
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
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faganmorning everyone and happy UDS07:54
jamaltaI'm sure everyone's busy with UDS and such... so I probably should use the mailing list, but I think I broke notes on my U1 :(08:02
jamaltaWhile playing with the API I did a put request, and now I get a 500 whenever I go to /notes.08:02
jamaltaI guess I'll do testing on a local Snowy instance instead >.>08:09
faganjamalta: I dont think any of the people who could answer you are around08:10
faganand im not really good with the API yet08:11
jamaltafagan: Yeah, I figured not :(08:11
jamaltaI'll just post an email to the mailing list and wait for a response..08:12
jamaltafagan: Thanks!08:12
faganjamalta: cool good luck08:12
jamaltafagan: ty!08:12
karnipopey: thanks for the keynote upload!10:21
popeynp :)10:22
fagankarni: you werent listening live for shame10:23
karnifagan: yeah, it's a shame. i got up at 9:40 :P10:27
fagankarni: I havent got food yet10:27
karnifagan: me either. it's 11:27 here. and you've listened (been?) to the key note! it said, "EAT!"10:28
karnifagan: vegetable. it's good for you ;D10:28
fagankarni: hah10:28
faganIve watched it on the stream10:28
karnifagan: you're not at Budapest?10:31
karnifagan: stream? so it was streamed?10:31
fagankarni: not in budapest10:31
faganand yeah there was a video stream10:32
faganid love to be there but im surplus to requirements :)10:32
* fagan switches to the desktop's IRC10:32
karnifagan: how can you be 'surplus to requirements'? is it a metaphor?10:36
fagankarni: it means that im not really needed there10:38
karnifagan: I see. I did try to understand that literally :)10:38
fagankarni: id be an added extra if I went, that im not exactly needed as much as lets say ralsina there :)10:38
karniah! I was thinking of personal requirements xD10:38
karnigot it10:39
* fagan makes food while he cant actually contribute to the sessions since icecast is acting up10:43
* fagan goes 1 step further and plays some heroes of newerth while he is waiting 10:54
fagan(it was either that or watch american idol10:55
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duanedesignmorning all11:49
fagandamn the server12:00
fagananyway it will probably be better after lunch12:25
faganor *should* be12:26
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karni3 days ago we had snow. today it's 28C in shadow heh.14:23
karniduanedesign: what u listening on?14:26
* karni prepares lunch14:27
karniomg huba! /me is in14:27
duanedesignkarni: the U1 API session'14:29
karniduanedesign: yeah! me too14:29
faganhere is a lot better15:02
karnimy tracepath doesn't look good either..15:03
karni15 hops and started 'no reply', interesting15:03
karniHmm. I should just grab this stream on my phone and go prep the lunch heh :)15:07
fagankarni: so maybe its something bigger15:07
fagankarni: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605237/15:08
fagantoo many hops means host unreachable15:08
karnifagan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605238/15:09
faganoh you didnt see it through15:09
fagankarni: ok im sure its something with the hotel's internet15:14
faganI just traced a few more .hu sites and I got there in like 18 hops but with no timeouts15:15
karnifagan: wouldn't it fail for me either? I'm listening to another stream, very clear and good quality sound.15:15
fagankarni: different directions15:15
faganyou are taking a different path through all the mess of connections15:15
* fagan knows a little bit about whats going on so has a good idea 15:16
faganthisfred: tell mandel that if he has any merges to email me (but I guess he wont)15:19
* fagan is giving up on remote participation 15:19
faganAnd will get to the next UDS in person if I have to build a plane and sleep in a lagoon15:20
faganalthough ill have to test my plane because obviously there is going to be crap loads of bugs in it15:24
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faganok IS say that the audio issue should be better now17:15
faganand the traceroute was a lot better too17:16
faganhey jamalta17:38
jamaltafagan: hey again! how's it going?17:39
faganjamalta: good good17:39
faganhaving an issue?17:39
jamaltafagan: same issues as last night :).. doubt i'll get any help this week, though.17:39
faganjamalta: :/17:39
