
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: wgrant | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
qnixwhat's that: upload rejected: format '3.0 (quilt)' is not permitted in hardy.02:40
qnixwhy does format 3.0 quilt rejected?02:40
wgrantqnix: Hardy's dpkg doesn't support the new source formats.02:41
qnixwell... I have a dpkg backported in my ppa02:41
qnixthat's sad if I have to modify all the debian package for that. everything built fine in my chroot02:43
wgrantIt is whitelisted per series, due to builder restrictions.02:43
wgrantIt has to be extractable before the PPA is introduced to sources.list.02:43
qnixWill it work if I convert all my quilt patch into a big dpatch file and remove the debian/source directory?02:46
qnixI'm not sure what source 3.0 (quilt) implies...02:46
wgrantqnix: Why not just alter debian/rules to include quilt?02:46
wgrantBut yes, you could.02:46
qnixinclude quilt? you mean that I could apply my patch manully with quilt push -a in debian/rules?02:47
wgrantquilt existed long before 3.0 (quilt). cdbs and dh both have quilt helpers.02:49
qnixok, reading a page now, thanks for the hint.02:50
wschaub(this is for my own local install of launchpad) when you delete a package from your PPA what script runs in the background to actually delete the package files from your ppa?03:51
wschaubI have scripts running form cron that take care uploading to the ppa and feeding stuff to the build farm but it seems I'm missing running a script that handles this part.03:52
StevenKwschaub: process-death-row03:53
wschaubdoes that have to be run with a --ppa argument for PPA's or does it just deal with everything with no arguments?03:55
StevenKThe former03:55
wgrantwschaub: Note that deleted packages will be found by process-death-row as soon as publish-distro has run, but superseded packages will stay around for 24 hours.03:56
wschaubwgrant: while I'm here I tried to upload util-linux to the PPA and it keeps bombing out saying that there is an invalid section 'base'04:21
wgrantwschaub: Which series?04:22
wschaubnatty is whats in the changes file.04:22
wschaubI imagine you just can't use that package in a PPA. I'm not sure how to upload to the main archive though. and even if I did I suspect I would have to find a way to let the main archive know about ports.ubuntu.com anyway and I don't know how to do that either.04:23
wgrantYou can use any package in a PPA.04:24
wgrantThis is a bug in my bootstrapping script.04:24
wschauboh, thats good to know.04:24
wschaubthankfully I made vm snapshots this time around so it should be easy to re-merge your script in without waiting for rocketfuel-setup again.04:26
wgrantYou don't need to rerun it this time.04:29
wgrant"INSERT INTO section (name) VALUES ('base'), ('debian-installer'), ('virtual');" should do it.04:29
wschaubOk I will give that a shot and see how it goes.04:30
wschaubI think I found a problem with the postinst script for launchpad-buildd btw it seems to not set the permissions on /etc/sudoers.d/buildd to 044004:51
wschaubit ends up as 0644 which causes sudo to not read it in04:52
wgrantThat's a fairly new thing which is managed a bit strangely on production (which is partially puppetised). I'm not surprised it doesn't work completely.04:53
wschaubnot sure adding a chmod to postinst is the best place for that but should work for me.04:55
wgrantNone of that should be in any reasonable postinst, but launchpad-buildd is not a very normal package.04:56
StevenKwschaub: Do it properly -- man dh_fixperms05:16
wschaubwill that work for a file that is created by the postinst script?05:17
wschaubbecause thats how this file ends up existing.05:17
StevenKAh, then you are stuck with chmod in the postinst05:18
wschaubalready done and it works nicely. just added the chmod right after the end of the heredoc that creates it.05:19
wschaublooks like util-linux 0s building fine now.05:34
wschaubhoowever I'm running into something else. after I've deleted slrn and bc from my PPA and process-death-row runs and all.05:34
wschaubif I try and re-upload the same version it complains that that version is already accepted into ubuntu/natty and wont put it back up.05:35
wschaubso it won't rebuild.05:35
wschaubhow do I force it to rebuild without creating a whole new version?05:35
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wgrantwschaub: You can't upload the same version again. That would be a lie.05:36
wschaubso how do i change it so that I can re-submit it again? like say for example i wanted to pass different flags to the compiler or something this time around.05:39
wgrantAdd a new changelog entry with dch -i05:39
wschaubOk, I have them resubmitted but I have two builders now and it seems like only one of them is getting jobs sent to it though both are set up in auto mode.05:57
