
zachgretzingerDr_Willis exactly19:19
Dr_Willisyou would need a 3rd place to put  one of them ...19:19
trplUdo you ue sawp partition ?19:19
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  how many MB/TB are you talking about.. and why do you need to swap them?19:19
noobnoobOk live-build, I found out how to build a Ubuntu rather than a Debian lb config -p minimal -a i386 --mode ubuntu -d natty   --mirror-bootstrap "http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"   --mirror-chroot "http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"   --mirror-chroot-security "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"   --mirror-binary "http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"  -binary-images usb-hdd --binary-filesystem fat32 --bootappend-live 'persistent' --bootstrap cdeboo19:19
noobnoobtstrap My problem now is that I keep hitting a  P: Unpacking package tar E: Internal error: install and it stops19:19
crash1hdtehnef, I added the ppk file to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys but I still get permision denied (public key)19:19
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FloodBot1noobnoob: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
BlackPearlhi hab ein massives Netzwerk problem19:20
BlackPearlEmpfangen der Speicherliste vom Server ist gescheitert19:20
Pici!de | BlackPearl19:20
ubottuBlackPearl: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:20
robin0800zachgretzinger, http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page and see partimage19:20
BlackPearldas bekomme ich wenn cih auf Netzwerk gehe19:20
zachgretzingerDr_Willis maybe 50gb tops on a 250gb hard drive... I need to swap them because Windblows is a pain in the neck and only wants to install on partition 119:20
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  so windows is alrleady installed on 2 then?19:21
Dr_Willisor are you trying to free up space to install windows to?19:21
joe__89hey how is ubuntu 11.04?19:21
Dr_Willisjoe__89:  people either love it or hate it..19:21
lowridahor it bricks your box19:21
simhNirkus: not yet. I deleted all raid/lvm devices and trying again. Maybe I did somethig wrong19:21
noobnoob<joe__89> pretty awsome19:22
zachgretzingerDr_Willis no Windows will not install on any partition other than 1. If I try I get the same error message every time. I need to switch 1 with 2 (2 is empty) so I can Install Windows on the new empty partition in slot 119:22
noobnoobjoe__89 pretty awesome19:22
LaPingvinoMaybe someone can give me some pointers: I have some parts of the interface text replaced with Label Empty, some parts replaced with no text at all and my Software Center and Language Settings dialog don't actually install anything...19:22
LaPingvinothis from a clean install19:22
LaPingvinosome way to fix this?19:23
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  newer versions of windows can. - If 2 is empty.. just copy 1 to 2.. then delete 1...19:23
cellardoorCan anybody help me with a sound issue? After an upgrade, my sound works but with an awful whiney pitch tone on top.19:23
Dr_Willisthats not really 'swaping' them :) thats moving one  basically.19:23
zachgretzingerDr_Willis I've been trying for days... It's Vista if that means anything... How would I copy 1 to 2?19:24
robin0800LaPingvino, sudo apt-get install aptitude sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude safe-upgrade19:24
simhNirkus: to make sure its not an issue with missing/unsupported drivers I removed 2 disks and did an autoinstall and it worked just fine19:24
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  what is on 1 right now? linux?  wheres your swap partition at?19:25
Nirkussimh: whats the exact error message you get?19:25
LaPingvinorobin0800: tnx will try19:25
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  --- check out -->  robin0800 | zachgretzinger, http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page and see partimage19:25
simhNirkus: just a critical error that grub cannot install19:25
zachgretzingerCurrently on 1 is Ubuntu 10.04. I have no idea what swap partition even is, let alone where it it19:25
felipespathhello, good day, I just installed new version of Ubuntu, and have not been able to use spanish dictionary in LibreOfice, it seemis it does not recognize it19:25
zachgretzingerDr_Willis *is19:25
* LaPingvino inserts &&'s19:25
m1ndvirusIs anyone willing to help debug my nfs configuration?19:26
felipespathsomebody knows how to install it properly?19:26
DaghdhaI just added a disk to Ubuntu, while it was running. Where can i find this disk? What do you call it? A swap disk? I use a hot-swap docking station for it.19:26
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  you may want to ask in #windows I DO belive theres some tricks to make windows work from a 2nd partition.19:26
zachgretzingerDr_Willis Alrighty, thanks a lot, sir19:26
crash1hdtehnef, you still around?19:27
Daghdhait's just the newest sd? device in /dev/ ?19:27
Daghdhai se eone that's 5 minutes older than the others19:27
Daghdhacalled sde19:28
felipespathsomeone knows how to make work spanish spelling correction at LibreOfice, after instaling it with new ubuntu version, the extensions I used before are not running properly...19:28
Dr_Williszachgretzinger:  i definatly recall some grub options to 'swap' drives/partitons in the past.19:28
Dr_Willisnight all19:28
robin0800Dr_Willis, I still would not recommend that if windows is not on the C drive you are just asking for trouble19:28
slackin#pugbot NEEDS 1 TO START NOW!19:29
xanguafelipespath: go to ubuntu's language setting and install the language19:29
k_szetrying to salvage my files by booting the Live CD feels so futile.19:29
DiverdudeIs there a tool in linux which is able to parse an ascii file and check gramma?19:29
qrI've got several workspaces set up and I've noticed that windows hang over the edge on to other spaces (i.e. if I drag a window partially off screen it shows up on the nearby workspaces).  Does anyone konw how to turn this off?  I've had no luck looking through settings.19:29
felipespath@xangua thanks, how do I do that?19:29
DaghdhaOh cool i mounte dit via diskmanager19:30
Daghdhaneed no more info, thanks :)19:30
Airorquestion: I have a new monitor (acer P191w) that has a weird aspect ratio.  The video resolutions available don't have 1440x900 and I was wondering how to determine if my graphics card can handle that resolution?19:32
patdk-wkwhat video card?19:32
Airorpatdk-wk, I don't know, this is a work computer.19:32
bigeye`ikonia, ActionParsnip: Thank you for help. I try to chrooting in live cd, and complete upgrade using apt-get. And I can boot completely. Thanks.19:32
jjulianhi. im having the error: "Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0", after this command: "sudo ifup wlan0"19:32
jjulianive no idea what to do.19:33
BlouBlouanyone knows how to get bluetooth working on ubuntu 11.04? Do I need to install anything?19:34
robin0800Airor, that is not a weird resolution quite a standard one really19:34
StryKaizerI need to resize my ntfs (win7) hd, can I do it easy while installing 11.04, without losing data?19:34
graChe28Hello all19:35
Airorrobin0800, how do I get the option to come up in "Monitor Preferences"?19:35
ThinkT510BlouBlou: i use blueman as the frontend to using bluetooth19:35
graChe28I'm running ubuntu 10.10 and I'vr switched monitors, look a similar question to Airor.. It only always me a resolution of 60hz and its flickering a lot (when i hook it up to my fedora netbook theres no flicker..)19:36
ThinkT510!info blueman | BlouBlou19:36
ubottuBlouBlou: blueman (source: blueman): A Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.21-4.1build1 (natty), package size 423 kB, installed size 2680 kB19:36
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BlouBlouThinkT510: Yes, I just installed it :-)19:36
DaghdhaI think the answer is no.. but. Can i backup my SystemDis(Os Disk) in Ubuntu while in ubuntu?19:37
gh0st_hello, how do you set a command to start automatically with ubuntu THAT REQUIRES SUDO? i cant figure it out for the life of me. start up apps does nothing to help me :( its a bash script that starts a long commanline fiasco for virtualbox.19:37
qrIs it possible to have several workspaces without using "desktop wall"?19:37
Daghdhavirtualbox is a fiasco all in it's own right tbh19:37
gh0st_agreed, however, launching an app on startup that requires root priv. would be handy!19:38
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ThinkT510BlouBlou: if it doesn't seem to detect your adapter you may need to restart the bluetooth daemon19:38
robin0800Airor, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html19:38
MetroshicaWhen you're using grep, is there a way to just take out the text you're looking for, and not the whole line that has the text?19:39
gh0st_anyone know how to launch an app on startup that requires root privlages? (def. prefferably without a damn prompt)19:40
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simhNirkus: still the same19:40
BlouBlouThinkT510: same with it. It detects, but cannout send anything to mobile19:40
m1ndvirusI know my server has a port open but my client does not see it open. How do I fix this?19:41
Yellow|NixSo my media server is on Ubuntu, and I have a bunch of HTPC connect to it through out the house. My question is, anyone to remote control just a single program on Linux. That way when I download a media file I don;t have to transfer it to the media server?19:41
ThinkT510BlouBlou: are the devices paired?19:41
Braiamm1ndvirus: did you set the firewall?19:41
BlouBlouThinkT510: Yes, too19:41
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padi999Where is a system freeze logged? using ubuntu 11.04 on a thinkpad t420s19:42
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MetroshicaWhen you're using grep, is there a way to just take out the text you're looking for, and not the whole line that has the text?19:42
ThinkT510BlouBlou: hmm, well that is the sum total of my knowlege of bluetooth :), sorry i can't help further19:42
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rumpe1Metroshica, -o afaik ... check man grep19:42
gh0st_yellow|nix, a little more specific, what do you mean, use a scenario, i used to have a bunch of HTPC's19:42
gh0st_anyone know how to launch an app on startup that requires root privlages? (def. prefferably without a damn prompt)19:43
BlouBlouThinkT510: Okay, thank you for your time anyways :-)19:43
magepsychoi have some blurry font in ubuntu19:43
magepsychoit's not so fine19:43
rumpe1gh0st, which startup? systemstartup or after user has logged in?19:43
magepsychowhat can be the issue guys19:43
magepsychoi have some blurry font in ubuntu19:43
aeon-ltdmagepsycho: wrong resolution?19:43
gh0st_rumpel, either one will do, its for my majic jack, so it NEEDS to be on/open19:44
magepsychowhere to set the resolution in ubuntu?19:44
rumpe1gh0st, is it a daemon?19:44
aeon-ltd!resolution | magepsycho19:44
ubottumagepsycho: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:44
Metroshicarumpel, thanks that's what I needed19:44
Airorrobin0800, "xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1280x1024 (desired size 1440x900)"19:44
Yellow|Nixgh0st: Lets say i'm in the living room HTPC and want to download a video, I download it, then I have to send it to the media server for the rest of the PCs to see it19:44
magepsychothanks i will take a look at the link19:44
rumpe1gh0st, if it doesn't need the Xserver, you can put it into /etc/rc.local19:45
Yellow|NixNow I could map a drive and save it like that but thats still transfering it across the network19:45
Yellow|NixI want the server to download the file19:45
TimesquareI am having problems with 'startx' and gnome, it does not start the gnome-panel.19:45
gh0st_rumpel, its a virtual machine using virtualbox, but to access USB, i need root privs. so i shortened the long ass command into a .sh , works great, just need it to autostart19:45
gh0st_yellow|nix, im assuming bitorrent?19:46
wookynot a happy bunny19:46
DaghdhaSo no OS backup while running? Like in windows?19:46
robin0800Airor, info edid from monitor is wrong, unlikely its new19:46
Yellow|NixWindow server you can share a single application across the network remotely19:46
SlorHey folks - I'm sure there is a tutorial for this somewhere, but I seem to be unable to find it.  I have Ubuntu 11.04 installed, and I would like to be able to VNC to that machine and have the GDM greeter there to allow me to log in (don't want to attach to existing login sessions).  I have set this up properly with previous releases, but I can't seem to find the magic for 11.04.  Any guides?19:46
aeon-ltdTimesquare: using .xinitrc?, launch it using the file19:46
Yellow|NixI can figure out how to share a whole desktop but thats not what I want19:46
Airorrobin0800, english?19:47
gh0st_yellow|nix, get a web-based front end for your newsreader (not sure if thats it, never used usenet) and set the directories etc.. on the server19:47
Slortoo many vnc variations and old tutorials out there just adding more confusion for me.19:47
wookysomeone else may have already asked this, but, What the hell has happened to Ubuntu??19:47
aeon-ltdwooky: unity19:47
Timesquareaeon-ltd: where can I find the default file? There is none in my home directory.19:47
Yellow|NixThats a good idea19:47
Yellow|NixI'll have to see if there is any webbased frontends19:47
wookyIt's gone rubbish19:47
rumpe1Daghdha, if you use a filesystem, that offer snapshots it would be possible (like btrfs e.g.)19:47
aeon-ltdTimesquare: /etc/X11/xinit19:47
robin0800Airor, thought you had a new monitor19:47
aeon-ltdwooky: don't like it? change it19:48
gh0st_yellow|nix or have your client watch a directory for whatever the equivilant of .torrents are for usenet :)19:48
DaghdhaNo i just use extfs4 i think :(19:48
Airorrobin0800, it's an Acer P191w19:48
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robin0800Airor, how old?19:48
gh0st_anyone know how to launch an app on startup that requires root privlages? (def. prefferably without a damn prompt) (needs X server)19:48
Daghdharumpe1: That machine has no monitor, so it's a hassle having to hookup a monitor and boot a CD19:48
Airorrobin0800, ??? I have no idea.19:48
wookycan anyone explain to a non tekkie, just someone who uses it, whats gone wrong(besides Unity)19:49
Kyle__gh0st_: if it's not gui, /etc/rc.local19:49
gh0st_its GUI19:49
rumpe1Daghdha, well.. another way would be choosing a runlevel, which interacts much less with the partition...   and you usually don't need to backup everything19:49
SomelauwLinux would have been great if it didn't crash that often.19:49
aeon-ltdwooky: well thats it really, the only gui changes are unity related19:49
