
holsteinScottL: did you see that email?03:30
holsteinjust came in on the list03:30
holsteinsocial-media consultant03:30
ScottLi haven't yet holstein 04:23
ScottLbut i will now04:23
ScottLthat's interesting, it certainly seems it would be worth following up04:26
ailoScottL, holstein: We talked about the meeting time yesterday - me and astraljava, and we think it wold be ok for us if you pushed the meeting to 17.00 UTC. That should make it easier for everyone to attend, right?07:00
holsteinailo: yeah14:00
holsteini think thats 1pm for me14:00
holsteininstead of 10am14:00
holsteinthere was a reason why we had it that early14:00
holsteinand i can remember why right now14:01
holsteini say lets go for it14:01
holsteinthe team is all over14:01
holsteinso, if we need to move it around a bit at first14:01
holsteinor, have a couple different meetings14:01
holsteinwe'll sort it out14:01
ailoThe problem with the last meeting time was that it was to late for us 01.00 am. But this time, I don't think the meeting time has been too late for anyone. Though now, it seems to be too early for some14:02
ailoAt 17.00 UTC, unless we have members east of Finland, everyone should be able to attend14:03
holsteini think it was autostatic14:04
holsteinthat happened to be here14:04
holsteinwhen i was picking a time14:04
ailoHe's in Holland, right? It's about the same time as myself14:04
holsteini forget14:05
holsteinbut, we cant please everyone14:05
ailoDo we have members in Asia or Australia?14:05
holsteinlets try 17:0014:05
holsteinailo: we might get some aussies at some point14:05
holsteinbut i dont think we do right now14:06
ailoIf we do get aussies, then one time will not work for everyone.14:07
ailoThey are about 08.00 +14:07
holsteinlets hope that having too many team members is a problem we need to address :)14:10

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