wschaubthe first one I added last night seems to get all the jobs while my smartbook just stays idle even though theres more than one package left to build.05:57
wschaubis that normal? i wouls have assumed any idle builder would get the next build job that was pending.05:59
wschaubis that not how it works?06:00
wschaubif I take down the first builder the second one does get jobs.06:03
wschaubis there any way to set it up so that if I upload say 3 new changes files and I have 3 ilde builders that all 3 will build one of each?06:04
wschaubdoesn't do me a lot of good having my own local launchpad build farm if I can't keep it 100% busy with package builds.06:13
wgrantwschaub: Ah, there's a rule that says one PPA may not take more than 80% of the builders.06:29
wgrantLet me find the code.06:29
wgrantwschaub: Search for num_arch_builders in lib/lp/soyuz/model/buildpackagejob.py06:30
wgrantwschaub: After fixing that you'll need to restart buildd-manager.06:30
wschaubf num_arch_builders > 1:06:45
wschaub            sub_query += """06:45
wschaubjust make sure that qury doesnt get run then?06:45
wgranteg. by deleting it or s/num_arch_builders > 1/False/06:46
wschaubI made the change and restarted launchpad but it seems to be acting exactly the same. (unless There is more than one place in that file I need to change)07:06
wschauband I mean totally restarting the entire vm.07:06
wgrantwschaub: Are the builders all shown in the same category on /builders?07:07
wgrantie. do you see a count of 3 for armel official distribution builders?07:07
wschaubI only have 2 builders.07:07
wschaub3 was just an example of how I think it should work.07:07
wschaubbut they are all listed under offical builders.07:08
wschauband both on auto.07:08
wgrantCan you pastebin your buildpackagejob.py diff?07:08
wschaubi update the changelogs, upload the 3 packages and run the scripts and only one builder is running with 3 jobs in its queue.07:08
wgrantBoth work if you disable the other one?07:09
wschaubyeah I alerady tested that before the change.07:09
wschaubI can unplug the network cable from one and in a bit the jobs go to the other builder.07:09
LLStarkshi is normal for web-viewing of mailing lists on lp to lag days behind the actual mail?07:13
wgrantLLStarks: There's a significant backlog in the processing queue at the moment. It should be almost caught up now, though.07:14
wgrantLLStarks: So, no, not normal. But known to have been the case for a week or so now.07:15
wgrantWe've had some very big lists with a lot of mail.07:15
wschaubit picked up a lot of other things.07:24
wschaubbut you should see the diff for that script in there.07:24
wgrantYou can give it a path to look at, but let's see.07:25
wgrantHmm, You're definitely running buildd-manager from that same tree?07:25
wschaubI can try restarting it again. thats the only launchpad tree on that VM.07:28
wgrantwschaub: s/logging.INFO/logging.DEBUG/ in lib/lp/builddmaster/manager.py07:29
wgrantThen watch /var/tmp/development-buildd-manager.log07:30
wschaubI don't think its running at all actually.07:36
wgrantThat could be a problem.07:38
wgrantHave you run start-dev-soyuz?07:38
wgrantOr your init script07:38
wschaubyeah, for some reason it just didnt start though.07:39
wschaubnow that its running it is behaving like I expected.07:39
wschaubI have 2 builders building packages now.07:39
wschaubI wish I had more builders to test with but I can have steev do that.07:40
wgrantWell, if his efika buildd-manager can manage more than two :P07:40
wschaubheh I hope he has an x86 machine running it as well but I dont know bout that.07:40
wschaubso will I have to put this in my docs (the patch to that one file) or is that in your branch?07:41
wgrantIt's not in my branch.07:41
wgrantIt's not that relevant.07:41
wschaubok then thats what I will do then. thanks.07:41
wgrantThere has been talk about making non-virtual PPAs exempt from that rule.07:42
wschaubwgrant: I'm guessing you have that fix for packages that are part of base though right?07:55
wgrantwschaub: That's pushed, yes.07:56
wgrantwschaub: I missed three sections (base, debian-installer and virtual) from the list.07:56
flyguy97I just tried to upload a package, it built successfully but said it failed to upload. Here is the log https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71465029/upload_2541554_log.txt, any ideas on what is going on?08:09
wgrantflyguy97: Which PPA is that?08:10
flyguy97or jason-scheunemann08:10
wgrantflyguy97: The files in that tarball are dated May 11.08:12
wgrantThis seems unlikely to be a factual statement.08:12
wgrantIn the orig.tar.gz, that is.08:12
flyguy97Looks like my system clock is set one day ahead, don't know what happened there08:13
