
Sethirothnot getting and audio00:14
Sethirothjack or hdmi00:14
vzduchlowinski: wrong input line?00:16
lowinskihow so ?00:16
James147Sethiroth: check "alsamixer" see if anything is muted00:16
James147Sethiroth: open a terminal and run "alsamixer"00:17
James147Sethiroth: see if anything has an m under it00:17
Sethirothnothing is muted00:18
bheadleystupid question: have any of you had X (or the session) reboot?00:40
bheadleyMy only clue: the keyboard scroll lock turns on. Next key I press is *blam*00:40
bheadleyNothing in the log files, not hints of dismay/disgust00:41
bheadley"no hints"00:41
bheadleyNatty, x86_64 with nvidia 270.41.06 drive00:42
bheadleyNaturaly, everything worked fine previous version00:43
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vzduchthis rekonq that comes w/ Natty by default is buggy crap01:09
James147vzduch: you can always replace it01:10
vzduchJames147: of course I can, just wanted to say01:10
James147vzduch: or better yet file bug reports to fix the bugs ^^01:10
James147thats the only real way to get anything changed01:10
vzduchwhile I'm at it..  what's the cleanest way to set up IP masquerading?  gotta know that if I should decide to put *buntu on my main machine01:13
Spaz_Dynamici'm confused, why can't I view disks (sda, sdb, etc.) using fdisk or cfdisk? it returns "Unable to open sdX"01:13
James147you mean hiding you ip?01:13
vzduchin openSUSE (just for comparison) that is a case of 2 mouse clicks in the firewall settings01:13
James147Spaz_Dynamic: you using /dev/sdx?01:14
vzduchJames147: no, I mean hooking up a machine in a LAN behind the main machine to the Internet01:14
Spaz_Dynamiclol, no, forgot for some reason01:14
James147vzduch: so network bridging?01:14
vzduchJames147: that too, if I understand "bridging" correctly01:15
vzduchscenario: machine 1 hooked up to DSL modem, 2nd network interface connected to machine 2, and machine 2 wants 'net access too01:16
James147vzduch: never looked into it... but I would be very suprised if linux couldnt do it...01:16
James147considering I bet quite afew router run linux :d01:17
vzduchJames147: of course it can; question is how does *buntu do it? -> [02:13:50] <vzduch> in openSUSE (just for comparison) that is a case of 2 mouse clicks in the firewall settings01:17
James147vzduch: :) cant rellany say never looked into it :)01:17
Spaz_Dynamic...is there anything that would kill a SD card to where I can't even see it to reformat it?01:18
vzduchonly thing I could think of here is installing system-config-network & doing it from there01:18
James147vzduch: though a quick google search found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26923501:18
vzduchdayum, system-config-network doesn't exist for *buntu01:21
vzduchor at least not in the main repos01:21
[dlp]Hey all/01:23
[dlp]I'm having some problems with graphics in Natty.01:24
[dlp]Desktop effect now don't run fast enough to use (they worked before).01:24
[dlp]And GL screensavers won't run.01:24
vzduchusing correct gfx driver?01:24
[dlp]When KDE tries to start them, at least.01:25
[dlp]But I can start a GL app (written myself) from the shell, no problem.01:25
[dlp]Yeah, I think so.01:25
[dlp]X is using the Xorg intel driver.01:26
[dlp]The i915 kernel module is loaded.01:26
[dlp]Which is what I have.01:26
[dlp]Ok GL screensavers have started working.01:27
[dlp]But desktop effects are still unusably slow.01:28
[dlp]Have some particularly intensive ones been loaded by default, now, maybe?01:28
[dlp]This computer /is/ quite old.01:28
[dlp]Handled the default settings in 10.04 fine, though.01:29
[dlp]Ok I've stripped it down to the bare minimum and it runs ok with effects resumed.01:32
vzduchIntel..  *ugh*01:32
[dlp]So be aware, all, Natty's default desktop effects settings are significantly more intensive.01:32
* vzduch pats his nVidia card01:33
Snowhog[dlp]: Disable/unselect Blur in the desktop effects.01:33
[dlp]I'd love to be able to afford to build a new beast of a machine with SLI GF9800s.01:33
[dlp]But I can't.01:33
[dlp]I have nVidia graphics in one of my other machines. Which stands up very well. But it is also rather old.01:34
[dlp]So Blur is the hugry one, is it?01:35
Snowhog[dlp]: Not all Intel GPUs can handle the effects that Blur provides - mine can't.01:36
Magnussonanyone a microphone guru? i can't seem to get mine to capture01:37
[dlp]Yeah, that's much better.01:39
Snowhog[dlp]: I can use almost all the other effects, just not Blur.01:39
[dlp]Seems the same here.01:44
[dlp]Glide would look smoother on a more powerful GPU.01:44
[dlp]But still passable.01:44
[dlp]Bed time.01:52
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vbgunzanybody use nvidia binaries from repos and experience kwin botching the titlebar with all sorts of anomalies? anyone know what this is? it's the only sign of breakage and makes my titlebar butt ugly02:56
gennrouninstall the xserver nouveau driver02:59
vbgunzgennro: you talking to me? shouldn't it be disabled and not at all interfering? is this a known issue?03:06
gennroit caused me problems till I removed it03:07
vbgunzgennro: I'll try it, thanks :)03:09
vbgunzit'll be pretty quick to find out if that is the issue03:09
gennroyeah I had issues even with the nvidia drivers installed still trying to load the nouvaeu driver03:09
vbgunzgennro: ok, I'll be back03:11
shane4kubuntuhow do I empty my trash on a usb stick?  I can't seem to find the option03:15
vbgunzmy goodness. I don't ever remember virtualbox ever being so sloooow03:27
vbgunzgennro: hopefully it works, so far so good03:30
gennroyeah I had the same issue so hopefully it fixes it for you03:31
vbgunzgennro: I think you really put the nail in this frigging coffin... this has been bugging me for so long and the only bug reports I could come up with were from 2009 and they were resolved03:40
gennrocool...... I really like the effort of the people doing the nouveau drivers..... but man they suck right now03:42
vbgunzgennro: yeah man, I'm excited. it sucks staring at broken decorations *all day*... no joke.03:42
gennrowell I am glad to share my experiences to help someone else out03:43
gennroalso if you plan on using any java based apps look into getting sun java installed03:44
gennroif you need help with that let me know I have a link that helped me03:44
