
=== LAcan_ is now known as LAcan
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=== palhmbs_ is now known as palhmbs
palhmbsI've wrecked my lubuntu menu, any idea on how to troubleshoot?00:29
palhmbsis lxde iffy very particular with .desktop files?00:29
jmarsden|workDo your .desktop files follow the http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ spec?   If they do, you should be fine.00:33
palhmbsjmarsden, got it working, but still a new desktop file I created isn't showing up. :(00:44
palhmbsisn't there a menu editor for lxde?00:45
jmarsden|workAny text editor will work :) :)00:45
jmarsden|workAs far as I know, LXDE is very small and has a small developer team... if you want to contribute a menu editor to the project, that would be cool.00:46
palhmbsah - that's better, it didn't like my quotes eg: gksudo "vim blah/directory/"00:46
palhmbsjmarsden, someone has done one in java on sourceforge....00:46
jmarsden|workIn Java?  Why would something as lightweight as LXDE want to require Java ? :)00:47
palhmbsidk -00:47
phillwjmarsden|work: I'm with you on that one, why java? Python we are okay with it still just squeezes in but Java blows the minimal spec out of the water and will not be accepted.00:51
palhmbshow bout this then : http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=138298 ???????01:05
palhmbsok so I tried it, it doesn't look like it's compatible with the new lxde lubuntu... :(01:10
jmarsden|workAnd it depends on zenity, which isn't in Lubuntu by default... might be fixable, but not usable as it stands.01:11
palhmbsjmarsden, phillw - another thing I've noticed - no middle-click copy paste from terminal with lxde?01:18
jmarsden|workpalhmbs: It seems to work for me here in a virtual Lubuntu install ...01:23
sadieI have installed in synaptic Lubuntu-restricted-addon01:29
sadieand Lubuntu-restricted-extras01:29
palhmbsjmarsden|work, it's partially working, but not from vim :/01:29
sadieis there any contradiction?01:29
jmarsden|workpalhmbs: I use emacs, so that would explain it :)01:30
palhmbsemacs, bah humbug!01:30
palhmbswhy run the Emacs  Operating System  :P01:31
jmarsden|workI learned to use emacs in 1980-something, and stuck with it across multiple OS platforms... works for me :)01:32
palhmbsjmarsden, do you use org-mode too?01:39
hyperairjmarsden|work: what's wrong with alacarte, though?01:42
jmarsden|workhyperair: I don't know, it labels itself as a GNOME menu editing tool... is it not really GNOME-specific?01:43
hyperairjmarsden|work: i don't see any gnome deps01:43
hyperairfrankly, if the only issue was the GNOME name, i see no point in writing a separate tool01:44
jmarsden|workOK, I'll take a look.  Agreed :)01:44
jmarsden|workhyperair: Um.  I just tried it, and it wants to add 120 packages to my Lubuntu :|01:45
jmarsden|workIncluding a bunch of gnome-* packages, and pulseaudio... why would a menu editor require pulseaudio? :)01:46
phillwI'll go and contact the author of http://sourceforge.net/projects/lxmed/ and see if they want some help on making it python based. hyperair would the team be okay with it being python? It is currently java, so python is the nearest one I can think of to let the author do a re-write?01:49
phillwbugga, missed him :(01:50
palhmbsjmarsden, thank goodness for xclip !02:47
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MK`Is the 10.04 disc a liveCD?06:51
MK`or just a sort of alternate install06:52
bioterrorall of them are06:52
bioterrorexcept alternate install06:52
KM0201MK`: i think there's an alt. cd also if thats what you want...06:56
MK`for 10.04?07:02
Unit193There is no Alt CD, only live and mini.iso07:03
MK`Can you link me to the mini please?07:04
ubot5The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:04
=== LAcan_ is now known as laCAN
gilirjmarsden: I opened a lubuntu-dev team with PPAs for Lubuntu developements, feel free to use them for any relative work on Lubuntu :)08:25
MK`gilir :o08:49
MK`hey gilir08:58