ThinkT510wooky: anything you need help with?19:49
DaghdhaI think i conclude that i need to boot from a DVD and backup the OS.19:50
RobinJnvm used amsg in stead of msg >.< typo19:50
Kyle__Somelauw: It almost never crashes.  Either you've got a bad driver, bad hardware, or are running a very poorly written program.19:50
MonkeyDustwill gnome still be available in Oneiric?19:50
wookybut why does my machine keep logging itself out, and wont display video full screen......FRUSTRATING!!19:50
rumpe1Somelauw, there are many distribution, which aim at maximum stability. Thats not the Ubuntu way.19:50
DaghdhaThat's ok though. I'll just order a extra monitor i guess. a little one19:50
robin0800Airor, edid from the monitor is read by ubuntu old monitors sometimes didn't tell the truth on edid19:50
gh0st_anyone know how to launch an app on startup that requires root privlages? (def. prefferably without a damn prompt) (is a GUI app)19:50
gh0st_rc.local doesnt exist anymore!! ?19:51
Airorrobin0800, the "Detect Monitors" from Monitor Preferences doesn't do anything.19:51
rumpe1Daghdha, as i said... usually a backup of /etc, /home and maybe /var/www (or such) is sufficient19:51
Braiamgh0st_: /etc/init.d?19:51
pentester123I need help with my apache upload limits. Already made the changes to php.ini but still cant upload more that 8MB19:51
Daghdhagh0st: I don't know if you would be prepared for this.. but .. su - <username> -c "command -args -arg2"  is apparantly an option19:52
Airorrobin0800, are you saying it's harder than you thought, or are you saying this monitor can't be used in Ubuntu?19:52
rumpe1gh0st, really? check /etc/rc.local19:52
Daghdharumpe1: I'm a tard. If it breaks i just wanna continue, not setup ubuntu. God knows what i did uptill now.19:52
gh0st_braiam, thats there :) rumpel, its only rc.0- rc.5 and rc.s19:53
mongyanyone in here use any of the equinox themes in maverick?19:53
escottgh0st, rc.local won't work for you anyways because you won't have an X server running. if you want to start a gui application as root when X starts for a non-root user you would have to use the setuid bit and add it to the session19:53
gh0st_daghdha, that wont bugg me for root password on startup?19:53
robin0800Airor, there are only three reasons you can't set that resolution monitor can't do it edid lies or your graphic card won't19:53
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simhNirkus: I disabled md0 and changed sda1 to ext2 and /boot and grub still fails19:54
Airorrobin0800, lets see if it's my graphics card.  how do i find out what resolutions are available on it?19:54
rumpe1Airor, "xrandr" in terminal19:54
robin0800Airor, not sure look them up on the net perhaps19:55
Airorrobin0800, look what up?19:55
gh0st_escott, sorry for noobness, setuid bit and add to session..... as in chmod? on the <filename>.sh? then add the .sh to startup apps? even though the .sh contains another command that requires root?19:55
Airorrobin0800, how do i find out what graphics card I have?19:55
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robin0800Airor, the spec of the graphics card19:56
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lahwran𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏19:56
LarsTorben!ask lahwran19:56
robin0800Airor, lspci19:56
LarsTorben!ask | lahwran19:56
ubottulahwran: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:56
escottgh0st_, setuid will run a program as the uid (or setgid for gid) of the owner of the file. so chown it to root:root and chmod it to have setuid, then run that without "su"19:56
Airorrobin0800, does this tell you anything? "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)"19:56
nijaboUbuntu 10.10 isn't supported now anymore right?19:57
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101019:57
rumpe1nijabo, no,it still is19:57
gh0st_escott, these commands are a tad foreign to me, could you give an example syntax? (example is home dir, mj.sh)19:58
neckooxguys ... am i the only one who can know download anything from youtube ?19:58
Slortrying again - I have Ubuntu 11.04 installed, and I would like to be able to VNC to that machine and have the GDM greeter there to allow me to log in (don't want to attach to existing login sessions).  I have set this up properly with previous releases, but I can't seem to find the magic for 11.04.  Been fiddling with different servers and adding stuff /etc/gdm/Init/Defaul, etc...19:58
lu5tichi there, could someone help me with the proper command path to my desktop to mount a dmg file.19:58
neckooxi mean directly without addons19:58
crash1hdok is it the public key or the private key that I want on my localmachine?19:58
crash1hdwhen connecting to another machine via ssh?19:58
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neckooxlu5tic: haha , it's just that all my irl friends can't ...19:59
oCeancrash1hd: it's the remote machine you need the pubkey19:59
icerootcrash1hd: you want your public key on the remote machine19:59
crash1hdhmm on the machine that I am trying to connect too?20:00
lu5ticfirefox has an addon.. also realplayer for mac has a feature.  and linux... too easy.. lol20:00
icerootcrash1hd: yes20:00
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MonkeyDustcrash1hd: i'm here over ssh20:00
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neckooxlu5tic: and weird ... it works only for my chrome browser20:00
crash1hdahh so why does putty require the ppk file?20:01
lu5ticCOuld someone please give me the correct command and path to mount a DMG file on my desktop please (:20:01
crash1hdon the local machine20:01
MonkeyDustwhat's ppk?20:01
MonkeyDustcrash1hd: what's ppk?20:01
crash1hdits a key I would assume that I created at one point20:01
neckooxlu5tic: i can even download HD 1080p .20:01
MonkeyDustcrash1hd: isnt that for windoze?20:01
tamale_Hello, everyone.  I have a really strange problem after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 - switching between windows has a noticeable delay. This is true whether I'm going between two terminals, two tabs in a browser, between tabs in my chat client, or between applications entirely.  It's about a 1-second delay, when previously it was an instantaneous (or nearly so) action. It's extremely frustrating!! Any help would be appreciated.20:01
crash1hdthat I have saved on my localmachine that I use to connect to the remote machine with putty20:01
icerootcrash1hd: putty want to put your public key on the remote machine20:01
crash1hdMonkeyDust, its for putty20:01
lu5ticNeckoox, I can download ANYTHING. any advertisement or flash add, anything that moves in my browser..  simple20:01
MonkeyDustcrash1hd: and is putty not windoze?20:02
crash1hdiceroot, ahh20:02
crash1hdMonkeyDust, its both20:02
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crash1hdMonkeyDust, I have putty installed on my ubuntu machine20:02
Airorrobin0800, should I ask someone else?20:02
robin0800Airor, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome20:03
oCeanlu5tic: drop the caps please20:03
lu5ticoh Sorry BOSS20:03
Airorrobin0800, that wasn't me.20:03
rumpe1lu5tic, google "linux mount dmg file"20:03
neckooxlu5tic: yeah , i know , me too . It's just that it seems youtube comes with a dl feature for chrome users on linux .20:03
oCeanrumpe1: don't suggest google here, thanks20:03
lu5ticrumpe1:  i simply just don't know the path to my desktop20:04
Airorrobin0800, oh, are you suggesting that I install this?20:04
escottgh0st_, its just chown root:root myscript.sh; sudo chmod 750 myscript.sh; sudo chmod u+s myscript.sh20:04
lu5tici know the mounting command.. more or less20:04
rumpe1lu5tic, /home/user/Desktop20:04
crash1hdok so what do I need on my local machine? then to use open ssh to connect to the remote machine?20:04
crash1hdthe private key?20:04
crash1hdand where do I place it?20:04
robin0800Airor, it only goes up to 10.1020:04
neckooxa . it might just be my addon in fact .20:05
rumpe1crash1hd, usually you don't nothing... you already have all you need for a connection, if ssh-client is installed20:05
Airorrobin0800, i'm using 10.0420:05
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robin0800Airor, well then follow it for 10.0420:05
Slorperhaps silence is a hint that I should abandon VNC.20:06
makemcrash1hd: create the key with ssh-keygen and copy it to the remote machine with ssh-copy-id20:06
crash1hdrumpe1, well when I run ssh -p 22 I get permission denied (public key)20:06
Airorrobin0800, okay.  thank you for your time, i'm sure this is exactly what I was needing.20:06
crash1hdmakem, on the local or remote machine? I am trying to connect to the remote machine from the local20:08
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rumpe1crash1hd, you don't need -p 22 ... it' set by default. Check the server-logs, why your public key was rejected.20:08
crash1hdrumpe1, where would the logs be?20:08
rumpe1crash1hd, /var/log/auth.log  (afaik)20:09
makemcrash1hd: you create a key on your local machine - ssh-keygen - no parameters needed. Then you copy the public key to remove machine with ssh-copy-id user@remote.address.x20:09
centHOGGssh is this hard?20:09
makemcrash1hd: local machine = machine you are using ssh to connect from.20:09
andre_pl_anyone found a fix for this yet: No such key `exit-with-last-window' in schema `org.gnome.nautilus.preferences' as specified in override file `/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/nautilus.gschema.override'; ignoring override for this key.20:09
rumpe1makem, if a simple connection caused his error, he won't be able to copy his pub-key onto the server20:09
ChrisiPKhi, i'm trying to install a plugin to audacious, but it doesn't show up in the plugin settings list. is there anything i need to do, other than dropping the .so file in /usr/lib/audacious/General?20:10
makemcrash1hd: you can not login with the password either using ssh?20:10
rumpe1crash1hd, maybe its a permission issue like here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57727920:10
makemrumpe1: Sorry I missed that point.20:10
Nirkussimh: did you create partitions & raid within the installer?20:14
tamale_Hello, everyone.  I have a really strange problem after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 - switching between windows has a noticeable delay. This is true whether I'm going between two terminals, two tabs in a browser, between tabs in my chat client, or between applications entirely.  It's about a 1-second delay, when previously it was an instantaneous (or nearly so) action. It's extremely frustrating!! Any help would be appreciated.20:15
crash1hdhmm what does chmod go-w ~/   do?20:15
nijaboIf I don't run Update-manager -d in U buntu 10.10 I won't upgrade to 11.04 ever right?20:15
Picinijabo: Right. Its not automatic.20:15
Hukkacrash1hd: Removes write permissions to your home folder from others20:15
remener_thello everyone!20:16
crash1hdHukka, thanks :)20:16
Hukkacrash1hd: Though note that the files in that folder might still be writable by others20:16
nijaboThanks Pici :)20:16
arnabi tested xubuntu, however did not like it. "sudo apt-get purge xubuntu-desktop" leaves a lot of xfce programs. how do i remove it completely?20:16
crash1hdmakem, ok so if I understand you correctly localmachine = the machine I am running the ssh command from? as in my laptop infront of me20:16
killownThe 'sync_supers' thread wakes up every 5 seconds  and writes back all super blocks. It keeps waking up even if there are no dirty super-blocks, http://bpaste.net/show/16089/ Does anyone know fix it? it makes a very annoying noises and never stop20:17
alphamalei finally installed ubuntu on hard disk, i have to make an entry for my menu.lst, should it be generic or should i copy the one from the grub.cfg20:17
makemcrash1hd: yes. local machine is the "client" machine you ssh from. You need to create key to local machine and copy public key to the server.20:18
rumpe1alphamale, which ubuntu? which grub?20:18
alphamalei have a multiboot machine, usually  booting into puppy linux20:18
makemIf you can login with ssh / password, you can use ssh-copy-id account@remotemachine to copy the keys to the remote machine.20:18
crash1hdmakem, ahh hmm ok and that public key goes into a folder on the server called authorized_keys20:19
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troulouliouhi i m using 11.04 inside a vm  with gnome-classic ; sometimes when i start my theme disepear and sometimes it is the ambient theme20:19
troulouliouis this problem well know ?20:19
makemcrash1hd: excactly. and server public key goes to your .ssh/trusted file.20:19
feisarI'd like to get a raid controller that will be compatible with Linux (ubuntu) can anyone recommend one?20:19
alphamaleshould it just be a kernel /vmlinuz and initrd entry or does it need fancy arguments20:20
makemcrash1hd: Sorry, it is ~/.ssh/known_hosts for server keys.20:20
MonkeyDustcan it be advised to delete the old ssh key, as to automatically generate an new? http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ssh-public-key-based-authentication-how-to.html20:20
remener_tI need a application to listen radios online. but i don't want to add the urls on application one by one, i want to see a list of all radios. Rhytmbox wants urls for every radio. tunapie is great but it is does not work on ubuntu 11.04 (it try it on 2 machines ). Banshee is nice but it asks always for gengre of music, but i need to listen sometimes radios for news, or radios from special countries so Banshee can not search them specially :( ... can anyone s20:21
crash1hdmakem, but I have a file on the server already called authorized_keys from my putty connections20:21
makemcrash1hd: So client uses server key to encrypt and server uses client key to encrypt. They both use their private key to decrypt.20:21
tamale_remener_t: just go to shoutcast.net and click on stations20:22
makemcrash1hd: If you use ssh-copy-id, you do not need to care about files / other keys.20:22
tamale_Hello, everyone.  I have a really strange problem after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 - switching between windows has a noticeable delay. This is true whether I'm going between two terminals, two tabs in a browser, between tabs in my chat client, or between applications entirely.  It's about a 1-second delay, when previously it was an instantaneous (or nearly so) action. It's extremely frustrating!! Any help would be appreciated.20:22
MonkeyDusttamale_: in Unity or in Gnome?20:23
tamale_MonkeyDust: Gnome20:23
gribouilleI have a problem with drivers20:23
simhNirkus: yes20:23
makemcrash1hd: There can be several keys in the authorized_keys. ssh is very sensitive to the permissions, so it is best to use the ssh-copy-id to add keys there.20:23