vbgunzgennro: if you hang out here, yeah, I might hit ya up for the link. I went through hell trying to get minecraft working on here for my son03:45
gennrovbgunz: here ya go http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=4847&p=52604#p5260403:45
gennrojust scroll down to method 203:46
gennroand remove openJDK03:46
vbgunzyeah, think im gonna do that tomorrow03:47
vbgunzright now im dead tired and really thought asking about the titlebar issue here was a complete shot in the dark03:47
vbgunzgennro: thank you very much, very much appreciated! have a good night bud!03:47
gennronp, later03:47
Poyntzis there some command like fstab -l that lists your filesystems?04:37
mkquistPoyntz: fdisk -l? list disks and give filesystems..04:38
Poyntzthats it! thanks04:38
Poyntzi tried sudo mount -o loop -t /dev/sda1 /mnt/bob04:40
Poyntzit didnt work04:40
Poyntzsda1 is windows ntfs04:40
Poyntz- n i want to mount it04:41
Poyntzalso /mnt/bob is an empty directory04:42
Poyntzmkquist: how do i mount again? i tried sudo mount -o loop -t /dev/sda1 (my directory)04:43
mkquistyou mounting you part from a live cd?04:43
mkquistPoyntz: you mounting you part from a live cd?04:43
Poyntztrying to mount windows 704:44
Poyntzwhich is sda104:44
Poyntzto /mnt/bob04:44
mkquistPoyntz: what are you sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/bob04:44
mkquistPoyntz: like that maybe04:44
mkquistPoyntz: in your fstab?04:44
mkquistPoyntz: you can just mount -a04:45
Poyntzoh sda1 isnt it haha04:45
Poyntzbut that worked thanks04:45
Poyntzdo you use mount -o loop for CDs?04:46
mkquistPoyntz: np04:46
mkquistPoyntz: just an example04:46
Poyntzahh.. what other stuff do you use it for?04:46
mkquistif you mounting images maybe04:49
mkquistPoyntz: like a cd image..04:50
Poyntzmkquist: this is really gay.. sda1 (which is like windows boot) mounts fine.. sda2 (which is windows 7) wont mount04:50
Poyntzi take that back04:50
Poyntzfor some weird reason the first time i tried it gave no error msg but didnt mount...04:51
Poyntzmust be a bug04:51
Poyntzmkquist: thanks for your help04:55
ProjectFoxwhere do i find a list of server names?05:22
ProjectFoxwhere do i find a list of server names?05:23
ProjectFoxglad to see 100 people are afk05:23
nucleophaseProjectFox: Server names for....?05:24
ProjectFoxah good you can see what im typing05:24
ProjectFoxim new to irc05:24
ProjectFoxi just want to check out other channels05:24
nucleophaseTo look at all the channels there are, you can use /list05:25
nucleophaseBut be warned, there's a lot so it will slow down Quassel as it tries to print them all05:25
ProjectFoxwhats quassel?05:25
nucleophaseIt's the default irc client in Kubuntu. I just assumed that's what you were using.05:25
ProjectFoxis it better than konversation?05:26
nucleophaseI haven't used Konversation for a few years.05:26
nucleophaseI don't have any problem with either of them. I'm not particularly demanding on my IRC software.05:27
ProjectFoxwell tyvm im gonna check out the /list feature and do some exploring05:27
nucleophaseAlright. have fun. :)05:28
nedrigaylovhi! can you tell me, how to connect icq (via kopete) through tor?05:35
nedrigaylovi'm set "use proxy" (my tor-polipo settings), but icq cant connect.05:36
nedrigaylovbrowser connect via tor fine05:36
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poyntzwhen i switch workstations on the new OS, system settings pops up and disappears..05:42
poyntzis there any way to fix this?05:42
Spaz_DynamicI can't change the order of my input devices, for example making apps like skype use my microphone in my webcam05:48
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saintdevI just upgraded to natty, and can't find how i configure my suspend button to hibernate instead of sleep.05:51
saintdevI see the settings for the laptop lid, and the power button.05:52
Spaz_Dynamicfirst thing that comes to mind, you still have swap space, second thing is what is your "preformance" setting?05:52
Spaz_Dynamicor similar05:53
Spaz_Dynamicif it is set to preformance, it might have your computer configured to stay running constantly when plugged in to power05:53
saintdevSpaz_Dynamic: i can't find the _setting_05:53
Spaz_Dynamicpower management?05:53
saintdevit's not there05:53
saintdevonly laptop lid and power button05:54
Spaz_Dynamicare you talking suspend button on your computer, or suspend from the menu?05:56
saintdevthe suspend button on my computer05:57
saintdevpreviously i was able to configure it to hibernate, while i was able to set lid close to sleep, but now that seems gone :(05:58
poyntzcan you change the placement of windows when they're opened to centre instead of top-left?07:20
snubso, my system panels have all disappeared. i've dropped to cli using ctrl-alt-f1, anyone able to point me in the right direction for getting them back?07:37
poyntzhow do you alter the placement of windows so they spawn in the center of the screen instead of the top left corner?07:38
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Guest78462hey guys07:56
preecherguesst78462 hey07:58
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giufinohi all08:28
giufinois possible try kde 4.6 on kubuntu 10.04 ?08:28
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vltHello. Waht is kubuntu's default GUI package manager?09:27
vltsynaptic, adpet, ...?09:28
tsimpsonvlt: KPackageKit09:40
vlttsimpson: Thank you.09:47
QBeeTemphello all09:57
martinjh99I want to install the build-deps for the oxygen (or another one) theme so i can compile downloaded themes... What is the package name for oxygen?10:00
martinjh99Never mind found it thanks!10:03
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MojiHi all11:12
Mojimy problem is that when i start camputer i dont get a gui , just aprompt requesting me to login and next i should write "sudo startx" to have a gui .11:14
delacdoes installing a custom version of a .deb prevent update manager from updating that package, or does the custom .deb just get overwritten by the newer official version?11:16
szalMoji: _sudo_ startx?  are you crazy?11:16
szalMoji: rule of thumb: NEVER start X w/ privileges unless there is output that implies lack of permissions11:17
tsimpsondelac: depends on the version of the custom deb, if it's lower than the version in the repositories then the update manager will want to update it to the latest, if it's higher then it won't update it (until a higher version is released)11:19
