
=== emma is now known as em
skoubrihello, i need help with installing xubuntu on a laptop. could anybody help?00:38
bin_bashskoubri: be more specific00:54
skoubribin_bash, it fails installing the base system.00:55
bin_bashskoubri: are you upgrading? clean-installing? what errors are you getting?00:55
skoubriits a clean installation, dual boot. with win xp pre-installed. lemme check and give u the errors exactly.00:56
skoubri1. failure trying to run: chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc00:57
skoubri2. debootstrap program exited with an error00:57
skoubri3. the base installation into /target/ failed.00:58
skoubrithats the three screens i get00:58
skoubri4th screen is telling me that installation step failed00:58
skoubriand then it gets me back to the installer main menu01:00
xubuntu098I am doing the Xubuntu install and its really slow.  What do I do o wise gurus of everything buntu?01:00
bin_bashskoubri: did you partition your drive?01:01
skoubrii used the guided partition 20% of my hdd01:01
bin_bashwhen you run the installer, does it recognize that xp is installed?01:02
skoubriim not sure. how do i check?01:03
skoubrii remember something about a pre-existing os tho when i did the partitioning. im just not sure if i saw xp on the screen tho.01:05
xaemonichey guys adobe air wouldent install dofus because gtk warning couldent find module in ubuntu looks or some bs01:12
xaemoniccan someone help me?01:12
Soupermanitoadobe air is a linux app?01:13
xaemonicguess so lolz01:14
xaemonici have it installed atm01:14
xaemonic hey guys adobeair wouldent install dofus because gtk-warning **: unable to locate theme engine in module_path : "ubuntulooks"01:15
xaemonicthats the error01:15
Soupermanitosorry can't help01:19
Soupermanitotry to: >sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks01:21
Soupermanitoafter doing an >sudo apt-get update01:22
Soupermanitoalways update01:22
Towzzeranyone know how to change the popup delay on the panel01:24
bluenailGreetings, can anyone direct me to a good resource on setting up a mulit-headed display for an extended desktop in Xubuntu 11.04?01:29
bluenail(Or tell me the stupid-easy way if I'm overlooking something obvious)01:31
xaemonicGtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks" do i need to download the old theme engine???? someone plz help!!!02:36
Soupermanitotry to: >sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks02:43
xaemonicthat dont work02:43
xaemonicdosent exist02:43
Soupermanitooh, well amh search for ubuntulooks on synaptic02:44
xaemonicgtk2-engines-ubuntulooks is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:44
xaemonicThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:44
xaemonicis only available from another source02:44
xaemonicHowever, the following packages replace it:02:44
xaemonic  human-theme02:44
xaemonicit cant be found on synaptic02:44
xaemonicits gone.02:44
xaemonicwas replaced by some thing called human theme02:44
xaemonichow do i downgrade to the old version?02:45
bin_bashyou do a clean install of the old version02:49
Towzzerwhen in doubt a format fixes all02:49
Towzzerbe careful of hard core linux guys who never restart  or upgrade02:50
TowzzerIt takes 10 mins to install xubuntu02:50
jon5000help.  I am using xubuntu, just uninstalled compiz and now havve no window manager.  worse, the window decorations dont include any buttons and I cant move them around.  can anyone help?03:04
socratesxdThis is a good distro03:15
socratesxdand xfce is so light...03:15
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
TowzzerI agree04:21
Towzzerever since gnome turned into vista04:21
Towzzerand ubuntu turned into ipad04:21
bin_bashIf my computer is continually freezing, where do i check04:27
Soupermanitoyou are doing something when it freezes?04:29
bin_bashi think it's skype04:29
bin_bashthat's doing it04:29
Soupermanitomoving files for example?04:29
bin_bashjust using skype04:29
Soupermanitoor playing video?04:29
bin_bashi was just selecting some text04:29
bin_bashand the whole thign froze04:30
Soupermanitocalm down bro, skype uses video for video calls04:30
bin_bashjust selecting text04:30
Soupermanitorun skype from a terminal and see if it dumps some error logs04:33
Soupermanitodid it freezed? do the selecting stuff04:34
bin_bashno it's fine since rebooting04:34