MonkeyDustno delay here, tamale_ , also gnome20:23
remener_t tamale_: shoutcast.net or .com ?20:24
tamale_remener_t: Not sure.. try both :)20:24
crash1hdmakem, ok so how do I use ssh-copy-id?20:24
thewallnanybody know how to install Unity on ubuntu 10.04??20:24
gribouillewhen I run glxgears, I get  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual20:24
simhNirkus: I got tired. Something is messed up. I now installed system on one drive and will try to migrate to raid1 for /boot and raid5 for lvm and the rest of the system20:24
tamale_MonkeyDust: Not sure what's going on. Once I'm in a window, things are speedy. But switching between them is always slow.20:25
tamale_MonkeyDust: especially changing pidgin chat tabs20:25
tamale_that takes almost 2 seconds20:25
makemcrash1hd: assuming you can ssh with password to the remote host, just type "ssh-copy-id account@remotehost"20:25
tamale_is 11.04 much slower in general than 10.10 ?20:25
crash1hdmakem, ok I have moved my ssh from port 2220:26
nemotamale_: for me it was, but that was due to the unity decorator, which is forcibly called by the compiz decorator20:26
nemotamale_: and shadows being slow on my vid card20:26
crash1hdso I am getting a connection refused on that port20:26
gribouillewhen I run glxgears, I get  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual20:26
nemo(also ugly artifacts and general unpleasantness)20:26
tamale_nemo - maybe that's my problem. I do see shadows.20:26
nemotamale_: personally, I replaced that with the gtk-window-decorator in ccsm20:26
tamale_nemo - I'll try that, thank you20:26
nemotamale_: and in ccsm, set shadows to 0,020:26
nemo(in terms of position and width)20:27
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:27
cakeb0ssso much easier to install windows than linux20:27
Huginngot a funny problem lol have 2 half running laptops and was wondering if there is a way to upgrade ubuntu 10.04 to ubuntu studio ?!20:27
Nirkussimh: hehe, ok :)20:27
makemcrash1hd: they you have to use scp or similar to copy the public key to remote.20:27
cdavisCan I nohup a process after I have started it?20:28
makemcrash1hd: you just concatenate your key to the authorized_keys and make sure the permissions are correct.20:28
minthow do I find out what -cl means in "exec --help"?20:29
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makemcrash1hd: That way your putty still works and also your laptop can login with a key.20:29
makemOr is it possible to give port to the ssh-copy-id command? Anyone?20:30
gribouillewhen I run glxgears, I get  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual20:30
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thauriswulfaHow can a java programmer contribute in ubuntu?20:30
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tamale_nemo - turning off shadows and changing to gtk-window-decorator hasn't helped :(20:30
makemcrash1hd: You could try ssh-copy-id account@remotehost:port if that works. I have not tried that ever.20:30
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gribouillewhen I run glxgears, I get  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual20:31
crash1hdmakem, got it using ssh-copy-id '-p XXXX -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub username@host' from google :)20:31
makemcrash1hd: Great.20:31
crash1hdmakem, thankyou very very much :)20:31
Psycho_Mariois it possible to 'combine' both an ATI card and NVIDIA card, which are both present in my system with the correct drivers?20:31
makemcrash1hd: np.20:31
crash1hdnow am I able to create symbolic links between them?20:32
jibadeehahope Ubuntu 11.10 includes deja backup by default20:32
tamale_Hello, everyone.  I have a really strange problem after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 - switching between windows has a noticeable delay. This is true whether I'm going between two terminals, two tabs in a browser, between tabs in my chat client, or between applications entirely.  It's about a 1-second delay, when previously it was an instantaneous (or nearly so) action. It's extremely frustrating!! Any help would be appreciated.20:32
makemcrash1hd: between which?20:32
PolahI'm on 11.04 with Ubuntu Classic and context menus (i.e. when I right click items) for the wastebasket (bottom right) and items at the top left (notification area, mail, sound, clock, indicator and shutdown menu) have their layout wrong, there's separator bars in the middle of text rather than between it light it should be. Any help?20:32
crash1hdmakem, the server and my local20:33
gribouillehey, are you sleeping ?20:33
gribouillewhen I run glxgears, I get  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual20:33
makemcrash1hd: between files? You mean symlink from local to remote ssh: link?20:33
crash1hdmakem, yes20:33
crash1hdmakem, well between folders20:34
ntr0pyCan someone point me to the location where aufs is mounted on livecds?20:34
makemcrash1hd: I am not sure. I think you need something mounted before you can make symlinks.20:34
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makemcrash1hd: you can make shortcuts for nautilus for remote ssh folders (sftp).20:35
crash1hdmakem, hmm ok so I would have to mount the ssh then somehow20:35
iwonderhi, can someone please explain what unity is? is it a replacement for gnome or for metacity? sorry if this is a dumb question, but unity still runs on gnome right?20:35
makemcrash1hd: out of my league now - some other people may be able to help you with symlinks and mounting issues.20:35
simhNirkus: ok, i booted single disk instalation and will try to go from here... stupid installer :) thanks and c ya20:36
ThinkT510!unity | iwonder20:36
ubottuiwonder: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.20:36
crash1hdmakem, no problem thanks again ;)20:36
makemcrash1hd: np. Have fun.20:37
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padi999Where are freezes logged? I fear, my laptop is overheating here (ubuntu 11.04, thinkpad t420s, no custom settings for fan...20:37
Orkneyjust upgraded to gnome3... mixed feelings20:37
Orkneypadi999, i've heard power management is a known issue20:37
TUX91do you need to upgrade to 11.04 for gnome 3?20:38
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.20:38
OrkneyTUX91, it works, although not supported20:39
TUX91ok thnx ;)20:39
JoeCoolDesk11.04 upgrade killed Poulsbo.  How do I get it back?20:39
morcegoboa tarde20:39
marty33111.04 upgrade killed Virtualbox, how do I get it back?20:39
Orkneyworks 4 me though :))) may not work 4 u20:39
morcegoso do guaruja20:39
trouloulioucan i force unity  even if ubuntu says i have to switch to classic ubuntu?20:39
pelanyone have a clue on how to trubbleshoot a (possible) padsp issue? I only get some of the sounds :-/20:40
MaRk-I!pt | morcego20:40
ubottumorcego: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:40
alphamalei just finished a hard disk install, but i chose the wrong boot directoty for grub20:41
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alphamalei have grub4dos on my system20:41
alphamalewhere can i find the right entry to boot properly from grub4dos20:41
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aarHi, I've got a long list of words in a plain text file. I'd like to batch add these words to standard.dic (in openoffice 3.2). Is there a way of doing this?20:45
iwonderhi, are there known issues with the ati drivers for 11.4?20:49
iwonderhi, are there known issues with the ati drivers for 11.4? i got an ati x700 card (reposted with more info, sorry)20:49
BoulderDavei have an ubuntu machine that im using for NAS.  on my network I have MS Access pointing directly to the mdb files shared on the server (\\server\location).  however, my database connection is frequently dropping, any ideas?  I've pinged the server for over a few hours and it doesn't seem to be the actual network connection20:50
born2trollhi there20:50
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Jordan_Ualphamale: root (hdX,Y)\n kernel /boot/grub/core.img20:51
charlietangois anyone aware of options to modify zeitgeist indexing?  currently, unity/zeitgeist only looks at "favorite folders" and recently used files. there doesn't seem to be an ability to actively search any folder tree20:51
charlietangothis is in natty of course20:52
DaghdhaI set it all up now. I have a extra Disc in the ubuntu machine to copy the entire system partition. Should i just format the new disk, boot from a LIVE CD or similar and Copy everything over?20:52
ubuntu_primera vez q pruebo lubuntu y soy nuevo en linux... què tal es lubuntu?20:53
DaghdhaI already did it once before (That backup saved me) but i have no recollection of how i did it. :(20:53
dixson_hoeppubuntu  o lubuntu20:53
cdavisCan I nohup a process after I have started it?20:54
ubuntu_lubuntu... es q la pc es vieja20:54
MaRk-I!es | ubuntu_20:54
ubottuubuntu_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:54
bin_bashi have no idea what language that is20:54
ubuntu_y me recomendaron lubuntu20:54
FANUMDaghdha: are you just trying to back everything up and reinstall?20:54
ubuntu_changue chanel20:55
dixson_hoeppno lo conozco man pero no debe tener tanta diferencia a ubuntu20:55
ntr0pywhere is the mount command located used for livecds?20:55
escottcdavis, i don't think so20:56
DaghdhaFANUM: No i try make a 'mirror' of the current OS disk, so when taht disk dies i can just put this one in and it runs again20:56
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Daghdhaplease don't say dd20:58
FANUMDaghdha if you are trying to make an exact copy of the install (an image), you have several different options. I would recommend using dd from a live disk, to an external drive20:58
FANUMok hold on20:58
cdavisescott: disown appears to work, I won't know until I log out though20:58
Daghdhadoes dd sckip 00? aka empty sapece?20:59
FAJALOU1Hi.  I am trying to set up a printer via Samba and gnome's printing.  Every time I enter a password and username for the printer, though, it does not even seem like those two things stick.  "Ok and "apply" on the Printer properties screen are both grayed out already, and when i go back to change the "Device URI" neither the password nor authentication show up.  I looked at the permissions for /etc/cups/printers.conf and it is root with onl20:59
FANUMDaghdha no20:59
DaghdhaI'll just use dd21:00
FANUMThere was a tool called partimage, that was unmaintaned last i heard, but it did21:00
Daghdhai dd to an image wnad when disk dies i dd image to bnew disc21:00
Nirkussimh: cya21:00
Daghdhai think i used a boot disk with partimage last time21:00
DaghdhaI ran it over the network and put the image on my windows machine21:00
DaghdhaThen put in new disk and wrote it back21:00
FloodBot1Daghdha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:01
DaghdhaThen i had 2 OS disks :) (It'sa NAS so it rarely changes)21:01
FANUMthat shoudl do the job. You can always gzip the images to conserv space21:02
Daghdhaspace is not important.21:03
daviddoriaanyone know what the qt4 development package is called?21:03
jbkc85Anyone have a suggestion for a screen capturing utility like FRAPs for ubuntu?21:04
wadjbkc85, is pressing the "Printscreen" key insufficient?21:04
number9does anyone know anything about recovering an encrypted home? I think I may have severly messed things up and need some help21:04
jbkc85video recording preferably wad21:04
trismdaviddoria: sorry, libqt4-dev ?21:04
wadah. Sorry, no input here.21:04
jbkc85nprob.  I have done many a screen capture but making a video is what im interested in right now =)21:05
daviddoriatrism: hm, I have that installed, but cmake can't find qmake21:05
MaRk-Ijbkc85: video recording you have: xvidcap, recordmydesktop (gtk and qt),  kazam .... keep looking use the one you like21:05
jbkc85Thanks MaRk-I21:06
trismdaviddoria: that appears to be in qt4-qmake21:06
FAJALOU1Hi.  I am trying to set up a printer via Samba and gnome's printing.  Every time I enter a password and username for the printer, though, it does not even seem like those two things stick.  "Ok and "apply" on the Printer properties screen are both grayed out already, and when i go back to change the "Device URI" neither the password nor authentication show up.  I looked at the permissions for /etc/cups/printers.conf and it is root with onl21:06
MaRk-Ijbkc85: easiest one I've read (haven't used it) is kazam and yw21:06
daviddoriatrism: how did you find that out? also, I already have that installed :(21:07
trismdaviddoria: apt-file can search for files in the repository, found /usr/bin/qmake-qt4, and on installation it creates a link to /usr/bin/qmake21:08
trismdaviddoria: what are you building?21:08
daviddoriaI'm building a program I wrote (using cmake as the build system) that uses Qt21:08
jbkc85MaRk-I: Thanks for pointing that out, downloading it now to see how it goes21:08
trismdaviddoria: can you pastebin the output when running cmake?21:09
MaRk-Ijbkc85: ok21:09
daviddoriatrism: http://pastebin.com/nB9dnNR221:11
daviddoriatrism: hm, qmake seems to be on my PATH at /usr/bin/qmake, so why wouldn't cmake be able to find it?21:12
nuraltHi there21:12
nuraltI have a Question21:12
nuraltIs there anyone who can help me21:13
number9nuralt: what is your question? Just ask it21:13
nuraltI have ThinkPad R5221:13
html_inprogressnuralt,  what is it,,,21:13
nuraltSo anyone install Ubuntu on com like mine?21:14
nuraltI mean, if I install Ubuntu 11 on it will all my futures works?21:15
FANUMnuralt: try the live disk and check it out21:15
pelyou could try to use the live disk first21:15
html_inprogressibm ThinkPad R52              http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=ibm+thinkpad+r52&hl=en&nord=1&prmd=ivns&resnum=4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=944&bih=426&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=1252368676442229653&sa=X&ei=QkvITbTvKs-3tgfi3I2rBA&ved=0CIcBEPMCMAI#                nuralt ,  is this it21:16
nuralt;) thanks so much folks21:16
DaghdhaIs there maybe a more lightweight Ubuntu live CD i could use for just doing a dd of my disk?21:16
DaghdhaThis one takes ages to startup :(21:16
number9nuralt: looks like almost everything works, wireless may be flaky but there is a workaround21:16
ayrtonok so is 800mb of shared ram good for my laptop to play games? like in wine21:17
selig5Daghdha: try systemrescuecd21:17
shentinoHow do I change which VT my desktop runs on?21:17
nuraltnumber9: I fear about wifi21:17
Daghdhai just had that in there.. i didn't see a console option21:18
ZachrielIs there a good discussion of 32 vs. 64 bit Ubuntu, the download page recommends 32-bit but I'm not sure why!21:19
wadZachriel, I'm using 64-bit, and it's great. No problems.21:19
wadZachriel, how much RAM do you have in the box?21:19