delactsimpson: ok, so the custom .deb does not have any special "protection". thanks11:20
tsimpson(all the package manager does is download the .deb and all the other .debs it needs, after that nothing special happens)11:20
delactsimpson: oh, and I suppose reinstalling the package with synaptic would also replace the custom version with the official version from the repositories, even if the version numbers were equal?11:22
delactsimpson: or do I need to purge the apt cache first?11:23
tsimpsonif you purge the apt cache, apt will just download the .deb from the archive anyway11:23
tsimpsonif it can't find the .deb file, it'll download it from the archive11:24
tsimpsonyou can use apt pinning to force a package to a fixed version though11:24
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:24
delactsimpson: ah, thanks. that might come handy11:25
Mojiwhat should i do ?11:30
Mojimy problem is that when i start camputer i dont get a gui , just aprompt requesting me to login and next i should write "sudo startx" to have a gui .11:30
szalfind out what the problem is in the first place..  search for error messages ("(EE)") in /var/log/Xorg.0.log(.old), /var/log/kdm.log11:36
crashevlatest kubuntu is a big disappoitnemnt, time for windows712:14
poyntzwhat's the chance of kde releasing another office?12:21
poyntzcause the latest kubuntu seems awesome. everything works perfectly12:22
poyntzbut doc formatting n rendering still sucks (but that's not a kde issue..)12:22
Peace-poyntz: ?12:22
Peace-i have no issue with kde 4.6.312:23
Peace-and kubuntu 11.0412:23
poyntzme neither..12:25
poyntzbut doc formatting isn't a kde issue12:25
poyntzalso dragon player now works n daisy now works12:26
poyntz-- like the scrollers now work in dragon12:27
szalwhat the what..  set up Sun Java PPA, refreshed, but can't find Sun Java JRE and plugin to install12:43
szal!search java13:07
ubottuFound: coffee*, jre, java64, javappc, sunjava, limewire*, ops-#ubuntu-nz, coffee-#ubuntu-offtopic, proxy-#kubuntu-proxy-users*, multijava and 10 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=java13:07
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.13:08
szalso, how to install Sun JRE and plugin on Natty?  sources on the web don't seem to agree on one way13:22
tcmartinsHello! I'm having an issue with kded4 (and sometimes knotify4) eating 100% cpu. Does anyone knows anything about it?14:08
Hatlhi! ive got a problem with knode: http://img703.imageshack.us/i/screen1q.png/ after an update the icons got a bit big :) does anybody know what could cause that?14:09
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:45
BluesKajagostino, if you are looking for the kubuntu operating system iso , then go here, www.kubuntu.org14:48
BluesKaj!it | agostino14:49
ubottuagostino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:49
shane4kubuntuBluesKaj: for the record, up time almost 3 days, xsession-errors file, only 3MB, apparently it was nepomuk, it doesn't like me.14:51
BluesKajnepomuk ,doesn't work well with a lot of  setups , I think it should be left out of normal installs and made an option for thosw who want to databases , mysql etc14:53
BluesKajwant databases14:54
shane4kubuntuafter my recent run-in with it, I would have to agree. :)14:54
BluesKajI had the same issue about cpu usage14:54
BluesKajshane4kubuntu, I don't understand this practice of leaving a computer turned on in any mode sleep or otherwise when it's not being used . I always turn mine off when not in use.14:59
rsx_which gui lib gambas uses default?15:08
spoonAnybody know the status of NVIDIA's proprietary driver issue?15:09
jussispoon: which issue?15:10
spoonIt appears that a number of folks can not use Nvidia's proprietary drivers in Natty, myself included.  After upgrade and complete reinstall can only boot to a terminal prompt.15:13
BluesKajspoon, which nvidia card ?15:18
spoongeforce 5000 series15:19
spoonFrom the forums though it looks like this issue doesn't discriminate between many Nvidia cards.15:20
kevin___any gentoo user here?15:27
Picikevin___: This is #kubuntu, try #gentoo15:28
kevin___thank you15:28
BluesKajPici, spoon was here before , he's been yold several times to instll nvidia-current , because the forums say "it doesn't work " he won't ry it . according to my sources the 500 series does work ...so i think the guy is almost a troll, just complains but won't accept advice.15:32
BluesKajerr 5000 series15:32
szalmoin BluesKaj + Pici15:36
BluesKajhi szal15:37
kevin___is it possible to install ubuntu in usd device and boot from it and using the same ubuntu installed usb in other systems?15:37
szalmost likely not, because what is included in the initramdisk is mostly hardware-specific15:38
szaliow, install on one system, put stick on other system -> probably won't boot15:39
kevin___oh i see, but if it is used with one system, will it work?15:41
BluesKajkevin___, there's an app for that aptoncd , I think15:45
BluesKajor apton usb in this case:)15:45
kevin___i am not talking abt apt! I want to experiment with os portability15:47
jmuthi. I got brand new laptop. it comes with windows 7 pro. since I want the dual boot part.  May I safely asume that installing kubuntu..it will automatically create the dual boot for me15:48
BluesKajapt maintains the repository installed / suppoertd apps15:48
BluesKajkevin___, just use a usb with the kubuntu alternate install on it ,,,that's really flexible15:50
BluesKajjmut, yes , it should but you follow the instructions on the partitoning closely , some don't realize that the auto install can wipe windows15:53
BluesKajkeep a close eye on the istallation process , it will ask you whatpartitions you want to save etc15:54
BluesKaj!list |15:55
ubottu: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:55
BluesKajwhat is it about frenode/kubuntu that these mp3 seekers don't understand:) ?15:56
jmutBluesKaj: kudos. thank you15:58
BluesKajjmut, it's not real complicated , just keep an eye on the install16:00
jmutBluesKaj: yep16:04
ocsihow can i open smb files without copying to /var/tmp/kdecache-myname/krun/16:12
BluesKajocsi, pls expalin in more detail16:18
ocsiwhen i try to open a avi files from netwok i have to wait 20 min16:20
