
keffie_jayxvalorie: thanks for your great talk on UOW02:05
keffie_jayxjust gave a talk on ubuntu open week in spanish based on your talk, it rocked people making the jump to Klight Kspeed02:06
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
DarkwingDuckEavning Quintasan 07:11
QuintasanDarkwingDuck: well, it's past 8 o' clock here :D07:11
DarkwingDuckIt's 11:11p here.07:12
QuintasanHah, with the help of my roommate I managed to get up at 7 o' clock at eat a decent breakfast07:13
DarkwingDuckI remember those days at UDS-N07:13
DarkwingDuckAlthough, my Roomie was jussi so yeah, other then fighting about football we did good. (GO MAN U!)07:13
QuintasanYesterday I almost overslept thanks to that damn chinese battery in my phone07:13
QuintasanIt suddenly ran out of juice and didn't ring07:14
QuintasanHmm, session begin in like 45 minutes07:16
QuintasanTOOO lazy07:17
DarkwingDuckI'm ready for another all nighter. :D07:17
QuintasanI was like "I WANT TO SLEEP MOAR"07:17
Quintasandpm: ping07:17
dpmQuintasan, pong, but running to breakfast in a minute :)07:19
Quintasandpm: cool07:19
Quintasandpm: so, you're at UDS? let me know if you have a minute to spare07:19
DarkwingDuckHey Riddell 07:19
QuintasanRiddell: \o07:20
c2tarunis there any IRC channel for UDS?07:29
Quintasanc2tarun: Every session room at UDS has it's own channel07:29
Quintasanc2tarun: and general channel is #ubuntu-uds07:29
valoriec2tarun: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/status.xsl for streaming07:40
valoriehopefully it will work now07:40
DarkwingDuckI'm not holding my breath07:40
valorieI listened to a couple of the tracks which did record07:42
valoriebut I also listened to an hour of silence07:42
* valorie is glad you aren't holding your breathe07:42
valorieor you might become DarkBlueDuck07:42
DarkwingDuckI revamped my blog with a new URL and everything. :D07:43
DarkwingDuckNow, I just need to start adding content.07:43
DarkwingDuckAnd I'll be golden.07:43
valorieso does darkwingduck.org point to that?07:44
dpmQuintasan, just ping me with your question any time, or if you are around, just grab me when you see me :)07:45
valoriegood move07:45
DarkwingDuckI'm keeping darkwingduck.org around for a while07:45
Quintasandpm: well, it's a little bit complicated + i don't want it to go public for now :P07:46
DarkwingDuckYES! Nothing like attending UDS with Monty Pythons the meaning of life in the background07:46
QuintasanAlways look on the bright side of life~!07:47
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shadeslayermorning everyone ;)08:54
shadeslayersession in #ubuntu-uds-jokai right?08:58
valorieand the subject is right08:59
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yofeltazz: if you're there and can listen we're having an extended kubuntu packaging session in  #ubuntu-uds-jokai (and the icecast stream)09:12
yofelthough they're talking about finnish candy right now :P09:12
tazzyofel: thats great!09:12
tazzyofel: anyway i can download that?09:13
yofeltazz: see the icecast stream in the channel topic09:14
debfxthe candy? :P09:14
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udsloggerScottK: ping09:39
udsloggerScottK: we need another packaging session09:40
udsloggerbarely get through patch review09:40
ScottKWhat for?09:40
ScottKPlease make a spec and point me at it.09:40
udsloggerScottK: we could use the council session maybe09:40
udsloggeror lets make a spec ... more time = good ^^09:41
udsloggerScottK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-packaging-three09:48
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valoriey'all didn't get through because you talked about candy for half the session10:15
JontheEchidnafinnish candy!10:16
ScottKudslogger: Accepted.10:17
valorieI got none, so I can complain10:17
valorietoo tired to stay up for any more sessions, although there are some interesting ones ahead10:53
valorieniters all10:54
ScottKudslogger and DarkwingDuck: Your sessions are scheduled now.11:15
DarkwingDuckthank you ScottK 11:15
DarkwingDuckI'll do my best to lead again remotly11:16
ScottKYou're welcome.11:16
DarkwingDuckScottK: Desktop Track?11:16
DarkwingDuckScottK: Thank you kindly sir. :)11:18
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: looks like I'm not going to be able to ask any questions :(11:47
QuintasanJontheEchidna: about what11:47
JontheEchidnadebdelta, it will really need to be implemented in APT before QApt/Muon can use it11:48
JontheEchidnawhat we're discussing now is lower-level than apt11:48
QuintasanI noticed11:48
QuintasanTell them that11:48
JontheEchidnathere's a GSoC project for integrating debdelta in to libapt-pkg11:48
QuintasanVolunteer for it11:48
JontheEchidnaI wanted to know what changes I'd have to make to QApt to support this, but it looks like it's not at this stage yet11:49
JontheEchidnalike, will I have to use something different than pkgAcquire?11:49
Quintasanwut, it's only for upgrades11:50
Quintasancare about upgrade part, not for installing new pacakges :P11:50
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pkgAcquire is the class for getting package archives, no matter if it is a new package or an upgrade11:54
udsloggerJontheEchidna: where are ye?11:55
JontheEchidnaudslogger: the debdelta talk in mikszath11:55
udsloggerwas it the boring?11:55
udsloggercause it sure sounds boring11:55
JontheEchidnaudslogger: the debdelta talk in mikszath11:55
DarkwingDuckHey udslogger 11:55
udsloggerhello dearest DarkwingDuck11:56
JontheEchidnaudslogger: a totally boring talk on how the hacky .sh script that accomplishes delta-ness currently works11:56
DarkwingDuckHow is everything udslogger?11:56
JontheEchidnawtf, connection fail11:57
* DarkwingDuck ponders11:57
yofeljussi: poke, would getting #ubuntu+1 back by now sound reasonable? :P12:09
DarkwingDuckMy desktop is feeling a bit wooden... http://imm.io/5y5G12:24
JontheEchidna!info accerciser15:48
ubottuaccerciser (source: accerciser): an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.12.1-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 1184 kB, installed size 4408 kB15:48
rbelem_afiestas, ping15:49
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: are we going to have the defaults selection session now?16:06
shadeslayerin lehar ...16:06
yofelI wonder how they could break icecast in a way that give a 5 minute lag on the streams...16:08
shadeslayerheh:P 16:09
shadeslayeryofel: anything is possible at UDS16:09
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: yes16:13
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: our stream is down >.>16:13
macossssssssilenccccccce doctor!16:13
vorianScottK: will there be a track for backports?16:37
vorianand hello :)16:37
ScottKvorian: Not a track, but we just had a session last hour.16:37
macohttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uswlqnfWshw/TchD3_oCifI/AAAAAAAAFPM/sYYSlBahg1g/s1600/staring+contest.jpg  <-- off-topic but i know there's lots of Whovians here16:50
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jussiyofel: #ubuntu+1 is open again17:29
yofeland I'm gone (battery empty)17:29
Daskreechhi jussi17:29
jussihi Daskreech17:32
DaskreechHow are you?17:32
tazzJontheEchidna: stop moving so much :p17:53
shadeslayerjte is displaced in space and time 18:01
JontheEchidnathe wifi connection is18:01
JontheEchidnagonna go eat18:01
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JontheEchidnaQuintasan: http://i.imgur.com/NcsJc.jpg22:52

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