KM0201you still having issues w/ skype?04:35
bin_bashKM0201: bro04:35
bin_bashthis morning04:35
bin_bashi was using skype04:35
bin_bashand the screen turned black04:35
bin_bashand there was just a curson04:35
bin_bashand i had to hardboot04:35
bin_bashand then when i rebooted it froze right away04:36
bin_bashabd then i couldnt log in04:36
KM0201dang macs.04:36
bin_bashand then04:36
bin_bashi had to delete a few xfiles04:36
bin_bashand then just now04:37
bin_bashi was selectign text in skype04:37
bin_bashand it froze04:37
KM0201that is weird04:38
KM0201iknortie?  is that supposed to be i know?04:42
bin_bashiknorite == I know, isn't that correct?04:47
* KM0201 doesn't know l33t sp34k04:49
ballThere, that's got Xubuntu installed.05:01
Towzzerit's a nice system05:08
Towzzervery fast05:08
Towzzerhow an os should be05:08
ballIt may be my favorite of the Linux systems I've tried so far.05:09
Soupermanito:D awesome05:10
Soupermanitowelcome to the team05:10
KM0201bin_bash: maybe you should file a bug on that... (although not sure how much good it would do)05:12
ballI'm using 10.10.  11.4 didn't like my hardware05:12
bin_bashi want to check my logs05:12
Towzzerlinux hates hardware05:12
KM0201bin_bash: unfortunately i don't know how to do that.05:12
KM0201my guess would be, if the screen would black, the xorg.log would be pretty revealing05:12
KM0201bin_bash: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-gnome-system-log-viewer/05:13
bin_bashoh yeahhhh i forogt05:13
KM0201bin_bash: gnome and xfce are pretty closely related, i'm guessing it'll still work w/ xfce.. or did you try it?05:13
bin_bashno i just forgot where the logs are stored05:14
Towzzerxfce is now what gnome used to be05:24
Towzzerand soon xfce will be bloated and we'll have to find another desktop05:25
Towzzerit's the circle of os's05:25
Soupermanito>implying xfce is an OS05:26
ballTowzzer: Except neither Gnome nor Xfce is an OS ;-)05:26
TowzzerI know but I couldn't think of a single word05:26
Towzzeryou get my point :D05:27
Towzzerplease don't attack me05:27
Soupermanitonot attacking you, just pointing and laughing05:27
ballI may be back in a bit, if this coffee works.05:30
Towzzersometimes coffe puts me to sleep05:44
ballLife puts me to sleep.05:50
xaemonicinstall slackware thattel keep u awake05:51
xaemonicgood times installing everything module by module lolz05:51
ball/dev/sda1              3852224   2466816   1189724  68% /05:51
ballI should really buy a hard disk for this... or perhaps a laptop.05:55
kr0niWhat's the pastebin at paste.ubuntu.com for/do?06:28
psycho_oreospasting large amounts of lines for helpers or others to view without pasting large lines on here thus flooding the channel06:35
psycho_oreose.g. outputs from dmesg, lspci, lshal, lshw, etc, etc, etc06:35
kr0nithat makes sense, thanks06:35
psycho_oreosusually 3 lines or more being pasted into channel within a short manner of time is considered as flooding and somewhat being frowned upon in a IRC support channel06:37
kuatoARHello, i have a problem, I've updated xubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 , I've added 2 action buttons to the upper panel, Turn Off and Rebbot, but when i click on them they only send me to the change session screen, any help on that ?06:42
Towzzerxubuntu rocks06:48
ali1234how can i turn off icons in application menus but keep icons on the start menu?06:51
bin_bashSkype did it again07:07
bin_bashturned the screen black07:07
bin_bashfroze everything07:08
ballThat reminds me, I should probably install Skype07:08
bin_bashi think i need to purge it07:08
ballbrb, rebooting07:09
TowzzerI sorta like skype07:14
Towzzersometimes it fails07:14
Towzzercalls don't connect it's weir07:14
bin_bashwell it would be great if it wasnt FUBAR07:15
TowzzerI like landlines07:20
Towzzereven cell phones are annoying to talk on07:21
Towzzerso small07:21
bin_bashso i purged skype07:21
bin_bashand when i reinstalled it07:21
bin_bashmy stuff was still therwe07:21
Towzzerpurge isn't even full-proof07:21
Towzzerthey need to make a super purge07:21
bin_bashsudo apt-get UBERPURGE07:23
ballXubuntu 10.10 (amd64) doesn't seem to give me a suspend or hibernate option.07:23
kuatoARball i have a similar problem07:24
kuatoARwith xubuntu 11.0407:25
ballamd64 or i386>07:25
kuatoARmy Turn Off and reboot actions buttons just sends me to the session change screen07:25