kevin___what is the command to creat  a tar.gz file?16:21
BluesKajocsi, that's because it's copying the file from the source to your pc ...16:23
szalkevin___: not that you couldn't look that up yourself (manpage, Google).. -> tar cvzf DESTINATIONFILE.tar.gz SOURCEFILE1 SOURCEFILE2 etc.16:23
kevin___thank you16:24
BluesKajocsi, do you know about ssh , you can play files like media remotely if you use the right commands16:27
BluesKaj!openssh | ocsi16:27
ubottuocsi: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:27
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flyingmayoI'm on kubuntu 10.10.  I installed the unity package but when I try to log in selecting the "ubuntu netbook edition" I just get a gnome desktop.  Is anyone aware of what I'm missing?16:47
Peace-flyingmayo: try into #ubuntu16:49
Peace-we support kde +ubuntukernel16:49
Peace-flyingmayo: btw kde can do this... http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/10/plasma-desktopvj1685.jpg16:49
BluesKajfly don't think unity runs on netbooks ..graphics required are more thn most can handle16:56
greekwhat is an alternative to foxit reader ? foxit does not support 64bit linux17:01
olskolircI'm on Natty with ext4 partiton and the partition manager won't let me resize its disabled (grayed out) how can i easily resize my partition please?17:04
Peace-olskolirc: you need to un-mount before17:15
olskolircthanks peace17:15
appletreehi2all.did somebody know where i can enable the "fast writes" for my nvidia un kubuntu 10.417:20
vilinymy kubuntu installation keeps blanking the screen even with my settings set to not doing that17:31
vilinyi tried the gui for it17:31
vilinyi tried "xset s off"17:31
vilinybut won't work17:31
vilinyany ideas?17:31
Daskreechviliny: You mean power savinf?17:32
vilinyim not sure17:32
vilinythe problem is the screen goes blank after a while17:33
DaskreechWhat is your power profile set to?17:33
Hatlhi! ive got a problem with knode: http://img703.imageshack.us/i/screen1q.png/ after an update the icons got a bit big :) does anybody know what could cause that?17:33
vilinyDaskreech: where do i check that?17:33
tsimpsonviliny: look at the "power management" module in system settings17:33
Daskreechviliny: alt+f2 -> type power17:34
vilinyi just did this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4091293&postcount=617:34
vilinyah there they were :)17:34
vilinythank you17:34
vilinythat should solve it :)17:34
DaskreechHatl: ha ha check #kde and see what they say that's pretty funny17:34
Daskreechviliny: Hope so :)17:35
vilinyi use kubuntu in fullscreen on my other monitor on a windows machine via virtualbox and was getting annoying that the screen went blank if i din't fiddle the window for a while17:36
mah454where is youtube video cache in ubuntu-11.04 (FireFox Browser)17:37
mah454where is youtube video cache in Kubuntu-11.04 (FireFox Browser)17:37
mah454where is youtube video cache in Kubuntu-11.04 (FireFox Browser)17:37
vilinymah454: don't spam17:38
mah454Excuse me ...17:38
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vilinywhere is the equivalent of "places" in kde?17:41
vilinyif i want to browse my hd17:41
tsimpsonin the file manager, where it should be17:42
Daskreech!info youtube-dl | mah45417:44
ubottumah454: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.08.04-1 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 140 kB17:45
mah454OK ...17:45
mah454tnx :)17:45
zen_monkeyhi, can i still upgrade from 9.04 or not possible anymore?17:52
DarthFrogzen_monkey: You might be able to upgrade to 9.10 and so on.18:02
Daskreechzen_monkey: You can still upgrade18:02
Daskreechassuming that you had some kinda proper seperation it's way faster to do a new install but if you have 6 hours to kill...18:03
zen_monkeyDaskreech: all the time in the world :P18:03
* Daskreech tries to find someone who has 1/2 the time in the world18:04
DarthFrogzen_monkey:  Instructions on how to upgrade from 9.04 to 11.04 are at: http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&q=ubuntu%209.04&fp=b6cf6853cd91f763&cad=b18:04
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca18:04
zen_monkeyDaskreech: i'm at 9.04 right now with 12 blocked updates, and getting an error 127 that quits the upgrade, any ideas?18:04
Daskreechzen_monkey: more info needed18:04
DarthFrogOr https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes directly.18:04
DarthFrogzen_monkey: Have you done a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first?18:05
Spaz_DynamicHey, I can't change the "capture device preference" list in my system settings. whenever I do, it always reverts to the present configuration with the microphone jack as the first, and my webcam as the third (and various other devices after that). How can I fix this?18:05
zen_monkeyDaskreech: like wich are the blocked ones or what?18:06
Daskreechzen_monkey: Like pastebin the erro18:06
zen_monkeyDaskreech: how can i lauch the upgrade from the konsole? i cant pastebin you the image i get :D18:07
Daskreechzen_monkey: You can :_p18:08
Daskreechbut try sudo do-release-upgrade18:08
DarthFrogDaskreech: He has to apply all updates first.18:08
Daskreechzen_monkey: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade18:09
wn1zidso, the latest is, shuttleworths goal is 200 million in the next 4 yrs.18:09
zen_monkeyDaskreech: wops, thought they would be defferent from ubuntu :P my bad18:09
Spaz_DynamicCan I make an ubuntu 11.04 boot USB stick from kubuntu 11.04?18:11
Daskreechzen_monkey: not on the command line It's the great common man18:12
DarthFrogSpaz_Dynamic: Sure.18:12
Daskreechwn1zid: 200 million in profit?18:12
DarthFrogSpaz_Dynamic:  install the ubuntu-desktop package and make your USB stick boot.18:12
zen_monkeynice bless18:12
DarthFrogDaskreech: 200 million users.18:13
DaskreechDarthFrog: For linux or just Ubuntu?18:13
DaskreechI'm guessing all of a sudden Kubuntu is going to "count"18:13
Spaz_DynamicDarthFrog: do I have to install the ubuntu-desktop package?18:13
DarthFrogKubuntu does count, just not the main effort.18:13
preecherrecent convert to kubuntu from ubuntu here & loving every moment of it18:14
DarthFrogSpaz_Dynamic: I would imagine so, since installing the ubuntu-desktop package will bring in all the Ubuntu stuff.  You asked about making an Ubuntu USB stick, not a Kubuntu one.18:14