jamaltahehe, it's no big deal.17:40
faganyeah what id say is come during the day when a session for the UDS about Ubuntu one is on17:40
jamaltai have all my notes backed up locally17:40
faganthey should be around and active then17:40
faganthere are only like 4 of us that didnt go17:41
fagandobey is the one you would want to talk to I think17:41
jamaltafagan: ah, okay :)17:44
jamaltaalso, does u1 use snowy for the backend for notes?17:44
jamaltajust curious.. i guess it doesn't really matter.17:44
faganjamalta: no17:44
jamaltaah ok17:45
faganwe have our own plugin17:45
jamaltacool :)17:45
faganjamalta: im sure they would know how to fix it in 5 mins what ever is going wrong I just dont know17:45
jamaltafagan: yeah, ... well i'm just waiting for the "Ugh... what an idiot."17:46
faganjamalta: ah no, no one on the team except mandel would think that :D17:46
faganjamalta: generally im the idiot around here being the intern17:47
faganso your good :)17:47
jamaltaWell, my request was mostly valid.. I just used a bogus last-change-revision when I did a PUT17:47
faganjamalta: interesting17:47
jamaltafagan: haha, so you're interning on U1? Very cool.17:47
jamaltahow are you liking it?17:47
faganjamalta: yeah17:48
faganits cool17:48
faganquiet these past 2 weeks with the UDS and post release lull17:48
faganbut its cool17:48
jamaltaah, that makes sense17:48
fagananyway just come back during the day and you should find someone17:49
jamaltafagan: during the day for what TZ? :P17:49
jamaltaIt's 9am for me...17:49
faganjamalta: em well everyone is on hungary time atm17:49
faganjamalta: so looks like not your timezone17:50
jamaltafagan: that's true. although everyone's going to be busy for UDS.. :)17:50
jamaltait's no problem waiting.. i just want my notes to work eventually, considering i'm writing a client so i can sync back to them :]17:50
faganjamalta: well not busy enough not to answer queries17:50
jamaltafagan: ah, ok :) well i'll keep coming around when i can and see if i can catch anyone17:51
fagansorry I couldnt be more help17:51
jamaltathank you so much for your time!17:51
jamaltafagan: oh it's np, don't worry about it :)17:51
faganjamalta: its cool17:51
fagantalk soon :)17:51
duanedesignjamalta: ping22:59
duanedesignjamalta: could you please try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/636492/comments/223:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 636492 in ubuntuone-servers "Can't Sync Tomboy with U1: 500 Error (probably malformed server data) (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [High,Incomplete]23:06
jamaltaduanedesign: haiii23:35
jamaltai'll try this in a bit23:39
jamaltai broke the account myself by sending it...23:39
jamaltauh, i don't have the log anymore23:39
jamaltawell, it was a request with an invalid last-change-revision23:39
duanedesignwell i hope that helps23:39
jamaltajust to clarify, is a PUT with something like {"last-change-revision": n, "note-changes":[...array of notes...]} work?23:40
jamaltai mean, is that the valid way to upload a note?23:40
jamaltaOH THIS IS AWESOME23:40
jamaltaduanedesign: Thank you!23:40
jamaltait had nothing to do with my last-change-rev... it was because i didn't set a last-change-date :)23:41
jamalta[5/10] "Test Up":  ERROR:23:41
jamalta728f38e4-8312-435b-bac0-91e92a6c6f12: last-change-date is not set23:41
* jamalta should've probably used paste.ubuntu.com instead >.>23:41
jamaltathanks, this script is very handy23:41
jamaltaduanedesign: ty so much :) that script was very handy23:42
jamaltai guess i'll have to get my app to start updating the change date now...23:43
* jamalta hates dealing with dates23:43
duanedesignahh cool23:44
duanedesignjamalta: what app are you making?23:45
jamaltaduanedesign: working on an android app to take notes and i want it to sync with u123:45
duanedesignsounds cool23:45
jamaltaall the note apps for android i've used are generally really bad...23:45
duanedesignjamalta: if you want list your app here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/ThirdPartyProjects23:46
jamaltaduanedesign: oh sweet! will do once it's a bit more developed.23:46
jamaltaas you can see from my example, it'll break your u1 right now :)23:47
duanedesignwell good luck, i look foreard to seeing what you make23:47

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