flyguy97Crazy stuff:)08:13
flyguy97Thank you for pointing that out!!08:13
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mrevellMorning 'padders09:09
pooliehi mrevell10:55
mrevellHowdy poolie10:55
pooliemrevell, i forget if i said, but i really liked your sprb video10:55
poolieespecially the music and tea10:55
mrevellpoolie, heh :) Thanks. Yeah, I need to reply to your email. I'll sort out the links from the wiki home page but also the permissions problems. I'm not sure why you don't have them.10:56
poolieoh thanks10:56
poolieis the wiki config in a branch or something?10:57
pooliethere's another bug that the 'subscribe' button is broken10:57
mrevellpoolie, The permissions are handled by an ACL that joey setup a couple of years back10:57
mrevellpoolie, Ah, I thought huwshimi had fixed the subscribe link10:57
mrevellpoolie, So, I'm actually not really sure how the permissions work but there's a page in the wiki where there's a list of people who have certain permissions and I think only two people have access to edit it. I'll take a look, though,a nd file an RT to fix that, if needed10:58
mrevellears burining huwshimi?11:00
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ochosihi, how can i add a link to an upstream bugreport to a bugreport in lp?13:13
wgrantochosi: "Also affects project"13:19
ochosiwgrant: thanks, done.13:20
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gnomefreakok how do you add an upstream bug link to a LP bug? for some reason neither Also affects distribution and Also affects project doesnt look right. im trying to add an upstream flash bug13:49
wgrantgnomefreak: Adobe Flash uses JIRA as its bug tracker, which Launchpad does not support.13:50
gnomefreakwgrant: thanks13:50
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=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: jcsackett | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: UDS session in #ubuntu-uds-krudy | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: jcsackett | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
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fugue88When I run this command on one system:15:44
fugue88bzr get lp:~canonical-isd-hackers/canonical-identity-provider/key-registration15:44
fugue88I get this error:15:44
fugue88bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'lp%3A~canonical-isd-hackers'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."15:44
fugue88Other systems work fine.15:44
fugue88Another person had grabbed this branch (which I had originally created), reconf'd it to lightweight, then to stacked, then to lightweight (at which point he got a local error), did some other revision ops (merge from trunk), then push'd.15:45
fugue88Any ideas what might be wrong?15:46
fugue88Strangely, `bzr info` on this other person's copy show some remembered locations refereincing my local filesystem structure.15:47
jelmerfugue88, hi15:48
awolfsonHi All. Does anybody knows, when https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net is planned to be back?15:48
jelmerfugue88: Running that particular "bzr get" command works fine on other systems?15:48
StevenKawolfson: Staging is still updating, it should hopefully only be another 12 hours or so15:48
jelmerfugue88, it looks like that branch has an invalid stacked on location (see the web page)15:49
fugue88jelmer: Yep, I saw that.  Not sure if it's related.  But yes, that exact same "get" works on other systems.15:50
awolfsonStevenK thanks. I guess there is no way to use staging bugs before update finishes? I need to debug a python script that accesses Launchpad bugs15:51
StevenKawolfson: You could try qastaging instead15:51
awolfsonStevenK, I am getting the same timeout error. Is https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/ the right url to see if I can access bugs from the browser?15:53
jelmerfugue88, Is this particular system perhaps running an older version of bzr?15:54
jelmerI'm wondering if the fact that this branch uses a short form (lp:.../) stacked on URL is perhaps the problem15:54
fugue88jelmer: 2.1.115:54
fugue88jelmer: I've also tried a full bzr+ssh url, which yields the *exact* same URL, mentioning what looks like the short version.15:54
StevenKawolfson: Yes, it is the right URL.15:55
fugue88Excuse, "the *exact* same erro message,..."15:55
jelmerfugue88: I mean the stacked on URL, not the URL you specify to "bzr get"15:55
jelmerfugue88, the stacked on URL is in the branch configuration (.bzr/branch/branch.conf)15:55
jelmerI'm not entirely sure how the branch could end up with that short URL, as we don't write short URLs by default as far as I know15:56
jelmerfugue88, perhaps whoever changed the branch to be stacked changed the branch configuration manually?15:56