kuatoARthen i need to click on the Turn Off button again07:26
Towzzerthat happens to me07:29
Towzzerdid you sudo to root?07:29
TowzzerI think you issue a reboot if other users are logged in07:30
Towzzerbut that button doesn't show you the notice07:30
Towzzerjust logs you off07:30
ali1234anyone ever used xfce in virtualbox with two virtual monitors?07:33
ballGoodnight evenryone07:33
bin_bashhey guys07:34
bin_bashhow do you rm a directory07:34
bin_bashis there a way to get rid of the update checker in the top panel without getting rid of the other notificiations?07:44
bin_bashHAHA GOT IT07:49
bin_bashwhat does a kernel panic look like08:08
Shimi_ChenI have removed the "Window Buttons" from the top panel and now the date and notification stuff are stuck on the left. dragging them to the right only makes them rightmost among the left side. How can I get them back to the right?08:50
SysiShimi_Chen: add separator, set it to ne invisible and expanding08:53
bin_bashokay so when doing a video call i get a kernel panic09:01
iridiumhi, I have a small problem, after the latest pidgin update from ubuntu, it works fine, but the notification icon on the task bar changed, and it doesn't update like before, showing the status or if somenoe answered, anyone knows anything about this?10:09
k_szeAnybody getting frequent update manager problems?13:40
knomek_sze, problems as in?13:45
knomek_sze, with what version of xubuntu?13:45
k_szeI suddenly start to get this error (again - this is my second clean reinstall of xubuntu): 'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'13:46
k_szeHmm, upon opening the file in question, I think it has to do with my stupid ISP's DNS.13:48
k_sze(my ISP hijacks failed DNS lookups)13:49
k_szeSo do I just delete the /var/lib/apt/lists/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages file?13:49
knomek_sze, try running 'sudo apt-get update' in terminal and see what that gives?13:50
k_szesame error.13:52
k_szeeven though I can manually execute 'host extras.ubuntu.com' and get 'extras.ubuntu.com has address' as response!13:53
knomek_sze, have you googled? (i haven't seen that error yet)13:53
k_szeya, I think removing the bad files and then 'sudo apt-get update' again fixes it.13:58
k_szemy isp is getting on my nerves14:00
k_szereally unreliable name server14:00
Thermik_sze use another name server?14:00
k_szeya, I'm trying to configure my router to use google's14:00
k_szehopefully google's name servers don't hijack failed lookups.14:01
k_szerouter doesn't seem to allow me to14:02
k_szeI'll just configure my machines one by one then.14:02
k_szehow do I do that in Xubuntu Natty again? Which file do I edit? I keep forgetting. XD14:05
k_szeresolv.conf, right?14:06
k_szeIs there a dns cache even if I don't have ncsd installed?14:10
k_szeI mean nscd14:15
k_szeyay, no more error.14:16
dusfhello, I am having a lot of problems with my desktop, window manager and the system reporting multiple drivers are in use and/or active but not in use15:39
dusfplease see the screenshot on my post of a few minutes ago http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10791486#post1079148615:40
SysiOmilla aivoil15:47
Sysixfce-terminals fault, pasting in same button that opening links15:48
dusfSysi: i followed your instructions yesterday on removing nautilus but things seem even worse now...15:49
drcdusf: I'm confused...Let's see if I have the chronology straight.16:02
drc1) You installed Ubuntu (and/or) upgraded to 11.04; 2) Decided to try/use Xubuntu.16:04
drcdusf: How did you install Xubuntu...just install Xubuntu-desktop?16:04
drcOver the ubuntu install?16:04
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
drcoh no...more problems ;)16:20
bin_bashI've found that videochatting on skype is causing a kernel panic when both of us are using our cams16:21
drcMoring bin_bash16:21
vabigoonhi guys, is that possible to change the default number of lines to scroll by mouse wheel?16:27
bin_bashMy problem is that videochatting on skype is causing a kernel panic16:32
dusfdrc: latest ubuntu install was 10.10 a few weeks ago, used online upgrade to 11.04 and then not liking the new interface installed xubuntu16:44
dusfdrc: because of all the problems i have now formatted my / partition and put fresh Xubuntu 11.04 from a cd there, but keeping my same /home partition16:45
