
bacgood morning danilos09:04
danilosbac, oh, good morning09:11
danilosbac, how's UDS going so far?09:11
bacnot used to people chatting here at this hour?  :)09:11
bacuds is good.  in a firefox translations session atm09:11
bacyou can join at #ubuntu-uds-dery if you're interested09:12
bacdanilos: ^^09:13
danilosbac, heh, right :)09:14
danilosbac, thanks, I'll join in, not sure I can participate heavily with all the other stuff I've got to do today09:14
bacdanilos: np.  just thought i'd mention it.  certainly not required09:15
danilosbac, I can't hear anything, is something supposed to be happening atm?09:16
bacyou should be able to hear09:17
bacothers have said the audio was working09:17
danilosright, it might be my side then09:17
bacany audio now danilos ?09:28
danilosbac, nope09:28
baci summoned elmo but he hasn't shown up yet09:28
danilosbac, I haven't used totem/vlc for playing these streams yet, so I can't be sure if it's not on my side (since I don't know if it ever worked)09:29
danilosbac, thus, I am not complaining loudly09:29
bacit isn't you09:29
bacsorry for the bad session, danilos.  did the audio ever work?  i had to leave early.09:55
danilosbac, yeah, 2 minutes before the end of it :)09:55
danilosgmb, hi, I see your fix for 772609 has landed, but even if I merge devel, I don't see the "mute link" show up when there is a direct team subscription on a bug11:12
danilosgmb, was that supposed to be fixed as well?11:14
gmbdanilos: Hrm. Yes. Thanks for the heads-up.11:21
danilosgmb, np, I was hoping to wrap up bug 771204 fix, and noticed that mute link should show up even for team subscriptions; I'll take care of the JS side at least :)11:23
_mup_Bug #771204: mute link does not appear when a new direct subscription is made on a bug <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by danilo> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771204 >11:23
gmbdanilos: Ah, it got rolled back because it had the side effect of exposingd stuff for private bugs.11:42
gmb(Which caused OOPSes. William has filed a bug about it.)11:43
danilosgmb, oh... can we do something about it?11:43
gmbdanilos: I think so. I need to check what the expected behaviour on private bugs actually is (William's bug suggests that getIndirectSubscribers() should always be empty in that case). Slightly odd that we don't have a test for that, but not wholly unsurprising :/11:44
gmbI'll have a proper dig around in a minute, just grabbing a drink first.11:46
danilosgmb, sure thing11:47
danilosgmb, also, I am a bit confused about the use of feature_flag_2 (advanced-STRUCTURAL-subscriptions flag) in test "test_mute_subscription_link_not_shown_for_non_subscribers" (regardless of your branch, because I am changing the link to always be in the DOM [but hidden] so JS can easily show it when needed)11:55
gmbdanilos: Just pulling up that code now...11:55
danilosgmb, ack11:56
gmbdanilos: Uhm. I'm not sure why that's there, actually. It's a change that bac made but I can't remember why it was done. It doesn't seem to serve any purposes, as far as I can tell.11:59
gmbdanilos: I suspect that if you pull that with FeatureFixture line out the test will still pass.12:00
danilosgmb, yeah, it seems to be a bit silly test: asserts that link doesn't show up when feature_flag_1 is not on, which is a nice negative test, but a bit misnamed then12:00
danilosgmb, right12:00
gmbdanilos: Yeah, it should set the flag to 'on', not None.12:02
danilosgmb, I'll clean up that test12:02
gmbOtherwise it's always going to pass.12:02
danilosgmb, it's the wrong flag as well, that's what made me wonder the most12:02
gmbAh, yes, it is.12:02
gmbThat tool.12:02
gmb(Not trying to say bac is a tool in any way, shape or form)12:03
danilosok then, I'll clean that test up to be only for "nothing shows up when the (right) flag is off"12:04
danilosand add a new one which tests all it needs to (along with the 'hidden' class which I am adding)12:04
gmbRight, cool.12:04
gmbThanks :)12:04
danilosno, thank you for helping out :)12:05
danilosbenji, gmb: shall we have a call?13:35
benjiI'm fine either way.13:35
gmbI've nothing much to add to yesterday's to be honest.13:36
gmbOCR + rolled back branch is keeping me busy.13:36
benjipretty much the same here, finishing up one bug fix, about to do another13:36
gary_posterhi all13:38
gary_posterI'm just here for a sec13:38
gary_postergmb, mockup ok?  you need my input for anything?13:39
gary_posterdanilos, benji, everything ok with you all?13:39
benjigary_poster: things are peachy13:39
gary_posteryay :-)13:39
gmbgary_poster: I've only touched on them briefly this morning (so far so good); my branch from the weekend got rolled back as it caused some issues with private bugs, so I'm fixing that first.13:39
gary_postergmb, ah, ok, makes sense13:40
danilosgary_poster, yeah, just fine, thanks :)13:40
gary_posterok cool :-)13:40
danilosgary_poster, I am a bit late with the email, but it'll go out soon13:40
gary_posterI'll run away then :-)13:40
gary_posterbye and have a great day!13:40
daniloscheers, tty tomorrow13:40
bacjust saw the bug subscription notification window for the first time.  nice!13:57
bacthe UDS session begins in five minutes.  follow along at #ubuntu-uds-krudy if you want.15:11
gmbbenji, danilos: Can one of you review https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/bug-772609-again/+merge/60513 for me? It's my fix for the issue that caused wgrant to roll back last night's change; I've pasted the salient bits of the diff in a comment.15:21
benjigmb: sure15:22
gmbbenji: Although I've pasted garbage, let me just update that...15:22
gmbMust've hit pageup before copying15:22
gmbbenji: New comment has sensible diff.15:23
benjigmb: done15:25
gmbbenji: Ta15:25
* danilos -> out17:25
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