gilirhi MK`08:59
MK`Do you still have the alpha and beta isos for lucid and maverick? I can't seem to find them anywhere08:59
gilirprobably on my main system yes09:02
MK`do you think you could mirror them for me or give me the torrents incase anyone is seeding them please?09:02
giliryes, but I'm currently away from this system09:03
bioterrorMK`, why you want 10.04 beta iso?09:04
gilirwhy do you need them ?09:04
* bioterror cant understand09:04
gilirbioterror was faster :)09:05
bioterrorand fyi 10.10 betas and alphas wanst that good either ;)09:05
bioterrorthose are just stage builds for hunting bugs09:05
MK`Posterity, historical record, curiosity, etc :P09:05
MK`I'm that collector guy09:05
bioterrorI can make you one, cat /dev/urandom > lubuntu-10.04-alpha1.iso09:07
bioterrorwhen it reaches 600MB, I can press ^C09:07
bioterroryou can say you have it, as you're not going to use it for anything :D09:07
head_victimgilir: what time is it in Budapest now so I can do a quick calculation on if I can remotely join in the Lubuntu sessions09:09
bioterrorbudabest is around UTC+209:09
gilirhead_victim: 10:0009:09
bioterroroh, UTC+1 :P09:09
head_victimgilir: cheers so in 5 hours and then again in 7 hours.09:09
giliryes :)09:09
* gilir is on stress mode :p09:10
head_victimMight be able to stay up, can' tbe 100% sure, I've been a bit sick the last week.09:10
head_victimHah don't stress mate, I'm sure it will go great. Nice to try and get others to help out :)09:10
gilirhead_victim: be sure to add comments to the etherpad if you can't be at the session09:10
head_victimYeah I just tried the links and I get an oops off launchpad09:11
gilirwhich link ?09:12
gilirarf, old links, I'll update them09:13
head_victimAhh that's right09:13
head_victimI can't add much to the second one. My coding skills and knowledge = 009:14
MK`bioterror I didn't say I wasn't going to use it :(09:33
MK`head_victim: can you seed natty beta 2 please :O it's stuck09:33
head_victimMK`: It is but there are people gaming at the moment on the network so it's kinda slow09:34
MK`I see no peers is all...hm09:34
head_victimHmmm odd.09:35
head_victimMy pc just sits there seeding all those links I gave you.09:35
MK`May be hitting my filter, I'll check it out09:36
bioterrorMK`, you have port forward?09:36
bioterrorare you connected?! :D09:36
MK`All the other torrents work :P09:36
MK`can you Pm me the IP so I can add the peer manually head_victim? For some reason I'm not getting it09:43
head_victimJust looking for it09:45
head_victimI could give you the lan ip but a 172.16 isn't going to get you far ;)09:45
UndiFineDgilir, hardly any packages are showing for me: https://translations.launchpad.net/projects/+index?text=lxde10:38
gilirUndiFineD: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Translations and http://pootle.lxde.bsnet.se/10:40
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txolohi jmarsden11:31
txoloi have some feedback11:31
txoloon the perl-modules issue11:31
txoloit seems that the file is corrupt when downloaded from multiple sites across 3 computers (so i assumed a proxy issue)11:32
txolobut when i download it via virtualbox11:32
txolo(from lubuntu)11:32
txolothen it's fine11:32
txoloodd, huh?11:32
txolo(sorry i missed you scp date)11:32
andygraybealhi hi; what voip/sip client do you guys recommend?12:20
andygraybealwhy did yuo choose chrome over firefox?12:22
MrChrisDruifandygraybeal; About voip/sip I'm not sure, but I think Skype would work. Otherwise something like Egika can work. It depends on what your friends use!12:28
andygraybealegika is gnome?12:29
andygraybeali just want something to work like a soft phone, that's all - but without the gnome overhead12:29
MrChrisDruifAnd chromium because it is better at memory management I think. Also more screen space for content, which is handy on small screens12:29
MrChrisDruifandygraybeal; Like I said I wasn't to sure and Egika != Gnome, but will probably use gtk. Which LXDE also uses afaik12:30