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Zachrielwad: Laptop with 3GN of RAM. It comfortably runs Windows 7, 64bit at the moment.,21:20
wadCan the RAM be increased, or is it at the max?21:20
number9nuralt: try the livecd, see how stable it is. Do a live usb with persistence and see if the workaround works (if this is something that the persistence file will remember), generally you get a pretty good feel for things based on the liveCD21:21
icerootZachriel: how much ram does the vga have? is it onboard? or extra memory? if ram + vga-ram < 4GB then you shoukd run the amd64 version21:21
MurdoxI hear that open source software is less secure than windows though21:21
icerootMurdox: #ubuntu-offtopic21:21
Murdoxis there any truth to that?21:22
icerootMurdox: no21:22
equexwill there be more backporting or updated done for 8.04 ? would be nice with one final 'ultimate 8.04' version with a new kernel and some patches21:22
Murdoxiceroot: I'm sorry I don't see how that's offtopic21:22
MurdoxI'm a new user to linux21:22
trismdaviddoria: I'm really not sure, it is odd21:22
icerootMurdox: its sounds like a start of flame-war/trolling21:22
jo-erlenddoes colours in the launcher in Unity have any meaning?21:22
nuralt10x a lot21:22
Murdoxiceroot: well I'm sorry if you react that way to a simple question21:23
daviddoriaah, so apparently ubuntu's qmake is for qt3, and the qt4's qmake is called qmake-qt421:23
kamI have a the new macbook pro 8.1.  When I try to run the cd to install Ubuntu on it I get "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"  I've tried the cd on my pc which worked.  Any ideas?21:23
daviddoriaI passed that to cmake as the 'qmake execuable' and all is well21:23
icerootMurdox: open-source is providing a patch when it is done, microsoft is providing a patch on a specific day, that is the first reason why windows is not more secure then linux21:24
number9iceroot: don't feed the trolls ;)?21:24
trismdaviddoria: at least it is working, it is strange though because the cmake script checks for qmake-qt4 too21:24
Murdoxiceroot: but isn't there security through obscurity?21:25
daviddoriaoh, weird, yea I don't know about that then21:25
guntbertMurdox: stop it please21:25
icerootMurdox: doesnt seem that you are a newbie, so stop your bad trolling please21:25
jbkc85MaRk-I: Is there anyway to export the videos to desktop or your own PC?  I don't really want to export them to the web..21:26
Murdoxiceroot: I'm a new user to linux21:26
Murdoxthat does not mean I'm completely ignorant of how computers work21:26
icerootMurdox: this is the support-channel for ubuntu, everything else goes to #ubuntu-offtopic21:26
Murdoxhonestly I don't feel that the hostility towards me is justified21:26
jbkc85MaRk-I: nevermind, overlooked the option21:26
FAJALOU1Hi.  I am trying to set up a printer via Samba and gnome's printing.  Every time I enter a password and username for the printer, though, it does not even seem like those two things stick.  "Ok and "apply" on the Printer properties screen are both grayed out already, and when i go back to change the "Device URI" neither the password nor authentication show up.  I looked at the permissions for /etc/cups/printers.conf and it is root with onl21:26
MaRk-Ijbkc85: lol np, you dont need to export but you have the option for youtube i think...21:27
jbkc85MaRk-I: I just saved for later...didnt want to do any editing through Kazam21:27
el_seanoMurdox: probably it's not.  However, the conversation itself is straying quite a ways away from the intended topic of this room.  I'd recommend continuing it in pm or elsewhere.21:27
jbkc85MaRk-I: Apparently their pause button doesnt work though! :-D21:28
DaghdhaOh wow, so dangerous. When i boot with the disk inside it gets another device than when i add it later. Almost formatted the wrong disk.21:28
kotiquehi. newbie here. my ubuntu won't boot. help!21:28
number9Murdox: your question wasn't simple and is just going to start a random banter, you would be better off doing RESEARCH on the topic. Try google. Even just your initial question is incredibly loaded in an UBUNTU chat21:28
el_seanokotique: what have you got so far?21:28
kotiqueinstalled on lvm part. 11.0421:28
kotiquekernel loaded, initrd loading21:28
kotiqueno mpre output . how do i enable kernel logging ?21:28
kotiquewhere is it , who hid it ?:) no quet option here21:28
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el_seanoif you can access the file system, then look under /var/log.  If you can't boot from the disk, try getting a LiveCD and mounting the filesystem there in order to look through the logs.21:30
el_seanokotique: ^^21:30
NET||abusehey guys. how do i get the theme icons and top bar colour to follwo the appearance "theme" settings?21:30
NET||abusei updated from 10.10, and the theme selection isn't affecting the top bar colour of icon set21:30
kotiqueel_seano, tell my how do i enable kernel console output that i usually see on vanilla kernel21:30
NET||abusei have ambiance selected, and yet the top bar is still light grey with non monochromatic icons21:31
el_seanokotique: you could boot into recovery mode if you really want to see it flash by as it loads.21:31
MaRk-Ijbkc85: you could try gtk-/qt-recordmydesktop but on that one you have to convert the video after you're done21:31
el_seanothat's not terribly useful though if you're trying to parse it for something.21:31
kotiqueel_seano, i'm not getting past loading initial ramdisk21:32
jbkc85MaRk-I: Kazam works great for what I need actually, I still need to convert...just workin out the details =)21:32
ayrtoncan any1 help me upgrade to the newest intel driver?21:32
kotiquecan access grub21:32
JaxxdrewI was wondering when I install ubuntu, what will the default shell be?  gnome or unity?  the live disc is gnome?21:32
el_seanokotique: Boot from a LiveCD and try looking in the logs on the disk21:32
ayrtoni fear the one in 11.04 is broken21:32
kotiqueel_seano, I'm sure it doesn't get past rootfs moutning21:32
icerootJaxxdrew: unity21:32
kotiqueso i'm trying to figure out what kernel does and where it locks up21:32
iceroot!classic | Jaxxdrew21:33
ubottuJaxxdrew: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.21:33
el_seanoah, okay21:33
Zachrieliceroot and wad: I got called away, but I think I'm set. Thanks for the input.21:33
html_inprogressalot of things on 11.04 is breaken21:33
NET||abuseI also can't get tomboy to use ALT+F12 as the tomboy menu shortcut, wont work21:33
FAJALOU1Hi.  I am trying to set up a printer via Samba and gnome's printing.  Every time I enter a password and username for the printer, though, it does not even seem like those two things stick.  "Ok and "apply" on the Printer properties screen are both grayed out already, and when i go back to change the "Device URI" neither the password nor authentication show up.  I looked at the permissions for /etc/cups/printers.conf and it is root with onl21:33
killownDoes anyone know how to get ride of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/607560 ?21:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 607560 in linux (Ubuntu) "jbd2 writing block every 5 - 10 seconds, preventing disk spin-down and making noise" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:33
el_seanopretty sure there's a grub option to do that.  will have to dig.21:33
kamI have a the new macbook pro 8.1.  When I try to run the cd to install Ubuntu on it I get "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"  I've tried the cd on my pc which worked.  Any ideas?21:33
Jaxxdrewthank you iceroot and ubottu21:33
kotiqueTo view console messages at boot, remove the quite and splash boot parameters from the kernel boot line in grub. This will disable the usplash splash screen and re-enable console messages.21:34
pfifoIm about to file a couple bug reports but I need a sanity check here. The files /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua.pc and /usr/lib/pkgconfig/SDL_ttf.pc are missing even though I installed liblua5.1-0-dev and libsdl-ttf2.0-dev. I have installed both these packages recently from source and they included the files so the only thing I can think of is that tshes files are being installed in an alternate PKG_CONFIG_PATH or they are missing. Does anyone know if Im doing somethi21:34
pfifong wrong?21:34
kotiquewhere are these messages then?:)21:34
MaRk-Ijbkc85: oic good luck, btw I also keep a little gem called "byzanz"  for quick recordings just to show steps, records in "gif" format, so handy to upload those to a blog when doing a howto21:34
Lcawte-halpHaving problems with Nvidia and X on my desktop machine, Ubuntu doesn't get past the bit with the logo and the 4/5 flashing dots... they all stay red. Xorg.conf  -http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/605407/ > Syslog -  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/605409/ > Xorg log -  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/605408/ .... what do you reckon, and how do I fix it?21:35
__import__I have issues trying to install Lighttpd on Server 10.10. Says it can't find any package named lighttpd21:36
MaRk-ILcawte-halp: try starting with "nomodeset"21:36
ayrtonwere are visual effects in 11.04?21:37
Lcawte-halpMaRk-I: hm?21:37
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Kanniballhey guys...got a question21:37
Lcawte-halpMaRk-I: what do you mean?21:37
Guest97144i get this when i run sudo gedit (gedit:9179): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.021:37
__import__Guest97144,  that is normal when using sudo21:38
MaRk-ILcawte-halp: when starting the system press the shift key repeatedly then "e" for grub and find the kernel line where it says "splash quiet" and add nomodeset like "splash quiet nomodeset"21:38
Lcawte-halpMaRk-I: so is the splash whats causing the error?21:38
icerootGuest97144: gksudo gedit  (are you running it via ssh?)21:38
Guest97144well then how can i get to open gedit  as root21:39
icerootGuest97144: gksudo gedit21:39
SomelauwHey, network manager doesn't work at all here. I have been trying to connect to a wireless network for hours and got fed up a bit.21:39
guntbert!gksudo | Guest9153721:39
ubottuGuest91537: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:39
MaRk-ILcawte-halp: no, I dont have the exact error at hand but I think is KMS "kernel mode set'21:39
Guest97144Error copying '/var/run/gdm/auth-for-david-weA3sY/database' to '/tmp/libgksu-Uc521:40
icerootwhat is the common way for doing something like "sudo echo 1 > foo"? is "tee" the only way to get permission on "foo"?21:40
Lcawte-halpMaRk-I: hmm... I'd guess it was an error with nVidia and Xorg :>21:40
MaRk-ILcawte-halp: well try first if it doesnt work then it's what you think it is21:41
alphamalei need some help with grub4dos menu entry, i just installed to hard disk21:41
alphamalebut it wont boot properly21:41
alphamaleubuntu 11.0421:41
guntberticeroot: as far as I know, yes21:41
frank604lcawte : what video card do you have?21:41
icerootguntbert: ok21:42
el_seanokotique: Typically there's a /boot/menu.lst, where you could add or remove tags to the lines with your kernel.21:42
el_seanoI'm realizing that this doesn't seem to exist on my system, and am trying to figure out what the alternative might be.21:42
Guest97144iceroot,  i get this when i gksudo gedit     Error copying '/var/run/gdm/auth-for-david-weA3sY/database' to '/tmp/libgksu-Uc521:42
el_seanokotique: no luck so far :/21:42
guntbert!grub2 | el_seano21:42
ubottuel_seano: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:42
sinthey, i just updated to ubuntu 11.04 and i have to say i like unity. but is there a way to tweak a couple of things? like getting the menu bar from top to bottom?21:43
el_seanoyes, yes, I know.  documentation still shows grub2 as having a /boot/menu.lst, though21:43
sinti mean, taskbar21:43
icerootGuest97144: is that a normal ubuntu system? or chroot, ssh, live-cd?21:43
shentinoHow do I change the vt my desktop uses?21:43
Guest97144normal system21:43
frank604seano : grub2 doesn't use that though21:43
=== Guest97144 is now known as David_H
icerootGuest97144: is /tmp writeable mounted? disc full?21:44
=== David_H is now known as David_HII
alphamalethere is a grub/cfg file in boot21:44
icerootGuest91537: is "sudo touch /tmo/foobar" working?21:44
el_seanofrank604: ah, yeah, it uses the mods21:44
icerootGuest91537: is "sudo touch /tmp/foobar" working?21:44
=== dave is now known as Guest60678
george__hey i updated to 11.04 and love Unity but whenever I use my external monitor options, the session goes outta whack, but it works under Ubuntu Classic21:44
el_seanoso no luck modifying boot options then?21:44
george__is there a fix or somethin?21:44
David_HIItouch: cannot touch `/tmo/foobar': No such file or directory21:45
alphamalecan you boot with grub4dos?21:45
icerootDavid_HII: i corrected myself "sudo touch /tmp/foobar"21:45
David_HIIyes that worked21:45
=== fred_ is now known as Guest18211
icerootDavid_HII: ls -l /var/run/gdm/auth-for-david-weA3sY/database21:46
icerootDavid_HII: does that file exists?21:46
chrisbarchi, i have a vaio with geforce gfx, just installed 11.04, want to use Unity but having probs with nvidia/nouveau, I get the "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" problem21:46
David_HIIdavid@humphryes:~$ ls -l /var/run/gdm/auth-for-david-weA3sY/database21:46
David_HII-rw------- 1 root root 104 2011-05-09 15:27 /var/run/gdm/auth-for-david-weA3sY/database21:46
frank604chrisbarc : have you tried running the program "additional drivers" ?21:47
chrisbarcyep, it just says "active, but not in use"21:47
chrisbarcbeen googling around, but cant seem to solve21:47
techcrisissup all21:47
kotiqueel_seano, i'm in grub boot loader console now21:47
frank604chrisbarc : I remember seeing a thread about this issue, a person resolved it by manually reinstalling at boot21:47
icerootDavid_HII: does /tmp/libgksu-Uc5 exists?21:47
kotiquetrying to revert video to text mode and get rid of this high res21:48
frank604chrisbarc : they purged nvidia, blacklsited nouveau etc, at grub went to fallback, then command line, and installed from there21:48
David_HIIyes i sucessfully touched it21:49
frank604chrisbarc : sorry i can't remember the precise steps but the idea is there21:49
frank604chrisbarc : have you tried it?21:49
icerootDavid_HII: hm sorry dont know then, maybe a good point to start using vim instead of gedit :)21:49
David_HIIli take that back this is the only gksu files in /tmp/ ibgksu-Uc5NwC  libgksu-wiJhGt21:50
gremsetHi, how can I change firefox to use another sound card for outputting audio from flash, I have et skype and vlc media player to use other card, but could not find any setting for firfox. Any ideas where to look for?21:50