shane4kubuntupreecher: same here. :)18:15
Spaz_DynamicDarthFrog: Can't I just download the ubuntu ISO?18:15
DarthFrogSpaz_Dynamic: Having never done it, I can't answer that.18:15
Spaz_DynamicDarthFrog: alright, thanks18:16
DarthFrogDaskreech: Ubuntu is for newbies and going to 200 million users is a lot of newbies.  :-)  Kubuntu is for power users who can look after ourselves.18:16
Spaz_DynamicHey, I can't change the "capture device preference" list in my system settings. whenever I do, it always reverts to the present configuration with the microphone jack as the first, and my webcam as the third (and various other devices after that). How can I fix this?18:16
Spaz_Dynamicvideo works fine, its just the microphone on the webcam that I need to get working18:17
Spaz_Dynamicand I'm pretty sure that it has to do with the preference list18:17
DaskreechSpaz_Dynamic: udev maybe?18:17
DarthFrogSpaz_Dynamic: Don't screw around with udev (there be dragons!), file a bug report instead.18:20
kaddii got a report about a pc turning off when a usb device is plugged in/out. Did you have any of those?18:21
Spaz_DynamicDarthFrog: Alright, sounds good... Assuming someone will be able to help me... making video calls with no sound is a little bit, uh, strange?18:21
DarthFrogSpaz_Dynamic: Depends upon the video call. :-)18:21
kaddihow's natty so far? Any big issues due to which you would advise not to upgrade?18:24
DarthFrogkaddi:  None that I can see.  Works great.  Kubuntu version, that is.  I gather there is unrest on the other side.18:25
preecherkaddi no problems on this end whatsoever other than i just dont like unity and climbed on the kde wagon18:26
kaddiunrest was to be expected on the gnome part.. :p I heard rumors about issues with intel graphic chips again.. since I had big issues from jaunty through to karmic basically, I'm a little weary18:26
DarthFrogkaddi: My laptop has Intel graphics.  natty works fine on it.18:26
kaddiwhat chip, if you don't mind me asking18:27
DarthFrogkaddi: Dell Inspiron 15N.18:27
antuanHi all, when I run geany or gimp error apears segmentation failed kubuntu 11.04 How to fix?18:28
Daskreechpreecher: welcome to KDE :)18:30
preecherDaskreech thanks18:30
Daskreechantuan: run it from the command line to get the error message18:30
Relikshow do i import a theme into my theme folder after its downloaded from the theme downoad??18:32
kaddilooks like you have a different chip tha me DarthFrog .. can't find which one you have exactly, mine is a inte 96518:32
antuanDaskreech error message = Segmentation failed18:32
zen_monkeyDaskreech: well, so long so far with upgrade from console... has 2 hs to download all so thanks by now18:33
DarthFrogkaddi: the 15n is a 1545 that cam with Ubuntu Intrepid pre-installed.18:35
kaddiah, that's prolly different then... I had the bad judgement of just picking an acer and installing linux onto it on my own ;)18:35
kaddina, it's working rather smoothely nowadays.. I'd hate to loose that18:36
DarthFrogkaddi: I picked it because it came with Linux pre-installed and it only cost $299 USD. :-)18:36
kaddii occasionally have to use MS, so I didn't want to buy the license seperately18:37
DarthFrogMakes sense.18:39
=== shadeslayer is now known as Guest81377
Relikscan anyone tell me how to put the theme i downloaded from the theme adder in Natty into my desktop themes?18:39
Reliksso its not just Air, Air net book and Oxygen?18:39
=== Guest81377 is now known as shadeslayer_
DarthFrogReliks: System Settings/Workspace/Appearance/Desktop Theme18:41
DarthFrogReliks: Use the "Get New Themes" button there.18:42
Spaz_Dynamicis there a new version of KDE out?18:42
Peace-Spaz_Dynamic: we got kde 4.6.318:42
Peace-on ppa repository18:42
kaddiis it awesome?18:43
DarthFrogkaddi: It's just the monthly bug-fix version.18:43
ReliksI did that but the theme I installed isnt  In my themes spot18:44
Spaz_DynamicPeace-: which one?18:44
ReliksIts just Oxygen, AIr, And air Netbook18:44
Spaz_DynamicPeace-: never mind, I decided to not be lazy. xD18:46
ReliksI cant get the theme from THe add new themes in with the other themes18:48
Reliksfor some reason when I downloaded it it didnt go into the original themes section18:49
baptistjemand wach?19:36
baptistcali spera19:37
eagles0513875anyone alive in here that can tell me what package perl-Net-SSLeay  can be found in19:41
SpinellThis? libcrypt-ssleay-perl19:42
kaddii'd guess ti depends on the release you're using19:43
BluesKajeagles0513875, it's in the repos .check a package manager19:43
eagles0513875kaddi 5.1019:44
eagles0513875and hi kaddi long time no chat19:44
SpinellThis page might help as well http://packages.ubuntu.com19:44
kaddiheyhey :)19:44
DarthFrogTwo points to whomever can say what "eay" means in SSLeay. :-)19:44
kaddiit's a typo, they meant "say"19:44
eagles0513875im using a special build script that to send build failure notices for libre office19:44
DarthFrogkaddi: Nope. :-)19:44
eagles0513875hence to send out the emails and im on gmail i need to use starttls which needs that module19:44
BluesKajit's listed i synaptic so the spelling is correct19:45
eagles0513875thanks Spinell :) that should do the trick19:46
BluesKajeagles0513875, libcrypt-ssleay-perl19:46
greekok... i have windows mobile 6.5 and gps2blue. how can i work this out so kubuntu has use of this to recieve GPS data ?19:46
eagles0513875ya i got that now i need another module IO::Socket::SSL19:47
eagles0513875greek: get rid of windows lol19:47
DarthFrogEric A. Young19:47
greekwell, when the warrenty expires on this phone, what linux distrobution should i install eagles0513875 ?19:47
eagles0513875dunno greek never had to do so19:48
greekfor now though, it has windows mobile 6.5 and is running gps2blue.. is it posable to provide kubuntu with this device as an external gps reciever ?19:48
greekrhobuntu might be a sutible choise for later though. i have only run it as a dual boot... the app that loads it caused my phone to require a factory reset...19:50
greekok.. how does linux normally attach to an external gps device ?19:51
DarthFroggreek: Presumably by USB.19:52
greekgood then... i will continue my search directing towards usb19:52
asranielhi. is it normal that every other week when a mayor upgrade hits, i have to reinstall falsh with "sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer" ?19:53