andygraybealwonderufl thank you12:32
MrChrisDruifandygraybeal; here's also a list from 2007 http://www.voipnow.org/2007/04/74_open_source_.html12:32
MrChrisDruifYour welcome andygraybeal :)12:32
|WiZ|andygraybeal have you tried InstantBird12:45
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andygraybealWiz, i neve rheard of it12:51
WiZwell now you have :)12:51
andygraybealthank you, i'll look it up13:25
gilirsession at UDS in 4 minutes : #ubuntu-uds-kazinczy13:57
head_victimgilir: you'll have to post a link to the recording if they made one so I can catch up.14:36
head_victim*later on14:36
head_victimgilir: nice to see you get to write your own announcement ;)15:00
head_victimGday pcman15:07
gilirhead_victim: I don't think it was recorded15:10
head_victimgilir: ah k, I came in half way through so got most of it15:10
gilirhi pcman15:10
pcmangilir: I tried the new installer cd of 11.04.15:15
pcmangilir: looks nice, but it's very slow on my old PC.15:15
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pcmangilir: 2~3 times slower than 10.04 installer.15:16
gilirpcman: yes, it's not really optimized for old computers15:16
pcmangilir: It takes more than 1 hour for me to get lubuntu installed, the time required to install windows xp.15:16
pcmangilir: I'm not sure what's wrong, but the old installer is quite fast.15:17
gilirpcman: hopefully, we shoudl have a text installer for 11.10, probably better15:17
Guest75799Hi everyone, I am looking for some help with Lubuntu, for some strange reason, I cannot change language15:17
Guest75799Hi, I am looking for some urgent help with Lubuntu) I can't change language in 11.0415:19
Guest75799google doesn't help this time15:19
kosaidpoGuest75799: u go in the lubuntu icon in the sytem tool u ll find the thing to change u lang15:20
Guest75799I know, I've done it many times on regular Ubuntu, but it doesn't work15:21
kosaidpoGuest75799: ohh so you want to change it to eng ?? o wht15:22
Guest75799I did clean install, choosed eng, then after installed additional languages, created another user (even gave this user admin status), log in, then tried to change lang, not working15:23
Guest75799I created another user, even did - Apply system wide, doesn't work15:24
Guest75799It's lighter then xubuntu, but language support important for me ( I don't really want to go back to xubuntu15:24
kosaidpocheck this i hop it helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20559715:25
Guest75799Any other way?15:27
kosaidpoGuest75799: why it didnt work ??15:29
kosaidpowht does it output when u try the gui thingy ?15:29
Guest75799I need to fix, so it would work normal gui way. It's important15:30
kosaidpoyeh true15:30
kosaidpoGuest75799: wht does it say when u use it you kno the error msges are important15:31
cjohnstonis anyone at uds who has a lubuntu cd15:31
Guest75799that's the thing. there is no errors. system is totally english15:31
kosaidpo--hang on15:32
Guest75799I will try to install once again with other lang in vmware and see15:33
kosaidpoGuest75799: try sudo dpkg --configure -a15:34
Guest75799ok, but what is it?15:34
kosaidpoit configure packages that are not well configured15:35
Guest75799ok, thanks, will try it now15:35
Guest75799ok, done15:36
kosaidposo now try15:36
Guest75799then I should try15:36
Guest75799ok, be back soon15:36
jmarsdencjohnston: gilir is at UDS and has Lubuntu CDs I am fairly sure :)15:36
kosaidpoto see if thers a changes btw u have to select the lang uwanna use so ucan download ir15:36
cjohnstonjmarsden: he said he doesnt :-(15:37
kosaidpojmarsden: hey15:37
jmarsdenHi kosaidpo15:37
kosaidpocjohnston: i have a live usb why u ask ?15:37
gilirjmarsden: unfortunalty no :(15:37
jmarsdengilir: You should hand them out as promotional tools :)15:37
cjohnstonkosaidpo: I've been having issues with my system and debating switching to lubuntu while im here15:38
gilirjmarsden: I know, it's a shame for me :-/15:38