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el_seanokotique: the file you're looking for is /etc/default/grub, has a variable with quiet and splash listed in it.21:51
kotiqueokay, booting with livecd now, but this is outragoues21:51
kotiquewhy modify kernel so that it can't log onto console when i want it to21:52
techcrisisyou could defualy the sound card in   system then sound21:52
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frank604kotique : if you change /etc/default/grub make sure to update-grub21:52
mishaI'm having issues with my ubuntu when I boot up. I get a blank screen right after grub. But sometimes it works, I'm on my ubuntu account now21:52
el_seanokotique: same reason the have fancy splash screens for Windows and OSX I guess.  People don't like looking at console output or something.21:53
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techcrisiswould anyone know how to get xchat + tor working from this server?21:53
mishaDoes anyone else have a blank screen problem?21:53
el_seanoalso, kotique:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Editing%20Menus%20During%20Boot21:55
el_seanosorry that took me a while to dig up.  Am dense and/or slow today.21:55
=== ward is now known as Guest91223
* el_seano should probably spend some more time playing with GRUB.21:55
mishaCan anyone help me I have a problem with a completely black screen right after grub and it used to work on ubuntu 1021:55
Guest91223hello? any one there?21:56
techcrisisdid you upgrade or do a new install21:56
mishaShould I reinstall21:56
mishaI'm using an esata external hard drive to run ubuntu21:57
mishaBut it was working fine on ubuntu 1021:57
techcrisisi have fixed problems like that but others here my have less destructive ideals21:57
fridgeratordoes anyone use Pandora? i'm running 10.10 64 bit, and when I install Pandora the package manger tells me i have a broken package "com.pandora.desktop.fb9956fd96e03239939108614098ad95535ee674.1" and removes it, which removes pandora21:57
mishaThat's weird21:58
alphamaleis it possible to boot a hard drive install from grub4dos?21:58
g[r]eekHello. I'm trying to enable mod_vhost_alias for my apache2 but it's not finding it - says it doesn't exist, any idas?21:59
DaghdhaExcellent people. I am currently dd'ing my disk to an image on another disks. I would like to thank everyone that put some effort toweord helping me. Thank you :) And good night.. time for diner.21:59
kotiqueokay, i'm seeing grub.conf and it's very different from grub121:59
Limesodasfridgerator, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=996136221:59
kotiquethere's gfx_load settings and something21:59
kotiqueno definite guide on how to disable this stuff21:59
fridgeratorlimesodas, thanks!22:00
jjulianhi i tried installing realtek driver for my hda alc888 chip. This totally skrewed everything. Cause in the end it expects to call alsaconf. now im trying to revert that. But that seems to be impossible. What can i do to complete purge an d reinstall alsa for my ubuntu?22:00
Limesodasfridgerator, you got it22:00
maj-whyd oes ubuntu initalize my wifi card as 'eth2' and not 'wlan0'?22:00
g[r]eekis there a bot in this channel22:01
g[r]eekhow do i teach it something?22:01
Guest91223i dont know maj never had that happen to me22:01
graChe28hello, im having some trouble with my monitor resolution in both ubuntu and windows xp (windows wont even boot) after changing for a CRT to a LCD, the ubuntu screen resolution gui only provides me with 1 refresh rate at 1028x768 which is 60hz but the screen  still flickers (i cant find the exact resolution the screen needs after lots of googling, i bought it second hand)22:02
xskydevilxWhat's the best iTunes equivalent for Linux?22:02
el_seanoxskydevilx: I've had good luck with rhythmbox, personally.22:02
el_seano(not really sure why it's drawn so much ire)22:02
Guest91223grache28 try  in ur terminal " man xrandr" its what i use for my screan res22:03
Camer0nhow can i move the left panel to my second monitor in 11.04?? It's really anoying  me!!!!22:03
xskydevilxel_seano, What happened to Songbird for Linux? Can it still be downloaded?22:03
TravisIs it possible to make my USB printer work with Ubtuntu 11.04 when it's plugged into my Belkin N600 router?  The printer is  plugged into the router's usb port22:03
alphamalecan someone help me with basic install questions?22:04
Guest91223yes i can alphamale22:04
ejv!ask | alphamale22:04
ubottualphamale: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:04
alphamalei just installed to hard disk, and the last option was something about boot drive22:04
exiffonly issues i have with rhytmbox is the lack of a graphic equaliser,and there's no option to change the metadata of the music files22:04
alphamaleis this supposed to be the same drive as the install or another one?22:05
graChe28Guest91223: ok thanks, i tried it already, but i cant seem to figure out how to change the refresh on the 1064x768 (which is the recommened resolution, still not sure of the refresh, its a 15in lcd LG)22:05
willembHi. according to lspci, my sound card is this: 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) .  how do I get the rear audio to work properly?22:05
alphamalemy install went fine, but i can't boot because i dont have the right entry in my grub4dos menu.lst file22:05
techcrisiswould anyone know how to get xchat +tor working on this server?22:06
ejvalphamale: your bootloader should have been generated automatically for you, during the installation, did something go wrong?22:06
LjL_how can i get apt-cache search to search inside package descriptions in natty? it only seems to search into names and short descriptions22:06
alphamalei picked a different bootloader drive on purpose22:06
MaRk-Itechcrisis: try in #xchat22:06
alphamalemy main bootloader is grub4dos and i wanted to keep that22:06
Guest91223grub for the win22:06
alphamaleubuntu isnt my main os22:07
Buttons840i'm using "ubuntu classic" on 11.04; i used to be able to reposition my task bar items by dragging them, does anyone know how to do this still?22:07
Guest91223thats fine grub can handle windows and mac22:07
techcrisisthanks mark-I22:07
ejva non-sequiter, but i prefer using grub for both windows and ubuntu, mixed installations:D22:07
OerHekstechcrisis, http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor22:07
MaRk-Itechcrisis: yw22:07
tripelb10.04 and it'[s not in mouse, or mouse accessibility and not in appearance. I need to make my mouse pointer icon larger.How can I find the controls?22:07
alphamalei need help with the grub4dps menu entry22:07
=== bruno is now known as Guest78903
ejvim not familiar with grub4dos, im sorry22:07
alphamalemine is just kernel and vmlinuz22:08
alphamaleok is there another workaround22:08
tripelbButtons840, right click on the icon22:08
alphamaleshould i change to grub on my puppy os?22:08
Guest91223yes grub ftw22:09
alphamaleim afraid of ruining my current boot22:09
Guest91223u have ur other master restore disk for ur windows machine?22:09
alphamaleim not on windows22:10
alphamaleits just an ntfs partition22:10
Buttons840tripelb: no, i'm not talking about changing their workspace but chaging the order they are displayed on the current workspace22:10
alphamalei deleted windows22:10
Guest91223good for u alpha22:10
Guest91223but i dont know how to do it with out it being destructive.. i jsut would reformat22:10
Guest91223what am i saying format... reload22:11
Guest91223there is another way i cant remember22:11
alphamalereload what22:11
alphamalei dont understand22:11
Guest91223and use grub22:11
graChe28any xrandr experts, how do i change the refresh rate from 60hz, the gui only allows me 60hz and the screen flickers22:11
alphamalepuppy has a grub configure utility22:11
Guest91223let me go look for a non vilitile way of doing that22:11
alphamalei can just make a new bootloader with grub22:12
alphamaleinstead of grub4dos22:12
alphamalethen copy the generic grub entries ?22:12
MaRk-IgraChe28: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:12
kotiquealright, set gfx mode in grub worked22:12
graChe28tks MaRk-I22:12
alphamalei think it might be something real simple like grub4dos is not telling ubuntu where root is22:13
trismtripelb: in Appearance, customize the theme, select the pointer you want, and there is a slider a the bottom, small -> large22:13
Guest91223yes you can22:13
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Guest91223whats the command in irc to change my nick i havnt used this prog in forever22:14
alphamalebecause my boot fails with not being able to find directories that are there22:14
v4nelleguys anybody with Epson Stylus SX415?22:14
MaRk-IGuest91223: /nick newnick22:14
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ward1234ok there we go22:15
ward1234ty mark22:15
MaRk-Iward1234: yw22:16
ward1234no luck yet alphamale22:16
SJrHmmm nm-tool says that my wireless device state is "Unavailable" I can manually connect to wireless though with iwconfig and dhclient?22:16
ward1234are there any rules on this channel about NOT post web page links?22:19
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ward1234this is the best i can do at the moment alphamale http://diddy.boot-land.net/grub4dos/files/boot.htm#linux22:20
NietechtHello, I just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. During the upgrade, I got presented the GRUB-pc configuration dialog (or something), I tried using the 3-way merge as suggested on the site, which didn't seem to work out, so I picked the "default from package maintainer" (or something). Not sure if that's related to what happened next: after a short while of continuing the upgrading, my pc simply froze. Mouse froze, keyboard doesn't respond, th22:21
Nietechte shift led blinking. I left it like that for a while then pressed the reboot button. It started up fine (if a bit slow). Stuff seems ok at first glance, is there a way I can make sure nothing has gone wrong or is missing?22:21
FloodBot1Nietecht: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:21
alphamaleyea i have that going already22:21
alphamaleit's booting and then the boot fails looking for some directories22:22
pectoralAnyone having problems with Xubuntu starting X after running updates?22:22
alphamalei looked at grub.cfg in /boot but it's kind of hairy22:22
industrialI have installed some packages from some repos, but removed the plist files from my system (I think it was..), because I didn't know how to remove a ppa T_T22:22
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industrialNow I want to go back to the version thats in hte official repository for every package I have installed22:22
industrialis that possible?22:22
industrialI installed GNOME 3 over 11.04 :\22:23
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industrialfrom PPA22:23
mister2hey guys, how do i make something run in terminal from panel? i tried gnome-terminal && mycommand but that didn't work22:23
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.22:24
ward1234got it alphamale http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/173054-grub4dos.html22:24
walllablehi. im looking for a channel that is just a regular chat with lots of people in it.22:24
ward1234afk brb in 10 minutes22:24
C0keNC0dewhere can i find a conf reg calculator for ubuntu22:24
walllablewheres floodbot 2?22:24
josuf107mister2, what exactly do you want to do, from where?22:25
industrialffs, I dont wanna reinstall :(22:25
industrialCan I do that without burning CD's?22:25
industrialdont have any USB sticks here either22:25
mister2josuf107 i want to run top from panel22:25
walllablealso, when u use the microsoft notebook mouse 300 msk-1056, the mouse skips. whats wrong with it?22:26
escott!info ppa-purge | industrial22:27
ubottuindustrial: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB22:27
C0keNC0dei have totally borked this router22:27
escottindustrial, I've heard that the ppa tends to break a lot of unity stuff even after purging22:27
cvw-a[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   cvw-a Micki xp2 glcrazy jnlsnl_ jorge__ Zephr0 kill repete dlandry Maahes austrys nit-wit avance0529a Relevant Neo-- pmcgowan Cristian38 josuf107 LjL walllable C0keNC0de rgr cmbro industrial Amgine ring2 sta7ic tehnef awolfson arash_ ake22:28
f45665[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   f45665 jfi pyrony cvw-a Micki xp2 glcrazy jnlsnl_ jorge__ Zephr0 kill repete dlandry Maahes austrys nit-wit avance0529a Relevant Neo-- pmcgowan Cristian38 josuf107 LjL walllable C0keNC0de rgr cmbro industrial Amgine ring2 sta7ic tehnef22:28
f45665[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   dfgas-cr48 JasonO Xomen Buttons840 manio shro0ms AndroidLoverInSF PalinBachman2012 scoffin pvh_sa zenguy_vm jmccrohan drrob1 Gwar phoenixsampras katkee hays _cronus_ ward1234 aashift szczym dubs_ __import__ v-himanshu sheeep Silowyi er22:28
f45665[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   jmaya Juo MK` Gujs Antonis jjulian gerzel xiong Skaperen _LoneCrow Tribaal olskolirc NET||abuse ki__ kotique MonkeyDust martin__ frank604 stevesmall stamina Tecumseh bsodmike blueghost paradoxx cowslammer PW-toXic danopia watcher equex22:28
f45665[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   maltin Wolf3001 ghost_ FAJALOU1 mbeierl Somelauw piquadrat pr0ton FANUM SlickT10 Elv13 Rattman Crash86 phrozen TUX91 Random_Dude asteig NeoBlaster jdobrien stkrzysiak takamoron nphase VampiricPadraig mushuchan AbTuX Vubut mysteriousdar22:28
f45665[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   pepsi Chaser coz_ mdupont_ cppguy slakcphil ITXpander Drule senorpedro ChrisiPK |Seth| PleXT toad` CyberGabber Spec Zelluz okenobi jophish_ boolean MacakMeow AlertEye Jazba sbell weecol Laurenceb Lillymon dijonyummy dan-work mindbeat p22:28
industrialescott: is there a list of packages in the upgrade to 11.04? maybe I can try a reinstall of all of them, see which ones are missing after the purge..22:29
e0aj2[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   e0aj2 ymasory CyrusB HiHoSilver NaFiann jfi pyrony cvw-a Micki xp2 glcrazy jnlsnl_ jorge__ Zephr0 repete kill dlandry Maahes austrys avance0529a Relevant Neo-- pmcgowan Cristian38 josuf107 LjL walllable C0keNC0de rgr cmbro industrial 22:29
e0aj2[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   Guest78903 pipeep Kereltis dfgas-cr48 JasonO Xomen Buttons840 manio shro0ms AndroidLoverInSF PalinBachman2012 scoffin pvh_sa zenguy_vm jmccrohan drrob1 Gwar phoenixsampras hays katkee _cronus_ ward1234 aashift szczym dubs_ __import__ 22:29
e0aj2[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   cjaredrun r3c4ll trigrou jmaya MK` Gujs Antonis jjulian gerzel xiong Skaperen _LoneCrow Tribaal olskolirc NET||abuse ki__ kotique MonkeyDust martin__ frank604 stevesmall stamina Tecumseh bsodmike blueghost paradoxx cowslammer PW-toXic22:29