DarthFrogasraniel: No19:53
asranielDarthFrog: ok.. because i have that problem with all 3 of my kubuntu installs19:54
greekwould there be a "gps linux" channel or a "linux hardware" channel on this network ? :D19:57
DarthFrogasraniel: Bizarre.  I've never had it happen.19:57
DarthFroggreek:  /list will tell you the channels available.19:58
DarthFroggreek:  I didn't really do you a favour. :-)  there are a *lot* of channels to wade through.19:59
greeki know, that is why i requested a suggestion.19:59
DarthFroggreek: Personally, I'd do a google search for the particular GPS model & Linux.19:59
greekcoming into a room asking questions, it is best except a position of unknowing in respect to thjose who may provide asssitence.20:00
greekthis is what i have been doing DarthFrog20:00
DarthFroggreek: No luck?20:00
masterjpПо русски ктото говорит?20:00
DarthFrog!ru | masterjp20:01
ubottumasterjp: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:01
greekwell... i havw come accross apps that are spacifically for external garmen devices20:01
BluesKajgreek, usually those with some expertise in the relavent area will answer your question , no need to ask ppl directly20:01
greekwas that a translation command ?20:02
* greek returns to searching 20:02
DarthFroggreek: No.  It was a request to the bot (Ubottu) to tell masterjp that this channel is English only and he can get help in Russian elsewhere.20:02
BluesKajDarthFrog, greek uses a translator himself , I'm thinking :)20:03
eagles0513875BluesKaj: any idea what package this is in IO::Socket::SSL20:04
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:04
BluesKajeagles0513875, that's why I use synaptic , merely for reference , you can still use the cli to install20:05
eagles0513875BluesKaj: next best thing that worked google20:06
BluesKajeagles0513875, there are 5 lisyings in synaptic ,but which one is relavent , I'm not sure20:07
eagles0513875i got it20:07
eagles0513875neede libio-socket-ssl-perl20:07
DarthFrogeagles0513875: apt-cache search libio-socket-ssl-perl20:08
BluesKajlibio-socket-ssl-perl, libnet-imap-simple-perl, libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl, libnet-smtp-ssl-perl, libevent-rpc-perl20:08
briandw1969need some info20:09
briandw1969just did the 11.0420:09
eagles0513875DarthFrog: i found that in the ubuntu forums wasnt sure though what module i was looking for exactly20:10
briandw1969installed Firefox......20:10
BluesKajeagles0513875, libio-socket-ssl-perl, libnet-imap-simple-perl, libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl, libnet-smtp-ssl-perl, libevent-rpc-perl20:10
eagles0513875BluesKaj: its working need to figure out authentication now20:10
briandw1969and now flash doesnt work20:10
DarthFrogeagles0513875: the "apt-cache" command is very useful in situations like this.20:12
BluesKajbriandw1969, install kubuntu-restricted-extras20:12
briandw1969in a terminal?20:12
eagles0513875DarthFrog: i use it all the time its helpful when u know kinda what your looking for20:13
=== pivotto is now known as cagnara
BluesKajbriandw1969, terminal or package manager20:14
briandw1969what is proper syntax for that plz20:16
BluesKajin the terminal , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras20:17
briandw1969is running it now,TY20:19
BluesKajbriandw1969, yw20:19
briandw1969where is best documentation for the commands and such?20:19
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro20:20
george_hello. As you probably know, Skype was purchased by Microsoft. Do you know any other alternative voip clients (that allow you import your skype contacts) for linux?)20:29
zen_monkeyas far as i know there are alternatives, but no skype compatible client... :(20:36
Peace-george__: the only stuff i use is google talks20:43
Peace-george__: if you are american i guess you can phone too20:44
BluesKajzen_monkey, there might be a glimmer of hope for linux skype users , since if ms retains the free skype app for windows users20:44
Peace-george__: http://www.google.com/chat/voice/20:45
Peace-george__: https://www.google.com/voice/b/0/rates20:46
george__Peace: No, I'm from Brazil. Google voice is available only in the USA...20:46
george__zen_monkey:That's a shame.20:47
Peace-george__: you are luck i am italian here doesn't work too :D but i can use video goolte talks with my family20:48
Peace-george__: you need to call someone withoutpc ?20:48
Peace-if not.. you can use video google talks20:48
george__BluesKaj: I think MS will ending up dropping Linux support in the future.20:48
george__Peace: Yes, but I have contacts that use Skype.20:49
jmuthi. I am stupid as hell :(20:50
jmutjust installed kubuntu and forgot user password. is ther eeasy way to reset it or neet to reinstall?20:50
Peace-jmut: there is some ways20:51
Peace-jmut: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword20:51
jmutPeace-: thank you20:52
blip-hi, I'm planning to install Kubuntu on my laptop and I'm unsure whether to go with 32 or 64 bit.  I've read many of the articles on the net regarding 64-bit Linux in general.   Is there anything specific to Kubuntu or the repos regarding this ?21:00
blip-I see that the 32-bit is still recommended, why is that21:01
yofelblip-: mostly to prevent people with 32bit hardware to download 64 and wonder why it doesn't work, as 32bit works on both 32 and 64 bit21:02
yofelI'm running 64 here fine, although flash is still 32bit + wrapper21:02
blip-I have a new laptop, maybe that's different in terms of drivers21:04
DarthFrogblip-: Unless you have a need for intense CPU processing power, 32 bit is all you need.21:04
yofelnah, drivers work fine for both usually, at least what we have in the archive21:05
szalyofel: 64bit runs flawlessly here (other distro), though it's perhaps more tedious to install21:05
szalFlash, that is21:06
BluesKaj64bit here , no 32 bit wrappers required ..all seems fine so far (kde 4.6.3)21:06
yofelwell, flash yeah, although the 32bit wrapped one usually works21:06
yofelthe 64bit flash works fine for me, but that doesn't get security updates I think21:06
mrvanesanyone tried natty + 4.6.3 + compiz? having some problems here with systray21:07
mrvanesDon't know where to file the bug, afraid everyone wil point at the other ;)21:08
BluesKajmrvanes, well, desktop effects seems to cover everything i need , making compiz redundant , unless you  need special effects the ccsm provides21:08