jmarsdencjohnston: You can download the ISO image to a usb stick and install from that... right?15:38
cjohnstonI don't have a usb stick either of course :-P15:38
kosaidpocjohnston: i guess ucan do it by bootin from a partition of ur hdd15:39
kosaidpojst find a tguid abt15:39
kosaidpocjohnston: jst google it15:40
kosaidpocjohnston: u on lubuntu live now ??15:41
cjohnstonkosaidpo: no15:41
test__kosaidpo, unfortunately the same stuff15:42
kosaidpocjohnston: so good luck15:42
kosaidpotest__: so im sorry icant help you can ask tho thers some cool peole in the room that will help u15:43
test__well, nobody answering :(15:44
jmarsdentest__: I need to be remotely in another UDS session in 15 mins, but until then... what is the issue you are having when booting from an Lubuntu 11.04 LiveCD?15:44
test__I have in issue with installed Lubuntu15:45
test__I can't change system language15:45
test__fresh install15:45
jmarsdenOh, OK... I can test that in a VM here, let me play and see if I can duplicate the issue.15:45
test__please, that would be great15:45
test__I am also installing now in Russian to check if I can switch to english15:46
jmarsdenI'm adding French to a US English Lubuntu 11.04 install... I do speak a very little Russian, but not enough to use Lubuntu in Russian :)15:47
test__I am Russian in Poland) So I need also Polish)15:48
jmarsdentest__: French seems to have worked for me; after installing it I rebooted and then selected fr_FR in the lxdm screen and logged in, and my menus are now in Francais :)15:50
kosaidpotest__: i guess you dont dl the pack lang first15:51
jmarsdentest__: Your issue might be that a language you need has incomplete translation, or you don't have it installed?15:51
jmarsdentest__: In the start -> system tools -> languages applet, does the language you care about show up in the list of installed languages?15:52
jmarsdenOne slightly odd UI issue with the language applet for me is that I think you need to manually check the little check boxes down the bottom when adding a language, that is not exactly obvious, I'd think it would make sense for at least the "translation" one to be checked by default when adding a new language :)15:54
kosaidpoyeh i doubt that15:54
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jmarsdentest__: Did you check whether you have the appropriate language(s) installed?16:45
test__Sorry, I was away, at work place now16:49
test__I am gonna check again, and be back16:49
jmarsdenOK, I need to go to work too... I'll leave my IRC client logging this channel though.16:50
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quintso my power button does nothing, any suggestions?20:21
bioterrorwhat it should do?20:22
quinthow can i make my power button turn off my computer20:39
bioterrorhave you checked gnome-power-manager?20:40
bioterroryou have that installed20:40
quintohh no i don't20:40
bioterrorthere should be what to do when power button is pressed20:40
quintthanks :)20:40
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bioterrorseems like quint got it working :D20:57
jgouldHas anyone able to add folders to Ubuntu One from within Lubuntu?  I'm trying but can't figure out how to do so, exactly.22:03
MrChrisDruifI'm not on Lubuntu atm, nor did I set up Ubuntu One yet on it22:05
MrChrisDruifjgould; ^22:05
jgouldI'll keep fooling with it.  I may be able to figure it out. I really like LXDE though...22:07
MrChrisDruifThere are really certain things I like about LXDE, I already figured out how to set on which desktop to go after booting/logging in22:08
laCANanyone know what "Bareword "history" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1." means when trying to execute "rename history.ivs temp1102383.non" ?22:12
Unit193laCAN: I rename files using mv (So it would be: mv history.ivs temp1102383.non )22:28
laCANyes figured that out :p but ty22:28
MrChrisDruifI'm offline, see y'all tomorrow :) Aloha!23:41

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