e0aj2[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   sluther Camer0n bsamson maltin Wolf3001 ghost_ FAJALOU1 mbeierl Somelauw piquadrat pr0ton FANUM SlickT10 Elv13 Rattman Crash86 phrozen TUX91 Random_Dude asteig NeoBlaster jdobrien stkrzysiak takamoron nphase VampiricPadraig mushuchan 22:29
e0aj2[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   madLyfe maco Gnea len pepsi Chaser coz_ mdupont_ cppguy ITXpander slakcphil Drule senorpedro ChrisiPK |Seth| PleXT toad` CyberGabber Spec Zelluz okenobi jophish_ boolean MacakMeow AlertEye Jazba sbell weecol Lillymon dijonyummy dan-wo22:29
Relevantwhats going on?22:29
SJrthe end is neigh22:29
AmgineBot attack, Relevant.22:29
macoRelevant: spambot22:29
walllablealso, when u use the microsoft notebook mouse 300 msk-1056, the mouse skips. whats wrong with it?22:29
Relevantwhy would someone?22:29
RelevantYou should block proxys22:29
walllableis this chat going to end?22:29
AmgineSilly people who have no life and can't figure out that automated attacks can be automated kicked.22:30
Relevantif you havent already.22:30
ward1234no wallable22:30
escottindustrial, i don't know for sure you might see if anyone in #gnome knows about the ppa and the impact of disabling and purging it22:30
walllablethen why was there a notice?22:30
AmgineBecause *that* is the attack, wallable.22:30
macowalllable: referring to the spambot above?22:30
macowalllable: because it's spam22:30
walllableits just to frighten people?22:30
macowalllable: yes22:31
walllableo thank god22:31
ward1234better then the roflcopter22:31
SJrNetwork manager says that all my interfaces are "Unavaliable": http://pastebin.com/index/amw686yY22:31
PalinBachman2012its either meant to annoy this channel, annoy #freenode with people asking questions, or do something that will make your irc client liable to being pwned22:31
macoSJr: what does your /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf say? Managed=False? if so, make it True22:31
SJrfile does not exist?22:32
* dommer- shoots the shit22:32
ward1234so heres my question... i loaded compbiz, and lost my alt+tab funtion.. uninstalled compbiz, and still dont have it any ideas?22:32
C0keNC0demachine so borked22:33
modI'm installing 11 on a brand new drive.  While partitioning, I can only select from the list mount points for me partitions.  I cannot type them in manually... is there some expert mode to turn on, or something?22:33
mod(Hi :)22:34
jahkopHow do i fix auto-complete for PHP in vim?22:34
SJrmaco the file does not exist22:34
ward1234idk mod there use to b22:34
modward1234, yeah, i've never had trouble doing this22:35
modtill 11 release22:35
macoSJr: interesting. well it should look a bit like this so try making it?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/605434/22:36
SomelauwI wanna have wireless network with ubuntu, but it doesn't work.22:37
modSomelauw, information is too vague...22:39
joey1I uptated to the latest ubuntu and now my sound doesn't work. How can I get it to work?22:39
ldiamondI somewhat setup DMRAID on two of my disks, but never worked. Now I want to go back to using them as normal disks. However, they seem to still be using the DMRAID/hpt45x driver. How do I get rid of that and put them back in a normal state?22:40
PalinBachman2012joey1: are you sure its not muted in the volume control22:40
aashiftlol @ Palin..22:40
ward1234make sure ur speakers are on ?22:41
ward1234i did that the other day22:41
aashiftlol @ word123422:41
joey1yes my speakers are on and plugged in22:41
ward1234what sound card do u have ?22:41
kingofswordsany1 know how i can fix my mbr after windows resize in gparted?22:41
joey1the one with my mobo idk what its called22:41
kingofswordsno windows in boot menu now22:41
ward1234good for u kingof swords .. try virtualbox22:42
joey1it worked b4 i updated22:42
ward1234was there a grub update as well ?22:42
kingofswordsi thought  virtual box was like wine22:42
wadkingofswords,  what happened?22:42
ward1234it works great for me i run winxp/vista/722:43
ward1234when i wanna game...22:43
kingofswordswad i increased my xp partition and windows didnt boot after that...then i upgrade-grub and it disappeared althogether from boot menu22:43
ward1234and mintlinux22:43
SJrmaco I tried creating the file you said, with that syntax, rebooting, but still no luck22:43
wadwine is a program that doesn't pretend to be Windows, but rather tries to intercept windows-like API calls and render them under X-windows for Linux.22:44
blueberryHey y'all, quick question, what's the tool used to change the way the 'window spread', Unity/shell, etc. called again?22:44
wadI think.22:44
wadVirtualBox is a real emulator, you run another OS inside of the program.22:44
kingofswordsi deleted a separate partition of fat16(which was used for windows setup files from usb install) at the same time22:44
ward1234wine=wine is not an emulator22:44
wadkingofswords, hmm, that's worrysome.22:44
kingofswordsvirtual box is no good for me as i already have wine.....22:44
ward1234i liek ti but soemtimes getting file dependancies right can b a real pain in the tuckus22:45
kingofswordsall the windwos files and install are still there thought when i check in ubuntu22:45
ward1234but thats weird22:45
pectoralkingofswords: virtualbox and wine are two completely different things.  Wine is buggy whereas virtualbox is an actual full-on windows install22:45
wadkingofswords, sounds like your MBR might need tome attention.22:45
wadThere is a way to reinstall the MBR.22:45
wadTry google.22:45
kingofswordswell i already have xp installed ..just cant get to it22:45
blueberrySomebody know this? What the tool used to change the way the 'window spread', Unity/shell, etc. is called?22:45
pectoralYou can try booting off xp disk and doing "Fixmbr"22:45
pectoraland "fixboot"22:46
kingofswordssomeone here told me that my windows is set to logical partitioin and needs to be changed22:46
wadwhat pectoral said.22:46
ward1234if u fixmbr.exe it will over right grub22:46
pectoralbut then you will have to redo grub22:46
wadyeah, that too.22:46
wadI've done that before.22:46
ward1234i think pectoral is right22:46
kingofswordsyeh i tried to use r repair from xp disc but it wouldnt load...maybe cos its usb22:46
wadIt's not as hard to fix as it seems, kingofswords.22:46
kingofswordsi know i need to fixboot, fixmbr and exit in cmd prompt22:47
ward1234<nod> kingofswords22:47
wadyes, then once it's booting to windows (and only windows, no grub), you boot to linux and fix the grub.22:47
wadThen you should be all happy.22:47
pectoralsounds like you pwnt your disk to me22:47
kingofswordspectoral yeh ive reinstalled grubs at least 20 times so thats no problme22:47
ward1234afk going for a smoke22:47
wadWhen grub installs, it looks for Windows, so it can add it to its list of OSs you can boot to.22:48
wadSounds to me like it's not finding Windows.22:48
scoffinmy broadcom wlan does not work in Ubuntu 11.04 so I installed the ndis driver.  Cool, works great....  but now the wired eth0 does not work.  How to toggle between the two?22:48
wadSo, get it to boot windows first, then Linux will play nice and setup everything in grub.22:48
kingofswordswad so i just do as pectoral said? fixmbr cmd and fixboot?22:48
wadI don't recall the details.22:48
ward1234yes king22:48
wadFind some good article on google. But in general, that sounds right.22:48
SomelauwOkay. Basically. I have network manager and there is some peap network I want to connect it. Unfortunately I can't get it to connect.22:49
kingofswordsok so do i go into the install windwos section?22:49
wadkingofswords, boot to a Windows install disk.22:49
kingofswordsthen when the partition bit comes up i choose r for reapir?22:49
* wad shrugs. Dunno.22:49
pectoralYea i think its the repair console22:49
Sir_GabrielFailed to execute child process "/home/gabriel/Desktop/XPlane9Demo/XPlanei686" (No such file or directory)22:49
pectoralits not recover22:49
kingofswordsmy windows disc is a slipstreamed ver on usb22:50
kingofswordsi dont thinkt he recovery /repair thing comes up22:50
Sir_Gabrielthat error is from PCMan File Manager 0.5.222:50
kingofswordspectoral thanks....wad thx....ill go try this22:50
Sir_Gabrielwhen I click on an executable file  that's what I get.22:50
wadgood luck!22:50
kingofswordsill need it=)22:51
wadprobably... it's Microsoft!22:51
tripelbtrism, TY for the advice on the mouse pointer size. cheers.22:51
yuity[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   yuity Zuhaitz dot-slaSh brunellotod Sir_Gabriel Axlin|MB BlackPearl headyadmin Captainkrtek mounir ropes Axlin chiluk pectoral kingofswords sysdoc phoenixsampras SuBmUnDo switch10_ foul_owl PaulEycks ldiamond Lesterwood usr13 jwulf 22:51
yuity[*| NOTICE |*]  STARTING JUNE 1ST  FREENODE WILL  CHANGE THE  WAY YOU CONNECT  TO IT. UNLESS YOU   ENABLE SASL YOU  WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE.  PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE  OR MSG A  STAFFER FOR  DETAILS  [*| NOTICE |*]   jorgeu joelcnz FORTHELULZ SJr RiSkOo scampbell anagmagna Heron_Marked okapi blackbit Netuno other ghostcube muelli pipeep Kereltis dfgas-cr48 JasonO Xomen Buttons840 manio shro0ms AndroidLoverInSF PalinBachman2012 scoffin pvh_sa zen22:51
industrialCan I do a reinstall of Ubuntu from a running system? :P?22:51
industrialcram everything you need in ram and redo the disk or something? :p22:51
Sir_GabrieloH NO Floodbot Is flooding the channel22:51
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FORTHELULZwho said my name22:53
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joris_I've to monitors, and when I startup I want to have a terminal (byobu) full screen -- on my right monitor, anyone an idea how to do that?22:54
Sir_Gabrielnobody did as far as I can tell fort22:54
joris_I guess I'll be able to start it full screen with a script, but how to put it on the right monitor?22:54
joris_* I've two monitors ^22:54
zennerwinning... duh22:54
Sir_Gabrieljoris: what drivers22:55
jstooneHi guys, does any of you know in what repo img2txt is?22:55
joris_I'll check it, something proprietary22:55
jstoonejoris_: you think?22:56
joris_ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver22:56
Sir_GabrielNo jstone, he meant his drivers are proprietary22:56
jstooneSir_Gabriel: Yea I found out ;) haha22:57
wadHave any of you guys seen Unity working with the NVidia driver so that the desktop cube works? I fiddled with it for about an hour, but it doesn't seem happy.22:57
Sir_GabrielI can help with nvidia, but never had ati.  with nvidia there is a settings manager and you change it in there22:57
trismjstoone: it looks like it is in the caca-utils package in universe22:57
coz_wad,  yes I use cube in unity  however at first setting  Unity will crash,, that should ,, at some point. be fixed22:57
wadcoz_, okay, I'll just wait then. And look forward to the day that my cube works. :)22:58
jstoonetrism: Oh.. I totaly forgot. Think you're right! Thanks!22:58
joris_hmm, I'll look at the settings manager from ati, thanks for the tip Sir_Gabriel :)22:58
Sir_GabrielHope that helps joris22:58
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coz_wad it works now :)  you can set it in ccsm..let unity crash and continue making your settings,, log of and back on to check22:59
Sir_GabrielI hope that funny looking hat isn't red....22:59
Sir_Gabriel nothing against red hat users....22:59
Flashtekis there a list of MD5s for the current ISOs ?23:02
coz_Flashtek,  should be hold on23:02
corinthHi channel. Where does 11.04 store the xorg.conf file?23:02
coz_Flashtek,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes23:03
regeyacorinth: /etc/X1123:03
jstooneI've always been wondering what the md5 is for? What can a person do with it? I've seen it for a load of downloads etc. - always wanted to ask23:03
regeyabut it doesn't normally have one, corinth.23:03
Flashtekcoz_, thanks, that's not linked from the download page..23:03
corinthAh good to know...is there a way to have it auto-build one then? I'm using a virtual machine, and I'm trying to modify the resolutions available.23:03
Flashtekok, so my MD5 is ok, but I can't get the server edition to install in my VM..23:03
kingofswordshi back23:04
coz_Flashtek,  no problem    nextime it s easily found in google with this search string ,,,,    ubuntu hashes23:04
ty90012md5 is used to check the integrety of files23:04
kingofswordspectoral, wad no joy23:04
jstoone - I know it's just a matter of google searches but I thought that if I asked I wouldn't be the only one learning ;)23:04
ty90012most commonly23:04
kingofswordscant get into windows install23:04
jstoonety90012: Oh! That rather smart...23:04
Sir_Gabriellol @ pectoral wad23:05
Flashtekty90012, verify the integrity of files.. indeed.. this was my first step in ensuring I wasnt being an idiiot and fighting with a corrupt download..23:05
jesse_hello all23:05
jesse_is anyone else running a blog in ubuntu23:06
coz_Flashtek,  there is another way,, although it also has a hash,, you can run the minimal install cd  which is on ly a 19 meg download23:06
coz_Flashtek,  very little chance of packet collisions etc,, for corrupt  iso23:06
jesse_using wordpress23:06
jstooneFlashtek: I think that's a good habbit to get into, as the internets are getting more and more crazed..23:06
Jingalingso what is the general consensus of unity guys?23:08
FlashtekJingaling, i've not tried it..23:08
Jingalingu still on maverick flashtek?23:08
Flashtekso, any ideas on why I can't install ubu-server in to a VirtualBox VM ?23:08
FlashtekJingaling, nope, natty23:08
iaindaltonHow can I move a window onto my 2nd monitor in Unity? It tries to maximize when I drag to the edge of the 1st monitor.23:09
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coz_iaindalton,   open ccsm and disable the Grid plugin23:10
ShwaiilHi ppl23:10
vorlovanybody is an upstart genius?23:10
vorlovim trying to figure out whats the best way to make an upstart script create a PID file for monit?23:11
vorlovand also what is the benefit of using "expect fork"?23:11
iaindaltoncoz_, is it possible to have the grid work but only on right monitor's right edge and left monitor's left edge?23:11
ShwaiilQ: How can I have permissions to unzip files to usr/share/directory ? I know about sudo, but the filenames are huge and I have to type it all on terminal ? :P23:11
ShwaiilIs there a way to have permissions for extracting to a folter ?23:11
coz_iaindalton,   I havent tried hold on let me check23:12
iaindaltoncoz_, also, what is ccsm?23:12