dusfby my reasoning that should me the problem isn't something in my home partition affecting / ?16:45
Unit193bin_bash: (I came in late) Did you check any logs in /var/log/ ?17:04
dusfhello, I am having a lot of problems with my desktop, window manager and the system reporting multiple drivers are in use and/or active but not in use17:06
dusfplease see the screenshot on my post of a few minutes ago http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10791486#post1079148617:06
=== bin_bash_ is now known as bin_bash
XornotXubuntu is not using my nVidia non-free driver, even though it is installed and working. Any ideas on getting it working under Xubuntu?18:02
SysiXornot: if it works, don't care what app for activating it says18:03
XornotIt works, but no acceleration.18:04
XornotIt's not using the non-free driver for some reason. Ubuntu does, but Xubuntu isn't. No idea why.18:04
SoupermanitoXornot, uninstall it, reboot, reinstall it, reboot18:18
XornotI love how rebooting is not a chore - like in windows. LOL LOL18:19
Soupermanitofor video drivers related problems its something you have to bare18:19
Xornotsounds like a plan. ty18:20
dusfXornot: i have a similar problem18:39
dusfXornot: how do you know it's using it, and what output does lspci -k give?18:39
Xornotoh yah?18:39
dusfXornot: yes, additional drivers tells me the driver 'nvidia (current)' is active but not in use18:39
drcdusf: Have you checked /var/log/Xorg.0.conf  to see exactly which driver you are using?  The "not in use" text appears to be a bug in jockey-gtk.18:41
dusfdrc: i did, a few days ago18:42
drcdusf: Did you ever solve your "hybrid" problem?18:43
cgtdkIf my desktop with Xubuntu 11.04 is left idle for some time, it will slow to a crawl or completely freeze. Anyone have similiar problems?18:43
dusfdrc: no, no resolution even post install18:43
dusfdrc: i replied to you but you had left, standby18:43
drcdusf: I waited for a while, but did have to be afk18:44
dusfdrc: np at all18:45
dusfdrc: http://pastebin.com/57jHbhBm18:45
dusfdrc: it's got to be something in my /home partition since / is a fresh install, right?18:45
dusfthe hybrid and driver problem?18:46
drcdusf: I think they're two different problems.18:47
dusfdrc: yes but both of which could be caused by something/settings in /home partition?18:48
drcdusf: When I re-install (or install another distro) with a separate /home, I <always> clear out the ~ of <all> hiden/dot files and folders (this leaves things like Documents/Music/Videos, etc intact but deletes all user config files).before re-installing.18:50
dusfi've already migrated all my media to my new 'DUMP' partition18:51
drcIt's a bit of a PITA sometimes, but I never get any problems with user config files that way (nautilus vs thunar)18:51
dusfso i hope to do a xubunut install with a new formatted /home partition tomorrow18:52
dusfin fact since all my media is now on the DUMP partition i'm just going to combine / and /home on one 15gb part18:52
dusfdrc: so is thunar the default file manager, and do you see how it looks different for me?18:53
drcdusf: thunar is the default FM on a vanilla xfce/xubuntu  install.18:54
dusfdrc: do you think the fresh install with a formatted /home will fix everything?18:56
drcdusf: You have you data backed up to another partition )but <not> the DOT files and folders ?18:58
drcIf that's the case, yes I think your problems should be solved by a >clean> install...format the / and /home partitions, install and update.  Then let's check the nvidia driver problem...<then> move the data back from the DUMP partition18:59
SoupermanitoXornot, did rebooting fix the problem?19:01
drcdusf: Do NOT install the Additional Drivers until <after> you have finished with all the updates....just in case :)19:03
dusfdrc: see the plan is to keep all media on the dump partition19:07
dusfthat way i can have a fixed size ubuntu, win xp, windows 7, and later mac os partitions19:07
dusfhave symlinks set up for windows 7 so my documents and program files already redirects to DUMP, much easier to do with xubunty19:07
drcplanning to be busy, aren't you ;)19:08
dusf'dual boot, what is this dual boot of which you speak? i quad boot' ;)19:08
drc4 times the boots, 16 time the problems....19:09