mrvanesWell, I might take a look again, but am kind of glued to compiz's fluidness21:09
yofelwell, it could be an issue with 4.6.3, I don't think we have anyone that test compiz against the point releases before we release them21:09
mrvanesAnd the wobbly windows algorithm looks better21:09
mrvanesskype and keepassx refuse to go to the systray under compiz21:10
mrvaneswith kwin no problem21:10
BluesKajwobbly windows works just as well in desktop effects IIRC21:10
mrvanesI know, they just feel better under compiz ;)21:10
zen_monkeyBluesKaj: how's that of ms keeping the free app?21:18
leonardHomeanyone tried install madwifi on 64 bit?21:19
Peace-leonardHome: whats your problem ?21:22
leonardHomePeace-: I'm trying to enable Wifi on my laptop. But, no wifi drivers.21:22
gorgonzolahello peoples! just got a new nexus s android phone, and i'm trying to get it to work with kubuntu 11.04. i plug it in, but it doesn't show up in device notifier. halp?21:23
Peace-leonardHome: well :D21:23
Peace-leonardHome: so madwifi ...21:24
Peace-leonardHome: what the problem compiling that?21:24
Peace-gorgonzola: mmm21:24
keffie_jayxgorgonzola: I have a android and pretty much the same happens21:24
Peace-gorgonzola: did you set it like mass storage?21:24
gorgonzolahow do i do that?21:24
Peace-gorgonzola: well i have not an android stuff21:25
BluesKajzen_monkey, skype to skype is free on all platforms , lets hope MS keeps that tradition, anyway if it doesn't then google-voice will probly take  it's place ...google is working on distributing outside the US21:25
Peace-i have nokia21:25
gorgonzolaPeace the phone says "USB debugging detected"21:25
leonardHomePeace-: still compiling. hang on.21:25
gorgonzolaand dmesg sees a usb mass storage device. but it does not show up on device notifier. maybe it needs udev rules?21:25
Peace-leonardHome: i dunno i have compiled madwifi on 32bit without problmes21:25
keffie_jayxBluesKaj: however, the lack of a free VoiP client on KDE is not cool21:25
Peace-gorgonzola: mm i don't think so21:25
Peace-gorgonzola: i have created some udev rules for my nokia...21:26
Peace-maybe you could copy my work21:26
Peace-and apply to your phone21:26
Peace-gorgonzola: have you google about that?21:26
Peace-gogled xD21:26
gorgonzolaPeace i'm on it. one forum says it should show as mass storage... but it doesn't21:26
Peace-gorgonzola: ok we could break that stuff then xD21:27
Peace-let me find out my stuff21:27
leonardHomePeace-: Adding the ath_pci module to the kernel now.21:27
Peace-gorgonzola: found out21:28
Peace-gorgonzola: this it's what i did :) http://nowardev.wordpress.com/author/nowardev/page/5/21:28
Peace-gorgonzola: let me know if you can't read the topic21:28
gorgonzolaPeace- lets see. give me a sec...21:28
leonardHomePeace-: i use trunk from http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/madwifi-trunk-current.tar.gz21:28
tsimpsonthe ath5k module is supposed to replace the ath_* atheros modules21:28
gorgonzolaaha. it is a bunch of a udev rules...21:28
leonardHomePeace-: it didn't work. :(21:28
Peace-leonardHome: have you checked if madwifi support your hardware ?21:29
BluesKajkeffie_jayx, agreed , kde seems to be heade for the backbenches again , I see the buzz about ubuntu/unity being promoted agressively by canonical...not eben a mention about kde21:29
leonardHomePeace-: Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)21:29
Peace-gorgonzola: lsusb21:29
Peace-gorgonzola: i will write udev in 2 seconds21:29
gorgonzolaPeace- yes, i'm on it. but i find it hard to believe that this doesn't have a more friendly way...21:30
Peace-gorgonzola: oh well it should work21:30
Peace-gorgonzola: lets' test first21:30
keffie_jayxBluesKaj: I think we cannot blame the lack of a VoiP client on canonical solely21:30
gorgonzolaPeace- yes... i will try that as last resort. i'll keep googling.21:30
gorgonzolaPeace- thanks!21:30
leonardHomePeace-: I assume AR928X  was supported.21:32
Peace-leonardHome: wel you havenot to assume...21:32
Peace-you need to be sure21:32
BluesKajI'm not placing blame , but kde suffers a lot from benign neglect and a lack of devs21:32
Peace-leonardHome: http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/Compatibility21:33
Peace-BluesKaj: ya21:33
Peace-leonardHome: btw , why you wifi doesn't work by defaul t21:34
Peace-leonardHome: lsmod | grep -i ath21:34
leonardHomePeace-: checking the list of hardware now. lsmod gives the below21:35
leonardHomeath_pci               198001  021:35
leonardHomewlan                  252376  1 ath_pci21:35
leonardHomeath_hal               435109  1 ath_pci21:35
leonardHomeath9k                 118238  021:35
FloodBotK1leonardHome: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:35
leonardHomemac80211              294370  1 ath9k21:35
Peace-omg leonardHome you have both ath9k and ath_pci21:36
Peace-leonardHome: sudo rmmod ath9k21:36
leonardHomePeace-: it shows wifi enabled...21:37
leonardHomePeace-: should I disconnect the LAN cable to test the wifi?21:38
Peace-sudp iwlist ath0 scan21:38
Peace-sudo  iwlist ath0 scan21:38
Peace-leonardHome: nope21:38
leonardHomePeace-: noted.21:38
Peace-!paste | leonardHome21:38
ubottuleonardHome: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:38
leonardHomePeace-: it gives me... ath0      Interface doesn't support scanning.21:39
Peace-leonardHome: iwconfig21:39
leonardHomePeace-: showing lo and eth0 no wireless extensions21:40
Peace-leonardHome: please post all the stuff on pastebin21:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:41
leonardHomePeace-: noted and sorry again. new to irc.21:41
leonardHomePeace-: is this okay? http://paste.ubuntu.com/605865/21:42
Peace-leonardHome: i guess your card is not supported via madwifibecause the driver ath_pci is loaded21:42
Peace-but it seems doesn't recognize your hardware21:43
Peace-sudo rmmod ath_pci21:43
Peace-sudo modprobe ath9k21:43
Peace-then post again iwconfig21:43
Peace-yep it's correct21:43
Peace-on pastebin i mean21:43
leonardHomePeace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605867/21:44
Peace-leonardHome: ok sudo iwlist wlan0 scan21:44
Peace-leonardHome: always in pastebin21:44
leonardHomePeace-: I learnt my pastebin lesson. :)21:45