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jstooneiaindalton: there are shortcuts for moveing around on the different workspaces - ctrl+alt+(arrow keys) and you can move the selected window by doing the same key but also pressing shift - ctrl+alt+shift+(arrow-keys)23:12
FlashtekShwaiil, yes23:12
ShwaiilFlashtek, tks for looking. How ?23:12
iaindaltonjstoone: different monitors, not different virtual desktops23:12
coz_iaindalton,   compizconfig-settings-manager,, you probably will have to install it,  although no longer sure why ubuntu  doesnt include that with Unity23:12
jstooneShwaiil: sudo <command>23:12
Matt9my ububtu 11.4 install doesn't shutdown anymore. it goes to the logo and just waits...  any idea's?23:13
Shwaiilyes, but without using the command line ?23:13
PalinBachman2012Shwaiil: its like sudo gunzip filename23:13
industrialCan I do a reinstall of Ubuntu from a running Ubuntu system?23:13
coz_iaindalton,  you can disable edge bindings in Grid  once you get compizconfi-settings-manager installed23:13
PalinBachman2012you can type the first few letters of the file name and press tab23:13
jstooneiaindalton: ah, I see... well, I havent tried to use multiple monitors (yet) but have you tried to google this "problem"?23:14
ShwaiilPalinBachman2012,  ah ok. But anyway, comparing to windows, its very hard :P23:14
FlashtekShwaiil, YES...23:14
Shwaiiltakes loads of time :P23:14
PalinBachman2012Shwaiil: its just different, till you get used to it23:14
zenneri got a new sex toy, and it says it's "ubuntu powered", is this where I'd come for support?23:15
jstooneindustrial: usb/cd + natty.iso = LiveCD/USB (:23:15
ShwaiilPalinBachman2012,  I dont even know how to go to usr/share/..23:15
coz_industrial,  a reinstall?   well you can maually reinstall packages/software/ libraries  ,, other than that ,, I dont think so23:15
iaindaltonjstoone: Yeah. What's with the scare quotes?23:15
modHey all, I'm installing 11 on a brand new drive, when I make partitions I cannot type in a custom partition mount point but can only choose from the select list.  Though, I can type in the partition size.  Any idea why I cannot customize the mount point?23:16
zennerI stick the "ubuntu buttplug" up my rectum, and it's supposed to plug into a computer, and simulated thrusting of a gay man's penis23:16
zennercan anyone here help me with it?23:16
iaindaltoncoz_: disabled grid, but I can't drag windows to the other monitor still. My cursor can go over there when it's not holding a window, but even if I drag a window halfway off the first monitor, it doesn't show on the second23:16
PalinBachman2012Shwaiil: in the terminal, 'cd /usr/share/'23:16
nikozenner: i guess23:16
PalinBachman2012Shwaiil: and press tab after the first few letters, you will get the hand of it23:16
PalinBachman2012tab completion23:16
coz_iaindalton,   which video card are you using?23:16
ShwaiilPalinBachman2012, I was trying to go trough cd usr23:16
jstooneiaindalton: haha, didn't know if it could be called a problem or not so I just put them there, no offence at all mate (:23:16
PalinBachman2012Shwaiil: i thot so23:16
Jordan_Uindustrial: Yes, that is possible, though somewhat complicated.23:17
zennerniko: so what should I do, should I stick the buttplug up my ass first or plug it into the USB port of my Ubuntu computer?23:17
jstooneindustrial: Sorry for the lame answar. How come you want to reinstall?23:17
iaindaltonjstoone: I can't use my second monitor. How's that not a problem?23:17
iaindaltoncoz_: GeForce GT 220. I have the official driver installed23:17
coz_iaindalton,   and do you have separate xscreens set up ?23:17
jribzenner: this channel is for actual ubuntu support.  If you don't have a real question, then please be quiet.  No more warnings23:17
coz_iaindalton,  did you use twinview with t hat?23:17
MaRk-Ijrib: he already got k-lined ;^)23:17
jstooneiaindalton: Did you see the thing about unbinding the grids with compiz?23:17
iaindaltonjstoone: did you see that thing about me turning off grid?23:18
coz_I missed that one :)23:18
Yellow|NixHey I was wondering if there was a CD burner program where you could setup lets say 50 CDs you wanted to burn23:18
coz_iaindalton,  are you using twinview?23:18
iaindaltoncoz_: looks like I forgot to enable xinerama :P23:18
Yellow|NixAll you have to do is change the CD?23:18
coz_iaindalton,  no no23:18
iaindaltonis that what twinview is?23:18
coz_iaindalton,  no  it is not23:18
jstooneiaindalton: god damnit, I'm sorry, I'm not paying enough atention..23:19
coz_iaindalton,   open nvidia-settings23:19
coz_iaindalton,  click on  "X Server Display Configuration"23:19
coz_iaindalton,  are both monitors listed graphically there?23:19
iaindaltonyeah, then configure23:19
coz_iaindalton,  then click on the seondary monitor graphic ,, configure   twinview    set resolution23:20
iaindaltonI have "separate x screen". you're suggesting twin view. what's that do?23:20
ShwaiilPalinBachman2012, hehehe I'm sorry, just one more.. to unzip, its "sudo gzip -d dir/filename.extension destination_folder ?23:20
coz_iaindalton,  thats why you cant drag to the other monitor23:20
iaindaltoncoz_: I thought enabling xinerama would fix that23:20
coz_iaindalton,  you have to use twinview to drag from one to the other monitor23:20
iaindaltonbut you say not to23:20
adam61i'm new to ubuntu, i haven't installed it cause i'm afraid it'll overwrite my windows files.. does anyone know how i can access these files from ubuntu from a live cd session?23:21
jstooneShwaiil: You can also just use "unzip file_name.zip"23:21
ty90012you have to mount the drive23:21
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coz_adam61,  once installed ,, it will see the windows partition/drive  and you can access it easily23:21
adam61how would i go about that, should i maybe be in a beginner forum?23:21
PalinBachman2012Shwaiil: I think its gunzip23:21
coz_adam61,  not sure if there are special parameters for dual booting windows7 however  I dont use it23:21
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Shwaiiljstoone,  sudo unzip filename.ext destination ?23:21
ty90012it may not always. I've had problems with it not recodnizing it23:22
jstooneadam61: You're welcome here (:23:22
iaindaltonalright, gonna restart x server. if I don't return it worked. In which case, thanks coz_23:22
Guest80095does anyone know a program to watch tv?23:22
PalinBachman2012or maybe gunzip is differnt...23:22
PalinBachman2012for a tar.gz, not a zip23:22
ty90012If you want to install ubuntu beside windows it has an easy wizard23:22
PalinBachman2012lol i know that sounds so confusing a new user23:22
industrialJordan_U: jstoone: any docs on it? GNOME3 messed with Unity :p23:22
jstooneadam61: If you use a liveCD/USB to install then you can set up a partition (the liveCD/USB can do that for you) and then when you've installed ubuntu you can choose which to boot - windows or ubuntu - when you turn on your computer23:23
PalinBachman2012but, frankly, there is no reason, off the top of my head, why a new user should be messing with archives in the system folder23:23
jstooneShwaiil: Yes, let me check for oyu23:23
jstooneShwaiil: You*23:23
escottadam61, the livecd should mount the windows partition (or list it in the partitions it can mount) you can access the data that way23:24
Shwaiiljstoone, ehh "sudo unzip -d Downloads/filename.zip /usr/share/destination" didnt worked :P23:24
PalinBachman2012Shwaiil: type pwd23:24
PalinBachman2012are you in the directory where you want the file to end up23:25
ShwaiilPalinBachman2012,  no23:25
ShwaiilI tough I didnt needed to23:25
ShwaiilI'll do that then23:25
PalinBachman2012well cd into that dir23:25
PalinBachman2012and then unzip from there, using ~/Downloads/myfile.zip23:25
PalinBachman2012i hate zip and tar!23:26
PalinBachman2012all these years, and I still never know anything complex with them23:26
jstooneShwaiil: that's because the command is "unzip /path/to/file.zip -d /destination/path/" where the -d swich is telling it where to unzip to23:26
usr13PalinBachman2012: What is so hateful about compressed files?23:27
usr13and/or archives23:27
nmaxchatHello I cant get my Wired connetc ion to work23:28
nmaxchatUbuntu 10.0423:28
usr13nmaxchat: What have you tried so far?23:28
jstooneindustrial: can you be more specific, docs on what? :S23:28
usr13nmaxchat: What seems to be the problem?23:29
nmaxchatusr13, I plugged it in saw the light flasing It askes for IP addresses etc I dont have a clue what to enter23:29
Sir_GabrielWhat causes this error when I try to execute a file? Failed to execute child process "/home/gabriel/Desktop/XPlanei686" (No such file or directory)23:29
industrialjstoone: installing ubuntu from ubuntu :)23:29
linuxrealmnmaxchat: do this first,,, /usr/bin/sudo service network-manager restart ;23:29
industrialcant find it on google23:29
usr13nmaxchat: What kind of device is it?23:29
nmaxchatusr13, How do I tell ?23:30
jstooneindustrial: one sec, I think I have an article somewhere (:23:30
Guest80095Sri_Gabriel you might have written wrong that file23:30
usr13nmaxchat: Have you plugged a network cable into a router or a switch or what?23:30
Guest80095check that you have right written23:30
Sir_GabrielI copied the file and moved it, and it still does the same thing. and ls lists it in the directory23:30
usr13nmaxchat: In a terminal window, type:  sudo dhclient eth023:30
nmaxchatusr13, I pugged it in to the internet connection, not a routeur23:31
ty90012into a modem?23:31
jstooneindustrial: But don't you have any pendrives/USB's?23:31
Sir_Gabrieldefine written please23:31
industrialno :(23:31
Guest80095but what do you want to open?23:31
linuxrealmnmaxchat: did you try that? /usr/bin/sudo service network-manager restart ;23:31
usr13nmaxchat: What particularly is it?  A dsl modem or a cable modem or...?23:31
usr13nmaxchat: Try:  sudo dhclient eth023:31
Guest80095written a past form of write23:31
linuxrealmusr13: why not just restart the who stack....23:32
nmaxchatusr Wait, I am slow23:32
Guest80095ok probably i shoul say "type"23:32
linuxrealmwhole stack..23:32
nmaxchatis it zero or O for eth?23:32
usr13linuxrealm: What?  Can you elaborate on that just a bit?23:32
linuxrealmif network manager isnt showing, something is janked23:32
Sir_Gabrielit has to be executable... but I can't get to the permissions of the file.23:32
jstoonenmaxchat: zero (:23:32
Guest80095it's easy23:33
Guest80095have you got the extension23:33
Guest80095of nautilus:23:33
brewsteris there a program like notepad++ for ubuntu?23:33
Guest80095"open terminal"23:33
jstoonebrewster: emacs23:33
eiriksvincan someone tell me how to change a moint point?23:33
usr13linuxrealm: Yea, maybe /etc/init.d/networking restart  ?23:33
nmaxchatusr13, How do I post without flooding ?23:34
linuxrealmusr13: sudo service network-manager restart   thats what he can do first23:34
jstooneeiriksvin: can you be more specific?23:34
linuxrealmnot maybe, surely23:34
usr13linuxrealm: Yea same thing.23:34
Sir_Gabrielhow do I use ls to see premissiosn?23:34
Guest80095Sri_Gabriel try to do thid23:34
linuxrealmusr13: not all services start the same, THEY  are not all the same23:34
usr13nmaxchat: /etc/init.d/networking restart23:34
jstooneSir_Gabriel: ls -l23:34
Guest80095cd /home/gabriel/Desktop23:34
linuxrealmusr13: he needs to do a sudo23:34
escott!pastebin | nmaxchat23:34
ubottunmaxchat: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:34
usr13nmaxchat: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart23:35
linuxrealmnmaxchat: have you tried that yet... /usr/bin/sudo service network-manager restart ;23:35
brewsteris there a program like notepad++ for ubuntu that is not a regular text editor?23:35
OsmodivsHello. Why can't I copy this file??  osmodivs@Djiin:~/Ultra/Blender_experimental/blender2.57/SLG$ cp  /home/osmodivs/Ultra/Blender_experimental/blender2.57/SLG/boost143  /usr/lib23:35
Osmodivscp: omitting directory `/home/osmodivs/Ultra/Blender_experimental/blender2.57/SLG/boost143'23:35
usr13!paste | nmaxchat23:35
ubottunmaxchat: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:35
eiriksvinim having trouble with installing ubuntu onto my sisters pc, she has an intel dual core and i can get the installer to read any of her partitions to install on23:35
OverTheHillAndFai run blender 2.5 under ubuntu 11.04 with unity. i right clicked on blender icon to keep in panel but it will not load blender. just flashes for a couple of seconds23:35
linuxrealmi am assuming his ethernet is plugged in, if his router concerned or in question, then its off topic23:36
eiriksvini have used gparted and it shows the partitions, but its like the installer didn't pick them up23:36
usr13nmaxchat: Actually, this is probably all you need:   sudo dhclient eth023:36
jstooneOsmodivs: is boost143 a dir?23:36
Osmodivsjstoone, Is a folder23:36
Sir_GabrielI'm using PC man, but terminal says : :~/Desktop$ ls -l XPlanei68623:36
Sir_Gabriellrwxrwxrwx 1 gabriel gabriel 45 2011-05-08 20:59 XPlanei686 -> /home/gabriel/Desktop/X-Plane9Demo/XPlanei68623:36
jstooneOsmodivs: try doing cp -rf23:36
Guest80095try this23:37
nmaxchatusr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/605456/23:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:37
linuxrealmnmaxchat: are you new to linux? this way we know how to say things so you can understand... no offense23:37
Guest80095sudo chmod +x /home/gabriel/Desktop/XPlanei68623:37
nmaxchatI am new23:37
eiriksvinoops i CANT see any partitions to install on, it don't even show the partitions i have made23:37
nmaxchatusr13, I am new23:37
Guest80095with this comand, you'll give all permissions23:38
Osmodivsjstoone, It worked, THX. What's the meaning of -rf?23:38
usr13nmaxchat: ifconfig | pastebinit23:38
jstooneeiriksvin: have you backed everything up that she needs?23:38
nmaxchatlinuxrealm, new23:38
linuxrealmnmaxchat: welcome, and um if you prefer to work with usr13 thats fine, no worries, this way i can help someone else23:38
Mitsukaru-r recursive -f force23:38
donkeyinspacehello what is PATH?23:38
MitsukaruPATH is your current working directory23:38
Guest80095does anyone know a program to see tv??23:38
Mitsukarumythtv i think23:39
eiriksvinwell she has windows on one partition, and then i made 2 new partitions ext4 and swap23:39
Mitsukarulol, i have all the answers xD23:39
tclcan anyone help me here please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175411723:39
Guest80095but with streaming23:39
usr13nmaxchat: Show us what ifconfig says....23:39
nmaxchatusr13, Its not installed should I intsall it ?23:39
tensorpuddingdonkeyinspace: PATH is a shell variable23:39
Mitsukaruwhat do yo umean guest23:39
Guest80095i mean with streaming and free xd23:39
jstooneOsmodivs: -r = recursive (which takes all files inside of folders and the folders folders :) -f = force (even if chuck norris tries, it doesn't stop)23:39