XornotSoupermanito, I'm working on some other stuff right now. I'll do the reinstallation/boot/reboot etc later today. ty for the help!19:13
Soupermanito:) you're welcome, hope it works XD19:13
dusfdrc: yeah, but chicks dig it19:16
dolDoes somebody have the same issue with  xfce4-notifyd and displaying HTML tag from Banshee 2.0 on Natty?19:20
Sysidol: yup19:34
Sysii solved it by taking off banshee notifications19:35
dusfi curse mac os for not only refusing to make an linux native itunes version, but by trying to make it even more difficult for those who happen to get it running19:38
dusfs/mac os/apple19:38
dolSysi, Where can I find this option?19:39
Sysiright click on icon on notification area19:40
dolSysi, Easy as that. Thx19:42
TowzzerCan you decrease the popup delay of the panels20:26
drc  /clear21:07
AleksanderHello :) I have a problem with Xubuntu 11.04 - Banshee music player doesn't have a tray icon, and I don't know how can I force it to have.21:09
Sysiyou need to have notification area in your panel and banshee trayicon plugin enabled21:10
drcAleksander: Define "tray icon" a bit more precise.21:10
drcor what Sysi said21:10
Aleksanderjust a moment, I was sure I had that one...21:10
Aleksanderok. it got unchecked during re-installation. my fault21:11
bin_bashLOL THAT WAS FUN!21:11
Aleksanderand next question: how can I make xfce4-mixer change volume when I roll a mousewheel over it? now it does change the icon, but the audio itself is unaffected21:12
drcbin_bash: It's well known you a seriously flawed sense of fun...what this time?21:12
dusfdrc: wish me luck21:12
bin_bashWell randomly, out of nowhere, the system froze and the song that was playing got caught in an infinite loop of the part that was playing when the freeze happened21:12
bin_bashI let it sit for 6 minutes, hoping it would unfreeze21:13
bin_bashthen i couldn't take it anymore21:13
bin_bashand hard booted21:13
bin_bashran dpkg21:13
bin_bashand fsck from recovery21:13
axtI'm having a lot of trouble installing natty on my eeepc seashell, esp with wireless, but also the trackpad is working point to point, like a graphics tablet. Anyone can help?21:13
drcbin_bash: And now you have Win95 running?21:13
bin_bashAHAHAHAHA no.21:13
bin_bashStill using natty.21:13
bin_bashBut thinking of doing a clean install.21:14
bin_bashEver since I updated two days ago, I've been having weird problems.21:14
debussyhello... I am having an issue with the notification area. I use tint2 as a replacement for xfce-panel, but neither sound nor nm-applet show up in tint2. Guess this is because now indicators are used for them?! How can I solve this?21:14
drcbin_bash: IMO, unless you are specifically trying to learn something (like <why> something happened or <what> you di to make it happen, then I'm a great fan of re-installs...usually quicker and cleaner.21:15
bin_bashWell, I'd really like to AVOID reinstalling21:15
bin_bashBut I'm looking at the logs21:15
bin_bashand honestly21:15
Sysidebussy: both should work on basic systray too21:15
bin_bashI don't know what I'm looking for21:15
SysiAleksander: set it to have right channel21:16
debussySysi, thx... then it seems that the problem is somewhere else :(21:16
AleksanderSysi, already done that and I can set the volume inside xfce4-mixer, but the icon doesn't change anything except of its look21:16
SysiAleksander: right click on icon and change chanel it's using, pulseaudio master propably21:17
AleksanderSysi, ow, so the icon's a different app?21:17
Aleksanderand see you :)21:18
bin_bashdrc: Which logs should I look at, and wtf am I looking FOR21:19
Sysibin_bash: cat /var/log/syslog | grep -i warning (or error) && dmesg with same grep21:21
Sysigrep filters output, with | output is piped to it21:21
bin_bashi'm familiar with grep, i just dont know wat i'm looking for21:22
Sysisomething with caps :P21:24
bin_bash[   40.084240] [drm:intel_dsm_pci_probe] *ERROR* failed to get supported _DSM functions21:24
bin_bashthat shows up a couple times21:24
Sysithat *could* explain videocam problems and other issues.. but i'm not really sure how to fix21:26
Sysiyou could try reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel21:26
Sysior it's acpi issue and i have no idea21:27
axtI'm having a lot of trouble installing natty on my eeepc seashell, esp with wireless, but also the trackpad is working point to point, like a graphics tablet. Anyone can help?21:27