leonardHomePeace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605868/21:45
Peace-leonardHome: okk21:46
Peace-leonardHome:  rfkill list21:46
leonardHomePeace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605869/21:47
Peace-leonardHome: is it on laptop ? check if oyu have some buttons ... switch ; btw your device is blocked21:47
leonardHomePeace-: it's laptop. Both wifi and bluetooth lights are on.21:48
Peace-leonardHome: sudo rfkill unblock all21:48
Peace-leonardHome: then again rfkill list21:49
leonardHomePeace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/605871/21:49
Peace-leonardHome: sbloked21:49
leonardHomePeace-: sorry about the previous one. paste wrongly.21:49
Peace-leonardHome: now , sudo iwlist wlan0 scan21:50
Peace-leonardHome: no problem kid21:50
leonardHomePeace-: it gives a list of hotstops on terminal now21:50
Peace-leonardHome: :) i guess i have fixed your hardware21:51
Peace-leonardHome: basically you don't need of drivers.....21:51
Peace-leonardHome: you had only to unblock21:51
Peace-the device21:51
leonardHomeso i need to undo the make install step_21:51
Peace-leonardHome: yep remove the madwifi21:51
WeezzZhi geeks21:52
WeezzZdoes anyone know if there is a french channel there ?21:52
leonardHomePeace-: how to remove it? apt-get remove?21:52
Peace-leonardHome: have you compiled?21:53
leonardHomePeace-: yup21:53
Peace-i guess yes21:53
WeezzZleonardHome : if compiled -> no, if installed -> yes21:53
leonardHomeWeezzZ: if both yes? :)21:53
WeezzZif you just compiled the shit, you just have to remove the directory21:54
Peace-leonardHome:  http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/kubuntu-904-driver/21:54
WeezzZif installed with apt21:54
Peace-leonardHome: learn21:54
WeezzZdo apt get remove21:54
Peace-leonardHome: that is my blog i have to go21:54
WeezzZif installed with a script, read the man, then you'll have the way to unsintall it21:54
Peace-if you got some problems , remember the driver that works it's ath9k , ath_pci it's the driver to put on blacklist21:55
Peace-leonardHome:  read up21:55
WeezzZanyway, any french there ???21:55
leonardHomePeace-: I will learn and readup. Thanks!21:55
Peace-!fr | WeezzZ21:55
ubottuWeezzZ: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:55
WeezzZhtx peace :)21:55
leonardHomeWeezzZ: thanks for ur tip too.21:56
Peace-leonardHome: rememeber in that tutorial...  i was loading the madwifi driver and blacklisting ath5k21:56
Peace-leonardHome: you have to blacklist ath_pci ,as knows as madwifi, and modprobing load athe theboot time ath9k21:57
leonardHomePeace-: appreciate the detailed information.21:57
Peace-ok good night here in italy is late21:57
Peace-have luck21:57
leonardHomePeace-: good nite!21:58
trcomp1i tried installing 11.04 last night with linux software raid with lvm (raid 5). The mount point for this was "/". So yes, this is what i'm booting from. I remember doing something like this before. But i get a error with the grub installer. Does anyone know if this is possible with linux software raid/lvm?22:09
szaldefine "a error"22:16
darthanubistrcomp1: very possible but the boot partition must not be part of the raidarray22:16
blip-hi, is there anywhere I can download Kubuntu more quickly ?  I've tried the 11.04 32bit Direct download as well as bittorrent, I get about 40 KB/s....22:19
blip-I believe ubuntu had mirrors, somehow I don't see anyl isted for kubuntu22:20
blip-ah found some 3rd part links22:25
trcomp1Sorry for the delay, I have done linux software raid (RAID 1) where the raid was "/". Everything booted and resided on the software raid.22:36
trcomp1So i do not believe that you need your /boot on a non raid partition22:37
trcomp1If this is the case I haven't found much saying that you cant boot from a raid 5/1022:37
trcomp1so thats why i ask22:37
c-c-m_hello, Is there a good solution for correcting plymouth problem with Nvidia drivers for Kubuntu 11.04? The script I used to have for 10.10 doesn't work, and I haven't succeeded using plymouth manger22:39
HouseMDc-c-m_: try http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=1423622:49
bigbrovarI am having problems getting amarok to see my android device (or any device whatso ever) in masstorage mode on kubuntu natty. clemetine sees them fine with no problem. anyone else experience this?22:51
c-c-m_thank you HouseMD22:53
HouseMDc-c-m_: you are welcome22:53
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HouseMDanyone else experiences the font size to be switched back to size 9 when you pick a larger one?23:16
gomiboyHouseMD: i had it when i upgraded to 4.6.3. I resetted to my likings and now seems to keep it...23:21
HouseMDgomiboy: ah ok, thanks23:21
Kaspihmm guys, I've just switched from Gnome to KDE and all my desktop files don't appear, although I've set my desktop path correctly in the Account Details > Paths... What can be wrong?23:27
gomiboyKaspi: you mean the files in your Desktop folder?23:28
Kaspigomiboy: well, in my localized desktop folder23:29
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gomiboyKaspi: kde doesn't show them by default, do you have a "folder view" widget on your desktop?23:33
Kaspigomiboy: do I have to add one?23:35
gomiboyyes, and set it to show your desktop folder, thats it.23:36
szalthe Kubuntu desktop comes w/ one by default, no idea about a posterior KDE install though23:37
Kaspigomiboy: yeah, but it's still a widget... and I'd like it to be larger at least, or better it shall cover all the desktop... is it possible?23:38
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szalyou can resize it as you wish23:38
James147Kaspi: right click the desktop > desktop settings ... change the activitytype to folder view23:39
szalor that23:39
KaspiJames147: can't seem to find this option in the desktop settings...23:44
James147Kaspi: sorry its layout ^^23:44
James147desktop settings > view > layout23:45
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KaspiJames147: aha! cule!23:45
KaspiThanks guys.23:45
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jollywollupI've found that when I plug my ipod into the computer in 11.04, two listings show up: one for "IPOD" and the other for "Apple iPod"23:56
jollywollupanyone else noticed this?23:56
jollywollupalso, no tracks show up in amarok23:56

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