tensorpuddingdonkeyinspace: it's a list of directories where programs can be found23:39
Guest80095tv via streaming23:39
Sir_Gabriel ./XPlanei68623:39
Sir_Gabrielbash: ./XPlanei686: No such file or directory23:39
usr13nmaxchat: Yes, install it.23:39
linuxrealmnmaxchat: first of all focus and tell us what you have done first,,, for example: i turned my computer on, and.... what...?23:39
donkeyinspacetensorpudding , where can one find it?23:39
Osmodivsjstoone, lol, thx.23:40
Osmodivsok, later¡23:40
Pilif12pis it possible to change from 32 bit to 64 bit? I just found out that my processor was 64 bit, not 32 bit23:40
tensorpuddingdonkeyinspace: you can see the value of a variable using echo23:40
Guest80095Sir_Gabriel make sure that you have correctly typed23:40
tensorpuddingdonkeyinspace: for instance, echo $PATH23:40
codex84i mount a pc game do i have run the easetup23:40
tensorpuddingdonkeyinspace: the $ means that PATH is a variable23:40
codex84or autorun?23:40
jribPilif12p: reinstall23:40
jstooneOsmodivs: IF you later on have to delete a folder AND the contents you can do the same "rm -rf /folder/to/remove/"23:40
eiriksvin<jstoone> its not reading her patitions, thats all23:40
Pilif12pjrib: that's the only way?23:40
linuxrealmnmaxchat: i logged in, and then..... ?23:40
jribPilif12p: only sane way, yes23:40
linuxrealmnmaxchat: i opened a browser and it said.... ?23:40
Pilif12pWhat's the insane way? :P23:41
jstooneeiriksvin: hmm.. but I really have no clue how to make it read it, sorry :S23:41
tensorpuddingdonkeyinspace: why do you ask?23:41
Sir_Gabrielyep typed it right I copied and pasted it from the properties tab23:41
linuxrealmnmaxchat: i saw there was no icon for Network Manager ( the thingy that shows im connected via eth or wireless?)23:41
nmaxchatlinuxrealm, I  plugged the ethernet plug in and tried to connect23:41
Osmodivsjstoone, Ah, nice. Ok, so what if I instaled a program via SVN? is it the same if I use rm, or do I need a special command tu "uninstall"?23:41
linuxrealmnmaxchat: you typed in /sudo service network-manager restart ; and then..... ?23:41
linuxrealmsudo service network-manager restart ;23:41
linuxrealmand then...... ?23:41
usr13nmaxchat: ifconfig | pastebinit23:42
donkeyinspacetensorpudding , im trying to compile with cmake but get a "If you have QT4 installed, make sure qmake is found in your PATH23:42
eiriksvinwell the mount point keeps reading the install cd, but i cant get it to show mount point: /23:42
Mitsukaruguest: you want to watch tv for free on the internet then, without a tuner card? try hulu. :P23:42
tensorpuddingdonkeyinspace: you can install qmake from the software center23:42
linuxrealmusr13: thats fine, but he is new and needs to understand a few things so he can ask questions later... he may not have pastebin, as he can not access the net on that box... he would have to type it all in...23:42
eiriksvinis there a command to intall ubuntu from live cd that i can put into the terminal?23:42
jstooneOsmodivs: Ohm.. you could do the "sudo apt-get purge" I think, not sure at all..23:42
donkeyinspacetensorpudding , it is installed23:43
usr13linuxrealm: Did you see:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/605456/  ?23:43
Guest80095Mitsukaru, you can watch tv free23:43
Guest80095on internet23:43
nmaxchatusr13, I installed paste bin it23:43
Sir_Gabrieltotally frustrating! is something wrong with my install? It's a fresh install even...23:43
Guest80095there are a lot of webpages with tv channels via streaming23:43
Osmodivsjstoone, Hm, well, I'll just use the rm command for now23:43
tensorpuddingdonkeyinspace: if you want to know whether it's in the path, try 'whereis qmake'23:43
linuxrealmusr13: no, not yet, and i follow my process based on what he said when he came in23:43
usr13nmaxchat: Good, now do  ifconfig | pastebinit  and give us resulting URL23:43
MitsukaruGuest80095, yeah, like i said, on sites like hulu and stuff. what does this have to do with ubuntu? xD23:43
jstooneOsmodivs: yea... ;)23:44
Guest80095yes but for example23:44
linuxrealmusr13: i said it like 10x now, /usr/bin/sudo service network-manager restart ;  why hasnt he done that? its the first step. it will clear everything out in the stack.23:44
Guest80095RTVE (a national tv  program of spain) is live via streaming23:44
Mitsukaruack! i glued my fingers with superglue!23:44
jstooneeiriksvin: I'm getting confused, when you say mountpoint, is it BIOS wise or?23:44
linuxrealmnmaxchat: have you tried that yet? yes or no...23:44
donkeyinspacetensorpudding , i know where qmake is. cmake is the one that does not find it23:44
Guest80095and i proved to play with some player and it works23:44
MitsukaruGuest80095, internet streaming? then just go to their site or follow their directions i guess.23:45
nmaxchatusr13, http://pastebin.com/aV3H69yG23:45
jstooneeiriksvin: when you boot on the LiveCD you go steight to the TTY?23:45
MitsukaruGuest80095, cant you think of a more creative name?23:45
linuxrealmnmaxchat: thats fine, you run with usr13. and see what progresses ;) no worries, have fun23:45
pturing                                             23:45
pturing                                         23:45
pturing                                             23:45
nmaxchatlinuxrealm, thks23:45
FloodBot1pturing: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:45
linuxrealmnmaxchat: ping
linuxrealmdoes it say reply, reply, reply?23:46
Sir_GabrielIt's like it doesn't know what to execute it with.... maybe I need to install something... It is supposed to run from the within the directory.23:46
jstoonelinuxrealm: what ip is that?23:46
linuxrealmif so, what are your name servers in /etc/resolv.conf23:46
kop*** System restart required *** will not go away ? 10.04 2.6.32-3123:46
nmaxchatlinuxrealm, How do I ping ?23:46
linuxrealmjstoone: standard ping test23:46
linuxrealmjust type in terminal,,, ping
nmaxchatlinuxrealm, found it23:47
jstooneSir_Gabriel: Sorry, lost track of you'r problem, can you tell? just say no, then I'll scroll up and find it ;)23:47
usr13nmaxchat: So it appears that you have 2 ethernet devices, eth0 and eth1.  eth1 appears to be connected to something, and has IP of   Right?  You see that?23:47
jstoonelinuxrealm: that's pretty cool... something linux only or does it work on other OS' too?23:48
linuxrealmdid it reply, reply, reply,, or time out23:48
nmaxchatusr13, I have no idea23:48
linuxrealmits verizon's ns servers23:48
Jordan_Uindustrial: Boot Ubuntu from an iso using grub2 and pass the "toram" kernel parameter. I wish I could give more detailed instructions but I need to leave.23:48
usr13nmaxchat: Look at http://pastebin.com/aV3H69yG23:48
linuxrealm4.2.2.2, i do this to test if resolv.conf is the issue, typically if one can ping an ip, its resolv.conf23:48
linuxrealmnmaxchat: yes or no, time out or reply to that ping
linuxrealmjstoone: those ip's have been around since um,,, the beginning ;)23:49
nmaxchatlinuxrealm, Its slow23:49
usr13nmaxchat: So you already have a connection to the internet.  Do you see the entry for eth1 ?  ... with an IP of
Sir_Gabrielbasically it's not a permissions problem... Maybe I have to install something though?23:49
linuxrealmnmaxchat: not what i asked... does it say reply or time-out23:49
linuxrealmnmaxchat: have you used computers very long? again, no offense, just would like to gauge your experience. kinda wonder how you found about this room...23:49
nmaxchatusr13, yes23:50
jstooneSir_Gabriel: what are you trying to do?23:50
linuxrealmusr13: he just wants to access the net... lol.. not the details23:50
usr13nmaxchat: Ok, so do you have just one netwrok cable connected to this PC?23:50
Sir_Gabrielstart a program called X-Plane.23:50
nmaxchatusr13, yes one cable23:51
linuxrealmnmaxchat: if your going to take that long to type yes or no, im done....23:51
daviddoriaEven after I run kdebugdialog and turn off all debug outputs, I get messages like this on the terminal from which I started a program: void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "F&ull Screen Mode" under id 81 . Is there any way to turn those off too?23:51
usr13nmaxchat: Ok you are connected.  Try pinging av.com     ping -c 3 av.com23:51
nmaxchatlinuxrealm, I am following usr13 I cant follow two people23:51
jstooneSir_Gabriel: and you're using the file-manager not terminal, right?23:51
linuxrealmif you can type all that, yes you can23:51
linuxrealmim just asking for 3 letters or less23:52
linuxrealmyes or no23:52
nmaxchatusr13,  its still pinging my last command23:52
usr13nmaxchat: Ctrl c23:52
usr13nmaxchat: Hold Ctrl key while hitting c  to stop it from pinging.23:52
linuxrealmim done, have fun23:53
comthre3Hey guys,, anyone with some experience with uShare on ubuntu? for some reason, i can see all the folders on my ps3, but the media files arent being shared. all the folders are empty, the dlna mode is on the ps3 and my other player see the folders and all, but no files. any help would be appreciated23:53
jstoonelinuxrealm: basicly minimum 1, y/n ;) - a little joke once in a while should be healthy.23:53
=== HiHoSilver|2 is now known as HiHoSilver
usr13nmaxchat: but in other words, you are indeed connected to the internet.  Ok?23:53
kenneth__My wireless card randomly disconnects and will only work once I reboot. Sometimes it disappears under 'ifconfig', too.23:53
nmaxchatusr13, I am currently NOT connected via cable I dont have wifi near the plug. I am going to try to move but may loose U23:53
ParkerRIs there a way to have downloads in Firefox have the executable bit marked on download? I liked how it did it before but if I read correctly there was a change in Nautilis that made internet downloads non executable until you changed the bit.23:53
usr13linuxrealm: Keep your shirt on.  He's trying. Ok?23:53
kenneth__If I use 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 down && sudo ifconfig wlan0 up', 'up' produces a input/output error.23:54
kenneth__Is there any log I can look at that can give me a better idea what is going on with the card?23:54
stlrockernatty clock 2.32.1  shows weather/time on administrator accnt, but normal user no preferences to set up23:54
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
usr13nmaxchat: iwconfig  | pastebinit23:54
linuxrealmt....ing is correct23:54
Guest80095you have to do first23:54
Guest80095ifconfig wlan0 down23:54
usr13nmaxchat: You did not tell me it also had a wifi device.  So let's see what iwconfig says.23:55
usr13nmaxchat: iwconfig  | pastebinit23:55
Guest80095and then in an other line sudo ifconfig wlan0 down23:55
linuxrealmusr13: is that a real command?23:55
Guest80095or if you prefer23:55
comthre3Hey guys,, anyone with some experience with uShare on ubuntu? for some reason, i can see all the folders on my ps3, but the media files arent being shared. all the folders are empty, the dlna mode is on the ps3 and my other player see the folders and all, but no files. any help would be appreciated23:55
Guest80095sudo ifconfig wlan0 down && sudo ifconfig wlan0 up23:55
linuxrealmi didnt think so23:55
muay-guyhello there, anyone knows how to fix the skype problems on 64 bit versions of Ubuntu?23:55
jstooneSir_Gabriel: have you tried to just quickly pressing ctrl+alt+t and writing "sudo nautilus" ? this opens a file-manager with root permissions (:23:56
kenneth__Guest80095, I have a feeling I have a hardware issue based on the fact that I'm also having additional problems in Chrome OS with the wireless.23:56
escott muay-guy what problem23:56
kenneth__Guest80095, are you aware of a log I can possibly refer to that may give me some idea of what is going on?23:56
linuxrealmusr13: do not paste frivilous commands in this room23:56
usr13linuxrealm: Yes, it's a real command.23:56
nmaxchatusr13, http://pastebin.com/cE500Mek23:56
Guest80095try to write what i've written23:56
Guest80095and tell me what it appears23:56
muay-guyescott, it freezes silently and you need to kill the process to restart connection23:57
linuxrealmusr13: if real, i doubt he has that installed as default23:57
Minnenlost GRUB during 11.04 installation23:57
kenneth__Guest80095, I'll have to try it when my actual device disconnects again. All day, I haven't had the problem, but during the weekend it was on a constant, but random, basis.23:57
Minneni cant restore it from the live CD23:57
Guest80095do you have ubuntu 11.04?23:57
Minnenit's starting to drive me mad23:57
kenneth__Guest80095, it doesn't matter which wireless network I am connected to at the time, btw. In addition, Chrome OS was designed for this machine and it also has the same problems.23:58
ParkerRAnyone able to help with my question?23:58
nmaxchatusr13, http://pastebin.com/cE500Mek23:58
escott!grub | Minnen23:58
ubottuMinnen: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:58
usr13linuxrealm: Yes, it is installed by default.23:58
Sir_GabrielError No such file or directory23:58
Sir_GabrielPlease ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.23:58
escottMinnen, if you have questions about the grub restore method you are following let us know the details23:58
linuxrealmnot on my system, im on 10.1023:58
kenneth__Guest80095, I have 10.10. I don't want to upgrade to 11.04 yet. I've been using Ubuntu 10.10 with no problems since January. This problem has only recently started.23:58
Guest80095kenneth__ whar Ubuntu have you installed?23:58
jstoonelinuxrealm: i just tried and found out that "pastebinit" IS an actual program in the repos, but not installed by default.23:58
JoeCoolDeskHas anyone gotten poulsbo working for 1104?23:58
escottmuay-guy, don't know there23:58
linuxrealmjstoone: agreed23:58
Guest80095try to edit your connections23:59
usr13nmaxchat: Well, you are connected.  You can prove it by pinging something while unplugging the cable, it will stop pinging and when you plug it back in, it will start back up again.23:59
kenneth__Guest80095, My Chrome OS hasn't updated in some time, but the problem seems identical and I hadn't had that problem before.23:59
Minnenthanks escott, im going to read and try23:59
monealIs it possible to set the status in empathy via a command?23:59
Minneni let u know the results23:59
linuxrealmjstoone: looks like a python prog23:59
jstoonelinuxrealm: btw. noticed that you didn't even lauch at my VERY funny joke.? heh23:59
linuxrealmi sorta did23:59
muay-guyescott, and is there anything like a skype clone? other than the one they provide?23:59
Guest80095try to upgrade Chrome OS with the terminal23:59
kenneth__Guest80095, my 3G on Chrome OS works fine when the Wifi dies. I don't have the 3G set up in Ubuntu.23:59
nmaxchatusr13, it asked for an IP address23:59
stlrocker11.04 question on clock in gnome classic on second user acct differing from "custom" accnt23:59

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