bin_bashlol oh god21:28
bin_bashnow it says it can't find alsamixer21:28
Sysiaxt: post output of 'lspci' to paste.ubuntu.com21:29
Sysi(and give url here)21:30
Sysibin_bash: do you have multiple kernels? you could try booting to other one21:30
axtSysi: and what will that do? I'm not doing very well with xubuntu yet21:30
Sysiaxt: lists your hardware21:30
drcaxt: What's the model number?21:31
bin_bashI can't open synaptic package manager21:31
bin_bashoh this is interesting21:31
* drc looks to find his LiveUSB to hand to bin_bash ;)21:32
bin_bash>failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root21:32
bin_bashUnable to copy the user's Xauthorization file21:32
Sysibin_bash: what hardware you got?21:32
bin_bashMacbookPro 13" 8,121:32
bin_bashthis is a brand new issue21:32
axtI'm not using that computer, wireless is totally shot, manager doesn't even show up. model is 1015px21:32
Sysibin_bash: newest? i'm gonna get 13" too21:33
Sysiaxt: you need to be on computer to fix it :P21:33
Sysibin_bash: not for linux use actually..21:34
bin_bashthen do it21:34
bin_bashit's a nice computer21:34
bin_bashif you're not using linux21:34
Sysithinkpad X220 could be an option but then i would propably be stuck with windows for some months..21:34
bin_bashthis is so weird21:35
bin_bashi can run alsamixer without sudo21:35
bin_bashsound doesn't work out of the speakers21:35
Sysibin_bash: what works/doesn't work on linux on that MBP?21:37
bin_bashnothing works21:37
bin_bashIT'S HORRIBLE21:37
bin_bashthe graphics work21:38
bin_bashand the sound was working21:38
Sysi(less enter, could you)21:38
bin_basheveyrhting was working21:38
Sysimultitouch, some networking?21:38
bin_bashsorry. everything was working until I updated the other day. Now nothing works.21:38
bin_bashSOME networking. No wireless.21:38
axtI mean that I'm not on the internet on that one. Ethernet cable is so far away....21:38
Sysiaxt: do you have updates installed on it?21:38
Sysi..in the other hand there haven't been any kernel updates21:39
axtI literally just installed natty and network manager isn't showing, so I'm trying to fix the trackpad and similar first21:40
bin_bash_Okay. THAT'S interesting.21:42
bin_bashAs I was saying.21:43
bin_bashThat's VERY interesting.21:43
bin_bashDon't you guise want to know what's so interesting?21:44
axtyes, yes, we do21:44
axt(that doesn't mean I, at least, will understand what's interesting you)21:45
bin_bashWhen you do startxfce4 from the console after booting into recovery mode and running dpkg and fsck you don't have access to everything, and it acts as if it's still in recovery mode.21:45
bin_bashWhich explains why I couldn't use reboot or shut down or hear sound21:46
Sysiconsolekit fail i think21:48
axtwhat is different about recovery mode?21:48
bin_bashSysi: yep21:48
bin_bashBut it explains why I had to sudo everything, and why things appeared to be working, but weren't actually.21:48
bin_bashtbh, I'm a little scared to try skype again though21:49
bin_bashI reckon I'm going to have to get my boyfriend to get Ekiga21:49
bin_bashi wonder about running skype through wine lol21:56
axtis wine generally the best way to run windows programs? Does it work well with photoshop?21:58
Sysidepends on photoshop version, check winehq.org or just google21:59
Sysiwine is about only way, exept virtualbox21:59
axtis there a reason to choose one over the other?22:01
Sysiwell, they're totally different things22:01
Sysiin virtualbox you run actual windows22:02
Sysieverything works, but performance isn't great22:02
axtso not good for a notebook22:03
telitiHello. Could anyone tell me if the scheme programming gui (former drscheme) racket is available for xubuntu to install?22:04
Sysi!find racket22:06
ubottuFile racket found in acl2-books, acl2-books-certs, acl2-books-source, arduino, asterisk-sounds-extra, bist, bkchem, cadabra, calibre, cameleon-doc (and 66 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=racket&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any22:06
Sysidrscheme website forwards to racket website, that offers version for xubuntu 9.0422:07
Sysiit's shell script, i'll see what it contains22:08
TelekhanHi all, is it possible to use Nautilus to control the desktop in xfce 4.8?22:11
bin_bashWhy do you want to use Nautilus?22:11