awolfsonStevenK, No luck today. Thank you for help anyway15:56
fugue88jelmer: No, not manually, but reconfig'd it kinda strangely.  I'll try to have him reconf with a full stacked-on...15:58
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NCommanderjcsackett: ping, you around? I'm having some PPA issues :-/16:01
jcsackettNCommander: hi. let me take a look.16:02
bigjoolswant some help jcsackett? :)16:02
jcsackettbigjools: probably. :-)16:02
jcsackettNCommander: as an aside, looks like you might want to update bookmarks away from using the edge subdomain. :-)16:02
NCommanderjcsackett: I'm in ~launchpad-beta-testers (or whatever the group is)16:03
* NCommander wishes there was a better way of de-edging his links16:03
bigjoolsjcsackett: we need to look in the uploader log so I just requested a log sync16:04
jcsackettbigjools: dig. thanks.16:04
NCommanderjcsackett: I just got an accepted and a rejected email16:06
NCommander(roughly 20 minutes later :-/)16:06
jcsackettNCommander: huh. bit of a delay, that.16:07
jcsackettbigjools ^16:07
NCommanderugh, now I have two builds racing each other2ubuntu4 and 2ubuntu4~bootstrap516:07
* NCommander hasn't gotten an email for 2ubuntu4 16:07
jcsackettbigjools: how long do the logs usually take to sync?16:10
NCommanderother accepted email popped up (approx 15 minutes later)16:11
bigjoolsjcsackett: not this long usually16:12
jcsackettNCommander: so, are you still missing any emails, or can we now say you have gotten everything, but much slower than anticipated?16:12
NCommanderjcsackett: yeah, everything is here, but I've never had to wait this long for LP to respond to an upload16:13
jcsackettNCommander: right. it's clearly taking too long, i'm just trying to narrow down the problem. :-)16:13
jcsackett"slow" as opposed to "slow, and other stuff."16:14
NCommanderjcsackett: thanks16:14
noodles775jcsackett: Hi! Do you know the maximum time required to update a merge proposal diff? I thought it was under 5 mins, but I'm still waiting after 10?16:20
noodles775jcsackett: for reference, here's the MP https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/canonical-identity-provider/add_otp_form_field/+merge/6050716:21
noodles775jcsackett: nm, it updated after 12 mins.16:22
jcsackettnoodles775: ok. i'm not sure there is a precise max time. it's done by a regularly running job, but exact times vary depending on load and amount to do.16:23
noodles775Thanks jcsackett16:40
jcsackettyw, noodles775.16:40
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RedSingularitylifeless: Is the karma feature being worked on atm?  Reason I ask is because I have noticed that everyones numbers are constantly declining.  I have not seen an increase in a few days.18:23
benstehow can i delete my LP account ?18:28
jcsackettyou can deactivate your account by going to https://launchpad.net/<your-lp-id>/+deactivate-account18:31
jcsackettbenste ^18:31
benste-- (I'm still using LP but found a 5y old account on my mail adress which i needed to delete to avoid confusion :-9)18:32
jcsackettbenste: you can also merge that old account with your current one.18:32
benstehow ?18:33
benstegot the link - thanks18:33
jcsackettbenste: you mean you found the merge link?18:33
benstejcsackett: it was linked on the delete page18:34
jcsackettbenste: excellent.18:34
benstejcsackett: i know you don't want to loose users - but it might be helpful to add the delete link somewhere on the profile page18:37
jcsackettbenste: it's available via the "change details" control in the sidebar.18:37
jcsacketti just threw you the direct link b/c i thought that would be faster for your question. :-)18:38
benstejcsackett: - i'm sorry didn't see this small footer18:38
benstenext time I'll search better :-)18:38
benstethanks for your support18:38
jcsackettbenste: :-) it could be larger, but the majority of people hitting that page aren't trying to deactivate their account.18:39
benstehopefully they're not18:39
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=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: sinzui | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
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lifelessRedSingularity: I'm not sure20:31
lifelessRedSingularity: if the numbers are changing the updater is running20:31
RedSingularitylifeless: odd.  I have only seen the numbers reducing over the past few days.  On all users, not just a few.  Guess we will have to wait and see...20:48
lifelessRedSingularity: so for reduction to happen the script has to be running20:49
lifelessRedSingularity: but I will enquire20:49
RedSingularitylifeless: no rush.  Just wondering :)20:49
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