
=== jussi changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Oneiric Ocelet Now open for breakage! | Natty has been released! - Support in #ubuntu |
IdleOneWelcome back folks. get ready for six more months of broken!!! :)17:32
coz_  hey all17:41
judgenI am having troubles installing pidgin. it claims it not to be installable due to some dependency missmatch with libpurple and libperl.18:08
coz_judgen,  there may be a PPA for it for 11.0418:09
IdleOneI just now installed pidgin without any problem18:10
IdleOnemake sure you are updated18:10
judgencoz_, i tried using the ppa on the pidgin site as well.. and now all i got is a broken package that is uninstallable.18:10
coz_judgen,  did you update the system first? ..yes?18:10
judgeni have the latest of everything else it seems.18:10
coz_judgen,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:10
IdleOnejudgen: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade18:10
judgenyeah i have allready done that18:11
coz_judgen,  let me try here hold on18:11
IdleOnedist-upgrade will give you depends issues, probably not wise to remove the 35 or so packages it says it needs to remove.18:11
coz_IdleOne,  oo I dont get that here ?18:12
IdleOnecoz_: I guess it depends on what is installed on our respective systems18:12
coz_IdleOne,  clean install here,, I generally do the dist-upgrade especially with new releases  ,,, not sure if that has changed at all18:12
judgeni think i need a fresh install anyways.. but i am to tired for that today.18:12
coz_judgen,   just installed pidgin with no issues on this end18:13
IdleOneso that is two of us18:13
coz_judgen,  is this an upgrade from 10.10  or a clean install?18:13
IdleOnewe are talking about 11.10 right?18:13
judgenthis is an upgraded maverick install so that is where the problem comes from. Oddly enough it only affects pidgin so far.18:13
judgenyes it is upgraded to oneiric18:13
IdleOnebecause 11.04 support is in #ubuntu18:13
coz_judgen,   mm,,, I am not a big fan of upgrades18:14
judgenme neither but i wanted to try out the newer vdpau libs.18:14
coz_judgen,  too often the consistent thing about upgrades,,,  is that they are consistently inconsistent,,18:14
coz_judgen,  and troubleshooting an upgrade can be painful18:14
coz_judgen,  yeah that part I understand   with newer things18:15
coz_judgen,  I would just suggest  go with the clean install,, if you have backed up ,,, then test it,, see if you are getting the same issues,,,18:16
judgeni will do so tomorrow, sadly i have nowhere to back up to. Not that i have much on it anyways.18:16
coz_judgen,  there is a remote chance it is hardware related,, unlikely but still...18:16
judgeni just need my .amiwmrc, other than that not much to back up.18:17
coz_judgen,  ah ok   yeah,, back up is important,, would the back up be more than 2 gigs?18:17
judgenabout half a kilobyte18:17
coz_judgen,  oh heck,, maybe just get a dropbox account,,, free  2 gigs,, back up to that  then clean install18:18
judgenor just mail myself the config file =D18:18
coz_judgen,  even better :)18:18
judgenok i am off for tnoight.. better get some sleep.18:18
coz_ok guy :)18:19
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icerootso wayland is ready to take a look on it?18:46
tsimpsonit's not ready for much of anything at the moment18:46
tsimpsonit's there, but nothing actually uses it18:47
icerootinteresting part is that fedora will also use wayland18:47
yofelwell, they also started with plymouth, so I'm not too surprised there18:49
icerootbut that is not such a big change like wayland in my opinion18:50
yofelwell true, but as long as either nouveau gets usable on my chip or nvidia suddenly wants to support wayland I'm not really affected by that18:52
yofelwell then..18:52
* yofel makes a btrfs snapshot of root and upgrades to oneiric18:53
icerootyofel: i dont like open-source vga drivers much (not because they are open-source but because of the quality with 3d)18:53
Daskreechwayland and btrfs for ubuntu+1 ?19:17
yofelbtrfs would be nice, but I doubt It'll really be ready19:24
yofelat least they say the usable btrfsck should be out *really* soon now ^^19:24
yofelbut getting btrfs snapshotting integration with apt finished would be really cool19:25
yofelthere's a btrfs + u-m session tomorrow at 7:00 UTC in #ubuntu-uds-arany19:26
timingHi, for some reason alt+f2 is bound to 'run a command' but I use it for something else. No both commands are triggered, is this a known bug?20:03
timingO and then I noticed natty is already released20:04
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timingnever mind, just logged in without unity20:46
DarthFrogSo SABDFL wants 200 million Ubuntu users in 4 years.  He'd better get Wayland into Ubuntu RFN, get off the 6 month release cycle for users (not for developers) and put massive effort in to stabilizing the interface and system.  It seems to me that the 6 month releases should be considered beta releases for the LTS release, which should be the release directed towards non-power users. Get the LTS release rock-solid with a superstable21:46
DarthFroginterface and display system as your face to the world.  It would seem to me that to achieve his goal, this needs to be done in the next two years with the following two years devoted to branding, marketing and boosterism, i.e. in 2 years have a super-LTS that will be supported up the ying-yang for 10 or more years.21:46
tsimpsonthis is not #ubuntu-offtopic ;)21:47
DaekdroomYou're forgett--- damn it. It's offtopic.21:47
DarthFrogOk, ok.21:48
jakubohi, just wanted to report, that my former sound problems have dissappeared with the last updates, although none of them was concerning sound...22:49
jakubowierd but good22:49

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