Telekhanprimarily as i'm missing the ability to resize icons independently on the desktop22:12
Telekhanthough i'd be happy to ditch it if i'm able to do something similar otherwise22:12
Sysiit doesn't take over xfdesktop by just running it?22:13
Telekhanit doesn't appear to22:13
* drc no longer finds it starnge when some one want to get rid of nautilus in xfce and an hour later someone want to add it....22:13
Telekhanthe desktop flashes, but the things in the desktop directory don't show22:13
telitiSysi: thank you :-)22:13
Sysiteliti: you ran the install script?22:14
telitiyes, it works. But it seems that there are some help-files missing22:15
SysiTelekhan: 'killall xfdesktop' ?22:17
Telekhanthat did it22:17
Telekhanthanks Sysi, much appreciated22:18
Sysisave session on logout, if it fails on next login, 'rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions' and then try saving session22:18
pectoralHI all ... I just ran updates on xubuntu 11.04 x64 and now X won't start22:20
pectoralPlymouth is failing it appears... no splash at all22:20
pectoralAnyone see similar problems?22:20
pectoralFRESH install too ... installed ... ran default updates and boom ... dead22:21
Sysipectoral: what graphics card do you have?22:24
bin_bashI almost want to do a clean install22:37
bin_bashbut dont wanna update22:38
bin_bashbut have to cuz my liveCD/USB is beta222:38
jannickhello... i managed to mess up my xubuntu natty installation :(. How can I restore the default settings? I just needs the basic XFCE stuff, that a clean install of xubuntu ships with22:45
pectoraldid u just run updates and now nothing works?22:46
pectoralcause thats what just happened to me :(22:47
jannickno... i accidently killed the .config folder when rsynced my backup back to this machine oO22:48
pectoraloh.  Ouch22:48
pectoralYea I don't think theres backups of that unfortunately22:48
pectoralunless you made oen22:48
pectoralyou can try renaming it22:48
pectoraland tehn restarting xfce4-session or whatever22:48
pectoral... or just service gdm restart if yu wanna be quick about it22:49
bin_bashpectoral: when you try to login to X hat problem are you having?22:49
bin_bashDoes the login screen load?22:49
pectoralI get plymouth failed error in orange... it stops at runlevel 222:50
pectoralnever gets to 522:50
pectoralstartx says no displays foudn ... :(22:50
pectoralbut nvidia module loads and stuff22:51
bin_bashtry startxfce422:51
jannickpectoral, I managed to get XFCE running again, but all the basic stuff is missing, like the xubuntu theme, autostart etc. I just want the basic config files back that are set up when you first login, this stuff must be somewhere on the system?22:51
pectoralhonestly this is the second screwup with 11.04 so im going back to what i know in 10.1022:51
pectoralerr 10.0422:51
pectoralI'm burnt out on messing with jacked installs today22:52
bin_bashpectoral: did you try to update from 10.04 or do a clean install?22:52
pectoralfresh install.22:52
pectoralmy xorg.conf had jumbled bus IDs for ym display adapter tho22:52
pectorali think thats the problem22:53
pectoral(after running nvidia-xconfig)22:53
pectoralX -configure ... or Xorg -configure ... whichever... failed22:53
pectoralfor the same thing as well.22:53
pectoralsomethign was goofy there so im jsut clean installing 10.04 and seeing what happens.  Im starting to hate my life22:54
Liv-is it better to update or do a clean install?22:56
bin_bashclean install always22:57
* drc wants Xubuntu to turn to a rolling release :(22:59
Liv-I thought so22:59
bin_bashI'm going to try to install xubuntu on my toaster and then my vaccuum23:09
drcbin_bash: Wrong...vacuum first...then the toaster...it takes advantage of the laws of thermodynamics.23:10
bin_bashoooh ok23:10
bin_bashDo you think I'll have enough RAM?23:11
drcDunno...I heard that toasters dont use much RAM...but to create a decent vacuum requires at least 2TB of RAM.23:12
bin_bashhmmmmm okay23:12
drcYeah, vacuum RAM sucks.23:13
Towzzeris there a touchpad management tool23:41
Towzzerturn off touchpad when external device plugged in23:41
TowzzerI see the kde one but it's gigantic23:41
Towzzerand there is gpointing-setting or somethin23:41
Towzzerbut that doesn't work23:42
kavurti can't see my video on google talk. i see a black rectangle instead. any idea?23:53

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